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The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) - Wellington Branch

Clubrooms: Halford Place (East end Jackson Street Petone)

Postal Address: PO Box 38-418, Petone Clubrooms Phone: 568-7463



Branch Committee

Chairman Phil Kidd 528-9897

Secretary Alastair McCarthy 589-8248

Treasurer Peter McKeown 233-5113

Club Captain Neale Ryder 0274 493-014

Committee Members Don Hawkes 232-8514

Brendon Priestly 0220-993-437

New Member Liaison Robert Horne 0273-459-800

Newsletter Editor Angelica Edgley 589 8248

Property Manager Paul Hooper 027-285-1713

Club Talks Coordinator Brian Christensen 565-0664

Social Convenor Tasi Betteridge 027-601-5399

Nat Executive Delegate Alan Thompson 027-285-2048

Parts Mgr / Memorabilia Don Hawkes 232-8514

Appointed Officers

Librarian Peter Simpson 0274-748-220

Scribe to Beaded Wheels John Stokes 027-537-9491

Fire Engine Custodian John Jackson 234-8702

Motorcycle Rep Peter Simpson 0274-748-220

VIC Officers: Don Hawkes 232-8514 David Gwynn 527-7875

W/shop Custodian Don Hawkes 232-8514

Rally Secretary

Archives John Sheppard 027-312-1089

Web Master Trevor Barnes 0211-588-033


Opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of VCC Wgtn Branch

Chairman’s Report for the 2024 AGM Wellington Branch, VCC

In putting my report to you this year I was tempted to re-submit my report for the previous year as little of consequence has changed. The main exception is that our Treasurer Peter McKeown will be stepping down after many years of exceptional work in that position. I am pleased to report that rest of the entire committee has agreed to stand again – a testament to the camaraderie that we have experienced working on your behalf to ensure this Branch continues to provide the facilities and range of activities conducive to the aims and objectives of our Constitution. I must also acknowledge the contribution made by so many others who have volunteered their time, and in some cases quite considerable effort, beavering away in the background. These include our kitchen helpers, organisers of runs, and marshals, catering staff at the various functions during the year and those appointed officers of the Club. On behalf of all members a very big thank you to all of you for your contribution.

The question is where do we go from here? Well, we already know that it is difficult to rally in Wellington itself – so the trend to go over the hill will continue. Our roads are becoming more congested and, it seems there is less courteousness being shown to our older vehicles in particular, thus seeing quite a few of our members transitioning to later models. We will see vehicles on the road in the future powered by all manner of means, but in my view, the internal combustion engine will prevail and probably with only minor modifications still continue to be used on the road for a long while yet. We shall see whether my prophesy will come true.

The aims and objectives of our Constitution are still very relevant, and it is these that provide the fabric, if you will, that binds together the very disparate group of people - our members -

Chairman’s Report to the AGM continued from page 4: making up a Club such as ours. If you haven’t read the aims and objectives recently it would pay to do a bit of brushing up.

During the past year a sub-committee was formed to investigate the proposed changes to our National Constitution. It is distressing to see our Management Committee misinform our members on the need to alter our Constitution markedly to meet the requirements of the Incorporated Societies Act 2022, when in fact only minor changes are needed. The Wellington Branch motion seeking to clearly identify the reasons for proposed changes was passed at the Executive meeting in March, but essentially ignored by the chairman of the Executive. A further motion to drastically alter Branch representation was subsequently passed. The lack of response to taking on the proposed new roles just voted in indicates some more serious considerations need to be made. Our Branch is not alone in seeking a properly reasoned resolution to this matter and our Delegate will continue to pursue the issue through the Executive. Ultimately it will be the decision of each member to decide the outcome. A majority of 75% of those voting to alter the Constitution is required to pass. Stay tuned!

Our Branch has now been operating for 66 years, and with your continued membership and attendance at all the events available both at this Branch and nationally the future looks challenging and yet bright.

On a personal note, thank you all for your support and encouragement during the year.

So, roll on next year and let’s keep driving and riding our history.

Phil Kidd (Chairman) June 2024


Club Captains Report for 2023-24

Another year has gone by and as far as club events are concerned, I think it has been satisfactory. As I'm sure you all will have noticed we are now emailing out instructions for our runs which has proved to be successful. If you had wondered why this is happening, with the exception of November Rally and Monte Carlo, there is no way of knowing how many of you will turn up on the day. This leads to the problem of not knowing how many sets of instructions to print - usually not enough or too many!

Also for the first time this year the Monte Carlo, run in January, was partly organised by our friends in Horowhenua VCC. I feel that more of this type of interbranch cooperation is well worth pursuing in the future.

This years Daffodil Rally is looking to be a far better event than last years one, but it does need as many of you as possible to be a part of it to be successful, as do all of our events.

In the coming year the rally committee and I look forward to seeing you all out and about at our runs.

Lastly a big thank you to everyone who has supported us by turning up at events, and of course to our fantastic rally committee and to Joanne, our unofficial assistant Club Captain.

July Run details are still being determined and will be emailed later in the month. We will go to the Wairarapa and visit two museums, and the day will probably include lunch. See page 22.


Saturday, 24 August is the date we Rally Around for Cancer, once again at Brewtown in Upper Hutt.

Hal and Ann O'Rorke were joint Project Leaders and really got the ball rolling. But then other commitments meant they had to pass the ball to another, and it was picked up by Mike Pattison as the Project Leader. Mike, having led the New Zealand involvement in three World Expos plus the Americas Cup, is well experienced in running events. We've broadcast out to all the known car clubs in the Wellington region. We have a pretty good database for this but contacts are always changing. If you know of club(s) that may not have been made aware of our event, please let John Stokes know on (027) 5379491 or email to .

This year we will have coffee on site. One of the Brewtown cafes has its very own mobile coffee cart in the form of a 1960's Austin J2 van, which she is going to operate at the event. It will fit in nicely - and she will be offering hot drinks and fresh scones. Yum.

We’ve secured a roving microphone for the event, which will broadcast over the PA system around our covered-in event area. This will bring more life to the event. Watch this space for more details!

Daffodil Day Update, continued from page 8:

For 2024 we have secured some excellent sponsorship arrangements. Capital City Ford will have an impactful display at our event – details to come. Repco is also on board - the Upper Hutt branch will also have a display at Brewtown, promoting oils suited to vintage and classic vehicles - look out for their 1924 Dodge pickup!

Repco have provided an amazing and very useful "People's Choice" prize - a dash cam valued at $260! Everyone, including the visiting public, who tells us what vehicle they think deserves that award will also be entered into a lucky drawn for double entry to Cars Inc (the new auto museum in Upper Hutt) valued at $44.00. More spot prizes are being organised right now.

Above: Paul Boden, owner of Cars Inc. hands the double pass to his museum to John Stokes.

Daffodil Day Update, continued from page 9

What can you do to help? This event is shaping up to be bigwe want it to be massively successful. But we are going to need your help, starting right now mainly by spreading the word.... 1) We have created an Event Page on Facebook, which has very quickly created interest. As at 25 June, 398 people (the public) have already indicated they're interested in coming along. If you “do” Facebook, please go to that page, "Like" it and/or place feedback, ask questions, etc to help generate interest. (Activity is what social media relies upon for effectiveness.) 2) Please, set aside the date - Saturday 24 August - our troops will be needed for a variety of helpful jobs. More next month!



The Rally Committee has proposed a weekend away, similar to “Toms Tour” except that the plan is to go to a location away from home and use this as a base to explore other parts of relatively nearby country.

DATES: Arriving on September 20, Daily runs on 21 and 22, and departing on 23 September (flexible - arrive later or leave earlier).

THE PLAN: 20 Sept: Drive to Dannevirke to your motel. 21 Sept: Depart about 9am to go on a run of approximately 100 miles and visit places of interest. 22Sept: Similar style run to some different places. Then on 23 September: Depart for home.

ACCOMMODATION: The Destinations Motor Lodge, will be the “Home Base” and has been block booked – a total of 12 units - for each of the three days, providing a choice of a studio, or one and two bedroom units. The block booking is held until July so it would pay to make your arrangements as soon as possible. Other motels etc are available in the area if you prefer.

OTHER DETAILS: It will be compulsory to attend a happy hour at the end of each day to enjoy the company of your fellow travellers, followed by dining in or out. Bring your choice of vehicle – the only stipulation is it has be to Club eligible – and it can be two, three or four wheels. There will be no backup vehicle, so it is up to you to ensure roadworthiness.


Vero International Festival of Historic Motoring 2026

Latest Update: The Festival Headquarters will be based at the Trafalgar Centre in Nelson and most of the entertainment in the evenings. Indications are that approximately 735 cars and 1435 participants will take part including 20 from overseas.


How many men does it take to fix a connection between a laptop and a video screen. Six (and another was about to join in)!

June Club Run / Colonial Cup Rally

Roger White had organised visits to the Wainuiomata Museum in Homedale and then to a privately-owned collection of Rootes Group cars, predominantly Sunbeams and an occasional Hillman. Roger then did instructions and added questions for those who wanted to be competitive. A wonderful group of over 40 people, and about twenty cars and one motorcycle with sidecar, joined in the day. The museum proved to be fascinating especially to those who had lived or were living in the valley (checking out old school photos from the now defunct Wainuiomata College for a laugh!) and also to the kids, some from our group (great to see them!) and some locals. At the car collection afternoon tea was provided and everyone could admire the wonderful, gleaming cars and some unusual, seldom-seen models, beautifully presented. See photos on covers and pages 13 to 16.

Well done to Keith Bramley and Diane Chin for the most correct answers in the competitive part of the day. A very enjoyable trip!

June Club Run: a good collection of cars at the club rooms for the start; and Bottom

Right: John and Alison in the 1957 Austin Westminster A95

June Club Run (pages 14 and 15). Above: Kids fascinated by the pipe-smoking dog and other toys at the Wainuiomata Museum. Below: John Jackson’s brother’s Aston Martin (not quite club-eligible yet) looks a bit incongruous parked there!

Above: An unusual 1957 Hillman Californian in one of the other sheds. Below: The owner (bottom right) talks about his Rootes Group collection to the Wellington Branch visitors.

Above: Visit to a Rootes Group Car Collection: This might take the prize for pristine cars and best decorated premises for a car collection!

Me: Are you staunch VCC guys admiring that (6 litre V12) engine? Them: Nah, we’re sneering at it. Sounds like a Tui advert?!


Hello dear friends of the Wellington Branch. We are pleased to let you know that we finally decided to finish our “Tour Around the World in a 1957 Mercedes-Benz” by the end of this year. You may recall that, after nearly three years of planning and preparations, we left New Zealand in 2014 and had planned to be some five years on the road. By the time we will be home in December, this has turned into well over ten years of travel during which we visited over 50 countries, six continents and have clocked up around 290,000km. By then, Abel will have burned around 33,600 litres of petrol, consumed 339 litres of engine oil and worn out 64 tyres, only once letting us down with a catastrophic failure of his rear axle.

We are currently in Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in the process of exploring the wonderful and fascinating Balkan countries: Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, and North Macedonia. We will then travel through Greece, northern Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, and Germany back to the Netherlands to say good-bye to our family and friends there. We are planning to ship Abel and our wonderful tent-trailer Zambezi - in which we have will slept more than 2,100 nights - in a 40-foot container from Felixstowe, England back to Wellington. We have booked our flights already and will arrive home on December 12, just in time to enjoy the Christmas festivities with our family and friends. Take care and we look forward seeing you soon!

Elisabeth and Fred Smits

Follow us at

JUNE KAPITI MID-WEEK RUN John and Jenny Jackson

We met at Relish café, Elizabeth Street, Waikanae for a coffee and a chat and then crossed the road to look at the St Luke’s Church. Luckily the Vicar, Mark, was at the church and gave us an impromptu talk about the history of the church. St Luke’s church was built in 1877 at Tuku Rakau, about 3 km from its present site. When the railway came to Waikanae, life became focused around the railway station and in 1898 the church was moved to its current location. It was extended in the 20th century, but parts of the original church, including the bell tower, are still evident. We drove up the road and had a quick look at St Andrew’s church (I am not sure if we are on a “church crawl” or what!!!) Anyway the garden around the St Andrew’s church was lovely - apparently looked after by a group of volunteers - but the door to the church was locked. Terry Mathers gave John’s brother, Phil a ride over the Akatarawa road in his beautiful Model A (see photo). That certainly made Phil’s day. That drive over to the Hutt Valley was lovely – it had stopped raining and there was hardly any traffic. The bush was especially lush and green. Reaching Upper Hutt we made our way to the Te Marua Golf Club where we enjoyed lunch with around 26 people. The golf club was empty except for our party, so we got full attention from the staff. We would like to give our thanks to Phil and Pat Pearce for continuing to organise the Wgtn part of the Kapiti Mid-week run. We are happy to put together a run once a year and would like to ask other members to put their hands up and organise one run a year. Many hands make light work.

Captain John Brown - The Wahine Disaster, Part I

Guest Speaker - VCC Club Night, 18 June 2024 By

Following his education at Hutt Valley High School, John Brown began his seafaring career in 1954 as a cadet with the Union Steamship Company. By 1963 he had graduated to Second Mate on the Cook Strait rail ferries (the roll on, roll off ships had commenced service in 1962). A position of junior harbour pilot in Wellington then came up, and he took it.

On 10 April, 1968 his shift began at 5.30am. His first job was supposed to be to move a ship, but that was cancelled because of the wild weather. But, because he was there, he thought he’d stay – so turned on the VHF radio. This was the start of the day that would become known as Wahine Day, and John Brown was about to play a major part in it.

At 6.40am he heard through the scratchy reception that a ship was aground. It could only be the TEV Wahine. This was serious. So he rang the assistant harbourmaster, Bill Galloway, who said he’d take the tug out to the ship. But it needed two hours to prepare, so Brown told Galloway he’d take the pilot launch Tiakina* and, with an engineer and two seamen, he headed out into the stormy harbour. It took 90 minutes to get to Seatoun wharf, where they collected Galloway in 60 knot winds.

(* Tiakina was 83 feet long, 20 feet beam, and weighed 80 tons– she will have taken some handling in those conditions, made easier by twin 250HP Crossley engines, but still very difficult.)

They were in radio contact with Captain Gordon Robertson on Wahine, and could “see” the ship on radar, but by 8.30am visibility was down to zero with heavy rain, hurricane-force winds and high breaking seas. They retreated to shelter at Worser Bay until around 10.30am. Then they got their first visual sighing of Wahine, and by now the tug Tapuhi was on the scene. At this stage, Wahine had an estimated 3000 tons of water inside her.

Galloway asked Brown if he might be able to get Tiakina alongside the foundering Wahine, so he could try to board her and assist Robertson. Such a manoeuvre, in such conditions, would be extremely dangerous.

Wahine Disaster, Part I, continued from page 19: Galloway leapt from the violently-moving pilot boat to the rope ladder that had been thrown over the starboard side of the moving Wahine, and climbed the 60 feet to the deck.**

(** John Brown dismisses his own actions, but that was considered brilliant seamanship; similarly, Galloway’s actions, had his leap failed, would have probably been fatal for him, not to mention the perils of shinning up a rope ladder, on a moving ship in hurricane-force winds and rain.)

Once aboard, the harbourmaster would take control from the ship’s master. About an hour later, the decision was made to abandon ship. The ship now had no power, so the anchors would not have been able to be retrieved, even if a tow line had been successfully secured. The water swamping the lower decks was causing the ship to roll severely, and it would almost certainly soon capsize. Wahine was doomed. Brown could only watch from his launch as people jumped overboard and inflatable life rafts promptly blew away in the winds. They began to pick up survivors from the water, as best they could, and managed to get a line to a lifeboat and tow it to Seatoun. Once released, the tow line then slipped under the Tiakina and snared around a propellor, putting their own boat in serious danger.

Clearly John Brown survived that drama (as did the launch). He went on to have a long maritime career, finally retiring as master of the Interislander Arahura in 2001. He went on to become a key source of material for author Peter Jerram, who has just released a new account of what happened out on Wellington Harbour on Wahine Day. That book, and Mr Brown’s talk to us on club night, offer accounts of the official enquiry into the disaster that are less than congratulatory. John Brown believes that almost everyone involved in the Wahine tragedy, except the passengers, had something to lose by testifying.

READ MORE in the next issue of The Motoring Spirit, where this account of John Brown’s talk will be continued!


Trevor Barnes

Meeting Monday 24 June: Twelve people attended.

Past Events: Trevor attended the Branch monthly run (23/06) on the Suzuki, first to the Wainuiomata Museum, then an interesting collection of Rootes Group cars, particularly Sunbeams.

Coming Events:

Taranaki Rubber Duckie 21 September: This has been confirmed.

Manawatu Motorcycle Rally 12 October: The entry form has been circulated. Entries close 30September.

Christmas Ride Friday 13 December: Meet at Brown Owl for a 9:30 start. Car members will be invited. The focus will be a visit to Stonehenge.

National Motorcycle Rally, Manawatu 25-27 January 2025: All bikes must have a current VIC (Note, there is a backlog at the National Office). Entry forms have been circulated. Entries close 31 October with NO late entries.

North Island Tour 15-23 March 2025: This will be another attempt to get to East Cape, road conditions permitting. The route will go via Taihape, the Gentle Annie, Gisborne, Te Araroa, East Cape, Opotiki, Awakeri Hot Springs, and back to Gisborne via the Waioeka Gorge. Aaron has had to pay full or partial deposits for a number of the accommodation places. Therefore, those wishing to go are to:

A) Confirm you will go.

B) By the August Motorcycle Meeting night (26th) pay Aaron a deposit of $250 to help cover the advance accommodation payments.

Other Business: None.

Next Meeting: Monday 22 July At the Empire (Butcher and Brewer), 7:30pm. (Following meeting on Monday 26 August).


If no details are provided, check the VCC website or contact Wgtn Branch Secretary for details/entry forms.

Wgtn Branch Run, Sunday 28 July

A trip to the Wairarapa to hopefully two museums - the Fell Locomotive Museum and Cobblestones, with lunch included. Details to be finalised and members will be advised by email later in the month.



Kevin Buck has organised a mid-winter lunch at this Cafe and Bistro on Marine Parade, Paraparaumu Beach. Technically, this is not a mid-winter Christmas lunch – when we ask a cafe/restaurant for a quote for that, the prices are way higher than their normal lunch menu. But we’ve been to 180 Degrees before, when we visited Auto Classics a couple of years ago, and the normal lunch menu is excellent – they have the best blue cod on the Kapiti Coast. There is plenty of parking near the cafe which is at 12-18 Marine Parade, Paraparaumu Beach. Aim to arrive around 11:30 am.

We need to give 180 Degrees an idea of numbers to expect, so please let Phil Pearce know if you are coming by Sunday 28th July.

Philip Pearce Email:


24 August Wellington Branch - Daffodil Day Display (note this is Saturday, whereas the official National Day is Sunday). See also pages 8 - 10 in this issue.

20 - 23 September Wellington Branch Manawatu Meander Based in Dannevirke. See page 11 for details.

18 - 19 October Marlborough/Nelson Biennial Rally : Info to come later.

25 - 28 October 7th National Commercial Rally: Held in Oamaru. Entries close 27 Sept.

2 NovemberWellington Branch Annual Rally and Dinner.

3 November Wellington Heritage Festival 26 October - 17

November: Wellington Branch will be involved on Sunday 3 November (part of the Annual Rally Weekend) with a display of vehicles at the Wellington Waterfront.


Visit the VCC Website: and click on “Membership Benefits” for details on various benefits and instructions on how to apply for them.



See details on page 26 of this magazine.


If you arrange your car and household insurance through Vero, the Wellington Branch gets a commission. In 2021 the amount was approximately $4,159!! Well done everyone!

We are the company that offers you Total immersion stripping of Car bodies and panels WE TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR NEEDS

Contact: Warren Leslie Phone: (04) 232 6880 Fax: (04) 232 6882 11 Wall Place, Tawa Email:


Advertisements are free to Wgtn VCC members and will be repeated four times.

WANTED: A member of Wairarapa VCC who lives in Wellington needs to replace a vinyl roof and is looking for recommendations. Does anyone know anyone experienced who could help? Any leads would be helpful. Contact Murray: 0274470002 1 FOR SALE: 1980 Daimler Vanden Plas 4.2

SALE: 1969 Triumph Herald Convertible Good condition but not on the road (no WOF and Reg on on hold). Seller based in Auckland. 1


Looking to rent dry, secure storage for a Daimler Vanden Plas. Ideally in the Upper Hutt area, but anywhere in Wellington region considered. Call Dave on 0274468852. 3

70,350 miles from new. Good history. This car is worth restoring to concours condition. Trademe advert refers #4670786698. Reason for sale is that I have bought a Daimler Super 8 and don't currently have garaging for both. Call Dave on 0274468852.


Club nights are on the 3rd Tuesday of every month in the Clubrooms, Halford Place, Petone (Eastern end of Jackson St) starting at 7:30pm

The Clubrooms are also normally open for casual gatherings on Wednesdays from 9:30 to 12:00, and for Noggin and Natters on Fridays 7:30pm.

Motorcycle Meetings are usually held on the 4th Monday of the month at the Empire Hotel (Butcher and Brewer), 75 Jackson Street, Petone at 7:30pm.


The club night talk is still being organised. Details will be emailed out later in the month.


If anyone runs into difficulties on a club run, this vehicle might come in very handy! New-ish club member Kimberley and his daughter came on the June club run. He also has an older Land Rover under restoration.

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