Page 1

Chris White, with his lovely Morris Cowley, was at the Upper Hutt Spring Festival on Saturday 10 September.

Others Branch members present included Richard Davies with his Simca, Martin Purdy with his Armstrong Siddeley, Paul Hooper with his Bentley, Neale Ryder with his Vauxhall, and Richard Skelton with his Fargo wellside truck. Also see back cover.


THE MOTORING SPIRIT The Wellington Branch Newsletter October 2022 Enjoying Vintage Motoring 1958 -

The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.)- Wellington Branch

Clubrooms: Halford Place (East end Jackson Street Petone)

Postal Address: PO Box 38 418, Petone Clubrooms Phone: 568 7463



Branch Committee

Chairman Phil Kidd 528-9897

Secretary Alastair McCarthy 589-8248

Treasurer Peter McKeown 233-5113

Club Captain Neale Ryder 0274 493-014

Committee Members Don Hawkes 232-8514

Brendon Priestly 567-6829

New Member Liaison Robert Horne 0273 459 800

Newsletter Editor Angelica Edgley 589 8248

Property Manager **VACANCY**

Club Talks Coordinator Brian Christensen 565 0664

Social Convenor Tasi Betteridge 0276-15399

Nat Executive Delegate Phil Kidd 528 9897

Parts Mgr / Memorabilia Don Hawkes 232 8514

Appointed Officers

Librarian Peter Simpson

0274 748 220

Scribe to Beaded Wheels John Stokes 027 537 9491

Fire Engine Custodian John Jackson 234 8702

Motorcycle Rep Peter Simpson 0274 748 220

VIC Officers: Roger White 021 146 1706

Don Hawkes 232 8514

David Gwynn 527 7875

W/shop Custodian Don Hawkes 232 8514

Rally Secretary Deidre Blakemore 027 454 8097



Web Master Trevor Barnes 0211 588 033


Opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of VCC Wgtn Branch

3 Chairman’s Chat page 4 Sad Farewell to Cathye Haddock page 5 From the Captain’s Table page 6 Motorcycle Section Report page 7 JT Group (Sept Club Night) pages 8 & 9 Annual Rally Notice page 10 Editor’s Notes page 11 Rubber Duckie Rallies pages 12 to 14 August Kapiti Run page 13 September Kapiti Run pages 15 & 16 North Island Club Captain’s Tour page 17 EV Trucks (Australia) pages 18 to 20 Coming Events pages 21 to 23 Advertisements pages 24 to 26 Club Notices and Calendar of Events page 27 Cover Photos: Upper Hutt Spring Festival CONTENTS Sunday Run: First Sunday of the month Contact Ian McCulloch 04 237 6555 Kapiti Midweek Run: Last Wednesday of the month Contact Phil Pearce 0272 744 084 NAME BADGES Don’t forget name badges are available from the Club Secretary at $15 each. Please remember to wear your name badges on Club Nights. VCC Wellington Branch - Bank Details (KiwiBank) VCC Wellington Branch: 38 9022 0167435 01 for all rally entries VCC Wellington Branch: 38-9022-0167435-02 for all general business Last Friday of the month Movies are being held as Cancer Society fundraisers. On Friday 28 October at 7.30pm, the movie will be: TORA! TORA! TORA! (See page 22 for details)


Thank you, thank you, and again thank you to all who provided support to Peter Simpson following the tragic loss of Cathye.

What none of us anticipate is how our lives will unfold and it is some small consolation that the friendships made through our shared interest really come through in these difficult moments. Coral and I are proud to belong to the family that is the Wellington Branch. We, along with many others, have experienced the deep affection shown when tragedy hits. That is why it is so important to reach out to your fellow club members, your family and your friends as we don’t get a second chance.

It is so comforting to know that at these times people step up to help and in this regard I want to thank Tasi for taking over the “reins” last club night when we were away on the North Island Club Captains Tour.

Again, I won’t be able to attend the next club night due to the 50th celebration of the founding of the Hudson Essex Terraplane Club being held in Richmond, preceded by a tour of the South Island and attendance at the Mount Cook Rally. I am one of four surviving founding members, and again the friendships and bonds made over the years with fellow enthusiasts have lasted a lifetime. The motto of the Club is “join for the cars – stay for the people”. How apt that is for the Vintage Car Club as well.

We will be back in time for the following weekend when our Annual November Rally is scheduled to take place and I am looking forward to seeing you all again. This is our big moment in the motoring calendar and I trust you are making the effort to get your vehicle ”up to scratch” to join us. All arrangements are well and truly in hand and full details follow.

So until then, happy and safe motoring in whatever means of transport you choose.



Cathye was one of the photography group who died in the boating tragedy near Kaikoura on September 10th. Branch members who attended her memorial service recently learnt that she had just retired from work, was very talented at photography and art as well as being very involved with conservation efforts. She was a keen cyclist and tramper who travelled extensively around the world on her bicycle in her earlier years. Her work improved public safety in various outdoor activities and she also worked in Maori education. She was often involved in VCC events including the debate and the Ladies Rallies (see photos below), at least one of which she helped organise. Club members will miss her cheerful personality and, in particular, her wonderful smile.

Wellington Branch extends sympathy to Cathye Simpson, and to her family and friends. She will be missed by many, many people.


Restrictions lifted must surely mean a return to a bit of "normality" after what seems an eternity of worry. Not that its all over yet... What have we been up to recently? At short notice we put on a small VCC display at the recent Upper Hutt Spring Carnival, which for a bit of a change was held in mostly springlike weather instead of the pouring rain we have had recently. While it can make for a long day, there was plenty to see and a lot of interested visitors to talk to about our cars and our club. The other September run was to Staglands in the Akatarawa Valley. While only a small number of people attended, we enjoyed a really good lunch by the open fire and put the world to rights. Some of us had a look around Staglands itself, which is celebrating its 50th year of operation. In October we are not having an event because it would have clashed with Labour Weekend when there are a number of other events on. Saturday November 5th is our Annual Rally and Dinner. This year the rally will end at Nga Manu Nature Reserve at Waikanae. While there is, as usual, no entry fee for the rally, there is an entry fee into the reserve which will be payable on the day if you wish to have a look around, which is well worthwhile, plus you are welcome to have a picnic lunch in the grounds. The walking tracks are suitable for everyone, even wheelchairs. The rally is timed so that you will be able to see the eel feeding during the afternoon if you wish. The evening dinner and presentations will be held at our clubrooms.

Other events you might be interested in are: November 13th is "Wheels & Deals Swap Meet & Car Show". It’s a fundraiser for Featherston School, at the School Grounds, corner of Revans and Wallace Streets, 10 am to 4 pm. Entry is $10.00 per show car or $20.00 for a stall site. For further info, contact Vinni on 027 4479990.

November 27th Wairarapa VCC is hosting the "Vintage Day" at Tui Brewery, Mangatainoka.

December 10th of course is the Sunbeam Club run to Lake Ferry, which really means we are running out of 2022. Regards, Neale



Meeting Tuesday 27th August Seven people attended the meeting. Apologies from Peter Simpson, Paul Viner and Adrian MacNee.

Coming Events

Rubber Duckie 17 September: Ashley Blair, Paul Switzer, and Adrian MacNee attended. Warrick Laing, Peter Simpson and Trevor Barnes all withdrew. Ashley gave a brief report: Good weather all weekend, with a tail wind up and tail wind home, and clear views of the mountain. Unusually, this was a double rally. Firstly, a competition for 2021 finishing at the clubrooms for morning tea, then the 2022 competition through to lunchtime. Between the two, Paul scored a3rd PV with his Royal Enfield, and Adrian was awarded Best Presented Motorcycle with his Honda 750. There were 50 riders registered for the event. See also pages 12 to 14. Manawatu 15 October: This is the same weekend as the Upper Hutt show. David Gwynn, Ian Munro, Warrick Laing and Trevor Barnes (all at the meeting) are going. Adrian MacNee is also going, and maybe Peter Simpson. Several are trailering their bikes and no one had decided to stay overnight so it was decided not to coordinate travel.

BSA Kickback Motorcycle Show, Upper Hutt 15th -16th October: Bikes for display are accepted on Friday 14th afternoon, so those attending the Manawatu Rally can still exhibit other bikes. They want prior registration of displays: website https:// (Kickback Tab). No-one volunteered to man a VCC information desk, so that is unlikely to happen.

Auckland Annual Rally 4-6 November: Nobody has indicated interest. Wairarapa Gold Medal 26 November; Christmas Ride Friday 16 Dec; National Motorcycle Rally, Invercargill 3-6 Feb 2023;Robin and Batman (Cape to Cape) North Island Tour 18-26 March 2023: See Sept MS.

Other Business

November Club Night Motorcycle Section presentation. See Sept MS. John Neill has advised that his two BSAs are for sale: the Golden Flash and the 400cc B31. Contact John on 021 146 1049. The meeting dates for next year have been supplied to the Butcher and Brewer for confirmation.

Next Meeting: 3rd Monday 17th October at Butcher and Brewer, 7:30pm


JT GROUP—September Club Night Talk

Ray Tomlinson spoke about the company that was initially his father’s painting company, based in Lower Hutt, which began back in 1962 as J Tomlinson and Co. The company had contracts to paint all the schools in the valley for many years. About 1985 Ray had the choice of painting, which he hated, or starting to wash buildings with water blasters as they had the first ones in NZ. Over the years he has done all the big supermarkets, Bunnings and various warehouses etc. More recently the company looked at minimizing the effects on the environment (so-called sustainability), particularly water management by reducing the amounts of water used, and developed systems to stop contaminated water going down the drains.

Instead of petrol driven water blasters, they developed (world first) electric battery driven ones, which just brushed and rinsed buildings off. The batteries and the blasters were on the back of utes and easy to move around. Commercial grade cleaning chemicals (particularly quaternary ammonium compounds) were used on ground surfaces these were sprayed on as a fine mist, and left to work.

Over about the last six years the company worked on developing machines to wash tall buildings, which would be much safer and quicker than using people on abseil ropes! Initially there was a winch and pulleys system, supported from the roof of a building, which lowered the cleaning machine down and pulled it back up. It used a car wash spinning brush to clean dirt and salt off buildings and then sprayed a minimal amount of de-ionized water to rinse it, which evaporated rather than collecting on the ground. The latest prototype, called the Summit Building Wash Machine (see photo on page 9) and still undergoing testing, now has a winch built into the machine so it pulls itself up and down

(Ctd on page 9)

(Sept Club Night Talk, continued from page 8) from rigging on the roof of the building. It is run by electric detachable, rechargeable batteries and has a car wash brush sourced from Milan in Italy, with suspension on the brush. The water is supplied from roof taps. The whole operation is controlled by an app and only takes a few hours with a couple of people, even for a large building. It has been tested on the large car parking building at Wellington Airport. The company has applied to patent aspects of this machine world wide. They would like to mass produce them in the Hutt Valley and hope that future high rise buildings will incorporate the rigging for this cleaning system on top of the roof. There is scope to provide machines like this for 10 to 15-storey square glass covered buildings in the USA and all around the world. They also hope in the near future to design machines to clean various roof surfaces and to clean solar panels on top of buildings. (See also JT Group website.)

Angelica Edgley


Friday 4th Nov: Club rooms open for socialising from 7pm. Saturday 5th: Briefing at the VCC club rooms, Halford Place at 10.15am with the first vehicles away 10.30.

The run will take about 2 to 2.5 hours to complete and will end at the Nga Manu Nature Reserve in Waikanae. It is entrants’ responsibility to pay for entry here at discounted prices: $10 for SuperGold card holders; $13 for adults to enter - there are toilets and a picnic area inside. Bring your own lunch and hot drinks or, if preferred, buy them enroute beforehand. Eel talk is at 2pm (free); can buy token to pole-feed eels, cost $2. Can also buy duck food, and visit kiwi and aviaries (part of entry fee). Those who don’t want to enter Nga Manu are free to do their own thing after finishing the run. There is no afternoon run.

6.00pm: Nibbles and Natter at the club rooms, followed by Dinner at 7pm and Prizegiving. Dinner tickets: $40 pp


EDITOR’S NOTES Angelica Edgley

I have found the hardest thing to do in this job is report on deaths of members of our club, both if it was someone I knew fairly well and if I didn’t know them. If a club member or family member dies and you knew them well, please write a short note about them and send it to me to use. I realise it will be difficult, but I would appreciate that very much.

On a lighter note, some captions received for the front cover photo of the Mercedes Abel and the Troll statue in Norway on the last MS issue were:

“Police chase a high biker” - sent in by Brian C;

“They raced through the carpark with the troll leading by a nose” was the contribution from Murray H; and

“When did Fred find time to pose for his statue?” a cheeky entry from Ray B. Well done and clever thinking, all of you.

The Branch Secretary has had to redo his email list for sending notices to all club members. The previous list was within the home computer Inbox but it seemed to get corrupted and every time he sent a message, more emails went undeliverable. He now sends them through a new National VCC web portal and it seems to be working better. However, we heard recently that a member seemed to be missing his emails, but he found them when we suggested he check his Spam Folder. So please all do this many systems are suspicious of emails sent to a large number of addresses—you may need to click on one email and list the sending address as a favourite.

A letter from the Daffodil Rally National Co Ordinator summarized the efforts of this year. So far, the sub total is close to $70,000, which is really fantastic considering some branches had to cancel again (including ours).

Some Cancer Society funds have been raised by our Branch via the regular Last Friday (of the month) Movie Nights.

Wairarapa Branch are holding a New Members Rally on Sunday October 9th, which will have expert guidance on hand and will include Tulip Diagrams, Straight Line Navigation and a Regularity Section. They have invited our Branch members to join in if they wish. An email with the entry form and details will be sent out soon.

We hope many of you will join in the Annual Rally and Dinner in November.


Two for the Price of One

– the 2022 Rubber Duckie Rally, by Ashley Blair

Entrants to the 2022 Rubber Duckie motorcycle rally, organised by the Taranaki Branch of the Vintage Car Club, got two rallies for the price of one. In 2021 the Rubber Duckie was postponed, then cancelled because of a certain pandemic. All the 2021 trophies were purchased and engraved so what better way to clear the shelves than have two rallies together. The run before morning tea was the 2021 rally and after morning tea it was the 2022 rally. Two chances to win!

There were 50 initial entries and the line up included 8 Hondas, 7 Triumphs and BSAs, 6 Nortons, 4 Ariels and BMWs, 3 Matchless, 2 Harley Davidsons and AJSs and 1 each Indian, Yamaha, Suzuki, Velocette, Indian, Royal Enfield and Morgan.

The Wellington contingent of Adrian, Ashley and Paul discovered a new morning tea stop on their way up on Friday – Viv’s Kitchen at Sanson. It was so good we called in again on the way back. The Rally was, as usual, extremely well organised by Bruce Davidson, taking us through remote rural country south tunnel. Morning tea and lunch were both at the Taranaki VCC Club at Waiongona, just north of Inglewood. One innovation this year was a different style of silent checks. Instead of the motor cycle names in small Right: Paul Switzer (L) receiving third prize for 2021 Post Vintage


RUBBER DUCKIE RALLY continued from page 12:

letters used previously, this time there were largish yellow, easy to spot, duckling silhouettes. All you had to do was count them but there were a number of riders who did not spot even one. A second innovation this year was the wonderful weather: no wind, no rain and an almost clear sky. There was even a tail wind riding up and a tail wind coming home. Dinner and prize giving was at the Beach Street Hall. Paul was third in the 2021 Post Vintage section on his 1937 Royal Enfield Model G and Adrian took out the Hunt Trophy for best presented motorcycle with his 1976 Honda CB 750.


On the last day of Winter, John and I organised a trip to the Porirua Mental Asylum Museum. This is usually only open on Tuesdays between 1pm and 4pm and it is run by volunteers, Bruce & Des. They opened the museum especially for us on the Wednesday and we split into two groups. (Photos show some of the cars present) Bruce explained some things how there was a huge earthquake in the war and two of the old buildings were demolished because they were not and Des (a retired nurse who worked at the old hospital) took us down the hall and into various rooms. We saw old typewriters, skeletons, is worth going to if you

Approximately 26 people came for coffee at the Pataka café beforehand. There was time to look around the gallery and art, then we visited the Museum for an hour and a half before making our way to Tawa for lunch. We had booked into the Borough Café and we had the whole of the outside (covered area) for lunch and a chat.

Above: Adrian on his prizewinning 1976 Honda CB 700.

Right: Colin Johnson, President of Taranaki VCC, presents Adrian with the Hunt Trophy for the Best Presented Motorcycle.

See pages 12 and 13 for the story


New Plymouth

This page: 2021 and 2022 RUBBER


page 16 for the story



Close to 50 people went to Auto Classics in Paraparaumu on the lovely, fine Wednesday 28 September. Ross Church, a former mayor of Kapiti, owns and operates Auto Classics which he started in 2003. Ross welcomed everyone and invited us to view the cars for sale. He said he would be happy if a car purchase could be made too while we were there!

He’d also prepared a very clever quiz for us – part motoring and part general knowledge. This was to be completed while wandering around the exotic cars Ross has for sale, both in the showroom and outside (see page 15).

Some of the cars for sale are: 1951 Jaguar XK 120 roadster; 1960 Jaguar Mark Two 3.4 litre; 1973 Fiat 125 T; 1974 Morgan Plus 8; 1976 MGBGT and a 1998 Alfa Romeo Spyder.

Ross also has his pride and joy a black 1955 Rover 90 that his Grandad purchased new. He remembers his grandfather getting the car when Ross was a small boy, and he travelled many miles in the Rover with his Grandad. The



above) and ended in New Plymouth for the final dinner. Apparently there were no road breakdowns and fantastic motoring was enjoyed. Phil and Coral won a prize for the North Island s Choice of Vehicle on Tour (Photo Left).

Photo Right: Members from Ashburton, Phil Kenny and Sue Tanner, won a prize for travelling the longest distance to even start the tour. They had these amazing personalised poloshirts specially made for the tour!

“Tour total Kms : 2578” !!

More Views On EVs From: The dEVil's Advocate

An electric vehicle start-up is converting semi-trailer trucks into electric heavy haulers that will be powered by a quick change battery network on Australia’s east coast. The audacious bid to switch the country’s 100,000 articulated, semi trailer and B double trucks onto a renewable electric platform has the potential to wipe out significant carbon emissions and reduce notoriously harmful airborne diesel particulates. Trucks chew up about 23 per cent of road transport fuel used in Australia. Janus Electric, a company founded by Bevan Dooley and Lex Forsyth, has orders to convert 67vehicles this year, maxing out its workshop capacity on NSW’s Central Coast. As well as transforming existing articulated trucks with a Dana 720 horsepower electric motor and interchangeable batteries, the company is negotiating with service stations on the main highways between Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane to set up a network of large battery-swap terminals. The Sydney to Brisbane leg will have six such stations. Dooley said Janus intended to fund the network rollout by selling capital in the business to raise $100 million from energy conscious investors within the next 12 months. “Even though Lex and I are both very passionate about decarbonising the heavy transport industry, this system is based around a return on investment for all parties,’’ he said. The trucks being converted in Janus’ workshop are ‘‘seed’’ vehicles for multiple owners, with a combined fleet of more than 4000 vehicles. ‘‘What they’re doing is to say, ‘Well, we’ll put one [truck] in, we’ll change it [to electric], we’ll see how it goes and then we’ll start converting our entire fleet over’,’’ Dooley said. Transport giant Qube and $8.5 billion

ASX-listed mining company OZ

Minerals are customers. Qube operates heavy haulage transport at OZ Minerals’ Carrapateena copper mine in South Australia, trucking the ore to Whyalla. Both companies are partnering with Janus to fit out the country’s heaviest road-going electric vehicle, a super quad road train, which will be powered by renewable energy battery stations at each end of the route. OZ Minerals chief executive Andrew Cole said the self funded trial is at an early stage and will be phased in over 12 months, beginning later this year.

(Ctd page 19)
from the Sydney Morning Herald 16 Sept 2022

(EV Trucks

Ctd from page 18 and ctd on page 20)

As part of the trial, a battery recharging and replacement station will be set up at Port Augusta; once ready, the station will be used as a battery changeover pit stop for the battery electric truck, expected to take the same time it takes for traditional refuelling,’’ he said. The forklift-operated battery swap takes about three minutes. An automated stack and swap system under development will take even less time, Dooley said. Decoupling the battery system from the truck gives the vehicles a longer life and allows them to benefit from rapid advances in future battery technology. The electric truck’s 720 horsepower is at the top end of most diesel motors’ power output and supplies a range of 400 to 600 kilometres. The mining company, which like many of its peers is under pressure from investors to progressively decarbonise its operations, said the trial is a step towards reducing emissions across its value chain.

Dooley maintains the cost of converting an existing truck is the same as a diesel vehicle. ‘‘If we get a brand new truck without a motor, gearbox, fuel tanks, etc, we’re able to put that on the road for pretty much the same cost as a diesel equivalent,’’ he said. The company is also converting older used vehicles for about $150,000. Most diesel trucks need a full engine and gearbox rebuild after five to 10 years of service. “Rather than essentially setting your truck up to be a diesel again, we encourage people to change it over to electric,’’ he said. ‘‘We can pretty much convert

19 ‘‘

(EV Trucks ctd from page 19) any bonneted truck and about 80 per cent of cabover trucks to this system.’’ ‘‘Change and charge’’ battery stations are used in China, and electric vehicle maker Nio has a swap system in Norway for its electric cars. Other companies are also turning to electric trucks. Asahi Beverages is transitioning its VB beer deliveries to a Linfox electric fleet with inbuilt batteries.

A report released by the Australian Trucking Association and Electric Vehicle Council in January states that about 650 people in NSW die each year from vehicle emissions. Truck operators that change to electric will save on diesel costs, reduce the burden of volatile fuel prices, and lower their maintenance costs, it said.

Janus also has an eye on other markets. ‘‘We will be able to take this into the US, into Europe very quickly. We’re already fielding inquiries from overseas on a daily basis,’’ Dooley said.

I tried to catch fog yesterday Mist


Children’s Christmas Party will be held on Sunday 4 December.

Remember to invite children and grandchildren.

Helpers will be required beforehand and on the day.


Visit the VCC Website: and click on “Membership Benefits” for details on various benefits and instructions on how to apply for them.





As Ian is away, there was no Sunday Run scheduled for October and there is no specific club run scheduled in October due to the clash with Labour Weekend.

RALLY and DINNER: 5th November**

This is the main event of the year for our Branch, and long service awards will be presented at the dinner. Don’t miss it! Programme on page 10; Entry forms will be emailed out (or included in this issue), and available at October Club Night. Entry forms and dinner numbers required by 27th October.


We are visiting Lewis Farms, just north of Levin, followed by lunch at The George Cafe, Speldhurst Estate. Lewis Farms specialise in growing berries and asparagus, and was featured in an episode of TV1's Country Calendar last year. The business has been in the Lewis family for four generations, growing and packing asparagus for over forty years

The Lewis Farms shop sells a range of local products including asparagus and fresh strawberries grown on site, and home made ice cream and jams made from their own fruit. In addition they are providing us with a tour of their hydroponic strawberry growing operation and their asparagus processing and packing shed. Further details of timing, parking etc. will be sent out by email to everyone on the Kapiti mailing list. Any members of Wellington and Horowhenua branches are welcome to join in. Just let me know if you would like to come along or if you would like to be added to the Kapiti mailing list.

Philip Pearce: email <> or Mob 027 274 4084


LAST FRIDAY of the month MOVIE!! PROCEEDS TO THE WELLINGTON CANCER SOCIETY. 7.30pm sharp, FRIDAY 28th October, VCC clubrooms, Petone Tora! Tora! Tora!

Filmed in 1970, this is a wonderful depiction of the of the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, 7 December 1941now more than 80 years ago which brought America into World War Two. This movie is worth seeing for the realistic flying scenes alone but it remains an accurate account of what happened that day.

And, what did President Roosevelt say? "A day that will live in infamy." And what did Admiral Yamamoto say? "I think we may have awoken a sleeping giant."

This is the final Last Friday movie for the year.

MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES/RALLIES FROM OTHER BRANCHES Wairarapa New Members Rally - 9 October (see page 11) Marlborough Branch Biennial Rally - 14 to 16 October. Manawatu Branch Diamond Anniversary - 22 - 24 October. Otago Branch 50 Year Taieri Tour 4 6 November. Far North Tour - 11 - 13 November. Featherston School Fundraiser - 13 November, see page 23. Central Hawkes Bay Veteran Rally 18 20 November. Mangatainoka Vintage/Classic Car Day - 27 November (see pg 23). Sunbeam Club Lake Ferry Run 10 December. For further information on any of the above items, please contact the Wellington Branch Secretary:


Swap Meet and Car Show, Featherston School

Held on the corner of Revans and Wallace Streets, 10am 4pm. Entry is $10 per show car or $20 for a stall site. Contact Vinni on 027 4479990 This is a fundraiser for the school.



Whanganui Vintage Weekend: 20 to 23 January. So far, this event is back for 2023. Wgtn Branch may run a Monte Carlo event to Whanganui as usual. If interested, it may pay to book motels.

National Veteran Rally 23-25 Feb run by Auckland Branch North Island Vintage Tour: March 12 start. Branch Chairman Phil Kidd is involved in organising this event. 7 to 9 April.

13 November
25 FERRY DISCOUNTS FOR VCC MEMBERS See details on page 26 of this magazine. VERO INSURANCE If you arrange your car and household insurance through Vero, the Wellington Branch gets a commission. In 2021 the amount was approximately $4,159!! Well done everyone! METALIMMERSIONSLTD • IMMERSION STRIPPING • ABRASIVE BLASTING • POWDER COATING We are the company that offers you Total immersion stripping of Car bodies and panels WE TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR NEEDS Contact: Warren Leslie Phone: (04) 232 6880 Fax: (04) 232 6882 11 Wall Place, Tawa Email: FREE QUOTATIONS


26 BUY & SELL Advertisements are free to Wgtn VCC members and will be repeated four times. TWO MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE: 1955 BSA Golden Flash and 1950 BSA 400cc B31 Contact John Neill for details 021 146 1049 (File photo, indicative only Editor) 1 FOR
1990 Mercedes 560 SEL Good Original Condition. Classic which Was Dubbed “The Best Sedan In the World” by Car magazine. 5.6 Litre V8, The last year of the W126, great motor (no anti emission gear to choke it up). VCC Eligible . Ex Isle of Man in 1996, imported personally. Original and personalised plates, always garaged. Daily use till about 2006. $14,995 or offer. Ph: Michael Taylor 021 630 647 4 FOR SALE: TWO 1920s VINTAGE VEHICLES 1922 Overland Model 4 roadster with a Stevens & Sons body, Reg CZ1922 on hold; and a 1924 Standard Warwick Tourer, SLO4 model with front brake kit fitted, Reg CZ 1924 on hold. Contact John: 2 WANTED TO BUY: Triumph 2.5 or 2000 Boot Lid Please phone Robert Horne, 0273 459 800 2


Club nights are on the 3rd Tuesday of every month in the Clubrooms, Halford Place, Petone (Eastern end of Jackson St) from 7:30pm for 8pm start.

The Clubrooms are also normally open for casual gatherings on Wednesdays from 9:30 to 12:00, and for Noggin & Natters on Fridays 7:30pm.

Motorcycle Meetings are usually held on the 4th Monday of the month at the Butcher & Brewer, 75 Jackson Street, Petone at 7:30pm.


Committee Meeting

Motorcycle Meeting

Club Night

Kapiti Mid-week Run

Last Friday Movie



Committee Meeting

Annual Rally/Dinner




Mid-week Run 30th


A talk by Melanie from

Motion, a local electric motorcycle

design and manufacture company



New Years Day Picnic



Carlo Rally,


1st Committee
4th Club
17th Monte
Whanganui 20th Motorcycle
(Tuesday) 24th
5th Sunday
6th Club
15th Motorcycle
28th Kapiti
Children’s Christmas Party 4th Committee Meeting 6th Club Night/BBQ 20th
28 This magazine is printed by: Rieger’s I print and copy P 04 473 1444 F 04 473 7631, E W Mike Pattison with his Lotus at the Upper Hutt Spring Festival (above) and Phil Kidd (seated below) with his Railton and the new club banner.

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