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The Wellington Branch Newsletter

On 24 August there was a fantastic turn-out of nearly 200 vehicles at Brewtown for the Daffodil Day Display fundraiser, organised and run by the VCC Wellington Branch. The amount raised was nearly $7,000!! Yay!!

The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.)- Wellington Branch

Clubrooms: Halford Place (East end Jackson Street Petone)

Postal Address: PO Box 38-418, Petone Clubrooms Phone: 568-7463



Branch Committee

Chairman Phil Kidd 528-9897

Secretary Alastair McCarthy 589-8248

Treasurer Peter McKeown 233-5113

Club Captain Neale Ryder 0274 493-014

Committee Members Don Hawkes 232-8514

Brendon Priestly 0220-993-437

New Member Liaison Robert Horne 0273-459-800

Newsletter Editor Angelica Edgley 589 8248

Property Manager Paul Hooper 027-285-1713

Club Talks Coordinator Brian Christensen 565-0664

Social Convenor Tasi Betteridge 027-601-5399

Nat Executive Delegate Alan Thompson 027-285-2048

Parts Mgr / Memorabilia Don Hawkes 232-8514

Appointed Officers

Librarian Peter Simpson 0274-748-220

Scribe to Beaded Wheels John Stokes 027-537-9491

Fire Engine Custodian John Jackson 234-8702

Motorcycle Rep Peter Simpson 0274-748-220

VIC Officers: Don Hawkes 232-8514 David Gwynn 527-7875

W/shop Custodian Don Hawkes 232-8514

Rally Secretary

Archives John Sheppard 027-312-1089

Web Master Trevor Barnes 0211-588-033


Opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of VCC Wgtn Branch


Wow, Wow Wow! What a way to top off the end of the month! The Daffodil Day event at Brewtown in Upper Hutt was an unqualified success.

A huge thank you especially goes to John Stokes and Mike Pattison for their efforts in attracting at least 180 entrants. There was a great response from the local car clubs and one-make clubs. Also, a huge vote of thanks to all our members who actively participated, who brought along their cars, and who helped provide the manpower so necessary to run the event so successfully. A well-deserved pat on the back! Huge thanks also go to Brewtown for their help.

The final tally has just been passed on from the Cancer Society - a fantastic tally of $6677.90!!!

Certainly, the profile of the Vintage Car Club was lifted and there were many enquiries regarding future participation and enjoying the benefits of Club membership. Also, Peter Simpson managed to sell quite a few of our surplus books. Angelica and Mike counted all the entries for people’s choice with the winner attracting 21 votes (from all his friends and cohorts I suspect), but well done and great to see the participation by the younger folk attending. The enthusiasm during the event was palpable.

The sponsoring of the event by Capital City Ford and Repco, plus the many spot prizes provided by several Upper Hutt businesses, ensured a really interesting and immersive day out. We look forward to seeing how much was raised nationally.

At the last club night, Alan Thompson placed before us a pretty fair presentation of the proceedings from both the Executive meeting and the AGM held 9-11th August at Tauranga. Our Constitution subcommittee will be meeting shortly to work through the proposed changes to see how the Branch representation will supposedly work. I’m sure all our sister Branches will be doing the same and it will be interesting to see their take on the proposals.

Chairman’s Report to the AGM continued from page 4:

Again, we have been really fortunate to have such a high calibre of speakers at our monthly Club nights. Last month’s speaker was no exception,and now it is highly probable that our own lawns are not going to mown by me in the future – such was the impact of Gary Peeks’ presentation on robotics.

I will finish on a note that urges caution when getting outwork done, in that you should ensure those potentially doing work on your behalf absolutely know the possible effects of their work. My “rebuilt” water pump collapsed, destroying not only the pump but the radiator as well. It would appear the welding was not up to scratch. Luckily my contact in the States is able to help.

On that note I will sign off and wish you happy and safe motoring in or on whatever means of transport you choose and look forward to catching up, especially those of you who will be joining us on the Manawatu Meander.

Below: Daffodil Day Display: Four rows of vehicles in each of two bays under cover and also rows outside on either side. What a fantastic turnout and a huge fundraising effort.


What a great day we all had at Brewtown, such a variety of people and their vehicles gathered together for a good cause, and hopefully to boost our membership numbers. Mike, John, Phil and everyone else involved in running the day deserve a great deal of thanks for their efforts. The reasonably fine weather helped a lot too. Jo and I also attended the Wairarapa Branch's run held the next day; the wind was very cold, but we didn't put the roof up on the Vagabond until we were on our way home later in the afternoon.

Neale’s Vagabond with other cars at the display in Masterton following the run from Martinborough.

Its still not too late to come on Phil's Dannevirke run being held over the weekend of September 20th -23rd. Please let either Phil or Alastair know if you intend coming along. It needn't be for the whole weekend; if you only wish to come for a day

Captain’s Table: continued from page 6: that's fine, just let them know. Accommodation information is in earlier issues of Motoring Spirit.

Also in this issue is the entry details for our November Rally. This year it is on Saturday November 2nd. It will be starting from the clubrooms and will finish at the Wellington Tramway Museum, Paekakariki. The trams will be running of course, and you will be able to have lunch in the grounds, or at the beach if you wish. This year marks 60 years since the last trams ran in Wellington, and I understand that our club was involved in saving one of the trams from the scrapyard. In the evening we will be having our Annual Dinner and presentations.

The following day we will return to Queens Wharf for a display as part of Heritage Month. Due to a few space constraints we will need to know if you intend bringing a car, bike or truck along to the display. Details will be with the Rally entry form.

Other events coming up are Wairarapa VCC "Rex Porter Rally" during October; check their newsletter "Zenith" on the VCC website for further information. The Featherston car show and swap meet is on again this year, Sunday November 10th, 10am - 2pm at Card Reserve Featherston. Swap meet sites are $20.00, display entry $10.00 with proceeds to local community projects. For further information and to pre-enter call Vinni 027 447 9990.

Then of course once summer is here things will get busy again, so get out in the shed and get to work.

Regards, Neale


RALLY, SATURDAY November 2nd

About 10am Briefing at the Branch Club Rooms, Halford Place. About 10:30am: Cars set off. The rally will be competitive for those who wish to be involved, or just for fun. There will also be an Entrants Choice Award and an Award for Best Dressed to suit the vehicle. (Note: start time still to be confirmed)

The rally will end at QE Park in Paekakariki at the Wellington Tramway Museum. The trams will be running; this year marks 60 years since the last trams ran in Wellington. Bring a picnic lunch with drinks to have in the grounds or at the beach.

Entrants need to send the following details to Angelica: email to or phone on 04 5898248:

1) Names of Driver and Navigator (age for Young Navigators)

2) Vehicle Make, Model, Year of Manufacture and Registration

3) If Entry is Competitive or not, and the Class (Vin, P60 etc)

4) Number of tickets required for the Annual Dinner

5) Numbers and types of Vehicle for Heritage Display on Sunday.

ANNUAL DINNER November 2nd

6pm: Nibbles and Natter at the Club Rooms

7pm: Dinner followed by Prizegiving.

Dinner Tickets $39 pp. Bank Account: 38-9022-0167435-01 or pay cash on October club night. Numbers required by 29 Oct


Sunday Nov 3rd

9 - 9.30am: Arrive at Queen’s Wharf in Wellington and park for a car display (10am - 3pm) as part of the Wellington Heritage Festival. Numbers and types of vehicles are required beforehand for the display; contact Angelica as above.


Angelica Edgley

Thank you to the people who helped organise the Daffodil Day Display, all the people who brought their cars (including many different car clubs) and all the public who came and looked and donated to the Cancer Society. The sun came out and it was a surprisingly lovey day after the rain the night before. Below are a few of my photos from the event. A group of Harley Davidson riders came for a look around; Carey Alexander manned the Repco stand; Coffee and date scones from the Austin J2 van - yum!

August Club Night Talk - PEEK ROBOTICS

Garry Peek calls himself a “failed retiree”! He founded and directed Radium - a software company based in Lower Hutt, which now has a manager in place. During the Covid period, Garry played around with robotics and now has another company in Petone: Peek Robotics. He designed “GROVER” - a ground-based roving robot, to which can be attached various implements, giving it several different functions for use in the horticulture and agriculture arenas in particular. The compact machine has four “brushless DC wheel motors with 5:1 reduction gearing” (ie: a motor in each wheel, keeping the machine itself light-weight) running on Lithium ion batteries. He says it has massive pulling power - it can pull his V8 Jeep, and can pull a mower for 6 to 8 hours. The cameras and computers on it use more power than the wheels do. It uses GPS data to carry out the work. It is unmanned, but programmable with sensors and cameras. By removing a driver from a machine, the design no longer needs a seat, steering wheel or suspension, and there is much less weight to carry thereby leaving more power for the attachments.

Current applications include mowers (attached at the front or back), crop imaging (with a camera on the plate), and spraying (both ground weeds


Peek Robotics, continued from page 10: and onto crops), etc. It seems Wellington City Council can tractor drivers for lawn mowing, so Garry has been trialling his robot in city parks. He informed us that a new growing technique for apples is to espalier them (tie branches along fencelines) rather than have full-size trees

(FOPS: Future Orchard Production Systems). The rows are narrower and tractors can narrower Grover robot is ideal. Attachments that have been developed include a mower that folds into three when not in use and a powered trailer that can give torque input to the robot to assist with weight or braking. They are currently working on a docking station where the robot goes in and has the batteries changed, so it can continue with the job. The company currently has twelve robots in various stages of production, with some differences between them. Eventually it is planned to have a completely waterproof shell so it can be hosed down if necessary. Garry prefers to lease out the robots - providing a service - rather than selling them. For more info and great photos, check the website:

Above: Garry putting GROVER through its paces!


Grateful thanks for the support provided go to all the following businesses and people:

For the use of the venue, advertising of the event on their website, and particular thanks to Reuben.

For bringing the 1919 Model T Tourer and a new Ford Mustang, their donation and providing a prize for the Mayor’s Choice Car.

For bringing the 1924 Dodge truck, their donation and providing a prize for the People’s Choice. Cars Inc in Upper Hutt for providing a prize.

Also grateful thanks to: Get Fixed Bicycle Café for their coffee cart on site; Miro Street Cinema, Subway Upper Hutt, Muffin Break Upper Hutt, Bold Motors, Maidstone Yamaha, Plateau Sand & Soda and MP AutoParts who provided prizes, and Upper Hutt Mayor Wayne Guppy.

Austin Healeys all in a row!



1983 Honda GB 1100 on display - one of only 2 motorbikes on display. A stall to showcase Wgtn Branch of VCC and sell/give away books & magazines.


August 24th at Brewtown

Right: Sandra and her colleagues from the Wellington Cancer Society did a great job collecting donations, always with a smile!

Left: Upper Hutt mayor Wayne Guppy (with microphone) about to hand the prize for his “Mayor’s Choice” to the owner of a 1967 Ford Mustang convertible. The diecast model of a Ford Escort 1600 Sport was donated by Capital City Ford. Their dealer principal, Matthew Carman, is at right of the photo. VCC member John Stokes (in hi-vis) was the roving MC.


See also page 16

Top: Four rows in each bay. Left: 1937 Ford V8 Pickup. Below: The Capital City Ford 1919 Model T Tourer - this photo begs a caption??

From the Super Long Ford Fairlane Skyliner

To the Small and Sweet Fiat Bambino…...and the Solid and Scary 1986 Hummer. The Daffodil Day Display had it all!

To the Sleek styling of the De Tomaso Panterra.

And from the Stately and Superb Alvis below


Trevor Barnes

Meeting Monday 26 August: Ten people attended, apologies from Adrian Macnee.

Past Events: Daffodil Day 24 August: The only VCC motorcyclist attending was Adrian Macnee on his Honda 750. (Editor’s Note: A man with a Honda GB 1100 was present, and several Harley Davidson riders for a look)

Coming Events: Taranaki Rubber Duckie 21 September: This has been confirmed; four riders going. Friday 20th: Meet at Belmont Regional Park Dry Creek entrance at 10am..

Manawatu Motorcycle Rally 12 October: Entries close 30 September. Dave Gwynn, Ashley Blair, Paul Switzer and Trevor Barnes are going. Paul and Trevor are doing a day trip on Saturday, Dave and Ashley will make their own arrangements. Wairarapa Gold Medal Trial 16 November.

National Classic M/C Club Rally 29 Nov-1 Dec 2024, Lower Hutt Christmas Ride Friday 13 December: 9:30am start from Brown Owl; the focus will be visiting Stonehenge; inviting car members.

National Motorcycle Rally, Manawatu 25-27 January 2025: All bikes must have a current VIC (Note: backlog at the National Office). Entries close 31 October with NO late entries. See the National Office item in Beaded Wheels for VIC renewal info.

North Island Tour 15-23 March 2025: This will be another attempt to go around East Cape, road conditions permitting.

Coming Non-Club Events: 8 September: Bikers Breakfast, Cars Inc, 6 George Daniels Drive, Trentham, 8:30am; 5-6 October: NZ Motorcycle Show, Auckland Showgrounds; 12 October: Manawatu Classic Motorcycle Rally; 2 November: Swapmeet NZ Motorcycle Centre LTD, 19 Nicolaus Street, Upper Hutt; 23 November: Bantam Run based in Feilding; 29 November-1 December: National Classic Motorcycle Rally at Silverstream Retreat; 14-16 March: National BSA Rally, Port Waikato

Other Business: None.

Next Meeting: Monday 23 September at the Empire (Butcher and Brewer), 7:30pm.


WEEK GROUP: by Kevin and Joanna Buck


Despite a cold wintry day on Wednesday 31 July, thirty four people (members and partners from Wellington and Horowhenua branches, plus former Wellington members Stan and Kate Garmonsway, now members of Manawatu Branch) sat down to a sumptuous lunch at 180 Degrees restaurant in Paraparaumu Beach. The favourite dish was the blue cod – a specialty of 180 Degrees.

Following lunch, members sat and chatted for quite some time. Then some of the ladies decided that Ballentynes’ Dress Shop (just around the corner) was definitely worth a visit. Funnily enough their husbands decided to paid Ross Church at Auto Classics (just around the opposite corner) a visit and see his latest inventory of classic cars for sale, which included a rather splendid E-type Jaguar. So all in all, despite the wintry weather, an excellent day out.


On Wednesday 28 August twenty eight members from Horowhenua and Wellington branches visited the recently opened classic car museum, Cars Inc. located at George Daniels Drive, Trentham. The site for the Museum is adjacent to the old GM Car Plant in Trentham, Upper Hutt that, along with Ford and other marques, manufactured a large number of the cars that were on New Zealand roads in the 1950's, 60’

The vehicles on display, mainly 1950s to 1970s models, are changed every six months so that people visiting this museum on a reasonably regular

Visit to Cars Inc. continued from page 18: basis see different displays. The majority of vehicles on display are US manufactured, but there were several English and Continental models on display. All the cars are in pristine condition. Paul Boden, the owner of Cars Inc. is a Chevrolet fan so there were quite a few beautiful General Motors products on display. Complementing the exhibition of vehicles are displays of pedal cars, cabinets full of model cars, and some very interesting advertising memorabilia mounted on the walls.

This 1956 Chevy is enough to change Kevin’s allegiance from the Blue Oval to the Bow-Tie!

Because of the popularity of the museum’s café, we arrived around 11.30am and immediately had an excellent lunch, after which we toured the museum. This occupied quite some time as there was so much quality motoring history to Paul Boden.

(See also photos on page 20)

Kapiti Mid-week Group Outings: Above: Another area at Cars Inc. winter Lunch at 180 Degrees in Paraparaumu Beach.

courtesy of Kevin and Joanna Buck.



If no details are provided, check the VCC website or contact Wgtn Branch Secretary for details/entry forms.

Wellington Branch Manawatu Meander 20 - 23 September, based in Dannevirke.

Arrive Friday 20 Sept at motel (flexible - arrive earlier or later).

Saturday 21 Sept: Depart about 9am for run of approx. 100 miles and visit places of interest. Happy hour at end of day.

Sunday 22 Sept: same as 21st but different destinations and places. Happy Hour at end (or leave for home, if preferred).

Monday 23 Sept: Depart for home.

Note: People can come just for a daily run, if preferred.

(Other details, see July issue of MS, page 11)

Sunday 29 September, Wellington (as part of Movember and raising funds for Men’s Health world-wide)

Start and finish in Upper Hutt, travel via Kapiti, and finish with refreshments and prizegiving.

Check the website, register or donate:


If you are a fan of TV's American Pickers or Salvage Hunters, then you will love Waimea Vintage, an antique shop with a difference -- a barn full of antiques and collectibles in Peka Peka. It only opened a few months ago and much of the current stock is from a recent buying trip to the USA. Normally closed on weekdays, they are opening up specially for us on the 25th.

After an hour at Waimea Vintage, we are heading to the Mahara Gallery in Waikanae which currently has a fascinating exhibition of "Women of Otaki: photographs from the 1860s to 1970s". Each photo is accompanied by a short back-story which gives a real insight into life in Otaki in the early days. From the Gallery, it is just a 20 yard stroll to lunch at the Olive Grove cafe.

Details of timing, directions and parking will be sent out to everyone on the Kapiti email list. If any other member would like further details or would like to be added to the email list, please let me know.

Philip Pearce Email: Mob: 027 274 4084

21 September: Veteran and Vintage Car Auction

575 Waimumu Road, Gore, by William Todd & Co (2011) Ltd on behalf of Susan and the late Robin Dickson. For all enquiries, contact Paul: 0272104131


29 September: Manawatu Branch Vintage only Rally.

18 - 20 October Marlborough/Nelson Biennial Rally: In Blenheim.

25 - 28 October 7th National Commercial Rally: Held in Oamaru. Entries close 27 Sept.

2-3 November: Wgtn Branch Annual Rally and Dinner (Saturday) and Display of vehicles at Wellington Waterfront as part of Heritage Festival - Page 8.

10 November: Featherston Car Show & Swap Meet, 10 - 2.

22 - 24 November: Hawkes Bay 65th Anniversary Rally.

23 - 28 February 2025: National Model A Ford Rally in Masterton. Free Open Day Monday 24 Feb, Solway Park.

8 - 9 March 2025: Irish Women’s Rally, South Waikato.

11 - 18 April 2025: South Island Club Captain’s Tour starting in Dunedin.

18 - 21 April 2025: North Island Easter Rally, Waikato.

18 - 20 April 2025: South Island Easter Rally, Canterbury. For Motorcycle Rallies, see page 17.


Visit the VCC Website: and click on “Membership Benefits” for details on various benefits and instructions on how to apply for them.




See details on page 26 of this magazine.


If you arrange your car and household insurance through Vero, the Wellington Branch gets a commission. In 2021 the amount was approximately $4,159!! Well done everyone!

We are the company that offers you Total immersion stripping of Car bodies and panels WE TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR NEEDS

Contact: Warren Leslie Phone: (04) 232 6880 Fax: (04) 232 6882 11 Wall Place, Tawa Email:


Club nights are on the 3rd Tuesday of every month in the Clubrooms, Halford Place, Petone (Eastern end of Jackson St) starting at 7:30pm

The Clubrooms are also normally open for casual gatherings on Wednesdays from 9:30 to 12:00, and for Noggin and Natters on Fridays 7:30pm.

Motorcycle Meetings are usually held on the 4th Monday of the month at the Empire Hotel (Butcher and Brewer), 75 Jackson Street, Petone at 7:30pm.


Sir Markus Dunajschik and Dorothy Spotswood

Dorothy will talk about her travels with Sir Mark in his many cars. Mark will bring along his electric Rolls Royce



Left: Arian Mandalawi receiving the prize for “The People’s Choice” vehicle - donated and being presented by Carey Alexander of Repco, Upper Hutt. Below: Arian and some of his friends with his 1997 Honda Integra.

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