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September 2022

Bruce Thomas opens his garage doors. Winner of the Daffodil Rally Richard Hopper (centre)

Chairman: Andrew Dittmer 027 379 6969

Motorcycle Convenor: Bill James 027 353 2190

Committee : Linda Kendrick 027 775 4644 Ray Savage 06 3424755

Librarian: Dave Austin 06 344 7513 Parts Custodians: Dave McDermid 027 555 4201

Vice Chairman Bill James 027 353 2190

Sietse Zeilstra 027 345 6977 Pierre Zeilstra 027 345 6977

Truck Custodians: Rob O’Keeffe 027 4332 626 Shane Hobman 06 344 5915

Patron: Alan Bates ( Happy 98th birthday Alan)

Health & Safety & Compliance Dave McDermid 027 555 4201

Rally Secretary/Trophies: Christine Savage 06 342 4755

Official VCC Website:

VCC Branch Mags: from our branches/ Facebook Wanganui Vintage Car Club:

Trophies Manager: Mihi McDermid 06 347 6915 Branch Delegate: Neil Farrer 06 343 6248 Kitchen Manager: Sue Dittmer 027 379 6969 Ann Berntsen 06 3446041

Chris White 06 348 7335

Club Captain: Andrew Johnson 06 345 6212

Hall Custodian/Bookings: Sue Dittmer 027 379 6969

Archivist: Dave Austin 06 344 7513

Official Magazine of the Wanganui Branch of the V.C.C. of NZ P O Box 726, Wanganui , Street Address—Patapu Street, Wanganui East

Trevor Roberts 06 345 8897

Beaded Wheels Reporter: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

VCC Codes for discounts: Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferry ANTIQUECAR Interislander WH5465

Treasurer: Neil Farrer 06 343 6248 027 457 9634

Secretary: Frank James 06 344 2221

Rivet Distribution Co Ordinator: Linda Kendrick 027 775 4644 Frank James 021 349 074

Vehicle ID’s: Shane Hobman 06 344 5915 Bruce Ardell 06 342 7713

Editor: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Ian Higgins 027 201 2706


Thanks also to all those who availed themselves to assist with all the other duties to enable the rally to proceed. And to our main sponsors, Wanganui Motors, thank you so much. Your generosity was certainly appreciated with all proceeds going to the Cancer Society. Great to see ( and hear) the Brass Wanganui Band playing on the forecourt. Thank you. At the time that this went to press, some $2800 was raised. Great effort!

Very pleasing that this rally attracts not only VCC members, but people from other car clubs and the general public. There were even E bikes entered. Congratulations to the overall winner, Richard Hopper, in his 1967 Ford Cortina 1600 E. While not ( yet) a VCC member, Richard is the brother of our Branch’s Maureen Roberts, so we hope that Richard will join up.

Bruce Thomas, the Vauxhall man, opens his garage doors for us in this edition. For October, long standing club members, Shane and Noelene Hobman, will showcase their treasures. That’s all for now. Keep safe. Yours in cruising, Editor Ian

On the Thursday after the Daffodil Rally, several of our Branch members met at the local Cancer Society Centre to deliver pre ordered baskets of goodies and lots of daffodils to local businesses to raise funds for the Society. A full report on this is included in the RIVET.

Enough of this Cancer talk! September started off with the annual fun time, and profitable for our Branch, the Shiny Parts Auction. A full repot plus pics in this edition.

Welcome to everyone reading this September RIVET. The big event for our Branch last month was undoubtedly the Daffodil Rally for Cancer. Doreen Hardy has submitted a full report in this edition. Our grateful thanks to rally organisers Peter Hardy and Keith Turner. Behind the scenes, Pete’s wife Doreen and son Grant with his two daughters, plus Heather and Bill James, counted the contestants’ scores from the run to see who would claim the many prizes on offer.

I can not comment on cancers among women, apart from the fact that it has struck some of my extended family members in the past. The Letters to the Editor column is available should any of you lady members care to contribute. I hope that someone will. I believe that we cannot stick our collective heads in the sand and do nothing. The Cancer Society offer assistance to all cancer patients and their families. Wonderful people.

I believe that the rally and the daffodil delivery is great PR for our Branch and the VCC movement. As you would all realise, there would be very few people who have not had the evils of cancer affecting family or friends close to them. Some 25000 people are diagnosed with this condition each year in NZ. I myself am one of this number, having contacted prostate cancer over three years ago. Thankfully successful treatment is keeping the disease at bay. I implore men who I meet to be vigilant and be aware that prostate cancer can spread to other parts of the body. So men, man up and go to your GP, spread your cheeks and receive the Doctor’s probing finger plus have a simple blood test. The sooner cancer is detected, the greater survival chance you have. Of course cancer can be found all over the body but prostate cancer is the most common type in men and it can kill.

Neil met up with us at Tamahere and we motored up from there on the new Bypass around Hamilton in Neil’s, almost as rare as the Bugatti, Vanguard Six Estate. OK we did not cruise at 110KPH but we did cruise effortlessly and much faster than we can manage in Sue’s Austin 10. The slightly older parts of the expressway are breaking up and in need of resurfacing properly again which is a shame.

The next morning after the fire alarm had evacuated the hotel, we were greeted by the local fire crews arriving in machines decked out with protest flags and banners looking like they had been on the Wellington Parliamentary protests. The good news was it was a false alarm.

We set off in the trusty Vanguard for the “Key’s” residence. It was just as well we had the address to put in the Navman as we were soon confused by the instructions. ”Concrete jungle” springs to mind looking back on that journey. Still the “Key’s” collection and display is one of the best private collection of motoring I have ever seen. Their well appointed Hilltop Farmlet had sheds most blokes dream of, with projects like a streamline Texaco tanker being finished off in them. The display gallery had more restored rare fuel bowsers amongst the beautifully restored cars than I have ever seen. One car even had Madonna’s bras on its front bumper (1955 Cadillac Eldorado).

That evening was the Dinner with the theme Red White and Blue, as it is a Jubilee year for Her Majesty. We had it over the others as some had not read the memo on the dress code and they certainly didn’t wear their medals as you would be required to at a Jubilee Dinning occasion. The food was excellent but they must have thought that only a quarter of us would turn up as the amount on the plates was very small, as they seemed to have divided it up to make it go around. Even the waitresses looked half starved.

The Venue for the AGM was a new Hotel at Karaka next door to where a lot of race horses are sold. We were met by ever charming “Kev” the doorman, who helped us to find our way around. The front of house women looked very smart but with their quiet voices and multitudes of very vocal VCC members all booking in at the same time, it was very hard to communicate. After Dinner Neil and I went to the first of the meetings until around 10pm. Next morning after breakfast it was more meetings all day. It was an awful lot to take in and I’m so grateful Neil has a good handle on all this.

Chairman's Report — September 2022

Greetings Members

As reported last month Neil Farrer, Sue and I attended the VCC AGM in Auckland. Sue and I had headed up a few days earlier to visit friends in Hamilton. On our way we dropped into David Nordell at Kihikihi. I had a few Austin 10 bits that may have been of use to him. After we had been talking for a while he took the cover off a wonderful Bugatti Type 43. I have never seen this model before but he had restored it for an overseas customer who leaves it here for use when the customer is here in NZ and on fine days.

After our previous trouble navigating, we were offered a local member as a guide to follow on our way to the Auckland VCC Clubrooms. We learned very quickly that the standard following distances are incorrect in cities. This distance allowed one or more vehicles to take up the gap to our guide. The good news is the fill in vehicles always seemed to prefer another lane so we were able to follow safely. Parking was difficult at the clubrooms but Neil was up to the task. The other thing that was an eye opener was the amount of books stacked in the first floor of the building. The tonnage was so great that the floor was sagging under the strain. The Auckland Branch had the best organised spares I have seen at a club, on a par with Bruce Ardell’s sans the part numbers. After a good lunch we said our farewells and departed in style onto the motorway south. It was good to cruise in the Vanguard back to Tamahere, reminiscing on all we had seen and heard over the last couple of days. Here we picked up our car and left via different routes for home. There were some very good ideas that came from the meeting that your committee will need to go through and check out how we may benefit from them. There will also be changes to the VCC constitution required under the new legislation, but these also are in progress.

Some 60 members, with their wallets and purses bulging with cash, grabbed the best possible seats around the goodies awaiting the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer. There was, as you would expect, a varied collection of items looking for new homes. I would wager that some treasures will find their way into next year’s Shiny Parts Auction, apart from the perishables of course! Two vocal auctioneers, members Linda O’Keeffe and Peter Hardy, together with their assistants, Chris White and Dave McDermid, were kept busy enticing members to part with their money. Treasurer Neil reported to me on the night that $1421 was raised.

Chairman Andrew D Shiny Parts Auction Club Night on the 7th September was our annual Shiny Parts Auction Night. What a hoot!!

Highest priced single item, an old style coin operated parking meter, was sold to Robert Bains from Taihape for $75. A great fun night and profitable for our Branch.

Chairman’s Report continued

Editor Ian

Last month we had a very enlightening guest in Richard Coxon. It was clear everyone enjoyed listening to his experiences with hydrogen and his ideas about the future. Thanks Richard it was great to have you address our club.

Captain Andrew J

With the arrival of spring now, it is time to get our cars out, make sure all is ok and start using them more often. I follow a few model specific Facebook pages and realise how fortunate we are living in such a temperate climate. The lengths some owners go to just to get through winter is mind boggling. This winter I think my place had one frost.

Ourrevealed.guest speaker for the October 5th club night is Nicola Stevens. Nicola is a friend of Andrew Dittmer and she runs a very interesting business in Marton. Sunday 16 October we will have a Sunday run, again followed by afternoon tea in the Lookingclubrooms.forwardto seeing you and your cars on the road.

Club Captain’s report — September 2022 Greetings members

Come along on the 18th and all will be

The daffodil rally again was a huge success. Peter, Keith and Doreen have the organising down to a fine art, thanks and thanks to everyone that helped and participated. After all the rain I am still trying to understand how they organised a lovely fine day.

The theme for this month’s Sunday club run on the 18th is What’s New and What’s Nice in Wanganui. This is a run to suit our older or smaller vehicles with no steep hills or open road driving. We return for afternoon tea at the clubrooms. Do you recognise the street in this photo?

On September 7th we have the shiny parts auction, as usual I hope we help the club funds, and I expect there will be some good humoured banter during the evening, and maybe some bargains will be had.

> On Wednesday the 21st September, we have Wayne Stewart from the Te Ahu a Turanga Alliance giving a presentation on the new road over the Ruahine Ranges, and would like to formally invite the Wanganui branch to come and join us. 7.30 pm start at Manawatu VCC >ClubroomsRegardsDerek

Note: Best to contact Derek before travelling down to Manawatu Branch to confirm that this presentation is still on. Editor Ian Come on about putting pen to paper and write to this column? Have your say.

All Club Runs meet at the Clubrooms at 1PM unless stated otherwise September 18th Sunday Run with Captain Andrew October 5th Club Night Speaker Nicola Stevens 16th Sunday Run November 2nd Club Night. Night Trial with last year’s winners Adrian Lyne and Trish Nugent Lyne 12th Working bee on Saturday 9am-12 noon 20th Club Run with Bruce Ardell December 7th Early notice for Restoration of the Year

Letters to the Editor Dear Editor

Club Calendar

Haycock > Manawatu Chairman

Crikey, what a day! When Peter rocked up at the War Memorial Centre at 11:15am, there were people and cars already there. And from the minute we set up tables for registration at 12:30 until the rally set off nearly an hour later, we were inundated with both people and cars who had pre registered, to one man and his family who came to look at the cars and thought they may as well stay and do the run. (More money in the coffers for the Cancer Society, who by the way are so far set to receive $2800 though that may rise as there is sausage sizzle, thanks to Whanganui Lions Club, and money to come in and other bits and pieces.) By the way, thanks to everybody who also bought pens and daffodils as the box was stuffed with coins and notes when Pete dropped it back off at the Cancer Society. It takes a great team to set, run and organise a rally like this and, as you can see from the picture, we had a great marking team. We’ve all got our heads down marking and scoring in the photo! Next year, Peter, Keith and I will be able to actually take part in the rally as it is the guys’ swansong, so step up all you good people to take over the reins and carry on the great fundraising efforts of these past 6 years. It’s a National VCC event but open to all people, members or not, and I believe we also got at least one new member and potentially quite a few Asmore.usual for this event, this run was a scatter rally and some of our participants had got it all worked out. A quick drive to a high scoring spot followed by some planning on the way seemed to work. One couple even sent their kids over the cycle bridge to pick up a card at Upokongaro, after popping in to the Top 10 for the answer to a clue. We had cars driving to the Rusty Radiator at Halcome, (the highest scoring point) while others shot off to Kai Iwi or Upokongaro. Others chose to catch all the points on offer around the centre of town. It was navigators choice and everybody who spoke to us after, or commented on the Facebook post, had only positive things to say. What a great day, and what a win win situation raising funds for a well deserving cause while having fun. Can’t beat it. See you next year. Who knows, Pete and I may be in the winning car! winners

1st Richard Hopper 2nd Charlie Bilby 3rd Brad Fines and Tess Dwyer 4th Hamish Lampp 5th Michelle Battersby 6th Grant Bullock E Bike Fiona McIntyre

Daffodil Rally for Cancer Words submitted by Doreen Hardy


Above: Eventual winner of the Rally, Richard Hopper in his Cortina, awaiting starting orders from organiser, Peter Hardy

forecourtAboveleft: Wanganui Motors were the main sponsors Mike Smith and Bianca Paul with the

Daffodil Rally for Cancer

Top: Cars rolling in to the War Memorial

Left: The “brains trust” in action counting the points to determine placings.

Above:Mustang.Hinemoa Ransom Boyd’s Vauxhall sporting daffodils on the bonnet.

THE CHB BRANCH VCC Sunday 25th September 2022 150 Year Jubilee Norsewood Rally “Past and Future” ENTRANT: YEAR:VEHICLETELEPHONE:ADDRESS:...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Email:................................................MAKE&MODEL:............................................................................................REGNo:...................................... We are having a lunch in the Makotuku Hall. The Hall committee are fundraising for the upkeep of the hall and will make us lunch. Lunch $ 15, 00 Number …………. $............ Pay to 03 0718 0027253 00 Reference “Rally 25 09 ‘22” ENTRIES TO: Ella & Henk Domper 376 Kopua Road, RD 11, Norsewood 4974 Phone 027 208 2993 or 027 201 2546 E mail henk ENTRIES CLOSE: 20 September 2022

Visit to Te Miro farm were Penelope Drysdale will talk to us about their project, planting and growing native seedlings

150 Year jubilee Norsewood Rally

“Past and Future”

Visit to Doug Scott with an interesting collection of tractors, and an vintage fire engine. Ormondville Railway station will be opened up and the President of the committee will have a small talk to us.

Then a visit to Te Ohu farm with the oldest woolshed in the district. The woolshed was moved from the other side of the main road in 1908. One of the family will have a chat to us. Catered lunch at the Makotuku Community Hall, cost $ 15.00.

A ride to the source of the Manawatu River, on the foothills of the Ruahine ranges.

Suggest to bring some drinks, water and snacks for during the day. Lunch will be soup, buns, cake, coffee and tea.

Sunday 25th September 2022

If people still want some more, the Norsewood Pioneer Museum is open till 4.30 pm for a $ 2 coin admission.

Start at Anzac Park, State Highway 2 Norsewood. Talk from John Ellison at 10 am about the history of the early settlers that arrived in Norsewood and a short walk in the bush to get the feel when they arrived 150 years ago.

Visit to the blacksmith, the Norseman, where Jamie Hughes will talk to us about his knife making.

It is a rally with lots of interesting stops, talks and something for everybody.

MANAWATU BRANCH - VINTAGE RALLY SUNDAY 11 SEPTEMBER 2022 FORMAT 9.30 AM Meet at Clubrooms, Kelvin Grove, for a tea/coffee before the Rally 9.45 AM Rally Briefing 10.00 AM First car away Bring a picnic lunch, folding chair and $7.00 per person entry fee to a country garden which will be our lunch stop. PLEASE BRING CASH - NO EFTPOS AVAILABLE Afternoon run will conclude at the Clubrooms for Afternoon Tea and Prize Giving. ENTRANT NAME _______________________________________________ TELEPHONE ( ___ ) ___________ EMAIL _________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________________________ VEHICLE MAKE / MODEL / YEAR __________________________________ REGISTRATION PLATE __________________________________________ RALLY ENTRY @ $10.00 / Per Vehicle = $10.00 BBQ / per head @ $10.00 = TOTAL _________ For those that wish to stay on for a BBQ dinner, please advise numbers. Bring your own drinks. PAYMENT DETAILS Please make payment via Internet Banking Manawatu Branch VCC 03 0718 0027253 00 Ref: Name, Reg No., VINTAGE Please send entries to Glyn Clements PO Box 232, Feilding 4740 Or Email to (Note: No. 1 not L in email address) (Branch members with non-vintage vehicles are welcome to attend on a non competitive basis) **ENTRIES CLOSE: 31 AUGUST 2022** Note: I realise that entries have “officially” closed, but this arrived too late for the August Rivet, although I emailed our members. Perhaps non competitive OK? Editor Ian

Manawatu Branch Diamond Anniversary Celebrations \ 22nd to 24th of October 2022 Celebration of 60 years of the Manawatu Branch VCCNZ, Day 1, Rally, lunch and dinner; Day 2, Self guided tour to places of interest, See Rally information; Day 3 Clubrooms Tea and Coffee and parts shed open ENTRANT: VEHICLETELEPHONE:ADDRESS:NAVIGATOR:.............................................................................................................................................+guests(Number).............................................................................................................................(..........)....................................EmailMAKE&MODEL:.....................YEAR:..................REGNo.................... DAYS ATTENDING (Yes or No): Saturday …….. Sunday …….. Monday ENTRY FEE: $30 $30.00 Saturday Lunch ($25.00) Number (____) $............ Saturday Dinner ($55.00) Number (____) $............ Sunday BBQ ($10.00) Number (____) $............ Entry and meals payable in advance Total $ ……….. Special dietary requirements GF ________ Dairy free _________ Other ______________ Pay to Manawatu Branch VCC 03 0718 0027253 00 Include Name and car Rego# for reference ENTRIES TO: Allan Hardacre, 35 Palm Avenue Palmerston North Phone 06 3568322; 021 1735373; E-mail ENTRIES CLOSE: 30th September 20. Note: Programme in August RIVET.

Anyway, I really enjoyed chatting with Bruce about his cars and who or what persuaded him to join up with our club. Whatever the reasons, we should be mighty glad that he did, as he is a great guy. All revealed below Editor Ian. And now for Bruce’s story, submitted by the man himself For as long as I can remember I have been interested in old cars and have had various hobby cars along the way including an Austin Ruby and a ’46 Australian Buick eight, but never had one in the “vintage” category.

My interest in Vauxhalls began as a boy when my father (Joe) worked at Andersons Motors, the Vauxhall dealers. My brothers and I became very familiar with them, seeing them as new cars from the mid fifties onwards, so it seemed logical that our first cars would be Vauxhalls.

I’ve had a lot since then, but my current collection started in 1994 when I brough the LIP Velox from Auckland. We travelled up on a Saturday morning, did the deal, stayed the night and drove it home the next day. It made it home without much trouble (it had a new WOF) but I thought what a dog! So, the next 2 years it was off the road while I got it up to a standard I was happy with.

The Vauxhall Man- Bruce Thomas This month, as promised, I have persuaded Bruce to open up his garage doors to show to members what is lurking inside. Surprise, surprise, three 1950’s Vauxhalls. A 1950 LIX Wyvern, a 1952 LIP Velox and Bruce’s pride and joy, a 1956 Cresta, which is practically ready to hit the roads. I have always had a bit of a soft spot for Vauxhalls, having owned two myself as a young hoon cruising around the streets of Wanganui in the 1960s and early 70s, invariably with a female passenger or two wondering what on earth that they were doing in my car! I am sure that Bruce is not like this at all!

After a couple of years motoring, people often asked is it 4 or 6 cylinder? (Velox or Wyvern) and being ready for another project, why not get a Wyvern as a comparison, so I did. I brought it home from Featherston on a trailer, hadn’t run for 12 years and looked pretty sad. The Wyvern became a 10 year project and although the 2 cars look the same, there are a lot of mechanical differences. In performance there’s no comparison. Things were good, the shed got extended and everything fitted inside but then another good idea came along. An EIP (next model) would be better for long trips. I knew of a good one that had been out of circulation for a while, I remembered it as a really nice car...a ’56 Cresta. After a bit of negotiating, it too came home from Wellington on a trailer, no Rego, no WOF, no brakes, but it did go. Ten years in storage had not been kind to it. However, after a couple of weeks work I had it back on the road and after 5 years use it has just had a really superb repaint. The challenge now is to put it all back together.

I felt my LIP Vauxhall was too new to join the VCC but Neil Farrer and Alan Osman convinced me otherwise and I joined in 2000. My first outing was the cavalcade from the old Putiki clubrooms to our present headquarters.

The Vauxhall Man-Bruce Thomas

Left: A superb nearly completed 1956 Cresta

Right: Old reliable and in great condition… a 1950 Wyvern

Left: The man himself proudly beside his mint 1952 Velox

On the Thursday morning after the Daffodil Rally, several of our local VCC Branch members gathered at the Wanganui Cancer Society rooms to deliver pre-ordered baskets of goodies and bunches of lovely bright yellow daffodils, to local businesses to raise funds for the Cancer Society. Our Branch stalwart, Frank James, organised the deliveries on behalf of the Society. As I said in “From the Editor’s Desk” column, cancer takes so many lives and brings sorrow to those left behind. The Cancer Society is there to support people with cancer and to provide assistance to their families. A cancer helpline is but a phone call away. Transportation to and from out of town hospital treatment centres is available on a daily basis, manned mainly by volunteers. The Society even assists with accommodation expenses for patients and their families too far away from treatment facilities to enable daily travel. All of this costs, and the Cancer Society, being a charity, relies on public support to assist in these operations and to be able to employ dedicated staff to work alongside the volunteers. It is a great PR exercise for the VCC and our Branch to get behind the Cancer Society and support Daffodil Day. There are some in our Branch who have or have had cancer. This dreadful disease touches all of our lives in one way or another. The Society offers so much support to cancer patients and their families and little Government assistance is available.

Top left: Marj Hagenaars welcomes visitors. Above: Cassie Pui with a car load of daffodils.

Wanganui Cancer Society Daffodil Business Deliveries by Editor Ian

Above: Rachel Pedley, the local Society Administrator on the left, accompanied by Jane Burgess and Kerri Dewson Pratt. Absent were Theresa Webster and Sophie Westacott

Left: Some of our VCC Branch members Taking a break while waiting for others to arrive back from Below:deliveries.Othermembers waiting for the go ahead to start delivering the goodies and daffodils which are still being prepared.

Wanganui Cancer Society More pics

Pic on the left from the Daffodil Rally:

Laurie Cocker’s veteran Cadillac must surely be the most travelled veteran in the country. Laurie seldom misses our rallies and it is always great to see him. No doubt at all that this grand old 1906 Caddy was the oldest vehicle lined up on the War Memorial forecourt on Rally Day

ATVTNZWANGA- NUI 12noony: 8am 5pm Saturday: 8am 129 Heads Road, Wanganui Ph: 06 348 7108 ATVTNZWANGANUI Monday–Friday: 8am–5pm Saturday: 8am 12noon 19 Heads Road, Wanganui Ph: 06 348 7108 AD READY $5 off your WOF

lf we don’t have it, we may know someone who does!

Wanted: Left side body parts for a ‘83 Toyota Cressida. Does anyone know of any being wrecked? Phone 3432422 or

Wanganui VCC Purpose Built Parts Shed have an outstanding collection of engines, gearboxes, body parts, spares, new and used, from a vast range of manufacturers. These parts span from the early 1900’s to more modern production vehicles. If you are looking for anything, large or small, to keep your car on the road call us to see if we can assist, You will find our prices unbelievable. Please call or email us: Dave 06 347 6915 027 555 4201 Chris 06 348 7335 027 443 1184 Trevor 06 345 8897

Wanted: 1941 Indian Motorcycle 741B parts. Contact 021335003 or 3454250 Evan Forsyth.


For Sale: 1948 Morris 8 series E. Four door sedan, ex cond. for age, steers well, working brakes, original ownership papers, spare parts, minor rust and dents, good restoration proposition, come and see it... Phone 3432422 or


For Sale: Homemade trailer just been renovated with cover Reduced to $650 for quick sale. Reg and WOF. Contact Sue Voss 3455515 or 0212966210 For Sale: 1977 Series 3 Land Rover. Reg and WOF Contact Jim Lees 021 061 3292

Wanted: NZ Number Plate with 'AZ' prefix. Contact 021335003 or 3454250 Evan Forsyth. For Sale: 1951 Morris Minor 2 door 850. Split screen. Trailer away for $3000. ALSO 1961 Morris Minor 1000 4 door. Drive away for $7000. Phone Peter 027 412 3232 For Sale: 2009 MG Mk 3.Auto. 30000 km. High spec. $15000. Phone Peter 027 412 3232

Bates Watchmakers 130 Victoria Ave, Wanganui Phone/Fax 06 345 2235 Email: MainstreetSalesWatchbateswatch@gmail.comSpecialistsforWhanganui&Repairs ’s Top Shop Award Winner Farm shop opening hours: Tuesday to Friday 8am to 5pm Saturday 8am to 1-30 pm 107 Rapanui WestmereRoad

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