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The Wellington Branch Newsletter

On top of the world??

The Ford Model A, entered in the Highland Fling by Ray Betteridge and Bruce Benge, perched above the summit of the Pahiatua Track looking down on the Wairarapa Plains.

Vintage Motoring
JUNE 2024 Enjoying
1958 - 2024

The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.)- Wellington Branch

Clubrooms: Halford Place (East end Jackson Street Petone)

Postal Address: PO Box 38-418, Petone Clubrooms Phone: 568-7463



Branch Committee

Chairman Phil Kidd 528-9897

Secretary Alastair McCarthy 589-8248

Treasurer Peter McKeown 233-5113

Club Captain Neale Ryder 0274 493-014

Committee Members Don Hawkes 232-8514

Brendon Priestly 0220-993-437

New Member Liaison Robert Horne 0273-459-800

Newsletter Editor Angelica Edgley 589 8248

Property Manager Paul Hooper 027-285-1713

Club Talks Coordinator Brian Christensen 565-0664

Social Convenor Tasi Betteridge 027-601-5399

Nat Executive Delegate Alan Thompson 027-285-2048

Parts Mgr / Memorabilia Don Hawkes 232-8514

Appointed Officers

Librarian Peter Simpson 0274-748-220

Scribe to Beaded Wheels John Stokes 027-537-9491

Fire Engine Custodian John Jackson 234-8702

Motorcycle Rep Peter Simpson 0274-748-220

VIC Officers: Don Hawkes 232-8514 David Gwynn 527-7875

W/shop Custodian Don Hawkes 232-8514

Rally Secretary Deidre Blakemore 027-454-8097

Archives John Sheppard 027-312-1089

Web Master Trevor Barnes 0211-588-033

NO CALLS AFTER 9:00PM PLEASE Opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of VCC Wgtn Branch

3 Chairman’s Chat pages 4, 5 New Members page 5 From the Captain’s Table pages 6 June Run Notice page 6 Highland Fling Report pages 7 to 9 Thomson’s Steam Car pages 10 to 12 Ladies Rally Report pages 12, 13 Queensland Heritage Vehicle Show pages 14, 15 Motorcycle Events Reports pages 16, 17 Editor’s Effort page 17 Kapiti Mid-week Run page 18 Notice of Annual General Meeting page 19 Motorcycle Section Report page 20 Caption (from last issue); Miscellaneous page 21 Coming Events pages 22, 23 Advertisements pages 24 to 26 Club Notices and Calendar of Events page 27 CONTENTS Sunday Run: First Sunday of the month Contact Ian McCulloch 04 237 6555 Kapiti Midweek Run: Last Wednesday of the month Contact Phil Pearce 0272 744 084 NAME BADGES Don’t forget name badges are available from the Club Secretary at $15 each. Please remember to wear your name badges on Club Nights. VCC Wellington Branch - Bank Details (KiwiBank) VCC Wellington Branch: 38-9022-0167435-01 for all rally entries VCC Wellington Branch: 38-9022-0167435-02 for all general business

Hard to believe that yet another year has gone by since our last AGM! The elected committee has strived hard to provide what the majority of our members want. Although having said that, there are many of you who we have not seen either at any of our weekly and monthly activities, and also runs involving our club eligible vehicles.

Is this a reflection of the challenges of driving our vehicles on more crowded roads, or are there other reasons? As I have said before, any results achieved are directly proportionate to the effort YOU put in. The participation level of our Branch membership over all of our events can at best be described as low, meaning only a relatively small percentage of members are in fact benefitting from the considerable amount of work that goes into each event organised. For those that do participate, they are in fact being subsidised by non-attendees. The benefits are considerable – especially on the social interaction front – not to mention keeping your vehicle “up to scratch” by using it (or them) as the case may be.

Talking about keeping things going and all that that entails, I was discussing this with a long-time member recently who was reflecting on what his wife was going to do with his “collection of parts and memorabilia” - not to mention his vehicle which no member of his family wants - if he goes first.

He suggested that I take the opportunity through this column to entreat all those who can relate to this, to make plans to not only catalogue, but identify items like parts etc, so that the true value of them can be realised at the time – rather than getting scrap value because they are not identified. I personally have had horror stories recounted where unidentified but valuable parts have been lost forever following a death, because the remaining


Chairman’s Chat, continued from page 4: family just wanted the place “cleaned up”. It’s up to you to plan ahead.

We have the AGM ahead of us next month and there is still time to consider putting your name forward for election. I can promise that by participating in the running of our Branch you will find the experience rewarding in so many ways without impacting too much on the rest of your life’s activities. Again –‘”you only get out what you put in”.

For those planning to go to the 2026 Rally in Nelson, even though it is some time away, now is the time to ensure your accommodation arrangements are taken care of. Indications are it is going to be BIG. Potential Wellington Branch participation based on survey responses is very high. Planning for Daffodil Day is well advanced, so please ensure you have the date of 24 August in your diary. It is again going to be under cover at Brewtown in Upper Hutt; more on this soon.

I look forward to seeing you at the AGM next Clubnight. On that note I will sign off and wish you happy and safe motoring in or on whatever means of transport you choose, and look forward to catching up.

Wellington Branch welcomes the following new members: Margaret Smith - joint member, wife of Ian Smith of Kandallah (1948 RMB Riley); and Ross & Trish McKenzie of Karori, who have a 1953 Austin Devon. We look forward to meeting you at club nights or at club events.

5 ****NEW MEMBERS****


Recently the rally committee had to say goodbye to Deirdre and John Blakemore after many years of help in arranging our events. I have to say that they have both done more than their share of work and we are all very grateful for that.

So with that said, we would like some other members to become part of the rally committee. I don't think it’s too difficult a task. The informal meetings take place before club night and are usually a sort of "brainstorming" discussion. Fresh ideas are always welcome. If you would like to contribute to your club in this way, get in touch with me, or come along to the rally meeting from 6pm at the clubrooms on clubnight (June 18).

Roger White has arranged for us to visit a private collection of Rootes Group vehicles as part of this months run. I'm told its quite impressive.

Planning for the Daffodil Day event at Brewtown in August is well under way. While the event last year wasn't perhaps the greatest success, this year it is looking to be far, far better. What it does need to be successful is for ALL our members to get motivated to attend and promote our club as well as the charity involved.

Regards, Neale


DATE: Sunday 23 June

START: From clubrooms at 1pm

A visit to a local museum in Homedale, Wainuiomata, followed by a visit to a private collection of Rootes Group vehicles with afternoon tea there (details to be advised). Instructions will be emailed out later in the month. There may be an optional competitive element.


Highland Fling 2024 in Feilding Ray Betteridge

We had a good contingent of Wellington cars - Greg Haines and Steve, Barry and Hilary Pettengell, Alan and Rosemary Thompson, Phil and Coral Kidd, and myself with Bruce Benge. Saturday was an early start with a short briefing before we headed North-ish out of Feilding to wander around hills with some great views right up to the mountains as we drove through farms and farmland. Instructions to “ignore no exits” and “keep woolsheds on our left” were the order of the day.

At one wool shed the instruction was to ”fit chains here.” This we did but the lead car knew better and shot up the hill, only to slither to a halt and we all waited while they fitted chains on the steep slope. The downhill was equally challenging and lots of fun. We eventually arrived at Apiti for a welcome picnic lunch. Being with Bruce the Barrista was great, and with the thermette soon boiling we enjoyed plunger coffee while others enjoyed the aroma.

Pollution in

(Highland Fling continued from page 7)

We then refuelled, no bowser just our reserves, negotiated more farmland, farms and ignored no exits and woolsheds and gates before we returned to Feilding after a busy day. We had ascended over 12,000ft, and strangely, descended a similar amount, driven 140 miles and turned umpteen corners before returning to Feilding for a well-earned “shark and taters” dinner and chat with old friends.

Sunday - an even earlier start. We headed East-ish through more farms and eventually took the Pahiatua Track. At the summit, yet another “no entry-no exit“ gate was opened and we soared to great heights in one of the earliest wind farms. The early windmills were of a steel lattice construction and have proved to be trouble free, as opposed to the newer cylindrical ones which are prone to cracking. From this high point the scenery was amazing. To the east the Wairarapa was swathed in cotton wool and quite anti-social whereas to the west the whole area from Horowhenua to Ruapehu was bathed in sunshine under a blue sky. We continued down the “Track” and at the bottom hung a left and hugged the hills toward the Manawatu Gorge, at the last minute turning up into the hills again taking a winding road through native bush to eventually reach the top, once again in the wind farm, to descend on a private road towards Palmerston. We fuelled up at Ashhurst then returned east to recross the river and turn north to drive through farms, eventually reaching Pohangina Valley East Rd which we followed to enjoy marvellous views of the Pohangina River. Eventually we crossed the river to turn south along the west bank. A right turn into Kuku Rd - no exit brought us to a lumpy bog that was negotiated with care. Unfortunately a later clown tried to take it at speed and lost control causing this section to be closed and some people missed it. We continued along roads such as Zigzag Rd (aptly named) to eventually reach the Manawatu Clubrooms for a well-earned lunch.


(Highland Fling, continued from page 8)

The afternoon field trials were disappointing as the ground was rock hard and deeply corrugated and attracted only a few entrants, but Greg came second and we came third. (We will get him next time!). We then returned to Feilding for a rest. No Highland Fling would be complete without the final dinner, and a couple of hundred people attended in the city hall for this well-earned feed. But before we could start we had to endure the customary ceremony: two pipers squawking and wheezing like the Loch Ness Monster in labour, followed by a bunch of larrikins arrayed in plaid. Bringing up the rear was our very own Alan Thompson, brandishing a couple of cutlasses and looking decidedly dangerous. The maître-de of the haggis set forth in a strange tongue addressing the haggis. This is a truly cowardly address as the poor haggis has no right of reply - being previously murdered, everted and then stuffed with it’s own entrails.

When the maître finally ran down, he cleaved (or clove?) the poor wee haggis asunder with one foul stroke of his rusty dirk so the feast could begin. (I am sure the bonnie wee Robbie Burns had more than a wee dram while composing this eulogy.)

When the mirth had died down and we were well fed, it was announced that the next “Fling” would, once again, be in Feilding. This should be a great event and apparently they have already plotted many of the roads. Get your vintage car out and join us, it is well worth it!



A Surrey is usually a horse-drawn vehicle with four seats. This one has four seats, but no horse. That’s because it has a boiler and a steam engine hidden underneath the seats. It was designed by Professor Elihu Thomson in the late 1890s and built in about 1900 in Massachusetts USA, by the General Electric Company, as one of nine experimental automobiles powered

We saw this car at the Heritage Car, Truck, Bike and Machinery Show in Bundaberg, Queensland while taking part in the Combined Riley Motor Clubs of Australia National Rally in May. At this show there was a wonderful collection of some 200 cars of all ages and makes, including a nice line-up of veteran cars, a bevy of tractors, about 40 stationary engines all chug-chugging away, a few trucks and military vehicles, and a collection of about 50 motorcycles of all ages. And, of course, there was a display of about 30 Riley cars. They were all assembled in a wonderful facility called the “Bundaberg Recreation Precinct”, a 50-hectare paddock containing


Thomson’s Steam Surrey, continued from page 10: sports fields, a large horse-riding facility, club rooms for all sorts of clubs from the local brass band to the table tennis club, and also including the Bundaberg Vintage Vehicle Club (where the Riley Rally was based). It was fenced off so that the public could be charged for entering the section of the grounds used for the vehicle display.

The Thomson Steam Surrey features a “flash” boiler and a 4cyclinder “uniflow” steam engine of approximately 880cc capacity, operating at up to 500psi. It is fired by a kerosene burner. The transmission is via a tail shaft driving a very basic differential via a worm and worm wheel.

A “flash” boiler is a water tube boiler designed to produce steam quickly and to be responsive to changes in the demand for steam. A “uniflow” steam engine is double-acting (that is: steam is fed alternatively to both sides of the pistons) but unusually, the exhaust is halfway along the cylinder. This arrangement provides greater thermal efficiency than that of conventional steam engines. The steam inlets are controlled by cam-operated poppet valves and the exhaust ports are opened when the piston uncovers them. (see diagram: red = high pressure, orange = expansion, yellow = exhaust).

The vehicle is very original, having spent most of its life in the Wolfpen Vehicle Museum in Massachusetts. When this museum closed, the car moved to Western Australia and then subsequently to Queensland. The present owner purchased the car in 2022 and refurbished it back to working condition. He believes it had not been under steam for over 100 years.

During the display, the owner lit the boiler using a blow-torch to vaporise and ignite the kerosene fuel, like an old-fashioned blow lamp or Tilley light. Steam pressure was raised, and the car was driven a few metres forward and a few metres back again.


Thomson’s Steam Surrey, continued from page 11:

The owner plans to take the Thomson Steam Surrey to Britain in November this year and enter it in the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run.

Photo of rear of Vehicle showing: Fire Box

Eccentric Differential


For us, the Ladies Rally really started on the Saturday when Hal took over the kitchen to bake a cake. He doesn’t usually cook so this was a strange situation. He is the world's best clearer-upper though, so everything balances beautifully.

After many rainy days, the 26th was sunny and beautiful: a great day for the rally. We met at the start at the entrance to Percy's Reserve carpark. It was sunny but so cold so we were glad to take off north up SH2 as early as we wished. My memory can’t bring to mind all the cars but these are those I do: Roger White and daughter Tania in a Mitsubishi Starion, Coral and Phil Kidd in a Railton, Claire and Bruce Benge in her Citroen 2 CV, Rosemary and Alan Thompson in an Austin 12/4, and us in our 1990 Toyota Corolla. Jo and Neale Ryder, who were the organisers, came in their Vauxhall Velox.

As well as the navigation instructions there were 19 photographs to identify along the way. The route quickly took us off the main


Ladies Rally, continued from page 12: highway past the quarry and on to SH58, through Pauatahanui and to Grays Rd. SH59 then and on to SH1 after Paekakariki until the turn off to Raumati. By then we'd caught 14 of the photos: portions of street signs, the new golf ball net at Judgeford, a pylon, etc. A puzzling one of a row of inclined steel poles looking like giraffe necks turned out to be the fence of the incline off the overbridge in Pukerua Bay. As we wound the route through Raumati towards Waikanae, we found the road sign and the Norfolk Pine but we were a bit flummoxed by the last photo. It looked a bit like a far away view of land by the sea. Then we turned a corner and looked up. There ahead, way up in the hills were scars on the land in the exact pattern in the photo. Fantastic!

The rally ended at Big Mac Slabs on Mazengarb Road where the owners made us very welcome. The best part of the run was still to come, sampling all the men's cakes. And a surprise, Hal's cake came first and we won the rally! Next year we hope to set as good a rally as this year's, it's quite a standard to keep up with. Thanks to Jo and

Heritage Car, Truck, Bike and Machinery Show in Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia on May 19 (pages 14 and 15).

Alastair investigates a 1927 20/60 “R” model Vauxhall.

A good showing from the Historical Motorcycle Club of Queensland, Burnett Area.


Right: Lots of stationary engines puttering away noisily. There were also tractors and trucks present.

Left: An unusual model of Datsun.

Below: An early veteran probably a Darracq, based on the radiator badge.

Below: A line-up of Rileys at the car show. These were some of about forty Rileys based at the Bundaberg VCC for their National Annual Rally.


VCC Northland Branch Annual Motorcycle Rally: 18 May

I (Peter Simpson) attended this rally. It was a first time Northland rally for me. There were 84 entries which I understand is the biggest rally they have had to date. Usually about 60 bikes. Of the 84, 38 were classic “invited" entrants. Everything from a 50cc moped to modern classics. I took my 1952 Matchless G80S.

The day on the Saturday was fine - no cloud which was a contrast to the day before and what followed. The route was from the VCC clubroom at the Whangarei Heritage Park and headed north and then east on back roads until emerging onto SH1 near Towai. Then north along SH1 to Opua to cross on the ferry to Russell for lunch at the local fire station. After lunch it was back to Whangarei via Whangaruru and Helena Bay. (We came along that route a couple of years ago on one of Aaron’s tours).

Dinner that night was at the clubrooms. Needless to say, I did not collect any prizes (as usual).

Following the rally myself and a friend, Buster West-Hill from Orewa, did a 300 km after-rally tour for 3 days basically doing a circuit of Northland via the Rawene ferry and down to Dargaville. We gave Cape Reinga a miss as the rain had set in and the forecast was for worse to come that day. We stayed at the Mangonui pub and the Dargaville pub. Both pubs have the usual creaky floors common to those old pubs. The rain was very heavy on the second day going via the Waipoua forest and Buster had a bit of drama with a wet magneto and also running out of petrol at one stage. We had intended to visit the Packard Museum on day three at Maungatapere, just out of Whangarei, but discovered on arrival the dates for closure had changed to what we understood them to be. All in all, a good visit up north.

Wairarapa Mid-Winter Reliability Trial: Saturday 18th- 19th May. Ian Munro was the only Wellington rider to attend this weekend event and sent this report.

There were 7 bikes on this trip plus some vintage cars: Three twincylinders: BSA Golden Flash - Simon, BSA A65 - Kevin, AJS 600 - a


Motorcycle Events, continued from page 16: guy from Matamata; Three Single cylinders: AJS 500- Ian, Honda Motorcross - Dave, Royal Enfield modern (rider unknown); and a Harley 3-wheeler which broke down near the start due to condenser failure.

The ride went north through Morrinsville, Pahiatua, Ballance and the Saddle through to Ashurst. We travelled north on the east side of the valley coming in north of Kimbolton, then travelled up through the Limestone River valley to the camping ground at Mangaweka.

The return trip took the more direct route through Kimbolton back to Ashhurst. The BSA A65 had ignition issues down this stretch and was loaded onto Willie's Ute.

We returned through the Pahiatua Track to Clareville.

Distinguished Gentlemen’s Ride: 19 May.

Ashley Blair rode his BSA Bantam. There were 200 plus bikes on the ride. Ashley missed out on the Most Distinguished Gentleman prize because he had gone to lunch when they announced it. Not there– no prize.


Apologies from us for not being at the last club night or on the Ladies Rally. As you can see from some articles and photos, we were enjoying summer-like weather in Oz on a holiday combined with joining in on a Riley Rally (not in our Riley obviously). We were particularly envious of the space and the facilities available for vintage motoring over there. This was my favourite exhibit at the car show we attended! Particularly appropriate for Oz, I feel!

Our Kapiti Run started with a diversion into Wellington to pick up one of our sons who'd been at a conference. We arrived at Red's cafe a little later than many who were already seated and chattering away. We learnt that Red's was started by the lady that ran the Red Shed further down the, now old, SH1 until it burnt down. We loved that cafe and often stopped there. This Red's does not disappoint; our fish and chips, bacon and corn fritters arrived promptly and were absolutely delicious. Our post-lunch route took us over the expressway and not far to the Otaki-Māori Racing Club where the Otaki Pottery Club has its premises. Although started in 1989, the Club has relatively recently moved into these fantastic facilities. They took over a totally empty space which is now divided into teaching rooms, a wheel room, glazing room, a library, a kiln room and the Tote Modern Gallery. We were given a tour and a very informative talk about each space. The walls and various shelves were adorned with pieces in stages of preparation, with the gallery holding a keen focus for many of us. Students here can be studying through Otago University as well as joining for leisure activity.

We left for home with son and me wishing we lived closer to Otaki! Another wonderful day out; thank you Roderick!

(Photos by Chris Melville: some cars that members drove on this trip)

Ann O’Rorke


Car Club of New Zealand (Inc)

Wellington Branch


To be held at the clubrooms in Halford Place, Petone

On Tuesday 18th June 2024 at 7.45pm

Please forward nominations for office holders or committee members, and notices of motion or resolutions to be proposed, to the Secretary

Alastair McCarthy - by email to, or by post to PO Box 38-418, Petone Mail Centre. Notices of Motion must be received prior to 29th May. Nomination forms can be obtained from the Secretary.



Election of Meeting Chairperson

Minutes of previous AGM

Matters arising

Chairman’s report

Treasurer’s report

Club Captain’s report

Election of officers (Chairman, Secretary, Club Captain and Treasurer, and six to nine committee members)

General Business (if any).

Alastair McCarthy, Secretary, VCC Wellington Branch.



Meeting Monday 27 May: Thirteen people attended. Apologies from Peter Simpson.

Past Events: See reports on pages 8 and VCC Northland Branch Annual Motorcycle rally: 18th May.

Wairarapa Mid-Winter Reliability Trial: 18- 19 May.

Distinguished Gentlemen’s Ride: 19 May.

Coming Events.

Taranaki Rubber Duckie: 21 September (definite third weekend).

Manawatu Motorcycle Rally: October. (No date yet)

National Motorcycle Rally, Manawatu: January 2025. All bikes must have a current VIC (Note, there is a backlog at the National Office).

North Island Tour 2025: Planning is under way, with the dates set as 15-23rd March 2025. This will be another attempt to get to East Cape, road conditions permitting. The route will probably go via Taihape, the Gentle Annie, Gisborne, Te Araroa, East Cape, Opotiki, possibly Awakeri Hot Springs, and back to Gisborne via the Waioeka Gorge.

Other Business:

Bad news first: Ashley Blair’s BSA Gold Star repair after the BP Otaki fuel fiasco – the alloy barrel was found to be cracked and John Saywell has passed it to an expert to be welded.

And the good news: Ashley’s Empire Star is now registered and warranted, ready to ride. There was no documentary evidence the bike had ever been registered which bumped up against the requirement for new registrations to have ABS. When presenting it for vinning he was told to complete (and pay for) an ABS exemption form. The bike rego was completed but then he received a credit as the exemption form was not required. So, if you have a bike with no proof of registration you can still get it vinned and registered. But get the VCC VIC/DOMAS to make it easier.

Next Meeting: Monday 24 June At the Empire (Butcher and Brewer), 7:30pm. (Following meeting on Monday 22nd July).



Ray and Bruce doing preparations (practising putting chains on) shortly before the Highland Fling Rally run from Feilding in April.


From Alan Thompson: A couple of videos to check out: Highland Fling 2024: (you may recognise some entrants!)

And for something amusing and totally not car-related:

Looking for: an early car (?1900 - 1910?), reputedly one of the first cars in the Hutt Valley, and once owned by Harry Miles Hayward (possibly been in the Southward Museum). Please contact the Branch Secretary if you know anything.



If no details are provided, check the VCC website or contact Wgtn Branch Secretary for details/entry forms.

Wgtn Branch Run in June: Sunday 23rd June

Leaving club rooms about 1pm, visiting a local museum in Wainuiomata, followed by a visit to a local collection of Rootes Group vehicles and afternoon tea. There may be an optional competitive element to the run (to be advised) Instructions will be emailed out later in the month. Friends and family welcome.


The June run has been organised by Jenny and John Jackson.

10am - Coffee at Relish, Elizabeth Street, Waikanae. After coffee, visit St Luke Elizabeth Street (only 100 yds from the cafe), then drive over the Akatarawa Road, stopping to look at the view at the top. When you arrive in Upper Hutt turn left onto SH2 to the Te Marua Golf Club for lunch – order from the cabinet or the menu. There will be tables set aside for our group.

Further details will be sent by email to everyone on the Kapiti email list and any other members who are interested. Please let me know by 23rd June if you are coming so that Jenny and John can let the Golf Club know how many to expect for lunch.

Philip Pearce Email: Mob: 027 274 4084



Save the Date!! Daffodil Day Display

24 August Wellington Branch - (note this is Saturday, whereas the official National Day is Sunday).

20 - 23 September Wellington Branch Manawatu Meander

Based in Dannevirke (rooms held at The Destinations Motor Lodge - book direct, or book into other motels in Dannevirke) with day runs on Saturday and Sunday. For more details, see page 4 of April issue of Motoring Spirit.

2 November - Wellington Branch Annual Rally and Dinner.

26 October - 17 November: Wellington Heritage Festival: Wellington Branch will be involved on Sunday 3 November (part of the Annual Rally Weekend) with a display of vehicles at the Wellington Waterfront.


Visit the VCC Website: and click on “Membership Benefits” for details on various benefits and instructions on how to apply for them.




See details on page 26 of this magazine.


If you arrange your car and household insurance through Vero, the Wellington Branch gets a commission. In 2021 the amount was approximately $4,159!! Well done everyone!

We are the company that offers you Total immersion stripping of Car bodies and panels WE TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR NEEDS

Contact: Warren Leslie Phone: (04) 232 6880 Fax: (04) 232 6882 11 Wall Place, Tawa Email:



Advertisements are free to Wgtn VCC members and will be repeated four times.


A 19 inch, 6 stud, wire wheel - which would (probably) have been fitted to a mid-1930’s Chevrolet. Wanted for use as a spare for a teardrop camper. The tyre size is 4.75 / 5.00 – 19 (but having a tyre is not critical).

Contact Steve (Upper Hutt - happy to collect it)



Looking to rent dry, secure storage for a Daimler Vanden Plas. Ideally in the Upper Hutt area, but anywhere in Wellington region considered. Call Dave on 0274468852.

70,350 miles from new. Good history. This car is worth restoring to concours condition. Trademe advert refers #4670786698. Reason for sale is that I have bought a Daimler Super 8 and don't currently have garaging for both. Call Dave on 0274468852.

4 FOR SALE: 1980 Daimler Vanden Plas 4.2
2 ROVER - Car parts available. Contact - Pearce Dunn, 35 Seabury Avenue, Foxton Beach Phone - 0220432614 1


Club nights are on the 3rd Tuesday of every month in the Clubrooms, Halford Place, Petone (Eastern end of Jackson St) starting at 7:30pm

The Clubrooms are also normally open for casual gatherings on Wednesdays from 9:30 to 12:00, and for Noggin and Natters on Fridays 7:30pm.

Motorcycle Meetings are usually held on the 4th Monday of the month at the Butcher and Brewer, 75 Jackson Street, Petone at 7:30pm.


A talk about the Wahine Disaster by Captain John Brown, pilot of the tugboat Tiakina. (Note: AGM first at 7:45)
SEPTEMBER 2024 Sunday Run 1st Committee Meeting 3rd Club Night 17th Manawatu Meander 20th - 23rd Motorcycle Meeting 23rd Kapiti Mid-Week 25th
JUNE 2024 Sunday Run 2nd Committee Meeting 4th Club Night + AGM 18th June Club Run 23rd Motorcycle Meeting 24th Kapiti Mid-Week 26th JULY 2024 Sunday Run 7th Committee Meeting 2nd Club Night 16th Motorcycle Meeting 22nd Kapiti Mid-Week 31st AUGUST 2024 Sunday Run 4th Committee Meeting 6th Club Night 20th Daffodil Day 24th Motorcycle Meeting 26th Kapiti Mid-Week 28th
28 This magazine is printed by: Rieger’s I print and copy P 04 473-1444 F 04 473-7631, E W huge variety from the absurd to the sublime. See also pages 10 to 12, 14 to 15 and 17.

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