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“For all Vehicles over 30 years old”





Replica Timaru’s First Car Built by C. W. Wood

NOGGIN AND NATTER First Thursday of the Month

September 2024

“Daffy” ( Tracey Barratt, Community Manager of Cancer Society) at Caroline Bay before cars set off on the Daffodil Rally on Sunday 25th August. More reports and photos in October Tricar

Greetings all - nearly the end of August and Spring is in the air!

A few happenings within our club since my last report. Our Quiz Night on August 1st was ably run by our Quiz-master Wayne YOUNG, with a good number of teams competing. Ashburton sent a couple of teams down determined to lift the trophy, but our own Temuka team consisting of Ross Parker, Grant Mehrtens, Alan Ferguson and Ross Hamilton prevailed - holding the silverware for another yearwell done!

Thanks to those who also assisted on the night. Our kitchen volunteers, Sandy in the bar, Don on raffles, Nola Day & Janet Campbell on collating the scoring. We all appreciate your help.

Also a 'shout out' this month to our Parts Manager, Barry SMITH for his sterling efforts in getting some lighting in the tractor shed - something that has long been needed and now done. Thanks Barry and to your Parts Dept Team for your continued good work.

Alistair and I attended VCCNZ Executive meeting & AGM over the weekend of 9-11 August, in Tauranga. Details and outcomes from those meetings we will share with you all in due course.

Kevin Mercer held a very successful inaugural 'Trials' event on Sunday 4th August at Bruce Washington's Bentley Downs farm at Rosewill - 'The Rosewill Trials'. I attended and was seconded as a 2nd driver for Bruce's Ford 10 paddock racer. A very well run and popular event, which will become an annual on our calendar on the first Saturday in August each year, with participants coming from around the South Island. (See my report on this elsewhere in the Tricar).

Kevin is also planning a 'Grasskhana' with Bruce's support on Saturday 9th November - and is suggesting that we call it and run it as: 'Bring a Kid along Day'. Maybe a great way to get adults and younger age group along together to see what we do and get them involved??!!

Planning is already underway for the National Motorcycle Rally to be held in our Branch in 2027. This event is going to be a major organisational & logistical exercise.

Alistair Day has looked at some venues and made some preliminary bookings, including catering. We are also currently approaching & seconding some people to assist with the various roles vital to running a National event. If approached, please assist where you possibly can, as more help will be needed as we progress!

Remember, September 5th Noggin night - James MEAGHER, our Rangitata MP is coming along to speak. An excellent young, local man, who I have asked to give us an update on specifically the 12 month WOF proposals for our vehicles, still in the pipeline. No doubt he will take some questions too.

Also, Sunday 8th September is our Opening Run, with Ashburton Branch coming south to join us. Kevin Manchester has already plotted an interesting course, on behalf of the Club Captain Team. Looking at a 9.15am assembly at the Club-rooms on the Sunday, with cars away around 10am. Then 15 September is the Continental Run with Kevin Mercer organising. Busy times ahead....Happy Motoring!

Regards to allColin HAWKE - Chair


With winter on us and the weather doing its thing, one could be forgiven for not wanting to venture out much, but that has not stopped our hardy Wednesday team turning out to carry on the good work.

Our visitors have been steady also, with many finding that elusive part. Last month I started to list some of the items we have, so here are a few more that may be of interest to someone.

Engines, complete;....Honda Accord 1.6 ltr. (248225kms.)

' ' Skoda 1200 Sport 1979 (1900 kms)

' ' Vauxhall EIP.

' ' Hillman Hunter

Block with Head;..... Oldsmobile

' ' EH Holden

Block only; ….......... Austin 12

' ' Chev. 1920

' ' Chev. 1952

' ' Vauxhall DX 3.8ltr.

Heads;.........................Chev. Blue flame x2

' Chev. '37-'39 x2

' Chev. '42-'48

' Stude.'26-'27

' Pontiac. '27-'31

' Ford Anglia 105E

I hope to have more identified parts next month, but in the meantime if you are in the vicinity on a Wednesday morning, come on down and have a browse. You just might spot that very thing you want....


Thursday September 5th 7.30 pm -

Clubrooms, Redruth St Timaru.

SPEAKER :- James Meagher - MPRangitata

KITCHEN DUTY :- Michelle Munro & Family

BAR :- Sandy McMillan

Bill Lapthorn

Welcome to New Members



Please meet at the north end of Morgans Road Stadium car park for a 1.30 p.m. start.

Bring your afternoon tea and a chair.

Organisers : Clive & Penny

3 Day Tour 22,23, 24 November 2024 ( Fri, Sat, Sun).

Day 1 Timaru to overnight at Balclutha by devious routes

Day 2 Balclutha to maybe Roxburgh or Alexandra. Hopefully cross the Tuapeka punt and visit Lawrence along the way.

Day 3 A biggie if all comes to plan.

Eyeing up a dry weather only road, and return to Timaru via plan A, B, or C. Still to sort.

Mixture of shingle and seal, or seal only is available.

Need expressions of interest to see if tour is viable please.

Contact Grant Stewart 027 378 6149 or Alistair Day 027 202 5007, email

I have a request from the current owner of the 1923 Buick model 55 sport touring that was previously owned by Russell Cross then Lou Pemberton, Does anyone have any photos of the car when Russell Cross was motoring it? Or can anyone tell me what the original colour was? Any other information on the car would be greatly appreciated. Please email Kevin Mercer,, thanks.

White Ribbon Day 2024

Saturday 23rd November - Caroline Bay

10.00am – 2.00pm

Contact Grant Stewart 027 3786149 or Michelle Thew 027 2348351

Magazine Articles

I’m always looking for articles, even short ones, for the Tricar, or a photo or two of an event that you have attended in your club eligible vehicle.

Les-Tricar editor

SCVCC Website Updates

To access other club newsletters go to scroll to News from our

Upcoming - More stories of various runs, online version of newsletter, information about upcoming events, members vehicles in gallery, Stories and photos from members are ENCOURAGED and can be sent through to

Calendar of Events 2024 /2025 for the South Canterbury Branch of the VCC

September 8th Opening Run ( South Canterbury hosting)

September 12th Midweek Run

September 15th Continental Run

October 26th,27th, 28th Mount Cook Run

November 1st, 2nd, 3rd Safari Weekend

November 17th Vintage, Veteran & Commercial Run

December 14th Club Christmas Party


January 1st New Years Day - Fairlie

January 19th Ladies Run

February 9th Chairmans Run

February 22nd Open Day

March 9th Mid Island Rally

March 23rd Motorcycle Run

April 4th, 5th Swap Meet

April 10th Midweek Run

May 8th Midweek Run

May 10th P Class Rally

May 25th End of Season Run

June 1st All British Day

June 5th AGM

Mid-week RunAugust 2024

Thursday run on 8th August we only had 6 cars as it was a very cold day. It was nice to see Wendy and Barry Crossman in their MK3 Zephyr. We went around the wharf area up the loop road and out to Washdyke's business area. You don’t realise how many businesses are there until you drive around, then onto Seadown passed Trounce's huge dairy shed onto main road over the Temuka Bridge and first left into Waitohi area then Pleasant Point through Hadlow and back into town finishing up at the Timaru Indoor Bowling Stadium on Ranui Avenue. It was lovely and warm as the heaters were all going. I think everybody was very impressed with the facilities. The President Colin Cooper gave a talk about the bowls. Anybody is welcome on a Friday afternoon at 1pm for a roll up. $5 including afternoon tea.

Kevin Manchester.
Inside view of Indoor Bowls Stadium on Ranui Avenue

Rego on hold.

Basically is unrestored but in very good condition. Runs very well. Still has original upholstery in very good condition. Has been repainted quite some time ago. Has original factory radio and overdrive. Offers around $19000.

Further info please contact Alistair on 027 202 5005

Sunday 4th August 2024 dawned fine and sunny = -6C, ahead of the inaugural running of a 'Trials' event in South Canterbury.

'The Rosewill Trials' were held at Bruce Washington's Bentley Downs farm property at Rosewill.

There are a number of vehicles eligible for these types of events - mostly purpose-built 'specials' capable of handling tricky, difficult, wet, undulating and at times very challenging terrain!

Vehicles came from across the South Island, including Dunedin, West Coast, Canterbury and South Canterbury. It's an all day event, with an early start for safety scrutineering, driver briefings and a mandatory cuppa - courtesy of our hosts, the Washington's.

In all,13 vehicles turned up including Austin 7 specials, Ford 10 paddock racers, and a variety of other makes and builds. 19 drivers competed, with varying levels of success over the 6 courses, which all provided interesting and different challenges for drivers to conquer.

SCVCC member Kevin MERCER organised this event, as he did last year's,'Grasskhana', also held at Bruce Washington's other property at Rosewill. Kevin has considerable experience in setting up these courses and did a tremendous job, including procuring sponsorship from at least 9 businesses supporting the prize-giving at the days' end. This was held in the Washington family social facility building in the farmyard, and what a way to end a great day! Our grateful thanks to Bruce & Family for their support in hosting the event and the social hour afterwards.

As SCVCC Chair, my intention was to attend this event briefly to check out what Trials were all about, but Kevin & Bruce cajoled me into co-driving the Washington's Ford 10 paddock racer. It was an interesting day, with spills and thrills, but no prizes! It's a very unique skill-set that's needed for this type of event - and the West Coasters in particular seemed to have mastered it. Some cool wee specials on show along with some practised and knowledgeable drivers.

A super day overall, and Kevin is planning a 'Grasskhana' event on Saturday 9 November - again being hosted by Bruce Washington at Rosewill. This event should be easier than the Trials - I went to the one held last year for a look. Different set-up and not as challenging. Kevin's plan is to make this event a 'Bring a Kid Day' - potentially an ideal opportunity and safe environment within which to bring some young folks into our club! Kids could be yours, neighbours, grand-kids, nieces/nephews - all welcome and let them see what we do??

Kevin is also considering setting up a Trials course on the day too. On behalf of us all Kevin, thanks for your efforts, we appreciate your work.

Rosewill Trials - Kevin Mercer

Cars at the start of event 4

Tayler Milne crosses the first creek

We want to thank the following sponsors for their kind donations.

Total Oils, Christchurch

Transport Wholesale Ltd, Timaru

Timaru Engineering Supplies

Tyre General, Washdyke

South Canterbury Toyota, Timaru

Timaru Honda

Repco, Timaru

Independent Engineering Supplies, Timaru

Morris Oils, Timaru

Barber Drill

Bentley Downs Farm

SC Chairman Colin Hawke, same creek
Tayler Milne with Dad Micheal, Austin 7 Scout
Donald White in a spot of bother


Greetings from London UK where we are preparing to head off to British Columbia on the next leg of our journey.

In our travels we visited the National Railway Museum in York which provides a spectacle of transport history going back to the first days of steam and covered the whole of the steam era. I was impressed with the high standard of presentation of many of the exhibits and it was interesting to note that for example the de luxe carriages that were displayed had all been coach painted in the old style and it is evident their restorers are very skilled with a paint brush as their work exhibited the unique glow of a coach painted job that no spray job can completely replicate. As to Club eligible road vehicles the motorways yielded very little though I recall glimpsing an Austin Healey similar to Chairman Colin’s motoring briskly with the other traffic. Around London there has been a dearth of vehicles though have seen a very nice Morris Minor Traveller in dark green tootling along a nearby road which also featured a parked Austin A35 in an original beige, also in nice, likely restored, condition. A fairly crusty early series Land Rover was spied in someone’s front yard showing no evidence of work having commenced and residing on flat tyres. Also saw a Herald 13/60 parked on the roadside looking very original but not evidently restored. There have been a few BMWs, Mercs and the like that may well date from the early 90s but that’s about it except for this modified Ford Escort Mk 2 convertible which I photographed especially for Shannon. Hopefully Canada will prove more fruitful.

Quiz Night.

There was a good turnout for the annual Quiz night on 1st of August at the Clubrooms.

Quiz Master was Wayne Young and scorers were Nola Day and ??Campbell There were 10 Teams in the competition including two from Ashburton. There were five rounds of eight questions.

Eventual winners were Team Temuka with 29 out of a possible 40 points. The trophy was presented by Club Chairman, Colin Hawke, to Ross Parker, representing the winning team.

ScorersNola Day and Janet Campbell

Participants getting ready

Quiz-master -Wayne Young Trophy presented to Ross Parker by Colin Hawke

North Otago Garage Raid.

Since all our members who went on this had trouble with their pens running out of ink, or their computer keyboard being faulty when trying to spell fire truck, here is a belated report. Brownie was my co pilot for the day, did a detour through Waimate for another rally coming up, then Oamaru to order pea, pie and pud.

First garage had an assortment, couple from the late 20’s, one from the 30’s and a later Yank Tank with the steering wheel on the correct side i.e. right hand side-ha ha, take that you purists. Next shed was what I considered the best-est for the day (yep, time to give spellcheck a workout). Sportscars left right and centre, including an Austin Healey the owner had just purchased from a North Island museum.

Its hard finding the perfect woman, as the ad says but the next guy we visited must have- multiple motorbikes in the lounge of their home!

Back to the Oamaru clubrooms for lunch, thanks team, yummy! After lunch the next place we called at was all closed up. Either we went to the wrong place or the owner was still eating his pie at the clubrooms. Believe there was Zed cars there.

Then out Beach Road way to see a shiny Landie and a Humber, also a large caravan that required a wee bit of finishing. Then another place, also Beach Rd, had a few flathead V8’s, about 1939-1940. He had just decided to have a clean-up the day before and was a late addition, also here, Brownie was pleased to see an early Jappa, an early Skyline. Back into town area, last on the list housed a Chev truck, possibly late 20’s, that also required a bit of finishing. Thanks North Otago, and I believe it is Waimate’s turn next year.

'Dunvegan 2024'

VCC Otago Annual Motorcycle Rally

Sat 5th & Sun 6th October 2024

The Rally is semi-competitive with a timed section, interesting roads and this year staying overnight at Alexandra Motor Camp. Follow- up and rally support vehicles will be available. Expect the Saturday run to cover about 200 km.



Assemble at Chinese Gardens car park.500 metres south of the Railway Station

Briefing at 9.15AM Bikes starting at one minute intervals at 9.30am. Lunch on own account at Beaumont..


Return to Dunedin. Lunch own account. The clubrooms will be open from 1.00pm for afternoon tea and to recover baggage.

Social Gatherings

Friday 4th Oct. at 8pm at VCC Otago Clubrooms Forbury Rd. Supper provided.

Saturday 5th Oct. The evening meal and prize giving will be at the destination. Alexandra Motor Camp . The evening meal will be a BBQ.


To be eligible for awards entrants must be on an eligible motorcycle and be a VCC member and follow the Saturday competitive route. No electronic navigation aids permitted.

Enquiries and contacts

Contact : Bill Veitch Ph.03 4891626 or 0272010565

Entry to: Rally Organiser P O Box 5015 Dunedin

Entry Fee is $ 100.00 per person. This includes all direct rally costs including plaque, Friday night supper, Saturday evening meal, accommodation, and Sunday Breakfast and back up.

Payment to be made to Bank Acct Westpac 03 0903 0390951 00

Please use “Dunvegan” as ref. and include your name elsewhere.

Out of respect to breakdowns and riders, we are unable to provide rides for non entrants.

Other Coming Events Elsewhere

(Check our Web Page for further details on Events listed below)

Ashburton Opening Day Run September 1st

Waimate Swap Meet September 7th

New Plymouth 47th Annual “Rubber Duckie” Motor Cycle Rally September 21st

Canterbury Motorcycle Trial day September 22nd

Cromwell/Clyde Blossom Rally September 28th

Dunedin Dunvegan Motorcycle Rally October 5th & 6th

Oamaru 7th National Commercial Rally 25th - 28th October

Manawatu 29th VCC National Motorcycle Rally 25th -27th January 2025

Wanaka Wheels at Wanaka April 18th-20th 2025

Office Bearers 2024-2025

Chairperson: Colin Hawke (Glenys) 6889955/ 027 4896663

Vice Chairperson: Vacant

Immediate past Chairman Alistair Day 027 2025007

Secretary: Pauline Young (Wayne) 6861833/ 027 5399225

Treasurer: Nola Day (Alistair) 027 2035007

Club Captains: Gavin and Michelle Munro Kevin Manchester (Ngadia) Michelle 021 1726168 Gavin 021 0528264

Kevin 027 5178769

News Letter Editor: Les Rzepecky (Helen) 021 1220011

Clubroom Convener: Sandy McMillan 027 6155150

Parts Shed Manager: Barry Smith (Lynette) 6847405

Librarian: Barry Barnes (Carla) 6885105

IT Officer: Shannon Stevenson 6863263/ 027 2453519

Committee: All of the above

Identification and Certificate: Alistair Day, John Lester, Colin Hawke. 027 2025007 6158135/ 021 1527758 6889955/ 027 4896663

Swap Meet:

Chairman: John Lester (Mary) 6158135/ 021 1527758

Site Convenor/ Secretary Michelle Munro (Gavin) 6864824/ 021 1726168

Treasurer: Nola Day (Alistair) 027 2035007

Ground Convenor: Barry Smith ( Lynette) 6847405

Committee: Gavin Munro (Michelle) 6864824/ 021 0528264 (Plus all above)

Krystal Munro 027 8567940 Glen Hawkins 027 2076625

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