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January 2023

Keith’s Collection inside Trudy and Mac Keene scooped the big one

Official Magazine of the Wanganui Branch of the V.C.C. of NZ P O Box 726, Wanganui , Street Address—Patapu Street, Wanganui East

Patron: Alan Bates


Andrew Dittmer 027 379 6969 Vice Chairman Bill James 027 353 2190 Secretary: Frank James 06 344 2221 Treasurer: Neil Farrer 027 457 9634

Auditor Peter Powell

Club Captain: Andrew Johnson 06 345 6212 Rally Secretary/Trophies: Christine Savage 06 342 4755 Motorcycle Convenor: Bill James 027 353 2190

Committee : Linda Kendrick 027 775 4644 Ray Savage 06 3424755 Ian Higgins 027 201 2706 Sietse Zeilstra 027 345 6977 Pierre Zeilstra 027 345 6977 Health & Safety & Compliance Dave McDermid 027 555 4201

Trophies Manager: Mihi McDermid 06 347 6915 Branch Delegate: Neil Farrer 06 343 6248

Kitchen Manager: Sue Dittmer 027 379 6969 Ann Berntsen 06 3446041

Hall Custodian/Bookings: Sue Dittmer 027 379 6969

Truck Custodians: Rob O’Keeffe 027 4332 626 Shane Hobman 06 344 5915

Librarian: Dave Austin 06 344 7513

Parts Custodians: Dave McDermid 027 555 4201 Chris White 06 348 7335 Trevor Roberts 06 345 8897 027 245 7770

Editor: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Beaded Wheels Reporter: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Archivist: Dave Austin 06 344 7513

Vehicle ID’s: Shane Hobman 06 344 5915 Bruce Ardell 06 342 7713

Rivet Distribution Co-Ordinator: Linda Kendrick 027 775 4644 Frank James 021 349 074

Official VCC Website:

VCC Branch Mags: Facebook Wanganui Vintage Car Club:

VCC Codes for discounts: Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferry ANTIQUECAR Interislander WH5465

Greetings Members

Welcome to the first edition of your Branch Magazine for 2023. Highlight for me since the last publication was the annual Taihape Gumboot Rally. What a blast! Chairman Andrew has covered this in his monthly Chairman’s Report, so I will not repeat Andrew’s comments, other than to heartily congratulate our valued Cub Member, Robert Baines, for heading this great event. Special thanks to Dave and Lyn Austin for once again assisting Robert and his Taihape team. Really fitting that Dave and Lyn won the raffle. Once again, the rally prizes on offer were extremely plentiful and set out “Taihape style” on Robert’s hoist platform in his workshop. Obviously there was a lot of work canvassing sponsors for the prizes, so a special thank you to these businesses. I think that it is the convivial atmosphere in a rural town setting that sets this annual event apart from others. A great way to start off the New Year, culminating with a hearty BBQ. Rather disappointing that only 23 vehicles entered though, and some of these were not from our Branch. I realise at this time of the year, many are away on holiday or with family and there are some unwell. And there is the extra distance and associated costs to travel. Sure, there were a few metal roads to negotiate, but overall, these were very good and with limited dust. So how about it Members, lets make a concerted effort to build up next year’s numbers. Congratulations to Trudy and Mac Keene from Hunterville for winning the coveted Gumboot Trophy in their Austin Sheerline.

The annual Christmas Parade drew only a handful of Members vehicles. I stand to be corrected, but I only counted six from our Branch. There were lots of cheering spectators lining the Avenue, so it was somewhat disappointing that our numbers were so few, as this is an ideal platform to showcase our old vehicles. Pleased that the O’Keeffe’s paraded our old Club truck though. Similarly the following week, the Hakeke Community Christmas Party at Williams Domain next door to our Clubrooms, only drew three members vehicles. Sure the weather looked a little inclement, but hoards of kids lined up to see the vehicles on display, and the two military vehicles were kept busy ferrying young ones around the Domain. All good PR for our movement and the NZMVC. I do not wish to appear negative over reporting and commenting on low Member turnouts, and hope that I have not offended anyone, but it is a little frustrating for Branch organisers if turn outs are so low.

Another gripe I have, (boy oh boy I must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed) is road rage. Happened to me the other day when I was driving home from the farm. We live on a winding section of narrow road, with a ditch on one side. Impossible to pull over heading north opposite our driveway. A car approached me in the opposite direction. I had indicated my intention to cross the road into our home and stopped on the left of the centre of the road and waited for the oncoming car to pass by. I noticed a car approaching me from behind travelling at speed and tooting like crazy. They should have slowed down until I made my turn! Once in my driveway I stopped and got out of my vehicle, as it was quite clear that these half wits had an agenda, and it was not to exchange pleasantries. Strange looking young men, one with cobwebs tattooed all over his face. Car was full of such creatures. I was asked if I would like a knuckle. I declined their kind offer as I possess my own thank you. I suggested that they go home, have a cup of tea and a lie down and look in the paper for a job. I didn’t appreciate their voiced intentions and told them so. Next step would have been for me to place my head between my legs and kiss my butt goodbye! I mean, a 72 year old man with health issues taking on a car load of louts who looked like they had just been released from Her( His) Majesty’s Apartments in Kaitoke! Anyway, they duly left with much finger saluting. Shouldn’t have to take this sort of nonsense. No respect. I went home and had a cup of tea and yearned for days past when I too was a young man who would not take kindly to such oafish behaviour. Then Frances told me off for standing up for myself! Cannot win sometimes. Yours in cruising Editor Ian

From The Editor’s Desk

Chairman's Report — January 2023

Greetings Members

We have normally stayed up late to see the New Year in. We didn’t this year as my singing voice isn’t what it used to be and nobody had the words to Auld Lang Syne, but we did get up early on January the 1st. Our friend, Helen, had come down from Tamahere to join us as we packed our picnic lunch and headed off for the Gumboot Rally. The girls took the Austin A10 Ute and I travelled with Neil Farrer in his well sorted ’61 Vanguard six estate.

On arrival at the Show Grounds the first vehicle we see is Dave Austin’s Austin utility looking rather dapper to greet us. We were early and already there were 20 odd cars parked. If you haven’t been to a Gumboot Rally you will not have experienced the excitement that folk from the Manawatu and Hawkes Bay Branches have when they come to this great day out.

Soon it was time for organiser Robert Baines to give us our briefing. Entry fee is via a raffle ticket and soon we are on our way. Stephen and Claudia-Ann Voss joined us in the Vanguard. I guess we were doubly fortunate as Neil had lived in Taihape in younger years and was able to add commentary to the already impressive scenery. Of note was the upheaval in the upper areas of Spooner Hill road due to recent Seismic activity. Quite a big area had lifted around 100mm. To my mind the roads were extremely good Vintage Motoring. The sealed roads were very clear and the unsealed roads had smooth and low dust surfaces. We travelled through a village I had never heard of called Rangataua on our way to our lunch stop at Ohakune. It is amazing what you learn on these rallies.

After lunch we headed out onto new roads some of which were not quite so smooth as in the morning but past some very impressive farms and up onto an area called Ridge Road. We were blessed with great weather so the views are impressive. Of note was Robert’s instruction of acute left turn. As there were no Triumph Heralds on the rally this turn was a back and forward turn for all. It all adds to the story and all too soon we were back in Taihape.

Robert hosted us at his Garage, TMS motors, for the extremely generous prize giving and after function Barbeque. Robert’s enthusiasm and dedication to vintage motoring and in particular to this club is of the highest order and I for one am extremely grateful.

Neil and I travel to Christchurch early March for a VCC National executive meeting. Under discussion is new framework requirements for Managing Clubs such as ours. I am very thankful that Neil has a very good grasp of what is required and what needs to be done. I am really looking forward to see what some members of your committee have achieved with the exterior of the Clubrooms. Ray, Christine, Bill along with Heather, Sietse and Pierre have all been seen busy with paint brushes. Bill has organised the paint and is arranging for some new signage.

Club Captain’s Report — January 2023


The annual picnic is always a club highlight. I don’t remember a picnic with rain like this year. A surprisingly good turnout and a very enjoyable evening indoors. Earlier I felt like a complete fool at the super market with a trolley of BBQ goodies while outside it bucketed down. Thanks to the committee who worked hard to make a great evening and thanks to everyone who braved the weather. See the happy picnic pics below.

This year starts off as usual with plenty happening.

Vintage Weekend is only days away with plenty of events happening. It would be great to see lots of support on Sunday morning at Moutua Gardens for the start of the Burma Rally and then again on Monday Morning at the Cornmarket reserve for the Anniversary day run. Best wishes to all competing, I know you will love the roads.

On a personal note a few years ago I approached the Chairman of Motorsport NZ Historic Commission with a view to racing in a class he was involved with. I was unaware of tensions within historic racing but shortly after that I was invited to a meeting in Feilding. Much to my surprise the meeting consisted of like minded racers from all over NZ. At that meeting we moved to form the Historic and Vintage Racing Association. I feel very honoured to be a founding member of the HVRA. The class has been formed to provide a suitable class for historic race cars. The class is strict on vehicle specifications and very very strict on driving standards.

The value of some cars leaves no room for muppets. It has resulted in some truly iconic cars returning to the track and is generating huge interest. It is allowing me to realise a dream and race on very circuit in NZ. They are a fantastic group to race with. Sadly Pukekohe will close soon, I was fortunate to tick that off in November.

Enjoy anniversary weekend and best wishes for 2023

Captain Andrew J

Gumboot Rally Pics

Above: Crowds starting to gather for the start of the Rally.

Right: Rally Organiser, Robert Baines, sharing a joke with Neil Farrer, while others were busy chatting.

Above: Mac Keene (right) collecting his winnings plus the Gumboot Trophy from Robert.

Above Right: Dave and Lyn Austin were the winners of the generous raffle. Seen here receiving this from Robert Baines.

Right: Everyone socialising and feasting on the country style BBQ

Gumboot Rally Winner & Other Pics

Below: Waiting for the start of the Christmas Parade in the Club truck were Rob and Lynda O’Keefe.

Left: The Keene’s, winners of the Rally with their Austin Sheerline, minus a door handle in Mac’s hand (which he was lucky to retrieve ) Congratulations on winning the Gumboot.

Above: Also waiting for the Christmas Parade to get underway were Frances Higgins and Daisy in the Willys Jeep.

Left: On display and waiting for people to board for a ride around Williams Domain at the Hakeke Community Christmas Party, were these Military Vehicles. The kids just loved them, as did the adults .

1938 Dodge D8 Sedan

Bought this car in a partly assembled but not running state from a farm in Foxton. It took 2 years to complete and get road legal. While working outside Heads Road I heard a throaty exhaust heading down the road and looked up to see the Dodge driving past at pace. This was while it was being VIN’D by VTNZ. When I queried this event I was told that the examiner mistook MPH for KPH. So that is 50 MPH down Heads Road!

1947 Nash Ambassador Sedan

This car was purchased from the Far North in December 1974, partly disassembled and covered in spider rust but running without a gearbox. This was my first restoration. Boy, what a steep learning curve this was! With the help of local VCC members the Nash was on the road in 14 months. This car has travelled approximately 80,000 miles since it became road legal. The Nash has been as far south as Timaru and as far north as Cape Reinga lighthouse car park, and most places in between. When my parents lived in Kaeo in the far North the Nash was often used to go visit them. It took 9.5 hours from Whanganui in the Nash or a modern. A great car to travel long distances with the top speed in excess of 100 MPH if you were ‘brave’ enough, not that this was done on a regular basis.

1978 Chrysler Valiant Panel Van,

One of only 1899 built. I bought this vehicle brand new off the showroom floor at Kirkwood Motors in Victoria Avenue. I bought the Valiant to tow my stockcar around the country's racetracks. When I purchased the panel van I traded a 4 speed Valiant Pacer that I owned and paid cash for the remainder. The car salesman didn’t know that he just needed to give me the keys and a receipt as back in “78 most vehicles were purchased on H.P. at 18% and upwards and he had not done a cash deal. The panel van was already registered in my name ready for pickup. The van did sterling service as a tow vehicle for about a decade with usage during the week as my builder’s trade vehicle. The first stockcar I towed around the country with the panel van was the one I won the NZ stockcars championship in 1978-79 season. In the early 2000’s a friend told me that my old panel van was for sale on Trade me. I followed this up and purchased it back again from the family of the bloke that bought it from me. When I purchased it back it had already be panelled and painted as original but not fully reassembled, so with a bit more tidying and upholstery repairs it became the vehicle you see today.

Keith’s Collection

Historic stockcar 16V

This is a replica of the car I won the NZ champs in at Palmerston North Speedway. Historic Class rules state that if the original car no longer exists it can be replicated by the original owner/builder, or if it is a national title winning car it can be reconstructed by the title winning owner. It is fantastic that I have the original Valiant Panel Van to tow this Historic Replica Stockcar to meetings if I choose.

Left: 1938 Dodge D8 Sedan. I believe that this grand old lady is sporting a later model engine just “to wake her up a little” Sounds like Keith!

Right: 1947 Nash Ambassador Sedan. Big car which I have been led to believe can get along at a fair old clip. With Keith behind the wheel, I’ll bet it can!

Below: Now doesn’t this look cool! 1978 Chrysler Panel Van ( has to be my favourite ) towing Keith’s Historic Stock Car 16V. Keith is a former NZ Stock Car Champion and I’ll wager that he still can hold his own on the track!

64th Burma Rally

Entries close 13th January 2023

The Burma Rally takes place over Wellington Anniversary Weekend and Wanganui’s popular Vintage Weekend. VCC members and Burma Rally vehicles play an important part in the weekend. Entrants are invited to display their vehicles, enjoy the Vintage Weekend activities as well as taking part in the Burma Rally. It is recommended that you book your accommodation now. Though not essential, we encourage period costume to be worn at the rally and at Rally and Vintage Weekend activities. Prizes will be awarded for the best dressed gentleman and lady at the prizegiving dinner


Friday 20th January

6.00-8pm Burma Rally meet and greet at the Clubrooms, 25 Patapu St. Wanganui East. Finger Food and tea and coffee will be served. Rally packs will be available

Saturday 21st January

8.00am-4.00pm Vehicles participating in the “Wheels on Victoria Ave” please be parked by 9.00 am on Victoria Ave. Follow instructions from Marshalls and park in designated areas for display. Look for the VCC sign to collect your Burma Rally packs. Enjoy the Wheels on Victoria Ave Car Show, Caboodle St Carnival, period clothing stalls and more.

4.00pm-5.00pm Classic Car Cruise. Meet at Mitre10 carpark. Entry off Taupo Quay or Heads Road. Pay $10 to the Wanganui Cancer Society, on site, to be eligible for spot prizes. The cruise ends at Barracks Sports Bar 170 St. Hill Street. The Classic Car prize draws will be announced after 6.30pm. You must be present to claim prizes. Meals available.

Sunday 22nd January

Bring your own picnic lunch and tea/coffee and thermos. Rally Packs can be collected from the Tail End Charlie at the start of the rally.

8.30am Assemble on Taupo Quay, Moutua Gardens. Follow parking instructions from the Marshalls.

9.00am Safety briefing, all drivers and navigators must attend.

9.30am First vehicle away. Starting times as indicated on your rally pack. The rally will conclude at the Clubrooms, Patapu Street, Wanganui East. The Parts Shed will be open during this time.

6.00pm Pre Dinner Drinks at the Wanganui Room, Wanganui Racecourse, Purnell Street.

6.30pm Dinner and Prizegiving.

Monday 23rd January

Wellington Anniversary Run

9.00am Meet at the Cornmarket Reserve, corner of Somme Pde and Dublin Street The weekend will end with a late morning tea provided, at a special place of interest

Entries Close: 13th January 20223. No late entries accepted. Preferred method of entry is by online registration at the site Alternatively, by email, to or mail entry form and payment to C/- The Rally Secretary, Wanganui VCC, P O Box 726, Wanganui 4540. Bank Deposits: 03-0791-0210433-00

Drivers First Name: ______________________

Drivers Surname: ________________________ Address: _______________________________ Email: _________________________________ Mobile No: _____________________________ Navigators First Name: ____________________ Navigators Surname: _____________________ Vehicle Make: ___________________________

Model: ________________ Year: ____________

CC Rating: ____________ Rego No: __________

VCC Member No: ________________________ Class Please quote just 1 class number

SPEED MPH (Please circle)


Drivers First Name: _____________________

Drivers Surname: _______________________ Address: ______________________________ Email: ________________________________ Mobile No: ____________________________ Navigators First Name: __________________ Navigators Surname: ____________________ Vehicle Make: _________________________ Model: ______________ Year: ___________ CC Rating: ___________ Rego No: _________

VCC Member No: _______________________ Class Please quote just 1 class number

SPEED MPH (Please circle)

A: 20-30 B: 30-40

Entry Fee: Incl. one magnet Numbers attending $40.00 _________ Extra magnet $ 5.00 __________ Friday Night Meet (per person) $15.00 ________ Sunday Dinner and Prizegiving (per person) $45.00 _________

A: 20-30 B: 30-40 Entry Fee Incl. one magnet $40.00 _____________ Extra magnet $ 5.00 ______________ Friday Night Meet (per person) $15 ____________ Sunday Dinner and Prizegiving (per person) $45_______________ Monday Morning Tea free TOTAL $_________________ Queries Rally Organiser Andrew Johnson 0274888984 Rally Secretary—Christine Savage 06 3424755 Or 0273383321
Monday Morning Tea free TOTAL: $_________ Please details special dietary requirements If posting or handing to the Rally Secretary, please complete this side and return with your payment.


1. This rally is open to vehicles as defined in the rules of The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) 2. Eligible entrants must be current financial members of The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.), or overseas residents who are members of a recognised Antique Motoring Club. The entrant must be either the driver, rider, navigator, or passenger of the vehicle entered. Invited guests are deemed Non-Competitive and should not interfere with the competitive section of the rally. 3. Actions that may bring The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) into disrepute will incur disqualification. 4. Any entrant found using any electronic navigation device may be disqualified.

We prefer that you carry a fire extinguisher in your vehicle.

A minimum of three entries will be required to constitute a class. If insufficient entries are received for any one class those entries may be allocated to another similar class. The exception to this is for the Veteran class.

Entrants restricted to the first 100 vehicles.

Safety briefing: Entrants must attend the pre-rally briefing at 9.00am on Sunday 22nd January

CLASSES 1. Veteran Class 7. Post Vintage Motorcycles 2. Veteran Motorcycles 8. Post War Cars 3. Vintage—up to
9. Post War Motorcycles 4. Vintage over 2500cc 10. Commercial Vehicles 5. Post Vintage Cars 11. Post 1960 Vehicles (P60V) 6. Vintage Motorcycles 12. Post 1980 Vehicles (P80V) 13. Invited guests and Non


12noony: 8am–5pm Saturday: 8am–129 Heads Road, Wanganui Ph: 06 348 7108

ATVTNZWANGANUI Monday–Friday: 8am–5pm Saturday: 8am–12noon 19 Heads Road, Wanganui Ph: 06 348 7108 AD READY $5 off your WOF

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor

Vintage/Veteran Tour Wellington –Wairarapa – Wanganui 13th – 20th March 2023

This event was advertised in the October/November edition of Beaded wheels – page 49. For those that missed it we invite your participation.

The tour promises proper unhurried vintage motoring in your pre 1931 club eligible vehicle covering a total of 475 miles with many sections of gravel roads. Tour destinations are Masterton, Dannevirke, Ohakune, Taumaranui and Wanganui. So come and join like-minded people to savour the stunning scenery we will be passing through and the camaraderie of your fellow travellers.

The Tour will be preceded by a BBQ for the entrants hosted by the Wellington Branch on Sunday 12th March. Start is from Lower Hutt and will finish at Wanganui on Sunday 20th March with a final dinner. Total tour mileage 475miles.

An entry form and further information, particularly about Forgotten World Tours, and accommodation details will be sent to those who express an interest. Emergency housing has removed many accommodation alternatives so it will pay to book early .

Entries close on 1st March 2023

Email Phil and Coral Kidd at or Ph Phil Kidd 027 239 4828 or 04 5289 897

Dear Editor

Horowhenua Vintage Car Club Rally & Picnic

• Report 10am Sunday 12th February 2023 for 10.30am first car away.

• Start from Horowhenua Vintage Car Clubrooms at 12 Tiro Tiro Road Levin.

• Destination Horseshoe Bend Reserve, Tokomaru.

• Bring picnic lunch, drinks etc and chairs.

• Will include some gravel roads, identifying landmarks along the way.

• Participants who are not members of the NZVCC will need to report to the organiser before the rally begins to sign a indemnity waiver in the event of any accidents.

For more details, contact Bruce Lawrie, Club Captain

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor

There only just over five weeks left for the motorcycle enthusiasts in your branch to register for the 2023 National Motorcycle Rally on Waitangi Weekend next year. Can I please request your assistance in forwarding this email to your members and also bringing this up at your next members meeting?

If your members would like to discuss anything, or want help completing their online registration form, please encourage them to contact me 021 712 198

Many thanks, Sheryn Warren

Treasurer - Vintage Car Club of NZ Inc. Southland Branch 46 Ariki Ave, Otatara, PO Box 1240 Invercargill 9840 Mobile 021 712 198 Website [1] Links:

Dear Editor

I trust all and sundry are currently enjoying a great Christmas break with family and friends, in spite of the inclement weather in some holiday spots around the land of the Long White Cloud. This brief email is to wish you all an awesome New Year, and to remind you of the 2023 Highland Fling!


Before departing Taihape last year, most of the entrants made their accommodation bookings for 2023, a very wise move. However, for anyone who is considering joining us this year in April it would pay you to make your bookings now, as Taihape is not what you would exactly call a 'sprawling metropolis' with numerous options. Please note: bookings for the Gretna Hotel are being managed by us, and bids for rooms will be taken as soon as we work out what is available.


Friday 21st April - Registration

Saturday 22nd - Fling Rally

Sunday 23rd (day) - Fling Rally continues and Field Tests Sunday 23rd (evening) - Prize Giving Dinner


I will send the Entry Forms out to you and the branches during the month of February. In the meantime stay happy, healthy, and safe motoring out there on the roads, and let's see what good things 2023 has in store for us.



Kaaren Smylie


(Vintage Car Club North Island Club Captain)

CELL PHONE: 021 66 43 41 EMAIL:

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor

Once again we will be part of the Whanganui Mainstreet 2023 Park-up on 21st January 2023. Bring along your own car then lend a hand for a couple of hours. We are looking for marshals from 7.30am until 10am.

The Park-up is open to all vehicles and free to enter. If you think your vehicle is noteworthy, special or extraordinary, then bring it along to Victoria Ave on the morning of the 21st January and take part in the show. Parking will start at 8am and everyone in place by 9am. Entry from Maria Place and Marshals will direct you to a parking space. Clubs that arrive together may be able to park as a group depending on the spaces left available. Cars should clear their parking spaces after 4pm.

Feel free to dress in costume for the day. Anything from Steampunk to Edwardian. Park your car and enjoy the entertainment and shopping. Maybe mention the Mitre 10 Mega Cruise afterwards to everyone you see.

Club Calendar

January 21st Wheels on Victoria Ave Park Up from 8am. Mitre 10 Classic Cruise starting 4pm at Mitre 10. Prize giving at Barracks from 6.30pm.

22nd Cleveland Funeral Home Burma Rally. Starting 9.30 am from Moutua Gardens

23rd Anniversary Club Run. 9am at Corn Market Reserve

February 1st Club Night

16-19th Art Deco at Napier

26th To Bruce Ardell Transport and Machinery Museum. Meet at Clubrooms

March 1st Club Night 19th Smash Palace

Peter Hardy
All runs meet at the Clubrooms at 1pm unless otherwise stated
Sales & Repairs Mainstreet’s Top Shop Award Winner
130 Victoria Ave, Wanganui Phone/Fax 06 345-2235 Email: Watch Specialists for Whanganui
Farm shop opening hours: Tuesday to Friday 8am to 5pm Saturday 8am to 1-30 pm 107 Rapanui Road Westmere

Ed Boyd Parts Shed

We have an outstanding collection of engines, gearboxes, body parts, spares, new and used, from a vast range of manufacturers. These parts span from the early 1900’s to more modern production vehicles. If you are looking for anything, large or small, to keep your car on the road call us to see if we can assist, You will find our prices unbelievable. Please call or email us:

Dave 06 347 6915 027 555 4201

Chris 06 348 7335 027 443 1184

Trevor 06 345 8897 027 245 7770 lf we don’t have it, we may know someone who does!

For Sale/Wanted To Buy/Rent

Wanted: Left side body parts for a ‘83 Toyota Cressida. Does anyone know of any being wrecked? Phone 3432422 or

For Sale: 1948 Morris 8 series E. Four door sedan, ex cond. for age, steers well, working brakes, original ownership papers, spare parts, minor rust and dents, good restoration proposition, come and see it... Phone 3432422 or

For Sale: Homemade trailer just been renovated with cover Reduced to $650 for quick sale. Reg and WOF. Contact Sue Voss 3455515 or 0212966210

Wanted: 1941 Indian Motorcycle 741B parts. Contact 021335003 or 3454250 Evan Forsyth.

Wanted: NZ Number Plate with 'AZ' prefix. Contact 021335003 or 3454250 Evan Forsyth.

For Sale: 1951 Morris Minor. 2 door split screen. Stored 10 years and owned for 25 years. Totally rebuilt. Available February 2023 after re-VIN and WOF. Asking price $6000 ono

ALSO 1961 Morris Minor 4 door. Radio and heater. 1000 model. New WOF & Rego. Ready January 2023. Asking $6000. Tidy condition. Phone 027 412 3232. Member

For Sale: 2019 MG Saloon. 30,000km. As new. High spec Mk 3. Dealers offer $14500. Asking price $15000 ono. Phone 027 412 3232. Member.

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