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May 2023

We remember Keith Turner Frank James overall winner M/Cycle Trials Brother Bill (right) presents the Coleman Cup




Official Magazine of the Wanganui Branch of the V.C.C. of NZ

P O Box 726, Wanganui , Street Address—Patapu Street, Wanganui East

VCC Codes for discounts:

Alan Bates
Andrew Dittmer 027 379 6969
Chairman Bill James 027 353 2190
Frank James 06 344 2221
Neil Farrer 027 457 9634
Peter Powell Club Captain: Andrew Johnson 06 345 6212 Rally Secretary/Trophies: Christine Savage 06 342 4755 Motorcycle Convenor: Bill James 027 353 2190
: Linda Kendrick 027 775 4644 Ray Savage 06 3424755 Ian Higgins 027 201 2706 Sietse Zeilstra 027 345 6977 Pierre Zeilstra 027 345 6977 Health & Safety & Compliance Dave McDermid 027 555 4201 Trophies Manager: Mihi McDermid 06 347 6915 Branch Delegate: Neil Farrer 06 343 6248 Kitchen Manager: Sue Dittmer 027 379 6969 Ann Berntsen 06 3446041 Hall Custodian/Bookings: Sue Dittmer 027 379 6969 Truck Custodians: Rob O’Keeffe 027 4332 626 Shane Hobman 06 344 5915 Librarian: Dave Austin 06 344 7513 Parts Custodians: Dave McDermid 027 555 4201 Chris White 06 348 7335 Trevor Roberts 06 345 8897 027 245 7770 Editor: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706 Beaded Wheels Reporter: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706 Archivist: Dave Austin 06 344 7513 Vehicle ID’s: Shane Hobman 06 344 5915 Bruce Ardell 06 342 7713 Rivet Distribution Co-Ordinator: Linda Kendrick 027 775 4644 Frank James 021 349 074 Official VCC Website:
Branch Mags:
Facebook Wanganui Vintage Car Club:
Interislander WH5465
Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferry ANTIQUECAR

Greetings Members

Welcome to the May edition of your Rivet. Sadness reigned over the Branch last month with the passing of a real stalwart, Keith Turner. Peter Hardy has penned a fitting tribute to Keith in these pages.

I must apologise, as I have already done to members of our Branch Motorcycle fraternity and the Branch Committee, that I was “absent without leave” by way of me having a senior moment and completely forgetting on the day about the recent Motorcycle Trial. It was not until the day after when I was at the Sally Army, that it came to me. I uttered an unprintable word, or several, as I stormed out of the service to phone Bill James to offer my profound apologies. I suspect that several Sallies within hearing range of me are still in shock! Ah well they will get over it.

Thanks to Dale Whittaker and Heather James for stepping up and taking photos of the event. Last month Frances and I trailered our Willy’s Jeep up to Auckland for the Annual NZMVC Rally, which was centred at Ardmore Airport. Numbers were down to what was expected with forty six ex -military vehicles and ninety two “hardened old soldiers” attending. A little bit like a replica of Dads Army! Great bunch of people and very sociable. The off road runs were a little tame compared to our Wanganui events, but very enjoyable never the less. Three vehicles from Wanganui were present, while another two ( both VCC) had to withdraw. A highlight for me was a visit to the Waiuku Motor Museum, housing mainly trucks from yesteryear. Some 150 were on show, including classic cars, tractors, Diamond T trucks and a variety of other makes and models. The whole collection is soon to be auctioned off. We also visited a Military Jeep restorer, a classic car private museum and Ardmore Airport Museum. The accommodation at nearby Drury was an interesting experience. Several units appeared to house “transitional” and homeless guests. While these people definitely require somewhere to live, their after hour antics were breath-taking. Drunken and drug like behaviour, accompanied by arguing and noisy partying was most annoying, resulting in me contacting management in the wee small hours. Nocturnal activity was evident by the sounds of bed springs thumping like crazy. They were at it like rabbits, one of our group muttered with a wry grin. Didn’t come from our unit I hasten to say!

On the 30th of April, several of our Branch Members with vehicles gathered for a Park Up at City College. Organised by the Wanganui Road Rodders, this annual event attracted 600 entrants comprising a large variety of vehicles. The NZMVC won the best presented club award with an impressive collection of military vehicles plus a motor cycle and machine gun display belonging to our VCC Member, Colin Mathews. All gate proceeds went to the Wanganui Hospice. Wanganui Motors were the main sponsor, assisted by many other businesses. Well done Road Rodders for running this event.

Next month at Club Night is our AGM. Please do not be put off by the threat of being press ganged into serving on your committee. I used to think like this many years ago. It wasn't until I actually volunteered my services plus the Editor’s very busy role, that I really have got so much more out of the VCC movement. The old saying that “the more one put’s into a club, the more one gets out of it” is so true. So step people, please. We need you!

That’s all for this month from me. Yours in cruising Editor Ian

From The Editor’s Desk

Club Captain’s Report — May 2023

Greetings Members

Club nights are an important part of our club. This was confirmed by the number who braved a rainy night to attend last Wednesday. We have an ongoing challenge finding guest speakers. Recently Frank made a very good suggestion who happened to be a good friend. I promptly phoned him to be told he resigned his job that day and it would no longer be appropriate. I then thought of a club member who I knew had a very interesting job. A quick call confirmed he had also just resigned his position. An unfortunate co-incidence!! Recently Neil attended the VCC AGM and saw a video which he suggested would be ideal for a club night. In 1939 a group bought old cars and attempted back country expeditions to the Carrington Hut up the upper Waimakariri River. On their third attempt they all but made it. The rescued remains of the third car was restored and on display at the AGM. An amusing tale that I enjoyed. Suggestions of topics and guests for club nights will always be very welcome.

Warm and safe motoring

Zeilstra Brothers Sunday Run

And thank you, Pierre and Sietse , for organising such an enjoyable run. Editor Ian

Greeting Members

We have enjoyed two outings this month. First was the Motorcycle trial organised by Bill and his team. What a truly wonderful weekend.

The second was the run organised by the Zeilstra brothers. Shamefully we were helped back to the clubrooms on the end of a rope. The power feed to the ignition switch had parted company although we did not know this at the time. Sam Wilson came to the rescue with a bit of alternative wiring that enabled us to continue on back home. Thank you to all who helped.

This coming month is a big one as we have our Annual Rally and the AGM. The rally is already organised but we are looking to add to committee to replace those who are stepping aside this time. If you are interested please fill in one of the nomination forms and give that to Frank before the AGM.

The James Brothers...Bill and Frank

This month It gives me a great deal of pleasure to bring to you Bill and Frank James. Both of these extremely likeable guys have done, and still do, so very much for our Branch. Frank is the more academic of the two, revelling in events management as evidenced by his work for our Branch over the years, particularly in his former role as Cub Captain, and lately as the Secretary of Wanganui VCC. Bill is very much a hands on person. A gifted mechanic, he has for many years raced and restored his beloved motorcycles and cars. He has also been the motorcycle convenor for our Branch for many years, setting and organising trials for the motorcycle fraternity. They have both been, and still are, tireless workers for our Branch.

I visited the brothers at their homes recently to compile a story of their journey within our Branch. I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with them, as I always do. We go back a long way together from attending the same secondary school, Saint Augustine’s College here in Wanganui, and have bumped into each other socially in the intervening years between school and the VCC. They have both indicated to our committee that they desire a break from their respective roles in our Branch, so will not be seeking re-election at he up coming AGM. Guys, you will leave a hell of a big gap in the running of our Branch, but we understand that none of us can maintain our respective rolls forever, and it is indeed healthy to ring the changes from time to time. I know that neither of you will

be lost to our Branch


It has been a pleasure to work in committee with both of you. I hope that the articles in this Rivet do justice for all you have done. Thank you both.

Chairman's Report — May 2023

The James Brothers... Frank’s Story

The James family always held an interest in cars and we helped Dad when he was fixing the car. We’d go with him to the garage to get the parts required such as going to Arnolds to get a new Bendix spring for the starter for the 1930 Chevrolet. Dad’s brother Uncle Frank was a motor mechanic and had a garage in Patea. A visit to see him and the garage was always very interesting.

I am a driver/rider and not much of a repairer but my brother Bill is the strength in that area. I have always been the apprentice – fetch that tool, plug the drill in, hold the spanner/screwdriver on that impossible nut/bolt etc while the mechanic swings and swears on the other end!

Cars and motorbikes are just one of my interest areas with horse racing and sport taking a lot of my time. Attending various forms of motor racing meetings are great fun with V8 Supercars holding a special place.

An interest in Vintage Cars was experienced as a ‘young fella’ going with Dad to see the Annual Rally start from Ivan Kendall’s Gonville Service Station on Queen’s Birthday weekend. Bert Tonk’s old cars were always showpieces.

I became a member of the Vintage Car Club some fourteen years ago. I didn’t really know a lot of the other members but after a year or so got to understand how the Club worked and what it provided.

I worked in clerical/administrative/accounts jobs in my working life with many years of being involved on Committees in various Sports and Chartered Clubs with the great majority of the Clubs work being as a volunteer. In 2018 I was invited to join the Wanganui Branch of the VCC Committee as Club Captain which I found to be an interesting and challenging position. I was a little ‘green’ when I started but Club Members are very supportive and helpful. I am in a ‘holding position’ as Club Secretary at present.

I don’t have a ‘fleet’ of vintage vehicles just a 1959 Austin A35 car and a 1979 Suzuki GT 125 motorcycle. The Austin has always been a Wanganui car being purchased new in Wanganui on 12 February 1959 and in 1995 after the original owner had died the car came our way. A little air in the tyres, petrol in the tank, a battery with some life and the car was driven to our place. It was another family car for a while until I decided I needed to preserve it for a better life and removed it from use by teenage sons! We have enjoyed many a good time with the car including VCC Club Runs and Rallies with Taihape’s Gumboot Rallies on New Years Days always being memorable.

My Suzuki motorcycle came to me some eight or nine years ago from Carterton where a loving owner had decided it was too small for his ‘larger frame’. The good man in Carterton had ‘plucked’ the bike out of a garage in Christchurch where it had been ‘tucked-up’ for many years. It was generally in good condition when it arrived in the Wairarapa but he also tidied it up a little. The small twin cylinder two stroke five speed sports motorbike provides me with great fun something that I missed while work and children took me away from the ‘motorcycling world’. On a good day with all the stars aligned 100 kph is achievable.

The James Brothers...Bill’s Story

I have always been interested in all things mechanical including cars motorcycles and of course SPEED. I completed my motor mechanic apprenticeship after leaving school and although having a break from the trade to work at Affco Imlay have maintained my interest in cars, motorcycles and SPEED. I met my wife Heather thirty something years ago who had a love affair with her 1966 MGB roadster and was looking for someone to do some work on it. The rest is history. We married in 1995 and I remain chief mechanic, cleaner, polisher and driver etc. We joined the VCC shortly after marrying and have recently attained our 25 year badges. The MG has been rallied regularly both locally and at the last 2 international rallies. I have been Motorcycle Convenor at the VCC for many years and have just run the 40th Annual Motorcycle Trial which was a huge success.

The mid 60’s saw me competing locally in scrambling but had to quit after a rather horrific accident. In the 1970’s I spent a lot of time at Speedway (both on the track and clubrooms) building, preparing, racing and rebuilding my street stock and stock car. I have always had a love of the Boxing Day Cemetery Circuit from watching as a child with Dad and brother Frank, to competing on classic motorcycles, to preparing the circuit and helping to run the event for many years. In the 1990’s I got back into classic motorcycle racing and for the last 25 years have made the annual pilgrimage up to the Classic Festival at Pukekohe each February. After 2 or 3 years of break downs on my very modified Matchless Heather said to “It’s time you got something better”. It only took a few minutes for me to formulate a plan. While still at the meeting I approached the late Paul Daws who was racing an AJS7R. I knew he had another one in pieces. He said give me a couple of days to consider. Very soon after this I was rebuilding my own AJS which I have raced all over New Zealand and in Australia at Eastern Creek and Phillip Island

I have also owned a 1973 Mini Couper which I raced at Taupo, Manfield and Ohakea and participated in many local hill climbs. Unfortunately at one such hill climb I put it into a bank damaging the chassis. I bought another Mini to replace it but never got it back into racing trim and eventually sold it as a road car. I have some long time friends who in 1978 bought a brand new Triumph Bonneville and a Norton Commando here in Wanganui. I purchased the Bonneville making me the second owner and it has just 12,060 miles on the clock. I have promised to care for the Norton (which of course includes taking it out for a run) until her son is in a position to take possession of it. Heather and I use both these bikes in the VCC and Classic rallies. There are few other bikes in our shed which have been built by a very clever chap now in his eighties and who continues this hobby today.

VCC Executive Meeting Chch– Delegate’s Report

1. Membership Current membership is 8520 with a fairly even split between North and South Islands. This will have a bearing as we consider future management and Constitution requirements. However our first discussion was on those members who have not paid their sub. In Wanganui’s case seven who have been contacted at least twice –their membership now ceases and if they wish to be a VCC member will have to go through the application process. The age of members is a concern 84% are over 60, so every encouragement must be given to new members under 60!.

2. EMAIL communication - more and more branches are now communicating by emails and Branch newsletters sent that way. With the damage through Cyclone Gabriele it has been vital for members in Northland/Auckland/Gisborne and Hawkes Bay. There has been a great response for help – the National Veteran Rally raised $4000 to help those that have lost nearly everything. Imagine your home and Vintage cars buried in water and mud – many ruined beyond restoration.

3. Management Members there will be 6 of our top team retiring including Diane Quarrie (Chair) Many of the current team have given up to 18 years service so there is a lot of experience to replace. President, North Island and South Island Club captains, Secretary/ Treasurer, Speed Steward, and 2 Committee members. As we discussed proposals of the new Constitution requirements , the role of these positions was an important factor.

4. Our Financial position is sound reports tabled.

5. NZTA - 12 months WOF still being discussed. The bureaucrats are the problem but we are working with NZFMOC and the Hot Rod association.

6. Registrar’s report - The new Registrar Neil Beckenham spoke on the current VIC system and developments. Ongoing discussions are happening with Federation of Motoring Clubs and Government to ensure that our VIC is a prime document. It is recognised widely now, the Hot Rod Club organisation have a similar system and it is hoped that both will be recognised more widely. The DOMAS system is also being overhauled. The Vehicle Technical Code has been reduced from 92 pages to 20 pages – this will make life easier for Shane and Bruce. Modifications to such as brakes will be covered and simplified.

7. NZ Federation of Motoring Clubs. Biofuel is a problem for all of us. Extensive lobbying is going on to ensure that we will have access to 95 or 98 octane as at present they do not have any biofuel additives, pricing could be an issue.

8. Facebook - VCC and Branches Facebook are serving a need. It is important that comment is purely related to vehicles, not other supposed issues or selling etc.

9. LVVTA. Tony Johnson spoke for an hour on what LVVTA is doing and how the current problems of modifications are being addressed. He came from a Hot Rod background and had sympathy for our vehicles where brakes or steering are modified to improve safety and drivability. They are appointing special people in North and South Islands to handle pre 1990 vehicles, and he spoke at length about the problems of our modifying our vehicles and imported vehicles that may not meet NZ WOF standards. Whatever is done must be safe, so back yard work is unlikely to meet specs. He was like a breath of fresh air with his approach and where he is endeavouring to get the organisation to. The distinction between “scratch” built and “modified” is being clarified.

10. Constitution. The changes possibly required under the new Incorporated Societies act were outlined. We broke into discussion groups to look at specific points. Most Branch Constitutions will only need minor changes but VCC overall is another matter. The new Constitution will be more on Company lines with a Board. We looked at key positions as to whether say “Beaded Wheels” Chairman should elected or appointed and that role in governance. The size of the new Executive or Management team is also important. Too many members does not help management of the club. VCC is so different from the vast majority of Societies that we will have to develop our own – the suggested ones on the Database do not apply to us. A Legal opinion has been sought but more work is needed before we as members can or should be involved in the debate. For instance how do we clarify voting rights.

VCC Executive Meeting Chch –Delegate’s Report

11. National Day. Currently we work with the Cancer Society. There was debate as to whether we should change to the ‘Heart Foundation” or other similar NZ Body. Heart and Cancer are the main causes of death so most of us are affected by these. It was resolved to keep the Cancer involvement for the next 3 years. However closer ties need to be worked on with the Cancer Society to gain more publicity for VCC and our member’s work .

12. Long Term Membership badges. Discussions on the 25, 35 and 50 year badges . In the end the status quo was maintained. Wanganui is unique in that we endeavour to have 50 + badges presented by National President or Nominee at a suitable occasion, but have done private presentations, and also the last two by Bruce Ardell to Lee Taylor and Neville Rhodes. So I talked about how we handle the presentations. 25 and 35 badges will continue to be presented at branch meetings by the Chairman of the Branch.

13. FMOC - Gary Jackson gave an excellent overview of the links with VCC and Government. They are instigating research on NZ expenditure by clubs/associations and members plus museums etc. UK did this several years ago and came up with 5 Billion Pounds expenditure by members and another 18 Billion Pounds through business. That made the UK Government sit up and take notice. Our figures may be similar and will help our negotiations with Government Depts. Collectively we all spend many $$ on keeping our vehicles on the road – the totals may be mind boggling.

14. Promotions of events. Branches spoke on coming events – I gave a pep talk on our National Commercial Rally in October. Dunedin talked about the National Veteran Rally in Jan 2024 which will also be the 70th Dunedin – Brighton run.

15. Overall the two day event was considered excellent and worthwhile. The workshop discussions gave everyone the opportunity to discuss issues. The Executive Committee comprised of a representative from each Branch is the body that dictates policy and where the organisation is headed. Management is only empowered to carry out what is decided by Executive.

Burma Rally Pics

Left: Here we have Richard Stevens in the 1966 Sunbeam Alpine set for a flyer

Right: Rob O’Keeffe waiting for starters orders in his 1924 Buick

40th Castrol Autumn Motorcycle Trial 2023

This year's trial day dawned bright and sunny once again. There were 43 entrants and after a morning tea and briefing at the club rooms they set off at minute intervals from 9.30 am. They headed north through the back roads incorporating Westmere, Nukumaru and Waverley and onto Whenuakura School for a yummy lunch provided by the parents of the school children. The morning run included two timed sections. In the afternoon the riders returned via the main road then through Brunswick and back to the clubrooms for afternoon tea. There was an option of completing the Kohi loop to increase the distance if the riders desired.

We had a great dinner and prize giving Saturday night which was once again catered by the very able Eilidh Pitkethley. It was wonderful to see our oldest and youngest competitors, Willie Wood and David Forsyth deep in conversation (about motor bikes I presume) at the diner table enjoying each others company. Willie was presented with a wide set of rollers for his instructions along with a poem by the Forsyth’s. The overall winner was our own Frank James on his 1979 Suzuki GT 125. The Coleman cup which is awarded for the highest scoring local VCC member was also won by Frank. The Classic class saw Wanganui local, Robert Hood winning this section on his 1975 Triumph T 160. The John Kendrick Memorial Trophy, awarded by Linda for the most desirable British Single Cylinder, was won this year by Dave Robinson on his 1949 Norton 500 Intercontinental and the hard luck trophy went to Robert Heath riding a 1974 CZ Sport 175 from Levin who ran out of petrol.

On Sunday morning some of the riders met at the clubrooms for a ride out to Fordell to visit Bruce Ardell’s Museum, led by myself on my 1978 Triumph Bonneville. All enjoyed a look around his collection before heading for home.

Huge thanks to all the club members and friends that helped make the trial another success.

Bill James

Prize Winners


First: Peter Bull riding a 1929 Norton 18 from Masterton

Second: Verdon Heath riding a 1930 Scott TT Replica from Levin

Post Vintage:

First: Dave Williams riding a 1937 Harley Davidson U from Warkworth

Second: Dennis Young riding a 1936 Ariel from New Plymouth

Third: Paul Switzer riding a 1937 Royal Enfield from Lower Hutt

Post War: ( Kendrick Cup)

First: Willie Wood riding a 1954 AJS 18s from New Plymouth

Second: Sam Wilson riding a 1960 AJS 650 from Wanganui

Third: John Rapley riding a 1958 Royal Enfield Clipper from Paraparaumu

Post 60V:

First: Frank James riding a 1979 Suzuki GT 125 from Wanganui

Second: Errol Gray riding a 1975 Norton Commando from Palmerston North

Third: Aaron Kendrick riding a 1979 Suzuki TF 185 from Wanganui

40th Castrol Autumn Motorcycle Trail 2023


First: Glyn Clements riding a 1982 Honda GB 400 from Fielding


First: Robert Hood riding a 1975 Triumph T160 from Wanganui

Second: Colin and Vicky Tate riding a 1961 Norton Dominator from Wanganui

Third: Jim Campbell riding a 1982 BMW R65 LS from Wanganui

First Overall: Cliff Lowe Memorial Trophy: Frank James

John Kendrick Memorial Trophy: Most desirable British Single Cylinder: Dave Robinson

Coleman Cup: Highest scoring local VCC member: Frank James

Hard Luck Trophy: Robert Heath, 1974 CZ Sport 175 from Levin (Ran out of petrol)

Above left: Eventual overall winner our one and only Frank James on his 1979 Suzuki GT 125

Top right: Having a break . Plenty of bikes but where are the riders?

Lower right: Mingling at the Clubrooms before the start

Burma Rally Pics

Top left: Bill Laney set to roll in his sporty 1974 P6 Rover.

Top right: 1963 Ford Anglia with Janelle Andrews at the controls

Above left: Matt Andrews has the 1974 Chevelle Malibu ready to rock n roll

Above right: David McDonald inches forward in his 1948 Austin 10

Below left: Here we have Neville Rhodes in his 1928 Model A Leatherback

Below right: Our one and only, Bruce Ardell, in his 1938 Dodge D8 Coupe

Burma Rally Pics

Top left: The 1967 Chevrolet Bel Air of Shane Hobman itching to let rip

Top right: Bryan Christie in his 1928 Ford Model A is patiently awaiting on Mr Starter

Above left: 1956 Vauxhall Cresta piloted by Bruce Thomas ready and waiting

Above right: Bernie Quin waiting and waiting in the 1971 Rover P6B

Below left: Keith Turner in his 1938 Dodge. ( His last Rally.) Keith has now sadly passed.

Below right: Toni Jenkins, Keith’s wife, in her 1962 Austin A35 Van

Annual Rally

4th June 2023

Sponsored by

Prestige Panelbeating Limited

Entries close 22nd May 2023



1. Veteran Class (pre 1920)

2. Veteran Motorcycles

Post Vintage Motorcycles

8. Post War Cars

3. Vintage - up to 2499cc (1 Jan 1946 to 31 Dec 1960) (1 Jan 1920 to 31 Dec 1931)

4. Vintage - over 2500cc

5. Post Vintage Cars ( 1 Jan 1932 to 31 Dec 1945 )

6. Vintage Motorcycles

Classes Programme

9. Post War Motorcycles

10. Commercial Vehicles

11. Post 1960 Vehicles (P60V)

12. Post 1980 Vehicles (P80V)

13. Non-competitive

Saturday 3rd June

3-5.00pm You can collect your rally packs from the Clubrooms 25 Patapu St, Wanganui East.

Sunday 4th June

Bring your own picnic lunch and tea/coffee gear including your thermos of hot water

9.00am Assemble at the Wanganui Racecourse carpark, Purnell Street, Wanganui

9.15am Safety briefing, all drivers and navigators must attend

9.30am First car away

Dinner and prizegiving will be held in the Wanganui Room at the Racecourse, Purnell Street

Period dress is encouraged but optional

6.00pm Pre-dinner drinks

6.30pm Dinner Entries close: 22th May 2023. Late entries accepted will be entered as non-competitive. Preferred method of entry is by online registration at the site If registering online you still need to make payment by bank deposit. Alternatively, by email, to or mail entry form and payment to c/- The Rally Secretary, Wanganui VCC, PO Box 726, Wanganui 4540

Bank Deposits: 03-0791-0210433-00

PARTICULARS: Your Name CODE: AR2023 REFERENCE Your Vehicle Reg

Entry Form


Drivers Name …………………………………………


Email ………………………………………..

Phone ……………………………………………….

Navigators Name

Vehicle Make

Model ……………………….


Cc Rating

Rego no. …………………….

VCC no.

Class Please quote just 1 class number

SPEED MPH (Please circle)

A: 20-30 B: 30-40

Entry Fee Incl one magnet $40.00 _________

Extra magnet


Sunday dinner and prizegiving $45.00 __________

(per person)

TOTAL $___________

Drivers Name Address ………………………………………………. Email ………………………………………………….

Mobile Phone

Navigators Name

Vehicle Make ……………………………………….

Model Year ………………………….

cc Rating ……………………

Rego no.

VCC no. ……………………...

Class Please quote just 1 class number

SPEED MPH (Please circle)

A: 20-30 B: 30-40 Numbers attending

Entry Fee Inc. 1 magnet $40.00 $ _____

Extra magnet $5.00 $_____

Sunday dinner $45.00 $_____

and prizegiving

(per person)

TOTAL $_________

Please detail any dietary requirements:


Rally Organiser Andrew 027 488 8984

Rally Secretary Christine 027 338 3321 or 06 3424755

If posting to the Rally Secretary, please complete this side and return with your payment

Rally Regulations

1. This rally is open to vehicles as defined in the rules of The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.)

2. Eligible entrants must be current financial members of The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.), or overseas residents who are members of a recognised Antique Motoring Club. The entrant must be either the driver, rider, navigator, or passenger of the vehicle entered. Invited guests are deemed Non-Competitive and should not interfere with the competitive section of the rally.

3. Actions that may bring The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) into disrepute will incur disqualification.

4. Any entrant found using any electronic navigation device may be disqualified.

5. Any vehicle changes made after the closing date will see the entry moved to the non-competitive class.

6. We prefer that you carry a fire extinguisher in your vehicle.

7. Safety briefing: Entrants must attend the pre-rally briefing at 9.15am on Sunday 4th June 2023

Please support our Sponsors

Mechanical Restorations

Vintage & Classic Spares (1980)

(Bruce Ardell)

Prestige Panelbeating Limited

2 Kaikokopu Road, Aramoho, Whanganui

Obituary Keith Turner

Keith was an exceptional man, known for his compassion, skill and dedication to all that he met. He lived and breathed cars, and his enthusiasm was infectious. He inspired many with his enthusiasm both on the stock car track and within the VCC.

But Keith was more than just a petrol head. He was a beloved friend and a devoted family man, he was also always there to lend a helping hand, to offer a kind word, or to share a laugh. He had a heart of gold, and he touched the lives of so many people in so many ways. He always had the time to offer advice or time to resolve others problems

Keith was also a true connoisseur of vintage cars. He had an incredible collection of classic cars, which he lovingly restored and maintained. He was a walking encyclopaedia of automotive history, and he loved nothing more than to share his knowledge and enthusiasm with others. He was a true ambassador for the world of vintage cars, and his passion will live on in the countless people whose lives he touched.

We will always remember Keith as a man who lived his life to the fullest, who pursued his passions with a fierce determination, and who brought joy and inspiration to all those around him. He was a true legend in the world of vintage cars and stock car racing, and he will be deeply missed by all who knew him

He will be remembered by generations who have been recipients of his assistance.

Rest in peace, Keith.

Your memory will live on forever in our hearts and we offer condolences, first to his family and also those that are already missing him.

Keith’s Chrysler Valiant Panel Van and Stock Car

Wanganui VCC Branch AGM

Nomination Form 2023

Position Member Nominated Nominator

Signature of Nominated Person

Wanganui VCC Branch AGM

Nomination Form 2023

Position Member Nominated Nominator

Signature of Nominated Person


NOTICE OF (VCC) Wanganui Branch AGM

To be held at the Club Rooms on June 7th Commencing at 7.30pm.


Minutes of AGM June 2022

Approval of Minutes

Matters arising

Chairman's Report

Financial Report (as published in Rivet) By Treasurer

Nominations received and election of:




Club Captain

Committee at least 4 members

Other Positions - Rally Secretary, Motor Cycle Convenor, Trophies Manager, Branch Delegate, Kitchen Manager, Hall Custodian, Truck Custodian, Librarian, Parts Custodians, Rivet Editor, Beaded Wheels Reporter, Archivist/Historian, Vehicle VIC Certifiers, Facebook, Rivet Distribution Organiser.

Rivet distribution discussion: email to members plus a special levy to cover postage for those who must have a printed copy.

Cost of Production for the Rivet is averaging $335 per month of which postage is now $93. Our Distributors of the Rivet around Wanganui receive a nominal petrol allowance of $50 per person per year, which is not included in the postage amount.

H&A have advised that production costs will increase in the next financial year.

Thank you and we look forward to your attendance. The Annual Accounts have been emailed to members. Printed copies will be available.

New Members

We, the Wanganui Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand would like to welcome the following people who have become new members of the Club over the past few months:

Willy Huijs who has a 1951 Triumph Mayflower and other vintage cars

Derek Le Cren with his 1971 VW Beetle

Brian Stewart who has a 1979 Jaguar XJ6 and other vintage cars

Fiona McIvor with her 1962 Morris Minor 1000

Greg Goldsworthy with his 1975 LH Torana

Allan Muir with his 1926 Ford Model T

Peter Stokes-Chapman who has a 1935 Austin Ruby

Gordon Craig who has a 1964 Daimler Mk 2 V8 and other vintage cars

New Members (continued)

Chris and Kaye Smith with their 1972 Fiat 125 Special

Melissa Gordon with her 1955 Worsley 4/44

Richard Stevens with his 1966 Sunbeam Alpine

Grant and Wendy Fergusson with their 1947 Austin 8

Trevor Evans with his 1965 Morris 1000

Gordon Tweeddale with his 1974 Mercedes 450sl

Jason Liddle who has a 1967 Ford Thunderbird

Tim and Lennie Price with their 1954 Austin A40

We welcome one and all and we look forward to seeing you at all our future events.

Club Calendar

All runs meet at the Clubrooms at 1pm unless otherwise stated


13th Working Bee 8am to 1pm

14th Toy Fair. VCC vehicles for display. Contact Pierre or Sietse 027 345 6977

21st Sunday Run with Andrew J


4th Annual Rally. Details in Rivet

7th Club night. AGM. Please be there


5th Club Night

16th Sunday Run

Aug 2nd Club Night

20th Daffodil Rally. Details to follow

24th Daffodil Business Deliveries. Details to follow

Farm shop opening hours:

Tuesday to Friday 8am to 5pm Saturday 8am to 1-30 pm

Bates Watchmakers

130 Victoria Ave, Wanganui

Phone/Fax 06 345-2235


Watch Specialists for Whanganui

Sales & Repairs

Mainstreet’s Top Shop Award Winner

107 Rapanui Road Westmere

Ed Boyd Parts Shed

We have an outstanding collection of engines, gearboxes, body parts, spares, new and used, from a vast range of manufacturers. These parts span from the early 1900’s to more modern production vehicles. If you are looking for anything, large or small, to keep your car on the road call us to see if we can assist. You will find our prices unbelievable. Please call of email us:

Dave 06 347 6915 027 555 4201

Chris 06 348 7335 027 443 1184

Trevor 06 345 8897 027 245 7770

lf we don’t have it, we may know someone who does!

For Sale/Wanted To Buy

For Sale: Holden HR wagon 1966. Manual transmission 186 motor, in very good condition throughout. Sold with new WOF. Realistic offer will be accepted. Please phone for more details. 0274 896 284 Member Frank Forlong

Burma Rally Pics

Below: Glyn Clements in his 1959 Rover 90

Bottom: 1929 Ford Model A. Driver Greg Oliver

Below: Henry Sutcliff in his 1969 Worsley

Bottom:1930 Austin 7. Driver Roger Corlett

Monday–Friday: 8am–5pm Saturday: 8am–12noon

Heads Road, Wanganui Ph: 06 348 7108

ATVTNZWANGA- NUI 12noony: 8am–5pm Saturday: 8am–129 Heads Road, Wanganui Ph: 06 348 7108
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