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March 2023

Bruce Ardell in the foreground Tom and Chrissy with Toms favourite car– 1906 Darracq See Club Captains Report See inside under Tom Clouston’s Collection




Official Magazine of the Wanganui Branch of the V.C.C. of NZ

P O Box 726, Wanganui , Street Address—Patapu Street, Wanganui East

VCC Codes for discounts:

Alan Bates
Andrew Dittmer 027 379 6969
Chairman Bill James 027 353 2190
Frank James 06 344 2221
Neil Farrer 027 457 9634
Peter Powell Club Captain: Andrew Johnson 06 345 6212 Rally Secretary/Trophies: Christine Savage 06 342 4755 Motorcycle Convenor: Bill James 027 353 2190
: Linda Kendrick 027 775 4644 Ray Savage 06 3424755 Ian Higgins 027 201 2706 Sietse Zeilstra 027 345 6977 Pierre Zeilstra 027 345 6977 Health & Safety & Compliance Dave McDermid 027 555 4201 Trophies Manager: Mihi McDermid 06 347 6915 Branch Delegate: Neil Farrer 06 343 6248 Kitchen Manager: Sue Dittmer 027 379 6969 Ann Berntsen 06 3446041 Hall Custodian/Bookings: Sue Dittmer 027 379 6969 Truck Custodians: Rob O’Keeffe 027 4332 626 Shane Hobman 06 344 5915 Librarian: Dave Austin 06 344 7513 Parts Custodians: Dave McDermid 027 555 4201 Chris White 06 348 7335 Trevor Roberts 06 345 8897 027 245 7770 Editor: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706 Beaded Wheels Reporter: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706 Archivist: Dave Austin 06 344 7513 Vehicle ID’s: Shane Hobman 06 344 5915 Bruce Ardell 06 342 7713 Rivet Distribution Co-Ordinator: Linda Kendrick 027 775 4644 Frank James 021 349 074 Official VCC Website:
Branch Mags:
Facebook Wanganui Vintage Car Club:
Interislander WH5465
Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferry ANTIQUECAR

Greetings Members

Another month rolls by, and for many people up North and over the East Coast, what a terrible time they have been having. I have a daughter living in the North Shore in Auckland whose house was gutted. She said cars were floating down the road. Luckily she has not been living there for a while (but poor tenants) She had moved in with her boy friend and their home is safe. Another daughter in the Hawkes Bay fared better and their home and property are OK. Her Civil Defence husband said at the time they feared the death toll could be in the 100’s.Thankfully it was not. Phoned my VCC friend, Paul Anderson from Napier, and he said they too were lucky to escape damage to their home and cars. He was the guy who purchased John Rapson’s Chev Coupe (from our Branch) a couple of years ago.

So sad that the Art Deco was understandably cancelled again this year.

After a very busy start to the year with so much happening in our Branch, February seemed a little quieter. Unfortunately I was unable to attend the Sunday Run to Bruce Ardell’s famed Museum as we were away on our annual pilgrimage to Americarna in New Plymouth and did not arrive back until the afternoon of the run. All reports that I have heard indicate that it was a most enjoyable visit to Bruce and Jennifers. I have been there before and it is a mind blowing experience to view this extraordinary jewel they have developed. Captain Andrew J has covered this event including photographs in the Rivet. And now I will comment on one of my favourite motoring experiences, the New Plymouth Americarna.

Sure I acknowledge that there are a few who do not like this event, but you cannot please everyone. Personally I admire the professional way which this is run year in year out. Massive sponsorship makes for a most reasonable entry fee. Cost for a car plus two people only $220. John Rae, Caitlin and the Taranaki Vehicle Events Trust do a great job in running this American Vehicle Extravaganza. Not to mention the multitude of sponsors and marshals. Keep it up!! There are far more people for this event than against.

Now for my synopsis of what actually happened at Americarna. We always head up on the Tuesday the day before the event starts. Frances travelled up in the Wrangler, loaded with luggage plus two dogs. I followed her, this year in my Dodge Viper. All I had to take was my credit card as man, this Viper knows how to drink, even though I am no speedster. After settling my German Shepherd into dog boarding kennels on the outskirts of New Plymouth, we booked into our motel in the city centre. Daisy the Dachshund stayed in the motel with us. The Shepherd is far too big for our unit and she does not like other people much and cannot tolerate strange dogs. Unfortunately cats very quickly get mauled to death if caught.

Each day we travelled in convoy to neighbouring towns in the Taranaki. Quite an impressive sight, as 900 noisy, gas guzzling American vehicles roared off ( within speed limits) to the days destinations. On Wednesday Frances and I met up and had a picnic lunch with Liz and Frank James, who came up to see the cars at Opunake Beach. The traffic control throughout the whole event was fabulous, with marshals and patrols directing traffic to allow vehicles to travel in an orderly fashion. One has to witness the crowds of people waving American flags and partying to fully appreciate the interest in this event. One particularly noisy group yelled out to me while we were slowly proceeding down a street in the City, “give it the jandal.” “What the hell do they mean,” I naively asked Frances. She replied “ rev the car” Ah, I then understood so, after carefully ensuring that the Viper was in neutral (otherwise I would have no doubt mounted the car in front) I did as requested to a cheering audience. Always get “rev it up” calls but this was different. Saturday Park up in the closed off main street in New Plymouth brought throngs of people to view the cars. Saw Heather and Bill James, as well as John Hughes in Hawera. Great time. That’s all from me for another month. Yours in cruising Editor Ian

The Editor’s Desk

Greetings Members

By the time you read this report Neil Farrer and I will have been to Christchurch for another VCC national meeting. It is a great time to catch up with other members but I struggle with folk who seem to have personal agendas rather than ones for the common good. We are so fortunate with our present VCC Management Team, but somehow I think this may change.

Last Club night I was able to share with members some of my life experiences as I am not a local guy and most have only known me for around 5 years. My early years most could relate to as I grew up on a dairy farm. However most of my early working life was entirely different as I was an RNZAF Aero Engine Technician working on a vast array of equipment in a wide area of South East Asia, New Zealand included. I never saw this as different but just what we did. Later I specialised in the overhaul of a variety of mainly Gas Turbine componentry. However on the disbanding of NZ Strike Force I was out of a job. This was followed by several short term jobs in the automotive service area on Motor bikes, tractors and cars. Eventually I was running a spares store a bit like Repco but for tractors, farm machinery and especially Grape Sprayers. This led to my last working career as the importer and technical specialist for the largest Grape Sprayer manufacturer in New Zealand.

I also covered briefly some of the vehicles we have had in the last 25 years whilst being a member of 4 different branches, Marlborough, Waikato, Wairarapa and here in Wanganui.

Most of you will by now have seen changes to our Club Kitchen. This was hastened because the previous gas bottles were being stolen leaving us with no choice but to look other ways to heat the hot water. As it turned out we can still use gas but now need to connect two 9kg gas bottles prior to use and remove them after use. I want to thank Rob O’Keefe for his valuable expertise and skill in this process.

I want to congratulate Keith T and Toni J on their recent wedding. It has been for me a joy to go out to Bruce and Jennifer’s place to look at some of his career in his collection and his business. Thank you that was fun.

Sue and I received our 25 year badges along with Mike Marshall at the last club night. Bruce quite rightly reminded us how important these awards are. I want to add my congratulations to Lee Taylor and Neville Rhodes on their 50 year awards presented at the Burma Rally prize giving. Did you know that for your fifty years of Marriage you get cards and letters from the Prime Minister, the local Mayor and even the Minister for Veteran Affairs? But you don’t get a badge!!!

Chairman's Report — March 2023

Club Captain’s Report —

March 2023

Greetings Members

Last month we visited the Bruce Ardell Transport and Machinery Museum. First we saw Bruce’s work area where he provides an awesome service supplying parts long since unavailable from other outlets. Then a short walk to see his collection of fire engines, tractors, machinery and cars spread over two sheds. What an amazing collection. Bruce has more in storage but space limits what is on show. I missed the last visit and have been pestering Bruce but our plans where but on hold with covid. I was thrilled to finally get to see the collection. I loved the Humber convertible which Bruce said will be his next project. I am looking forward to seeing progress. Thanks Jennifer and Bruce it was great to see your collection. Our latest Club night featured a presentation from our Chairman Andrew Ditmar. Thanks Andrew this was very informative and interesting. It is great to get to know Andrew and Sue better. I am sure his Air Force training has been a huge help during restorations.

It is assumed we will be running a Daffodil Day event this year. We still have a vacancy for someone to take on the role of organiser.

For quite a few years the cub has been very fortunate that Peter Hardy has managed to persuade his son Grant to do the timing for our rallies. Thank you Grant, you have done an excellent job. With Grant’s tuition I did the timing for the recent Burma rally. I believe it is essential that the club has more people with this knowledge. I am very impressed with the system. Anyone with a reasonable knowledge of Excel would pick this up very easily.

The last few runs that I have organised I have used Google maps and believe this is much easier than using printed maps. I have also developed a spreadsheet to help calculate target times from distance and average speed.

I believe it is essential that we have more people with the knowledge to run our events. I will be approaching people to encourage them to learn more. If anyone is interested in any of these subjects please contact me and I will be very happy to show you what I know.

Check out the Calendar, there is plenty coming up over the next few months and enjoy your motoring.

Tom Clouston’s Collection

This month I have much pleasure in bringing Tom Clouston’s Collection of incredible cars to the Rivet pages. Cars ranging from Veterans to Hot Rods and lots in between. I first of all visited Tom and Chrissy’s property last year with the Military Vehicle Club. Just about blew me away with the vehicles and memorabilia tucked away in the buildings. Quite incredible. There seemed to be an endless array of artifacts wherever one looked. Far too much to feature in the allocated pages of this magazine. Tom is a very modest man and he quietly escorted our group around his premises amongst gasps of bewilderment as we moved from building to building. Thank you Tom and Chrissy for agreeing to have your collection showcased for our readers in this publication. You are a lovely couple and great company. Without further to do, here is Tom’s story about this amazing collection written by the man himself.

My father, the late Jock Clouston, an early Wanganui VCC member, was the one who turned me into a petrolhead at the age of seven. I used to tag along with Dad chasing old cars. One of the first he found was a mint Model T Ford Sedan in Marton. This was on sold to Sir Len Southwood of Southward’s Museum, and was the first car Sir Len restored. Next was the 1925 Lanchester, 40hp, and the only one in NZ. Very original car and located in Bulls. I helped Dad semi restore this vehicle and we went all over the country to many Rallies. This vehicle is now in Christchurch. We found many interesting and rare vehicles, but Dad could not always afford them and did not have the storage space.

I always wanted to be a mechanic and served my apprenticeship at Ward motors in Marton,and went on to spend my working life at the same firm for 48 years, with three different owners over that time. As a teenager and still at school, I bought a Model T Ford, a 1932 Ford Tudor and two1934 Fords, all projects bought with lawn mowing money and savings. I went on to build, and managed to keep, my 1934 Ford 5 Window Coupe, a 1933 Ford Four Door Sedan, both Chev V8 powered, and 1933 Ford Pickup, which I restored to original condition.

When my father passed away 20 years ago, I inherited his veteran cars and have slowly been restoring them. First was the 1908 Holsman High Wheeler. Dad and I both worked on this project, but sadly he never saw it finished. It was bought off Mr Dick Moult of Paraparaumu, one of the first collectors of old vehicles in NZ. Many cars in Southward’s Museum were bought off Mr Moult. Next one to be restored was the 1906 Darracq, bought off Mr Geo Broadhead, a Wanganui jeweller. He was the first owner of this car. Dad bought it in 1957. I tagged along to help bring it home. It was very complete. Dad decided to pull it apart and put all the bits in army ammo cases, where they sat for the next 55 years. A few years ago, I restored it to its present condition, which took me 3 years to complete.

At present i am restoring a 1909 AX Renault, a 2 cylinder very original car, and a 1914 Overland Roadster. Both are coming along pretty well and should be finished by the end of the year. Other vehicles I own, in unrestored condition, are a 1913 Vauxhall A Type, a 1913 Hillman, a 1925 Graham truck, a 1930 Model A Ford Sedan, and a 1952 Retro Caravan. I do not intend to restore these as I like them the way they are. These are my sleeping beauties. I would like to thank my nephew Adam Glasgow for the use of his workshop and equipment, and also his skills when required. Also thanks to my partner, Chrissy, who is just about as big a petrolhead as I am.

Thanks heaps Tom. What you have with not only your car collection, but also the memorabilia and artefacts, can truly be described as a museum in it’s own right. Editor Ian

Tom Clouston’s Collection

Where oh where do I start? I had a hard job in picking what photos to publish and what not. Tom’s favourite is the Darracq, which is on the front cover. He also has a strong connection to the 1934 Ford Coupe (Chev powered) top left. My favourite is his stunning red 4 door 1933 Ford Hot Rod. Sorry I thought it better to leave this one out as this not a Hot Rod mag! In the middle pics Toms very busy workshop shows some of his current projects and repairs. And of course I had to include some of the “sleeping beauties” ( love Tom’s description)



For all Club PV to P80 Vehicles


9.00 AM Meet at Clubrooms, Kelvin Grove, Palmerston North for a tea/coffee before the Rally

9.30 AM Rally Briefing

10.00 AM First car away

● Run length: Approx 160 miles

● Fuel is available after Lunch stop - 80 miles

● Bring your own Picnic lunch (wet weather inside venue available)

● Rally Entry Fee includes a Plaque

● Run will conclude at the Clubrooms for Prize Giving and BBQ Dinner

● Please bring your own Drinks for the BBQ (water/tea/coffee will be available)



Please make payment via Internet Banking

Manawatu Branch VCC

03 0718 0027253 00 Ref: Name, Reg No., POST ERA

Please send completed Entry Form to Organisers:

Glyn & Cath Clements PO Box 232, Feilding 4740 (ph. 0274 321 356)

Or Email to (Note: No. 1 not L in email address)


/ YEAR __________________________________ REGISTRATION PLATE __________________________________________ RALLY ENTRY @ $20.00 / Per Vehicle = $20.00 BBQ / per Head @ $10.00 / No. of
____ = TOTAL _________
NAME _______________________________________________ NAVIGATOR ___________________________________________________ TELEPHONE ( ___ ) ___________ EMAIL _________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________________________

Central North Island

21st – 23rd April 2023

For a true outback motoringexperience

Proudly hosted by the


Welcome to the 2023 Highland Fling Rally. The Rally organisers assure you of an enjoyable weekend of fun and excitement, as you motor and explore the ‘Highlands’ of Taihape in the Central North Island.

Over the two days you will travel over a few sealed roads, numerous unsealed roads, and farm tracks which will test your motoring skills. You will also view some of the most spectacular countryside in the North Island.

Rally Briefings on both days will be held outside the Gretna Hotel in Hautapu Street, Taihape.

Briefings will be at 8am, Departures will be at 8.30am

You will be advised more detail at the briefings of the day’s events.

Kaaren Smylie, North Island Club Captain (NICC)


Taihape has limited accommodation, therefore with unprecedented interest, it is up to you to secure you booking!

Gretna Hotel - All bookings for this to be made through Alastair Jones. Phone 07 576 1124 or

Aspen Court Motel 06 388 1999

Taihape Motels 0800 200 029

Coachman Motel 0800246899

Rusty Nail Backpackers Lodge 027 643 1755



Kaaren Smylie 021 66 43 41 Alastair Jones 07 5761124

Mailing Address: Emailaddress:

Highland Fling Rally

PO Box 14020 Tauranga 3110


May be made by to the following account:

Bank Westpac. A/c no 03 0435 0492753 00


Limited to the first 100 entries received.

One entrant in the vehicle must be a current financial member of the Vintage Car Club

The event is open to Veteran and Vintage category vehicles only i.e. Vehicles constructed up to 31st December 1931

Registration from Friday evening 4pm at the Gretna Hotel (The Rally base)

Bar Food will be available to purchase both Friday & Saturday evening at the Gretna Hotel

Entrants will be required to carry enough fuel for at least 125 miles (185 kms) for Saturday’s Run (There are no refuelling stops)

Prize giving & meal will be Sunday evening at the Gretna Hotel

You may request additional entry forms by emailing

A link is also available on our website. Or our page BOP Vintage Car Club

Classics Museum

11 Railside Place Dinsdale

Hamilton 07 957 2230

Horopito Motor Wreckers

Smash Palace SH4 Horopito

06 385 4151


Driver’s Name Navigator Name Number of additional crew Street Address Suburb City Postcode Phone (Landline) Phone (Mobile) Email address Vehicle Vehicle Registration number VCC Branch Membership Number
MENS POLO SHIRT - $37.00 each Colour: RED Size S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL 5XL Qty LADIES POLO SHIRT - $37.00 each Colour: RED Size 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Qty Description Quantity Total Entry fee per vehicle $60.00 Saturday lunch @ $25.00 per person Sunday lunch @ $25.00 per person Sunday prize giving meal @ $35.00 per person
Men’s Polo Shirt @ $37.00 per item Merchandise: Ladies Polo Shirt @ $37.00 per item Merchandise: Cap @ $25.00 per item TOTAL Payment Method Direct Credit Paid on? (date)
Merchandise ORDER FORM


MARCH 24TH 25TH 2023

Starting from the Plymouth International Hotel, the 2023 Maunga Moana Rally will have you motoring a route through rural North Taranaki. RALLY

758 4881 027 701 2485

Entries close March 17th 2023

Branch Secretary / Treasurer 06
Colin Johnston
or contact Rob Thomson

Burma Rally Pics

Top left: Peter Robinson at the controls of the 1929 Model A

Top right: 1968 Riley Elf piloted by Peter Hardy

Above left: Pat Carrick ready to get his 1950 Morris Minor underway

Above right: 1961 Worsley driven by Michael Kruse all set to hurtle off

Below left: Here we have Ted Mathews preparing to launch his1929 Dodge

Below right: Verdon Heath in the 1964 Saab receiving advice from Andrew D

Burma Rally Pics

Top left: 1966 Renault powers off with Philip Pearce at the wheel

Top right: Bill James piloting Ann Berntsen’s 1930 Model A

Above left: Mike Loosemore in launch mode in his 1926 Austin

Above right: Elvery Hunt at the controls of the Mk 4 Ford Zephyr

Below left: 1935 Railton Tourer set for a flyer with Phil Kidd driving

Below right: 1930 Ford Model A with Graeme Purves at the wheel

Farm shop opening hours:

Tuesday to Friday 8am to 5pm Saturday 8am to 1-30 pm

Bates Watchmakers

130 Victoria Ave, Wanganui

Phone/Fax 06 345-2235


Watch Specialists for Whanganui

Sales & Repairs

Mainstreet’s Top Shop Award Winner

107 Rapanui Road Westmere


Another great day spent at Trentham Memorial Park, Upper Hutt. We managed to get our usual spot just inside the main entrance and all the cars parked in front of our large pagoda shelter. Our club had 11 classic cars in total; mostly Morris’s including a beauty Morris Cowley.

Tom and I did a wander around starting with the BMW’s beside us, onto a huge display of Minis and then a good display of Morris Minors from the Wellington Club, following next was all the expensive flash cars, muscle cars on the Western side coming through to the British Classic cars, Vauxhalls, Citroens, plenty of Fords, Zephyrs, Cortina's, Anglia's, Capris onto the Hillmans, Rovers and Jeeps.

Tom and my favourite pick of the day was a Jensen Interceptor Mk11, light metallic green, Italian design with pure American grunt for power, what a beauty For purists: There was a 1000Hp Ferrari with 3 electric motors and 1 petrol worth $1,000,000 and I think his wife also had one similar. There was also a mint Leyland P76 with its boot up, showing inside the 44 gallon drum which fitted perfectly with room to spare.

Tom and Chris White both loved the 1982 Renault Alpine Coupe, which is very rare. People’s choice was a Mini with a number plate MYMINEE, owned by a couple of young guys, so it was good to see.

We were one of the last to leave, as per usual, so I took off in the Anglia, tooting as I went only to miss the exit and nearly land in the cricket bowling patch Oops, did a real quick turn then. No prob to the Anglia

Thanks heaps Chrissy for presenting this excellent contribution to the Rivet. Members, please do not hesitate to follow suit and forward articles to me. Editor Ian

Burma Rally Pics

Top left: 1937 Chrysler piloted by Bruce Lawrie at the start line

Top right: Win Bishop in the 1980 Ford Cortina waits patiently

Above left: 1937 Plymouth Coupe with Bryan O’Brien at the wheel ready to launch

Above right: Linda O’Keeffe at the controls of the 1938 Buick 8

Below left: The one and only Ian Chamberlain pilots his 1954 Mk 1 Zephyr

Below right: Tim Ross driving a sporty 1973 Alpha Romeo

More Burma Pics next month Editor Ian

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor

I have a collection of approximately 175 car magazines free for members to collect. NZ Car and Practical Classics ( UK ) All in great condition. These are really too good to bin.

Phone John Hughes 06 3455414

Dear Editor

There was one minor mistake in the February Rivet. The poor old Morris pictured is actually a 1936 Standard Flying Ten which actually goes. We drove it into the display.


Clive Whitham

Bugger!. Sorry Clive. I should confine myself to naming chicken breeds! Editor Ian

Club Calendar

All runs meet at the Clubrooms at 1pm unless otherwise stated

March 11th Waverley School Jubilee Park Up. Meet at Waverley Domain at 9.30am for cruise to the School Gala. Fun carnival atmosphere.

19th Club Run to Smash Palace. 9am at Clubrooms. Drive to Horopito, lunch in Ohakune, Waiouru Army Museum, tea in Taihape. Organiser Neil Farrer

April 5th Club Night

15th Motor Cycle Trial. Marshalls required

21st- 23rd Highland Fling in Taihape

22nd Sunday Run. Organisers Sietse and Pierre

30th Road Rodders Park Up. Details to follow

May 3rd Club Night

21st Sunday Run

Monday–Friday: 8am–5pm Saturday: 8am–12noon

Heads Road, Wanganui Ph: 06 348 7108

ATVTNZWANGA- NUI 12noony: 8am–5pm Saturday: 8am–129 Heads Road, Wanganui Ph: 06 348 7108
off your WOF

Ed Boyd Parts Shed

We have an outstanding collection of engines, gearboxes, body parts, spares, new and used, from a vast range of manufacturers. These parts span from the early 1900’s to more modern production vehicles. If you are looking for anything, large or small, to keep your car on the road call us to see if we can assist. You will find our prices unbelievable. Please call of email us:

Dave 06 347 6915 027 555 4201

Chris 06 348 7335 027 443 1184

Trevor 06 345 8897 027 245 7770

lf we don’t have it, we may know someone who does!

For Sale/Wanted To Buy

Wanted: 1941 Indian Motorcycle 741B parts. Contact 021335003 or 3454250 Evan Forsyth. ALSO NZ Number Plate with 'AZ' prefix. Contact 021335003 or 3454250 Evan Forsyth.

For Sale: 1951 Morris Minor. 2 door split screen. Stored 10 years and owned for 25 years. Totally rebuilt. Will have new Rego and WOF. Asking price $6000 ono

ALSO 1961 Morris Minor 4 door. Radio and heater. 1000 model. New WOF & Rego. Asking $6000. Tidy condition. Phone 027 412 3232. Member

ALSO 2019 MG Saloon. 30,000km. As new. High spec Mk 3. Dealers offer $14500. Asking price $15000 ono. Phone 027 412 3232. Member.

50 year VCC membership awards presented by Brice Ardell (left) to Lee Taylor and Neville Rhodes 25 year VCC membership badge presented by Bill James to Noelene Hobman

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