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Magazine of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc. June 2024 The Otago RoadRunner is the official newsletter of the Vintage Car Clubof New Zealand Otago Branch Inc. Views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago BranchInc.
Rally, Arrowtown
Golden Times

Men and Women

 1920’s - 1970’s era

Private Collection of Vintage Originals

 Accessories, hats, furs and much more

 Larger fittings are a speciality

 Personalised vintage fashion shows for events/occasions/functions presented by an experienced team of models

Phone: Sue – (Dunedin) 03 489 4033/021 146 4987

3 CHAIRPERSON Graeme Duthie 027 242 0861 PAST CHAIRPERSON Mark Wilkinson 021 168 6068 TREASURER David Ross 455 8800 SECRETARY Marion McConachie 027 338 7008 CLUB CAPTAIN HOUSE MANAGER Bill Partel 489 4033 PROPERTY OFFICER Bill Veitch 027 201 0565 EDITOR Eleanor Harrison 479 8280 COMMITTEE MEMBER Sabin Perkins 027 923 4902 COMMITTEE MEMBER Andrew Roxburgh 488 3866 COMMITTEE MEMBER Ross McTaggart 02102239696 COMMITTEE MEMBER Trevor Kempton 027 221 5208 LIBRARIAN Tom Hewson 453 4829 TROPHY STEWARD David Ross 455 8800 VEHICLE REGISTRAR & VIC Bob Woodford 466 7011 VEHICLE REGISTRAR & VIC Bruce Murray 0274877281 VEHICLE REGISTRAR & VIC Bill Veitch 489 1626 VEHICLE REGISTRAR & VIC Boyd Wilkinson 0212877289 ARCHIVIST Marion McConachie 453 0404 PARTS OFFICERS Bill Partel 489 4033 George Martin 489 3621 David Cunningham 453 5777 Kevin Mason 488 5198 GROUNDS OFFICER Bruce Murray 0274877281 BRANCH SCRIBE Marion McConachie 453 0404 HONORARY SOLICITOR Joe O’Neill 477 6801 THE AUDITOR To be confirmed


125 Forbury Rd., Dunedin , 9012

Phone 455 0586



Postal Address: 125 Forbury Road, Dunedin, 9012

2nd Monday of month 7.30pm

CLUB NIGHT Friday 7.30pm to 11.00pm





First Friday of the month

Last Friday of the month 8.30pm

Friday 7.30pm – 9.30 pm.

Wednesday 09.00am – 12.00 noon

Can be forwarded to your editor by the 3rd Wednesdayof the month please

VERO INSURANCE APPLICATIONS Please quote Otago “Agent No H0300145 Inspector No 916”



7th Bill Veitch

14th Closed 21st Closed

28th Kevin Mason


2nd Bill Veitch

9th Closed

16th Closed

23rd Closed

30th Kevin Mason


Library open 8.00 - 9.30 Friday night


5th Tom Hewson

12th Closed

19th Closed

26th Bryan McConachie


6th Bryan McConachie

13th Closed

20th Closed

27th Tom Hewson

The library is available to members on Wednesday mornings. Just check that there is a committee member available to assist if needed.

Did you know that we get sent copies of ‘The Vintage Sports Car Club” of UK Newsletter on a monthly basis? These are kept in the library and are available for your perusal. Lots of interesting information in them including their events calendar, Sales, Library and information services. Etc. Classic Car Magazine is also available for your reading - but it must be returned to the library.


BRANCH EVENTS (listed in bold)

Please contact your branch secretary if you would like Entry forms for other branch rallies / events


JUNE Fri 7th Motorcycle Group Meeting

Sun 16th Branch AGM and Pot luck lunch prior

Thur 27th Thursday mid week Lunch time run

Fri 28th Club Night – Tech Talk – DVD’s

JULY Fri 5th Motorcycle Group Meeting

Sat 20th Branch Annual Dinner and Prizegiving, Quiz

Thurs 25th Thursday mid week Lunch time run

Fri 26th Club Night – Tech Talk

AUGUST Fri 2nd Motorcycle Group Meeting

Sun 25th National Daffodil Day – Rally for Cancer

Mon 26th Daffodil deliveries for Cancer Society – date TBC

Thur 29th Thursday Midweek Lunch time run

Fri 20th Club Night Tech Talk

SEPT Fri 6th Motorcycle Group Meeting

tbc PWV/P60/P80 run

Thurs 26th Thursday mid week Lunch time run

Fri 27th Club Night – Tech Talk

OCT Sat 5-6th 52nd Dunvegan Rally Fri 11th -12th Canterbury Swapmeet

Fri 25th Club Night – Tech Talk

Thurs 31st Thursday mid week Lunch time run

NOV Fri 1st Motorcycle Group Meeting

Sat 2nd 52nd Taieri Tour

Tba Commercial & Veteran Rally

Thurs 28th Thursday mid week Lunch time run

Fri 29th Club Night – Tech Talk



August 9 -11th National AGM – Bay of Plenty branch

October 25-28th 7th National Commercial Rally – Labour Weekend 2024Oamaru 2025

Jan 25 -27tht National Motorcycle Rally – Manawatu Branch

Tbc National Veteran Rally - Marlborough 2026

March 15th -21st Vero International Festival of Historic Motoring - Nelson


Vintage Car Club of NZ Otago Branch Inc



To be held in the VCC Clubrooms Forbury Rd, Dunedin.


BEGINNING AT 2.00 PM POT LUCK LUNCH will precede the AGM from 12.30pm. Please bring a plate to share for lunch

Midweek Run – Lunch: Thursday 27th June

Meet at the Clubrooms at 11.00 pm Numbers for lunch to Kevin Mason or Marion McConachie

Club Night – Friday 28th June

7.30 pm start - DVD’s from 8pm

Clubrooms are open every Wednesday From 9.30 am until 11am

A cuppa is on offer for a gold coin donation This is a good opportunity to meet other members and help out with a few chores that might need attended to

Please remember to WEAR YOUR NAME BADGES when you are attending club events – especially as we have a good number of new members attending our events – and it is a good way to identify people


If you have attended an event and feel moved to put pen to paper for a report – please do so and email it to our Editor. It would be


The AGM is coming up fast and we need new blood.

Our long-serving Secretary is stepping down and our Editor is also stepping down. Both these people have given us good service over the years.

We had an excellent weekend at the Ashburton swap meet and overnight rally which included a drive to Ashburton a day at the swap meeting, a forty-five minute wait at the best fish and chip shop in Ashburton, but they were good. A drive to Lake Hood on Sunday, lunch at Oamaru and home.

There are other events this month that will be over by the time this is read. Please do your best to attend the tech talks and make the speakers’ time worthwhile.

Looking forward to seeing you all at the AGM as well as the other events as listed

Happy motoring, GRAEME


Saturday 20th July 6.00 pm drinks 6.30 dinner

To be held at the clubrooms

$32 per person - internet banking or cash on the night

‘Organise your team for the Quiz following dinner’

Please advise David Ross or Marion McConachie with numbers (list also available in the clubrooms)

The committee asks you to seriously consider putting your name forward to be an active member of the branch committee – new members mean new ideas!!


All going well – this will be my last secretary’s report as I have advised that I would like to stand down from the secretary’s position at this year’s AGM.

Way back in 1999 I was cajoled into taking on the secretary’s role by Gordon Jenks – little did I know what I was letting myself into. At that stage all communication was done via electric typewriter, gestetner machine (with that horrible ink) and fax machine and filing cabinets. Soon after came the computer photocopier email and cell phones. The paper war hasn’t changed much but now information is able to be stored on Hard drives, USB and the Cloud. Believe me when I say I still struggle to understand how some of this works.

Now our grandson at 12 years of age shows us how to manage some things. I am privileged to have met and worked with so many interesting people over this time, as secretary and also while attending the various rallies and events that the VCC club has on offer across the country. I look forward to continuing that while I endeavour to get the branch Archives and Library into order. Do come and say ‘hi’ if I am in the Library or elsewhere. You are always welcome to come and help out where-ever you can.

Annual Prizegiving is happening during our Annual Dinner in July. If you are due to receive year awards or acknowledgements for your achievements over the last year please come along and enjoy the company of fellow members. David Ross will also be putting on a quizthis always provides great entertainment.

Phone numbers and email addresses

If you have cancelled your land line phone and are now only using Cell phone numbers, or changed your email address please ensure that you advise National Office and your branch secretary of your changes. As a branch we can only access your details through a secure portal with updated details on it.

Newsletters from other branches are now posted to the VCC website each month. You will also find their event entry forms there as well. These are available on the Club Website.

Entering a local event - running late with entry forms, - please contact the organizer by phone or email to let them know you are coming. They need to know numbers for printing the instructions, and catering purposes for some events.

Otago Branch - Name Badges - $10 each – order them through David Ross


SPARE PARTS SHED: – Parts shed is usually open every Wednesday morning, and Friday evenings when the clubrooms are open. Reminder– see if you can effectively recycle your parts before scrapping them. NO TYREs by request.

VIC and Lighting Endorsement forms - are now available on the VCC website

Vero Insurance Scheme - Just a reminder, the VCC Vero insurance scheme is set up for those with current VCC membership. If you become unfinancial you will no longer receive discounted insurance premiums

The VCCNZ Facebook page at: If you want to add photos and short write-ups for insertion to Facebook please send to:

AED DEFIBRILATER -There is one on the outside wall of the 4 Square shop on corner of Bayview Road. Please make a point of familiarising yourself of its location – Never know when it might be needed.

Library - we are looking for one or two members who might be able to assist with sorting a new data base for the Library. Please contact a committee member.

WANTED -Archive Material for Otago BranchArchives

Copies of any past events/rallies that you have organised in the past. These are needed to ensure that the branch Archives are kept up to date. Please deliver to the clubrooms – with my name on it .

Thanks, Marion

The RoadRunner needs a new Editor

Like Marion, I am also stepping down from the Committee, and from the role of Editor at the upcoming AGM.

I have been the Editor of the RoadRunner for seven years- it’s now time for someone else to take over. Please do put your hand up to help the Club out - I’m sure everyone wants the RoadRunner to continue and it’s a great opportunity to get involved, be creative and have some fun putting the stories and photos of club activities together. Thanks to those who continue to provide material for the Roadrunner to make it interesting - your contributions are very much appreciated. Eleanor



To be held in the VCC Clubrooms 125 Forbury Rd, Dunedin.





Welcome to Members

Notice of meeting Moment silence Roll Call

Current membership status: 197 full members 48 Joint members

Apologies uce Murray

Call for further items under General Business. Minutes of June 2023Annual General Meeting - Will be published in June 24 Roadrunner


Business arising –


Chairperson’s Report

Financial Report and Balance Sheet

Arising - Branch Levy

Property Manager’s Report

House Manager’s Report

Nomination for Chairperson

Election of Committee -

Appointing of Non Committee

Notices of Motion

General Business

Bar Licencing, Library Magazines

Meeting Closed


Golden Times Rally – Arrowtown – April 2024

Bryan and I decided we would take our Cortina to this event after being offered the chance of accommodation in Roxburgh. Jack our grandson came along for the ride. We arrived in Arrowtown on time for morning tea and briefing. Jack and I then went over the rally instructions before he took the navigator’s seat. We should have taken more notice and had the road map out, as one of the instructions got him and the driver confused enough that we ended up doing a few more miles than needed. It was a good learning curve for him. We also had Donna in the back seat as Andrew Roxburgh was travelling on his Veteran Motorcycle. He was on the short route but still had a number of hills that he ended up needing to push the bike up, was pretty hard going for him.

The route took us through part of the Millbrook Resort and along Speargrass Flat Road through the Historic Thurlby Domain property (home of Mainland Cheese adverts) where we were able to wander around the property and enjoy the amazing autumn colours of all the fruit and native trees. Lunch stop was at the property of Glenys and John Taylor where we saw a nice collection of model and full size vehicles. Alan Sutton had put together a bundle of unusual car and sewing related items which we needed to identify - Keith Heineman won the prize for that part of the rally. After lunch we headed back to Arrowtown and parked up for the Public Display and prizegiving on Butlers Park. About 16 of the entrants took their cars on the Procession through the main street. The group of people lining the streets for the parade was impressive. A good selection of VCC vehicles, cultural and community groups, bands and individuals put on a very colourful and entertaining parade which lasted a good 45 minutes. Keith Heineman, Phil Boult and the Gil Edmunds had their cars in the parade. Jack was still smiling at the end of the weekend and is now the owner of the rally plaque which Alan had made for all entrants.



Group Weekend atAshburton – May

Now you would have read in recent Roadrunners of suggestions for somewhere to go for an overnight run. After much discussion with those interested it was decided to combine this weekend away with the Ashburton Swap meet. 4 couples booked our own accommodation at the same motel and arranged our travel plans accordingly. We meet at George and Marjorie’s daughter’s family home in Hampden where we enjoyed morning tea out on the veranda in the sun. A quick stop into the Lollie Shop at Oamaru, then Couplands to buy some food for lunch. We meet up again at Caroline Bay for our picnic lunch before heading off to Ashburton and our accommodation. We had advised some other members who were also in Ashburton of our plan to have fish and chips for tea. Our motelier recommended a certain takeaway shop – to which some of us went – it was very busy but well worth the wait for tea. About 14 of us managed to fit into one of our motel rooms and enjoyed a great evening sharing stories and taking the opportunity to get to know each other.

The four men from our main group headed off to the swap meet early in the morning. They were happy exploring together for the day, and managed to find a few treasures there. Us ladies went to the swap meet a little later and enjoyed looking around the various stalls and seeing what was on offer. Also meeting up with other members. We then took the opportunity to visit a café for coffee and explore the Kmart Store. That evening 12 of us went to the Phat Duck for tea –recommended by our hotelier. (very good meal and service considering we were booked for six and ended up Sunday with 12 of us) ) Sunday morning dawned cool and overcast. A coffee stop with Willems, on our way out to view the surrounds of Lake Hood before heading south. Some headed off north. Scott’s Brewery in Oamaru was our lunch stop. We were entertained there with live music playing in the venue. What a busy and vibrant area around the Victorian Precinct. From here we headed home at our leisure. Thanks everyone for coming along and sharing this weekend, it was fun. Some has indicated they would like to do it again next year. So put it in your diaries now.


Lady Drivers & Restoration Rallies 20th May 2024

This year the Lady Drivers rally was held slightly later than normal and held in conjunction with the Restoration Rally and was ably organised by Trevor Kempton. The run started from the club rooms in reasonably dry weather, through town via the one-way system to the Gardens and then over Mount Cargill to Blueskin Road where we headed down to Port Chalmers and back to the club rooms for afternoon tea organised by Bill Veitch and Bill Partel– thanks guys.

Trevor had put in some interesting questions some of which you needed to stop and undertake some investigation. While all were route questions, quite a few were local history which included recalling the names of hotels that have since been pulled down- so I did wonder what he used to do in a previous life! In case you were wondering, and just a bit of useful knowledge that may or may not come in handy – the tallest tree in New Zealand is found at Orokonui Ecosanctuary and is not a New Zealand native as you would think- it is the Australian Mountain Ash - while the real name for Pink who recently played at the Stadium is Alecia Beth Moore.

The winners on the day were:

1st Anja Steel with Neil as navigator

2nd Marion McConachie with Bryan as navigator

3rd Carol Kempton with Nicola Wilkinson as navigator.

Congratulations also to Bruce Murray who received the restoration merit award.

Nicola Wilkinson

Anna & Neil Steel: winners of the Ladies Driver / Restoration Rally







20th May 2024

The Steele's Toyota Ute

The Duthie Model T

The Restoration merit award Winner: Bruce Murray's Honda 1300.



Postal: 406 Hillside Road, Dunedin

Phone 455 5029


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