VCC Wanganui Rivet December 2024

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Left: Our man Ian inside.
Right: Restoration of the Year winners.

Official Magazine of the Wanganui Branch of the V.C.C. of NZ P O Box 726, Wanganui , Street Address—Patapu Street, Wanganui East


Chairman: Andrew Dittmer 027 379 6969

Secretary: Frank James 06 344 2221

Treasurer: Neil Farrer 027 457 9634

Accounts Reviewer: Peter Powell

Club Captain: Rob O’Keefe 027 433 2626

Rally Secretary/Trophies: Christine Savage 06 342 4755

Motorcycle Convenor: Bill James 027 353 2190

Committee : Dale Whitaker 021 0888 2371

Wayne Gedye 027 244 7108

Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Sietse Zeilstra 027 345 6977

Pierre Zeilstra 027 345 6977

Jim Bilby 027 636 5529


Health & Safety:

Wayne Gedye 027 244 7108

Dale Whitaker 021 0888 2371

Trophies Manager: Mihi McDermid 06 347 6915

Branch Delegate: Rob O’Keefe 027 433 2626

Kitchen Manager: Liz James 06 344 2221

Hall Custodian/Bookings: Dale Whitaker 06 343 9089

Truck Custodians: Rob O’Keeffe 027 4332 626

Shane Hobman 06 344 5915

Librarian: Dave Austin 06 344 7513

Parts Custodians: Dave McDermid 027 555 4201

Chris White 06 348 7335

Graeme Purves 027 929 5026

Editor: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Beaded Wheels Reporter: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706


Dave Austin 06 344 7513

Vehicle ID’s: Shane Hobman 06 344 5915

Bruce Ardell 06 342 7713

Rivet Distribution Co-Ordinator: Linda Kendrick 027 775 4644

Frank James 021 349 074

Official VCC Website:

VCC Branch Mags: Facebook Wanganui Vintage Car Club:

VCC Codes for Discounts: Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferry ANTIQUECAR Interislander Cook Strait Ferry WH5465

From The Editor’s Desk

Greetings members

And welcome to the last edition of the Rivet for 2024. Sorry it is a little late in getting to the printers, but bird flu has struck in the South Island, and as you know my family farm laying chickens, so I have been pulled out of retirement to assist Dave, my son, with setting up enhanced bio security procedures to try and prevent our farm being struck with this deadly virus. Thankfully the strain in the South is apparently not the severe strain, but it can mutate. Never the less, all stock on infected farms must be culled and followed by an extremely thorough sanitisation process. Other livestock have been infected in overseas countries, along with wild bird life. Imagine the impact this would have in NZ. It is mainly spread across the globe by migratory birds. Part of Antarctica is infected by birds flying from South America. What the hell is happening to our planet with all these diseases, Covid among them?

The annual Christmas parade has been and gone for another year. Fifteen branch members paraded their vehicles down Victoria Avenue to the delight of waving crowds. To me, the event seemed to be a little low-key compared to previous years. No military vehicles this year, after some half wit in the crowd last year ran out and abused one of the participants for ‘glorifying war machines.’ I was very tempted to parade my old Willys Jeep just to ‘shove one up’ such stupid people, but being the non confrontational chap that I am, decided not to. For God’s sake, we were celebrating our old vehicles and not wars of yesteryear. What is wrong with these people? Cannot be quite right in the head! Anyway, most of our participating members went back to the clubrooms afterwards for a very tasty afternoon tea, including a lovely cheese platter which was organised by Dale Whittaker. Secretary Frank generously shouted a few beers for those who partake in the amber fluid. Wish that I wasn't a teetotaller sometimes, but alcohol is something that I steer well away from these days. Had enough in the past-too much! Wayne Gedye’s De Soto was awarded the best decorated VCC branch vehicle on display. Well done Wayne.

So sorry that our esteemed treasurer, Neil, is quite unwell at present. He is such an integral part of our branch, and it is sad that he has health issues to contend with. Get well soon my friend.

At last committee night, a discussion was held on whether or not to publish a Rivet in January. I raised the subject, and everyone agreed we should grant the Rivet distribution team, along with the Editor, a break over the festive season as we did last year. Time is against us to get this magazine set up, printed and delivered after the holidays and prior to Vintage Weekend. If any news-worthy notices from our committee surface, I will send out an email to members who are able to receive them. Once again it shows the importance for us all to have on line access. I am certain that there will be club members willing to show others how to work these devices. If you can restore old cars, then you will find computers or internet capable mobile phones so easy to operate. That’s all from me this year.

Wishing you all the best over the festive season. Be safe out there and don’t forget to hang out your Santa sacks! Yours in cruising Editor Ian

Chairman's Report — December 2024

Greetings members

This last month has been quite busy. A friend dropped his Austin 12/4 New Ascot around for me to look at his brakes. The upshot was the vehicle had no brakes at all. In my spare time waiting for paint coats to dry on the house renovation, the brakes have been fully serviced, freed up, relined, re-bushed and replacement pins made as required. It now has great brakes. One of the items we could not get were the dust boots for the actuators. We found some boots on e-bay but the cost was $51.00 plus freight each. My solution was a $4.00 set of rubber gloves of which I cut off the fingers to make replacement boots. I only used one glove so I can do two cars for $4.00.

I was really impressed with the efforts made by all of the entrants in the restoration of the year. I know that often these efforts are the stimulus to get other restorations completed. I know, as with Mike Marshal’s BSA Bantam restoration, others have either completed theirs or have really progressed.

I find it really encouraging how the ladies group Dale runs, have allowed a group of women who felt somewhat left out to find their place to belong. It was also interesting to hear some other ladies who really wanted to participate in the shed raids. Pic on the right shows a table at a local restaurant where the ladies coffee group held their Christmas function. Fantastic.

Did you read the article in the Latest Beaded Wheels on Beatrice ‘Tilly’ Shilling? One of the aero engines I worked on was the Bristol 735 Hercules. It was a complex beast, double row radial with sleeve valving. It’s saving grace was it had a fantastic Hobson pressure carburettor designed by this remarkable lady.

As a collector of early Austins I took great delight in seeing two of our friends on the cover of the Beaded Wheels thoroughly enjoying themselves in the Balcain Trial. To me this event is definitely one to put on your bucket list to participate in. Sue was able to participate even when she was not cleared to drive on the road due to health issues and had a fantastic time. Maybe it is something we could look at doing in the future?

I am really looking forward to being part of the next Gumboot Rally and helping with the Burma in January. We wish you a festive Christmas and a eventful New Year.

Club Captain’s Report— December 2024

Greetings members

The festive season is upon us. It’s also a time to get our cars out and enjoy the fellowship that our club offers over the next couple of busy months. November Club Night Trial, thank you to Steven and Sue Voss for organizing an enjoyable evening’s drive. Well done to Wayne and Phil for another great win, not to sure how that happened. The working bee was well attended and enjoyed by club members at the clubrooms. The grounds were tidied up, we did some work inside the clubrooms and there was a general tidy up of the parts shed. We also got rid of some rubbish and removed an obsolete and oversize printer from the library. Mid-morning Liz and Frank made a lovely morning tea, the highlight being the freshly made ham sandwiches. The work was completed around lunchtime and we all headed home to enjoy the rest of a sunny Saturday afternoon. Thank you to everyone who attended, working bees not only help keep clubrooms maintained they are a very good opportunity to get to know other members, thank you to everyone who attended.

Ted and Jenny organized a very special Sunday run for us culminating in afternoon tea at the Matthew’s family rose nursery. I believe everyone was in awe of the rose collection. Unfortunately, our car decided to take a hissy fit halfway to the venue so went home on the trailer. Thank you, Ted and Genny, I know you were busy, so your time given to organizing the Sunday run is appreciated.

The Christmas Parade, this Saturday, please try to attend, it’s a great showcase for the club. Meet in Cooks Street from 1.00pm. It’s optional but if you can dress up and have some Christmas decorations on your car would be good. After the parade we’d like everyone to gather at the clubrooms for afternoon tea rather than heading straight home.

Gumboot Rally, 1st of January, great way to kick off the year spending sometime in Taihape. If your not sure about attending, talk to Frank, Andrew or Ian and they’ll set you up with all the info for the day.

Club Picnic, Bason Reserve 8th of January, 5.00pm. Please bring a salad or desert to share. Please also bring your own drinks, plate, knife, fork and spoon and chair or blanket. We have the use of two Cancer Society gazebos and a sunblock stand for the fine evening I’m sure it will be.

Vintage Weekend, Our big weekend. Friday 5.00-7.00pm at the clubrooms pickup rally packs and nibbles for people who have enrolled. Wheels On Victoria, park cars in the avenue from 8.00am entering the avenue from Maria Place. Rally packs can be picked up during the day in the avenue just up from Majestic Square. Classic Cruise fundraiser for the Cancer Society, cars meet from 4.00pm in the M10 carpark, cars away around 5.00pm, $15 per car to enter. Burma Rally, meet from 8.30 at the Cornmarket, briefing at 9.00am, first car away at 9.15am. Bring your own lunch and drink. It’ll be a great day out. Evening dinner 6.00pm at The Whanganui Room at the Racecourse. Bruce and Jenny’s Wellington Anniversary Run on Monday, meet at the Cornmarket at 9.00am. Tea and Coffee provided, please bring a plate.

I hope you’ve all had a great year and enjoyed the activities with your fellow club members.

All the best for Christmas and the New Year, Rob and Linda

That man Ian Chamberlain

This month I have very much pleasure to bring to readers a real living legend of our branch, a man so very gifted in restoring and working on all VCC vehicles-from veterans to those of latter years. From mechanical and electrical issues to panel and paint, Ian is an undeniable genius at ‘putting things right’ One only has to witness what he has done, both with his own vehicles and to others, to appreciate the extraordinary skills that this 86 year old man possesses. Just to see his old Reo and the baby Reo makes me scratch my head in amazement. If I had but one fraction of his restoration ability, I would be ‘over the moon.’

It is so very sad to see the fall in health of the love of his life, wife Faye, who together with Ian, have been a true servants of our branch, and filled different roles on committee. Dementia took its cruel grip on Faye six years ago. She now resides in a rest home where Ian visits on a daily basis. Ian told me that he has known her since she was six years old. They lived very close to each other on Rapanui Road growing up, and finally married in 1963. They are a lovely couple. I visited Ian at his home recently where he narrated his motoring and VCC story to me.

Editor Ian

Ian’s stated working for Bert Tonks Panel-beaters in 1954, as an apprentice-his first job. He was sent to Taihape some time later to collect Bert’s 1913 Daimler, which he worked on. In 1959, Ian was next employed by Russell McKenzie Panel-beaters, repairing many stock cars as well as others. He stayed for six years. He then received employment building boats at Wanganui Boats, before joining Wanganui Engineering Works where he stayed for thirteen years, rising to the position of foreman. Time for a change. Ian started his own panel and paint business situated in Heads Road, which he ran until selling up in 2004.

Ian joined the VCC and our branch 37 years ago. Over time he reckons that he would have rebuilt about one quarter of all veteran vehicles in the lower North Island, plus some for overseas customers, the last one being the motor on an Arrol-Johnson which appeared in an earlier Rivet. With his engineering background, Ian made jigs for the manufacture of body panels for veteran vehicles. He has also restored many Vintage and Post Vintage cars for customers and VCC members.

Ian’s current VCC eligible vehicles are:

1. 1906 Reo. Ian’s favourite and what a beautiful car it is. Ian purchased it with the original chassis and most of the mechanicals. He ‘found’ the engine and rear axle some years prior where it was used to power a shearing stand. A complete new body was required, which made things difficult, but fortunately he had factory drawings to follow. This car is the only one of it’s kind in NZ. Ian then decided he would build a ‘Baby Reo.’ Apparently five of these miniature Model A Reo cars were built by the company, but he had no idea if they had survived. So Ian being the mechanical genius he is, decided to build one from ‘scratch’, which he did. It is powered by a 24 volt bike engine with a single gear. He made the wheels, including the wooden spokes. Incredible achievement for both Reo variants.

2. 1917 Buick. Ian purchased this in 1996 from another panel beater in Wanganui, the late Trevor Dickie. ( Trevor was a big, tough guy. An accomplished rower for the Union Boat Club and a hard coach. I should know, he coached me for a while.) This car was a ‘basket case’, with the body ‘had it’ and the engine ‘rough’. Now in mint condition thanks to Ian.

3. 1920 Ford TT truck. Ian purchased this in about 2010. The truck itself was a ‘bit rough’ but this was soon rectified of course! It was decided to convert the truck into a ‘music truck’, so Ian set about building an organ to play by itself on the truck! Mike Curry built the woodwork in return for Ian re-building Mike’s 1938 V8 truck. The end result was a truly remarkable organ truck. Amazing!

4. 1954 Ford Zephyr Mk. 1 convertible. This was a complete re-build 37 years ago. It was an old ’beach car’ when Ian purchased it. Now looks great.

That man Ian Chamberlain

Other achievements close to his heart were the work he did co-ordinating the Open Day at the Wanganui Racecourse in 2012 as part of the Vero International Rally. And not to forget the retrieval of the ‘Waimarie’ river boat from the Wanganui River using two old traction engines. Ian is a foundation member of the Wanganui and Feilding Steam Traction Society which was formed in 1963.

Ian was Chairman of our branch of the VCC for two years and Club Captain for two. Plus spending a number of years on the committee. Faye was Editor of the Rivet for a staggering twenty years, plus the Beaded Wheels reporter.

He has never sold any of his own cars that he has restored. They must hold a special place in his heart.

Thank you for sharing your story with members Ian. It has been a pleasure working with you.

Top left: 1906 Reo and Baby Reo. What a pair! Has to be Editor’s pick.

Top right: Quaint 1920 Ford TT music truck. One of a kind. Bet this is Faye’s favourite.

Above left: Elegant 1917 Buick.

Above right: Smart looking Mk 1 Zephyr.

Restoration of the Year

December Club Night and of course the Annual Restoration of the Year and Items of Interest. Two cars and three motorcycles were entered in the restoration division and two members contributed items of interest.

Colin Matthews entered a tough WW11 Dodge Command Car, which is only one of twelve complete in NZ. (Colin has another in his collection, and man, this can go anywhere as I have witnessed in Military Vehicle rallies.) Colin built the displayed Dodge out of wrecked ones and various parts and panels. His Dodge ( pictured on the right) was voted winner of the car section. Congratulations!

The second vehicle, entered by Wendy Bullock, was a lovely 1985 Citroen 2CV Charleston. I last saw this car in pieces on a trailer in John and Wendy’s garage at their home when I visited them during an article in the Rivet some time ago.

In the motorcycle division, Mike Marshall won with an immaculate 1951 DI BSA Bantam. (Pictured below.) Congratulations. Mike just loves these, and by all accounts, rode one like this from Bluff to Cape Reinga!

Bill James entered two motorcycles, a lovely 1986 Yamaha XJ 600, obvious to me a fast road machine, and a 1960 Matchless G50, which looks to me as if it has been set up for racing! That’s Bill all over...speed!

In the Items of Interest, Ian Chamberlain brought along three items, a new speedometer reading only one mile for a Mk 1 Zephyr, a carburettor also from a Mk 1 and a very old radio from a GM vehicle.

And yours truly brought along his 1937 Plymouth encased with 2007 Chrysler 300 parts. Not yet fully complete. I heard a muttering or two about this vehicle even being at the hallowed event, but anyone complaining should take note that this was not entered in Restoration of the Year, but as an Item of Interest. Lighten up! Anyway, I thought that this may evoke some comment. Huge thanks to Chris White, who compered the evening, and announced that the Plymouth 300 should be eligible for voting on, considering the amount of time and effort going into the build. I had no intention for this to happen and withdrew the car from consideration. Those complaining were a little silly really, but I guess a tad funny.

Restoration of the Year

Top left: Wendy Bullock’s 1985 Citroen.

Top right: Bill James’s 1986 Yamaha.

Middle left: Bills racing 1960 Matchless.

Middle right: Mr Editor’s 2007 Chrysler 300 hiding under the skirts of a 1937 Plymouth. Above: Ian Chamberlain brought some of his treasured goodies along.

A good crowd on the night. Lots of fun as members voted on their choices for best car and best motorcycle. Thanks to the members for entering their prized vehicles and items. Editor Ian

Genny and Ted’s Sunday Run

Recently Genny and Ted Matthews kindly organised a Sunday Run for members. A good muster of cars left the clubrooms armed with a set of very clear directions for the navigators. A procession of vehicles headed to Aramoho, out towards Brunswick and exiting on the intersection of Western Line and SH3. From here our intrepid members headed towards Kai Iwi township, turning left up Kai Iwi Valley Road to Kai Iwi (Mowhanau) beach. From here we travelled to the other main Wanganui beach, Castlecliff. Afternoon tea stop beckoned our travellers out over Cobham Bridge and further along SH3 to Matthews Rose Gardens. Here we were welcomed by Cath and her husband Bob Matthews (pictured) who is Ted’s brother. We dove some way through their property until we arrived at the homestead surrounded by row upon row of beautiful roses. Wife Frances was in seventh heaven as she is a ‘rose nut’ She reckoned that she should have married a rose grower instead of a smelly old chicken farmer! Now that wasn't very nice was it! Quite sure that she didn't really mean it! Anyway Cath Matthews gave us a run down of their business involving breeding some 230 varieties of roses and marketing them throughout the country through garden centres and direct online. Daughter Samantha works in the nursery while brother Tom manages the farm. The business started in 1947, spanning three generations. Our member, Ted, was originally on the farm and nursery, but the world of engineering lured him away to commence his own business. I hear that our Captain Rob and wife Linda had some mechanical problems in their Buick and had to return home before arriving at the gardens. Most unfortunate and trust that your car has been repaired and back running again.

Thanks to Cath and Bob for hosting our visit, and especially to members Genny and Ted for organising such an interesting afternoon.

Editor Ian.

107 Rapanui Road Westmere

Farm shop opening hours:

Tuesday to Friday 8am to 5pm

Saturday 8am to 1-30 pm

Bates Watchmakers

130 Victoria Ave, Wanganui

Phone/Fax 06 345-2235


Watch Specialists for Whanganui

Sales & Repairs

Mainstreet’s Top Shop Award Winner


‘NZ’s Finest Automotive Platers’ 68 Wilson Street Wanganui

Acknowledged experts on all types of Vintage and Post Vintage Nickel and Chrome Plating.


Copper, Brass, Bronze, Antique Finishing and Metal Polishing Phone Dave on Wanganui 06 345 5042 or 021 057 6726 for prompt and efficient service.

66th Burma Rally

19th January 2025

Principal Sponsor

Entries close 3rd January 2025

The Burma Rally takes place over Wellington Anniversary Weekend and Wanganui’s popular Vintage Weekend. VCC members and Burma Rally vehicles play an important part in the weekend. Entrants are invited to display their vehicles, enjoy the Vintage Weekend activities as well as taking part in the Burma Rally. It is recommended that you book your accommodation now. Though not essential, we encourage period costume to be worn at the rally and Vintage Weekend activities. Prizes will be awarded for the best dressed gentleman and lady at the prizegiving dinner.

Friday 17th January


5.00-7.00pm Rally packs will be available for all. Meet and greet at the clubrooms, 25 Patapu Street, Wanganui East. Tea and Coffee with finger food will be served to those who have enrolled.

Saturday 18th January

8.00am-4.00pm Vehicles participating in the ‘Wheels on Victoria Ave’ please be parked by 8.30am on Victoria Ave. Follow instructions from Marshals and park in designated areas for display. Look for the VCC sign to collect your Burma Rally packs. Enjoy the Wheels on Victoria Ave Car Show, Caboodle Street Carnival, period clothing stalls and more.

4.00 – 5.00pm Classic Car Cruise. Meet at Mitre10 carpark. Entry off Taupo Quay or Heads Rd. Pay $15 to the Vintage Weekend Trust, on site, to be eligible for spot prizes. The cruise ends at Barracks Sports Bar,170 St Hill Street. The Classic Car prize draws will be announced after 6.30pm.

Sunday 19th January The Burma Rally

Bring your own picnic lunch and refreshments. Rally Packs can be collected from the Rally Secretary at the start of the rally. This run includes a gravel section. A café or two will be open near the lunch stop.

8.30am Assemble at Cornmarket Reserve, Somme Parade by the Dublin Street Bridge. Follow parking instructions from the Marshals

9.00am Safety briefing, all drivers and navigators must attend

9.15am First vehicle away. Starting times as indicated on your rally pack. The rally will conclude at the Clubrooms, Patapu Street, Wanganui East. The Parts Shed will be open during this time.

6.00pm Pre dinner drinks at the Wanganui Room, Whanganui Racecourse, Purnell Street

6.30pm Dinner and Prizegiving

Monday 20th January

Wellington Anniversary Run

9.00am Meet at the Cornmarket Reserve, corner of Somme Parade and Dublin Street. The weekend will end with a late morning tea, at a special place of interest. Tea and Coffee will be provided, bring your own nibbles

Entries close: 3rd January 2025. Entries received after this date will be entered as Non-Competitive. No exceptions. Preferred method of entry is by online registration at the site Alternatively, by email, to or mail entry form and payment to c/- The Rally Secretary, Wanganui VCC, PO Box 726, Wanganui 4540

Bank Deposits: 03-0791-0210433-00

PARTICULARS: Your Name CODE: BR2025 REFERENCE Your Vehicle Reg

Rally Organiser Rob O’Keeffe 027 433 2626

Rally Secretary Christine Savage 06 3424 755 or 027 338 3321


This rally is open to vehicles as defined in the rules of The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.)

Eligible entrants must be current financial members of The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand, or overseas residents who are members of a recognised Antique Motoring Club. The entrant must be either the driver, rider, navigator, or passenger of the vehicle entered. Invited guests are deemed Non-Competitive and should not interfere with the competitive section of the rally.

Actions that may bring The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) into disrepute will incur disqualification.

Any entrant found using any electronic navigation device may be disqualified. We prefer that you carry a fire extinguisher in your vehicle

A minimum of three entries will be required to constitute a class. If insufficient entries are received for any one class those entries may be allocated to another similar class. The exception to this is for the Veteran class.

Entrants restricted to the first 100 vehicles

Safety briefing: Entrants must attend the pre-rally briefing at 9.00am Sunday 19/01/2025



H & A Print

Holdaway's Brake and Clutch

Mechanical Restorations & Vintage Spares (1980)

Rob O’Keefe Joinery

Wairarapa VCC’s Gold Medal Motor Cycle Rally

Masterton – November 2024

On 15 November 2024 Bill and I packed the Triumph Bonneville into the van and headed for Masterton for the Wairarapa Branch’s annual Gold Medal Motorcycle Rally. Frank had arranged for Dave Henwood to take his bike down along with his own as Bill and I had covered a fair few miles that week collecting parts for his latest project. Another motor cycle - a Matchless G50 engine and a Seeley frame.

The forecast was for rain and yet another cold snap. Although this did not deter Bill, Frank or Dave I was given the option of accompanying Liz around the shops for the duration of the rally. I did put all my motorcycling gear in “just in case” the forecast was wrong. We arrived on Friday afternoon to a warm although cloudy day which did appear to clear in the evening. We enjoyed dinner in a nice restaurant in summer clothes and the sun. But we woke in the morning to rain and a very cool 15 degrees. Liz and I were at the start line to wave off 30 brave souls and wish them well. We then headed for Greytown and spent the day shopping, keeping warm and thinking of the boys.

We returned in the afternoon to welcome them back to the clubrooms. They did look rather like drowned rats when they arrived back, but thankfully the rain had almost stopped and it had begun to warm up. We were told the worst part of the rally was just before the lunch stop and nearly all commented on their cold hands. One participant had a pair of gloves with a warming device in them. (Bill had already been online to look for a pair to buy.)

Anyway after a warming cup of tea the prize giving was held. A very surprised Bill was called up for second in his class (as he had missed an instruction and had to back track to find his way again) and our own Dave won not only a first in his class but was also the overall winner. ( Dave and Bill pictured on the right) Well done Wanganui.

Despite the rain and cold the rally was enjoyed by all who participated.

Heather James. And thank you Heather for submitting this report. Editor Ian

Wanganui Vintage Car Club

New Year Picnic

5pm, Wednesday, 8th January, 2025

at Bason Reserve

Meats and potatoes provided There will be no BBQ’s this year

Bring salad or dessert to share

BYO drinks, plate, knife, fork & chair or blanket

If you think you would like a hot drink you will need to bring your own thermos, mug, tea, coffee etc.

Phone Rob 0274 332 626 or Linda 0274 733 767

Club Calendar

Club Runs meet at the Clubrooms at 1pm unless stated

December January 2025

12th Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10 at 11.00am

1st Gumboot Rally Taihape. 40th Anniversary. Meet at Memorial Park Kokako Street Taihape at 9am. Bring own chairs, drink and food for the lunch stop. Petrolcard only on the rally, so fill up before leaving Taihape. Contact Robert Baines 027 453 0338

8th Club Picnic at Bason Reserve. See opposite page. 17th-20th Vintage Weekend, Wheels on Victoria, Classic Cruise, Burma Rally and Anniversary Run. See programme in the Rivet.

February 2025

5th Club Night. Guest speaker. 13th and 27th Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10 at 11am.

16th Gymkhana at Craig and Wendy Ryland’s. Details to follow.

Other events of interest

Manawatu Branch VCC Ladies Friendship Group are holding an ‘Inter-Branch Lunch on the Lawn’ on Saturday 1st February 2025 from 11.30am at the Manawatu VCC ‘The Grove’ 684 Kelvin Grove Road, Palmerston North. BYO everything. Something for the men in the form of a shed raid and pub lunch. RSVP or Dale 021 0888 2371

Automobilia Auction in Napier 14th February 2025 as part of Art Deco. See email forwarded to you all who can receive them, or contact the Rivet Editor, Ian 027 201 2706 if you would like a printed copy. Must collect from my office.

Ed Boyd Parts Shed

We have an outstanding collection of engines, gearboxes, body parts, spares, new and used, from a vast range of manufacturers. These parts span from the early 1900’s to more modern production vehicles. If you are looking for anything, large or small, to keep your car on the road call us to see if we can assist. You will find our prices unbelievable. Please call or email us:

Dave 06 347 6915 027 555 4201

Chris 06 348 7335 027 443 1184

Graeme 06 3431324 027 929 5026

lf we don’t have it, we may know someone who does

Vehicles/Parts For Sale and Wanted to Buy

For Sale: For Sale: 1920’s Studebaker, 1920’s Dodge and a Yamaha motorcycle. Includes numerous parts for the cars. Suitable restoration or parts. Phone Maggie 027 450 0590

For Sale: Leyland Marina HDL 1978 $8750 or near offer.

Phone Sue Voss 021 296 6210

For Sale: Austin 7 Single Seater. Unfinished project.

New Alloy Body. Modified front end – split front axle to increase width of track. Rack and pinion steering. Modified radiator Brass panel and alloy radiator assembly. Extractors.

Aisin Supercharger 1 ¾ SU Carb. Diff housing off set to allow lower seating of driver. Large selection of spare mechanical parts. Extra (engines gearboxes springs etc) Engine dummy assembled to check. New Phoenix crankshaft. New rods pistons rings valves. New valve springs. New Alloy cylinder head. New upholstered alloy seat.

Please contact Mike 021 235 2035

For Sale: 1953 Lanchester Leda 4 cyl 4 speed Wilson pre-select, Rego on hold, 58574 m, new tyres, brakes relined, has been running, always garaged, sound body, fair interior, purchased in 2005 to restore further but unable to complete. $4000 ono.

Barry Cleaver 06 3887871, Taihape

Please forward any items for publishing in the Rivet by the 25th of the preceding month.

Editor Ian

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