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August 2023

We remember Lesley Keats Ted and Genny Matthews open their garage doors










Official Magazine of the Wanganui Branch of the V.C.C. of NZ

P O Box 726, Wanganui , Street Address—Patapu Street, Wanganui East




Official VCC Website:

VCC Branch Mags: Facebook Wanganui Vintage Car Club:

VCC Codes for Discounts: Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferry ANTIQUECAR Interislander Cook Strait Ferry WH5465

Alan Bates
Andrew Dittmer 027 379 6969
Frank James 06 344 2221
Neil Farrer 027 457 9634
Reviewer: Peter Powell
Captain: Rob & Linda O’Keefe 027 433 2626
Secretary/Trophies: Christine Savage 06 342 4755
Convenor: Bill James 027 353 2190
: Dale Whitaker 021 0888 2371
Howell 021 0885 3483
Gedye 027 244 7108
Higgins 027 201 2706
Zeilstra 027 345 6977 Pierre Zeilstra 027 345 6977
Wayne Gedye 027 244 7108 Health & Safety: Dale Whitaker 021 0888 2371 Trophies Manager: Mihi McDermid 06 347 6915 Branch Delegate: Neil Farrer 06 343 6248 Kitchen Manager: Vacant position Hall Custodian/Bookings: Dale Whitaker 06 343 9089 Truck Custodians: Rob O’Keeffe 027 4332 626 Shane Hobman 06 344 5915 Librarian: Dave Austin 06 344 7513 Parts Custodians: Dave McDermid 027 555 4201 Chris White 06 348 7335 Graeme Purves 027 929 5026 Editor: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706
Wheels Reporter: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706 Archivist: Dave Austin 06 344 7513 Vehicle ID’s: Shane Hobman 06 344 5915 Bruce Ardell 06 342 7713 Rivet Distribution Co-Ordinator: Linda Kendrick 027 775 4644 Frank James 021 349 074

From The Editor’s Desk

Greetings Members.

Another month and another Rivet. Hope that you enjoy the read. I am receiving a few comments about my previous editorial where I put pen to my beliefs that we as a Branch should at least give some thought to changing our public perception that we are not just a grouping of elderly “fossils” with respect to fostering only Vintage vehicles. I can hear voices saying “ what about the post 60’s and 80’s vehicles we cater for in our rallies?” I acknowledge the fact that we do indeed cater for all unmodified vehicles over 30 years old. This being the case, then could someone opposed to my viewpoint to incorporate the word “Classic” into our Branch name, please inform me why we should stick our collective heads in the sand and not brand ourselves as a club where Classics cars are welcomed? I can also hear voices saying “ what about you then Mr Editor, and your liking for customising some of your cars, including your poor old 37 Plymouth? Do you think that such vehicles should be able to compete in VCC events? “ No I do not, apart from our Branch runs, which I do now. Any National Rallies I only enter vehicles carrying the VIC certification. In any organisation or business, branding is so important. So come on Members, how about some feed back? Lets liven these pages up somewhat and express your viewpoint in “Letters to the Editor” addressed to All correspondence, providing that your full name is attached, will be printed in the Rivet. Blimey, what have I let myself in for? I was very pleased indeed that one of our more senior members congratulated me on my comments in last month’s Rivet. More to our club than just Vintage cars!

Another younger Member, who also phoned me backing a name change similar to what the Hawkes Bay branch has done, asked me to canvas whether BYO alcohol could be brought along to the clubrooms for a “bit of socialising”. He is not suggesting a big booze up, just a quiet drink other than tea. Personally I prefer tea as I am a complete teetotaller these days– have been for 20 years or so, apart from I bottle of beer at the Pirates Rugby Club Jubilee earlier this year and a glass of wine at my 70th three years ago. Bloody boring old fossil, aren’t I.

Once again, unless you Members out there express your viewpoint over what, if any, changes you would like to see, then nothing will ever happen. Be brave and put pen to paper.

Great to hear that Dale Whitaker’s Ladies Coffee Meet every 2nd Thursday is going well. I may just eavesdrop one day to see what our lady members are getting up to. Perhaps if I wear one of Frances’s dresses and put a scarf around my head I will go unnoticed? After all with all the cancer hormonal treatment I am on these days I do not know whether or not I am an Arthur or a Martha. Speaking about cancer, don’t forget about the Cancer Daffodil Sunday Run later this month. Listed in the Rivet.

Opposite is my ‘37 Plymouth undergoing surgery. Not a hot rod-just customised a little. I cannot wait.

That’s all from me. Looking forward to receiving your letters on any subject. Yours in cruising, Editor Ian

Greetings Members

I find it amazing how the connections we all have with fellow Vintage Car enthusiasts all over our country are so beneficial. Very often we run into roadblocks with our restorations with missing parts or the skills to complete the job. If you share these hiccups amongst Members, in nearly every case a solution is found. This has happened quite a lot in recent days. That is why it is so important to stay connected with your club.

It was so great to have Rob and Linda share their visions of where they would like to go with the Club Captains role with the committee. I enjoy Rob’s way of saying-(now I am only going to say this once so listen carefully.) He chooses his words in a very considered manner and researches the most appropriate way to convey them. This is a gift not a lot of people have.

Neil and I will be in Nelson at the VCC AGM in August. Neil is a very gifted man in his abilities to sort through all sorts of items like finances and management issues to see clear paths ahead. There is so much very good information presented that it is often overwhelming. By having two Members present they can quietly confirm what would be best for our Branch. Only Neil, being our delegate, is able to vote on our behalf and this a huge responsibility.

On the right is a photo of the little car we had for many years. We eventually needed a tin roof and wind up windows but huge amount of fun was had in this machine.

Club Night Speaker

John Bullock was invited to speak to us on our August Club Night. He has been a Club Member for many years so great that he came forward to enlighten us on his experience overseas with motor racing. In 1965 John went to England where he worked as a mechanic and built and raced motor cross bikes. In 1970 he joined up as a mechanic with Elf Team Tyrrell who raced Formula One cars. Success followed on the circuit, with a World Championship win and a third place in Austria in 1971. John stayed with this team on Grand Prix Tours for three years, travelling all around Europe and chalking up no fewer than eight wins plus a Construction Championship win before returning home to the family business. Thank you John for an enthralling presentation.

Chairman's Report
August 2023

Club Captain’s Report-August 2023

Welcome Members to our first joint Cub Captain’s report. We both look forward to serve you to the very best of our ability. Rather a novel way to have joint Club Captains, but we feel very confident that it will work well for both of us and of course the Branch.

We would like to thank Shane and Noelene Hobman for organising the July Sunday Run at such short notice. It sounds like it was well supported and everyone who came along had a great time.

We have a very busy time ahead of us for the next few months with lots of opportunities to get our cars out and have some enjoyable events.

October we have the Commercial Rally. We will keep everyone informed about what is being organised for the weekend, as well as events for our members to attend along with the rally entrants. We want in involve all Branch Members as much as we can.

Treasurer Neil has put together a very interesting looking Sunday Run for the 17th of September to Hawera. Please meet at the clubrooms at 9am departing at 9.30. The first stop is Tawhiti Museum (cafe there) to arrive at approximately 10.30 am. Depending on the weather, our next stop will be at a garden of significance. Ken Horner will hopefully be able to present a history talk on Hawera. Depending on available time there is another venue which Neil is certain you will enjoy.

Planning to depart for Wanganui no later than 5pm. Any questions to Neil on 027 457 9634.

Shiny Parts Auction 6th September

Please start putting together the “treasures” you no longer love or have the space for and bring them along to our Shiny Parts Auction. Please bring them to the Clubrooms from 6.30pm on Auction Night. A couple of our members will be auctioneers for the evening. So come along with some cash in your pocket and goods for the auction and enjoy this annual fun night. Please, no magazines unless they are collectable ones. No monthly car mags please. We have a few of these free for the taking on the desk by the entrance.

Club Captains Rob and Linda O’Keefe

Matthews Mustangs and other Treasures

This month Ted and Genny Matthews open their garage doors to let us have a peek what lies behind. I always knew that they were died in the wool Mustang enthusiasts but I had no idea of Ted’s latest project– a 1966 Lotus Europa. The photo (below left) shows that this is very much a work in progress, but this rear engine future flyer makes my mouth water. I have known Ted for a few years and before my days at the VCC. In fact I was at the same singles dance in Palmerston North many years ago when Ted and Genny met and I can tell you that it appeared to be love at first sight! They are a great couple and a ton of fun and I really did enjoy the time spent with them when I called into their home in Mosston Road to interview and take photos. There are other very desirable cars in their collection but Ted’s eyes really light up when he talks about their 1965 Mustang. I for one cannot blame him for that. Without further to do, here is their story narrated by both Ted and Genny.

I have always been crazy about cars– I think that I was born this way. My Dad tried to teach me all about growing roses, but I did not have green fingers at all, preferring the black hands of tinkering around cars. Dad finally gave up encouraging me to follow in his footsteps with roses as he must have realised where my passion lay– cars, cars and more cars!

So upon leaving school I became a motor mechanic apprentice firstly at Hackett Motors, the Chrysler dealers, then at Wanganui Motors Ford dealership where my love for Ford products flourished. During these informative years, I developed a liking for the stock car scene by firstly assisting Charlie Berntsen. I have been interested in stock cars for close to 60 years. I have raced them in Australia and New Guinea as well as here in New Zealand. I also have raced rally cars. As a younger man I also dabbled with many cars of all makes with most of these eventually being permanently “parked” at the Balgownie Rubbish Dump. Ted’s son and grandsons have inherited his passion for stock car racing which is ongoing to this day. I purchased my Essex coupe from my good friend, the late Charlie Berntsen beginning a new chapter in petrol head heaven, and joined the VCC on 2006.

In our garage there currently resides the 1927 Essex coupe, a 1929 Dodge DA, A 1964 Rambler American, a 2001 Mercedes coupe, the unfinished 1966 Lotus Europa and three Ford Mustangs– a 1965 convertible, a 1970 coupe and a late model 2016 GT.

The ‘65 convertible was purchased as a basket case which took me over five years to restore. Very expensive build which if revealed here may take the risk of divorce proceedings! Genny damn near had a fit when she saw it on the trailer when it arrived at home. Likewise our 1970 Mustang also required a major rebuild, especially when a former car painter (thankfully now not in Wanganui) completely stuffed up on this car when we were overseas. When we returned to NZ, much to our horror, the car had been recklessly partially dismantled with many parts damaged beyond repair. We were not pleased! It took years to repair the damage created.

Genny’s son, Terry, owns a Triumph Spitfire which Ted is keen to help restore.

On the right is our rare 1965 Rambler American which is presently under repair.

Matthews Mustangs and other Treasures

Currently we are searching for a Ford Model A. Our love for the Ford brand particularly, runs deep in our veins.

We hope that you have enjoyed our story and our cars.

Above left: 1927 Essex. Answers to the name “Old Fart”

Above right: Lovely 1929 Dodge DA

Left: 1965 Mustang Convertible. This one is the Editor’s pick.

Below: Gleaming 2016 Mustang GT

Bottom: 1970 Mustang. Beautiful Classic

Thank you Ted and Genny for opening up your garage doors for our readers. Also really interesting to hear how you and other Members became attracted to join our Club. I am always amazed at how many former stock car drivers we have within our membership. Editor Ian

Ted and Genny Matthews.

Annual Rally 2023 Car Pics

Top left: Chairman Andrew and Sue Dittmer in “Little John” the flying 1939 Austin 10.

Top right: 1971Worsley 18/85 driven by Harry Sutcliffe chatting to Starter Christine Savage.

Above left: Here we have Ian Chamberlain in his much rallied 1954 Ford Zephyr Mk1.

Above right: 1971 Rover P6B driven by Bernie Quin inching forward over the start line.

Below left: Andrew Banks is all smiles behind the wheel of a rather rare Fiat Uno Citivan.

Below right: From the Hawkes Bay we have Paul and Janine Anderson in their 1936 Chev.

Annual Rally 2023 Car Pics

Above left: 1964 Ford Falcon Convertible looking menacing. Bill Laney at the controls.


Ian Ingram receiving instructions from Starter Christine. 1974 Vauxhall Viva HC.


Much rallied 1962 Austin Cambridge. Stephen and Claudia Anne Voss.

This is the last pic of the entrants vehicles from the 2003 Annual Rally. Taken three editions of the Rivet to complete, but important that all the vehicles were captured on these pages. Without you all entering we would not have a rally. Thank you one and all. Editor Ian

right: left: Above right: Ready to pound the tarmac-Ted Matthews revs up the 1970 Ford Mustang. Below left: Last off the line was this 1985 Nissan Laurel with David Philps at the wheel.


On Sunday 16 July 2023 Shane and Noeline sent a group of some 25 Vintage, Classic and Modern Vehicles away from our Clubrooms on a drive around City and Suburban Streets of Whanganui.

Local VCC members including a couple of Members who have recently joined our Club along with some from Country areas were joined by a few visitors from the Manawatu Branch of VCC.

The drive began in cloudy, mild weather conditions which improved as the drive went on to become a warm and sunny pleasant afternoon. After navigating our way around Whanganui East streets we drove through Putiki and over the Cobham Bridge. After driving through inner Gonville and Castlecliff suburbs our instructions took us though Springvale, up through St John’s Hill down the back hill to Aramoho which eventually brought us back to the Dublin Street Bridge with a little ‘round the block’ back to our Clubrooms.

Our group of some 50 people enjoyed tea and coffee during which time an ‘Old School Session’ led by Shane and Noeline with the enthusiastic people answering the questions asked during the drive. Shane also tested everyone’s English skills with people needing to identify vehicle makes from jumbled lettered signs – good fun and many laughs.

Everyone present were winners on the day and received ‘Baby Chocolate Fish’ for their efforts. Thank you to Shane and Noeline for leading a very enjoyable afternoon.

Obituary Lesley Keats

Lesley Keats passed away recently at Jane Winstone Retirement Village. She is survived by her husband Vince, daughter and son-in-law Melanie and Steve and family.

I had known Lesley since the 1960’s when she was very active and helpful in many motorcycle events. She was often lap scoring from a caravan at scrambling events (now called motor cross) and also at the Boxing Day Cemetery Circuit races. The caravan for this event was parked by the now Total Automotive in Ridgway Street.

She spent many years in the Wanganui Branch of the NZ Vintage Car Club and with the shared love of motorbikes between herself and her husband Vince, would often rally pillion on many different bikes and in later years as a passenger on side cars. Along with Vince they successfully ran the Autumn Motorcycle Trial with a visit to “a place of interest” on the Sunday, before a barbecue lunch at their house to finish the weekend. Lesley was also editor of the Rivet for some years.

If you saw a bright green Austin A40 Farina coming along the road you always knew to wave as it was Lesley.

Lesley was a skilled potter and was also very active in the local Wanganui Potters’ Society. She did a lot of pottery at her home and down at the Riverside Market she would be involved in letting the public have go at raku firing. She was also a keen gardener and had a beautiful flower garden where she displayed a lot of her pottery. As secretary she often set up an art gallery in her garden where pieces from the Potters’ Society were exhibited and the public invited to view and purchase to help raise funds for the society. Although this meant a lot of work Lesley always managed to get the garden looking fabulous for this event.

She will be missed by many.

RIP Lesley.


Come along for the drive

It’s the Vintage Car Club’s National Day and across New Zealand, hundreds of vehicles will be on the road or on display to raise money for your local Cancer Society

$10 per car - all proceeds to Whanganui Branch of the Cancer Society

Sunday Drive

Join us for a Sunday drive Register at the Wanganui VCC Clubrooms in Patapu Street, Wanganui East from 12.30 with a short safety briefing at 1.20pm with the first cars away at 1.30pm.

Drive will end at VCC Clubrooms for a brief prize giving to follow with the presentation of the Daffodil Day Rally Shield.

Frank James Email:

Tofindoutmoreaboutyourlocal Daffodil RallyforCancer,

6th National Commercial Rally

Wanganui 20th - 23rd October 2023

Entries close Friday 15th September 2023 Limited to 120



Friday 20th October:

5:00pm The Barracks, 170 St Hill Street for registration, welcome and social time.

Complimentary snacks, tea and coffee. Other drinks, restaurant or bar meals are own care.

6:00pm Official rally opening.

Saturday 21st October:

9:30am Optional long or short morning run, or enjoy your morning visiting the Riverside Market and other local attractions.

12:30pm Park up at the Cornmarket Reserve for public display and judging.

Volvo Bus Trophy - Concours d’Elegance, open to Classification A vehicles.

Volvo Truck Trophy - Most original truck.

3:00pm Afternoon tea at Clubrooms, Parts Shed open.

5:30pm onwards: The Barracks for socialising and own care dinner.

Sunday 22nd October - Competitive Rally Day

8:30am Assemble at Cornmarket Reserve.

8:45am Rally briefing. All drivers and navigators must attend.

9:00am Rally start. Complimentary lunch and hot drinks available for rally entrants prior to afternoon field trials.

Dinner and prize giving will be held in the Wanganui Room at the Race Course, Purnell Street.

6:00pm Pre dinner drinks, cash bar open.

6:30pm Dinner and Prize Giving.

Monday 23rd, October:

8:30am Buffet breakfast at The Boat Shed, Somme Parade. Approx cost $18pp, own care.

9:30am Rally close followed by Bruce’s optional short run to place of interest. Disperse from there, late morning.

Rally Regulations

1. This rally is open only to Commercial Vehicles as defined in the rules of The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc).

2. Eligible entrants must be current financial members of The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc), or overseas residents who are members of a recognised Antique Motoring Club.

3. The entrant must either be the driver/rider, navigator or passenger of the vehicle entered.

4. All vehicles must display current WOF, Registration and Vehicle Identity Certificates OR Statement of Authenticity.

5. Actions that may bring The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) into disrepute will incur disqualification.

6. Entries close Friday, 15th September, 2023.

7. Drivers and navigators must attend the pre rally briefing at 8:45 on Sunday 22nd October.

Contacts For This Rally

Branch Contact Details: PO Box 726, Wanganui 4540 Branch Site Address: Patapu Street, Wanganui East

Bank Account Details: 03 0791 0210433 00

Bruce Ardell 06 342 7713 Neil Farrer, Treasurer 027 457 9634 Rob O’Keeffe 027 433 2626 Linda O’Keeffe, Rally Secretary
027 473 3767

Entry Form 2023 Commercial Rally

Entries close 15th September, 2023

Entrant: …………………………………………… Branch.………………………………………………….

Postal Address : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Phone: ………………………………………………. VCC of NZ Membership No:……………………….

Email: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Navigator: ….………..………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Passengers: ………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Vehicle Registration No: …………………………

Vehicle Make: …………………………………………

Vehicle Year: ………………………………………….

Model: ………………………………………………..

Vehicle Identity Card No:………………………….. Classification Type (as on VIC) ………………

Entry Fee per vehicle (includes one plaque) $60

Extra Plaque Number .……. $20.00 each $ …………….

Sunday Presentation Dinner Number attending ..……. $45 each $……………..

TOTAL $...............

To help with organisation please indicate if you will be attending

Saturday evening at The Barracks, own care Number attending ………………….

Monday breakfast at The Boat Shed, own care Number attending …………………..

Register online at or Email to or Post to Wanganui VCC, PO Box 726, Wanganui 4540

Remember to pay by direct credit to 03 0791 0210433 00

PARTICULARS: Your name CODE: Nat Code REFERENCE : Vehicle Reg

Farm shop opening hours:

Tuesday to Friday 8am to 5pm Saturday 8am to 1-30 pm

Bates Watchmakers

130 Victoria Ave, Wanganui

Phone/Fax 06 345-2235


Watch Specialists for Whanganui

Sales & Repairs

Mainstreet’s Top Shop Award Winner

107 Rapanui Road Westmere




9.00 AM Meet at Memorial Park, Main Street, Palmerston North

● Run length: Approx 100 miles

● Fuel is available in Eketahuna

● Lunch is $25/per head - Eketahuna Hotel

● Rally Entry Fee includes a Plaque

● Run will conclude at the Clubrooms for Prize Giving and BBQ Dinner

● Please bring your own Drinks for the BBQ (water/tea/coffee will be available)

● Please advise any dietary requirements (GF, DF)


Please make payment via Internet Banking

Manawatu Branch VCC 03 0718 0027253 00 Ref: Name, Reg No., VINTAGE RALLY

Please send completed Entry Form to Organisers:

Cliff Bennett, 473 Ruahine Street, Palmerston North, Phone/Text 0212837088, Email to

If you haven’t received an email confirmation of entry by the closing date, please contact the Organiser.


NAME VCC MEMBERSHIP NO. _____________________ EXPIRY DATE NAVIGATOR/PASSENGER NAME NAME TELEPHONE ( ___ ) ___________ EMAIL ADDRESS VEHICLE MAKE/MODEL/YEAR VIC NO. _________ EXPIRY DATE _________ VEHICLE REGO. NO. ______________ RALLY ENTRY @ $20.00 / Per Vehicle $20.00 Lunch/per Head @ $25.00 / No. of People____ $ BBQ Tea / per Head @ $15.00 / No. of People ____ $

Club Calendar

All runs meet at the Clubrooms at 1pm unless otherwise stated

Aug 10th Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10. 11am

16th Daffodil Business Deliveries. Contact Frank James 021 349 074

20th VCC National Day for Cancer

Daffodil Sunday Drive. See page 11 in Rivet. Register at the Clubrooms from 12.30 pm .

Briefing at 1.20pm. First car away at 1.30pm

24th Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10. 11am

Sept 6th Club Night-Shiny Parts Auction. See Club Captains Report.

7th Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10. 11am.

17th Sunday Run to Hawera. See Club Captains Report for further details. Meet at the Clubrooms at 9am and depart at 9.30am.

21st Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10. 11am.

Oct 4th Club Night

5th Ladies Coffee at Mitre 10. 11am.

20th-23rd Commercial Rally. Details in Rivet

19th Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10. 11am.

Sign spotted by photographer Graham Bailey. Car in full flight.

Monday–Friday: 8am–5pm Saturday: 8am–12noon

Heads Road, Wanganui Ph: 06 348 7108

ATVTNZWANGA- NUI 12noony: 8am–5pm Saturday: 8am–129 Heads Road, Wanganui Ph: 06 348 7108
off your WOF

Ed Boyd Parts Shed

We have an outstanding collection of engines, gearboxes, body parts, spares, new and used, from a vast range of manufacturers. These parts span from the early 1900’s to more modern production vehicles. If you are looking for anything, large or small, to keep your car on the road call us to see if we can assist. You will find our prices unbelievable. Please call or email us:

Dave 06 347 6915 027 555 4201

Chris 06 348 7335 027 443 1184

Graeme 06 3431324 027 929 5026

lf we don’t have it, we may know someone who does!

For Sale/Wanted To Buy

For Sale: 1965 Riley Elf Mk2. 81000 miles. Current owner 30 years. Reg & WOF. Excellent runner. Very original English classic. Reluctant sale $8800 ono. Phone Bryan 027 443 4403

For Sale: 1937 Plymouth 6 cyl motor and gearbox. Complete. Front and rear axles, diff, driveshaft, leaf springs etc plus steering box. Complete. All in great working condition. Plus A1 front and rear seats. Blue. Complete. $2000 the lot. Phone Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Wanted to Buy: NZ number plate with AZ prefix. Phone Evan Forsyth 021 335 003

For Sale: Morris Minor 1000 gearbox. Good condition. Put straight in.$350. Phone Sam Wilson 027 235 5657

For Sale: 1938 DX Vauxhall. Reg & WOF from 2013 & garaged & driven by owner since then. In good condition with current Odo 41,800 miles. Phone Vernon Balance 06 348 4773

For Sale: 1955 Mk.1 Ford Zephyr. Reg on hold $8000. Also 1955 Ford Popular. WOF and Reg. $8000. Phone John Hughes 06 345 5414

Attention please Members: Please forward items to be included in this section by the 25th of the preceding month of the Rivet date of publication. Email address Please forward by word document if possible.

Thank you Editor Ian

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