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February 2023

Toni’s Treasures inside Burma winners Steve & Joy Growden left and centre Rally Secretary Christine Savage presented the award




Official Magazine of the Wanganui Branch of the V.C.C. of NZ

P O Box 726, Wanganui , Street Address—Patapu Street, Wanganui East

VCC Codes for discounts:

Alan Bates
Andrew Dittmer 027 379 6969
Chairman Bill James 027 353 2190
Frank James 06 344 2221
Neil Farrer 027 457 9634
Peter Powell Club Captain: Andrew Johnson 06 345 6212 Rally Secretary/Trophies: Christine Savage 06 342 4755 Motorcycle Convenor: Bill James 027 353 2190
: Linda Kendrick 027 775 4644 Ray Savage 06 3424755 Ian Higgins 027 201 2706 Sietse Zeilstra 027 345 6977 Pierre Zeilstra 027 345 6977 Health & Safety & Compliance Dave McDermid 027 555 4201 Trophies Manager: Mihi McDermid 06 347 6915 Branch Delegate: Neil Farrer 06 343 6248 Kitchen Manager: Sue Dittmer 027 379 6969 Ann Berntsen 06 3446041 Hall Custodian/Bookings: Sue Dittmer 027 379 6969 Truck Custodians: Rob O’Keeffe 027 4332 626 Shane Hobman 06 344 5915 Librarian: Dave Austin 06 344 7513 Parts Custodians: Dave McDermid 027 555 4201 Chris White 06 348 7335 Trevor Roberts 06 345 8897 027 245 7770 Editor: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706 Beaded Wheels Reporter: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706 Archivist: Dave Austin 06 344 7513 Vehicle ID’s: Shane Hobman 06 344 5915 Bruce Ardell 06 342 7713 Rivet Distribution Co-Ordinator: Linda Kendrick 027 775 4644 Frank James 021 349 074 Official VCC Website:
Branch Mags:
Facebook Wanganui Vintage Car Club:
Interislander WH5465
Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferry ANTIQUECAR

Greetings Members

From The Editor’s Desk

Hi everyone and welcome to the February edition of your favourite motoring magazine! Such a hectic time since the last Rivet edition with motoring activities aplenty. Have been as busy as a blue bum fly buzzing around all over the place. Thankfully no more road rage incidents to report from my perspective. Perhaps the last lot of antagonists have found a job? Hope so but I doubt it.

Before I comment from my perspective on the much anticipated Anniversary Weekend events, I want to bring to you another motoring event which I and fellow VCC members, Colin and Tracey Matthews, participated in. Corporal Colin and Tracey along with Padre Ian ( aka Editor Ian) duly set forth in our Military Vehicles along with five other hard nosed, tough old would be military men plus some of the wives, in their equally tough old Military Vehicles, to conquer the famed and feared 42nd Traverse in Tongariro National Park. Actually I must confess that the vehicles, four Jeeps, two Land Rovers and one Dodge, are a hell of a lot tougher than the drivers, who most likely resemble the TV soap characters in Dad’s Army. We were ably led by 4x4 enthusiasts travelling in “Japas.”

Seriously the 46km high country track was challenging in parts and made some of our VCC metaled roads seem like super highways. Part way around, the old ex logging track used initially by bullock teams, was blocked by an active slip. We were aware that this was the situation before we embarked on our NZMVC adventure, so were prepared to turn around and travel on an excursion to an equally challenging place called Ten Man Hut. Couldn’t quite make it to the hut, as our guide got stuck in his Landcruiser down a treacherous slope and we spent two hours pulling and digging him out, leaving the old Military Vehicles smiling behind their grills! What an adventure! We stayed for two nights at Taylor Lodge near National Park. The old vehicles didn't miss a beat. Neither did the old soldiers! We were very lucky to have our 4x4 enthusiast, Tony Woodill, leading us. Thanks Tony.

Now to our main event, the Anniversary Weekend Burma Rally and associated events over the holiday weekend. Both our Chairman and Club Captain have covered parts of this in their reports in this edition, and Secretary Frank, with Doreen Hardy the remainder. Great to get others perspective on events and not just the weary old Editor. Thanks for that people.

From my personal perspective, I had a real blast over the weekend from the Friday night gathering in the Clubrooms, to the Monday Run. Didn't Ray Savage do a superb job with preparing the finger food. For those who do not know, Ray used to own Savages Bakery here in Wanganui. I always enjoy the annual Wheels on Victoria Avenue. We had a good presence of Members vehicles which was great thank you. Vehicles of all description everywhere highlighted the carnival atmosphere with a bumper crowd. I spent some time chatting to our lady members and our treasured Patron, Alan Bates, seated in the canvas awning beside the Branch truck. Alan, you are a marvel and great to be seated alongside you at the Sunday Dinner and Prizegiving. The Classic Cruise followed and once again brought to you by Peter and Doreen Hardy and Keith Turner. See report in this edition. Didn’t the Burma Rally go off well. Our Club Captain Andrew does a superb job and is so enthusiastic. Likewise our Rally Secretary Christine who handles her portfolio in a very professional manner. Special thanks to you both. I cannot mention all the others who make this whole weekend so enjoyable. But without all the assistance from all the Marshalls around the rally course and the various weekend events, this whole auto extravaganza would not happen. See inside this edition for a list of Rally prize winners. I endeavour to comment with a pic of all entrants vehicles and not just the prize winners as everyone participating deserves a mention. These will be spread over following Rivet editions. Must sign off now as heaps to do. Yours in cruising Editor Ian

Greetings Members

I have only just returned from an awesome weekend of Motoring namely the Burma Rally and all that is associated with Vintage Weekend Wanganui. I decided that it was better to attend the Meet and Greet on Friday instead of the official VWW Municipal start. I’m so glad I did.

We now know that we have a very talented caterer in Ray Savage. His more than ample spread beat even the most ravenous of us. Christine ensured Rally packs along with any relevant extra information was distributed with much care and efficiency.

We arrived somewhat early that evening with the idea we could offer some assistance but found the clubrooms already buzzing with excitement. It was very obvious that a lot of the competitors had at least two years of socializing to catch up on. That is a very happy sound and it continued throughout the night.

Eilidh came up with an excellent idea of New World picnic baskets for lunches. These cost around $28.00 a box and we found that we could not eat all of the great food between us. Our involvement in the Rally was to see the cars off and to greet them back. Judging by the big smiles on faces everyone seemed to enjoy the run. I know the Wellington and Horowhenua folk think we are very spoiled with our fantastic back country roads.

Andrew Johnson not only excelled with organising the rally, but he also ran the club run from the Cornmarket Reserve. I forgot to count the cars but there were so many that I was worried we would not get instructions. What a great way to end a super weekend. From the way some friends of ours from Waiuku (Southwest of Auckland) were reluctant to leave, I’m sure more people can see a lot of reasons to make this area the centre of their universe.

Congratulations Andrew J, Christine and the rest of the team on a fantastic Weekend.

Great Club Night on 2nd of February. Enjoyed the car slides and talk presented by photographer Graham Bailey. Thank you Graham. If anyone would like a pic of their vehicle taken on the Rally, contact Graham on 027 214 1730. Reasonable prices.

Left: Our Rally leaders. From left Captain Andrew J, centre Chairman Andrew D, and on right, Rally Secretary Christine Savage. Thanks heaps for your leadership and hard work to make for a successful Burma weekend. Also thanks to all the many helpers Editor Ian

Report — February 2023

Club Captain’s Report — February 2023


A huge thank you to everyone who helped with Vintage weekend. After driving the rally as lead car I sat in front of the computer entering times and getting the results printed just in time to enjoy a fabulous meal and company on Sunday night. The topic of the soap box derby arose. I had a sinking feeling and a check of times confirmed I had the Sunday run coming down Drews Ave at the wrong time. Late Sunday night a quick rewrite of the instructions including bypassing the road closure in Tinirau St. A very pleasing attendance saw about 45 vehicles head off up Brunswick Hill around Westmere , Springvale, St Johns Hill, the town centre and back to the Clubrooms for morning tea. Naturally I received a light hearted ribbing about a couple of mistakes resulting from my late night re-write. All things considered and the things that could have gone wrong, I thought it was an enjoyable weekend

Now for Rally Day. 73 Cars set of on a beautiful Sunny morning from Moutua Gardens and headed though Wanganui East and onto No 3 Line. After ascending the Okoia Hill, a left turn sent the cars into the first timed section, through Fordell and the beautiful back roads to Hunterville. The rally then did a small loop and ascended the hill on Leedstown Road and into the second timed section which followed the Marton bypass know as Fern Flats. A short trip into the lunch stop on the sports grounds in Marton. I was thrilled Andrew D secured this venue as there are trees and a grandstand for shade and a nearby church hall available if the day was damp. After lunch the run headed north and onto the delightful twisty Makuhou Road and then onto Turakina Valley Road and home via Warrengate Road, Durie Hill and the Vintage Weekend activities on Taupo Quay. It was great to see the number of cars with times very close to the target times. On each section someone got the perfect time, which is within 1 second. A special thank you to Jim O’Neill for the inspiration. This run was loosely based on the run he set for the Burma Rally in 2018. Thanks Jim

Thanks to everyone that helped and everyone that participated. Check out the Calendar, there is plenty coming up over the next few months and enjoy your motoring.

Cheers Andrew J

Whanganui Vintage Weekend

On Friday evening of 20 January 2023 the Wanganui Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand was represented at the Official Opening Ceremony for the Vintage Weekend Celebrations. The short ceremony was held in the lower block of Drews Avenue and a small number of Members of the Vintage Car Club attended. The Opening Ceremony was led by the Chairman of the Vintage Weekend Trust – Bruce Jellyman, with the Mayor Andrew Tripe and Local M P Stephanie Lewis speaking about the forthcoming Weekend Celebrations. After the Weekend was officially opened, photos of those attending were taken with a backdrop of Neville’s Double-Decker bus, a small Vintage Truck, three Vintage Cars and a Vintage Motor Cycle. The scene was now set for Vintage Weekend and after a couple of drinks to celebrate, the Vintage Vehicles were taken home to rest before the many events to come over the next three days. Frank James

Toni’s Treasures

This month Toni Jenkins allows us to have a peek behind her garage doors. Toni is a much valued member of our Branch and personally I think that it is terrific to have lady members in our midst. Too many old male farts ( such as myself) do become rather boring, so I have been told! Nothing boring about Toni, that’s for sure. She is very much her own person and speaks her own mind. She obviously has a passion for old cars as she has three beautifully presented examples of her own. Here is a story about Toni’s Treasures told by the lady herself. Hope that you enjoy the read. Editor Ian

When I was at university I loved driving my friend’s A35, and so when I had some money that was my first choice of car. I had also recently watched The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, which upgraded my wants from A35 sedan to a van. I talked to Keith when I was walking the dogs one day, and the rest is history. Mike Marshall had an Enthusiastic Green A35 van in his shed (right in the back corner actually) and Keith said it would only take a few weeks to make him road legal That turned out to be very optimistic. He was only just legal for the June Rally, but we managed to win the commercial section. Since then he has regularly tried to return to retirement and he is known as a commitment car - you have to be committed to keep him going. He has he/him pronouns due to his extreme hypochondria. His engine has been replaced, as has the wiring loom. He now has twin carburettors, new SU pump, a truly ridiculous exhaust pipe and is leaking oil at a rate that should be illegal considering how many gaskets and other potions have been put in him. Grasshopper is still a favourite though!

The MGB was my second purchase. I was put onto these cars by my son who reckons they are ‘extremely cool’. It was bought from Auckland through Trade Me. It was restored with new floors and engine rebuild by the owner’s son, and had never been taken in the rain since. Keith and I bought one way tickets to Auckland, checked it at the Airport and drove it home (one of the gifts were two towels, as they had never put the lid on before and didn’t believe it was rain-proof. They were absolutely right, but the problem was the window rubber. I haven’t done too much to this car, it hasn’t needed it. I generally just get in, start it and go.

The Austin 7 was a spontaneous buy. I was dropping some stuff off for a friend who showed us round his sheds. I pretty much fell in love at first sight. She was on Mike Stuart’s to do list and had been for a while. Keith and I trailered her home to John Miles house where he helped me un-seize the motor and convert her to 12 volts. Since then I have been driving her regularly in town and around. She is great to drive, and as Keith says, you feel real important in her! It still startles me how tiny she is, and my mother reckons her family had three kids and two adults in one when she was a kid! My son Hamish won’t get in the back as there is no room for his legs.

I’m still amazed by the number of men who ask why Keith isn’t driving in my cars - it seems quite a lot of VCC members have not seen women driving or owning their own cars! If we want to welcome younger members of both genders, we need to get into the 21st century. There is no need to comment on women driving these days.

Well said Toni. I love the last paragraph. Told you that Toni speaks her mind, and good on her for doing so! Editor Ian

Toni’s Treasures Pics

Left: Toni’s favourite set of wheels. Well seems to me to be. The apt pet name given to this car is “Grasshopper” Apparently Keith has worked his mechanical magic on the engine and given it a bit of a rev up as only Keith would do. Anyway this Green Austin A35 Van screams out “look at me” as it hurtles around the race tracks ( I mean VCC events) Quite a little stunner.

Right: This has to be my favourite of Toni’s cars. I mean that it is the one that I could possibly get in and out of, plus this MGB looks, and is, a very sporty car. I wonder if Keith has snuck outside one night and tweaked the engine??

Left: Now isn't this a cutie. Certainly not a race car, but one that even brings a smile to this old Editor. Cannot imagine how anyone could not grin when they see this immaculately restored car and nod their head in approval at this Austin 7.

Thanks Toni, for sharing your lovely treasures with us. Editor Ian

Wheels On Victoria Avenue

On Saturday morning of 21 January 2023 we met at 7:15 am in Victoria Avenue in the Maria Place/Guyton Street Block near Westpac Bank where we parked the Vintage Car Club Truck and erected the Club’s Gazebo. We also assisted the Cancer Society people to erect their Gazebo next door to our base from where they sold Raffle Tickets for the Prized Vintage Pedal Car.

Vehicles of all ages, makes and sizes began arriving to park in the Avenue including Vintage Cars and Trucks, Classic Cars, Muscle Cars, Hot Rods, Motorcycles, Military Vehicles, Stock Cars and Company Speciality Vehicles.

By around 10 o’clock that morning the majority of available parking space in the Avenue had been filled with some vehicles being parked down the Centre of the Street. We estimate a number of around 350 vehicles were displayed with huge numbers of local people and visitors enjoying the opportunity to stroll down the Avenue on the lovely fine hot sunny day viewing the spectacular display of vehicles.

By around 3:30 pm drivers began to start taking vehicles back to their resting places or getting prepared to go out motoring in or on them.

Thank you to all Club Members who assisted on the day including Marshalls who helped with getting vehicles safely parked and those helpers at the Club’s base under the Gazebo who handed out Burma Rally Packs and ‘flew the Club’s flag’ answering general enquiries while providing a friendly face to the public.

What a great weekend.

Mitre 10 Classic Cruise

The Mitre10 Mega Classic Cruise was initiated to bring the whole town, and rural area, in touch with the Vintage Weekend activities and that's certainly what we did again this year.

Each vehicle pays $10 for a prize raffle draw that is held after the cruises have finished and all proceeds are handed over to our local Cancer Society.

92 vehicles entered this year with a third electing to take the long route and the others the short route, both ended at the Barracks Sports bar for the raffle draw. No speeding fines or other offenses were reported so it seems everyone had a great trip, many onlookers were noted on the route cheering our entrants on their way and enjoying their picnics.

We thank all the entrants and the onlookers/picnickers for their participation and look forward to seeing you all at next year Vintage Weekend Celebrations.

Wheels On Victoria Ave Pics

Above: VCC ladies chatting

Above: This poor old Morris caught my eye

Above: Rare Volvo commands attention

Below: Lovely old Reo camper

Above: Gotta love this old builders truck

Below; Had to include this old Mopar. My pick

Burma Rally 2023 Prize List

Overall Winner of the Rally Steve and Joy Growden AA Tray

Veteran Class 1st Lee and Karen Taylor Veteran Cup

Vintage to 2499cc 1st Mike Loosemore and Chris Lawrence Williamson Pint

Runner up Roger Corlett and Christine Reichenbach

Vintage over 2500cc 1st Bill James and Anne Berntsen Rex Porter Cup

Runner up Ted and Genny Matthews

Post Vintage 1st David and Glynis Robinson Bert Tonks Cup

Runner up Graeme and Karen Langridge

Post War 1st Bruce Thomas and Bronwyn Toy VCC Trophy

Runner up Connal McIvor and Brian Christensen

Commercial 1st Toni Jenkins and Fay Wilbur Commercial Plaque

Runner up John and Wendy Bullock

Post 1960 1st Stuart Stubbs and Stephanie Barron Post 1960 Trophy

Runner up Bill Laney and Denise Liddle

Post 1980 1st Steve and Joy Growden Post 1980 Trophy

Runner up George and Leigh Buchanan

Farthest Travelled Mike Loosemore Waiuku

Best Dressed Lady

Best Dressed Man

Caroline Rhodes

John Miles

Congratulations to prize winners and all entrants. Prize winners pics in this edition. All entrants car pics in this and following Rivet editions. Editor Ian

Burma Rally Prize Winners

Left: Lee and Karen Taylor presented Veteran Trophy by Rally Secretary Christine (right)

Middle left: Mike Loosemore (left) and Chris Lawrence won the Vintage up to 2499cc

Below: Roger Corlett and Christine Reichenbach were runners up Vintage up to 2499cc

Bottom left: Bill James and Anne Berntsen (left) were presented the cup by a joyous Secretary Christine for winning Vintage over 2500cc

Below: Ted and Genny Matthews runners up Vintage over 2500cc

Burma Rally Prize Winners

Far left: David and Glynis Robinson won Post Vintage Left: Graeme and Karen Langridge were the runner up in Post Vintage Right: Bruce Thomas piloted his Vauxhall to win Post War Far Right: Connal McIvor and Brian Christensen collected runner up prize for Post War Far left: Two happy ladies, Toni Jenkins and Fay Wilbur won the Commercial Vehicles Left: John and Wendy Bullock were runner up Commercial section

Burma Rally Prize Winners

Far left: Stuart Stubbs and Stephanie Barron won the Post 1960 Class

Left: Bill Laney and Denise Liddle runner up Post 1960

Lower left: Steve and Joy Growden won the Post 1980 plus overall winner.

Lower centre: Farthest entrant Mike Loosemore from Waiuku

Below: Best dressed Lady Caroline Rhodes

Right: All the way from Whakatane came Steve and Joy Growden in their 1982 Ford Cortina to scoop the main prize, the AA Tray for overall winner of the Burma Rally. Congratulations.

Burma Rally Pics

Top left: In pole position Winton Cleal waits for the starters call in his 1936 Worsley 14/56

Top right: Wayne Gedye at the controls of the 1929 De Soto Six Phaeton

Above left: John Bullock ready for a flying start in his Ford Model A Pick Up

Above right: The oldest car and Veteran winning Ford Model T piloted by Lee Taylor

Below left: Diane McLennan steadies the sporty 1989 Mazda MX5

Below right: 1947 Sunbeam Talbot rearing to take off with Peter Simpson at the wheel More Pics next Month

Monday–Friday: 8am–5pm Saturday: 8am–12noon

Heads Road, Wanganui Ph: 06 348 7108

ATVTNZWANGA- NUI 12noony: 8am–5pm Saturday: 8am–129 Heads Road, Wanganui Ph: 06 348 7108
off your WOF

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor

This is a reminder to all the motorcycle fraternity in the VCC, that the Ted Green Memorial Rally is being held at the Horowhenua VCC Clubrooms, 14 Tiro Tiro Road Levin, on Sunday 26th February 2023. Entry forms have already been given to all likely entrants in our Branch. Additional forms are available from the Wanganui Branch Secretary, Frank James. Briefing is at 9.45 am on the day. First bike away at 10 am. Entries to be received no later than the 21st of February.

Please phone 021 349 074 or 06 344 2221


Dear Editor

This is to remind Members of the 2023 Highland Fling!


Before departing Taihape last year, most of the entrants made their accommodation bookings for 2023, a very wise move. However, for anyone who is considering joining us this year in April it would pay you to make your bookings now, as Taihape is not what you would exactly call a 'sprawling metropolis' with numerous options. Please note: bookings for the Gretna Hotel are being managed by us, and bids for rooms will be taken as soon as we work out what is available.


Friday 21st April - Registration

Saturday 22nd - Fling Rally

Sunday 23rd (day) - Fling Rally continues and Field Tests Sunday 23rd (evening) - Prize Giving Dinner


I will send the Entry Forms out to you and the branches during the month of February. In the meantime stay happy, healthy, and safe motoring out there on the roads, and let's see what good things 2023 has in store for us.


Kaaren Smylie


(Vintage Car Club North Island Club Captain) Phone 021 664 341

Dear Editor

I would like to commend you on your excellent Rivet Publications. The articles on club members are excellent and they help to get to know people better. May I also recommend to you how great the Rivet is as a reference for dates and times of coming events. I am sure Mr Editor that even you will find this very useful.

Thanks Andrew J

Thank you Andrew for your kind words. I am merely doing what I was elected to do. And yes, I will read the Calendar more thoroughly and note the timetables! Editor Ian

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor

Vintage/Veteran Tour

This event was advertised in the October/November edition of Beaded wheels – page 49. For those that missed it we invite your participation.

The tour promises proper unhurried vintage motoring in your pre 1931 club eligible vehicle covering a total of 475 miles with many sections of gravel roads. Tour destinations are Masterton, Dannevirke, Ohakune, Taumaranui and Wanganui. So come and join like-minded people to savour the stunning scenery we will be passing through and the camaraderie of your fellow travellers.

The Tour will be preceded by a BBQ for the entrants hosted by the Wellington Branch on Sunday 12th March. Start is from Lower Hutt and will finish at Wanganui on Sunday 20th March with a final dinner. Total tour mileage 475miles.

An entry form and further information, particularly about Forgotten World Tours, and accommodation details will be sent to those who express an interest. Emergency housing has removed many accommodation alternatives so it will pay to book early .

Entries close on 1st March 2023 Email

Dear Editor

Plotting maps for VCC and other Rallies.

I have AA Map No2 and AA Map No3 both dated 1958, of the four covering the North Island. These maps give all named roads and the mileages and are great for plotting routes and distances.

Has anyone got AA maps No 1 and no 3 to complete the series? If so I would welcome a donation.

Most of the modern maps do not give distances either in kilometres (or miles). My Kiwi Map Book 2008 covers all of the North Island, but distances are vague.

Any maps to help would be appreciated.

7 Nixon Street, Wanganui East. Phone 0274579634

Wellington –Wairarapa – Wanganui 13th – 20th March
Kidd at or Ph Phil Kidd 027 239 4828 or 04 5289 897
Phil and Coral

Dear Editor

On Saturday 11th March 2023, the Waverley School is holding it’s Jubilee weekend. There will be a parade of vehicles of all descriptions starting from the Waverley Domain in Chester Street. From here the parade will meander through the township ending up at the School, where a Country Fair will take place. We hope that some of your members will be able to take part with their vehicles to join in with those already promised. It will be a fun day in the township. We request that everyone meet at the Waverley Domain at 9.30 am. See you there.

Kind regards

Organiser Phone 027 612 9311

Club Calendar

All runs meet at the Clubrooms at 1pm unless otherwise stated


16-19th Art Deco Napier

26th To Bruce Ardell Transport and Machinery Museum. Meet at Clubrooms. Please bring afternoon tea, thermos, chairs etc. Will be cancelled if wet.

March 1st Club Night

19th Club Run to Smash Palace. Details to follow. At this stage leaving from the Clubrooms at 9am.

April 5th Club Night

15th Motor Cycle Trial

21-23rd Highland Fling in Taihape

23rd Road Rodders Park Up. Details to follow

Letters to the Editor



Ed Boyd Parts Shed

We have an outstanding collection of engines, gearboxes, body parts, spares, new and used, from a vast range of manufacturers. These parts span from the early 1900’s to more modern production vehicles. If you are looking for anything, large or small, to keep your car on the road call us to see if we can assist, You will find our prices unbelievable. Please call or email us:

Dave 06 347 6915 027 555 4201

Chris 06 348 7335 027 443 1184

Trevor 06 345 8897 027 245 7770

lf we don’t have it, we may know someone who does!

For Sale/Wanted To Buy/Tender

Wanted: 1941 Indian Motorcycle 741B parts. Contact 021335003 or 3454250 Evan Forsyth.

Wanted: NZ Number Plate with 'AZ' prefix. Contact 021335003 or 3454250 Evan Forsyth.

For Sale: 1951 Morris Minor. 2 door split screen. Stored 10 years and owned for 25 years. Totally rebuilt. Will have new Rego and WOF. Asking price $6000 ono

ALSO 1961 Morris Minor 4 door. Radio and heater. 1000 model. New WOF & Rego. Asking $6000. Tidy condition. Phone 027 412 3232. Member

For Sale: 2019 MG Saloon. 30,000km. As new. High spec Mk 3. Dealers offer $14500. Asking price $15000 ono. Phone 027 412 3232. Member.

For Sale By Tender: 1974 Bedford KRLC 3 Truck situated at Whanganui Port 2 Short Street. Petrol engine and reg not on hold. Hiab works well with some leaks. Untouched original condition. Mileage only 4535 as truck was used on site at the Port and previously by the Power Board for lifting posts.. The truck has been stored all its life under cover. The cab has some rust but the truck starts up every time. Great restoration project.

Viewing by arrangement weekdays. Contact Rachel 027 220 2144.

Tenders in sealed envelope to:

Whanganui District Council

PO Box 637

101 Guyton Street

Whanganui 4541

Attention Dion Walker

Tenders close 12.00pm 22 February 2022

Farm shop opening hours:

Tuesday to Friday 8am to 5pm Saturday 8am to 1-30 pm

Bates Watchmakers

130 Victoria Ave, Wanganui

Phone/Fax 06 345-2235


Watch Specialists for Whanganui

Sales & Repairs

Mainstreet’s Top Shop Award Winner

107 Rapanui Road Westmere

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