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John and Wendy Bullock. See inside. Dale and Ann. Winners Daffodil Trophy










Official Magazine of the Wanganui Branch of the V.C.C. of NZ

P O Box 726, Wanganui , Street Address—Patapu Street, Wanganui East




Official VCC Website:

VCC Branch Mags: Facebook Wanganui Vintage Car Club:

VCC Codes for Discounts: Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferry ANTIQUECAR Interislander Cook Strait Ferry WH5465

Alan Bates
Andrew Dittmer 027 379 6969
Frank James 06 344 2221
Neil Farrer 027 457 9634
Reviewer: Peter Powell
Captain: Rob & Linda O’Keefe 027 433 2626
Secretary/Trophies: Christine Savage 06 342 4755
Convenor: Bill James 027 353 2190
: Dale Whitaker 021 0888 2371
Howell 021 0885 3483
Gedye 027 244 7108
Higgins 027 201 2706
Zeilstra 027 345 6977 Pierre Zeilstra 027 345 6977
Wayne Gedye 027 244 7108 Health & Safety: Dale Whitaker 021 0888 2371 Trophies Manager: Mihi McDermid 06 347 6915 Branch Delegate: Neil Farrer 06 343 6248 Kitchen Manager: Vacant position Hall Custodian/Bookings: Dale Whitaker 06 343 9089 Truck Custodians: Rob O’Keeffe 027 4332 626 Shane Hobman 06 344 5915 Librarian: Dave Austin 06 344 7513 Parts Custodians: Dave McDermid 027 555 4201 Chris White 06 348 7335 Graeme Purves 027 929 5026 Editor: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706
Wheels Reporter: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706 Archivist: Dave Austin 06 344 7513 Vehicle ID’s: Shane Hobman 06 344 5915 Bruce Ardell 06 342 7713 Rivet Distribution Co-Ordinator: Linda Kendrick 027 775 4644 Frank James 021 349 074

From The Editor’s Desk

Greetings Members.

Welcome to this September edition of the Rivet and at last to Springtime with longer days and hopefully warm weather. Seems to put a bit of a spring in your step, but gentlemen, take it easy and don’t get too carried away like roosters in a hen house as you may do yourselves an injury! Follow the ladies example as they seem to be a lot more sensible! Now for some serious stuff. You have probably all heard that one of our more senior members, Dave Austin, has suffered a couple of strokes lately. I phoned his wife, Lyn, and she informed me that Dave is recuperating at home and feeling a bit better. He suffered the strokes while in hospital having a scan. Dave is a tough old rooster and I am certain that he will bounce back as he has done previously. Thinking of you Dave.

As anticipated I have been receiving quite a lot of feedback over my comments in the previous two editorials regarding a name change for our Branch to incorporate the word “Classic.” Wanganui Classic and Vintage Car Club sounds pretty cool if you ask me. One of our Members seemed to be a little upset with me writing about this as he is totally against change. Fair enough and I respect other’s opinions. But so many have backed what I have said. I believe that it will eventually happen ( name change), but there is still much debate before this may occur. Our Chairman, while not too happy about going along with my suggestion, came up with an excellent idea in that we could cater for Classic Car Runs and see how these go? May just work perhaps. Your thoughts. There are some interesting observations in “Letters to the Editor”.

But I do concede that we should first of all get behind our sub committee, Neil Farrer, Bruce Ardell, and Rob and Linda O’Keeffe and assist them where possible as they work to make the Commercial Rally, hosted by our Branch, to be a complete success. I am sure that it will be, thanks to their expertise. Please come along and support the rally and various events as listed in the Rivet. There is a programme in this edition for non competing members to fill out and return to assist the organisers and caterers. Being a National Event it will be something not to miss out on with entrants from all over the country. Don’t miss out!

Just have to mention a brilliant day trip that our Branch Member, Colin Matthews, organised for the Military Vehicle Club out to South Beach and beyond. About a dozen of us hardened old and not so old “soldiers” ventured forth in our 4x4s a couple of weeks ago firstly to a visit to Rick Dennison’s vintage collection in Bedford Avenue before trying out the motocross track by the Speedway. Then onto South Beach and to the Whangaehu River mouth. We then ventured over a track through the sandhills and onto a forestry block. I got my old Willys well and truly stuck as the pic shows. Great fun and ending up back at the South Mole. Thank you Colin.

That’s all from me. See you at Neil’s Hawera Run. Yours in cruising, Editor Ian

Greetings Members

Over the last few months, often the subject of how to attract new members to our club cropped up. Personally, I love the old pre-war and vintage cars, but they have one major drawback. They are generally slow. This is not a great attraction to the younger drivers. I am not against modified vehicles, but the modifications should be to improve the reliability, driveability, and safety and not the elapsed time on the drag strip.

Three club cars went on a superb run up the entire length of the Turakina Valley last weekend. All vehicles happened to be Austins, the Farrer A90, the Dittmer A10 and the Corlett A7. The weather was fantastic and the scenery sublime. There are two big waterfalls right on the side of the road. The roads were in mostly excellent condition. In the Ruapehu area we encountered a number of motorcycles out and about. It turned out to be the weekend of the Cold Kiwi event near Waiouru. Neil and Jim returned home via Field’s track and the Burma Road with the others overnighting in the area. It was an icy start but another superb day in front of us. After breakfast in Raetihi, it was off to Pipiriki. We had decided to swap vehicles. This was my first drive of the Corlett A7 Van. This is a very easy vehicle to fall in love with. It has the most superb steering and is quirky enough to keep you smiling all day. It is definitely not for tall drivers, but it is just great fun.

The River Road is not one I would recommend for large vehicles of any kind but most suitable for old Austin’s. It has many narrow sections and again the scenery is fantastic. Because we were not on a rally, we were able to stop and check out many of the attractions. To sum up we had a wonderful weekend in our very driveable Vintage Cars on very Vintage friendly roads in our own back yard. We are so fortunate.

Wasn’t the shiny parts night just great fun. Bruce was in his element stirring us up to open our wallets. It was an impressive total of over $1800.00 raised. A special thanks to both Ian and Neil for their generous contributions.

I was really pleased to meet new member Philip Avery who, amongst his collection, has a wartime “Tilly” Austin 10 Ute. This is the same model you may have seem photos of the then Princess Elizabeth servicing. Some things just make me smile and this is one.

Shiny Parts Night

Ann Berntsen (left) awarding the Charlie Berntsen Memorial Cup, plus a bottle of beer, ( this is so Charlie) for the Most Enthusiastic Bidder to Eilidh Pitkethley. Congratulations Eilidh and also thanks for the baking which was eagerly sought after and fetched good bids.

Chairman's Report —

Club Captains Report—September 2023

Greetings Members.

Wasn’t the Daffodil Day Run a great outing and a fun afternoon. Thank you to Frank & the people who helped him. It was the first Daffodil Day run for a long time that Peter, Keith and their helpers hadn’t organized. I think Frank did a great job of continuing the clubs support of the Cancer Society.

By the time you read this we will have had the Shiny Parts auction and the ladies will have had morning coffee at Mitre 10.

Members will also be getting ready for Neil’s run to Hawera on the 17th of September. Meet at the clubrooms 9.00am depart 9.30am, full day out.

The National Commercial Rally .We have 50 entries as of 27th August.

In this Rivet is a form we need filled out by members who are not entering the rally but would like to come and share the events with the entrants and other members.

We are starting to look for people to help with specific jobs. We have a list of people who have said they are keen to help and over the next few weeks we will be contacting them.

We’re having a Gymkhana on Sunday the 8th of October as a warm up or practice for the rally it would be great to see as many people as possible. It could be quite funny if everything doesn’t go to plan. I’ll see if I can find some prizes and we’ll have a bit of afternoon tea as well.

Club Captains Rob and Linda O’Keefe

Cancer Daffodil Sunday Run by Editor Ian

Four happy and smiling ladies at our recent Cancer Daffodil Sunday Drive posing in front of the winning car belonging to Dale Whitaker. From left:

Bianca Paul from Wanganui Motors– the main sponsor. Special thanks to them

Dale Whitaker– winning driverand pooch

Rachel Pedley from the Cancer Society

Ann Berntsen and pooch. Navigator in the winning car-well Ann was and not the pooch!

John ‘n Wendy open up their garage doors...

This month we welcome John and Wendy Bullock to these pages. I was so enthralled with John’s recent talk at our August Club Night that I just had to follow up on their story and what was the catalyst that encouraged John and Wendy into joining the VCC. I for one am mightily pleased that they did. So I was duly invited to their lovely Parsons Street home to interview them and to take a few pics of their most interesting collection of yesterday’s vehicles. John is a son of the late founder of a very long standing Wanganui business, B.Bullock and Co. Ltd. So it is no surprise that this is where John’s interest in all things mechanical began. We as a Club are so blessed to have people of their calibre in our midst. Without further to do, here is their story narrated by John and compiled by Wendy. Editor Ian.

I was brought up in Springvale on 40 acres of land and my father ran about 20 dairy cows and a few sheep and pigs and always some horses. Also on this land was a graveyard for old trucks from my Father’s contracting company, mainly old Ford Jail bar 5 ton trucks , some Morris Commercials, a few Army 4x4 and 6x6 Macks and 4 wheel drive Leyland Terrier trucks. This was our playground. How could I not end up Vehicle minded? My Dad brought the first Land Rover to come to the Wanganui District in 1949 and it did a lot to shape my life and early driving experiences. This Land Rover is now being restored at B .Bullock and Co and at this stage is now mobile again.

My first vehicle was an early 50s 150 cc C Z motor bike done up as one of the first Trail Bikes and this got me hooked on Scrambles, now called Moto Cross. The second bike I had was 1962 A J S Scramble bike and set me off on a 25 year Moto Cross and a trip to England in 1965 where I bought a Bultaco Metisse and a Mini Pick up to get around. I then built up a Moto Cross bike using a Cheney frame and an Eso speedway engine. I built this bike in an old blacksmiths workshop of my future wife Wendy’s family horse transport business in rural Hampshire in Southern England . This bike and the Cheney connection then led me to work for Eric Cheney who at the time was one of the top Moto Cross bike builders in the world and I stayed there for 2 years before I was offered a job working for the Tyrrell team Formulae 1 team. Ken Tyrrell was a logging and timber merchant working out of an old Brickworks in Surrey, England and racing cars was his passion. I ended up working for Ken for 3 years and while there we won the Formulae 1 Drivers and Constructers Titles with Jackie Stewart and Francois Cevert driving the cars. (70 , 71 and 72) I bought a new Mark 3 Cortina GT to bring back to NZ after having been away in England for 8 years. Back in NZ with my English wife Wendy, I started riding in Moto Cross again (1973) as well as working for the family contracting business, when I was asked to speak at the VCC about my F1 experiences. This exposure to the VCC got me keen on old cars and I bought a 1926 Model T Ford pickup, I really wanted a Model A pick up but in1974 all I could afford was a Model T. I joined the VCC in 1976 but by then we had built up a road building gang and I was far too busy to play around with old cars, so it wasn’t until I retired in 2012 that I started to get involved in the VCC again. By then I had a 1928 Model A Phaeton (in bits) and a 1938 Lincoln Zephyr (needing a lot of work) but when I found out that Dave McDermid was going to sell his Model A pick up, I had to have it. That was about 10 years ago.

John ‘n Wendy open up their garage doors…

After the Christchurch earthquakes we were offered a 1985 2 CV Citroen sitting in a garage in Christchurch. It was in good original shape so we brought it home and used it for a few years until a girl went through a give way in Liverpool street and munted the front. ( 2014 ) It is now being restored along with the Lincoln and hope that they will soon be on the road again. The model T and Model A Tourer are both gathering cobwebs in sheds awaiting a rainy day or Grandkids to take an interest.

John and Wendy Bullock Thank you John and Wendy for a most interesting article. Editor Ian.

Opposite page: An interesting old workbench . Originally a lathe for working on tram wheels. Left: Very cool old 1949 Land Rover. Love it!

Below left: Editors pick-1938 Lincoln Zephyr. V12 engine. Work in progress.

Below right: 1926 Ford Model T. Work in progress.

Bottom left: You would have all seen this on our Runs & Rallies-1928 Ford Model A Ute.

Bottom right: 1985 2CV Citroen. Much yet to do to get this back on the road again.

Delegate Report - Executive and AGM - Nelson

Friday evening was the Executive meeting – which also followed on from the AGM on Saturday afternoon.

Many will remember Bill Biehler former member of Wanganui - now Chairman of BOP Branch. Had a chat with Bill who is feeling his way in this new role. There were a number of delegates at the meeting for the first time and some had problems coming to grips with the way the meetings are structured.

Subscriptions. The debate was long, the aim was for every Branch to have their say on what their Branch had decided regarding the options. Generally, most understood the need to increase the subs – not all agreed on how much. I had earlier questioned National VCC regarding the Christchurch building and received a comprehensive reply – most helpful to the discussion. The change to new premises has been slow as Management has not been able to locate a suitable building with parking facilities- but they are looking. There appear to be sufficient reserves to handle the change of building. Finally it was agreed by majority that the meeting would approve the revised budget. Then the motion to increase subs by $25 took longer, in the finish 8 Branches said NO the rest approved so our next subscription notice will have the new rates . Previously it was $55 plus GST plus Branch Levy. Now it will be $80 plus GST plus Branch levy – which for Wanganui Branch ( according to my workings) means $92 plus our $40 = $132 and plus Joint Membership of $9 where appropriate. Instalment payments may be considered in the future.

Beaded Wheels will continue as before with 6 issues during the year. Management explained that apart from printing and paper increases , it is the postage which is a major factor. Posting approx. 6500 Beaded Wheels 6 times a year has a large cost. But we all require the Magazine and it is a major promotion of the VCC Club to NZ and the World. Digital format and sending out by email has been considered but the membership is not in favour of that.

National Office report Online new membership applications continue to grow. Prompt response from Branches is essential for processing. There has been 671 new members join, of these 583 have paid correctly and been approved. Note our Wanganui Committee have received a number and these are quickly circulated and approved so we do not have a problem with the new system. A new form will be sent out shortly to members, asking them to update, membership and vehicle details. Contact Linda at national office – for any concerns.

A few facts – vehicles in database = 27664. Vic member cards 5638. Wanganui branch total members 247 (68 joint members included)– with 416 vehicles on database, 150 vehicles have a VIC. Total membership 6324 plus 2131 joint – grand total 8455 Facebook – numbers looking at the site continue to increase 3610 are followers of the site. There is a private Facebook group with 4913 members -so a significant number of our members are reviewing the pages. I regularly look at what is happening on my phone. It is not a sale of vehicles page but a lot of information and photos of vehicles of interest, are great..

NZ Federation of Motoring Clubs - Overall there was a good response to the survey by members. There will be results published shortly. FOMC has been working on key issues, supported by VCC,

1. 12 Month WOF – Based on 40 year old vehicles in good original condition and which travel fewer than 5000km per year.

2. Exemption to allow 12 month COFs for approved 2000 year onward motor caravans for private use.

3. Exemption from WOF for approved veteran vehicles owned by members of VCC and other FOMC clubs

4. Parade permits for approved historic military vehicles over 40 years old, without current WOF or COF.

5. Progress has been made on 1 & 2. Discussions are continuing. The changes in Government personnel creates serious problems as new people have to be brought up to speed on what has been previously discussed.

FIVA report- FIVA is world wide looking after the interest of owners of historic vehicles. More than 80 countries and over two million members. NZ VCC is a founding member –(established in 1966 ).

Governance – Many members and branches are struggling with the proposed new rules. But are not up to date with the Registrar on branch records, financial reports etc. The proposed new rules impose penalties for non-performance. We will all have to improve on our communication with the Registrar of Incorporated Societies. Murray Trounson spoke on the issues of Audit or Review of the financial accounts. Our constitution does not stipulate a review but thanks to Peter Powell our accounts are reviewed each year at present. Under the new rules we may not do this, unless the reviewer is registered -and then the cost!!. Specimen samples of financial accounts will be sent out as a guide for Treasurers.

Cancer Run due on 20th August. Kaaren Smylie gave an enthusiastic report. Special QR codes are being offered so that any collections go direct to local Branch of the Cancer Society. Frank James has our run on the 20th organised, so enjoy.

Flood Damage to Members Vehicles. Most Insurance Companies write off damaged vehicles and they get crushed. Rapid discussions with Vero and other Companies has resulted in a better understanding of our Vintage Vehicles so that payouts can continue but the vehicle will be returned to the owner for restoration. Modern Vehicles with electronics are a mess but our older vehicles can be rebuilt

AGM Notes. Andrew Anderson was welcomed to the meeting and gave a short address. His theme was the Charisma– of the club and the members – enjoy our motoring. He also thanked Diane Quarries and Geoff (her husband) for their dedication and work for the club over the last 8 years as Chairperson and previous to that on the Management Committee.

Delegate’s Report continued

Discussion on the requirements of Incorporated Societies Act - A zoom link with Lawyer Steven Moe was very informative. Basically there are a number of options for the Club –His definition - that the Governance Board is a helicopter looking ahead, then a ship with Captain and select crew to maintain direction , with everyone else in the ship’s personnel.

1 Modify and carry on with our present system

2.Have a Governance Board of <10 people, underneath that a Management group to handle day to day events. And then how to allow 35 Branches to participate.

3. Restructure Management and Executive to be representative but AGAIN how to get 35 Branches to participate.

4. The problem is to get Governance (board) for 8500 members say less than 10, then Management again a smaller number, and still have opportunity for members to participate in the Clubs management as well as enjoying rallies etc.

Steven is really looking to the Club to state the Club’s preferred method of Governance and then he can advise on legal ramifications. The Club has two years to sort out what to do. However our constitution will have to be extensively modified or re-written. At Branch level it will not be as complicated , but there will be changes required.

There are many reports given covering all aspects of the Club’s activities -a brief summary: Financial – annual accounts have been circulated. Office systems with integrated accounting and database management systems has resulted in less staff and greater efficiency in obtaining reports of the Club’s activities. On Line membership has been very successful. VIC application and renewals will be ready shortly. The adoption of the revised budget will make a huge difference to the 2023 and 2024 financial positions.

North Island Club Captain – The last report from Kaaren Smylie. She covered the many Branches she has visited and the Highland Fling.

South Island Club Captain – Again many Branches visited and a brief report on the National Events in the South Island.

Archivist – Don outlined some of the new material presented to the Club. Also the enquiries as a result of Beaded Wheels – mostly from overseas

NZTA – 12 Month WOF are frustratingly slow in the negotiations with the Dept. Changes in people make it difficult to make progress. Working with FOMC to try to speed discussions up.

Registrar – Forms now on line for VIC – there will be seminars for Branch authorisers . The new on line application form will form the basis of our database but there will a provision for paper forms. 483 VICs were processed during the year.

Delegate’s Report continued

FMOC – The survey results are expected around 21 August with a full report in September, It is considered that the results will be a major factor in negotiations with Government. 12 month WOF is ongoing.

Low Volume LVVTA – here were 6730 certification over the last 12 months. VCC has been catered for so we can enjoy our unique vehicles on NZ roads.

Beaded Wheels – There had been a lot of discussion at the Executive meeting on the increased costs of production. During the year production of numbers 375 to 380- all of 68 pages. Branch reporters are essential for material to print. The Committee are constantly looking for interesting new material to publish.

National Day – Rally for Cancer- the 2023 goal is $100000. The event is a major PR for the Club. There is a special form for Non VCC Members to complete so that they are covered under the VCC Public Liability Insurance. Final theme quote – “ No act of kindness, no matter how small , is ever wasted.” ( From John D Rockefeller).

FIVA Report – The online VIC has not been widely accepted by all countries. Mainly due to old systems being very complex.

National Speed Steward. - Final report from Tony Haycock. He sees that Speed Events are a major attraction to younger and more active members. A timed run or closed circuit generates a lot of excitement.

Membership Awards – Now 75 x 60 year certs have been presented , 50 year awards continue- 55 during the year. There are 2 x 70 year certificates and Andrew Anderson at 75 years.

Strategic Plan – This is difficult to follow at times. We had workshops at the last Executive meeting and many of the points have been built into the plan. Facebook has been a success with 5200 members

Vero International Rally awarded to Nelson - to be in March/April 2026.

Notice of Motion – passed by 89.6% of the votes cast.

George Kear was unable to be present as he got COVID on Wednesday. However he joined the Zoom link for our discussions on the Incorporated Society rules.

Presentations were made to the outgoing Management - Diane Quarrie , Kaaren Smylie (NICC) , Tony Haycock, Tony Bartlett, Alon Mayhew (SICC).

Welcome to new Officers – NICC Glyn Clements (Manawatu), SICC Mark Wilkinson (Dunedin) , Management Committee - Andy Fox & Rebecca George and Ray Sanders (Speed Steward).

Neil Farrer – Delegate Wanganui Branch

Phew! Great work thank you Neil. What a lot of discussion taken place! Editor Ian

Delegate’s Report continued

6th National Commercial Rally- Members Programme

Club members and visitors are invited to meet the entrants and view the vehicles entered in the National Commercial Rally over Labour weekend. To help with organisation please fill out the Members Form and return by 15th September. Remember to wear VCC name badge.

Members Programme

Saturday 21st October

12.30 -3pm Entrants park up on Cornmarket Reserve for public display and Concours Judging. Members/ visitors welcome,but do not park on the Cornmarket Reserve

5:30pm onward The Barracks Sports Bar -Social time for entrants, members and visitors. Own care drinks and dinner

Sunday 22nd October

9:00 am Vehicles gather on the Cornmarket Reserve

9:15 am Rally briefing

9:30 am Rally start

Members and visitors welcome, but do not park on the Cornmarket Reserve

12pm approx. Lunch for entrants and members at the Clubrooms

Followed by Field Trials on the Williams Domain for rally entrants. Members and visitors are welcome to display their commercial vehicles on the Domain and watch the field trials. Park as directed by Marshals

Monday 23rd October

8:30am Breakfast at The Boat Shed, members and visitors are welcome but please leave the carpark free for rally vehicles. Approx cost $18pp (own care)

9:30am Rally close

Members Form

Name ………………………………………

Phone Email Saturday Evening at The Barracks Sports Bar Number attending

Sunday Lunch Number attending ………….

Monday Breakfast at The Boat Shed Number attending

Email to

Or give completed slip to Linda (ph 0274 733 767)

Important - Return Form by 15th September


Report on Daffodil Drive for Cancer

The Vintage Car Club’s National Day for Cancer was set down for Sunday 20 August 2023 and the Wanganui Branch organised a Daffodil Sunday Drive with entrants meeting at the Clubrooms in Wanganui East at 12:30 pm.

The first of the 56 vehicles entered set out at 1:30 pm – two routes were used with every second vehicle going in the reverse direction to the first. Everyone travelled the same roads at some stage of the drive and answered the same ten questions.

The day was overcast with a little drizzle on one or two occasions but we were lucky enough to get the event completed without any ‘real rain’.

Members of the Vintage Car Club in either their Club cars or modern vehicles were joined by members from the Wanganui Road Rodders Club and Wanganui Car Club and a few out of town visitors. There was a great variety of makes and models of vehicles on the drive.

The drive took everyone to the outer suburbs of Wanganui going as far as Upokongaro, through Wanganui East to the Airport, Castlecliff Beach, to the top of Longbeach Drive, through Mosston to Great North Road, out to Brunswick then back to Aramoho before returning to our Clubrooms. The Clubrooms soon filled to capacity with everyone enjoying afternoon tea before a short prizegiving including the drawing of raffles sold earlier in the day. The Daffodil Day Run Shield together with a miniature replica of the Shield were presented to the day’s winners and local VCC Members Dale Whitaker and Ann Berntsen driving Dale’s 1980 Ford Escort with runners-up being Willy and Dianne Pelzers who are members of the local Road Rodders Club. The reason for the day was to raise funds for the Cancer Society and some $1000.00 will be presented to the Wanganui Branch of the Society from the day’s event for their on going work. The Drive provided competitors with some challenges but all seemed to enjoy the day.

Congratulations to everyone who came along to the Drive and contributed so generously to the cause. Special thanks to our VCC Members who helped in some way to make the day a successful and enjoyable occasion.

Frank James Thanks heaps for organising the run Frank. A most enjoyable day. Editor Ian

Daffodil Business Deliveries

Our very busy Secretary, Frank, also organised our Branch to assist the local Cancer Society fundraising effort by delivering pre booked daffodils and other goodies to local businesses around Wanganui. This year the deliveries were split between two days, with the flowers and some of the plants being delivered on the second run. A very jovial atmosphere prevailed at the Cancer Society culminating with their traditional tea and coffee plus home made cake for the “workers” at the conclusion of the deliveries.

Both the Sunday Run and the Deliveries are wonderful PR occasions for our Club as well as assisting fundraising to help with the fabulous work undertaken by the Cancer Society. Roll on next year. Thanks to all the members who joined in. Editor Ian

King Country VCC Rally 7th October 2023

The Scenic Tour of the King Country is an informal rally through the roads of the King Country. We have questions for you to answer along the way and some silent checks.

The roads are a combination of tar seal but mostly metal roads. The route is approximately 180km and there are no petrol stations on the route.

We have taken onboard feedback form our last Rally and changed the dinner venue. Open to members of the VCC. The Road code must be obeyed at all times. One person in each vehicle must be a member of the VCC The Driver must hold a valid driver’s licence. No entries will be accepted after closing date due to catering requirements. There will be a Tail End Charlie. Electronic navigation aids are not to be used during this event.


Friday 6th October

6.00pm Taumarunui RSA Club, Marae Street, Taumarunui.

Saturday 7th October

9.00a.m. Meet at the Carpark (Opposite the Post Office in Miriama Street.) (Rally Pack will be given out)

9.30 a.m. Welcome briefing

10.00a.m. First vehicle departs.

Lunch provided by Aria Play Centre.

Afternoon tea at conclusion of Rally at clubrooms.

6.00 p.m. Pre-dinner drinks at the Taumarunui RSA, 10 Miriama St.

7.00 p.m. Dinner and prize giving upstairs at RSA.


Veteran & Vintage before 1931

Post-Vintage 1932 to 1945

Post War 1946 to 1960

Post 60 1961 to 1980

Post 1980

Touring Class



If fewer than 3 vehicles are entered in a particular class, then these vehicles will be placed in the next appropriate class.


Rally Organisers: Wayne and Julie Gilbert, Campbell Wright & Norma Dougherty.

Rally Secretary: Jacki Sinclair, 0277791166

Postal Address: 923 Taringamotu Rd, RD 4, Taumarunui


King Country Scenic Tour Entry Form

Name of Driver: ________________________________________________

Name of Navigator: ____________________________________________


Town Post Code

Phone Number

E-mail Address__________________________________________________

Vehicle Make

Model _______________ ______ Year

VCC Branch & Number

Entry Fee per car

Per car

Saturday Lunch

$15.00 per person

Saturday Diner

$45.00 per person


Any dietary requirements:

Please complete in full and return with payment to King Country Branch VCC or pay by direct credit to Westpac 030426 0178017 00 with your name as a reference.

Rally Secretary: Jacki Sinclair, 923 Taringamotu Rd, RD 4, Taumarunui


Entries Close: Thursday 28th September 2023

Driver Navigator Total

Farm shop opening hours:

Tuesday to Friday 8am to 5pm Saturday 8am to 1-30 pm

Bates Watchmakers

130 Victoria Ave, Wanganui

Phone/Fax 06 345-2235


Watch Specialists for Whanganui

Sales & Repairs

Mainstreet’s Top Shop Award Winner

107 Rapanui Road Westmere

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor

I just wanted to say -Congratulations on an excellent Monthly Rivet. I thoroughly enjoy reading it cover to cover each month. In particular your policy of every car getting a picture in print, the members ' Open the Garage Doors ' section (Ted Matthews - can't wait to see the Rambler and the Lotus going) and my favourite, your brutal honesty in your 'From the Editors desk'

I know its a big job every month, but it really has gone from strength to strength .

We are lucky to have you at the 'Helm' - Keep up the good work.

I write the following with some nervousness, but reading 'From the Editors desk' last month the words "Be Brave and put pen to paper" have pushed me into it - so here goes .

To grow the club or to even continue with the same membership we need to keep attracting younger members. If this does not happen, the numbers will continue to decline until the club eventually folds. But attracting younger members will mean some things will need to change. I realise it doesn't matter how old you are ,NO-ONE likes change. It seems the older we get the less we like it! And, it seems 'Fossils' (Editors word, not mine) do not like change at all. Case in point, changing of the VCC Logo fiasco a year or so back. It's just branding.

I consider myself young at 52, and I certainly seem to be young when I'm at a VCC Club event. In my experience, no 'one' thing will universally attract more members, rather it is generally a 'scattered' approach with small but numerous changes that make a difference. I have had some experience in this area, growing a local club from an average of 40 members per event, to an average of 200 members for every event for the whole year.

So small changes can lead to big things. I enjoy a beer and socializing with mates, bringing along a beer to the clubrooms on a sunny Sunday to crack with your mates after a club runthat's awesome. No one has more than 2. We still have to drive home. I have seen this approach work 1st hand at the other club. It increase's participation at events, and that leads to more interest, more interest leads to enthusiasm, and Enthusiasm grow's the club. Enthusiasm means more members willing to put their hands up and join the committee .

Every committee gets 'burnt out' at some stage so they always needs fresh faces with fresh enthusiasm to help it grow. I'm not saying a couple of beers on a Sunday is going to bring masses of younger member's - but its a start.

Younger members drive younger cars. 'Classics' and some newer. They may not be 'your cup of tea', but to them they are great . Ask them about their car, everyone likes to talk about their own car! We all do it endlessly, just ask our wives' ! I support a name change, perhaps the word 'Classics' is in it - perhaps not, once again small changes.

When a new member comes into the clubrooms, sit down and talk to them, not just a smile and say 'Hi' as you walk past, that's just 'politely' ignoring them, make them feel welcome. Yes there's an age gap and you might not have a lot in common - but you will always have 'the car' in common ! Use it to our advantage.

Encouraging non-members to bring their car out to a Sunday Club run , and stick right by them for the afternoon, introducing other members. I don't know if you're supposed to bring nonmembers or not - but they are all 'potential members' as far as I'm concerned. If everyone brought one more car / potential member along once a year, half of them will join in at the Club, suddenly there's 10 extra cars along on Sunday , then 20.......

The Wanganui Branch does a lot of things REALLY well. There is a lot to be proud of, and a lot of history to be proud of. They follow a heap of unique traditions but there will be new traditions as well. Having younger members around will capture a wider market of interest, and that will grow the Club. Food for thought. Just my opinion, but I wrote it down.....

Sincerely Colin Mathews Proud Member Wanganui VCC.

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor

Yes I agree with you, we have to move with the times. If changing the name helps to get new members go for it. When I joined the club they were just starting to let post vintage in, under a lot of protests from our members, one was even an ex chairman and now they all have post vintage cars, so change will happen soon I hope

Regards Stephen Voss

Dear Editor

Was good to catch up today at the rally. I'd just like to say that I think it would be a great idea to incorporate the word "Classic " into our club branding along side the word “Vintage”. This would inject more people into the club and hopefully would not offended the vintage car enthusiasts.

Regards Scott Bullock

Club Calendar

All runs meet at the Clubrooms at 1pm unless stated

Sept 14th Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10. 11am.

17th Sunday Run to Hawera with Neil Farrer. Meet at the Clubrooms at 9am and depart at 9.30am.

28th Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10. 11am.

30th Manawatu VCC Swap Meet. Manfeild. Public 8am-3pm


4th Club Night.

7th Working Bee. Clubrooms 9.00am

8th Gymkhana. Trial for Commercial RallyFun outing. Meet at Clubrooms at 1.00pm.

12th & 26th Ladies Coffee at Mitre 10. 11am

20th-23rd Commercial Rally.

Nov 1st Club Night. Night Trial with Wayne Gedye.

9th & 23rd Ladies Coffee at Mitre 10. 11am

19th Sunday Run

Monday–Friday: 8am–5pm Saturday: 8am–12noon

Heads Road, Wanganui Ph: 06 348 7108

ATVTNZWANGA- NUI 12noony: 8am–5pm Saturday: 8am–129 Heads Road, Wanganui Ph: 06 348 7108
off your WOF

Ed Boyd Parts Shed

We have an outstanding collection of engines, gearboxes, body parts, spares, new and used, from a vast range of manufacturers. These parts span from the early 1900’s to more modern production vehicles. If you are looking for anything, large or small, to keep your car on the road call us to see if we can assist. You will find our prices unbelievable. Please call or email us:

Dave 06 347 6915 027 555 4201

Chris 06 348 7335 027 443 1184

Graeme 06 3431324 027 929 5026

lf we don’t have it, we may know someone who does!

For Sale/Wanted To Buy

For Sale: 1965 Riley Elf Mk2. 81000 miles. Current owner 30 years. Reg & WOF. Excellent runner. Very original English classic. Reluctant sale $8800 ono. Phone Bryan 027 443 4403

Wanted to Buy: NZ number plate with AZ prefix. Phone Evan Forsyth 021 335 003

For Sale: Morris Minor 1000 gearbox. Good condition. Put straight in.$350. Phone Sam Wilson 027 235 5657

For Sale: 1938 DX Vauxhall. Reg & WOF from 2013 & garaged & driven by owner since then. In good condition with current Odo 41,800 miles. Phone Vernon Balance 06 348 4773

For Sale: 1955 Mk.1 Ford Zephyr. Reg on hold $8000. Also 1955 Ford Popular. WOF and Reg. $8000. Phone John Hughes 06 345 5414

Attention please Members

Please forward items to be included in this and any section of the Rivet by the 25th of the month preceding publication.

(Apart from the Chairman’s and Club Captains Reports of course which I receive after the Club Night of the month of publication.)

Email to: Please forward by word document if possible.

Thank you Editor Ian

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