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Destination for Ladies Run in January
“Kinnoull” Farm Homestead

Ladies Run – by Shannon Stevenson

On a warm late January's Sunday morning, over 15 vehicles materialised outside our clubrooms for our Annual Ladies Run, the oldest present a 1923 Tin Lizzie pickup.

With teas and coffees consumed indoors, and a variety of machinery outdoors it was soon mid-morning and time to hit the roads west of Timaru, most vehicles driven by the lady driver. With the run organised by Gavin and Michelle Munro, and Ashley Milliken having plotted the route, the run took us up into Fairview and down into Holme Station, and through the Pareora Gorge to Cannington – as it turned out the run had in fact taken us into three local governmental districts – Timaru, Waimate and Mackenzie.

Cave was reached before lunch time, a number of participants getting ample food supplies from the general store – complete with petrol pumps – and checking out the 'free outdoor' book library and stick library. After Cave it was up into the Taiko hills and down into the valley, the end venue "Kinnoull" farm homestead. Originally set up by the McKeown and Jamieson families, the blocks were sold several years back to Rooney's, with the homestead part sold to Jeff and Sarah Pierce, the owners of Sullivan and Spillane Electrical. The homestead's garden was one that stretched for miles, featuring a long winding driveway through old growth trees, and a lawn area beside a large pond and historic outbuildings, both easily able to swallow up our vehicles – fortunately only the lawn only was used for this purpose. Participants found the place without issue, though it was noted that the Day's Dodge had a 'driver's swap'. As it turned out the venue had been visited by our branch before, though this was many moons ago on a Mystery Ramble in the dim dark days of 2009. With picnics at the water's edge, and Barry and Carla Barnes 'dressed to the nines' for their dinner, a fair few of us soon found ourselves in awe of the garden, easily almost getting lost in the various picturesque areas. Jeff, Sarah and their daughters came over to us, and discussed the home, farm gardens and their history with us – the place booked for wedding purposes.

As it was, a fair few of us could easily have spent the afternoon there –thankyou to all who organised this run.

(Photo’s elsewhere in Magazine)




Thursday March 2nd

7.30 pm at Clubrooms, Redruth St Timaru.


KITCHEN DUTY :- Lex Westoby & Kevin Manchester

BAR :- Sandy McMillan

For Sale

On behalf of the family of the late Wally Divan

1954 Vauxhall Velox in largely original condition but has been repainted at some stage.

For further info contact Ashley Milliken 0274 358163


Calendar of Events for the South Canterbury Branch of the VCC for 2023

2023 Event

5th March Motor Bike Rally

12th March Mid Island Rally

1st April Swap Meet

13th April Mid-week Run

7th May PV Rally

11th May Mid-week run

28th May End of season run

1st June AGM

4th June All British

8th June Mid-week run

24th June Night Trial

12th August Garage Raid


Hello everyone, I trust your last month has been a happy and fun filled one for you

It doesn’t seem that long ago I was doing this for the last Tri-Car. My sincere thanks to all those who attended the Chairmans rally on the 19th. It was very pleasing to see people from England and Australia come along as invited guests. Thanks to one and all for making the effort.

We are starting our “busy Season” just now, with the Mid Island Rally followed by the SWAPMEET on the 1st April.

We are at a new venue and want as many hands on deck as we only have a 2 day window. The set up day is the 31st March with SWAPMEET DAY 1st APRIL. We need to be cleaned up the evening of 1st April so keep this is mind when packing up your sites. Swap Meet Chairman Colin Johnstone has a programme of events in this magazine, so please read it and contact one of the people he has written on his programme. It is our only fundraiser for the year, so many hands make light work. We appreciate your support.

A huge thankyou to Bernie Fairbrass for his donation of many things for our clubrooms.. Bernie now resides at the Elloughton Gardens Rest Home, and is always happy to see visitors.

I hope you continue to support your branch at upcoming events. Everything that is organised is for you, the members, so support from you would be truly appreciated.

Colin Hawke and myself will be attending the Executive meeting on your behalf on 3rd and 4th March. A report will follow in the next Tri-Car. Happy motoring. Alistair.

5 Chairman’s Report



Falvey Road (off SH1 and SH8)


Set up sites, Pegs and numbers Tape off Areas and Lanes

Put up Signage Put out Rubbish Bins

Site Holders - Gate opens 3.00pm (not before)

Gates Close 7.00pm SHARP


Site Holders gate open 7am

Public gate open 8am

Swap Meet Finish 4.00pm

Clean-up and Pack up begins 4PM

Empty Rubbish Bins, Pack up Container Debrief Meeting –5.30pm


Need people for set-up and laying out grounds, Gate Keepers, Site Marshalls, Parking Assistants, Clean-up and Pack up Personnel.

Grounds Convenor Barry Smith 03 684 7405 Gate Keepers and Parking Gavin Munro 03 686 4824 Site Sales Michelle Munro 027 284 6422 Chairman Colin Johnstone 03 693 9093
Contact :-

Visitors quite steady this month.

Donations keep coming in, with a large assortment of items collected from the garage of Warren Burt, including filters, gaskets for motorcycles, plus brake parts, more gaskets, wheel trims.

Our gratitude to these donors as these parts help us to maintain a diverse supply of items to display for sale.

For example we have sealed beam headlights, panel switches, brake hoses, fan belts, frost plugs, starter motors, generators and lots more to see at our Parts Shed at 19 Redruth St every Wednesday morning from 9 a.m. Til 12 noon.


Barry Smith

Deadline forApril Tri Car is 20th March


To access other club newsletters go to scroll to News from our Branches as hard copy newsletters are not mailed out now.

SCVCC Website - February 2023

- Swap Meet details updated

- Motorcycle Rally forms placed up

- Mid Island Rally forms placed up

- February newsletter placed up

Upcoming - More stories of various runs, online version of newsletter, information about upcoming events, members vehicles in gallery, Stories and photos from members are ENCOURAGED and can be sent through to

SCVCC Website Updates

Chairman’s Run 2023

The Chairman’s run took us north of Timaru, via Levels, Temuka, Clandeboye area, Orari and Geraldine, the end venue a campsite clearing at Peel Forest, alongside the Rangitata River. A number of members also visited the historic Peel Forest Church.

Ladies Run 2023
Ladies Run 2023
12 Chairman’s Run 2023

Updated fares for travel on Interislander Ferries 2023


Booking Reference: WH5465

The below rates are based on prices to date, inclusive of GST and subject to availability.

Off Peak Fares: Each Way

Adult $54.00

Children $29.00

Motorcycle $47.00

Car/Van/Trailer up to 5.5 metres $139.00

Each half metre over5.5 metres $24.00

Premium Plus Lounge $80.00 18yrs plus

Queen Charlotte Lounge (Kaitaki ONLY) $30.00 18yrs plus Off Peak Travel Dates

01 March – 05 April 23

12 April – 15 December 23

Peak Fares: Each Way

Adult $60.00

Children $29.00

Motorcycle $59.00

Car/Van/Trailer up to 5.5 metres $146.00

Each half metre over5.5 metres $25.00

Premium Plus Lounge $80.00 18yrs plus

Queen Charlotte Lounge (Kaitaki ONLY) $30.00 18yrs plus Peak Travel Dates

01-28 February 23

06-11 April 23

Booking conditions and instructions for members are:

• Each reservation must be made direct with Interislander online using the special link below–

• Book online at

• To access these rates members must insert the reference “WH5465”

• Payment is required at the time of booking.• Space is subject to availability at the time of the booking request.

• Refunds

Once paid for fares are 90% refundable if cancelled prior to check-in and non-refundable if cancelled after check-in.

• Members are required to present their current NZ Vintage Car Club

Membership credentials on check in or retail fares will be charged. Fares valid for travel 01 February through to 15 December 23


Other Coming Events Elsewhere

(Check our Web Page for further details on events listed below)

Otematata North Otago VCC Wee Wheelie Wander

Waimate Bushtown Steam Up

Wellington / Wairarapa / Wanganui

Vintage / Veteran Tour

5th March 2023

11th 12th March 2023

12th - 20th March 2023

Taupo Lake Taupo Country Roads Rally 10th - 12th March 2023

Greymouth 40th Annual West Coast Scenicland Rally

Wanaka Wheels at Wanaka

Oamaru Gerald Lynch-Blosse Motorcycle Rally

Taihape Highland Fling Rally

25th March 2023

7th - 9th April 2023

15th April 2023

21st - 23rd April 2023

Ashburton Ashburton Plains Rotary Car Rally 30th April


Office Bearers 2022-2023

Chairman: Alistair Day (Nola) 6886108

Vice Chairman: Colin Hawke (Glenys) 6889955

Immediate Past Chairman: Ashley Milliken (Evelyn)

Secretary: Pauline Young (Wayne) 6861833

Treasurer: Nola Day (Alistair)

Club Captains: Gavin and Michelle Munro

News Letter Editor: Les Rzepecky (Helen)

Clubroom Convener: Krystal Munro

Parts Manager: Barry Smith (Lynette)

Librarian: Barry Barnes (Carla)

IT Officer: Shannon Stevenson

Committee: All of the above and John Lester ( Mary )

Identification and Certificate: Alistair Day, John Lester, Colin Hawke.

Swap Meet:

Chairman: Colin Johnstone (Trish)

Secretary / Site

convenor: Michelle Munro (Gavin)

Treasurer: Nola Day (Alistair) 6886108

Ground Convenor Barry Smith ( Lynette)

Committee: Gavin Munro (Michelle)

Krystal Munro

Lex Westoby

Sandy McMillan

Alan Patrick

021122 0011
6158803 15

Mark Cunliffe

Mathew Jack

to ;-
New Members Welcome

2023 VCC National Motorcycle Rally Invercargill

I'm sitting here at the Burt Munro Rally Site, The rain is coming down with a slight southerly breeze but I have found a nice sheltered site so have time to write this. The South Canterbury participants at the National Rally were Russell Dale on his 1911 Abingdon King Dick, Veteran Class Margaret Dale on her 1924 AJS, Vintage Class Lex Westoby on a1936 Royal Enfield Model C, Post Vintage Class Neil Manchester on his 1962 Matchless 650, Post 60 vintage Class Barry & Carla Barnes with a 1979 GS850 Suzuki sidecar, Post 80 vintage or Combination Class. As a result we had someone in almost every category. We all travelled down on the Friday, because we all took part in the Southland rally which was held on the Saturday. 126 entrants in all VCC classes, a really great rally, and the back country roads with very little traffic, made riding enjoyable. I was lucky enough to get second in the motorcycle field tests, and Barry Barnes got third, so the South Canterbury members were off to a good start.

Sunday was the Field tests and public display for the National motorcycle rally contestants being 130 odd from all over NZ. I watched Margaret Dale compete and thought she did very well. Tests being guessing the distance a gate opens, Margret was bang on! The second test was a high speed slalom wiggle wobble. Bit of luck required there? And the third test was the old rope on a post with a weight in the middle, and complete a revolution keeping the weight off the ground, once again Margaret completed that OK. That meant I had big shoes to fill. What I didn't know was that the gate distance was adjusted by the gate keeper so I was about 6 inches out in the old money, Oh dear, Best go as fast as I can on the next test, Not to Bad, then test three, which I managed to complete OK, I just pulled really hard on the rope like a skier. We had made up a branch team consisting of Russell, Neil, Barry and myself to compete in the Inter Club Challenge and that was the next event. This consisted of a relay race. From two riders at one end of the grounds to two riders at the other end, passing a baton once the bike had stopped moving. In our first heat we got second so qualified for the final, and in the final we got off to a great start but the Southland branch pipped us to the flag. Second overall from 7 branches was still a good result. And then the rain started, so we made our way back to our accommodation to get ready for the evening meal and Quiz being held at the club rooms.

Monday was rally and time trial day starting once again from the club rooms, so with 130 bikes it was a busy place, with bikes starting at 45 sec intervals, on three routes. I tried to make things easy by picking 30mph as an average speed but with no speedo it was a bit of a lottery, as I think a lot of people chose that speed. With all three routes converging and leaving at different places you had to keep a good eye on your rally sheet. We all ended up at the Riverton Rugby grounds for lunch. There was a route to take you back to the start but most made there own way back.

Prize giving and dinner was at the Ascot Hotel, a grand affair. Russell Dale got second in the Veteran Field tests, I managed first in the Post Vintage Field tests, and got first overall in the same class. Also the South Canterbury branch got second in the Teams event so a great success for the Branch members. All of our bikes ran well although Barry was experiencing some problems with the running of his bike but I think it was more brain fade than bike problems, turn the kill switch on and push the choke in Barry.

I have stayed on down here to compete in the Burt Munro Challenge riding another club eligible bike my “1981 Waddon Rotax”. I will get to see most other events on my Yamaha SR500, we will see how we get on later in the week. From the Saddle.


Notes from the Library February 2023

Last month I reported reading “John Britten” by Tim Hanna, and am pleased to report that one reader was impressed enough by my comments to take the book out.

I also referred to the book “On the Road” which I have since finished and have to say it covered our motoring history in the latter part of the 20th century very well indeed. It disappointed me that a lot of the illustrations were taken from original publicity material and were American or English in origin with no specific link to New Zealand. I did the writer a disservice though in accusing him of labelling a 1922 Buick a 1916 model. That howler was actually in the other book mentioned Great Book of Automobiles and was actually not the only captioning error I spotted in a brief look at this tome. Its 630 pages do have an immense number of illustrations to be fair. As the Swap Meet rolls around I will be again seeking to offload duplicated Library material at bargain prices. These can all be purchased before hand or in the case of magazines, taken away free, for no charge, without having to pay anything!

Speaking of magazines I took a number of motorcycle magazines from the library down to Invercargill where the motorcyclists staying in the holiday home hired for the duration of The National Motorcycle Rally had the opportunity to peruse them instead of watching the goggle box in the few periods of spare time we had over a super weekend. They are a resource available to anyone anytime who might be doing the same sort of thing.


Short articles and/or photos of events attended by VCC members when taking their special Marque vehicles to events other than VCC events.


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