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Replica Timaru’s First Car Built by C. W. Wood

NOGGIN AND NATTER First Thursday of the Month

June 6th. –7.30pm. Clubrooms, Redruth Street, Timaru.
DrivingourHistory “For all Vehicles over 30 years old” June 2024

(Supplied article is something for you to think about)

The Tesla model Y battery. It takes up all of the space under the passenger compartment of the car. To manufacture it you need:

12 tons of rock for Lithium (can also be extracted from sea water)

5 tons of cobalt minerals (Most cobalt is made as a byproduct of processing copper and nickel ores. It is the most difficult and expensive material to obtain for a battery.)

3 tons nickel ore

12 tons of copper ore

You must move 250 tons of soil to obtain:

-- 26.5 pounds of Lithium

30 pounds of nickel

-- 48.5 pounds of manganese

15 pounds of cobalt

To manufacture the battery also requires: 441 pounds of aluminium, steel and/or plastic

112 pounds of graphite

The Caterpillar 994A is used to move the earth to obtain the minerals needed for this battery. The Caterpillar consumes 264 gallons of diesel in 12 hours. The bulk of necessary minerals for manufacturing the batteries come from China or Africa. Much of the labour in Africa is done by children. When you buy an electric car, China profits most.

The 2021 Tesla Model Y OEM battery (the cheapest Tesla battery) is currently for sale on the Internet for $4,999 not including shipping or installation. The battery weighs 1,000 pounds (you can imagine the shipping cost). The cost of Tesla batteries are:

Model 3 -- $14,000+ (Car MSRP $38,990)

Model Y $5,000–$5,500 (Car MSRP $47,740)

Model S -- $13,000–$20,000 (Car MSRP $74,990)

Model X -- $13,000+ (Car MSRP $79,990)

It takes 7 years for an electric car to reach net-zero CO2. The life expectancy of the battery is 10 years (average). Only in the last 3 years do you start to reduce your carbon footprint, but then the batteries must be replaced and you lose all gains made.

And finally, my friend made some excellent points: I forgot to mention the amount of energy required to process the raw materials and the amount of energy used to haul these batteries to the U.S. sometimes back and forth a couple of times.

But by all means, get an electric car. Just don't sell me on how awesome you are for the environment. Or for human rights.


Thursday June 6th 7.30 pm -

Clubrooms, Redruth St Timaru.

KITCHEN DUTY :- Club Committee Members

BAR :- Sandy McMillan

Club Captain Vacancy

The Club Captain role in the Club will be vacant at theAGM as Gavin and Michelle Munro are stepping aside. If you think this is something you could take on for the Club then please contact either Gavin (021 0528264) or Michelle (021 1726168) and have a chat. They are happy to show you what is involved and to help you into the role over the next couple of months before they step aside.

Magazine Articles

I’m always looking for articles, even short ones, for the Tricar, or a photo or two of an event that you have attended in your club eligible vehicle.

Les-Tricar editor



This month the no. of 'Walk -in' clients has been regular and most leave with an item or two. We have also had several enquiries from around the country, largely due to the Ad's placed in the Beaded Wheels by Chairman Alistair. A few of these were not able to be fulfilled however some were. This would suggest that the interest in old parts is still alive and well.

We at the Parts Dept. will endeavour to provide clients with the part they want, and with the help of our dedicated Wednesday team achieve this.

Our car recovery trailer is also available for hire for the transportation of a vehicle to and from as required for a nominal fee of $35.00 per day.

As usual our Parts Dept. is open each Wednesday morning from 9am through to 12 midday.


SCVCC Website Updates

To access other club newsletters go to scroll to News from our Branches as hard copy newsletters are not mailed out now.

Upcoming - More stories of various runs, online version of newsletter, information about upcoming events, members vehicles in gallery, Stories and photos from members are ENCOURAGED and can be sent through to

June 2nd

June 6th

June 13th

July 11th

August 8th

September 12th




All British
*** AGM ***
Calendar of Events 2023 /2024 for the South Canterbury Branch of the VCC Car Trial’s AUGUST 4TH Bentley Downs. Entry forms out late June contact Kevin Mercer 0272009474


23rd June 2024 8.30am – 3pm(ish)

For full details, rules, entry and indemnity forms contact Nick Harrison, 34 Cavell Street, Reefton 7830 03 7328819 027 541 9296

NOTE ENTRY FORMS entry forms CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRY IS 17TH JUNE 2024. Look forward to seeing you there.

MID WEEK RUN - THURSDAY June 13th 2024




Organisers Barry & Lynette Smith

The PV rally, organised by Gavin and Michelle Munro took place on Mothers Day, Sunday 12 May.

Attracting over 20 vehicles, the run took participants through a labyrinth of western Timaru streets, before a traverse of the rolling hills of Levels Valley and Pleasant Point area before reaching the foothills of Geraldine and Woodbury areas. The lunch stop and field tests - including a how many litres in the fuel can Temuka domain, before an afternoon run took us to the rural localities of Waitohi, Levels Valley, Hadlow and Beaconsfield, enroute to our branch club rooms at Redruth Street, Timaru where a -hearted trophy presentation was held in the front garden outside.

(Shannon Stevenson)


Results for PV Rally - Sunday 12th May

# Fred Whiteley Cup - Best overall PVV & PWV - Ross Luscombe

# Jim & Pat Geddes Trophy - Best P60’s Overall - Graham Jarvis

# Les Irving Family Cup - Best P80 Overall - Kevin Manchester

A letter sent in 1925 to Studebaker owners with copy of History of the Studebaker Corporation still inside the book 99 years later.

4 of the quality books donated by Lionel Suter Estate

Mid Week Run May 2024

This month’s run was prepared by Barbara and Rodger Baird and proved to be an interesting run in good weather for the 9 cars from the clubrooms via Beaconsfield Rd then through Fairview to the Sutherlands area via Taiko Rd then back to the Pleasant Point Domain . There we all enjoyed a quiet afternoon tea session repairing the wrongs of the world. Thanks to Rodger and Barbara for a very enjoyable trip.

Next run organisers are Barry and Lynette Smith.Usual leaving time from Clubrooms (1.30 pm) on Thursday 13th June. All cars welcome.

Barry Yates Photos – Penny Merry

Proposed Calendar of Events 2024 / 2025


June 6th

June 13th

July 13th

August 1st

August 4th

August 8th

August 19th

August 25th

September 8th

September 12th

September 15th

October 26th, 27th, 28th

November 1st, 2nd, 3rd

November 17th

November 30th /December 14th


January 1st

January 19th

February 9th

February 22nd

March 9th

March 23rd

April 4th 5th

April 10th

May 8th

May 11th


Midweek Run

Garage Raid (North Otago)

Quiz Night ( South Canterbury hosting)

Car Trials

Midweek Run

Flower delivery for Cancer Society

Daffodil Run

Opening Run

Midweek Run

Continental Run

Mount Cook Run

Safari Weekend

Vintage, Veteran and Commercial Run

Club Christmas Party

New Years Day Fairlie

Ladies Run

Chairmans Run

Open Day

Mid Island Rally

Motorcycle Run

Swap Meet

Midweek Run

Midweek Run

P Class Rally

May 25th End of Season Run

June 5th


Dates to be Confirmed at 2024 AGM

Tricar Editor’s Report 2024

This is the second year of my editing of the club magazine. I have learned a lot over this time about setting out the publication and getting it ready for printing, posting and emailing. My thanks to all who have contributed articles, photos, jokes etc.. I hope that as time goes on I will be able to even improve on my work and to be able to keep members informed of events that we have had or are upcoming. Please feel free to email articles and photos of events as I am not always available to be at an event.

Thank you members for your encouraging comments. I am also open to suggestions from members as to what they would like included at times.



Bar and Venue Report 2024

Has been a good year for the bar. Seven hires plus another 4 bookings to Meditrain. Also 3 private bookings.

New shelves installed the Bar, new storage cupboards installed in the Men’s toilet for toilet paper and cleaning products and general clean up in the Bar. Raffles have been making average profit and hopefully it will carry on this way for next couple of years.

We could do with someone to think about getting their Bar license in the next couple of years as at end of 2026 I will step down.



Well, here we are. The end of another successful year of rallies. This has been our third year and we have been well supported again. Thank you to all those amazing people who have assisted us, checked routes, offered suggestions for venues, organised some of the special rallies, and mostly attended rallies. Without you all we wouldn’t be able to do everything we have. Helpers are very necessary for time trials, field tests, morning teas, marshalling etc. Thank you all.

We have mostly had good turnouts and great venues. We still have a few ideas up our sleeves and are happy to share with anyone who would like to get involved. It has been very rewarding. If you have considered taking an active role, we would welcome your ideas and effort. When planning rally venues we try to choose places that will appeal to a large number of people, or where something special is happening. Maybe you know of some of these places. If so, we would love to hear from you. Or if you wish we could assist you to organise a route to the venue. If we all work together we could visit a wider range of venues etc. Is there a type of venue that interests you more than others? We’d love to hear your feedback. If there is, maybe you could email us those ideas to look into and try. Our email is Thanks again for your support.

Gavin and Michelle Munro 2023/24 Club Captains


Hello everyone, as this is my last Chairmans report for this financial year, I would like to thank all of those who have helped our Branch in anyway.

I think especially of the Swap Meet Committee who work tirelessly over the year so we can have our massive fundraiser for our club. The new venue had a few small hiccups but with fine tuning this will be an excellent venue going forward. The parts shed continue to do amazing things on a Wednesday morning and their turnover is reflected in their healthy balance sheet. This also helps to raise funds for our branch so thankyou to Barry Smith and his wonderful team for keeping things in the shed running so smoothly

A huge thankyou to my wonderful committee who help sort out any issues that arrive from head office, and in the branch, as necessary. These hardworking people have been committed for a long time and new blood would be welcome to come on board. New people, new ideas, etc are what keeps our branch ticking over.

To Sandy McMillan, as Barman and clubroom convenor thankyou for you for all you have done in the bar with shelving, cupboards around the clubrooms, compliance with the TDC etc. It doesn’t go un noticed.

To our Club Captains, Gavin and Michelle Munro, a massive thankyou. Without the plotting of rallies our club would fold. Others may be asked to plot a rally in the future as I know that some club captains just ring a branch member and ask/tell them to plot a rally and no-one complains, and this ends up with many interesting rally routes.

The Library report from Barry Barnes is always enlightening, and Barry has the library/Reference Room looking very spick and span, and continues to update books and collections as required.

Our IT man Shannon Stevenson does an amazing job keeping our web page up to date, and each meeting we are overwhelmed with how many people are actually reading our magazine and looking through our website.

For Les Rzepecky continuing to keep our magazine up to date and giving me a reminder that I need to get my report in, is much appreciated. I am sure you will all agree he is doing a marvellous job. Thankyou Les.

For all those who have helped out with the Cruise Ship Season, a massive thanks. Especially Colin Hawke and Grant Mitchell. It was a big learning curve for all, and your efforts haven’t gone unnoticed.

4 3 6 13

My sincere thanks goes to Pauline Young who has been my right arm while I have been your Chairman. You have made life so much easier for me. Thankyou so much.

To my wife Nola , my sincerest thanks for being beside me at all times and for keeping the books in order. I know it’s not safe being in the house when there is a glitch with the computer when she is trying so hard to get the Tri-Car sent out to everyone on time. This year had been pretty manic for her but she has coped admirably.

Very special thanks must go to Eric Robins who, at the age 94, is amongst the oldest members in our branch and he still manages to keep our gardens looking great. Thank s Eric

Remember it is OUR club, not just the committee. It’s been my pleasure to have been your Chairman, and I am sure I will see you all on many future occasions.

Alistair Day – Chairman.

Library Annual Report June 2024

The 2023/24 year has been another steady one for the Library with many Library and display items donated and processed during the year. Donations came from several sources with the most recent major donations coming from the Estates of John (Potty) Pateman and Lionel Suter both members of long standing whom we lost this year. These items are shelved in separate collections and contain some quality publications recommended to Studebaker owners and motorcyclists in particular.

All donors are gratefully acknowledged. Duplicated books manuals and magazines were taken to the Swap Meet and remaining magazines have been left out for members to remove and are slowly disappearing. Members are encouraged to check out the books and manuals which are available at a modest cost.

Borrowing has quietly continued steady with items being taken out and returned most Club Nights. A thank you to borrowers who have been returning items regularly without need for prompting.

Items for placement in the display cases continue to trickle in and there is not much room left. If you have not checked out our displays step into the Library and have a look, there’s lots of interesting stuff, and these items and our array of books were the subject of much favourable comment by cruise ship visitors. Shelf browsers are always welcome and if anyone is looking for something in particular I am happy to try and help.

I thank members for their support.

Chairman's Report 2024

It gives me great pleasure to present my annual report of the Swapmeet held at the Orari Racecourse in April.

In November 2023 we received the new horrendous increased charges for the hire of Levels Raceway. As these new charges were not sustainable, the committee decided to look for a new venue for our swapmeet.

A joint meeting of the Swapmeet Committee and the Orari Equestrian Centre committee was held to which both parties put forward their needs, proposals and rules. After both parties agreed to the terms and conditions, we had a new venue. This meant we had a completely new layout to which we had there in September 2022.

All of our Trader sites were set up on the front straight of the racecourse and the two inner training tracks. The food area was contained to the rear of the members grandstand and all public car parking in the main car park. By doing this it allowed us to separate the site holders who entered off the Panama Road entrance. The general public cars entered off the Racecourse Road entrance through the Western Riding Group grounds to the main car park. This meant we did not require a full traffic management and road control, saving several thousands of dollars.

The setup on Friday went very well thanks to a good number of members and volunteers, an excellent new site plan produced by Barry Smith and excellent ground conditions. When the site holders gate opened at 3.00pm all of the overnight campers were confined to the inner two training tracks. This made it a lot easier for all site holders, with only two lanes of sites.

Saturday dawned a fine day and with a good turnout of public and site holders expected, it was soon to prove a reality.

We were just short of a total sellout of the three hundred sites, and the car park almost full to capacity.

Michelle and her team did an outstanding job at the site holders entry. Gavin’s team of gatekeepers/car parking also did an amazing job to keep everything flowing smoothly. The car parking was done by The North Haven Childcare Educators who did an outstandingly super job.

Nola and her team of financial and café ladies worked quietly behind the scene along with John on Loudspeaker, Sandy on Display cars, Krystal on First Aid, Glen on traffic control, Barry and Alan as ground conveners and site numbering. The Saturday afternoon cleanup and reloading of the container concluded a long successful swapmeet, much to the financial benefit of our club funds.

With some minor adjustments, such as better signage, toilet facilities and more help from members it could prove to be even more financial and easier to run. It is very annoying when we have over three hundred members, that we have to rely on family members, friends and volunteers to help.

I would like to sincerely thank all of our sponsors and people who loaned us equipment to run our swapmeet. This saves us a considerable amount of money.


I wish to thank the Orari Equestrian Centre, Geraldine Racing and Trotting Club’s ground staff for providing the venue and all of their facilities. May this be our swapmeet venue for many years to come.

Finally I would again like to thank my hard working committee and Club members for their input. As I am not seeking re-election as chairman, I wish the new committee every success and I will endeavour to give my support in the future.

Many thanks, Colin Johnstone.


I am pleased to present my 2nd. Annual report for the Parts Dept. Quite a lot of happenings this year. One of these was the sad passing of Stick Campbell, one of our stalwart Wednesday team members, who will be missed but also remembered by all. The 'Chair' he used to sit in is still eyed with some trepidation before anyone sits in it.

Parts have been coming in on a regular basis, sometimes this has put a strain on our storage facilities, but in true fashion our Wednesday team sort through it all and somehow find places to put them.

Our yard which early on was full with two Hillman Hunters has now been cleared, along with several engine blocks which filled two skips for the metal recycler. The corner of our shed which housed a large stock of Bedford parts has been moved on to a happy client giving us the space to fill up with more parts.

During the year we had a garage lot of early to late 1920 Chev. parts. Which we are hoping will end up with an enterprising vintage enthusiast. We also had several display days for the Cruise Ship passengers which was well supported by our members with their cars and motor bikes.(not so well attended by the ships passengers,) however it was good to see so many club vehicles out.

Our Swap meet was a great success this year and for the Parts Dept. we attended with two salvage trailers full of parts. For our efforts we were rewarded with a total of $717.00. This was achieved by the willing Wednesday team in loading the trailers and with both John Campbell and Clive Merry towing them out to Orari and back. The year's finances started with balance of $7172.81 and ended with a Balance of $6648.16 .

I would like to close with conveying my thanks to the Wednesday team for their efforts through the year. This year I have no hesitation in nominating John Campbell for the Parts award for his assistance to me.

Banks Peninsula Autumn Fling June 15th Reefton Rosco Trials June 23rd Ashburton Solstice Run June 30th Oamaru Garage Raid July 13th Wanaka Wheels at Wanaka April 18th-20th 2025 Other Coming Events Elsewhere (Check our Web Page for further details on Events listed below) Deadline for July 2024 Tricar 15th June 2024 (Please note earlier cut off date) Email Address .

Office Bearers 2023-2024

Chairperson: Alistair Day (Nola) 027 2025007

Vice Chairperson: Colin Hawke (Glenys) 6889955

Secretary: Pauline Young (Wayne) 6861833

Treasurer: Nola Day (Alistair) 027 2035007

Club Captains:

Gavin and Michelle Munro

Michelle 021 1726168

Gavin 021 0528264

News Letter Editor: Les Rzepecky (Helen) 021 1220011

Clubroom Convener:

Parts Shed Manager:


Sandy McMillan 027 6155150

Barry Smith (Lynette) 6847405

Barry Barnes (Carla) 6885105

IT Officer: Shannon Stevenson 6863263

Committee: All of the above

Identification and Certificate:

Swap Meet:

Alistair Day, John Lester, Colin Hawke.

Chairman: Colin Johnstone (Trish) 6939093

Secretary / Site convenor:

Michelle Munro (Gavin) 6864824

Treasurer: Nola Day (Alistair) 027 2035007

Ground Convenor

Barry Smith ( Lynette) 6847405

Committee: Gavin Munro (Michelle) 6864824

(Plus all above)

Krystal Munro 027 8567940

John Lester (Mary) 6158135

Sandy McMillan 027 6155150 027 4484655

Alan Patrick 6158803

Glen Hawkins 027 2076625

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