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Our Patron, Alan Bates
The Hunterville man, Peter Wilton inside

Official Magazine of the Wanganui Branch of the V.C.C. of NZ P O Box 726, Wanganui , Street Address—Patapu Street, Wanganui East

Patron: Alan Bates

Chairman: Andrew Dittmer 027 379 6969

Secretary: Frank James 06 344 2221

Treasurer: Neil Farrer 027 457 9634

Accounts Reviewer: Peter Powell

Club Captain: Rob O’Keefe 027 433 2626

Rally Secretary/Trophies: Christine Savage 06 342 4755

Motorcycle Convenor: Bill James 027 353 2190

Committee :


Health & Safety:

Trophies Manager:

Dale Whitaker 021 0888 2371

Wayne Gedye 027 244 7108

Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Sietse Zeilstra 027 345 6977

Pierre Zeilstra 027 345 6977

Jim Bilby 027 636 5529

Wayne Gedye 027 244 7108

Dale Whitaker 021 0888 2371

Mihi McDermid 06 347 6915

Branch Delegate: Rob O’Keefe 027 433 2626

Kitchen Manager: Liz James 06 344 2221

Hall Custodian/Bookings: Dale Whitaker 06 343 9089

Truck Custodians: Rob O’Keeffe 027 4332 626

Shane Hobman 06 344 5915

Librarian: Dave Austin 06 344 7513

Parts Custodians: Dave McDermid 027 555 4201

Chris White 06 348 7335

Graeme Purves 027 929 5026

Editor: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Beaded Wheels Reporter: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Archivist: Dave Austin 06 344 7513

Vehicle ID’s: Shane Hobman 06 344 5915

Bruce Ardell 06 342 7713

Rivet Distribution Co-Ordinator: Linda Kendrick 027 775 4644

Frank James 021 349 074

Official VCC Website:

VCC Branch Mags: Facebook Wanganui Vintage Car Club:

VCC Codes for Discounts: Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferry ANTIQUECAR Interislander Cook Strait Ferry WH5465

From The Editor’s Desk

Greetings members

By now you will all be aware of the sad passing of our much loved and respected Patron, Alan Bates, who passed away on 5th of this month. This has undoubtably overshadowed all that has happened in our branch of late. I can recall interviewing Alan for an article in the Rivet for the February 2022 edition, entitled ’This is your life –Alan Bates’ This also marked the occasion when Alan was awarded his 50 year VCC membership badge and certificate by the then President of the VCC, Diane Quarrie. He was very proud of this recognition and seemed to be rather humbled by all of the attention. I had a great respect for him and always sought him out to greet him at our branch meetings and rallies.

His lovely Austin A40 Sports car opposite.

A beautiful service for Alan has been held with many VCC vehicles following him up to his final resting place beside his late wife, Leonie. Condolences to his family. RIP Alan. A eulogy by his daughter and VCC member, Linda, will be in next month’s Rivet.

Have you heard about our fellow member, Craig Ryland? Well now, Craig is somewhat of an unsung hero as he literally saved a woman’s life recently. On his way to work at our farm, he noticed a lady collapsing onto the road. Our Craig stopped and performed CPR on the stricken woman. A passerby called the ambulance and she was whisked away to hospital where I believe she has made a recovery. Take a bow, Craig. It must have been your magic lips that brought the lady back from the brink of death, as Craig said that she had no pulse before he went to work on her. Good man to have around is our Craig!

A quite different agenda at our last Club Night. After we stood for a minute’s silence in respect of our Patron’s passing, and the monthly addresses of our Club Captain and Treasurer, Linda O’Keefe, with Andrew Johnson on the projector, enthralled members with a summary of the 2024 Irishman Rally. Linda and Club Captain Rob journeyed down to the wintery deep south in their old Buick to take part without the car missing a beat. Quite a feat with the hood down the whole time. Most entertaining presentation.

In my July editorial I made reference to an individual whom I considered, and still do, addressed our Club Night speaker from the Whanganui District Council, Stuart Hylton, in a somewhat unsavoury manner at times during questions from the floor. The gentleman concerned has objected to some of my references about him. On reflection I believe that I should withdraw the phrase I used, namely him ‘ranting and raving’ and stating that he had caused similar disruptions at other such meetings, as was told to me. I agree with him that my comments were in his words ‘over the top’ and that referring to other meetings was none of my business. I have also written offering an apology to this person who I have been informed is also a VCC member.

That’s all from me this month. Yours in cruising, Editor Ian.

Chairman's Report — August 2024

Greetings members

With our dear Patron’s passing it has had me reflecting on his life and the way we can influence and encourage others. Alan Bates to me was a real gentleman, quietly showing his love of his family, friends and the VCC to all. We salute you and your life amongst us.

The talk recently has been on recycling material, but I think our love and restoration of old vehicles is probably the ultimate recycling. We do not have to, or even want to, melt down and reform our treasures into something new, but with a little love and care we can have a machine with not only ageless class but also a joy to use. How great is that!

Page 28 of the latest Beaded Wheels had my heart skipping with joy to see. The centre photo is of our friend John Fowler in a rather special machine. Another old friend, Wally, now departed was rather an excentric special builder and that body was the last one he built. The way Wally set the car up was not road worthy but John bought the machine from the estate and has built a rather capable trials car from it. That is brilliant recycling in my mind.

The article on Page 8 of the Beaded Wheels really stirred old memories, but not old Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Sue and I visited the Mitchell Brothers at Cronadun several times. Jack Mitchell must have been the Dad and now both the sons who we met have gone as well. As you drove down the Grey Valley about 10Kms short of Reefton was the area called Cronadun. It was easily identified by the two identical houses on the other side of the railway tracks with the words Mitchell on the left house roof and Brothers on the right one. The boys always bought their machinery in pairs but only ever used one of them keeping the other just in case. In those sheds were all sorts of vehicles and machinery with only delivery miles on them. I wonder what has happened to all that gear now? One I can remember was a Mk3 Zodiac in immaculate condition with only delivery miles on it. Another was one of the first Ford tractors ever in NZ but never used.

Keep on driving and living our history.

Club Captain’s Report— August 2024

Greetings everyone

I hope everyone is well into their recycling and enjoyed Stuart Hylton’s talk. It was very good of him to come to the club and talk to us at what must’ve been a busy time for him.

Thank you to Shane & Noeline Hobman for organizing the July Sunday run, it lived up to expectations, I’d have to admit we sat by Girls College looking at the roundabout wondering how we were going to take the 7th turn on the left, we worked out we needed to go around the roundabout twice. We also enjoyed seeing Shane’s new workshop and the projects he had on the go, we all wish you well with your endeavours Shane.

The afternoon was made extra special with the High Tea Eilidh and her helpers put on as a fundraiser for Siobhan’s Roller Hockey team’s trip. Everyone enjoyed themselves and the clubroom was full of people as were our stomachs after a very flash afternoon tea.

Please make effort to come along to the Daffodil Day Sunday Run 25th of August. Frank has written a very good run that will keep everyone entertained. Arrive at the clubrooms from 12.30pm. Register on the day, $15 per car. Briefing at 1.00pm, first car away at 1.15pm. Afternoon tea and prize giving in the clubrooms after the run. Please bring a plate if you can. This event is open to all cars, so if any friends are keen or always wanted to go on a rally now is there chance and in the name of a very good cause.

September Club Night is the Shiny Parts Auction. We’ve got a great night organized. One of the highlights of the evening is a mystery or mysterious guest auctioneer. Please bring items along for the auction, all good stuff please, car related if possible.

We heard today, Monday the 5th of August of the passing of Alan Bates. Alan had a special place in everyone’s hearts. Alan’s family, to use one of Bruce’s expressions are a treasure of the Wanganui Vintage Car Club. It is a sad day for Alan’s family and the club but also a time to remember the good things that Alan and his family have brought to our club. Rest in well-deserved peace Alan.


The Hunterville Man

Recently I travelled up to Hunterville to visit one of our VCC members, Peter Wilton, who as many of you will know, owns and operates a motor body/ panel and paint business there. Just turn right past the Station Hotel, Pete said. I recall this pub as one our rugby team used to frequent many years ago, or it may have been the other one in the town, the Argyle. Hang on a minute, I think it was both of them! Anyway getting to the serious stuff, I arrived at Pete’s very busy looking business and he opened the doors to show all the work in progress. Being a Mopar fan, I honed in on a 1956 Plymouth Savoy Pete is restoring for a customer. Love this in my shed! I spotted 1938 Ford 10, a 1929 Ford Model A van, a 1936 Ford C and a tough looking 1946 Chevrolet half tonne truck, which has been in the same family ownership since new. Hiding under a dust cover was a 1949 DeSoto sedan. Pete is one busy guy. He specialises in vintage and classics and has a waiting list for customers wanting work done, plus his own projects. In one corner of his workshop there is a painting booth. I spotted a most interesting looking farm truck in another shed. Called the ‘Big Buggy’, Pete describes all the technical stuff on the next page.

I really did enjoy my time with Pete. At his home, Pete houses more of his own ‘toy collection’ of which most are pictured in this article. I think how brilliant it is that his business is devoted to the restoration of yesterday’s vehicles and tucked away in a small town like Hunterville. Thank you Pete for sharing with our readers. Here is his story written by the man himself

Editor Ian

Even as a young child I was fascinated by old cars and machinery. I liked olden day stories and have always loved the sound of an ooga horn. My father's stories and enthusiasm probably helped with this.

It was on a trip to Southwards Museum that I saw a Ford Ten and thought one of those would be cool . A few months later, in 1986, a Ford Prefect came up for sale in the Wanganui Chronicle, which I bought from a young Mr Comrie who was the son of the Station Hotel Proprietor, Ray Comrie. The car was stored around the corner from the pub with some other old cars in an old building that got pulled down to build Trafalgar Square complex. I was 16 years old at the time the car cost me my life savings. Over a period of many years I restored the car and I still own it.

When I was 17, I got a Panel Beating Apprenticeship with McVerry Crawford Panel And Paint in Marton. During this time I saved up and bought a Model A which took 4 years on apprentice wages. The Model A belonged to John Staines who had moved to Aussie a few years earlier. The car was sold brand new from Merewether's in Wanganui to Wells Family of Makirkiri Valley. This car I have just kept running and have motored the wheels off it.

After my apprenticeship I went up to the Bay of Islands, mucked about for a while, and ended up working at Waipapa Panel And Paint for a time. I moved back to Hunterville in 1993 to work for Hunterville Panel Beaters, and carried on gathering and restoring old cars, such as Dad’s 1937 V8 pickup and a 1917 Model T, which I built up from parts. I joined the VCC in 1991.

In 2009 I decided for a change of scenery, I helped to build a large industrial building in Main Street Hunterville , and have been renting one end of it ever since, running my own business called Wilton Motor Bodies Ltd. I started out doing all types of panel beating, but now mainly do restoration. Some time ago I bought some top/hood iron making equipment off Horace Guilford's estate, which originally came from Garland Saunders, so I make and repair a few top irons as a side line.

My own current projects are a Ford Y (almost done) and a Ford C which is pretty rusty, and 3 Model T's. I also enjoy a bit of trout fishing when time allows and have a large garden which I have planted mostly with natives which seems to be in my genes as I descend from Wilton's Bush in Wellington

The Hunterville Man

The Big Buggy. Dad swapped a farm trailer for an old Commer truck in the early 1970's and built a farm vehicle out of it. He shortened the wheel base, grafted a Ford Jailbar cross spring system onto the front axle, stripped it down to the bare bones and later had a Vauxhall six cylinder installed, (now running a Holden), tractor ribs on front for steering and tractor grips on the back. Man it throw some turf! Steel wheels were fitted for winter use . It was just the bees knees for steep hill country.

Current customers Jobs:

1946 Chev Truck, been in same Family from new.

1956 Plymouth Savoy, Poly V8. Had lots of rust every where .

1929 Model A bread van, current owner paid for it in pounds, so has owned it along long time, The van had been used on his farm in Pukerua bay since the 1960's. It was originally a delivery van for that area and we think it was built by Standard Motor bodies Wellington (Colonial Motor Company)

My Cars :

4 Model T's (1good one and 3 projects)

1 Model A (plus 1 currently only half there)

1 Ford V8

A number of Ford 10’s plus a Fordson truck, a Ford Y, the Big Buggy, a Desoto and a Farmall Tractor

Left: Big Buggy– I am still smiling over this creation.

Below left: Rear wheels for the Big Buggy when extra traction required.

Below right: 1938 Ford 10 under restoration

The Hunterville Man

Top left: 1938 Ford 10 coming together nicely.

Top right: 1946 Chevrolet half tonne. Lots to do here.

Above left: 1956 Plymouth Savoy just out of the paint booth. Even like it is, this would have to be the Editor’s pick, being a Mopar fan! Great to see this back on the road.

Above right: 1929 Ford Model A van. This must be a rare Model A variant

Below left: Very smart looking 1917 Ford Model T

Below right: Much rallied 1929 Ford Model A

The Hunterville Man

Above left: Fordson towing half a Model A at a Christmas parade.

Above right: Taken in 1986, Pete’s first car. Is that Pete proudly leaning against the car?

Some of these photos are reproduction of ones forwarded to me. Others taken on site.

Fords everywhere. Pete, do you by any chance have or had shares in the Ford Motor Company? Thank you for a most entertaining visit. Hope all of you readers enjoy.

Above: 1937 Ford V8 towing a 1938 Ford 10

Left: 1936 Ford Y

Below: 1951 Ford Prefect alongside a 1954 Fordson truck

Annual Rally 2024 Pics

Top left: Bruce and Janet Pullan, Te Kawhata, in their 1963 Humber 90 Mk 2.

Top right: 1978 Chrysler Valiant Panel Van. Toni Jenkins and Siobhan Wakelin, Whanganui.

Above left: Graham and Thelma Jack, Tauranga, in their 1976 Ford Capri.

Above right: Last car away-1965 Hillman Minx series 2, with Mike Green, Whanganui.

The final four cars away on the 2024 Annual Rally. Thanks to all the entrants. Without you there would be no rally. Entering is the important part, not collecting any prizes that may be on offer. Looking forward to see you all again lining up with your vehicles. Makes for a great spectacle for the general public as well as us petrol heads. Important, I believe, to recognise all entrants in these pages.

I hope that I have correctly entered all the cars, drivers, navigators and their details correctly. Neil informed me that I got one wrong but I cannot remember who it was now. Put it down to a senior moment. Ah well...never mind. I’ll be more careful next time.

Editor Ian


The Scenic Tour of the King Country is an informal rally through the roads of the King Country, we have some questions for you to answer along the way and along with silent checks.

You will travel over a mixture of gravel and tarseal roads. Journeying through country North and South of Taumarunui, stopping for lunch at Ngakonui Valley School and then heading back through Taumarunui where you can get petrol if necessary. The route is approximately 180km long.

• The event is open to members of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand.

• The Road code must be obeyed at all times. One person in each vehicle must be a member of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand and may be called upon to show their current membership card.

• The Driver must hold a valid driver’s licence and may be required to show this document.

• No entries will be accepted after closing date due to catering requirements.

• In event of a dispute, the decision of the Rally Organising Committee shall be final.

• A back-up vehicle carrying petrol and water will follow the route.

• Electronic navigation aids are not to be used during this event.


There are no set Rally classes. Classes will be determined on vehicle entries. Prizes, which have been donated from our local businesses, will be awarded.

We will also have a raffle for sale.


Saturday 12th October

9.00a.m. Meet at the Carpark Opposite the Post Office in Miriama Street. Rally Pack will be given out

9.15 a.m. Welcome briefing

9.30a.m. First vehicle departs.

Lunch provided by Ngakonui Valley School PTA.

Afternoon tea at conclusion of Rally at clubrooms.

6.00 p.m. Pre-dinner drinks at the Taumarunui RSA, 10 Miriama St.

7.00 p.m. Dinner and prize giving upstairs at RSA

King Country Scenic Tour Entry Form

Name of Driver: ________________________________________________

Name of Navigator: ____________________________________________

Other passengers names:________________________________________


Town ______________________________Post Code

Phone Number

E-mail Address__________________________________________________

Vehicle Make___________________________________________________

Model_______________ ______ __________Year ______ ___________

VCC Branch & Number__________________________________________

Number required Total

Entry Fee (Per Car) $30.00

Saturday Lunch $20.00 per person

Saturday Dinner $45.00 per person


Any dietary requirements: -

Please complete in full and return with payment to King Country Branch VCC or pay by direct credit to:

Westpac 030426 0178017 00 with your name as a reference.

Rally Secretary: Jacki Sinclair, 936 Taringamotu Rd, RD 4, Taumarunui


Entries Close: Thursday 3rd October 2024


Twin River Motel - Are offering 7% off their standard rate and are holding rooms for VCC members.

Make sure you mention you are attending our Rally for discount. Phone 07 895 8063


Rally Organisers: Wayne and Julie Gilbert & Campbell Wright.

Rally Secretary: Jacki Sinclair, 0277791166

Postal Address: 936 Taringamotu Rd, RD 4, Taumarunui


Sunday Run & High Tea

Well, this was an afternoon that many were looking forward to. First with the Sunday Run which Shane and Noeline Hobman organized. (On right) A mixture of Vintage, Classics and Modern vehicles, about thirty in total, left from the clubrooms at 1.30 pm on a ’round about’ run around the city streets, ending up at KJS Autos at 155 London Street. This is where Shane plies his panel trade, working on classic and custom vehicles. Three impressive cars greeted members, a 1957 Chevrolet Black Widow, which Shane is restoring. This NASCAR replica is Shane and Noeline’s own vehicle. It looks fast even when sitting still and unfinished. Two others belonging to customers were also under restoration, a 1956 4 door pillarless Chevrolet and a 1957 Chevrolet 210 Station Wagon. He loves his Chevs! He employs a hot rod mechanic part time with another person soon to join the team. Good to see this couple embarking on a business career after Shane spent 33 years as a panel beater/mechanic at the now closed Harvey Round Motors in Dublin Street.

To keep members on their toes, a number of vehicle number plate look a likes were at various locations in the building with jumbled up letters, each naming a car make which we were asked to identify.

Thank you Noeline and Shane for an interesting run and visit to your garage.

Editor Ian

Above left: 1957 Chevrolet Black Widow.
Above right: 1957 Chevrolet S/Wagon
Right: 1956 Chevrolet Sedan.

Sunday Run & High Tea

Sixty of us then embarked for the Clubrooms where the High Tea, organized by Eilidh Pitkethley, awaited us. This was a fundraiser for her daughter and three other young ladies plus their Manager, to travel to and compete at the World Skate Games (rink hockey) in Novara, Italy. The team has been selected to represent New Zealand. Eilidh has done so much for our branch that the committee had no hesitation making the clubrooms available. Eilidh and a team of helpers certainly prepared a fabulous High Tea, with a superb array of finger food. The tables were all nicely laid out and the tea cups, plates and cutlery very ‘fancy’ indeed.

The team depart for Italy on the 13th of September returning 2nd of October. Safe travels and the best of luck for your games.

Above: Members enjoying their High Tea.

Right: Chef de cuisine, Eilidh.

Just wanted to say a massive thank you to the club and members for their overwhelming support for our members of the NZ women’s rink hockey team by attending our High Tea fundraiser. Hope that you all enjoyed yourselves.

Jemma, Emma, Siobhan and Michaela.

Above: Italy bound from left: Manager Christine Alderton

Emma Crawford

Michaela Ross

Siobhan Pitkethley

Jemma Bates absent (unwell)

And thank you Eilidh for the fabulous event. High Tea at it’s best! Editor Ian


In an effort to foster more Inter-Branch events, the following events have been organised:

“MANAWATU MEANDER” - organised by Wellington Branch Phil & Coral Kidd

Friday 20th Sept - Monday 23rd Sept 2024

Three nights away, based in Dannevirke, and travelling around some back roads covering around 100 miles on the Saturday and Sunday, followed by “COMPULSORY Happy Hour”

Arrive Friday afternoon - Leave Monday morning.

Book at the Destinations Motel in Dannevirke (Ph 0800 172 777) -and mention the Vintage Car Club booking. Once you have done that, please email the Wellington Branch Secretary, Alistair McCarthy o confirm your entry (

“INTER-BRANCH CAMP OUT” - organised by Manawatu Branch

Glyn & Cathy Clements

Gymkhana organised by Rob & Linda O’Keefe Wanganui Branch

Labour Weekend - Saturday 26th Oct - Monday 28th Oct 2024 (2 nights)

Venue: Base Camp (north of Apiti)

Start with a pub lunch at the Cheltenham Hotel from midday on Saturday, followed by a backroads run for a couple of hours, arriving at Base Camp late afternoon.

Sunday morning Gymkhana (equipment supplied by Whanganui Branch), after lunch, a guided drive through the Apiti Forest Road network.

Home Monday. Go to the Base Camp website to check out the facilities - cabins, communal kitchen and lounge area plus outdoor BBQ areas.

It is BYO Everything! - food, drinks and bedding (cost per head for the complex is yet to be advised).

If you are interested, please email Glyn and Cathy to go on the mailing list for further updates.

We look forward to seeing you!

Glyn Clements

North Island Club Captain

107 Rapanui Road Westmere

Farm shop opening hours:

Tuesday to Friday 8am to 5pm

Saturday 8am to 1-30 pm

Bates Watchmakers

130 Victoria Ave, Wanganui

Phone/Fax 06 345-2235


Watch Specialists for Whanganui

Sales & Repairs

Mainstreet’s Top Shop Award Winner


‘NZ’s Finest Automotive Platers’ 68 Wilson Street Wanganui

Acknowledged experts on all types of Vintage and Post Vintage Nickel and Chrome Plating.


Copper, Brass, Bronze, Antique Finishing and Metal Polishing Phone Dave on Wanganui 06 345 5042 or 021 057 6726 for prompt and efficient service.

It’s the Vintage Car Club’s National Day and across New Zealand, hundreds of vehicles will be on the road or on display to raise money for your local Cancer Society

Rally for Cancer

Wanganui VCC Clubrooms in Patapu Street, Whanganui East Register from 12:30 pm with a short safety briefing at 1:00 pm and first cars away at 1:15 Drive will end at VCC Clubrooms with a brief prize-giving to follow with the presentation of the Daffodil Shield. $15 per car entry fee which is donated to Wanganui Cancer Society.

To find out more about your local Daffodil Rally for Cancer visit:

Enquires email to All proceeds to Wanganui Branch Cancer Society.

Club Calendar

Club Runs meet at the Clubrooms at 1pm unless stated


22nd Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10. 11am.

25th Daffodil Day Run. Meet at clubrooms from 12.30pm. Register on the day-$15 per car. Briefing at 1pm. First car away at 1.15 pm. Afternoon tea and prizegiving follow at the clubrooms after the run. See page opposite.


4th Club Night starting at 7.30 pm. Shiny parts auction.

12th& 26th Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10. 11am

15th Sunday Run.



2nd Club Night at 7.30pm

10th & 24th Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10. 11am

20th Sunday Run

26th Wanganui City Centennial Parade. Details to follow.

6th Club Night. Night Trial.

29th VCC National Motorcycle Rally 25th-27th January 2025

Hosted by Manawatu Branch VCC. Entries close 31st October 2024

Email for entry forms etc. Cathy Clements.

47th Annual Rubber Duckie Motorcycle Rally New Plymouth 21st September. Further information phone Sue on 06 753 9100. Entries close 13th September.

King Country VCC Rally 12th October. See inside these pages for information.

Ed Boyd Parts Shed

We have an outstanding collection of engines, gearboxes, body parts, spares, new and used, from a vast range of manufacturers. These parts span from the early 1900’s to more modern production vehicles. If you are looking for anything, large or small, to keep your car on the road call us to see if we can assist. You will find our prices unbelievable. Please call or email us:

Dave 06 347 6915 027 555 4201

Chris 06 348 7335 027 443 1184

Graeme 06 3431324 027 929 5026

lf we don’t have it, we may know someone who does

Trading Post

Vehicles/Parts For Sale and Wanted to Buy

For Sale: 1978 Triumph 2500S. Tidy condition. New Rego and WOF. Some spare parts. $2000 o.n.o. Phone Keith Bing 06 343 9076

For Sale: Vauxhall Victor 1971 4 cylinder. Rego on hold. The vehicle is not currently mobile. Make an offer. Phone 027 379 1056 or at Colin W Price.

For Sale: 1959 Morris Minor. (right) We are looking for offers please. "As is where is" and buyer to collect. Russell Atkinson. Marton. Phone 0274525544

For Sale: Leyland Marina HDL 1978 ( below) $8750 or near offer. Phone Sue Voss 0212966210.

For Sale: 1955 Hillman Californian (right) suit restoration / parts and also comes with some spares. Open to reasonable offers. Phone Carole 0274477216

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