Page 1


Page 2 Editorial

Page 3 Chairmans Report

Page 5 Upcoming Events

Page 7 UK News

Page 9 Rusticana Wairarapa

Page 10 Rally Report

Page 12 Down in the Forest

Page 15 Quiz Night

Page 16 Rex Porter Entry

Page 17 Gold Medal Entry


Committee members will be filling in for Zenith’s new editor, Dennis Burns, who is taking a well earned break for a couple of months General opinion seems to be that you are doing a splendid job Dennis, and I can vouch for this, having struggled for the past week to try to publish this copy of Zenith by the deadline So, please accept my apology in advance for the somewhat amateurish format, and I hope that the content of the articles makes up for this.

This month’s rally began with a military theme at Featherston Camp and museum before a run to Ocean Beach for a picnic in the spring sunshine. I have developed this idea with an article on Anzac involvement in the UK in Hampshire, which I uncovered during my recent visit there Although not strictly wheels specific, I hope you find it of interest.

October also brings us the postponed Rex Porter Rally I urge you to enter this rally, which was originally scheduled for late summer. The format has been altered to take account of the results of the members’ survey, and there should be something for everyone

Jane and my first outing with the VCC following our arrival from the UK was a Rex Porter rally in the pouring rain around Eketahuna about six years ago. We fitted the side curtains for the first time ever and slid around on the gravel. We could see very little as the wipers distributed yellow mud everywhere It was unlike anything we had experienced before, and more fun in an afternoon than we ever could have had back in England

Cover Photo. Lunchtime on Ocean Beach, Groves Spring Rally. Stop Press. On Tuesday, Sister Club WaiWheels are hosting a Quiz night at the Greytown Club See Flyer in Magazine

Report from the Chair

Summer is well on its way with the change to daylight saving

I am sure like me you are looking forward to some lazy warm summer evenings to enjoy a bar-b-q with friends and family

The Pizza / Fish “n “ Chips September club night was a roaring success

We had thirty-eight members and a couple of prospective members as guests. There were several times when it was difficult to get everyone’s attention due to the chatter and noise.

A big thank you to Kevin and Sabrina Sullivan for taking the orders and collecting the food Everyone’s tastebuds were well catered for with a host of selections

When everyone was settled, discussion moved to the new draft constitution which George Kear had circulated for comment. We had it up on the overhead projector so that everyone could view it and discussed each of the sections I explained that there were parts of the document that were compulsory to meet the requirements of the new act and could not be changed

We needed to concentrate on the highlighted comments on the right-hand side. These were the areas we had control over There was some very good conversation and questions asked. The general feeling of the group was very positive to why there needed to be changes When discussing the regional representation role, again the thoughts were positive. The main concern was who would be covering the cost of this role Would it fall to the branches or would the National Body be responsible for them? What would be paid for and what would be expected to be contributed by the person fulfilling the role personally? These are all areas that will need to be covered with a robust job description

I have emailed every member a copy of the draft constitution and bylaws If you have not received one, please get contact me as I need to forward any feedback and discussion points to George in early October This is a reminder to please get those comments or any feedback to me within the next two weeks

The Groves Memorial Rally was run on the 15th of September This rally is named in honour of Peter and Janice Groves. Peter was a foundation and Life Member of the club

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Peter and Janice’s family for the kind donation of books to the club along with a large collection of car parts from Peter’s garage. There will be many Club members who will enjoy reading the books and I am sure Peter’s supply of spare parts will help members finish their restoration projects and help keep members cars on the road. Many thanks on behalf of the club

Whilst on the subject of books, did you know that the club has a large selection of books available in the library at the clubrooms?

Swap a book cabinets are popular in New Zealand, and we would like to introduce a scheme at the clubrooms We will have a selection available on club nights for you to borrow. When you are finished return it for others to read and take another yourself. Also don’t forget that the club has its First Fifty Year Book available for sale at $10.00. Speak to myself or any other committee member if you would like one.


Are our clubrooms just a lile on the dull and boring side? Perhaps they are ! Do the walls need a bit of interest injected into them? Yes they do! Do our members have interesng cars? Yes they do! We plan to put the two together, and have a selecon of Member ’s motors on display around the place What do you need to do? Simply send the treasurer a Jpeg image of your vehicle, along with a brief descripon Make model and year will suffice, and we will do the rest. More than one vehicle? Send as many as you like, Kevin will make a selecon. Have a word with Kevin at the next meeng.

Again, a warm welcome to all new club members

If you have any queries or concerns, please make sure you have chat with either Mike D’Alton or myself We are one big happy family, but at mes assumpon gets us into mischief

Cheers Graham Hodder.


The next major event on the calendar is the Rex Porter Rally on the 13th of October.

Rally wise, this should be the highlight of the year, the Creme de la Creme of the rallying season, a must aend day in the branch’s calendar. It was indeed unfortunate that we had to cancel the rally in March due to lack of interest. We have taken on board the results of the survey carried out in April to revise the format, and Simon and Sandie have worked hard to make the day simpler and more flexible. Now we need your support to make the rally a success. There is an entry form in the magazine, please make sure you have your entry in before the 7th of October.

October 7th Club night. The clocks have sprung forward giving us longer evenings and allowing the return of our popular series “ The Car is the Star “

Francis Pointon will be presenng his beauful and rare 1934 Studebaker Commander. Come along and find out more about Studebakers with like minded colleagues.

Saturday November 2nd. Wellington Branch have invited Wairarapa members to join them in their run to the Wellington Tramway Museum at Paekakariki to mark 60 years since the demise of the tram. The plan is for Wairarapa members to meet in Featherston and make their own way to Paekakariki to join with the Wellington conngent. If you are keen to be part of this oung , please contact Graham and we will put a run together.

Sunday November 10th. Wai Wheels Featherston are holding their popular Swap and Car Show at the Card Reserve, Johnston Street, Featherston ( the Featherston Soccer Field ) The branch parts boys will have a stall there. Come along and support them and display your vehicle. Entry is $10 per car and all proceeds go to local charies

A note to all Bike Owners and Riders.

Don’t forget to get your entry in for the Annual Gold Medal Trial on the 16th of November Contact Kevin Sullivan for details You will find an entry form later in the magazine

Veteran Owners.

A reminder about the Veteran run being organised by Francis Pointon on the 17th of November. Give Francis or myself a call for more details. (NB Veteran refers to the vehicles, not owners. I’m told that one of our members has even purchased a car in order to parcipate.)

Mangatainoka Vintage Car Day on the 24th of Nov.

Don’t forget to put this day in your calendar For more info contact Mike D’Alton

Is the UK finally catching up with New Zealand? The revolt against shiny classic cars.

Interestingly, the UK Classic Car movement seems to be taking a leaf out of the New Zealand book Events such the Festival of the Unexceptional, Rustival and the Patina Classic Car Show are growing every year

These events are encouraging a new generation of enthusiasts who value the well-used cars and mundane vehicles that used to be common but have since dwindled in numbers.

The shows are organised by enthusiasts who have realised they are not alone in their love for the seemingly unloved Darren Sullivan runs a classic car club in the UK and organises the Patina Classic Car Show, an event which is held in the grounds of Lullingstone Castle in Kent which attracted 170 cars this year He set this up after rebuilding his striking 1957 MGA, imported from Texas and restored mechanically, the body remains cosmetically untouchedThe biggest of the “alternative” events is the Festival of the Unexceptional, or Fotu for short, which has been running for a decade and growing exponentially every year The first show had 150 visitors, this July more than 5,000 made the pilgrimage to see the rows of mundane motors on the lawns of Grimsthorpe Castle in Lincolnshire.

Above Darren Sullivan set up the Patina Classic Car Show after rebuilding his 1957 MGA

A view of The Annual Festival of the Unexceptional, held at Grimsthorpe Castle in Lincolnshire The show attracted 5,000 visitors last year That almost rivals our annual trip to the Tui Brewery. You might think these vehicles resemble a selection from the Car Park at Pak’n’Save Masterton, but the models shown above claim to be very rare on British roads

And here’s the winner for goodness sake A 1982 Toyota Hilux! Apparently the MOT test has all but eradicated the 1982 version of this legendary indestructible workhorse from the UK motoring scene!

Rusticana Wairarapa

Please send your photos of Automobilia Rusticana for the next edition

Ian Stewart’s Morry and Bedford could certainly form the Nucleus of a Wairarapa Rusticana.



Above Ei Presidente displays his master plan Below Almac, Bentley and Riley Kestrel, Waiorongomai Church

TEN cars and thirteen entrants met at the Japanese Memorial Garden on SH2, just outside Featherston, site of the WW1 training Camp and the later WW2 Japanese POW facility Graham Hodder brought along an interesting print of the original camp, where the majority of NZ Anzacs were trained prior to their posting to the European theatre of war, and recounted a brief history of both camps Next we drove to the museum in the town which contains documents describing life in both camps, an interesting story providing food for thought about the times. We then proceeded down Wester n Lake Road to a brief stop at the Waiorongomai Chapel, built in 1927 by the Mathews family as an ecumenical church for the whole community and a memorial to the pioneer settlers. The Charles and Elizabeth Mathews founded a farm here in 1850, and the family farm here to this day.

A photo of Darryl’s pretty 1935 Kestrel, which is powered by a 1087cc 4cyl unit It shares many features with the larger 1934 Bentley, including an aluminium body, cable brakes and twin SU’s

Our destination for the rally was Ocean Beach, where we parked in about the most untidy formation possible, but gathered round for a picnic in the sunshine. This gave us all the opportunity to admire two new additions to the Branch fleet, Gary Graham’s P5B Rover Coupe and Darryl Longstaffe’s Riley Kestrel.

Francis makes good use of his ‘rear facing dickie seat’ as a windbreak for the picnic

After lunch we travelled north up the easter n side of the lake to conclude with a visit to the ‘Cobblestones’ museum in Greytown Ruby and Will were great supporters of the museum, where a Rose Garden has been planted in their memory This will mature and become a lovely feature in coming years.

To end the day David Eade in his 1976 Triumph 2500TC was presented with the rally prize, and the tired and hungry travellers were fed and watered with a very tasty selection of scones and cakes from Joy’s kitchen.

Our thanks go to Graham and Hugh for doing all the spadework to ensure an interesting, safe and enjoyable run in the South Wairarapa countryside, and to Joy Hodder for the amazing tea to round things off.



OK, I’ll be the first to admit it, this article has little to do with vehicles you might see at the branch, but I thought, after talking to a couple of members, that what I discovered on a recent trip to the UK might interest you If not, I apologise, but anyway I’m the editor this month so I get to choose the content.

A Map of the New Forest

Whilst out on a bike ride in the New Forest, I came across the church of Saint Nicholas, situated in woodland just south of Brockenhurst. What caught my eye initially was the layout of a section of the graveyard, reminiscent of the military cemetery in Queen Elizabeth


The church itself dates back to Saxon times, and even the yew tree by the porch is over 1,000 years old Entering through the Norman arch into the aisle, the first thing that caught my eye was the large flag of New Zealand hanging from the wall Occupying a space in the aisle beneath is a museum dedicated to the ‘Tin Town’ field hospital which was established nearby to cater for Indian, and from 1916, New Zealand troops injured in the Great War of 1914-18. Next to the museum area is a moder n stained glass window donated by the Gover nment and people of New Zealand to commemorate the centenary of the hospital..

Brockenhurst is just 20 minutes by train west of Southampton, a busy port for casualties from the wester n front, a little over 100 miles away. Its rural position away from the public gaze was good for recovering soldiers and public opinion alike, and doctors and nurses also made the long voyage from Ao Tea Roa to look after them Not all made it back to their native land, as witnessed by the memorial cross in the graveyard

The cemetery. The Cross was added in 1927

Signs of the hospital itself are somewhat scant, a levelled area similar to the camp at Featherston referred to earlier, now used as an outdoor pursuits centre. The buildings would have been a similar structure to those in Featherston too

Part of the graveyard has been set aside for those unfortunate enough not to make the long jour ney home. It is meticulously maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. It was whilst exploring this area that we came across an extraordinary tablet left by the parents of EWH Lawrence Ted was from Masterton, and his parents travelled from the Wairarapa to honour his sacrifice in 1921 and left this headstone Does anybody know of Ted or his family? It would be interesting to find out more!

I’d better not finish this article without mention of a vehicle of some kind, so, carrying on with a First World War flavour, here’s a photo I took at the National Motor Museum at Beaulieu, also in the New Forest It’s a replica of a London General Omnibus Company’s B type Motor Bus Buses like this were used in France during the war as troop transports. LGOC was formed in 1855 and was the major provider of transport in London until nationalisation and the formation of London Transport in 1933. Finally, a photo of a Rolls Royce Armoured Car of the period. Irrelevant but fun.

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41st Gold Medal Trial

Saturday 16th November, 2024

Welcome to this, our 41st Annual Gold Medal Trial.

The Trial will be based at the Branch clubrooms in Chester Road Clareville

This year the event covers all classes of machine and will be run over roads in south Wairarapa

There are two routes for the timed morning run;

 A long route of approximately 80 miles

 A short route of approximately 60 miles

Entrants are free to choose which route and speed range they wish to ride

Target average speeds will be set by the organisers and will be non negotiable

The afternoon route will be a touring run of approximately 50 miles

Route instructions are basic with no fish hooks, no straight line navigation other than 'straight ahead rule applies' i e no crossing the centre line unless your instructions request you to do so

There are no closed road sections so riders must be aware of on coming traffic at all times, especially on narrow country roads

Allow for wandering stock and high winds and as usual ignore all farm tracks and No Exit roads

The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand
Wairarapa Branch

Entries close 9th November 2024 No late entries will be accepted

Name of entrant:




VCC Membership No: Expiry Date:

Vehicle Make, Model :


A minimum of three entries will be required to constitute a class If insufficient entries are received for any one class, these entries will be allocated to another suitable class


Short route Long route

Both routes could include stretches of gravel

SELECT SPEED (Tick) 25 - 30 MPH Slow 31 - 40 MPH Fast

For Catering Purposes Saturday Lunch (circle) YES NO; Cost is $15 00 Entry Fees $20 00

Please email the entry form to or post to; Kevin Sullivan 90 Pembroke Street

Carterton 5713

PROGRAMME: Saturday 16th

9.30am Morning tea and briefing

10 00 am First Entrant away

There will be a lunch stop at the completion of the morning run

Lunch will be available at $15 per head

The trial will finish at the Clubrooms where tea and coffee will be available and the prize giving will be held


1 This event is open to financial members of the VCC of NZ plus kindred motorcycle clubs

VCC members with non - eligible vehicles, and non club members with vehicles up to 31 December 1991 are welcome to participate as guests and compete for the Classic

Class prizes

2 Trophies awarded to VCC members only

3 All classes catered for

4 All vehicles are expected to be in a clean and tidy state of presentation

5 Entrants must abide by the traffic regulations and VCC membership rules

6 The organisers reserve the right to disqualify any entrant, whose conduct is, in their opinion, likely to bring discredit to the event, or to the club and their ruling regarding any matters in respect of the running of the event will be final

7 All entrants must complete an entry form

Entry Fees: The entry fee is $20 and can be paid together with the lunch payment by direct credit or funds transfer to;

Account No: 03-0687-0323649-01 Code: MC Trial Ref: Registration number

Rally convener : Kevin Sullivan 022 3778443

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