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Driving our History

“For all Vehicles over 30 years old”




19-25 REDRUTH ST. Replica First Thursday of the Month

TIMARU SOUTH Timaru’s First Car Built by C. W. Wood

October 2024

Lunch stop view (above) on Opening Rally and Lunch time chats (below)

Hi everyone - a 'busy' month for our branch, with multiple activities and events happening!

We welcomed Ross HAMILTON to our committee as of 22 August - Ross and Wendy are also involved in the local MG Club - with Wendy also looking after the secretarial duties, and their club's 40 year anniversary approaching next month.

Sunday August 25th was our annual Cancer Society Daffodil Day rally out of CBay. The day was cold and the turnout was a little less than expected with around 90 vehicles, but the rally and the venue at the Holme Station homestead was welcoming and interesting. Sadly we couldn't enter this historic residence due to a water leak issue, but hopefully we might return for a future visit. Thanks to all who attended and were involved in the organisation for this event, and for the Daffodil Deliveries on the Monday 26 August. Special thanks to Nola Day and John Foster for their continued organisational contributions to this most worthwhile cause.

Some of us also were rostered as collectors of public donations at Pak 'n Save on Saturday 31st August. We were buoyed by the generosity of the public towards such a worthy cause. Nationally, the VCC branches have raised between $85K$90K for the Cancer Society. Our effort was just under $3K.

5th September saw Rangitata MP James Meagher attend & address our 'Noggin & Natter'. James was very well received and we appreciated him coming along and he will follow up on some our our vehicular concerns raised. Our next 'Noggin' on October 3rd will see us host Leighton BREHAUT - a local fire safety officer, who is familiar with our club and club-rooms.

8th September was our Opening Run, with Ashburton Branch attending with a sizeable contingent. A total of around 50 vehicles from both branches. 2 routes were planned and ended up out at Taiko where a new multi-million dollar contaminant waste landfill is nearly complete. We had lunch on the elevated area with great views across to Fox Peak & Mt Dobson ski areas, and later a talk from one of the principals of the landfill development. Thanks to our Club

Captain Michelle and co-organiser Kevin Manchester for their organisation. Also thanks to Sandy and his band of Family Helpers in assisting with morning tea refreshments for the good crowd at the club-rooms prior to the rally start. 15th September - Continental Rally: ably organised by Kevin Mercer. A great attendance this year, with 15 vehicles, 30 people, a couple of dogs, and a good route with points of interest included on the way. Lunch at the 'House of Hop' on SH 79 on the Geraldine/Fairlie highway. We even managed to secure a couple of new members from this event too! Our thanks to Kevin & Nadia Manchester for their work on the day - and the morning tea offering was very well received. Mt Cook Rally entry forms are out - so please enter now if you are intending to go.

PARTS DEPT. REPORT September 2024

Welcome to Spring....Ha, Don't put those warm clothes away just yet!!

We have had our Opening Run and a good one at that. For all those who attended I hope you had a trouble free day, and that vehicle is safely back in the garage, but what about the other one that’s awaiting that missing part?

Maybe it can be found, perhaps on this List of Parts.

Flywheels; Morris 12/4 '35-'37

Rover 3 Ltr

Austin 7


Dodge 4

Chev. '36

Clutch Plates; Austin A 30

Mk 1 Escort

Mazda 2000

Axles; Chev,'28 / '34 /'37 /'38

Mk1 Zephyr

Humber Super Snipe

Ford V8 '52

Morris Minor

Anglia 105E

Plus Many more, so do come on down and have a look. We are open each Wednesday from 9am to 12 Noon.

Barry Smith Parts Manager.


Thursday October 3rd

Christopher Smallridge

Alan Jenks

3 Day Tour 22,23, 24 November 2024 ( Fri, Sat, Sun).

Day 1 Timaru to overnight at Balclutha by devious routes

Day 2 Balclutha to maybe Roxburgh or Alexandra. Hopefully cross the Tuapeka punt and visit Lawrence along the way.

Day 3 A biggie if all comes to plan.

Eyeing up a dry weather only road, and return to Timaru via plan A, B, or C. Still to sort.

Mixture of shingle and seal, or seal only is available.

Need expressions of interest to see if tour is viable please.

Contact Grant Stewart 027 378 6149 or Alistair Day 027 202 5007, email

I have a request from the current owner of the 1923 Buick model 55 sport touring that was previously owned by Russell Cross then Lou Pemberton, Does anyone have any photos of the car when Russell Cross was motoring it? Or can anyone tell me what the original colour was? Any other information on the car would be greatly appreciated. Please email Kevin Mercer,, thanks.

White Ribbon Day. Sat 23 Nov.

Cars, motorbikes required for display by Caroline Bay Hall 10 till 2. Kapa haka, Rapid Relief food and possibly Bronze motorcyclists. Those who went last year enjoyed it.

Grant Mitchell 021 2961126

Magazine Articles

I’m always looking for articles, even short ones, for the Tricar, or a photo or two of an event that you have attended in your club eligible vehicle.

To access other club newsletters go to scroll to News from our Branches as hard copy newsletters are not mailed out now.

SCVCC website - September 2024

- September newsletter placed up

- Mt Cook Rally information and forms (online and print) placed up

- Focus given to Mt Cook Rally on homepage

- South Canterbury MG Car Club 40th Anniversary info placed up

- Events page updated

- Behind the scenes wordpress updates

Upcoming - More stories of various runs, online version of newsletter, information about upcoming events, members vehicles in gallery, Stories and photos from members are ENCOURAGED and can be sent through to

Calendar of Events 2024 /2025

for the South Canterbury Branch of the VCC

October 26th,27th, 28th

November 1st, 2nd, 3rd

November 9th

November 17th

December 14th


January 1st

January 19th

Mount Cook Run

Safari Weekend

Grasskhana - Bentley Downs

Vintage, Veteran & Commercial Run

Club Christmas Party

New Years Day - Fairlie

Ladies Run

February 9th Chairmans Run

February 22nd Open Day

March 9th Mid Island Rally

March 23rd Motorcycle Run

April 4th, 5th Swap Meet

April 10th Midweek Run

May 8th Midweek Run

May 10th P Class Rally

May 25th End of Season Run

June 1st All British Day

June 5th AGM

Shona Weir, Nora Hawke and Bill

Weir getting set to deliver Daffodils.

( Photo courtesy S.C. Cancer Society)

Many thanks to those who helped with the delivery of the Cancer Societies daffodils, It was a job well done in pleasant weather. I know that the Cancer Society really appreciate our efforts and we all appreciated the cuppa and a biscuit at the end of their deliveries, My thanks on behalf of you all go to Norm Bunt for his input. We couldn't operate with out him. Have fun out there.

From the Archives September 2017 Tricar

VCC National Daffodil Day

Since SCVCC came up with this Charity rally for Cancer last year and was enthusiastically supported by local motorists the national VCC has adopted the rally as a national club event and as such most clubs in the country put on an event for the 27th August 2017.

Our club followed on from last years concept with a rally ending up at Clayton Station north-west of Fairlie.

Neil Manchester planned an interesting route from Caroline Bay out through Blue Cliffs over Pareora Gorge, Cannington then out through Ma Waro and up to Fairlie. Lunch destination was the woolshed paddock at Clayton Station, the local Lions did the Sausage sizzle lunch.

A very pleasant late winter’s day was enjoyed by all, a pity the station owners or staff were not available to give a summary on Clayton Station, however thanks to the organising team for a very successful day with approx. 120 vehicles entered. Hi there Nola

I just wanted to reach out to again say THANK YOU to the Vintage Car Club for their support of Daffodil Day! Particularly the delivery of Fresh Flowers and the Rally!

Raising $2756 in today’s climate is not an easy task. We are incredibly Appreciative! It was lovely to meet many of the members and admire their beautiful cars on the Sunday.

Thank you so much for the continued support

Ngā mihi | Kind regards

He waka eke noa | We're all in this together


Hello everyone. I would just like to express my sincere thanks to ALL those who helped out on our fundraising CAR RALLY for CANCER day. Without your help this event would not be able to continue. For all those who generously donated prizes I thank you so much. The numbers for this year were well down as we expected, but an enjoyable day was had by all. With the rally entries, the raffle sales plus donations, we were able to donate $2756 to the South Canterbury Cancer Society. They were very grateful and appreciate the effort you all put into the day.

They also really appreciate the support they receive when it comes to the flower deliveries. That saves them many dollars which would otherwise be spent on courier drivers etc. So thanks also for doing that.

Next year our date is 31st August. Mark your memory banks for that now. A new venue is organised so we hope for a better sunny warm day.

Thanks once again to all those who helped. Cheers Nola


The South Canterbury branch 2024 Daffodil Rally for Cancer took place on Sunday 25 August, starting at Caroline Bay. Adjacent to our start venue were a fair few cars from across the ditch with a display of their own, the weather more English winter like than Australian heatwave. With participants vehicles ranging from the 1920s to the 2020s the run took us through a labyrinth of Timaru streets before taking us through Fairview, Hadlow, Claremont and Taiko regions before reaching Cave - a vehicle or two were seen with bonnets up at this point. After

Cave it was a trip through Cannington and up into the Pareora Gorge before reaching Southburn, and Holme Station homestead, where the lawns were filled with just bloomed daffodils, and the garden’s driveways easily swallowed up our vehicles. Much time was taken exploring the gardens, and the hot coffees and BBQs went down a treat. A talk also was had about the homestead, currently under renovation, and the raffles were drawn. Thanks to the local organising team for making the event happen.

Cars being set off on rally by “Daffy”
(photo Compliments of SC Cancer Society)
Just a few of the cars lined up for the Rally
Having a break at Cave
Photo courtesy Dave Barnard
Photo –Shannon Stevenson
Some of the cars at Holme Station
Rosie Gordon giving a talk on history of Holme Station.
Raffle SalesLunch at Holme Station
Helen & Les Rzepecky, Ruth Mercer
Photo –Shannon Stevenson

Continental Run

The Continental Run. We had 15 cars which has grown in numbers from last year. We travelled through Pleasant Point to Waitohi and ended up at the House of Hop for lunch. We pre-ordered our lunch before we left the club rooms and the meals came out quite quickly. After lunch we drove around The Downs great views most of the afternoon was on shingle a lot of roads I have never been on before. We visited The St. Thomas Anglican Church at Woodbury what a magnificent building beautiful stonework stained glass windows and lovely wooden oak pews. A man gave us a talk about the history of the church. We finished up at the Farm Shop in Geraldine for a coffee.

Many thanks to Kevin Mercer for organizing such an interesting run.


Kevin Manchester negotiating the ford . Only 3 cars attempted this

Fiat 500 Renault Floride
Write-up and photo’s -Kevin Manchester
Interior view of St. Thomas Anglican Church
lined up in grounds of Church

Hurry Up and get your forms in Entries close on Friday 18th October 2024

No Late Entries accepted

MP James Meagher chatting with Wayne Young and Ray Harkness at the September

Noggin & Natter


FROM THE LIBRARY October 2024 by Barry Barnes

Greetings from Vancouver Airport on our way home from our visit to British Columbia. In fact by the time you read this we will have been home for a wee while.

Last month I mentioned seeing a very nice Morris Minor Traveller in dark green and lo and behold a couple of days later encountered this one in a very original grey parked in a big supermarket carpark. They must be the thing for everyday transport around London.

In Canada as expected there was a lot more interesting stuff around. The old 1949 Dodge I saw in Greenwood last year was still sitting on the same lawn (as was the big Cadillac along the road from our son’s place). Both were apparently untouched and I doubt improved over the year. Just along the road from the Dodge were a big Buick straight 8 and a Chev Camaro, the latter for sale, no price quoted. I hope Les can find room to include photos of them, and also the 1955 Chev panel delivery that has been a feature of the Greenwood main street where it has served duty as a promo vehicle for at least the last 14 years we are aware of. It has developed a fair bit of trendy patina over that time but I suspect the Café has had its money’s worth out of it. Also in Greenwood we inspected our daughter-in-law’s sister’s two Honda motorbikes. She has had the Hawk for at least 20 years and it was her everyday transport as a young woman. The other bike is a CB350 she was recently given by a friend who has had it since new and stored it unused for years. It is in excellent original condition with an unbelievable 3050km on the speedo! On a trip to visit friends in the town of Grand Forks we spied this 1957 Chev panel delivery also for sale. On the property was a sleek black restored example. In Midway we encountered this International pickup which has also done promotional duty for the local pub for many years, photographed especially for Bill Weir and Les Bennett from Ashburton if he should get to read these pages. On Vancouver Island we saw a well presented Karmann Ghia Volkswagon and various other vehicles spotted on the Island and the mainland included several Land Rovers and VW Kombis, a 49 Ford 2door, a big mid 60s Chrysler Newport and the ever ubiquitous Chev, Dodge, GMC and Ford pickups from the 70s to the 90s. Finally, seen just around the road from our son’s place was a Volvo P1800 coupe looking just a little forlorn and neglected looking. All in all, there’s no shortage of projects around over there. This is supposed to be a Library column so I will make mention of a book I purchased at the Library clearance in Greenwood called “Made in America” by Bill Bryson, all about American English, a bit heavier going than some other Bill Bryson books but great reading none the less, which has a considerable number of references to the motorcar and its influence on the American way of life and consequently the language.

His observant comments on immigration are very pertinent though written nearly 30 years ago and I would recommend them to one D Trump, often in the news these days, though I understand he does not actually read books.

Chev Panel Delivery

Selection of Photos from Barry and Carla Barnes latest OE

Buick 8
Chev Camaro
Karmann Ghia VW International Pickup
Morris Minor Traveller

Other Coming Events Elsewhere

(Check our Web Page for further details on Events listed below) Dunedin


& 2nd

Scenes from Ashburton and South Canterbury branch’s combined opening run, Sunday 8 September 2024.

Starting from the South Canterbury branch club rooms at Redruth, the run took participants over either a sealed or a gravel route - via Southburn and Maungati - to Taiko, where the end venue was the lime works. The lunch stop was at the top of the hill, where there were natural formations with views across South Canterbury.

Alongside is a managed landfill, for which further information is here Run

Photo’s Courtesy of Shannon Stevenson and Les Rzepecky

The final mid-week run for 2024 was held on September 12th. We started off from Morgan’s Road Stadium as our clubrooms were being used by another group. Meeting at the car park lea to a few curious onlookers who came to view the cars before we departed.

After turning left on to Morgans Road then left on to Pages Road we proceeded to follow the instructions that saw us travel out to Levels, on into Temuka, then towards Clandeboye, and into Winchester, following on to Orari and Geraldine before ending up at Woodbury Domain for afternoon tea. Although the wind had been quite strong while on the run, the Shelter belt of trees at the domain made for a pleasant time to enjoy our cuppa and chat.

The weather then turned to rain and for those who dared, we continued to follow the rest of the instructions that took us to where we should have had afternoon tea had the weather been much better, the Waitohi Bush Reserve. Apparently the views are amazing but all that was visible was cloud. Maybe another day for this cuppa stop.

Thanks Clive and Penny for an interesting afternoon of driving.

VCC Otago Annual Motorcycle Rally

Sat 5th & Sun 6th October 2024

The Rally is semi-competitive with a timed section, interesting roads and this year staying overnight at Alexandra Motor Camp. Follow- up and rally support vehicles will be available. Expect the Saturday run to cover about 200 km.



Assemble at Chinese Gardens car park.500 metres south of the Railway Station Briefing at 9.15AM Bikes starting at one minute intervals at 9.30am. Lunch on own account at Beaumont..


Return to Dunedin. Lunch own account. The clubrooms will be open from 1.00pm for afternoon tea and to recover baggage.

Social Gatherings

Friday 4th Oct. at 8pm at VCC Otago Clubrooms Forbury Rd. Supper provided.

Saturday 5th Oct. The evening meal and prize giving will be at the destination. Alexandra Motor Camp . The evening meal will be a BBQ.


To be eligible for awards entrants must be on an eligible motorcycle and be a VCC member and follow the Saturday competitive route. No electronic navigation aids permitted.

Enquiries and contacts

Contact : Bill Veitch Ph.03 4891626 or 0272010565

Entry to: Rally Organiser P O Box 5015 Dunedin

Entry Fee is $ 100.00 per person. This includes all direct rally costs including plaque, Friday night supper, Saturday evening meal, accommodation, and Sunday Breakfast and back up.

Payment to be made to Bank Acct Westpac 03 0903 0390951 00

Please use “Dunvegan” as ref. and include your name elsewhere.

Out of respect to breakdowns and riders, we are unable to provide rides for non entrants.

Grasskhana will be held Saturday 9th November at Bentley Downs and is open to all VCC eligible vehicles including unregistered specials.

Here are some YouTube links from Trials events;

Kevin & Ruth Mercer

Kevin 0272009474

Ruth 0211597798

Club Captains Report – September 17th 2024

Just a brief report this month. We had an excellent turnout for the Opening Run. The weather was perfect for a drive in the country. Our venue was the new landfill site at Taiko. It was a great stop for lunch at the top of the hill with great views to the snow capped hills.

After lunch we had a quick briefing before heading down to the land fill site. There we were given a talk about the process they had been through with thousands of consents required and millions of dollars spent. The site will be used to break down toxic materials such as asbestos etc.

Then we had a trip home through Pleasant Point where many stopped for ice creams and toilets.

Thank you for a great run and day organised by Kevin. Mount Cook Rally entry forms have bee sent out but entries are slow coming in with only 14 received so far. Planning is well underway as far as our prize giving dinner etc. goes. We just hope for a rush of entries soon. We also have a deposit to make for the catering which I will sort out with Nola. Kevin and I are hoping

to have a meeting shortly to start working out the sealed route. Then once Gavin is home next weekend we will get together to do the unsealed route. Thanks. Michelle,, Kevin and Gavin.

Chairperson: Colin Hawke (Glenys) 6889955/ 027 4896663

Vice Chairperson: Vacant

Immediate past Chairman Alistair Day 027 2025007

Secretary: Pauline Young (Wayne) 6861833/ 027 5399225

Treasurer: Nola Day (Alistair) 027 2035007

Club Captains: Gavin and Michelle Munro Michelle 021 1726168 Gavin 021 0528264

Kevin Manchester (Ngadia) Kevin 027 5178769

News Letter Editor: Les Rzepecky (Helen) 021 1220011

Clubroom Convener: Sandy McMillan 027 6155150

Parts Shed Manager: Barry Smith (Lynette) 6847405

Librarian: Barry Barnes (Carla) 6885105

IT Officer: Shannon Stevenson 6863263/ 027 2453519

Committee: All of the above

Ross Hamilton (Wendy) 021 2407137

Identification and Certificate: Alistair Day, 027 2025007 Colin Hawke. 6889955/ 027 4896663

Swap Meet:


Site Convenor/ Secretary Michelle Munro (Gavin) 6864824/ 021 1726168

Treasurer: Nola Day (Alistair) 027 2035007

Ground Convenor: Barry Smith ( Lynette) 6847405

Committee: Gavin Munro (Michelle) 6864824/ 021 0528264 (Plus all above)

Krystal Munro 027 8567940 Glen Hawkins 027 2076625

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