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Magazine of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc. September 2022 The Otago RoadRunner is the official newsletter of the Vintage Car Clubof New Zealand Otago Branch Inc. Views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago BranchInc. National Rally for Cancer: 21 August 2022

2 Private VintageCollectionofOriginals Men and Women  1920’s 1970’s era  Accessories, hats, furs and much more  Larger fittings are a speciality  Personalised vintage fashion shows for events/occasions/functions presented by an experienced team of models Phone: Sue (Dunedin) 03 489 4033/021 146 4987

3 CHAIRPERSON Mark Wilkinson 476 4004 PAST CHAIRPERSON Nicola Wilkinson 476 4004 TREASURER David Ross 455 8800 SECRETARY Marion McConachie 453 0404 CLUB CAPTAIN Kevin Mason 027 2286431 488 5198 HOUSE MANAGER Bill Partel 489 4033 PROPERTY OFFICER Bill Veitch 489 1626 EDITOR Eleanor Harrison 479 8280 COMMITTEE MEMBER Colin Winter 456 4382 COMMITTEE MEMBER Andrew Roxburgh 488 3866 COMMITTEE MEMBER Ross McTaggart 476 4005 COMMITTEE MEMBER Trevor Kempton 454 4912 LIBRARIAN Moira Cunningham 453 5777 TROPHY STEWARD David Ross 455 8800 VEHICLE REGISTRAR & VIC Bob Woodford 466 7011 VEHICLE REGISTRAR & VIC Bruce Murray 487 7281 VEHICLE REGISTRAR & VIC Bill Veitch 489 1626 ARCHIVIST Marion McConachie 453 0404 PARTS OFFICERS Bill Partel 489 4033 George Martin 489 3621 David Cunningham 453 5777 Kevin Mason 488 5198 GROUNDS OFFICER Bruce Murray 487 7281 BRANCH SCRIBE Marion McConachie 453 0404 HONORARY SOLICITOR Joe O’Neill 477 6801 THE AUDITOR To be confirmed

4 125CLUBROOMSForburyRd., Dunedin , 9012 Phone 455 0586 Postal Address: 125 Forbury Road, Dunedin, 9012 BRANCH EMAIL COMMITTEE MEETS 2nd Monday of month 7.30pm CLUB NIGHT Friday 7.30pm to 11.00pm MOTORCYCLE NIGHT First Friday of the month MONTHLY MEETING Last Friday of the month 8.30pm PARTS SHED Friday 7.30pm 9.30 pm. Wednesday 09.00am 12.00 noon ARTICLES FOR NEWSLETTER Can be forwarded to your editor by the 3rd Wednesdayof the month please VERO INSURANCE APPLICATIONS Please quote Otago “Agent No H0300145 Inspector No 916” LIBRARY ROSTER Library open 8.00 9.30 Friday night 2SEPTEMBER nd Moira Cunningham 9th Closed 16th Closed 23rd 4NOVEMBERClosed th Bryan McConachie 11th Closed 18th Closed 25th Moira Cunningham 7OCTOBER th Bruce Murray 14th Closed 21st Closed 28th Bill Veitch Welcome to New Member: The Otago Branch extends a very warm welcome to Gary Crawford – who has transferred from South Otago Branch The branch welcome you to the Club. It has been great to see Gary already attending our local events 2DECEMBER nd Kevin Mason 9th Closed 16th Closed 23rd Closed 30th Closed

5 BRANCH EVENTS (listed in bold) Please contact your branch secretary if you would like Entry forms for other branch rallies / events 2022 SEPT Fri 2nd Motorcycle Group Meeting 3rd Waimate Swapmeet Sat 10th Autospectacular 10th Winchester Swapmeet Sun 18th PWV/P60/P80 Rally 19th 23 North Island Club Captains Tour 24th Blossom Festival Rally Central Otago 24th Dickson Auction Gore 25th Annual Veteran Rally Canterbury Thurs 29th Midweek Run- Lunch time Friday 30th Club Night Dunvegan group No Tech Talk OCT 1st -2nd Dunvegan Rally 7 8th Canterbury Swapmeet Thurs 27th Midweek Run 21 24th Mount Cook Rally South Canterbury Fri 28th Club Night NOV 4th -6th 50th Taieri Tour 12th 50th Clutha Rally Sun 20th Commercial/Veteran Rally 19th Swapmeet North Otago Thurs 24th Midweek Run Fri 25th Club Night DEC Fri 2nd Motorcycle Group Meeting Windsor Rally North Otago Sun 3rd Moped Rally, Sun 4th Christmas BBQ JAN2023 Sun 15th Jackson Rally 21-22nd Dunedin Brighton Run 21st Vintage M/C rally0276443824Waimate VCC NATIONAL EVENTS 320236 th February National Motorcycle Rally Southland just prior to the Burt Munro Challenge 24-27th February National Veteran Car Rally Auckland January2024 National Veteran Rally / Dunedin Brighton Run Otago Branch Bid tba National Commercial Rally Wanganui 2025 Bid to hold National Motorcycle Rally - Wairarapa

6 AUTOSPECTACULAR 10TH SEPTEMBER Theme is what I did during lockdown Midweek Run Thursday 29th September - Lunch time run Meet at the Clubrooms at 11am We will have another lunch time run for this month. Venues will be confirmed closer to the time. Numbers will be required please advise Marion or Kevin Mason if you intend to come *****************************asap.


As the Dunvegan Rally is being run at the end of September there will be no quest speaker on the 30th of *****************************September GM NIGHT RALLY SATURDAY 10th SEPTEMBER 2022 90 minutes of night time navigation and observation. Start and Finish at the Otago Branch of the VCC clubrooms 125 Forbury Road, Dunedin from 7.00 pm Rally to start at 7.30 pm All makes of vehicles are welcome, especially GM Vehicles (even trucks and Japanese cars!) Entry per Vehicle $5.00 Please bring a small plate to share for supper (Organised by the Otago Vauxhall Owners Club) DUNVEGAN RALLY 1-2ND October Entry forms are out Contact Andrew Roxburgh for details 4883866


Further to this it would be great if members could put pen to paper and write articles for the RoadRunner.

Planning for both the 50th Dunvegan and 50th Taieri Tour rallies is progressing and a great weekend is planned for both events. Entries for the Dunvegan should already be available and entry forms for the Taieri Tour will be available shortly. To assist with planning for these events it would be appreciated if completed entry forms could be returned as soon as possible. From feedback received, it appears there is a large contingent coming from outside of Dunedin to attend both events so now we need you! The Taieri Tour organisers would like as many local entries as possible. So dust off the vehicles, get WOF’d, registered and join in for these major events in the Branch History. While mentioning upcoming events (refer the RoadRunner for details) please remember to pull over if you are holding traffic up and let faster vehicles

Untilpass. next time, happy motoring and in the words of Albert Einstein,‘I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university’. Mark

One of the issues raised at the last committee meeting was how do we get members to know other members and it was suggested that we should look at asking members to write a small bio on themselves, a story on a memorable motoring adventure or restoration for the RoadRunner. When Nicola and I visited the Marlborough Branch earlier in the year, before each of their regular weekly meetings a member gave a 5-minute talk, and while there was a bit of reluctance at first, most members are happy to get up and give a small talk about themselves.

Planning for the PWV, P60 and P80 run on 18 September is in place. Invitations have been issued to other clubs and it would be good to see a good turn out of VCC members. After your picnic lunch a visit through the Rescue Helicopter facilities has been arranged. Could I ask you to please complete the entry form or contact either Kevin Mason or myself so that we can give the volunteer staff at Otago Rescue Helicopters an indication of numbers. The entry fee includes a donation to the Helicopter Trust. While the trust is partially supported by the government, they rely heavily on donations with each rescue costing in excess of $2,000 so the more funds they can raise the better in the hope that you never need to use their services.

It does not seem long since my last report and while the skies may not have been favourable, warmer drier weather should be on the way. At the time of writing this Nicola and I have just returned from the Annual General Meeting in Auckland. A report on this is in the magazine.


SPARE PARTS SHED: Parts shed is usually open every Wednesday morning, and Friday evenings when the clubrooms are open. Reminder see if you can effectively recycle your parts before scrapping them. NO TYREs by request.

Tech Talks Last Friday of the Month Club Nights Thanks to those who have offered their time and resources to give presentations during these club nights over the year ahead. We are always looking for additional interesting speakers. Please get in touch with a committee member if you have any contacts.

There is one on the outside wall of the 4 Square shop on corner of Bayview Road. Please make a point of familiarising yourself of its location Never know when it might be needed.

If you want to add photos and short write ups for insertion to Facebook please send to:

Or contact: Marion Branch Secretary in the first instance.

BRANCH NEWSLETTERS: newsletters on the Club Website should now be up to date. To access other branch newsletters, go to scroll to News from our Branches

Just a reminder, the VCC Vero insurance scheme is set up for those with current VCC membership. If you become unfinancial you will no longer receive discounted insurance premiums

Change of Address/phone number/email address Contact National Office directly to advise these changes!


New membership applications

This process and charges have changed. Applications for membership can now be done online It can be found here to join/.

The VCCNZ Facebook page at:


Otago Branch - Name Badges - If you do not yet have one please contact David Ross treasurer to order one. They are $10 each and good to wear when attending events. We have a number of new members and it can be difficult for everyone trying to identify and remember who you are.

These can be accessed via the branch newsletters on the VCC website. Or there should be a copy in the clubrooms or contact me for a copy. Entries usually close within two weeks of the event.

Vero Insurance Scheme

NNB: Please if you are planning to enter a local event, and running late with entry forms, please contact the organizer by phone or email to let them know you are coming. They need to know numbers for printing the instructions, and catering purposes for some events.



It gets very time consuming when we need to contact time and again to


ensure everything is sorted. THE VIC CARD BELONGS TO THE VCC AND MUST STAY WITH THE CAR! CHANGED VEHICLE OWNERSHIP - SOLD OR SELLING YOUR VIC’D VCC VEHICLE YOU NEED TO ADVISE NATIONAL OFFICE!!! ENSURE YOU SEND YOUR VIC CARD ALONG WITH CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP DETAILS TO NATIONAL OFFICE There is a form that needs to be completed for this (available from Branch Secretary or on the VCC website VIC information is the property of the National Club this is their way of keeping records of Vehicle ownership etc. My Vintage is a new online marketplace devoted to all those people who are passionate and enthusiastic about Old Cars and other old vehicles. Operating under Covid-19 OrangeTraffic Light Regulations Information received from Official Govt Covid website: Covid 19 –CONTINUE WEARING MASKS WHILE INDOORS – unless eating and SANITISEdrinking STAYAT HOMEAND GET TESTED IFYOUARE UNWELL

Get 3 identical photographs of the vehicle, correct size as indicated on application form

Photos of Chassis/frame number and/or engine numbers. CHECK THAT CORRECT SIZE!!!) PRESENT FORWARDING TO BRANCH VEHICLE REGISTRAR



VIC Applications / Authenticity Statements

Please Make sure of the following: Please write clearly capitals preferred: ensure that the application forms are completed fully, especially in regards to mileage, engine manufacturer, some history of the vehicle (even if it is only “purchased from Trade Me in April 1999”)



12 month warrants this is still a work in progress however the proposal is now with the Director of Waka Kotahi for sign off so we should know shortly. This will be linked to VIC’s so will be available to vehicles with a current VIC. Part of the information they wanted to know is what percentage of accidents involved club eligible vehicles that had a VIC between 2000 2018; this worked out to be 2%. Vehicles will also need to be 40 years or older. It was acknowledged that working with Harry Duynhoven President of the NZFOM and past Minister of Transport has helped open a lot of doors. The NZTA compliance team was disestablished in the last couple of months and this has caused some delays in getting vehicles complied. This is outside of our control so we need to be patient.


Upcoming projects for the management committee include; Incorporated Societies Act 2022 refer below. Updating the branch manual. Online VIC applications plus recruit more VIC signatories. Developing a new version of the Vehicle Technical Code. Updating the 5 year strategic plan. Club marketing material has been updated (had been on hold while voting on the club logo) and we now have new brochures which we brought back with us to use at the Daffodil Rally for Cancer. The Management committee also have arranged for a new generic pull up blind and a tear drop flag for each branch. A pull up blind was couriered to each branch in time for the Daffodil Rally while the Tear Drop Banner is still being developed and will be sent once Thereavailable.wasadiscussion paper on the Membership awards for 25, 35, 50 and 60 years continuous membership of the club. As most branches have not had an opportunity to discuss this topic it is being delayed to the March Executive meeting and we will arrange to discuss this at a club night.

Report from the 2022 National AGM and August National Executive meetings Over the weekend of the 12 14th August we attended the National AGM and National Executive meetings hosted by the Auckland Branch. You will be able to get a copy of the reports from Marion however below are the main topics of interest:

We also had a presentation on indemnity waivers. As a club however we don’t come under the watchful eye of Worksafe as ACC legislation prevents anyone being sued for personal injury. The club’s insurance automatically covers club members however does not cover guests unless they have completed an entry form prior to the event. This can also include a sheet where the indemnity is at the top and you get guests to read and then sign.


on the National Management Committee so the Management Committee will be looking to co-opt to fill these positions and are willing to talk to members if interested.


Report from the 2022 National AGM August National meetings continued...


Financial the executive has agreed to hold the national levy at the same level. The Club premises in Aberdeen St need to be replaced and while we have approx. $400k from the insurance pay out (plus interest) we will need to use some of the remaining invested funds to purchase / build new purpose built


Vero Sponsorship is up for renewal and continuing to hold an international rally will help to secure this. Two branches have so far expressed interest to host the next event.

Presentations were made to both Chris Leith and Rod Brayshaw who have stood down from the committee. Rod first joined the committee in 1996. The John L Goddard trophy was presented this year to Rod and Anne Corbett in recognition for their work with the Targa / VCC time trial which has helped attract new members who are joining so they can take part in the time trial.

Incorporated Societies Act 2022. New constitutions and rules need to be adopted by December 2025. Part of the changes strengthen the governance framework for each incorporated society. The main changes are that elected officers need to meet required standards; there needs to be a robust dispute resolution and new accounting standards. These changes will affect the governance of the National Body and the National Executive so the Management Committee will be seeking legal advice as to whether the current governing framework can continue. The legal advice will also look into how this affects branches. A working group will be formed with a discussion paper sent to branches towards the end of 2022 on a broader scale based on the Management Committee recommendations as to what branches want to see included in the constitution and rules. This will be discussed at the March Executive meeting. Ideally the new constitution will be sent to members for voting prior to the August 2024 AGM which gives time for any tweaks to be made. At the same time a branch template will be developed once the club constitution has been drafted.

Mark and Nicola Wilkinson




15 The Vintage Car Club of NZ Otago Branch Inc PWV / P60 / P80 RALLY SUNDAY 18th SEPTEMBER 2022 Assemble at Village Green Car Park Sunnyvale - 326 Main South Road, Green Island At 10am All classes of vehicles including modern welcome P60/P80 Classes only eligible for Trophies BRING YOUR OWN LUNCH, HOT WATER and chairs Please complete and return to: Kevin Mason or Mark Wilkinson, Clubrooms on Wednesday mornings or Post to: To Vintage Car Club of NZ Otago Branch Inc 125 Forbury Road, St Clair, Dunedin 9012 ……………………………………………………… ENTRY FORM Entrant’s (Driver’s MakeVehicleAddressName…………………………………………………….………………...………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………...YearofManufacture………… ENTRY FEE: - $15.00 per vehicle ($10 will be going to Rescue Helicopter) ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY 14th Sept 2022 Mark Wilkinson 021 1686068 email:


Daffodil deliveries : on Monday afternoon a number of our members assisted with delivering pre ordered daffodils to various businesses and individuals around Dunedin city. This can sometimes be a challenging job as you endeavour to work out the best route around your delegated area. We had some university students assisting as runners, which helped with the deliveries around the University area especially.

Thank you again to you drivers and runners who came out and spent the afternoon spreading some cheer amongst our businesses with these beautiful daffodils The branch raised $905.00 for the Otago Cancer Society during the Rally for Cancer on Sunday. If you were not able to attend but would still like the opportunity to donate to the Cancer Society you can do so via the below info:

ONLINE DONATIONS can be made via and search for Vintage Car Club Otago

to all our members who helped with marshalling this helped to make the event flow smoothly for everyone.

We were fortunate to have the rain stay away and had between 70 80 cars, motorbikes, scooters and bicycles either participate in the Rally or just arrive at Wingatui Racecourse for the public display. There was a great selection of cars turning into the carpark at Forbury Raceway, as the drivers came to pay their donations and collect their rally instructions. The vehicles ranged from a Model T, a gorgeous Pao, Bedford towtruck, Dodges, Hillman, Model A’s to name just a few. This event was well supported by our own members and others from South Otago. Members of the public would possibly have made up a good third of those attending. Those who attended enjoyed the opportunity to view the vehicles on display and meet the owners of Thanksthese.


Annual Dinner 23rd July 2022


Just on 30 members enjoyed a night of fun and banter at the annual dinner in July. The night started with a few drinks in the lounge before moving through to the hall for the dinner prepared by Barbara and her team from St Barnabas. After dinner 3 teams took part in a quiz organised by David Ross. Along with the questions we also a name a list of famous (or infamous) faces, plus solve a page of picture anagrams the winners on the night were the Scott Robertson team; hmm wonder where that name came from? Nicola Wilkinson

It Started in Lockdown …….Episode 10

Yes, it started in lockdown, but only 2 ½ years ago. Nothing has happened since March what with one thing and another. In my last episode I told you of one of the great Engineering challenges for modern man; fitting the one piece rubber inlet manifold and I congratulated myself on achieving this inside 2 hours. I ended up doing it twice more! I left the heads off to give me a little more room to fit the manifold. So time to pop them on and apply the torque wrench. Well, two studs pulled on the middle cylinder so off came the manifold and the barrel and the helicoils went in. This time I made a collar to test the remaining studs and they both passed. Barrel back on, Manifold back on and head torqued…. Well almost. A third stud on the middle cylinder pulled. The neighbourhood cats, dogs and small children disappeared to allow me to tend to my frustrations alone. So another helicoil, one last manifold fitting and now I have turned my attention to the main wiring loom sitting on my bench. It hasn’t all been frustration. I did enjoy painting the ‘H’, ‘L’ and ‘TURN’ lettering on the switch bodies with orange modelling paint. Came up nicely. I have shifted the T125 twice to make more space in my garage. The more I look at it the more I am sure it will need divine intervention. Is there a Patron Saint of restoration?

Trevor Kempton



The most valuable motorcycle ever sold at auction returned to its home in Australia. The 1951 Vincent Black Lightning sold to an undisclosed Australian businessman for US $929.000 $1.16 AUS. Just one of 18 known of this model it was owned by Jack Ehret for many years. In Jan. 1953 he broke the Australian Land Speed Record at 141.5 mph ( 227. 7 kph ). In 2014 before the auction held on Feb 2018 in the USA, the machine was sent to France to be mechanically restored, the original paint and patina left as is, so this famous Vincent was no show pony to look at. The next highest price at the Bonham's auction was a 1932 Brough Superior. This sold for approximately half the figure of the Black Lightning.

If a valve is accidentally filed too short a common housewife's thimble may be temporarily used to lengthen the tappet. A permanent addition is easily brazed on afterwards. Tappets are now made adjustable on some modern engines.


Snippets from Bill Veitch ...

LEARN ABOUT VALVES. 1910 A mechanically operated inlet valve is to be preferred because it seldom sticks, no part of it can get adrift in the cylinder (pre 1910 a number of engines used the automatic inlet valve). Some makers favour an overhead inlet worked by a very long tappet actuating a rocker mounted on the cylinder head. This enables the combustion chamber to be more nearly hemispherical. Some racing engines have both valves placed in the cylinder head directly over the piston. The fault of this design from a touring standpoint is the danger of a valve dropping into the cylinder, and doing serious damage.

One of the best wearing valves is a two-piece valve, consisting of a cast iron head screwed onto a steel stem. These valves are dangerous as the head may come adrift and either puncture the piston or knock the head off the cylinder before the engine can be stopped.

21 LAST CALL FOR BRANCH MEMBERS TO COLLECT THEIR COPY NOW AVAILABLE FOR DISTRIBUTION TO BRANCH MEMBERS - FREE If you haven’t got yours yet please contact branch secretary to arrange collection. This is a well written overview of our branch history over its first 60 years. It is a story, which covers some of our past, present and longer serving members and the events and activities that the branch has either organised or been involved in over this time. Most of the material has come from past minute, newsletter and private records. Print is easy to read, so you might be able to read this without your glasses All left over books will be available for Sale at the Autospectacular on 10th September $50 each plus $12 p&p Contact branch secretary - Marion McConachie 034530404 to arrange delivery / pickup, or for extra details.

22 SOUTH CANTERBURY BRANCH - 3 DAY TOUR. 9,10,11 December 2022 The South Canterbury Branch of the VCC invites entries from fellow members for a 3 day tour in December 2022. Leaving Timaru with 1st overnight stop at Oamaru Friday 9th Dec, 2nd night Omarama Sat 10th Dec, 3rd night Timaru, 11th Dec. Your choice of all sealed roads or a combination of sealed and unsealed roads. Accommodation and meals are entrants responsibility. Get in early to book your accommodation. Entry forms from All enquiries to Grant Stewart 027 378 6149 or Alistair Day 027 203 5007


24 Email: Postal: 406 Hillside Road, Dunedin Phone 455 5029

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