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“For all Vehicles over 30 years old”





Replica Timaru’s First Car Built by C. W. Wood

August 2024

NOGGIN AND NATTER First Thursday of the Month

Vintage Car Club Facebook “R” week winner. Pauline Young 1930 Rugby - 106 votes.

Welcome all to my July Chair report and the start of the new financial year for our Branch.

We had Richie TOMPKINS attend our July Noggin, where he brought along a 'wealth of knowledge' and a large array of different posters for display and discussion, including some old and original UK ones.

Next Noggin evening - Thursday 1st August - will be our Quiz Night, which will be ably adjudicated by our experienced member & host, Wayne JONES. An event not to be missed!!

I attended the mid-week run on Thursday 11 July which culminated at the Southburn Hall. My first mid-week outing and thoroughly enjoyed it on a fine, sunny day!

A contingent travelled to Oamaru on Saturday 13 July for the Garage Raid - an interesting day I'm told.

John LESTER has taken over as Swap Meet Committee Chair, from our long serving, now Life Member, Colin Johnstone. Many thanks from us all Colin for your sterling and extended service! Also our collective thanks to that hard working committee.

Alistair and I will attend the VCC of NZ AGM in Tauranga 9-11 August where constitutional updates, earlier proposed branch representative boundaries, amongst other matters will no doubt be discussed. We will report back in due course.

Sunday 25 August is our annual Cancer Run and Monday 26 August is the flower delivery day for the Cancer Society. Please liaise with Nola if you are able to assist on either or both days. We do appreciate your support! We are in the initial planning stages for hosting the 2027 National Motorcycle Rally in our branch. We need to pre-book our venues, catering/hospitality, sort routes, post rally tour, accommodation - a whole variety of details in fact, and get this event on the National Calendar. These bookings need to be locked in ASAP. We will need considerable assistance from our members to take a lead and/or assist with various roles, as past National M/C events have attracted up to 120 entries. We will keep you posted.

Our Management Committee is still open to co-opting some new people onto our committee, and also we are still seeking a Vice-Chair. Please let's know if you are keen - we would love to have you.

For the 5 September Noggin, we have arranged for local MP James MEAGHER to attend and address our group. Topics that I have asked him to traverse include: 12 month WOF status, MTA 'potential proposal' for exhaust emission testing at WOF inspections, and possible 'number plate recognition' technology.

(See Beaded Wheels #387 April/May 2024 - Kevin Clarkson, Editor, Page 5). Hopefully you are all fit and well and in good health over these winter months.

Best regards


This month I would like to share with you some of the stock on offer from our extensive range of parts and items that we have.

A steel Tool Box top load with removable tray 555mm x 300 x 300mm. Various Snow Chains ie. 3 sets of 13''. 2x Timing lights. Lt. Duty Jumper Leads complete with case. Many Starter Motors, Generators of all makes.

Rims -3 of 14'' to suit Toyota Corona. 3 of 14'' 4stud . to fit Morris Minor. 4of 14'' 4 stud to fit Nissan .

Also many other items including auto bulbs, light fittings, Sealed beam lights, Distributor parts; rotors, points, caps. Large range of Spark Plugs.

Engine Blocks , Heads, Manifolds of various make and models. (Some of these require identifying which I hope we can do maybe for the next Newsletter)

Do come on down, there must be something we can send you away with. Open Wednesday Mornings from 9am till 12 noon.

Magazine Articles

I’m always looking for articles, even short ones, for the Tricar, or a photo or two of an event that you have attended in your club eligible vehicle.

Les-Tricar editor


ThursdayAugust 1st 7.30 pmClubrooms, Redruth St Timaru.


KITCHEN DUTY :- Pauline Young & Tony McGillen

BAR :- Sandy McMillan

New Members

Tony Morrison, Justin Booth, Ronald Chynoweth

Wanted to Buy Urgently 1 or 2 5.25-21 Tyres

Please phone Trevor 027 252 5402

For Sale

Austin A35

Motor done 20 years ago by Stick, not run, Seats done, needs finishing, owner lost interest. No rego. Vehicle in Timaru.

Ph Hendrick 027 6888 508

Bartenders Wanted

The Timaru District Council is offering evening classes in August for anyone wishing to aspire to being a Bar Person. If you are interested could you please contact Sandy McMillan, 027 6155150, as he has all the papers printed off and would be happy to talk to anyone about the requirements for the position. We require to have at least two registered barperson’s to be able to operate our club bar.

SCVCC Website Updates

To access other club newsletters go to scroll to News from our Branches as hard copy newsletters are not mailed out now.

SCVCC website - July 2024

- July newsletter placed up

- Daffodil Rally for Cancer Info placed up

- Looking into Eventfinda for SCVCC

- Behind the scenes wordpress updates

Upcoming - More stories of various runs, online version of newsletter, information about upcoming events, members vehicles in gallery, Stories and photos from members are ENCOURAGED and can be sent through to


of Events 2024 /2025 for the South Canterbury Branch of the VCC

August 1st Quiz Night ( South Canterbury hosting)

August 4th Car Trials

August 8th Midweek Run

August 25th Daffodil Run

August 26th Flower Delivery for Cancer Society

September 8th Opening Run ( South Canterbury hosting)

September 12th Midweek Run

September 15th Continental Run

October 26th,27th, 28th Mount Cook Run

November 1st, 2nd, 3rd Safari Weekend

November 17th Vintage, Veteran & Commercial Run

December 14th


January 1st

Club Christmas Party

New Years Day - Fairlie

January 19th Ladies Run

February 9th Chairmans Run

February 22nd Open Day

March 9th

Mid Island Rally

March 23rd Motorcycle Run

April 4th, 5th Swap Meet

April 10th Midweek Run

May 8th Midweek Run

May 10th P Class Rally

May 25th End of Season Run

June 1st All British Day

June 5th AGM

MID WEEK RUN - THURSDAY August 8th 2024




Organisers – Kevin & Ngadia Manchester

Mid-week Run July 2024

On one of the better Thursdays for this season, 16 cars assembled with about 36 people at the clubrooms for this month’s midweek run. After a briefing from Neil and Kevin Manchester we departed for a tour of the Fairview area and on to Taiko, Holme Station, Gordons Valley to Bluecliffs and back to Southburn for afternoon tea. The route was more interesting in that a lot of the route was in “ reverse” to what we have mostly experienced for most runs and the elevated views of the various valleys made for a great sightseeing trip.

Well done to the Mancesters for their efforts and they thoroughly deserved the warm accolades received at the end of the run at the Southburn Hall.

Next run organisers are Kevin and Ngadia Manchester (apparently Neil did the above run) on Thursday 8th August 2024.

Clive Merry has offered to arrange the year’s final run on Thursday 12th September 2024.

Photo’s courtesy Penny Merry

Rego on hold.

Basically is unrestored but in very good condition. Runs very well. Still has original upholstery in very good condition. Has been repainted quite some time ago. Has original factory radio and overdrive. Offers around $19000.

Further info please contact Alistair on 027 202 5005

Daffodil Run - Sunday August 25th.

Meet at 9.00am North end Car Park Caroline Bay. First car away at 10.00am.Another Mystery location.Approx 2 hour run to lunch spot.All sealed route.

$20.00 per Car

$2.00 raffles.Amazing line up of prizes All vehicles welcome. Support this very worthwhile cause that touches all our families in many different ways.

Be There!!!!

Please advise Nola Day if you can help with this event or would like to donate a prize for the raffle. Donations can be dropped off to Nola at home or onAugust Noggin Night, also on Wednesday Parts day. All gifts gratefully received. Will also accept New World stickers if you don’t want them for their current promotion.

Contact phone - 027 203 5007 -

Daffodil Deliveries - MondayAugust 26th - 1.00pm

Contact John Foster for details, Ph 6159066 or

Rosewill Trials

This years' Trials will be held on Rosewill Valley Rd, proceed onto the shingle, past the Rosewill Hall, the entry to a farm track is about 1/2 km up the shingle road. VCC signage will be used.

This is a great spectator sport, other events see large groups of spectators well entertained. This year we already have (as at 10th July) 7 cars with 12 drivers, this includes the winners from Balcairn Trials this year (Lance Braid, West Coast Branch) and the previous 2 years (Thomas Mauger, Banks Peninsula Branch), so it will be very competitive. We will have a toilet on site and van to transport people from the car park to the second area for those who are unable to walk.


-8.30 AM Cars Assemble at 530 Rosewill Valley Rd for vehicle inspection and briefing

-9.15 AM Driver’s Briefing. All drivers and passengers must attend.

-9.30 AM Competition begins. At the site approx., 1km further up the road


-1.15 PM Afternoon competition begins

-3.45 PM Competition finishes

-4.00 PM prize giving

Assistance is required to help run the day smoothly, we require a starter/score keeper and 2 course marshals. (3 helpers}

These roles are quite simple - ensure the cars start from the correct position and record the points achieved.

Course marshals watch for markers being hit and communicate with the score keeper as to what number the car ceases forward motion. These people stay connected with the starter, via walkie talkie radio.

If anyone is interested in helping set out the courses or the above jobs, please let me know.

Kevin Mercer 0272009474

Notes From the Library August 2024

By the time you are reading these notes I will be in England. On Club Nights for August and September the Library will still be open and should you wish to take an item out please enter the details in the red exercise book on the table and similarly enter the date returned when you bring it back.

I would like to acknowledge some recent donations from Jim Geddes, Austin 10 manual and Haynes Car Builders Manual, and Neil Manchester, History of GM 1908 -1987.

This has some brilliant colour plates of desirable GM models and a great selection of black and white images illustrating the text relating to each year.

I am still working my way through the Studebaker book I referred to last month and it is interesting to observe that the immediate post war years were the best ever for Studebaker in terms of production and profit. Studebaker had never had a workers’ strike but in a move to improve production efficiencies some workers were laid off which prompted the first ever strike. The company promptly capitulated and rehired the dismissed workers and perpetuated the culture of a poorly performing workforce.

Thereafter they were saddled with higher costs than their competitors. While that did not matter much in the seller’s market that prevailed after the war it quickly became a millstone around Studebaker’s neck and despite being able to push through a wage reduction, productivity remained below that of the competition, causing sale prices to be higher than they might otherwise have been. Inevitably sales were affected.

In many ways Studebaker did well in continually revamping the spectacular 1953 design that they could not afford to replace with a totally new car, which included the popular Lark and Hawk models which gave Studebaker some respite, but only delayed the end until 1966 with the last couple of years production being built in Hamilton Ontario in Canada. The last gasp effort of the Avanti was too late to save the Company, despite its innovation and being a highly sought after collector car today.

The detailed information on production changes would be particularly helpful to restorers.

Thoughtpeoplemightbeinterestedinthefollowing.Heriotwasasmalltownof 300populationwhenAlistairandIlivedthere,andourchildrenwerebornin Tapanui.Thefollowingwaswrittenbythesonofafriendandneighbourofours forthe5yearswelivedinHeriot. Hopeyouenjoyreadingit.




IdetoureddeliberatelythroughWestOtagorecently.Thisisamanicuredfarming areathat’sabitoffthebeatentrackandby-passedbymain highways.Ifyouknowyourmotorracing,youmaybeawarethatLaurence BrownliecamefromKelsointhisregion Laurencebeingtheblokewho infamouslytangledwithDenisHulmeatPukekohein1968.Kelso’sgone,closeddown becauseitgotfloodedouttoooften,Edievalejustwitheredanddiedandthat leavesjusttwotownsinthearea Tapanuithelargerand Heriotthesmaller.


HeriothasmadeasignificantcontributiontoNewZealand.Itwasherethatthe ToddandFletcherempiresfirstgotstarted.

CharlesToddleftschoolin1894tohelphisfatherestablishafellmongeryin Heriotandbranchedoutintocarswithhisbrothersin1912,sellingthefirstcars inWestOtagoandopeningtheHeriotMotorGarage(HMG)toservicethem. In1914HMGwerethesub-agentsforFordandStudebakercars,Commertrucks andBSAmotorbikes.


HMGthenspreadthroughOtagoandSouthlandandtheheadofficewasmoved toDunedinwhere,in1923,thenamewaschangedtoToddMotorCompanyand becametheSouthIslanddistributorforWolseleyandtheNewZealand distributorforGrayandMaxwell.TheylostFord.

In1924thecompanyrelocatedtoWellingtonandobtainedthelocal distributorshipforOakland.

Butthingsmovedquicklyandthefollowingyear,ToddMotorsbecamethesole NewZealandagentforthenewbrand Chrysler.

In1931ToddsaddedtheBritishRootesGroup,alsoimportingoilandpetrolfrom RussiawhichwasmarketedasEuropaasabitofanodtoitsorigins.Therestis well-establishedhistorywithMitsubishibeingaddedin1970.



AndJimFletcherstartedinasimilarway.BeganinHeriot.MovedtoDunedinand thenhisbusinessboomed. SothatisHeriotforyou.


For Sale

1969 Triumph Herald Convertible. It is in a good condition but is not on the road (no WOF and registration is on hold).

Car is in Auckland


VERO International Festival of Historic Motoring Nelson 2026

I have recorded my interest in taking part in this event particularly as I took part in the 1972 International event also held in Nelson. An integral part of the 1972 event were the Monte Carlo style rally routes to get to Nelson, 20 in number with starting points at centres throughout NZ, including 3 starting in Timaru.

I reckon it would not be a bad idea to set up a route to travel to Nelson over 3 or 4 days based on one of the 1972 routes for those from South Canterbury (or anywhere else for that matter) so we could travel more or less together and keep off the main roads especially SH1 as much as is reasonably possible. If you are thinking of attending and are interested in this idea please drop me an email or give me a call. Where we go from there will depend on response.

Barry B

7th National Commercial Rally

25-28 October 2024

Hosted by the North Otago Branch. For more information contact Wanda Kent 027 440 1621 or email Register online here or alternatively contact Wanda for a paper registration form.

Entries close 27th September 2024.

Hard Copies of Tricar Magazine

This is the last chance to renew your postage cost for having the hard copy Tricar sent to you by post..

Cost $30.00

Please deposit in our SBS account 03 1355 0647203 00 with surname as a reference.

Thanks to those who have already paid. Nola.

White Ribbon Day 2024

Saturday 23rd November - Caroline Bay

More details in September Tricar

Other Coming Events Elsewhere

(Check our Web Page for further details on Events listed below)

Ashburton Opening Day Run September 1st

Waimate Swap Meet September 7th

New Plymouth 47th Annual “Rubber Duckie” Motor Cycle Rally September 21st

Canterbury Motorcycle Trial day September 22nd

Cromwell/Clyde Blossom Rally September 28th

Oamaru 7th National Commercial Rally 25th - 28th October

Manawatu 29th VCC National Motorcycle Rally 25th -27th January 2025

Wanaka Wheels at Wanaka April 18th-20th 2025

An elderly couple return to a Mercedes dealership where the salesman has just sold the car they were interested in to a beautiful, leggy, busty blonde.

"I thought you said you would hold that car till we raised the $75,000 asking price," said the man. "Yet I just heard you closed the deal for $65,000 to that lovely young lady there. You insisted there could be no discount on this model."

"Well, what can I tell you? She had the ready cash and just look at her, how could I resist?" replied the grinning salesman. Just then the young woman approached the aged couple and gave them the keys.

"There you go," she said. "I told you I would get the jerk to reduce it. See you later, grandpa.”

Never mess with the elderly!

Office Bearers 2024-2025

Chairperson: Colin Hawke (Glenys) 6889955/ 027 4896663

Vice Chairperson: Vacant

Immediate past Chairman Alistair Day 027 2025007

Secretary: Pauline Young (Wayne) 6861833/ 027 5399225

Treasurer: Nola Day (Alistair) 027 2035007

Club Captains: Gavin and Michelle Munro Kevin Manchester (Ngadia) Michelle 021 1726168 Gavin 021 0528264

Kevin 027 5178769

News Letter Editor: Les Rzepecky (Helen) 021 1220011

Clubroom Convener: Sandy McMillan 027 6155150

Parts Shed Manager: Barry Smith (Lynette) 6847405

Librarian: Barry Barnes (Carla) 6885105

IT Officer: Shannon Stevenson 6863263/ 027 2453519

Committee: All of the above

Identification and Certificate: Alistair Day, John Lester, Colin Hawke. 027 2025007 6158135/ 021 1527758 6889955/ 027 4896663

Swap Meet:

Chairman: John Lester (Mary) 6158135/ 021 1527758

Site Convenor/ Secretary Michelle Munro (Gavin) 6864824/ 021 1726168

Treasurer: Nola Day (Alistair) 027 2035007

Ground Convenor: Barry Smith ( Lynette) 6847405

Committee: Gavin Munro (Michelle) 6864824/ 021 0528264 (Plus all above)

Krystal Munro 027 8567940 Glen Hawkins 027 2076625

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