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NewsletteroftheVeteran&VintageCarClub(Waikato)Inc. May 2023 Vol 60 2c Brooklyn Rd Claudelands Hamilton (07) 855 2400 Monday to Friday 7.30am to 5pm No Appointments Manager Joe Bruntlett VCC Member All makes and models From 1898 to New
2 TYRE TRADERS 24 Commerce St. Cambridge For ALL your tyre needs Phone 07 827 3875


I hope those present at Club night enjoyed themselves with something a little bit different last Wednesday. Those who fell to demon Heather on the ‘corn hole’ game, I share your pain. Thanks Elle and Kirsty for your efforts in organising this evening.

I have finally made it along to a Thursday morning in the workshop, but it was a working bee just to keep on top of things as autumn falls. Thanks for all those who turned up, buildings and grounds are looking the part as we head towards our major calendar event being the Double 50 for 2023 on the 10 June. As we look at this year’s Double 50 we have tried to make it similar but different to previous years. Please get your entry in. Again this year we will begin with breakfast then proceed on a venture thru unknown parts of the Waikato. I urge you all to get behind this event as we would love to see good numbers of our Waikato members at this year’s Double 50. So grease the car up, give it an oil change and get your entry form in.

Recently work is nearing completion on the lean-to structure between the Parts Shed and the Workshop. This will allow easier storage and inspection of diffs and bumpers with a little more space. Thanks to those involved.

On the weekend of 6 & 7 May we will be hosting Diane Quarrie and George Kear from our National Office. They will be looking at the options for the Festival of Historic Motoring proposal that Waikato recently submitted. Greg, Gaynor, Heather and myself will put our best foot forward on behalf of Waikato. There will be a dinner at our club rooms on Saturday night 6th May for members to support this event. ALL ARE WELCOME, a notice will be emailed and also included in this Venture.

Lastly, North Shore Branch will be visiting our branch facilities on Sunday 21 May. We have been asked to cater lunch for a small charge. Please let Heather know if you are to give us a hand.

Have a great month.

Till next time, be safe and keep left.

Co-winner of the Mooloo TrophyMaggie Bryce on her immaculate Honda CB350

3 CONTENTS Chairman’s Report 3 Secretary’s Report 5 Roy’s Machinations 6 Mooloo Meander 8 Motorcycle Report 11 Events Page 12 Out and About 14 Club Nights 16 Venturers Report 17 Studebaker Report 17 Club Positions 18 Parts Shed 20 Workshop Report 20 For Sale 21
Cover Picture

Luckily I managed to get in the Moloo Meander before the dreaded COVID got to me. Year-end financials are next on my list after getting out this current mag, and before you know it the AGM will be here again.

Dear Editor and Committee, I note in the April issue of Venture that the club’s Committee has decided to terminate “the trial of having three sections”. There never was an agreement by members to have three sections to replace all other club run arrangements, or any word from Committee of a trial. The Road Runners was instituted by a section of the membership which wanted runs in which their more modern vehicles could run consistently at open road speeds, enabling greater distances to be achieved. If they don’t want it anymore, then it could be shelved.

The Venturers was instituted by a section of the membership which noted the disappearance of runs suited to the older, slower or early era vehicles and wanted these to continue. The section has held several events over the past few years (including through the Covid hiatus), with varying levels of support, but has remained in touch with all members as well as those with suitable vehicles and continues to provide regular suitable events.

Nobody seems to know where the so-called Gypsy Rose section came from, or even what it was intended to achieve, but it seems to have amounted to little and could be terminated in favour of general weekend club runs.

I am more concerned about the enforced demise of the Venturers Section which will, it seems, see the end of most of the runs suited to the veteran and vintage era vehicles in the Waikato Veteran & Vintage Car Club when the needs of the more numerous modern range of vehicles is catered for. The point is that what type of travel suits late 20thC vehicles is not appropriate for vehicles which come from the early part of the Century. Is it considered that just two competitive events each year (50/50 and V,V&PV rallies) is adequate provision for the vehicles and their enthusiasts for which the Club was formed, or will the proposed future “all of club” runs be suitable for the full range of qualifying vehicles? How does Committee propose to ensure that sufficient activity is available to enthusiasts of the early era vehicles?

I appreciate that Committee has a vexed question to solve, but we will be returning to a situation which was already unsatisfactory some years ago, so surely the membership is entitled to a more comprehensive explanation. This is, after all, a problem which must be affecting many other branches around the country.


Editor’s Snippet

Recently on a Thursday morning Anita came along and joined in for morning tea. Question was asked; “who supplies morning tea?” My answer was “an Angel”. In a discussion between the men morning tea was referred to “The Angel Café”. Morning tea is cooked in the club rooms and is enjoyed by all who come along to help in any capacity they feel they can contribute. Thank you.

Two weeks ago I had the secretary’s computer at the club rooms and we had a visit from a lady who came along in her Morris Minor and asked about joining our club, So nice to talk to a lady owner. We sat down and joined her up online there and then at the club rooms. Perfect having Wi-Fi available for these special occasions. Jude received notification from National by return email and within one week Jude was accepted by the Waikato Branch as a member. Jude’s badge has been ordered and will be presented at club night. Received a phone call from another prospective member who had tried to join online but hadn’t received an email confirming his application. I explained to Alan that at the bottom of the online application is a “SUBMIT” button. Alan hadn’t pushed Submit. He re-applied and received an email straight away confirming his application. Alan was accepted by the committee and both Alan and Jude are current financial members.

April club night we were joined by two prospective members Ted and Terry from Matamata who will join online. Normally I would have had the club laptop at the meeting, but forgot to take it; my mistake. Applying online is so easy and quick. Instead of waiting 6 weeks to receive notification of joining the Waikato Branch of the VCC this is all completed within 7 days. Technology can be a wonderful tool.

Double 50 – I have spoken to a few members who have offered to help with breakfast at the club rooms. We would love to hear from members willing to help in any way. As you are all aware a lot of work goes into organising rallies. Breakfast is at club rooms to start the day, pre-ordered lunch at a half way point, ending at the club rooms, dinner will follow in the evening with prize giving. Sunday 28th May there will be a session for any members wanting to learn the rules, especially Straight Line. Bring your lunch along and Greg will go through the rally rules. If you haven’t been given a Rally Rules booklet let me know and I will arrange to get this to you prior to the 28th May. Members who are able to come along and go in a new members car, please do so. Having an experienced member present, especially with straight line, is very helpful.

If you are unable to help with the Double 50, we have the Annual Daffodil day at the club rooms on the 20th August where we will require many hands to allow this day to be successful. All profits go to the Waikato Cancer Society.

Enough from me for this month.



Continued from last month’s Venture 1963

Ivan Peace, (President), used to take silent movies with his “Home Movie” camera of the rallies and social evenings, then show them at the next meeting Everyone rushed along to see them. His movies covered the first ten years of club activities. He also played the banjo, and sang cheeky Benny Hill songs, like” When I’m Cleaning Windows” and others. Les, our able secretary, who did almost everything, used to rattle out a few tunes on the piano as well. Les never drank. But Ivan, our prankster, used to leave a full glass of beer for Les on top of the piano. It stayed full. Les did smoke though and while playing, with cigarette between his lips, would drop ash all over the ivory keys while pounding out the tunes.

A rally was held to a Manunui sheep station, in the back country hills west of Taumarunui, with the ladies sleeping in the homestead on the hill and us lads in the woolshed down beside the airstrip, with the sheep poo. The exception was Lord Montague of Buealieu visiting from England, with his new young bride sleeping? in the master bedroom upstairs in the homestead. They retired early. The rest of us partied on, loud music, shouting, dancing and banging on the lounge ceiling below the bedroom upstairs with broomsticks. Bruce Catchpole did his usual Maori haka as he did at many evening functions. Alan Orr would join in, both stripped to the waist with lots of chest slapping, foot stamping and facial gestures, a fine how do you do Kiwi welcome.

But wait there’s more. Sunday morning a gymkhana was run on the air strip with the Taumarunui modern car club, Lordy presented the awards with a happy smile on his face. All this was filmed on Ivan’s silent movie camera, with sound added to DVDs 10 years ago. It’s hidden away in the archives.


Noggin and Natter weekends were held annually at Rotorua and Taupo hotels, where we would meet up with Tauranga, Auckland, Hawkes Bay and Wanganui Vintage Clubs. The beer flowed freely. They were rowdy weekends. Some of us regularly attended the annual Auckland Hunua 100 and the Tauranga Anniversary Rally, which initially was run by Auckland. It ran from Pokeno through Paeroa, to Tauranga. After lunch, a gymkhana was run, featuring the “Model T waltz show”.

Some would rally far away to Napier, Palmerston North and to the Wanganui Burma Trial. Coming home from Wanganui to Hamilton Sunday night after the Burma trial, Bill and Roy left at 6 pm, drove 6 hours up through the Parapara’s, National Park and Taumarunui. It was pitch black, raining, some sealed roads, some metal, no torch if we got a puncture, no spare probably. But we carried petrol. We thought we were lost when we drove under a massive railway viaduct. Our first trip through there, on our own, no cell phones those days, (still don’t have one). Arrived home at midnight and fell into bed. We never considered the risks. That Model A never missed a beat all weekend.




The annual rally came to Hamilton to celebrate Hamilton’s Centennial. It was held over the Easter weekend. The club held a car show in the Bledisloe Hall in Garden Place. That building is now on the Mystery Creek property. It was used at the 2000 International Rally to feed the multitudes. Easter Sunday saw a run to St Peter’s School, Cambridge. The headmaster had a Rolls Royce and was a member.

In May ’65, Hamilton had its first vintage car wedding. Roy and Sue got married. Bruce drove the bridal car, his 1929 Packard Phaeton. Ron Roycroft drove the bride’s father in Don Green’s 1931 Lagonda Tourer, fastest wedding car in Hamilton that day. The happy couple received a congratulations telegram from Waikato VCC. [No texting in those days!] They still have the telegram.


Rallies rumbled on. The 1929 Buddy Stewart wrecker truck, used by FAC garage back in the fifties, was tidied up and painted in club colours by members. “The first club project!” In ‘65 the club shipped the Buddy to Christchurch and Malcolm Bremner drove it in the Haast Pass Rally. Later it was sold to a Palmerston North member.


More talk about clubrooms. The two sheet foolscap newsletter morphed into Veteran & Vintage Venture magazine, later referred to as “Venture Mag.”


The tenth anniversary dinner was held in Hamilton. The day after the May AGM, Roy and Sue ran away to Adelaide, South Australia, with plans to travel onto Europe and UK.


The Annual Rally became the first Double Fifty, brainchild of Secretary Mike Quayle. It was moved to June over Queen’s Birthday weekend to give entrants extra days for travel to Cambridge for the Rally. Mike introduced the club to Straight Line navigation and Tulip Diagram instructions. Now you know who to think nice thoughts about when out rallying!


Could Be Continued!!?

Disclaimer. This is not intended to be an accurate history of Waikato VCC


29th Mooloo Meander

A change of venue this year for our pre-rally social get-together and meal, (held to welcome our guests to Cambridge on Friday evening), saw us transfer our affections to the Clubhouse Sports Bar at the Cambridge Raceway. The social interaction of our visiting motorcycling enthusiasts with local members is as much about renewing old

As the crowd gathered at the clubrooms the next morning, it was matched by the clouds too, which were gathering in anticipation of morning showers to come that had been promised by our various weather forecasters. Bang on cue at 10 am, just as the first entrant was heading out the gate, down it came. Fortunately, not for long though, with later entrants departing in rain-free conditions until they caught up with it somewhere along the route.

The fifty or so bikes, including a small number of sidecar outfits, consisted of a grand mixture of old American iron, British superbikes or Japanese efficiency. But you can’t beat the sound of those old singles thumping away on the road less travelled, out through Fencourt, up and over Pukemoremore, through Scotsman Valley to Kiwitahi. Before long we found ourselves heading towards the 1600 ft. peaks of Maungakawa and Te Tapui. But, avoiding the goat tracks needed to scale these landmarks, the route instead swung around to meander past Richmond Downs and Peria and cross the busy SH27 at Waharoa.

It was here that a ‘whoopsy’ in the printed instructions found a big group of riders milling around with confused expressions until an observant rider spotted the required Mowbray Road some distance away and on the opposite side from that expected. Then we were off again on a blast towards Matamata and the promised lunch break. Such a large number of entrants arriving all at once at Swap’s carpark


was a test for the marshals but we were soon parked and headed for the flat whites!

At the international headquarters and service centre for J. Swap &; Co., the truck transport, storage, quarrying and logistics company started by Joe Swap with just one truck back in the depression year of 1934, we found a modern facility now being run by a fourth generation of the family that seemed to be operating like clockwork.

The huge maintenance facilities. During the walk-around we saw just how much variety the company has in transport and working machinery. The quarrying gear in particular has a very hard life and they economise by doing so much of the maintenance work in-house. If a truck from their several hundred vehicle fleet needs a new engine, no problem to Swaps! Just swap it out and replace with a spare, previously rebuilt in-house, to get the vehicle straight back to work and earning again, leaving the old unit to be rebuilt at their leisure.

Returning from our visit, the route used some of the ‘made for motorcycling’ morning route roads in the opposite direction, this time in the dry, before peeling off to use Waterworks Road to Te Miro and then the nowadays sealed Aspin Road to return from whence we came.

More sociable chatter and a welcome cup of tea followed before it was time for a wash ‘n brush up followed by another of the Motorcycle section’s great dinners in the clubrooms. Catered as always by the indefatigable Margaret Roberts of Classique Catering, no hungry tums left our clubrooms that night!

Once Peter got the prize-giving underway with Greg doing presentation duty, he called up a procession of visitors to get their awards, with us locals all starting to wonder where the 1st Waikato was going to come from. Then, the two lady riders, Maggie and Jillian, got the nod as 1st equal in the P60 class, both riding Hondas, so we had the answer and a home for the wonderful Mooloo trophy for another year.

A great run plotted by last year’s winner, Kelvin Mitchell, who unfortunately was not able to be present through injury to hear the plaudits heaped upon him – these motorcycle guys and girls are so appreciative of the efforts put in on their behalf, it sure gladdens the heart.


29th Mooloo Meander—Prizewinners

Veteran & Vintage Class

1st Peter Alderdice (Auckland)

Post Vintage

1st Rory King (Auckland)

2nd Mark & Sharon Lane (Waikato)

3rd Cam Francis (Northland)

Post 60

1st=Jillian Hayton & Maggie Bryce (Waikato)

3rd Bob Hayton (Waikato)

Combo & 3 Wheel

1st Michael O’kane & Trevor Appleby (Auckland/Sth Waikato)

2nd Paul & Marguerite Storey (Waikato)

3rd Paul & Jodi Tomlin (Auckland)

1st= Lady

Jillian Hayton & Maggie Bryce (Waikato)

1st= Waikato

Jillian Hayton & Maggie Bryce (Waikato

Post War

1st Keith Ballagh (Auckland)

2nd Robert Young (Northland)

3rd Dave Mayhew (Rotorua)

Post 80

1st Chris Clark (Waikato)

2nd Martin Spicer (Auckland)

3rd Andrew Peers-Adams (Auckland)


1st Mike Hardman

2nd Graig Wylde

3rd Ian Cartwright

Overall Winner Rory King (Auckland)


The Annual General Meeting of the Veteran & Vintage Car Club (Waikato) Inc. will be held at the Clubrooms, MacLean St, Cambridge at 7.30pm on Wednesday 14th June 2023.

Any written nominations for officer and committee positions should be lodged with the Branch Secretary prior to the meeting. Acceptance of nominations from the floor will be subject to the nominee being present at the meeting.



We had 47 entries for the Mooloo Rally which was better than we expected as it was held on the same week as the Maadi Cup, meaning that all accommodation was already taken for out-of-town people. Thanks to those who helped out with accommodation and I managed to find a new house that took 6 people, some people even stayed in Hamilton. Thanks also to those that helped on the day. Bryce and Chris as back up, Andy and Graham as marshals at the lunch stop, Pat for doing the start and helping with the rally packs, Ann and Shirley afternoon teas, Clive for opening the parts shed at short notice and Bob for doing the write up of the rally.

After 17 years of organising the Mooloo Rally and co-ordinating the motor cycle section, this event will be my last. The committee is keen for someone to take over this role and I will give them my full support.

Safe riding, Peter

Sunday 21 May

North Shore Branch are paying us a visit at the clubrooms - if you can help out with preparing lunch for them - please let Heather know.


We hope that you will enjoy the club and it’s many activities

If you have any queries either big or small please do not hesitate to contact any member of the committee and they will be more than willing to assist you in any way possible.

1952 Morris Minor 1932 Austin

Once again, welcome to the club. We hope to see you at the club night on the second Wednesday of each Month.


Thu 04 Workshop Open 9.30am (Morn. Tea)

Sat 06 Dinner with VCC President - P13

Sun 07 Club Run - all vehicles welcome

Wed 10 Club Night - see Page 16

Thu 11 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Wed 17 Wednesday Wander

Sun 21 Motorcycle Run

Sun 21 North Shore Branch visiting

Thu 18 & 25 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Sun 28 50-50 Training Run - see P13

Thu 1 & 8 Workshop Open 9.30am (Morn. Tea)

Sat 10 Double 50 Rally - see P15

Wed 14 Waikato VCC AGM - see P16

Thu 15 & 22 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Wed 21 Wednesday Wander

Sun 25 Club Run

Thu 29 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Sun 02 Venturers Raid

Thu 06 Workshop Open 9.30am (Morn. Tea)

Wed 12 Club Night

Thu 13 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Wed 19 Wednesday Wander

Thu 20 & 27 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Sun 30 Motorcycle Visit

Events Ahead Home
May June July



Sun 7 Manawatu Branch Post Era’s Rally

Sat 20 Northland VCC Motorcycle Rally

Sun 09 Rotorua Swapmeet






Come along with some refreshments and pre-dinner nibbles and lend your support to our bid.

Book with Heather - 021 684938 by 28 April.

Attention New Members

Wondering how to interpret our Rally Rules?

Greg and Gaynor are going to put on a training run on Sunday 28 May so that it will be all fresh in your mind for the 50-50 in June. Come along to the clubrooms at 12.30pm with your lunch where you will be taken through the rules and then have a chance to put it all into practise with a short run. You’ll learn about straight-line navigation, straight ahead rules and things to look out for on rallies. There will be some experienced members who can go with you in your car to help you out.

13 Events Ahead Away

Out and about GAMES NIGHT

Sunday saw about 10 cars and passengers gathered at Zenders Cafe. After refreshments and catch ups we headed off on a run down beside the Tauranga railway line. Lush green grass everywhere, through Tauwhare, Scotsman Valley and past Kiwitahi where we eventually


straight towards the Kaimai ranges to Manawaru. After a lot more catching up in the car park we entered the district Heritage Center, a Bedford truck, some tractors and all sorts of rural things, very interesting. We then all lined up for some lunch at the Cafe next door and more catch up then headed off for home. Thanks Bob for arranging these runs for us...David and Aileen


SAT 10 JUNE 2023

Come and join our annual Double Fifty Rally. Starting at our clubrooms for breakfast, followed by a lovely run through the Waikato Countryside. Dinner and prizegiving in the evening back at the clubrooms.


50 50


Wednesday 10 May - Starting 7.30pm

Andy McGrath renowned propagator of all manner of summer fruit trees will come and regale us with his experiences. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the NZ fruit tree industry. His passion for plants combined with the need for high quality fruit trees and variety improvement in New Zealand led to the creation of his first nursery on 1 ha of leased ground in the Waikato District back in 1980 and he has not looked back. We can guarantee that you will be entranced with what he has to share.

Wednesday 14 June - Starting 7.30pm

Its time to put your hand up and offer support to your club. Nomination forms are included in this mag. Your club does not run itself, so have a look at the positions, give a current committee member a call if you need further info and let’s see if we can fill some of these positions that have been going begging since the pandemic. The committee positions and their descriptions are on page 18/19. Your current committee selects a non-committee member for Sportsman of the Year and all members are asked to vote for Clubman of the Year (someone in the club who you think has been a standout during the year) - have a think about who you believe deserves this and come along and vote for them at the AGM.


Venturers Report - May

Catering for the requirements of vehicles produced in the early days of motoring, and their enthusiasts

The Venturers run to Manawaru Heritage Centre located just behind Café 77 in the old Manawaru Dairy factory was quite well supported, with plenty of good social interaction. Leaving from Zenders Café in Ruakura, numbers were swelled by others who motored straight to the destination from their more local homes.

The Heritage Centre itself, while not large, has a good range of local period memorabilia and records of the development of the area on both sides of the Waihou River since the large landholdings of the earlier years were broken up.

The next opportunity for early era motoring with the Club is of course the Double Fifty Rally scheduled for Saturday 10th June, followed by our mid-winter Venturers Raid on 2nd July. This one will be a car-pooling effort from Cambridge in anticipation of inclement weather.

If you are not receiving emails from the Venturers Group and you own or have an interest in vehicles from the Early Eras, ask to be added to the email roll by contacting Bob at email: or ph: (07) 856 7238.

If you have an idea for a suitable future Early Eras Venturers Group event, please discuss it with one of our team: Alan Sharp, Bob Hayton or Terry Pidduck


This is the time of year when many of our older age group are out and about with other interests, so progress in the workshop has to fit in alongside their comings and goings. However, Alan has now got the re-lined cone clutch back in place, whilst he and Reece are making good progress on the very timeconsuming task of re-shaping and correctly mounting the front mudguards. Once the gearbox has been re-fitted in place alterations to the flooring can be made to allow for battery removal. Piping for the vacuum tank lines has been procured, whilst securing of rear mudguards by bolting rather than the current woodscrews has proved a little tricky, but is progressing.

Lots of interesting jobs remain, so if you are keen to join in with this club project in any capacity, get in contact with Alan Sharp or Bob Hayton by email to or respectively (alternatively, by phone at 02102553853 or 0274230610) to have your name added to the contact list, together with any special skills you may be able to contribute. Work sessions are currently on the workshop open days on Thursdays, from 9.30am onward and morning tea is always put on, so no excuse really for not becoming involved to help, learn or socialise.



Below is a brief outline of expected duties for each elected position. CHAIRMAN **

• Chair committee and general meetings in accordance with constitution

• Ensure meetings are run in an orderly manner etc.

• Be present at calendar events welcome/farewell entrants

• Chair meeting at club nights

• Represent the branch at national level (executive, AGM etc.)

• Provide monthly report for Venture magazine

• Encourage involvement of all members and foster new idea


• Act as deputy for the Chairman when away

• Provide ‘behind-the-scenes’ organisation of appropriate sub-committees, working groups etc. for special projects

• Promotion of new membership


• Collect mail and handle incoming/outgoing correspondence

• Record minutes at committee and general meetings

• Distribute relevant info (minutes/updates etc.) to committee members

• Update members at club nights on relevant issues

• Distribute ‘other branch’ rally entries or other material as appropriate

• Liaise with National Office (membership/updates/constitutional requirements etc.)

• Provide monthly report for Venture magazine

• Manage clubrooms bookings

• Manage membership applications/renewals


• Provide report for monthly meetings (accounts for approval etc.)

• Keep financial records of club

• Prepare budget for each financial year to be approved by the committee

• Assist rally organisers (budget preparation, entry fee receipts etc)


• Provide report for monthly meetings

• Gather articles for Venture for an accurate and informative magazine

• Ensure Venture is printed and distributed before monthly committee meeting

• Assist with preparation of rally entry forms


• Provide report for monthly meetings

• Arrange publicity for general branch and calendar/club events wherever possible

• Beaded Wheels Idle Torque Bi-monthly update



• Encourage the participation of members in club events

• Ensure club runs are planned for several months ahead

• Support rally planners with club’s requirements/standards

• Inform members at club night of forthcoming events

• Provide a monthly report Venture magazine


• Ensure clubrooms and grounds are clean and tidy for club events

• Ensure that required maintenance is carried out with committee approval and members’ assistance wherever possible

• Liaise with Secretary regarding clubrooms bookings


• One designated member to attend committee meetings and provide report

• Sale and purchase of spare parts with committee approval where required

• Maintain the Parts Shed in an orderly manner

• Ensure the Parts Shed is open for Club Rallies and at other times by mutual agreement between Parts committee and Branch committee.

• Provide assistance for members for the procurement of parts

• Be available outside club nights for members to access parts


• Welcome and look after new members

• General duties as directed

• Take on special projects as required

• Be prepared to represent committee on rally sub-committees


• Assist calendar and club events organisers with morning/afternoon teas

• Organise social events


• Ensure library is kept up-to-date

• Assist members with reference enquiries

• Keep track of borrowed material

**These positions are expected to attend monthly committee meetings


Need a new WOF? Need new Wiper Blades, need new light Bulbs, Generators or Alternators - We have lots of new “Armatures” and parts to keep your car rolling. See the Parts guys– Clive, Don, Brent and Gordon.


Recent additions to the Shed include;

 New radiator/heater hoses

 Exterior rear view mirrors

 Good selection of hard to find small light bulbs

 New 12 volt horns

The Parts Shed is always open before each club night, so please come along and have a browse you might just find that elusive part you need.

The new extension between the parts shed and workshop is nearing completion. A big thank you from the Parts Shed guys to Les and Tony for all their hard work. We will now have much more space to access and display all our diffs and bumpers.


Every Thursday sees a different group of members coming in for a look and to sample the morning tea at the Angel Cafe. The hoist is getting well used and progress is being made on the Mini.

Thursday opening hours from 9.30am to at least 2.30pm or weekends by arrangement.

Workshop Committee

Jeremy Brook 021 1452 0922

Graham Pate 021 280 1586

Bryan Cossey 027 410 7772

Terry Pidduck 027 272 6319

Graham Holmes (07) 827 7341 (Hoist Booking)

Dave Nordell 021 502 390

(Andy Hammond has also made himself available for any hoist bookings. Ph 022 0415 356 or (07) 823 5712)

WANTED:- Any Plastic Parts Boxes. Plus Any Memorabilia:-




1952 Plymouth Carnbrook

Excellent all round condition

Power steering, high ratio diff, recent engine overhaul, Reg and WOF.

Price: $34,000 ono

Contact Don 07-8704115



A 10mm combination ratchet spanner; possibly part of a nice set. Email the name taped to the handle to claim from:


These are available to view and buy at Club Nights

Lapel or Cap Badges - enamelled $10.00 each Car Bumper Badges - cast in brass $35.00 each

Vinyl Stickers

Emblem Jacket Patches

Plate Surrounds

Number Holders






The information in this newsletter and on the club’s web site, is supplied as a service to club members. Articles and other copy of interest are always welcome and encouraged. The opinions expressed in this newsletter and on the club’s website are those of the author alone. Neither the club nor any of its officers accepts responsibility for the accuracy of any statements or opinions.


We are getting non members ask about putting an advert in the For Sale or Wanted section of the Venture. After a discussion with the committee it has been decided that an advert from a non Waikato VCC member will incur a $15.00 charge. This will cover a three (3) month insertion. After the three (3) months it will be automatically withdrawn.

Windscreen Transfers

Veteran & Vintage Car Club (Waikato) Inc.

Branch Officers 2022/2023


Email addresses: Chairman:



should be emailed to Editor -


MacLean St, Cambridge Club Night 2nd Wednesday of month at 7.30pm Library and Parts Shed Hours 2nd Wednesday of month from 6.30pm over Summer, 7.00pm over Winter.
Thursday 9.30am - 2pm
Workshop Hours Every
CHAIRMAN Graham Boswell * 021 2900985 CLUB CAPTAIN * VICE CHAIRMAN Dave Nordell * 021 502390 SECRETARY Heather Boswell * 021 684938 TREASURER Jillian Hayton * 07 856 7238 027 4230608 VENTURE EDITOR Jillian Hayton * 07 856 7238 027 4230608 SOCIAL CONVENOR Lorraine Cossey * 07 827 7710 CUSTODIAN Les King * 021 1909506 CLUBROOMS BOOKINGS Heather Boswell 021 684938 LIBRARIAN Sue King 07 823 7948 COMMITTEE Elle Terrill * 027 3687957 Jeremy Brook * 07 824 1641 021 1520922 Peter Taylor * 07 855 5128 027 5557881 Bryan Cossey * 07 827 7710 027 4107 772 PARTS COMMITTEE Brent Terrill 021 445496 Clive Plumtree 07 827 5973 Don Wise 07 870 4115 Gordon White 07 872 1880 VIC Co-Ordinator Cars Dave Nordell 021 502390 VIC Co-Ordinator M/Cycles Peter Spiller 07 823 0944 027 4913387 VALUATIONS Paul Clark 021 324911 ARCHIVIST Kathryn Parsons 07 855 6774 022 0246820 PUBICITY OFFICER Greg Terrill * 027 2399410 MEMBERSHIP Peter Taylor 07 855 5128 027 5557881 FACEBOOK OFFICER Vacant Position SOLICITOR (HON) Paul Clark 021 324911 * Committee Positions
23 WBS Waikato Bonding Services 6 Belfast Place Hamilton For all your brake & clutch re-lining services. Specialising in re-bonding of all veteran, vintage and classic brake shoes, pads and drive lines. Steven Hunter - Manager Phone: 0800-BOND-007 0800-2663-007 For New Work and Repairs Domestic and Commercial F.B. HALL & Co. Ltd EST 1923 07-847 4780 Conveyancing, Commercial Wills, Estates, Trusts Immigration and Family 7a Princes Street, Hamilton Phone 07 838-3385 Fax 07 838-3381 15 Commerce St Frankton Hamilton Tel: 07 847 5500 Waikato Vintage Car Club Clubrooms For Hire Contact Secretary 021 684938
24 Open 7 days a week - 9am-4pm 11 Railside Place, Frankton Ph: 07 957 2230 We are here Automotive, Trailer & Tractor Spares, Accessories & Tools 3 EMPIRE ST. HAMILTON PH 07 847 8908 Shock absorbers. Suspension components. CV joints Aerials. Hand Tools. Trailer Components. Disc pads Water Pumps. Timing /Fan/Micro Belts. Gauges. SPECIALISING IN PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS Octagon House,1 Seddon Rd. Hamilton PH 07 839-1258 FA 07 839-1259 Clark and Brown PROPERTY LAWYERS For all your legal Requirements

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