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January-February 2024

Hinemoa Ransom-Boyd featured inside. Gumboot winners Neil Farrer, Sarah and Ian Howell

We welcome all Vintage and Classic Vehicles

Official Magazine of the Wanganui Branch of the V.C.C. of NZ P O Box 726, Wanganui , Street Address—Patapu Street, Wanganui East Patron:

Alan Bates

Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer:

Andrew Dittmer 027 379 6969 Frank James 06 344 2221 Neil Farrer 027 457 9634

Accounts Reviewer: Club Captain: Rally Secretary/Trophies: Motorcycle Convenor:

Peter Powell Rob & Linda O’Keefe 027 433 2626 Christine Savage 06 342 4755 Bill James 027 353 2190

Committee :

Dale Whitaker Sarah Howell Wayne Gedye Ian Higgins Sietse Zeilstra Pierre Zeilstra

021 0888 2371 021 0885 3483 027 244 7108 027 201 2706 027 345 6977 027 345 6977

Compliance: Health & Safety: Trophies Manager: Branch Delegate: Kitchen Manager: Hall Custodian/Bookings: Truck Custodians:

Wayne Gedye 027 244 7108 Dale Whitaker 021 0888 2371 Mihi McDermid 06 347 6915 Neil Farrer 06 343 6248 Vacant position Dale Whitaker 06 343 9089 Rob O’Keeffe 027 4332 626 Shane Hobman 06 344 5915 Dave Austin 06 344 7513 Dave McDermid 027 555 4201 Chris White 06 348 7335 Graeme Purves 027 929 5026 Ian Higgins 027 201 2706 Ian Higgins 027 201 2706 Dave Austin 06 344 7513 Shane Hobman 06 344 5915 Bruce Ardell 06 342 7713 Linda Kendrick 027 775 4644 Frank James 021 349 074

Librarian: Parts Custodians:

Editor: Beaded Wheels Reporter: Archivist: Vehicle ID’s: Rivet Distribution Co-Ordinator:

Official VCC Website: VCC Branch Mags: Facebook Wanganui Vintage Car Club:

VCC Codes for Discounts:

Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferry ANTIQUECAR Interislander Cook Strait Ferry WH5465

From The Editor’s Desk Greetings Members Welcome to the first Rivet edition for 2024. For those with internet access, you would have received a newsletter last month explaining why we could not produce a January Rivet to be delivered to you. Hopefully all other Members would have also heard of the committee’s decision before now. As you probably are all aware, I have been on a crusade over the past few months, over how do we entice new and younger members into our fold. I believed, and still do, that our branding needs to be looked at, including having the wording changed to “Vintage and Classic Car Club” similar to a handful of enlightened VCC Branches. Some members were very vocal in their support, others not so. The vast majority either had no firm view or did not want to know, preferring “not to rock the boat” and upset anyone. Fair enough, we all have an opinion which must be respected. At this point in time, I intend to button off on my crusade. I must mention though that I have had no pressure to pull back. If I had of, I would not have canned this branding issue. No doubt that there will be other matters in the future I consider worthy to raise, which I will not hesitate to do, for as long as I retain my role as Editor. I think that it is healthy to debate matters over which course of action YOUR Branch embarks upon. Also at this time we are enjoying a sprinkling of new members joining our ranks, including younger ones. Fantastic. So I concede that the old adage of “do not try to fix something that isn't broken” is perfectly relevant. I have been chatting with Grant Rivers from Rivers Speed and Spares. Thrilled to have Grant and Fiona as new members, as their background is in the Classic and Hot Rod scene which may possibly entice other like minded individuals into our fold. I chuckled when they arrived at our Club Picnic in a newly acquired 1939 Ford Y after Grant had been racing on the Taupo track, I believe, in a hot Mustang. We have to make our Branch appealing for ALL petrol heads to join our ranks, from veterans and vintage to classics, modified vehicles and moderns, both two and four wheelers. Great to hear that the ladies coffee meets are thriving with good attendances. I hear a murmur that some of the ladies are not particularly keen on some of our male inspired events. I can understand this. Not all of our ladies can be expected to drool over machinery and the intricacies of the internal combustion engine, even though we are a car club so presumably members would like car based activities. Lady members are a vitally important part of our Branch. I do wonder why they do not have events where they could engage in activities which they may enjoy more, be it garden and art gallery visits or a “knees up” at the local perhaps, in addition to coffee meets. Just my thoughts. Of course I am assuming what the ladies may or may not like, as there are no doubt some who love all of our events and could run rings around me when it comes to anything mechanical! From a male’s perspective I just love the status quo. Which brings me to another matter I consider worthy of commenting upon. I do wonder how well we engage with new and potential members. I have heard many comments over the years that we do lack a little on this, and tend to hold back and say or do very little at times. Is this a Kiwi phenomenon? Many of us, myself included, do not project ourselves forward enough. I was talking to Robert Baines at the Taihape Gumboot Rally, and he suggests we appoint someone to oversee this important function in order to make new members feel more at home. Please email me with any comments you may have. Yours in cruising, Editor Ian

Chairman's Report — Jan-Feb 2024 Greetings Members I am super happy with all the Vintage motoring we as a club have done last month. The Gumboot rally was just fabulous. We are spoiled to have such wonderful roads in our area. Robert really knows how to start the year off and make a large number of people very happy. Then Rob and his team gave us a real ‘Burma’ rally. I had heard about the road, but it was even better than I thought. Sure it is a challenge but it is also a great achievement. I want to thank you all for the effort you put in making Wanganui’s Vintage weekend so good. On Friday night we had a request at short notice for four Vintage cars at the Mayoral opening of the weekend. Thanks to Alec, Neil, Dave, and Tom we had four lovely cars lined up for the photo shoot. The Saturday ‘park up’ was another triumph. Not only were the cars good to look at but it was great to catch up with people and chat. Sue and I missed the Monday run as we accidently slept in. Mike Marshal has inspired me to dig into the back recesses of one of my shed’s and start restoration on an old BSA Bantam motorbike. This little bike has been in our family since the early 1950’s. My late Dad’s name is listed as the owner but I can only remember it being with my Grandad at his property in Otaki. My Uncle dismantled it some time ago because he was ‘gonna’ do it up. When he moved house I inherited the parts. The last few days I have been working out what is missing or needing replacement. The good news is that so far anything that is missing is available and not too expensive. The next job is to respoke the rear wheel. I think this is as close to knitting jumpers as us blokes get but it is very rewarding when you complete the job. My thanks to Leatham Broadhead for setting up a most enjoyable quiz night at our last Club Meeting. What a hoot! Really got our brains ticking over with questions relating to the 1950s-60s. It was also a BYO night. Great fun. Winners of the quiz were the team of Heather and Bill James, Ian Chamberlain and Dick Mottram. Congratulations Andrew Dittmer Chairman.

Pictured above are some of the 75 Members enjoying themselves at the Bason Reserve Club Picnic. Great day, great food and great company. Editor Ian

65th Burma Rally Prize Winners Veteran

1st Chris and Leon Lawrence, Waiku.1913 Model T Roadster


1st Barry and Hilary Pettengell, Wellington. 1926 Chrysler Finer 70 2nd Pat Tasker and Justin Harding, Wanganui. 1929 Plymouth Model Q

Post Vintage

1st Pat and Sandra Carrick, Wanganui. 1935 Morris 8 2nd Rob and Allie Law, Raumati. 1938 Drophead Coupe

Post War

1st Ian Chamberlain and Felicity Lawrence, Wanganui. 1955 Zephyr Mk. 1 2nd Jim Bilby and Mary-Ann Van Dyk, Wanganui. 1955 Zephyr Mk. 1


1st Peter and Robin Hadley, Whakatane. 1947 Jailbar Pickup 2nd Alan Muir and Karen Goodge, Marton. 1926 Model T Roadster Pickup

Post 1960

1st Vernon Heath and Viv Spiers, Horowhenua. 1964 Saab 96 2nd Chris White and Geraldine Askew, Upper Hutt. 1968 Volkswagen Beetle

Post 80

1st Steve and Joy Growden, Whakatane. 1982 Ford Cortina 2nd Andrew Johnson, Wanganui. 1981 Datsun Station Wagon

Overall Winner Peter and Robin Hadley, Whakatane. 1947 Jailbar Pickup. Pictured below right receiving prizes from Chairman Andrew Dittmer (right)

Highest Placed Local Allan Muir and Karen Goodge, Marton. 1926 Model T Roadster Pickup Best Dressed Lady Wendy Ryland, Wanganui. Below left. Presented by Captain O’Keefe Best Dressed Man Alastair McCarthy, Wellington. Below centre. Presented by Rob (right) Furthest Travelled Mike Loosemore from Waiuku Hard Luck Prize

Wendy Bullock, Wanganui.

Club Captains’ Report—Jan-Feb 2024 Greetings Members Welcome back to a new and exciting year with the Vintage Car Club. There are a lot of events in the planning and still room for more if you have an idea or think the club members may be keen to see something. Wasn’t it great to see so many of our members come along to the Christmas parade, a lot with festive decorations on their cars and dressed for the occasion. We certainly showed ourselves off very well to the people of Wanganui. It’s great to see children and people smile and wave when they see the cars. I do have a bit of an apology, we should’ve organized a place to meet after the parade. Next year we will get together somewhere. The first get together for the year was the New Year’s Picnic. Thank you to everyone who came along and supported the night, it was a lovely friendly evening. The meal suited the saying fit for a king with everyone contributing well to the shared meal. The big one, Vintage Weekend over Anniversary Weekend, it started on Friday night with a get together hosted by Ray and Christine Savage for the Vintage Car Club at the clubrooms, the numbers were down a bit, but Ray put on some lovely snacks for us and everyone had a good chat. Thank you Ray your work was appreciated by everyone who came along. Saturday was an early start for club members getting ready to marshal cars for the Wheels On Victoria Ave. This always attracts a lot of exhibitors and members of the public to come and look at the displayed forms of transport. This was followed by the Classic Cruise from the Mitre10 carpark which is always very popular and raises money for the Cancer Society, finishing up at the Barracks Bar for the prize giving and raffle draw. I’m Sure Peter Hardy and Frank James will have a full report on these two events somewhere in the rivet.

Nestled among the hills before descending the Burma Hill, was the perfect spot for a lunch stop. Editor Ian

Club Captains Report-continued Sunday was Rally day, The Burma Rally culminating in driving over the Burma Hill Road after the lunch stop. The weather played its part almost too well and the predicted rain didn’t arrive, I’m sure at some point all the entrants would’ve been grateful to see a shower of rain. Bruce Ardell and I shared the tail end Charlie role. At this point I should congratulate Frank as he hid the silent check before the lunch stop so well Bruce and I missed it, we were so busy laughing about that we also forgot to pick up the lunch stop sign. Well and truly chastised and bought back to earth by Uncle Frank as soon as we came through the gate. If someone has a picture of all the cars parked up for lunch can they please share it with us, coming down the hill and seeing all the cars in the paddock was a sight to behold. Driving up the Parapara and over Fields Track we were very pleased we didn’t see any breakdowns that required assistance. I’m sure for some people driving over the Burma Hill was a challenge and their own mountain to climb, everyone drove over the hill very well with no problems to report. Unfortunately, I didn’t make it back to afternoon tea but I understand cold water was the winner on the day. Sunday evening, we had the rally dinner and prize giving at the Belmont Golf Course, another lovely venue and a lovely meal. It was my first time talking to a big group of people so thank you for bearing with me. The Rally dinner capped off a lovely day. Nine vintage Car clubs were represented at the rally. This is a testament to how our club as a group of people offer hospitality to visitors, we need to keep working hard to do that and make sure we make new members welcome and spend time with them as well. Thanks to Christine Savage for her work as Rally Secretary for this rally and also Frank James who has a wealth of knowledge with everything to do with the club. I’d also like to thank Chris White who always helps at these events either as a Marshal or in the parts shed. The combined effort of everyone in the club makes organizing these events enjoyable. Monday morning Bruce and Jenny Ardell organized what has become a traditional run to an undisclosed point of interest. This year after a short run we arrived at a lovely home and garden called Aird up a long drive near Fordell. The hosts were Juanita and Rob Forlong, a nice spot for us to have morning tea, sit around and have a chat. Thank you to Bruce and Jenny for organizing the run. Looking forward…. We have started organizing the Annual rally which includes the clubs 70 year celebrations. By the time you read the Rivet we will have had the quiz and social evening for our first club night In February, I’m sure it will be a great night. Club Run Sunday the 25th of February meet at the clubrooms at 1.00pm, bring your own drink, afternoon tea, seat and sunshade if it’s sunny. March the 6th Club meeting night, we have a very good local guest speaker who will be of interest to us all. March the 17th is the run to Fielding and day out organized by Mike Marshall. Club Captains Rob and Linda O’Keefe

65th Burma Rally Pics

Top left: Commercial Ist Place and Overall Rally Winner was this tough looking Ford Jailbar belonging to Peter and Robyn Hadley from Whakatane. Congratulations ! Top right: Allan Muir and Karen Goodge, Marton, were Runner Up Commercial and Highest Placed Local entry in their 1926 Ford Model T Pickup.

Above left: Barry and Hilary Pettengell, Waikanae, Ist Vintage in their 1926 Chrysler Finer. Above right: Pat Tasker and Justin Harding, Wanganui, 1929 Plymouth were 2nd Vintage. Below left: Pat and Sandra Carrick, Wanganui, 1st Post Vintage in their 1935 Morris 8. Below right: Rob and Allie Law, Paraparaumu, 1938 BSA Drophead were 2nd Post Vintage.

65th Burma Rally Pics

Top left: Wanganui’s Ian Chamberlain and Felicity Lawrence. 1st Post War. 1954 Zephyr. Top right: 1955 Mk 1 Zephyr. Jim Bilby and Maryann Vandyk, Wanganui were 2nd Post War Above left: Verdon Heath and Viv Spiers, Levin were 1st Post 60 in this 1964 Saab 96. Above right: 1968 VW with Chris White and Geraldine Askew, Upper Hutt. 2nd Post 60. Below left: Steve and Joy Growden, Whakatane, won the Post 80 in this 1982 Ford Cortina. Below right: Wanganui’s Andrew Johnson was 2nd Post 80 in his 1981 Datsun Bluebird.

Hinemoa’s story unfolds… This month I am very pleased to have the delightful Hinemoa Ransom-Boyd’s story for readers to enjoy. I have been ‘pestering’ Hinemoa for a few months now for her to agree to submit her VCC story, as I was very keen to present to readers an insight into this quite remarkable lady. Himemoa was throw into the deep end, so to speak, with the very sad passing of her husband and business partner, the one and only Ed Boyd. Rather than living in Ed’s shadow, Hinemoa has most certainly stamped her own mark both in her well known business, H&A Print and the Boyd Autobarn. She is an inspiring personality and a real asset to our Branch. Not having visited the present Autobarn since Hinemoa has renovated it, I was blown away with what she has accomplished, and to the memory of Ed. Here is her story. Editor Ian Asked by Ian Higgins to put some words together, was reluctant but I guess we’ve all got stories about our cars, so here’s mine… 1986 was the beginning of my car experience, learning the gears in a Morris 1100 then moved up to a Toyota Cressida. The first car was to be either a $5,000 Ford Laser or a trade in $350 Austin Maxi that needed the heads planed. The Austin Maxi made financial sense and Dad took me to Ernie Greenwell’s garage on Heads Rd to file the head, it worked. Had many adventures in the Maxi including a solo fishing trip around the east cape. A couple of years into it I managed to roll the “land crab” 5 times down a bank, landing on it’s feet, but the body was done. My dad said we were sure to get another Maxi body from Ratana where there would bound to be a seized motor from forgetting to put oil in. Yes, sure enough, a yellow Maxi with a seized motor for $50. So we swapped all the good bits into the new Maxi, it was never going to be as great as the original, and it was pretty rusty. Then an Austin Mini was next. I had to stop and dry out the distributor each time I went through a decent puddle. Eventually managed to slip off the road in the Paraparas, along with a policeman straight after me (he blamed a stray sheep), it was a slippery road, rain after a long period of dry, good learning. Early on I went to a Pan Pacific International Rally Open Day at Ohakea and was blown away with all the beautiful vintage cars. I used up 8 rolls of film on my ‘favourites’. Around that time I was riding on the back of a BMW 100RS, 6 weeks camping around the South Island and around the North Island twice. Then the big OE to Europe and England for a year then when I came back for a few months, I met Ed. And Ed, well, the rest is history!!! Way too many cars to list in that few decades that came through our garages. As first impressions with the VCC I met Frank and Tui Prince, Alan and Margaret Osman, Ivan and Jackie Kendall, Alan and Leonie Bates, Ian and Fay Chamberlain and decided the VCC was for me too. Became Rally Secretary with Ed as Rally Club Captain for a few years and helped with rally software and digital equipment. Taught Ed’s kids to drive a mixture of manual cars, trucks and vans for versatility. Ed and I got the chance to travel with Tony Haycock to Europe on the Le Mans Tour in 2015 then again on my 50th in 2018, and to the biggest swapmeet in Ballarat, Australia – great memories. Also my work swap in Canada for a year at the Uni in Kelowna, saw Ed and I joining VCC Canadians for their 50th Anniversary Tour through the Rockies in a Ford Mustang, white with red seats, convertible and dice in the mirror.

Hinemoa’s story unfolds… Favourite vehicles so far in my mind have been: KP1960 Rover 100, Vauxhall VX4/90, BMW Isetta, Rolls Royce Silver Shadow 1975, AA Austin, Ed’s Boattail Austin, Holden Rodeo flat deck, Mitsubishi L200 flat deck, Suzuki GN250, Renault Floride convertible, 1968 Left hand drive VW, 1928 Cadillac, Black Vauxhall Velox with the 1945 homemade caravan. Rebuilding Boyd's Autobarn into it’s smaller version was a labour of love. And I still have no idea what the future would bring for the Autobarn, but while I’m still living at Pickwick, at least for the next 5 years I will make the most of the property and keep the collection alive. Am working on making the space useful for groups, still with the proceeds going to Grassroots Rescue Helicopter. Currently at home are 16 of Ed’s cars and I’ve added a couple of things this past year: a 2023 Royal Enfield Classic (bike), and 2015 Holden Commodore SS-V. And on loan, the locally well-known Suzuki 850 with sidecar. Would like to have more loan vehicles soon, so I can rotate exhibits yearly – free to store in the Autobarn if desirable for viewing, but must pay own insurance and stay for no more than a year. The ultimate would be to have vehicles that have a big history of ‘adventures’ here and abroad. I admire our women in the club who make the effort to learn to drive the vintage cars from their households, its important, not only for medical emergencies but for ease and general enjoyment. I’m hoping to hear some of their stories in here too.

Just a small selection from Hinemoa’s collection. My pick is the Vauxhall top left. Editor Ian

6th National Commercial Rally Pics

Top left: Mr Editor’s 1990 V8 Holden S/W. ‘Youngest’ vehicle entered. Owned since new. Top right: Kevin Greig, Wanganui, in his pride and joy-1951 Bradford Van. Above left: 1938 Chev. Owned by Club Captain’s Linda and Rob O’Keefe. Son Tony driving. Above right: Chairman of the organising committee, Bruce Ardell, entered his 1938 Chev. Below left: Colin Mathew’s 1974 Ford F250. Truck known as ‘Big Red.’ Wanganui entrant. Below right: 1932 Chevrolet BB Confederate with Manawatu’s Derek Haycock at the wheel.


6th National Commercial Rally Pics

Above left: 1949 Ford E83WCF owned by Murry Woodhouse, Wanganui. Above right: From North Otago we have John Adamson in his 1956 Karrier Van. Left: 1977 Morris Marina Ute owned by Quentin Handley, Wanganui. Rare original Ute. Finally this is the last of the Commercial Rally Pics of entrants Vehicles. Taken a while but I believe that is was worth the wait. Hope that you think so anyway. Editor Ian

65th Burma Rally Pics

Above left: Only Veteran, a 1913 Ford Model T from Lower Hutt. Chris and Leon Lawrence Above right: Toni Jenkins and Fay Wilbur, Wanganui, in Toni’s Austin A35 Van


The Taranaki Branch extends an invitation to all Vintage Car Club members to enter and enjoy their;


MAUNGA MOANA RALLY NEW PLYMOUTH EASTER WEEKEND, MARCH 29th-30th 2024 The days event will start from the Plymouth International Hotel, to follow a rally route using the many rural roads around our Maunga, Mt. Taranaki.


Friday Evening, March 29 . Rally Registration at the Plymouth International Hotel from 4.00pm. Friday evening meal will be entrants responsibility, with Restaurant or Bar Menu meal options being available at the Plymouth International Hotel. During the evening one can avail themselves the opportunity to socialize at the Plymouth. Saturday, Rally Day, March 30th. The days event will start from the Plymouth International Hotel car parking area. Registration on site from 8.30am, All Entrants are to assemble with their vehicle by 9.00am. From 9.30am the days event will start from the Hotel parking area, departing at one minute intervals in no set order. Rally Route Instructions will be given to entrants as they start the days event.. Saturday Evening, Dinner and Trophies Presentation, March 30 th. The Plymouth International Hotel will be the venue for this function. A ‘social hour’ from 6.00pm will be followed by the Dinner at 7.15pm. The presentation of Rally Trophies and Long Service Commemorative Awards will follow. No BYO please.

Entries close 20th March 2024 We acknowledge the support given by the Plymouth International Hotel. They are offering special accommodation rates. Book direct at:

RALLY RULES: This event is open to all current financial members of the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. Inc. All vehicle class categories eligible according to the rules of the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. Inc. qualify for this event. To participate in this event, eligible vehicles must be owned and entered by a current financial member of the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. Inc., and who must be in the entered vehicle as Driver, Rider, Navigator, or Passenger for the duration of this event. A minimum of three entries, excluding Veteran vehicles, will constitute a class. If insufficient entries are received for any one class, those entries will be allocated to another appropriate class. Electronic navigation aids are not to be used during this event.

Entries close 20th March 2024. CLASS: Veteran


Post War






Post 60’s


Motor Cycles


Post Vintage


Post 80’s




Note: The Touring Class is Non Competitive

Submit attached Entry Form to Rally Secretary by either of the following options: E-Mail to: or by post to: Vintage Car Club Taranaki Branch 7 Leatham Ave. Strandon New Plymouth 4312

Make payment of Entry Fees to TSB Bank account number: 15 3949 0381958 00 Use your surname as reference please. Enquiries to Rally Secretary / Organiser: Rob Thomson, 027 701 2485

59th Maunga Moana Rally 2024 Entry Form. Entries close March 20th Entrants Name: ..................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Address: ................................................................................................................................ ....................................................................................................... Post Code: ..................... Phone No. OR E-Mail Address: ................................................................................................ V.C.C. Branch: ..................................................V.C.C. Membership No: ................................. Navigators Name: ................................................................................................................... Year, Make, & Model of Vehicle Entered: ................................................................................ ............................................................................ Rego No: ............................. Class: .......... CLASS: Veteran Vintage Post Vintage

1 2 3

Post War Post 60’s Post 80’s

4 5 6

Commercial Motor Cycles Touring

7 8 9

Note: The Touring Class is Non Competitive.

Entry Fee Rally Plaque [Optional] Sat. Lunch (p/person) Sat. Dinner (p/person)


40.00 @ 16.50 @ 19.00 @ 60.00


Submit this Entry Form to the Rally Secretary by either of the following options: E-Mail to:

By post to:

Vintage Car Club Taranaki Branch

7 Leatham Ave., Strandon, New Plymouth 4312

Make payment of

TSB 15 3949 0381958 00

Entry Fees to:

Use your surname as reference.


60TH RUAHINE RAMBLE SUNDAY 10TH MARCH 2024 FORMAT 9.00 AM Meet at Clubrooms, Kelvin Grove, Palmerston North for a tea/coffee before the Rally 9.30 AM Rally Briefing 10.00 AM First car away RUN LENGTH: Please tick your option SHORT ROUTE: 40 MILES ⃝MED. ROUTE: 80 MILES ⃝LONG ROUTE: 120 MILES ⃝ 

Fuel is available after Lunch stop

● Bring your own Picnic Lunch AND a chair (wet weather inside venue available)

● Rally Entry Fee includes a Plaque

● Run will conclude at the Manawatu Branch Clubrooms for Prize Giving and Dinner

● Please bring your own Drinks (water/tea/coffee will be available)

 

ENTRANT NAME __________________________________________________

VCC MEMBERSHIP NO. _____________________ EXPIRY DATE ___________

NAVIGATOR / PASSENGER NAME_____________________________________

TELEPHONE ( ___ ) ___________ EMAIL ___________________________

ADDRESS _______________________________________________________

VEHICLE MAKE/MODEL/YEAR __________________ VEHICLE REGO. NO. _______

 

RALLY ENTRY @ $20.00 / Per Vehicle

DINNER / PER HEAD @ $55.00 / No. of People ____

= TOTAL _________

 


Please advise any dietary requirements (GF, DF) ___________________________________ Payment Details: All payments are to be made via Internet Banking to MANAWATU BRANCH VCC. BANK Westpac 03-0718-0027253-001


Please send completed Entry Form to Organisers:

Glyn & Cath Clements PO Box 232, Feilding 4740 (ph. 021 833 4081)

Or Email to (Note: No. 1 not L in email address)

If you haven’t received an email Confirmation of Entry by the closing date, please contact the Organiser.

 


107 Rapanui Road Westmere

Farm shop opening hours: Tuesday to Friday 8am to 5pm Saturday 8am to 1-30 pm

Bates Watchmakers 130 Victoria Ave, Wanganui Phone/Fax 06 345-2235 Email: Watch Specialists for Whanganui Sales & Repairs Mainstreet’s Top Shop Award Winner

This space available for advertising. Contact Neil Farrer 027 457 9634

Annual Gumboot Rally By Editor Ian New Years Day always is something to look forward to...our Branch’s Taihape Rally aka the Gumboot Rally. This has been running for 39 years so is well etched into our Branch activities. Some members may find it a bit far to travel there and back on the first day of the year what with family celebrations and suchlike happening. But for me, and others wanting to make the trip up to the most northern part of our Branch to enjoy what has to be some of the best VCC metaled and sealed roads in the country with fabulous high country views, not to mention good old Taihape hospitality, this is one of our Rallies that I place near the top of my calendar to attend. And what a great guy in the form of Robert Baines heading the running of this event. Missing this year through ill health though, was another Branch stalwart and his wife, namely Dave and Lyn Austin. Dave is still unwell unfortunately, but others were able to hop in and assist with running this event. Secretary Frank James was at the forefront dishing out the run sheets and sending a happy bunch of entrants on their way from the start lines. The run took twenty two vehicles around town before heading for the outback ending at River Valley campsite for lunch. The afternoon section took entrants through more back country, finishing up at Robert’s TSM Motors in town for a BBQ and prizegiving. So many prizes-very few missed out, plus a sponsored BBQ. All for $10 per head raffle! Neil Farrer, and Sarah and Ian Howell were declared the winners in Neils 1956 Austin A90. It was great to see and chat to our North Island Club Captain, Glyn Clements from the Manawatu, competing and enjoying the day. He reckons that this is one of his favourite rallies! Thanks Glyn.

How about joining in for next year’s Gumboot as this will be the 40th event. If you have not attended before then book into a Motel now as accommodation can be rather tight. Thanks for a great day out Robert and team.

Above: The winning car, Neil Farrer’s Austin A90 containing Neil, and Sarah and Ian Howell. Left: Some of the 50 plus crowd socialising and tucking into a great BBQ at TSM Motors after the rally.

65th Burma Rally Pics

Top left: John Miles, Whanganui, waiting on starters orders in his 1938 Austin Ascot. Top right: 1939 Chevrolet Master 85 owned by Craig and Wendy Ryland, Whanganui. Above left: Linda O’Keefe and Michelle Nessling, Whanganui, in the 1938 Buick. Above right: Whanganui’s David Down and Michele Taylor in the 1975 Mini Clubman. Below left: From Tauranga we have Les and Helen Duggan in their 1956 Zephyr Mk. 1 Below right: 1928 Ford Model A belonging to Bryan and Vivien Christie, Whanganui.

Wheels On Victoria Park Up By Frank James On Saturday 20 January 2024 as part of the Vintage Weekend Celebrations the ‘Wheels on Victoria’ vehicle display took place in Victoria Avenue, Whanganui. Vehicles started arriving soon after 7:30 am to park in the Avenue and some 350 vehicles ranging from Vintage Cars, Hot Rods, Muscle Cars, Classic Cars, Military Vehicles, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles and Sports Cars adorned the main street of Whanganui. The vehicles of all ages, makes, models and colours created huge interest for viewing from 10:00 am through to around 4:00 pm by enthusiasts and public alike. The occasion also provided an exciting meeting place for visitors and old friends.

What a great day for everyone who attended – an event which always provides fun for all. Thank you to everyone who bought their vehicles along for the display and to the helpers who assisted with parking etc

Classic Cruise By Peter Hardy Paula, Frank, Hayden and Peter, handing over $1065 to Kerry and Rachel of the Cancer Society on Thursday. Seventy cars participated, which considering the torrential downpour just prior to the start, was an excellent number. We would like to thank all involved, Mitre 10 Mega, Barracks Sports Bar, who hosted the prize giving, and the VCC members who also aided the smooth running of the event.

For Sale For Sale: Morris Minor 1000 gearbox. Good condition. Put straight in. $350. Phone Sam Wilson 027 235 5657 For Sale: 1957 Rover 90. 56000genuine mileage. No Rego but runs well and have original owner papers. Shed stored for 35 years. $1500 ono. Phone 06 342 7713 For Sale: 1982 Harley Davidson. New WOF and Rego. Excellent condition. 09149 miles. $10000. Phone Dale 021 0888 2371 For Sale: 1974 Ford Escort. 4 litre, 5 speed, tow bar, road legal. WOF and Rego. Lots of spares including motor, gearbox, panels and glass. $40000. Dale 021 0888 02371

Club Calendar Club runs meet at the Clubrooms at 1pm unless stated Feb

22nd Ladies Coffee meet at Mitre 10 at 11am 25th Sunday Run.


3rd North Island Club Captain’s Dinner 4th NI Club Captain’s tour Rally Day join in. See Club notice board. 6th Club Night. 7.30pm. Speaker Terry Price. 14th and 28th Ladies Coffee at Mitre 10. 11am 17th Run to Feilding. Meet at Clubrooms 9.00am. A full day’s outing. Visit Terry Rush Race Cars and Dave Dench IH Trucks and Tractors Museum. Organised by Mike Marshall.


3rd Club Night. 7.30pm



Ruahine Rumble-Manawatu Branch 10th March-Entry form in the Rivet


Maunga Moana Rally-New Plymouth Branch29th March-1st April-Entry form in the Rivet


National South Island Easter Rally 29th March-1st April-Emailed to Members

Various other Rallies and events regularly emailed to Members



12noony: 5pm Saturday: 129 Heads Road, nui Ph: 06 348

8am– 8am– Wanga7108

AT VTNZ WANGANUI $5 off your WOF Monday– Friday: 8am–5pm Saturday: 8am–12noon 19 Heads Road, Wanganui Ph: 06 348 7108 AD READY

Ed Boyd Parts Shed We have an outstanding collection of engines, gearboxes, body parts, spares, new and used, from a vast range of manufacturers. These parts span from the early 1900’s to more modern production vehicles. If you are looking for anything, large or small, to keep your car on the road call us to see if we can assist. You will find our prices unbelievable. Please call or email us: Dave

06 347 6915

027 555 4201


06 348 7335

027 443 1184


06 3431324

027 929 5026

lf we don’t have it, we may know someone who does!

65th Burma Rally Pics

Top left: Peter, Charlotte and Jessica Hardy, Whanganui, in Pete’s 1968 Riley Elf. Top right: 1930 Doge DC 8 belonging to Andrew and Jane Toy, Whanganui. Above left: Tony O’Keefe and Alice Green, Whanganui, in the 1938 Chevrolet 1 ton truck. Above right: 1938 Austin Ute owned by Sue and Andrew Dittmer, Whanganui.

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