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See story, pages 9 to 11.

The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) - Wellington Branch

Clubrooms: Halford Place (East end Jackson Street Petone)

Postal Address: PO Box 38-418, Petone Clubrooms Phone: 568-7463



Branch Committee

Chairman Phil Kidd 528-9897

Secretary Alastair McCarthy 589-8248

Treasurer Peter McKeown 233-5113

Club Captain Neale Ryder 0274 493-014

Committee Members Don Hawkes 232-8514

Brendon Priestly 0220-993-437

New Member Liaison Robert Horne 0273-459-800

Newsletter Editor Angelica Edgley 589 8248

Property Manager Paul Hooper 027-285-1713

Club Talks Coordinator Brian Christensen 565-0664

Social Convenor Tasi Betteridge 027-601-5399

Nat Executive Delegate Alan Thompson 027-285-2048

Parts Mgr / Memorabilia Don Hawkes 232-8514

Appointed Officers

Librarian Peter Simpson 0274-748-220

Scribe to Beaded Wheels John Stokes 027-537-9491

Fire Engine Custodian John Jackson 234-8702

Motorcycle Rep Peter Simpson 0274-748-220

VIC Officers: Don Hawkes 232-8514 David Gwynn 527-7875

W/shop Custodian Don Hawkes 232-8514

Rally Secretary

Archives John Sheppard 027-312-1089

Web Master Trevor Barnes 0211-588-033


Opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of VCC Wgtn Branch


Editor’s Notes page 5




Last month’s speakers - Sir Markus Dunajschik and Dorothy Spotswood gave us a really down to earth insight into the need for man (or woman) to be able to express himself through their chosen mode of transport. Not only that, but the joy of sharing that passion with other like-minded people, no matter who they may be. Their attendance at our club-night was a demonstration that our chosen hobby transcends all walks of life and gives us the opportunity to meet and mix with a hugely diverse range of people. And that is what our Club is about. We meet because of out interest in cars or bikes – but stay because of the people and the friendships that are made.

That is why I will be unable to attend our next clubnight. Coral and I will be in Christchurch to attend the 54th Annual General Meeting of the Hudson Essex Terraplane Club, of which we are some of the few remaining founder members. There we will catch up with friends from throughout New Zealand met through our shared interest.

Continuing on this theme, the participation at the Manawatu Meander event held In Dannevirke over the weekend of the 20 - 23 September gave us the opportunity to meet with members of other Branches and enjoy their company with the added bonus of traversing roads not driven before and reaching new destinations. The article appearing later will go into more detail. But importantly, if you don’t get your chosen means of transport out and come and join those who do, I can assure you that you are missing out on something really special.

To this end, I had a recent WoF check and was not impressed with the tyre depth reading on my (relatively new) tyres. They have done less than 4000 miles and yet have worn down 60% of the tread. These are Lucas tyres and now only available through Cokers in the USA. An inspection of the rubber shows a very soft composition when compared to the tyres they replaced but also those of our modern car. I wonder if this is a deliberate ploy to increase the

Chairman’s Chat continued from page 4: company’s turnover. I would be interested to hear your views. Our big event is almost upon us - our November Rally. It would be great to have a turnout we can be proud of to celebrate some 67 years of the founding of our Branch. So - please make the effort to bring out your pride and joy. More details later in this issue. I look forward to seeing you then in or on whatever means of transport you choose. Happy and safe motoring.

Phil Kidd

EDITOR’S NOTES Angelica Edgley

Trevor Barnes provided a caption for the photo in the last magazine of the Model T Ford at the daffodil Day Display being pushed onto the trailer: "OH NO!" cries Lizzy as she is dragged off to prison again. "I so enjoyed my day of freedom". Great stuff, Trevor. At the last club committee meeting, Tasi Betteridge agreed to be the club “Almoner” (for want of a better title). So contact her if you know of any members who are unwell or perhaps need assistance.

Judy Wood sent the photo on the front cover and this is her report on that part of the Manawatu Meander trip: “Phil asked if I could send a couple of photos to you from our meander. We had a great time, weather good and scenery stunning, views of the Ruahines, still with snow, but too scared to get out of the car to take pictures because road too slippery, skinny, and narrow. Ray loves the mud; mud over the running board, he was trying to miss the slip on the other side. I had to hold my breath as Terry was so busy watching him, he nearly went over the cliff which would have been a hell of a lot worse. We had a great time and loved every moment. Hope this is ok, I was a bit scared to go closer. Judy”


Joanne and I both enjoyed our weekend away in Dannevirke, not least because we didn't have to organise it. Coral and Phil made a great effort to ensure that everyone who attended had a great time from start to finish. We certainly saw a lot of the area that we had never been through before and got a bit more of an idea of just what that part of the country has been through following the cyclone and even the recent lot of heavy rain. The up side of all the heavy rain was that Waihi Falls were spectacular. The downside of all the heavy rain washed off once we got back home. One other thing which was becoming apparent to us as we travelled around was the amount of farmland being turned over to pine trees for "carbon farming". Will the back country roads be upgraded in the future when it comes time to harvest all these trees?

It's probably not too late to enter the Wairarapa VCC's Rex Porter Rally being held on Sunday 13th October. See the latest edition of their newsletter or call Simon O'Hara 06 370 8844; entries close on October 7th.

With November Rally coming up on Saturday 2nd and the Queens Wharf display on Sunday 3rd, its time to get your entries in to us. It’s not difficult, no forms to copy, fill out and post in, just send an email to Angelica letting us know who is coming and what vehicle you intend bringing. If you can't manage an email a phone call will do. Don't forget to advise about the Saturday evening meal either; the clubs bank details for payment are in Motoring Spirit along with information about the weekends activities.

We will be finishing the rally at the Wellington Tramway Museum at MacKays Crossing Queen Elizabeth Park. The trams will be operating so take a couple of rides and see what Wellington lost 60 years ago. Bring your own lunch along. We will need a few helpers on the day -

Captain’s Table: continued from page 6: two people at the start of the timed section and another two at the finish of that. Another couple of helpers will be needed at the Tram Museum - this might suit someone from the Kapiti area. Give it some thought and let me know if you would like to help out. We will also need helpers at Queens Wharf the next day, again get in touch if you would like to help with what will be a great weekend celebrating Wellington Vintage Car Clubs Birthday.

There are other events during November which are run by separate groups - one being the Car Show and Swapmeet being held in Featherston and another the Vintage day at the Tui Brewery. Details for these and other future events are elsewhere in this issue. Don't forget to check out other branch newsletters on the VCC website and see if there are any events in other areas appeal to you. I'm sure they would be happy to see you, just as we are to see people at our events.

Regards, Neale


RALLY, SATURDAY November 2nd

About 10am Briefing at the Branch Club Rooms, Halford Place. About 10:30am: Cars set off. The rally will be competitive for those who wish to be involved, or just for fun. There will also be an Entrants Choice Award and an Award for Best Dressed to suit the vehicle. (Note: Marshals are needed)

The rally will end at QE Park in Paekakariki at the Wellington Tramway Museum. The trams will be running; this year marks 60 years since the last trams ran in Wellington. Bring a picnic lunch with drinks to have in the grounds or at the beach.

Entrants need to send the following details to Angelica: email to or phone on 04 5898248:

1) Names of Driver and Navigator (age for Young Navigators)

2) Vehicle Make, Model, Year of Manufacture and Registration

3) If Entry is Competitive or not, and the Class (Vin, P60 etc)

4) Number of tickets required for the Annual Dinner

5) Numbers and types of Vehicle for Heritage Display on Sunday.

ANNUAL DINNER November 2nd

6pm: Nibbles and Natter at the Club Rooms

7pm: Dinner followed by Prizegiving.

Dinner Tickets $39 pp. Bank Account: 38-9022-0167435-01 or pay cash on October club night. Numbers required by 29 Oct.


Sunday Nov 3rd

9 - 9.30am: Arrive at Queen’s Wharf in Wellington and park for a car display (10am - 3pm) as part of the Wellington Heritage Festival. Numbers and types of vehicles are required beforehand for the display; contact Angelica as above.


We have just come back from an interesting and relaxing WVCC weekend at Dannevirke. This was organised by Phil and Coral Kidd (Phil is our club President) and had thirteen entrants. Disappointingly there were only six members from the Wellington Branch but the other participants came from Napier, Hastings, Kapiti Coast and Manawatu.

The weekend started for Bruce and Claire Benge, in their Ford V8 “Jailbar” Pickup, and Ray and Tasi Betteridge, in their Ford Model A Coupe, meeting at the Akatarawa turnoff to travel over the Remutuka Hill to join Phil and Coral, in their Railton Sports Tourer, for lunch at the Clareville Bakery (recommend the pies!).

We continued on to Dannevirke to our motel to catch up with the rest of the Wellington contingent – Neale Ryder and Joanne Miller, in their Vauxhall Velox Vagabond, Terry Mathers and Judy Wood in their Peugeot, and Pat and Phil Pearce from Kapiti in their SAAB. Others attending included Don McLaren and a friend from Horowhenua. The whole group met at the Kidd’s unit before dining at the Dannevirke Services and Citizens Club.

Saturday’s run started at 9am and headed southeast through Dannevirke to turn left towards Weber and Wimbledon, where we had an enormous morning tea at the local pub (see photo), previously owned amongst others by the local bike gang so they could buy cheap booze. No sign of that as we tucked in to a country pile of sandwiches and cakes.

Manawatu Meander continued from page 9: From there we went down a road to Herbertville (south of Cape Turnagain named by Captain Cook). We were then meant to follow a forest road back towards Weber, but the gate was closed for forestry requirements. So we turned back to Route 52 to Waiohe and then into a back road to Waihi Falls in the middle of nowhere. It was an interesting track, muddy in some parts with steep climbs and many turns. After Ray got his Model A stuck in a ditch while avoiding a slip on the edge of the road and had to be towed out by Bruce’s Jailbar, we decided it was the wrong road and turned back to have a pleasant picnic lunch at the junction to the road to Akitio. Some brave people carried on to find the Falls which are dramatic (we’d been there before). The instructions then took us out to Weber Road and back to Dannevirke in time for drinks before another dinner out.

Neale, Joanne and Coral at the Waihi Falls. Spectacular indeed!

Sunday’s run headed northeast on SH2 again towards Napier but soon turned off on the Matamau/Ormondville Road toward the East Coast. There was a popular stop at the Ormondville Railway Station which has a Historic Building Classification and is typical of the early NZ railway station. We followed the Matamau/ Ormondville Road to Takapau then east and south on country roads to Ouero.

Manawatu Meander continued from page 10:

That took us to Motere and Lone Range roads (no cowboys in sight) to lunch at Blackhead, a small settlement with a camping site and launching site with a long walkable beach - a very nice spot (sorry but I couldn’t resist the pun).

Back south we went on Blackhead Road (parallel to the beach but inland) to Porongahau Beach, then through Porongahau and on through a collection of country roads. Some, like Maunga Road were gravel, winding and/or steep. Eventually we came back to Dannevirke near the motel. Whew, a testing but interesting day.

We met at the Kidd’s unit again to discuss the day then off to dinner, this time at the Merylees Hotel which had much better fare than that at the last two nights. Alastair Chalmers and I excelled ourselves with the best pork spare ribs dinner I’ve ever had, and the rest of the fare looked as good.

Monday was a quiet motor back for the Kidds, Betteridges and Benges through the Wairarapa, reaching the Hutt Valley in the early afternoon – plenty of time to clean the vehicles and unpack. A great weekend with new friends made and new territory discovered.



TIME: 1pm to 3pm

WHERE: VCC Wellington Branch Clubrooms

BRING: A wrapped, named present, not worth more than $10 for each child you bring AGES: For children up to 12 years of age

Please contact Tasi to ensure your child is booked in for the Children’s Christmas Party! We need to know numbers so all children attending are assured of a goody bag! Thank you.



TIME: 5.30PM for a 6PM Dinner

COST: $15 per head EARLY BIRD $18 per head LATE BIRD (from Friday 13 Dec)

WEAR: Something Chrismassy!!

BRING: A wrapped gift of not more than $5

Contact Tasi to book before Friday 13 Dec – otherwise you will be charged the Late bird price. Also, we need to know numbers for catering purposes.

Please pay online to the VCC Wellington Branch account. State your name and use BBQ as reference.

A/c No: 38-9022-0167435-02

For both of the above events please contact Tasi Email: OR TEXT – 0276015399

(Texts only please. Don’t leave a message. Thank you)

September Club Night Talk -

Sir Markus Dunajschik and his partner since the 1970s, Dorothy Spotswood, arrived at the club rooms in a whisper-quiet, electric Rolls-Royce. The rally committee having a meeting didn’t even hear it being driven into the clubroom! Mark explained that the Rolls is 5.6 metres long and to fit it in their garage (built in the 1970s) he had to extend out a half-height wall under the tennis court.

Dorothy has held the chief accountancy role in their company of two people for over 50 years. She represented Wellington in basketball in her youth and did an OE by buying a van and driving around Europe with some girlfriends. She explained that she is NOT a car person. She has her licence but doesn’t like driving. She remembers that in 1974 Mark drove her to Auckland to swap his Porsche for a new one. However she persuaded him to buy a Ferrari Dino instead because the new Porsche was boring dull grey and the Dino was a lovely blue. It cost about $17,000 and was their only car for quite some years. They used it for work deliveries and in the weekends for property management, even once carrying a mattress on top. Both are keen trampers and hunters and one time in the Ruahine Ranges, heavy rain meant they had to leave the Dino there for a week until the river went down. Mark said it was his best investment ever, when he eventually sold it. She remembers Mark racing in the Dino and the Daytona in the Wellington Waterfront Races. Mark at one stage owned an amphibious car. He said he had to grease it as soon as it came out of the water. A funny story he related about it: they took it when they went hunting at Lake Waikaremoana and went across the lake in it. (Ctd on page 20)

Electric Rolls Royce at Club Night (see pg 13)

Above: The car is very big and bulky, but extremely quiet. It provided a lot of interest at club. Right: Nothing to see under here!

The Spirit of Ecstasy figurine sinks gracefully down beneath the hood when the hood is opened (and presumably can be selected to do so when required, for protection, given the shaped metal piece above for the hole in the hood, see page 14).

Other notable features included: the wheel trims are weighted and always have the central “RR” logo the correct way up when the vehicle is stopped; and this model is a two-door but they are “suicide doors”, opening backwards giving more space for entry into the vehicle.


Trevor Barnes

Meeting Monday 26 August: Ten people attended, apologies from Adrian Macnee.

Past Events: Taranaki Rubber Duckie 21 September: Peter Simpson (1954 Matchless), Adrian Macnee (1976 Honda 750) and Trevor Barnes (1977 Honda CB400F) attended this rally. Peter trailered his Matchless while Adrian and Trevor rode to New Plymouth on Friday, with only brief rain. Riders came from all over the North Island, as far north as Whangarei and from Hawkes Bay in the east.

Rally day dawned sunny and stayed that way for the 46 riders. As usual, the rally route was very enjoyable, going around the mountain this time. The timed section was from morning tea at Okato to the lunch at Kaponga. As warned at the briefing, there was one question to be answered at the lunch stop. “How many rivers did you cross?” Nobody got the exact count, but a couple were close. Trevor got the highest score at 10,000! For this he was awarded a pair of Speedos (togs, not instruments). Apparently, someone answered “All of them.” Sounds logical. Trevor also got a speedo (instrument) from Ian Street which will hopefully fit the CB400F.

Local rider Willie Wood (1955 Matchless) was the overall winner (0.15 minutes slow!). Peter came third in Post Vintage.

A big shout of thanks to those who planned and executed a great rally and social event.

Coming Events: Manawatu Swap Meet, Manfield Saturday 5 October: 8:00am – 4:00pm.

Manawatu Motorcycle Rally 12 October: Entries close 30 September. Dave Gwynn, Ashley Blair, Paul Switzer and Trevor Barnes are going. Paul and Trevor are doing a day trip on Saturday, Dave and Ashley will make their own arrangements.

Motorcycle Night at Clubrooms 15 October: Ashley Blair presenting; bring your motorcycle.

Branch Annual Rally 2 November: Please either enter or marshal.

Motorcycle Section Report , continued from page 16: Wairarapa Gold Medal Trial 16 November: Date from the Wairarapa Zenith.

At Clubrooms Tuesday 19th November: John Appel presentation on building the Engrich Motorcycle.

Christmas Ride Friday 13 December: 9:30am start from Brown Owl; the focus will be visiting Stonehenge; inviting car members.

National Motorcycle Rally, Manawatu 25-27 January 2025: All bikes must have a current VIC (Note: backlog at the National Office). Entries close 31 October; NO late entries. See the National Office item in Beaded Wheels for VIC renewal info.

North Island (Clayton’s) Tour 15-23 March 2025: This will be another attempt to go around East Cape, road conditions permitting.

Whanganui Autumn Trial 12 April 2025: Date provided by Bill & Heather James.

Coming Non-Club Events:

5-6 October: NZ Motorcycle Show, Auckland Showgrounds; 12 October: Manawatu Classic Motorcycle Rally; 2 November: Swapmeet NZ Motorcycle Centre LTD, 19 Nicolaus Street, Upper Hutt; 23 November: Bantam Run based in Feilding; 29 November-1 December: National Classic Motorcycle Rally at Silverstream Retreat; 14-16 March: National BSA Rally, Port Waikato

Other Business: Trevor to book 2025 meetings with the Empire.

Next Meeting: Monday 21 October at the Empire (Butcher and Brewer), 7:30pm. (This is the third Monday as the fourth Monday is Labour Day).

Future meeting dates: At the Empire (Butcher and Brewer), 7:30pm.

November: Monday 25

December: Join the club at the VCC Clubrooms for the Christmas function on Tuesday 17th January 2025: Monday 27th


Around 35 folks enjoyed a look through the antiques, collectibles and automobilia at Waimea Vintage in Peka Peka. Any similarity to American Pickers is more than just coincidence much of the stock came from a recent buying trip in the USA, including a visit to the American Pickers store in Nashville where they purchased various items. They met Mike Wolff and were taken out to lunch by his brother Robbie who often appears in the show. (Spoiler Alert --- Frank Fritz has recently had a couple of strokes and is not very well).

Next stop was the Mahara Gallery in Waikanae which had a wonderful exhibition called "Women of Otaki: Photographs from the 1860s to 1970s". Each photograph was accompanied by a short back-story which really brought the subjects to life. Many of the women were also signatories to the 1893 Suffrage Petition and Electoral Register, which seems to have annoyed the well-known Wellington businessman Mr.Henry Wright see the attached copy of his "Notice to Epicene Women".

It is a well-known fact that a combination of emancipation, browsing antiques and swapping tall stories breeds a fearsome appetite. So it was fortunate that the Olive Grove Cafe, almost next door to the Gallery, had tables reserved for us before it was time to head home.

Above and Below: Waimea Vintage
Right: At Mahara Gallery

September Club Night, continued from page 13: (by Angelica Edgley)

When they returned to the lake with the amphi-car some months later, a man there said now the mystery of the tyre tracks on the far side of the lake was solved.

Mark says he is not a speedster nowadays. When speedsters go past he says: “Good luck, we need organ donors!” He has nine cars for regular use - for different uses (horses for courses). He enjoys the Rolls for the luxury, comfort and quietness. It has the bonus that if the driver was to let go of the wheel and slump (become unconscious), the car will “park itself” - ie: take itself to the curb and stop. However he also says electric cars are boring, and show no imagination.

The talk was a fascinating insight into two amazing people.


If no details are provided, check the VCC website or contact Wgtn Branch Secretary for details/entry forms.

There is no October Run organised by VCC Wellington. Do join in with other local rallies and runs; they will be pleased to have extra vehicles in their events. Be ready to join in the Wellington Branch Annual Rally in November.

Run by the Wairarapa VCC: Rally briefing at 9.30am at the VCC Clubrooms at the Clareville A&P complex, Carterton. For more details, see: the August edition of the Wairarapa Zenith magazine.

25 - 28 October: Wellington Vauxhall Bedford Club National Rally in Levin. Public display on Saturday 26 Oct, at the Village Green, Levin. Contact Trevor Stone.



Kevin Buck has organised a visit to Greenhaugh Gardens, just outside Palmerston North. The gardens have been developed by owner, Lynne Atkins, over the last 40 years, and surround a beautiful colonial homestead built in 1874. Lynne will be giving us a talk and a guided tour of the gardens which contain a variety of mature trees and flowering shrubs, most of which will be in full bloom at the end of October.

Bring your own morning tea and lunch to enjoy among the gardens, or inside the Giraffe House if the weather is not so good. Entry to the gardens is $10/person.

Further details including timing and directions to Greenhough Gardens will be sent to everyone on the Kapiti email list. If you would like to be added to the email list, or would just like further details of this run, please let me know (contact details below).

Philip Pearce Email: Mob: 027 274 4084


18 - 20 October: Marlborough/Nelson Biennial Rally, Blenheim.

25 - 28 October: 7th National Commercial Rally, Held in Oamaru. Entries close 27 Sept.

25 - 28 October: Wellington Vauxhall Bedford Club National Rally in Levin. Public display 26 Oct, Village Green, Levin.

9 November: Veteran Rally 2024, Waikato.

10 November: Featherston Car Show & Swap Meet, 10 - 2.

22 - 24 November: Hawkes Bay 65th Anniversary Rally.

26 January 2025: Annual Rotorua Lakefront Car Show.

23 - 28 February 2025: National Model A Ford Rally in Masterton. Free Open Day Monday 24 Feb, Solway Park.

8 - 9 March 2025: Irish Women’s Rally, South Waikato.

11 - 18 April 2025: South Island Club Captain’s Tour starting in Dunedin.

18 - 20 April 2025: Final Wheels at Wanaka, Otago.

18 - 21 April 2025: North Island Easter Rally, Waikato.

18 - 20 April 2025: South Island Easter Rally, Canterbury. For Motorcycle Rallies, see page 16.

Visit the VCC Website: and click on “Membership Benefits” for details on various benefits and instructions on how to apply for them.




See details on page 26 of this magazine.


If you arrange your car and household insurance through Vero, the Wellington Branch gets a commission. In 2021 the amount was approximately $4,159!! Well done everyone!

We are the company that offers you Total immersion stripping of Car bodies and panels WE TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR NEEDS

Contact: Warren Leslie Phone: (04) 232 6880 Fax: (04) 232 6882 11 Wall Place, Tawa Email:



Advertisements are free to Wgtn VCC members and will be repeated four times.

replace a vinyl roof and looking for recommendations. Does anyone know anyone experienced who could help? Any leads would be helpful. Contact Murray: 0274470002 4


Club nights are on the 3rd Tuesday of every month in the Clubrooms, Halford Place, Petone (Eastern end of Jackson St) starting at 7:30pm

The Clubrooms are also normally open for casual gatherings on Wednesdays from 9:30 to 12:00, and for Noggin and Natters on Fridays 7:30pm.

Motorcycle Meetings are usually held on the 4th Monday of the month at the Empire Hotel (Butcher and Brewer), 75 Jackson Street, Petone at 7:30pm. JANUARY 2025



Motorcycle Night!


Ashley Blair will give a talk and the Motorcycle Section members will bring along a selection of their motorcycles.

An Electric RollsRoyce!! Would the Spirit of Ecstasy be shuddering with horror? Mind you, it is definitely the quietest RR ever! See page 13. Right: Dorothy Spotswood and Sir Markus Dunajschik

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