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NewsletteroftheVeteran&VintageCarClub(Waikato)Inc. April 2023 Vol 60 2c Brooklyn Rd Claudelands Hamilton (07) 855 2400 Monday to Friday 7.30am to 5pm No Appointments Manager Joe Bruntlett VCC Member All makes and models From 1898 to New Waikato BranchVenture
2 TYRE TRADERS 24 Commerce St. Cambridge For ALL your tyre needs Phone 07 827 3875


I recently attended the National Executive meeting, representing Waikato. It was a good meeting with very little controversy. I have reported on this as a brief overview in a separate note in this magazine.

The Ladies Rally was held on Sunday with only 9 cars taking part. It seems an awful lot of work for poor attendance. In spite of this a great day was had by all who participated.

I would like to see a great Waikato turn out for the Mooloo Meander (motor cycle rally) and our Double Fifty on the 10th June. These events are well supported by nearby Branches but not as well by our own Waikato members. Hopefully we can turn this around in 2023. So, when the entry forms come out, fill it in and prepare your ride for a great day.

Our Parts Shed boys continue to gain stocks of donated parts and accessories. Our parts shed has long been the first stop for our members and other Clubs who visit. Thanks guys, for your dedication to the Parts Shed.

Our recent Club night focused on a probably little known topic of Archives. Thanks Kathryn for taking us through what you do in preserving our history. Most of the members present learned a thing or two as Kathryn took us on a bit of nostalgia cruise. I for one, wondered what was housed in the large grey draw cabinets in the Library.

In recent weeks your Committee has been working on the new Events Calendar for the year August 2023-July 2024. This will contain some changes as a result of feedback sought and given. Our focus has been on keeping it simple for all Members to participate. So as I have already said, MAKE IT HAPPEN. See you all at an event in the near future.

Till next time, be safe and keep left. Bozy

3 CONTENTS Chairman’s Report 3 Studebaker Project 4 Secretary’s Report 5 Roy’s Machinations 6 Motorcycle Report 9 Calendar Update 10 Events Page 12 Club Nights 14 VCC Exec Report 15 Out and About 16 Venturers Report 17 Ladies Rally 18 Parts Shed 20 Workshop Report 20 For Sale 21 Ladies Rally Winners - Elle, Maddi and Gaynor looking resplendent in Yellow!!
Cover Picture

Editor’s Snippet

My navigator Pat and I had a great time on the Ladies Rally - who knew there were so many streets with ladies names? Thanks to Kathryn and Lesley for all their hard work.

Looking forward to hosting some out-of-town friends for the upcoming Mooloo Meander - my bike has a new WOF, is cleaned and ready to go!

If you have been away on a motoring adventure, or have a special car that you would like to share with the members - an article is always appreciated.


Various interruptions have prevented very much progress since the last report and this is likely to remain the case for a week or two still. A range of essential parts required for further progress are out for upgrade or renovation, which is also holding up further progress in the workshop. These include the cone clutch which is out for re-lining with a more suitable material, front wheels away for new grease seals, cam gear for soda-blast cleaning, the right front mudguard for re-shaping and the magneto for alteration. Piping to the vacuum tank still has to be extended – thanks to Cos for loan of a suitable copper pipe bending tool for this job. Securing of rear mudguards by bolting rather than the current woodscrews is underway, whilst fitting the boot lock and handle is the next task awaiting the return of Graham to the ‘shop, now that the boot lid has been removed for better access. Location of suitable hood supports should also be tackled this month. Lots of interesting jobs remain, so if you are keen to join in with this club project in any capacity, get in contact with Alan Sharp or Bob Hayton by email to or respectively (alternatively, by phone at 02102553853 or 0274230610) to have your name added to the contact list, together with any special skills you may be able to contribute. Work sessions are currently on the workshop open days on Thursdays, from 9.30am onward and morning tea is always put on, so no excuse really for not becoming involved to help, learn or socialise.


Hello to everyone. I think summer is here finally. Articles in the Venture cover club activities and events where we have been asked to participate, a great chance to promote the Vintage Car Club.

I understand that the sun was shining for the Wednesday Wander up to Fred Rix’s in Huntly and all who attended were very impressed by his collection and had a great day out.

The North Shore branch is looking at coming to visit the Waikato Branch club rooms, Workshop and Parts Shed in May.

Double Fifty organisation is well under way and you would have received a copy of the flyer by email.

Moving forward - to reduce the number of emails I will only send out Vintage Car events, any others I will only print them off and put on the notice board in the Club rooms.

March club night was interesting learning about the archive’s of the branch held in the Library. We have interesting Club nights coming up in April and May.

Our AGM is fast approaching, with nomination forms to be included in the May Venture Magazine. All positions will be able to be nominated. Please give this some thought and put your hand up to help with your club in all areas. We are all willing to help you with any of the positions.


We hope that you will enjoy the club and it’s many activities

If you have any queries either big or small please do not hesitate to contact any member of the committee and they will be more than willing to assist you in any way possible.

Andre Simpson - 1956 Vauxhall, 76 Triumph Tiger & 52 Royal Enfield M/Cycles

Timothy Norman

Peter Fulton - transferred back to us from down South

Once again, welcome to the club. We hope to see you at the club night on the second Wednesday of each Month.


Note from Roy: Have been having flashbacks regarding early days of WVVCC so have put some memories together



Apparently, a notice of interest for forming an Old Car Club had appeared in the Hamilton paper, the Waikato Times. As an enthusiastic group attended it was decided to call a formation meeting the following month. Waikato VVCC had been conceived.

Around the corner came Roy in his Model A, the country boy, who had come to town 5 years earlier, now aged 15. He had left Hamilton Tech. College, sold his bike, bought a 1930 Ford tourer using his paper run money and paid 70 Pounds ($140) for the vehicle. Full time work, a 5 year electrical apprenticeship, began. His weekly pay, cash in a brown envelope, was 4 pounds, 2 shillings and 6 pence: that’s $8.25 cents in today’s money. Life was good, money for nothing, chicks for free as they say.


The second meeting resulted in a committee being formed, with rules written up and membership fees set. Waikato VVCC was born.


Roy turned 16. The Model A ran well, except it would sometimes pause on a hot day, then start up again. Roy drove to Ernie Brown’s place in Fox Street. Ernie was an adult acquaintance twice Roy’s age. He drove Midget racing cars at Forest Lake Stadium. Ernie was Roy’s hero. As Roy pulled into Ernie’s driveway, he came sliding round the corner in his midget car, track testing on the Hamilton metal street. I told him about the Model A. He cleared the vent blockage in the petrol cap, no more stopping. A guy turned up to visit, Ernie looked at me and said, “Here’s Garth, an old mate, he and I, and a few other guys have just started an old car club group called Waikato Vintage Car Club”. I wondered what a vintage car was. My stepfather later said it was like an old vintage wine, something well matured. I wondered what he had been drinking. Ernie said they were having a club run next Sunday, and I should bring my Model A along. I must have looked a bit sceptical. Ernie looked at me and said, “There will be a few sheilas there.” So I went. That’s when I saw her. My wife for life. My destiny was in front of me.


The next club run went to Rotorua, to visit Gilltraps Museum. Ernie suggested I should go along to meetings. I wondered what they did at meetings. He said they talked about vintage cars, club activity etc. So I went to the next meeting at Centreway Tearooms, in Garden Place, Hamilton. Ernie was President, Garth was Club Captain. I wondered what they were talking about when somebody said there was a motion on the floor and they should talk about that and not get side tracked with anything else. I wondered who would clean it up.




Ernie asked if I would like to join the Waikato VVCC. I hadn’t really thought about that but said I would. A gymkhana was held at Claudelands Showgrounds Hamilton East; they were quite popular in the early years.


I filled the membership form in [still have copy], paid the fee, one pound one shilling (a quarter of my week s wages). After the mandatory 2 months good behaviour, good character report!!?, by August 20 , I was officially a full blown member of Waikato VVCC.


The club attended the parade in Huntly for the opening of the new Tainui Bridge. There was a dance that Saturday night and a few of us attended. Later in Feb / March some of us went to Auckland and drove in the parade down Queen St and over the new Auckland Harbour Bridge to celebrate the opening.

Meanwhile, back in Hamilton, Mooloo parades were running on some Saturday mornings between Knox St and London St. These were to attract spectators to Rugby Park. They continued over winter for some years.

The club’s first “Annual Rally” was held at Morrinsville in April, during Easter. There were about 38 entries. [Double Fifty was 10 years away.]

Later in Nov, the Labour government won the election and raised the price of petrol from one shilling a gallon, to two shillings. [One shilling is ten cents.] We were gutted. How will we afford to go on rallies!?


This was the big one: Waikato VCC was on the map. The annual rally was at Morrinsville again, but this time it was a National rally for NZVCC, run by Waikato Vintage Car Club, which was an independent club at the time. Entrants rallied there from all over NZ. 108 of them and 4,000 public spectators looked on. The car park was full of PV cars, their everyday transport. The Waikato locals flocked to Morrinsville to see the vintage cars parading around the Gymkhana arena doing tricky manoeuvres. John Bayly showed them how it was done driving his 1929 Franklin [Air cooled] Cabriolet. Colin Dray had driven his 1924 Oakland all the way from Wellington. Barry Grant was there in his 1930 Cadillac V 16 Service car.

“ TEAM BLACK SHEEP” Bill, Pete, Roy, Sue Taupo Noggin Natter. Spa Hotel car park. circa



There was talk of clubrooms, but that’s all there was, talk. Waikato club at that time had no money or much enthusiasm to acquire clubrooms. There was also talk of joining NZVCC and becoming the Waikato branch. The Annual rally was held at Morrinsville again, but much smaller with entries back to around 40. Roy was awarded youngest owner driver trophy, 17 years young. He still has it. Roy somehow ended up on committee that year and it took over 20 years to get off. What!!!!

The Matamata trio Bruce, John and Alan “came over” to Waikato club from BOP after they saw how well Waikato was going. Committee meetings were held in members’ houses which could mean travelling to Matamata, Huntly, Te Awamutu, or Morrinsville, sitting through a long meeting with some members talking about everything except club business. After supper and checking out the shed projects, we sometimes arrived home after midnight, falling into bed, having to get up early enough next morning to start work by 7 am. Happy Daze.


A group of 6 drove down to Wellington with Joe Marsden in his ‘59 Hillman Gazelle, and Les Death with wife Liddy in their 54 Armstrong Siddely to meet NZVCC to talk about becoming the Waikato Branch. We all had to stand up and say something at the NZVCC AGM held at Southwards tube factory. Andy Anderson the NZ president, summed up afterwards and said, “Umm! Umm! Yes well, we will talk about this at the executive meeting tomorrow morning. [Sound familiar?]

Garth Hughes the club’s first Club Captain died suddenly during this year. This was the first club funeral, with standing room only, on the footpath outside the Hood Street Funeral Parlour. Ernie took over as Club Captain. The juggernaut rumbled on. Every month there was a run to some event, with meetings the second Wednesday of the month. By now, they were being held at Woodstock School hall, Fairfield, Hamilton. More talk about clubrooms. We met there for 17 years until 1979, when clubrooms were built in Cambridge. Annual rallies were held in different towns over a two day weekend, Huntly, Pukekohe, Thames, Tokoroa, Matamata, Cambridge or Hamilton. Entrants usually stayed overnight in hotels. Winter dances were held in the Avalon Drive hall, tramp suppers, shipwreck dances etc. They were noisy affairs until little Morrie picked a fight with big Morrie, and was sent sprawling across the dance floor on his back out into the foyer. The silence was deafening! No more winter dances after that.


To be continued next Venture

Disclaimer. This is not intended to be an accurate history of Waikato VCC



How lucky we were in the Waikato and Cambridge regards the storm. We had a number of mature trees that came down in Lamb Street in Leamington, which was a great shame.

Our friends in Havelock North were ok and didn’t get flooded but they had to go to Taradale to collect a relative whose power was off. When they turned round to go home the road/bridge they needed to go back on was closed and they were forced to go home via Palmerston North, which took them 11 hours!

Sorry I didn’t get round to arranging a run this month. Organising the Mooloo seemed to have taken over. The problem is that the Maadi Cup Rower event is on the same weekend as our rally, meaning that there is no accommodation available in Cambridge for out of town people.

Possibly by the time you get this Venture, entries will have closed, but we could take a late one if you are quick. We are all hoping for a fine weekend.

Safe riding, Peter

31st Mar/1st April 2023

Polish up your bikes, grab your gear and get your entries in for this year’s Mooloo Meander .

Friday night get-together is at a new venue.

Sat 01 April - Rally Briefing 9.30 am

First bike away 10.00am

Entries in this Venture and available on the website: .


Future Calendar Update

Over the past couple of months your committee has been looking at how we can improve the club calendar to provide an environment where all members feel welcome to join in.

We have had a serious look at the declining participation over most of the events that we have been running in the past couple of years, and, along with feedback from members we have decided that going forward the following changes will be made.

Calendar Events/Annual Events

• Veteran, Vintage and the Post Vintage classes will combine into one annual rally with the idea of two separate routes - one for the Veteran Class and the other for the Vintage and PV classes. Start/finish and lunch will be at the same venue.

• The Double 50 which has been in June will be moved to March (the Birthday of the Branch, so possibly new format and new name) – with the hope that warmer weather and more pleasant motoring conditions will encourage more members to bring out their vehicles.

• The PW, P60 & P80 (Post War Rally) will take the place of the previous PV Rally. As these three classes are much more similar in performance a more motorable rally can be provided for these cars/drivers.

The Mooloo Meander Motorcycle Rally will remain as is. The National VCC (Daffodil Day) event will continue as planned for every August. The Annual Swapmeet combined with the Vintage Tractor Club will continue as planned in November.

If participation continues to decline, then it is possible that some of the above rallies will not continue in their present form.


The trial of having three sections has not been as successful as intended so going forward these will be discontinued, with emphasis now to be placed on club runs.

Club Runs

To provide consistency for members, all club runs will be held on the 3rd Sunday of the month, except there will be no runs in the month where a calendar/annual event is planned. This will result in between 6-8 runs per year that will be suitable for all our members to attend.

Wednesday Wander/Motorcycle Runs - These will continue as before.


This has been parked for now, the demands from council for organising these events on public roads is becoming too onerous. If members are still keen to have such an event then we are open to alternate viable off-road options. This event typically takes a lot of manpower to stage and the support from our own members as entrants has been lacking. An alternative event may encourage/attract more participation.


Sat 01 Mooloo Meander Motorcycle Rally

Thu 06 Workshop & Working Bee - Open from 9.30am (Morn. Tea) - see P13

Wed 12 Clubnight - see P14

Thu 13 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Sun 16 Venturer’s Group Run (note date change)

Wed 19 Wednesday Wander

Thu 20 & 27 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Thu 04 Workshop Open 9.30am (Morn. Tea)

Sun 07 Roadrunners Group Run

Wed 10 Club Night - see Page 14

Thu 11 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Wed 17 Wednesday Wander

Sun 21 Motorcycle Run

Thu 18 & 25 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Sun 28 50-50 Training Run - see P16

Thu 8 Workshop Open 9.30am (Morn. Tea)

Sat 10 Double 50 Rally - see P11

Wed 14 Waikato VCC AGM

Thur 15 & 22 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Wed 21 Wednesday Wander

Sun 25 Club Run

Thu 29 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Ahead Home
April May June

Events Ahead Away

Fri-Sun 7-9 Wheels at Wanaka

Sat 15 Paeroa Rotary V8, Motorcycle, Car show, Swap meet

Fri-Sun 21-23 Highland Fling

Sun 30 Auckland Vintage Muster

Sun 7 Manawatu Branch Post Era’s Rally

Sat 20 Northland VCC Motorcycle Rally


Thursday 06 April - 9.30am

We still have a bit of tidying up to do so if you can spare us the time we can put you to good use and of course there will be Heather’s epic morning tea!!


Can you help out?

Don Wise and his friends are helping to organise a load of hay bales to go down to the cyclone affected regions in the Hawkes Bay to provide feed for the winter months.

If you are in the Cambridge area and have any spare conventional bales - it could be one or 20, give Don a call on 07-8704115

April May


Wednesday 12 April - Starting 7.30pm

April’s club night is not to be missed!

Your hosts will be bringing some light nibbles and entertaining you at one of their game stations! Bring your beverage of choice (tea and coffee supplied). This will be a fun interactive evening to have a nibble, have a chat and a bit of fun at our game stations. Games supplied; however, you are also welcome to bring your favourite games

Wednesday 10 May - Starting 7.30pm

Andy McGrath renowned propagator of all manner of summer fruit trees will come and regale us with his experiences. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the NZ fruit tree industry. His passion for plants combined with the need for high quality fruit trees and variety improvement in New Zealand led to the creation of his first nursery on 1 ha of leased ground in the Waikato District back in 1980 and he has not looked back. We can guarantee that you will be entranced with what he has to share.


VCC Executive Meeting

I attended the National Executive meeting March 4-5th 2023 held in Christchurch. Outlined below are some of the relevant discussions and outcomes.

 National Day - a vote was held and it was passed that our association will continue with the Cancer Society for 3 years.

 Long Service Awards- to continue largely unchanged where National Office will send out badges and President or nominated suitable national representative would present 50 year awards.

 New Constitution - this will be worked on and put to the AGM in August.

 Strategic Plan – an open Workshop was held where all views were collected for future planning.

 Presentation by Tony Johnson, CEO LVVTA (Low Volume Vehicle) – this was a great presentation where Tony gave us an update on progress with Govt on their work. Tony comes from a Hotrod background having built his first car at 14 years of age. He is definitely the right person for the job with a very vast back ground in car repair work.

 Presentation by Garry Jackson from the NZ Federation of Motoring who addressed us on their survey aimed at collecting information regarding the true size and value of the sector of Historic & Classic restoration and maintenance of the above vehicles.

 National Office gave a roundup of present and upcoming additions to their computer system.

 Progress continues to be made with LTSA regarding 12 month WOF for our vehicles.

This was a good opportunity to talk with other Branch Representatives about all things pertaining to the efficient running of our Club.

Graham A plea from your Secretary Heather

If you buy, sell or change a vehicle please let me know for the Waikato Club Register. When I get asked if any one has a particular make, model and year of vehicle I can search and find it. Unless I know, I am unable to keep it updated. Let me know if you no longer have a land line, changed your physical address, have a mobile or changed email address - please this is important for the branch membership and also VCCNZ

I had a recent member who let National know but unfortunately they and our member didn’t let me know, so all emails and phone calls were being returned. I ended up visiting him, so now he is getting all club information.


Out and about

Waikato Branch was contacted 1st March to see if we could bring along a car or two to the Cancer Society Relay for Life on Saturday 11th March. We thought this would be a great chance to promote the Vintage Car Club by showcasing the eligible years via a mixture of different vehicles. We were asked to lead the cancer survivors around the 400m track so our procession of a 1924 Model T, 1939 Chev, 1968 Mini and 1993 Mazda provided a great spectacle as they motored around the track. There were a lot of companies, schools and clubs taking part in the actual Relay for Life - all for a very worthy cause.

Attention New Members

Wondering how to interpret our Rally Rules?

Greg and Gaynor are going to put on a training run on Sunday 28 May so that it will be all fresh in your mind for the 50-50 in June.

Come along to the clubrooms at 12.30pm with your lunch where you will be taken through the rules and then have a chance to put it all into practise with a short run.

You’ll learn about straight-line navigation, straight ahead rules and things to look out for on rallies.

There will be some experienced members who can go with you in your car to help you out.


Venturers Report - December

Catering for the requirements of vehicles produced in the early days of motoring, and their enthusiasts

Our Waikato Branch annual Vintage Rally was unfortunately cancelled by the organisers due to lack of sufficient entries to make it viable. We encourage all veteran and vintage vehicle enthusiasts to support appropriate branch events organised for their involvement, otherwise they will become a thing of the past.

The next opportunity for a suitable ‘early eras’ run with the club is Sunday 16th April. The planned venue is the Manawaru Heritage Centre which is located just behind Café 77 in the old Manawaru Dairy factory. We will be starting again this time from Zenders Café in Hopkins Road, Ruakura which has plenty of parking, proximity to Hamilton or motorway exits and most importantly, good coffee!! Leaving with good route instructions at 10.00am, but come along earlier to enjoy their coffee, brunch and/or the company of fellow members. Petrol is available on route if required, possibly card only. The run will be of modest distance, on fully sealed roads and suitable for all vintage or capable veteran era vehicles. Entry to the heritage centre, which records the history of settlement and activity within the local area, is by way of gold coin donation. There are also one or two restored vehicles on display there. Plenty of time available for lunch at the café too.

If you are not receiving emails from the Venturers Group and you own or have an interest in vehicles from the Early Eras, ask to be added to the email roll by contacting Bob at email: or ph: (07) 856 7238.

If you have an idea for a suitable future Early Eras Venturers Group event, please discuss it with one of our team:

Alan Sharp, Bob Hayton or Terry Pidduck Your Venturers Co-ordinators


A good number of surplus magazines were taken from the library by members last club-night, so now the rest of the surplus can be disposed of. Magazines destined to remain as part of our collection have been moved along

to clear new space for our expanding book collection and will be re-assessed for boxing and re-labelling. Some donated books have been left in the library office recently with no donor info, so thank you, whoever left them.


Ladies in Yellow

The annual Ladies Rally was held on 12th of March and we had a great turn out with nine cars and 20 lovely ladies dressed in yellow, the theme of the day, participating in the rally.

The day started at the Classics Museum with a hunt for objects that we needed to find and questions that needed answering, all in line with the yellow theme.

This was followed by driving around Hamilton’s suburbs with further questions and check points where participants collected paper dresses for their paper dolls that were included in rally packs. For many of us this was a throwback to our formative years where those dolls were a must have for any young girl!.

The rally had questions and check points on no exit streets, this meant there was minimal risk and disruption to traffic on the roads which was fantastic and made for an easy going and relaxed drive. Of note there were 39 streets in Hamilton that were visited in the rally that had ladies names!

The relaxed mood continued with a lovely picnic at Gower Park with filled rolls, carrot cake, apples, biscuits and drinks for lunch amongst a sea of yellow ladies and cars!

The day concluded at Riverlea Theatre with tea, coffee and cakes and a fantastic display of tapestry by Roseanne Wood and nail art by ‘Lavender Nail Art’ followed by prize giving.

Prizes were awarded for the best dressed ladies to Cazna Payne and Doreen Eagleton, for best dressed car to Bronya and Georgia McInally. Heather Boswell and granddaughter Iona, and passengers Judy Brierley and Lorraine Cossey came second equal with Tracey Hayward and Carey-Ann Ward.


And finally Gaynor, Maddi and Elle Terrill came first overall.

Thanks very much to the organisers of the event; Kathryn Parsons and Lesley Wilson, and their extended friends and family and Bev and Peter Taylor who all pitched in to test the rally route. To marshals Anita Paterson, Brett and Emma Rossiter, and sponsor Ken Price, your contributions and hard work made this day fun, enjoyable and

Thank you also to Riverlea Theatre for the use of their lounge for the afternoon tea and prizegiving.

Check out their next show, Calendar Girls which opens on Saturday 18 March. calendar-girls

A big shout out to all the sponsors of the Ladies Rally

Ken Price - from F Price & Sons Locksmiths Classics Museum

Riverlea Theatre

Prendos - Intelligent Property Solutions

Also to all the helpers on the day. Thank you!!

Elle & Maddi

Need a new WOF? Need new Wiper Blades, need new light Bulbs, Generators or Alternators - We have lots of new “Armatures” and parts to keep your car rolling. See the Parts guys– Clive, Don, Brent and Gordon.


Recent additions to the Shed include;

 New radiator/heater hoses

 Distributor points and rotors

 Good selection of light bulbs

 New 6cyl Bosch distributor

The Parts Shed is always open before each club night, so please come along and have a browse you might just find that elusive part you need.


Our new compressor has been put to good use already, enabling Les to get the wheels back on his old car. Don’t forget the hoist is always available for those tricky jobs and it sure saves trying to grovel around on the ground in your garage.

Thursday opening hours from 9.30am to at least 2.30pm or weekends by arrangement.

Thursday’s morning tea is always a great social time

Workshop Committee

Jeremy Brook 021 1452 0922

Graham Pate 021 280 1586

Bryan Cossey 027 410 7772

Terry Pidduck 027 272 6319

Graham Holmes (07) 827 7341 (Hoist Booking)

Dave Nordell 021 502 390

(Andy Hammond has also made himself available for any hoist bookings. Ph 022 0415 356 or (07) 823 5712)




1952 Plymouth Carnbrook

Excellent all round condition

Power steering, high ratio diff, recent engine overhaul, Reg and WOF.

Price: $34,000 ono

Contact Don 07-8704115



A 10mm combination ratchet spanner; possibly part of a nice set. Email the name taped to the handle to claim from:


These are available to view and buy at Club Nights

Lapel or Cap Badges - enamelled $10.00 each Car Bumper Badges - cast in brass $35.00 each

Vinyl Stickers

Emblem Jacket Patches

Plate Surrounds

Number Holders






The information in this newsletter and on the club’s web site, is supplied as a service to club members. Articles and other copy of interest are always welcome and encouraged. The opinions expressed in this newsletter and on the club’s website are those of the author alone. Neither the club nor any of its officers accepts responsibility for the accuracy of any statements or opinions.


We are getting non members ask about putting an advert in the For Sale or Wanted section of the Venture. After a discussion with the committee it has been decided that an advert from a non Waikato VCC member will incur a $15.00 charge. This will cover a three (3) month insertion. After the three (3) months it will be automatically withdrawn.

Windscreen Transfers

Veteran & Vintage Car Club (Waikato) Inc.

Branch Officers 2022/2023


Email addresses: Chairman:



should be emailed to Editor -


MacLean St, Cambridge Club Night 2nd Wednesday of month at 7.30pm Library and Parts Shed Hours 2nd Wednesday of month from 6.30pm over Summer, 7.00pm over Winter.
Thursday 9.30am - 2pm
Workshop Hours Every
CHAIRMAN Graham Boswell * 021 2900985 CLUB CAPTAIN * VICE CHAIRMAN Dave Nordell * 021 502390 SECRETARY Heather Boswell * 021 684938 TREASURER Jillian Hayton * 07 856 7238 027 4230608 VENTURE EDITOR Jillian Hayton * 07 856 7238 027 4230608 SOCIAL CONVENOR Lorraine Cossey * 07 827 7710 CUSTODIAN Les King * 021 1909506 CLUBROOMS BOOKINGS Heather Boswell 021 684938 LIBRARIAN Sue King 07 823 7948 COMMITTEE Elle Terrill * 027 3687957 Jeremy Brook * 07 824 1641 021 1520922 Peter Taylor * 07 855 5128 027 5557881 Bryan Cossey * 07 827 7710 027 4107 772 PARTS COMMITTEE Brent Terrill 021 445496 Clive Plumtree 07 827 5973 Don Wise 07 870 4115 Gordon White 07 872 1880 VIC Co-Ordinator Cars Dave Nordell 021 502390 VIC Co-Ordinator M/Cycles Peter Spiller 07 823 0944 027 4913387 VALUATIONS Paul Clark 021 324911 ARCHIVIST Kathryn Parsons 07 855 6774 022 0246820 PUBICITY OFFICER Greg Terrill * 027 2399410 MEMBERSHIP Peter Taylor 07 855 5128 027 5557881 FACEBOOK OFFICER Vacant Position SOLICITOR (HON) Paul Clark 021 324911 * Committee Positions
23 WBS Waikato Bonding Services 6 Belfast Place Hamilton For all your brake & clutch re-lining services. Specialising in re-bonding of all veteran, vintage and classic brake shoes, pads and drive lines. Steven Hunter - Manager Phone: 0800-BOND-007 0800-2663-007 For New Work and Repairs Domestic and Commercial F.B. HALL & Co. Ltd EST 1923 07-847 4780 Conveyancing, Commercial Wills, Estates, Trusts Immigration and Family 7a Princes Street, Hamilton Phone 07 838-3385 Fax 07 838-3381 15 Commerce St Frankton Hamilton Tel: 07 847 5500 Waikato Vintage Car Club Clubrooms For Hire Contact Secretary 021 684938
24 Open 7 days a week - 9am-4pm 11 Railside Place, Frankton Ph: 07 957 2230 We are here Automotive, Trailer & Tractor Spares, Accessories & Tools 3 EMPIRE ST. HAMILTON PH 07 847 8908 Shock absorbers. Suspension components. CV joints Aerials. Hand Tools. Trailer Components. Disc pads Water Pumps. Timing /Fan/Micro Belts. Gauges. SPECIALISING IN PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS Octagon House,1 Seddon Rd. Hamilton PH: 07 8 9-1258 FA : 07 8 9-1259 Clark and Brown PROPERTY LAWYERS For all your legal Requirements

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