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Welcome to September, spring is officially here and daylight saving starts on the 29th September. I love those long summer evenings; it makes life so much more enjoyable. So fellow members, more time to enjoy cruising around in your vehicle or on your motorcycle.

The members who come along on a Thursday morning to play in the workshop and parts shed really seem to enjoy themselves. It could be the amazing morning tea that is organized by the Angel Café. There is always a great variety of sweet and savoury items, along with tea and coffee. Many thanks to all the helpers of the best café in Cambridge. It has been a great social time for members to catch up with the latest gossip.

Our projects are moving forward, the Studebaker, Mini, and Petrol Bowsers are all being worked on steadily by club members.

The parts shed also has a steady flow of lookers who keep the parts guys busy, also donations keep flooding in, so make sure you have regular looks for that elusive part you need.

Make sure you enter the ladies Motoring Meander. This year it is different! Ladies, if you do not want to drive you can be driven by either a Chauffer, Ladies Maid, or a Lady (cross dresser). This sounds like fun, so come along and enjoy yourselves. Guys do not forget the baking competition. Bake a cake, slice, muffins or whatever you feel like. If you do not bake there will not be any afternoon tea. On October 20th we are holding a luncheon to celebrate the recipients of the 25and 35-year awards, so come along and join in the celebrations, the cost is only $10 per person.

I would like to welcome all our new members to our club. We have great facilities, the workshop, parts shed, library and clubroom. Please come and use any or all of these facilities. Join in on the club nights and events. I hope to catch up with you all soon.

Keep smiling and keep left. Graham Pate.

Our brilliantly patronised new members club run on the 21st of July with our erstwhile Chairman holding court addressing the congregation.

$10 per car

A day was organized for new members to the club on Sunday 21st of July. I don't know who suggested it but whoever did, a good idea. We were asked to organise the supply of pizzas for those attending. When first suggested Bronya and I thought maybe three or four pizzas would do the job. How wrong we were. Forty plus gathered for lunch and the majority were new members. Even though we have been in the club for a few years now, with all the strange faces we felt like strangers in the gathering.

A short run had been organised for the new members to let them get “a feel” for rallying. Meanwhile the “catering company” called Domino's assembled the 16 large pizzas that had been ordered. We arrived back at the club with the pizzas and was greeted by a room full of chatter. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the social side of the day, which is what the club is really all about in my opinion. To me it is a social club with old cars as the common denominator.

Lunch created 16 empty pizza boxes real quick. Graham Pate introduced the committee members to all and then slowly went around the room introducing each individual to those in attendance followed by an outline of what the club can offer etc.

Keep in mind as a new member you have joined an organisation (VCC) that is constantly working to keep the freedom of motoring as we know it today. Yes, we have freedom when it comes to getting around the country in our old cars. Go overseas and talk to owners of old cars and you will find that restricted motoring is part of their lives. In Germany I gather you can only take your old car out once a month on a Sunday. In Australia I hear you can only motor your old car too and from a club rally. Here in good old NZ, you have no restrictions and this is partly due to the work the VCC does for you. With 8,000 members they have a say? Hope to see all you new members on the next rally?


If you would like to help and become Club Captain please ring Graham Pate.

Another month has past and the weather has been cold, foggy and wet with a little bit of sunshine.

Thank you to Brett and Kathryn for taking their 1928 Hudson out to Zealong on Saturday 28th July for the Cancer Society Vintage High Tea.

This was a late request on behalf of the Cancer Society for a Vintage Car to have photos taken. Great opportunity for Hudson Hire as well. Thanks again

August Venture page 14 advertises September 11th Club Night “Bring and Buy”. Bring along some items that will sit on half of a table. Remember what doesn’t sell you get to take home. This will be interesting and see what others may have you may like. Good Luck.

Ladies Motoring Meander 8th September this is going to be an interesting day. The flyer on page 15 in August Venture explains everything to you. Entry form was emailed to all members with email addresses on the 29th July.

It is fantastic to see new member applications wanting to belong to our Waikato VCC Branch. Sunday 21st July was awesome to see and meet new members and other members come along for a social get together.

Working Bee was another great turn out with members getting all the jobs completed. Thank you

Daffodil Day Cancer Society 25th August. Article and photos will be in the September Venture. All going well it will be a great success.

I am busy being the treasurer while Jillian and Bob are away having a great holiday. Looking forward to them returning October.


Below is a picture of the American built c.1919 BP Oil Brockway petrol powered truck which is now on display at the motorway services at Dairy Flat north of Auckland. It was previously on display at a Drury service station.

This truck was used by BP in the 1920's onward to carry and deliver oil products and was later fitted with a large tank like the one you can see on it today. Back in probably the 1970's the truck was restored and BP Oil used it in parades occasionally, getting it stored in member Richard Wymer's oil depot building in Ellis Street. Later, needing the space, Wymers moved it to their outside yard where the finish quickly deteriorated. It was at that time a flat woodenstrake deck truck on a choice of solid or pneumatic tyres.

Twenty years ago, when the club was looking at building a workshop, BP offered the club $25,000 to get the Brockway refurbished and then keep it garaged on the property, with them meeting all running costs. It was to be available for club use, or for BP parade use from time to time if desired.

The club chose not go ahead with the proposed workshop building, or accept the BP offer at that time, so the truck went down to the Manawatu, where it was quickly restored by Selwyn and John Calleson to the state you can see it today.


Thank you to our members who were able to come and help with the working bee on Thursday 25th July. So nice to see the flag pole washed, sanded and painted. Back boundary was cleared so ride on mower can mow the lawns up to the fence. Back/Side boundary corner cleared and all gardening waste removed. Gates have been installed so no one know can fall down the bank when placing branches etc into the gully. The side gate will be very useful on Daffodil day, council have given permission to use the paddock behind the Badminton hall to park cars and then people can walk through into the Club grounds. Padlock and chain are fitted for security.

Photos attached show all the different areas members were working. Lights are installed under the shade between the Library and Club rooms which will be very helpful when warmer evenings arrive and we have cars on display at club nights. Water blasting of the outside of club rooms had water coming in around the windows, great chance to clean windows and joinery. Made cleaning of the skirting boards a lot easier have water dripping down the walls.

Les was a bit concerned he would run out of jobs to do, not a problem though, all the jobs on the list were completed.

We are on target for the Daffodil Day Cancer Society Fundraiser 25th August. I know our families are coming along so lets see how many of our families can support this great cause. Remember all money raised goes to the Waikato Cancer Society.

May see you at club on Thursday morning.


Hi once again.

The last month has seen members participating in the working bee which was a great turnout.

Thanks must go out to Murray McKie for donating some items, especially a Renault fluorescent Light which hopefully we shall hang outside the workshop. Once installed we should be able to have it connected to power so as we can illuminate it on occasions. Now I’m on the lookout for a Ford or a Chev or a Holden or illuminated signs.

Stan Richardson has taken on the roll of sorting out the nuts and bolts, which I know will be a time consuming affair, so thanks Stan.

Again the hoist has been consistently in use which is good to see.

Looks like the mini is close to being on the road which shall free up the hoist should any vehicle require more than a day on repairs or servicing.

After receiving expressions of interest the following members have been accepted onto the Workshop Sub Committee by the Branch Committee and they are as follows:-

Jeremy Brook (021 152 0922)

Bryan Cossey (027 410 7772)

Graham Holmes (027 627 7341) Hoist Bookings

Stan Richardson (027 233 4461)

Thursday opening hours are from 9.30am to at least 2pm - 2.30pm or weekends by arrangement. Everyone’s welcome and I’m sure we can find something for you to do so boredom doesn’t set in while waiting for the cuppa. Just wear suitable footwear.

Also don’t forget when you are having a clean out, I’m still looking for any memorabilia, flags, signs, placards, vehicle posters and now illuminated signs etc.


The top irons and bows are now fitted and folding correctly with the canvas top held in tension. Next is to fabricate the rests for the irons when the top is down and access to the rear compartment is needed to accomplish this. The mounting of the spare tyre carrier on the rear of the chassis has been started along with the making of the petrol tank cover.

The petrol pump project has seen the pump to be restored dismantled and the necessary parts from the second pump removed. Some of the parts have been repaired and the base mounting frame is being prepared for painting.


There was no VCC motorcycle activity last month.

JoAnn and I did ride our bikes and dodged the rain to meet with the Waikato Classic Club near Hamilton airport to visit a car restoration business, Body Mods, which was well worth it.

The next organised ride will be Saturday October 5th. October is usually the South Waikato Run and we are looking at this again. A café stop and lunch at the Tokoroa RSA and a visit somewhere. And of course, South Waikato roads.

Steve Walter


We hope that you will enjoy the club and it’s many activities If you have any queries either big or small please do not hesitate to contact any member of the committee and they will be more than willing to assist you in any way possible.

Derek Morgan: Austin 1931 Box Saloon restoration, Morgan 1937 Flat Rad Restoration, Austin 1951 London Taxi FX registration Taxi51, Jaguar 1972 Saloon XJ 6 S.1

Janice Evans-McLeod

Megan Parker: parents belong to Waikato club

Once again, welcome to the club. We hope to see you at the club night on the second Wednesday of each month.

Events Ahead Home

Workshop open every Thursday at 9.30am

Sun 8 Ladies Rally

Wed 11 Club Night

Wed 18 Wednesday Wander

Sat 5 Motorcycle Run

Wed 9 Club Night

Wed 16 Wednesday Wander

Sun 20 Luncheon presentation of 25 and 35 year award badges

Sat 9 Veteran + 2 wheel brake Rally

Wed 13 Club Night


Wed 20 Wednesday Wander

Sat 21 Taranaki Rubber Duckie MC Rally Entries close 13th Sept

National Commercial Rally Oamaru Entries close 27 th September 2024 Sept

Fri-Mon 25-28


25 and 35 year continuous membership Luncheon Sunday 20th October 11.30am

Lunch served 12.30pm with cuppa

Light lunch $10 per person to be paid before 16th October for catering numbers. WVVCC bank account 03 1568

03 reference lunch and your name


Wednesday 11th September

(See ad on page 14 in this issue!)

Wednesday 9th October


I attended the Executive Meeting last month as your branch delegate and Alan Sharp attended as an observer.

The branch manuals are being updated electronically.

All of the membership changes were approved.

The 2024/2025 budget was approved. A lot of branches’ financial reports are not up to standard and need to be addressed.

Next year the AGM is in Invercargill. No nominations were put forward for the 2026 AGM in the North Island.

The main objective of this Executive meeting was to move forward with the revised Management Structure and the DRAFT version of the new constitution. There was some robust discussion from the floor which was handled extremely well by Chairman George Gear. The motion to move forward with a new constitution was carried 34-1.

A list of issues regarding the Management Structure was tabled and each one was voted on as follows:

All these issues were passed. So now we can move forward.

Chairman George handed out a constitution template for branches to study and use if required. He also handed out a revised National Constitution and Bylaws, this is highlighted in different colours to show what has been removed and added. Branches are required to study these documents and report back to National Office by October with comments and thoughts. It was good to see the Executive meeting come to a resolution on this matter.


The success of our Club's Thursday morning tea with Library, Parts Shed and Workshop open must be so pleasing for all members to see.

Projects for the Workshop have so much going for them. Graham Holmes has donated a Ford AA chassis, running gear and engine. This will be an ideal project with mechanical, woodwork, electrical and painting to be done. It is envisaged that sponsors will be sought to get the truck up and running, so when sold it will contribute to Club funds.

Five Thursday morning cuppa folk have indicated they would be interested in helping with parts of the build, but because of the diversity of the work, there is potential for more to help. Please contact Graham 07-8277341 or Terry 0272726319 if interested in any part of the project. As well as helpers, any donations of parts and/or timber would be so welcome. The chassis is short of a radiator surround, bonnet, front guards and firewall scuttle. Even if someone knows someone who would be able to help with these, please contact me.

Open one hour before club nights

Now open Thursday mornings 10am—12pm

Lots of parts including:

wiper blades steering columns

lights gauges generators carburetors

light bulbs wheel rims

gaskets bumpers

armatures alternators

axles distributor caps

Recent additions:

Standard Flying 12 1938-48

Wolseley 6 Payen 1A239

Reo 6 truck 3 5/8 bore

Vauxhall 6 1949 Payen 1A240

Vauxhall 6 14? Payen 1529

Graham 74,80,85 1935-37

Wolseley 10 hp 1938-48 Payen 269

Lanchester 11 1936-40

Hillman 4 1950- Payen 274

Parts Shed Committee

Alan Sharp

Les King

Copper Head gaskets $15 per cylinder bore

Nash 6 1938-39

Pontiac 8 1933-38

Oldsmobile 8 1934-35

Plymouth U 1929-30

Hillman 4 1935 Payen 1698

Hillman 4 1936-49 Payen 1863

Hillman 4 1946-49 Payen 1A91

Hupmobile 6 1932-33

021 02553853

021 1909506

Clive Plumtree 07 8275973

Terry Pidduck

027 2726319

Graham Holmes 027 6277341

Robert Johnson

027 4839825


These are available to view and buy at Club Nights


Personalized number plate for sale - CHVY47- $1200.00

Contact Heather Boswell, 021 684 938,

1967 VW Beetle. 1,200cc. 12 volt. Australian built. Colour bright blue. 52,168 miles although uncertain of exact mileage. WOF and registered. Reliable and drives extremely well. There are a few small bubbles of surface rust. $16,000 ono.

Call Trina 021987949 or email

Ford T Pickup Roadster engine, needs rebuilding plus ????? Paid $10K for it.. Would be happy with $5K, but any deal welcomed. Also have no further use for a Campermatic Trailer.

Terry - 027-2726319

1925 CHEVROLET TOURER Restoration well advanced hard work done car assembled driveable woodwork renewed 12 volt with alternator motor reconditioned bodywork and chassis very sound

Many spares five brand new tyres original hood complete with bows some upholstery another complete chassis with good motor contact Colin 021976726

The information in this newsletter and on the club’s web site, is supplied as a service to club members. Articles and other copy of interest are always welcome and encouraged. The opinions expressed in this newsletter and on the club’s website are those of the author alone. Neither the club nor any of its officers accepts responsibility for the accuracy of any statements or opinions.


We are getting non members ask about putting an advert in the For Sale or Wanted section of the Venture. After a discussion with the committee it has been decided that an advert from a non Waikato VCC member will incur a $15.00 charge. This will cover a three (3) month insertion. After the three (3) months it will be automatically withdrawn.

Veteran & Vintage Car Club (Waikato) Inc.

Branch Officers 2023/2024

CHAIRMAN Graham Pate



SECRETARY Heather Boswell

TREASURER Jillian Hayton

021 2801586

021 1909506

021 684938

07 856 7238 027 4230608

VENTURE EDITOR Aaron Kearney 021 1472827




021 1909506

Heather Boswell 021 684938

LIBRARIAN Sue King 021 449686


Dave Nordell

Jeremy Brook

021 502390

07 824 1641 021 1520922 Erin Wilson

027 8718682 Bryan Cossey


07 827 7710 027 4107772

021 02553853

VIC Co-Ordinator Cars Dave Nordell 021 502390

VIC Co-Ordinator M/Cycles Peter Spiller 07 823 0944 027 4913387 VALUATIONS Paul Clark 021 324911


Kathryn Parsons 07 855 6774 022 0246820






* Committee Positions

027 4362875

Heather Boswell 021 684938

Heather Boswell 021 684938

Steve Walter 07 827 8484 0274 920095

Paul Clark 021 324911


PO Box 924, Hamilton, 3240 MacLean St, Cambridge

Club Night

2nd Wednesday of month at 7.30pm

Library and Parts Shed Hours 2nd Wednesday of month from 6.30pm over Summer, 7.00pm over Winter.

Workshop Hours Every Thursday 9.30am - 2pm


Email addresses: Chairman:



CLOSING DATE FOR VENTURE COPY: 20th of each month Contributions should be emailed to Editor -

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