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The Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch of The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

Po Box 2168, Kopeopeo, Whakatane 3159


June Mid-week Run - New Member John Taggart’s Cadillac at Pukehina Beach

Club Night: Last Thursday of the Month (except December) at Whakatane Athletic Clubrooms, Short Street, Whakatane 7.00 pm Social get-together Branch Meeting starts at 7.30 pm Followed by Supper

Chairman’s Report

Well, it is certainly winter, late nights in the shed are requiring a few extra layers of clothes and crawling around on the cold concrete floor is seeming less and less inviting. Not an ideal time to swap a transmission but for some reason that is what I have decided to do over the coldest month of the year. The good news is that we can start to look forward to the warmer months ahead and I can say with confidence that the second half of 2024 is already shaping up to be a busy time for our club.

I am happy to report that we have been able to fill a couple of positions that were vacant following our AGM and the club is in great shape for the next 12 months and beyond.

A big thanks to Margret Leaming for taking up the position of club secretary and to Les Costar for becoming our new Club Captain. I am sure this will make a huge difference in the coming year and ensure that we have an active club calendar for everyone to enjoy. Also, a big thanks to Gail Costar for keeping up the running board for a little while longer. It’s great to have our regular branch newsletter going out to our members and keeping everyone up to date with the clubs’ activities.

The upcoming National AGM in Tauranga is a great opportunity for our local branch members to get along and see and hear first hand what is going on at a national level. It’s not often that a national AGM is held so close to home, so I encourage you to make the short trip through to Tauranga if you are able to and take the opportunity to attend the meeting.

I hope your winter projects are coming along nicely and if you are lucky, your shed might be just a little warmer than mine.


Club Captain’s Report:

What we have done in June:

Classic Car Breakfast Sunday 2nd

We had 6 Club Member’s cars attend which was down from our usual number for various reasons. But we did have 2 prospective Member cars, so far John and Jacquie Taggart in their 1993 Cadillac Eldorado have joined.

Harry’s Mid-week Run to Pukehina Thursday 12th

We had a picnic by the beach at a nice reserve (the 3 dogs loved it).

We had 22 Members in 12 cars, a good social run and an enjoyable day out in the sun.

The Lorolei Pollard Night Owl Run Saturday 22nd

Arranged by Bevan, 27 Members attended in 15 cars.

After a sightseeing tour of the Whakatane Borough and a ‘potential swim’ out to the “Lady on the Rock” to get her name “Wairaka” as suggested on the Rally instructions. I think all competitors managed her name without the cold dip.

Then it was back to the Athletic Clubrooms for a Pizza and Chips meal, followed by Icecream, Jelly, Fruit Salad and Mini Chocolate Eclairs.

The winner of the Night Owl Trophy by a small margin was Ben & Marion, with John and Jacquie 2nd I think next year’s Night Owl which will be plotted by Ben & Marion will be hotly contested. It was great to see Members new and old enjoying the run and the social atmosphere after. Thanks to those who helped with tables and chairs, setting out the dinner, doing dishes etc and thanks to Bevan for setting the run.

Also a few Members went on Rally’s at other Branches and Lesley McCann has a couple of runs to arrange which we will need to set dates.

An outline of the Calendar of Events which can be found on the next page.

Members who attended the June Events Car Enthusiasts Breakfast Sunday 2nd

Bruce Belcher – Alfa Romeo

Harry & Gay Sutcliffe – Wolseley 6/99

Simon Cherrington – ’39 Ford Sedan

Les & Gail Costar – Ford Capri

John & Jaquie Taggart – Cadillac Eldorado Bevan Lange & family – Chrysler Valiant

Harry & Gay’s Mid—week Run to Pukehina Beach Wednesday 12th

Harry & Gay Sutcliffe – Wolseley 18/85

Trevor & Odell Sutton – Triumph 2500

Ben & Marion Vermeulen – Wolseley 6/99

Simon & Annie Cherrington – Jaguar XJ6

John Taggart – Cadillac Eldorado Phil & Lesley Watts – Holden Kingswood HJ

Barry & Tessa Keene – MGB Roadster

Les & Gail Costar – MGB Roadster

Steve & Joy Growden – Triumph 2500 John Lamont & Magz McNaulty – Daimler XJ6

Steve & Lesley McCann – Mk2 Zephyr

Trevor Marshall – Modern The Lorolei Pollard Night Owl Run Saturday 22nd

Ian Henderson – Morris Minor

John & Sharon Burton – Jowett Javelin

Trevor & Odell Sutton – Triumph 2500

Steve & Joy Growden – Ford Cortina

Trevor Marshall – Sunbeam Rapier

Clive & Louise Wood – Morris Minor

John & Jacquie Taggart – Cadillac Eldorado

Simon & Annie Cherrington – Jaguar XJ6

Les & Gail Costar – Austin 1800

Bevan Lange – Holden Calais

Moderns: Alan & Lorraine Stock Phil & Margaret Leaming Noel & Lois Davies

Ben & Marion Vermeulen John Lamont & Magz McNaulty

Les... .3.

June Mid-week Run ready for the start at Matata

At the picnic lunch stop Pukehina Beach


Sunday 14th

Wednesday 17th

Thursday 25th

Sunday 28th


Sunday 4th

Tuesday 6th

Saturday 10th

Club Calendar of Events commencing July 2024

Rotorua Swap Meet

Mid-week Run details to be advised

Club Night Athletic Clubrooms, Short St, Whakatane

From 7.00pm with the Meeting starting at 7.30pm

Combined Run with BOP, Rotorua & Taupo Branch’s with a picnic lunch at the Rotorua Steam Museum

Car Enthusiasts Breakfast (Classic Car Breakfast)

From 8.00am Thornton Bar Eatery, Thornton Road Cnr

Nobby’s Nosh at Cadera Restaurant Ohope

National AGM at the Armitage Hotel, 9 Willow St, Tauranga 9.00am closing date for registration 12th July.

Register online at

Wednesday 14th

Sunday 25th

Thursday 29th

Sunday 31st


Wednesday 11th

Saturday 21st

Thursday 26th

Sunday 29th


Saturday 5th

Sunday 6th

Wednesday 16th

Sunday 27th

Thursday 31st

Mid-week Run details closer to time

Daffodil Rally for Cancer 1:00pm The Hub, Whakatane

Club Night

Rotorua Sulphur City Rally entry forms when available

Mid Week Run

Mangakino Lake Hop

Club Night

Club Run

Te Aroha Cruise in Car Enthusiasts Breakfast

Mid week Run

Club Run

Club Night

If you don’t have a Vintage or Classic Vehicle, come along to events in your modern

Further out - dates to note:

November: Visit to Gisborne – Inter-Branch Weekend Date to be confirmed Waikato Swap Meet Sunday 17th South Waikato TTT Rally Sunday 24th

Fielding Highland Fling 2024

This years Highland Fling rally was on Saturday and Sunday 27th and 28th April.

There were two EBOP vehicles there, us in our 1926 Willys Knight and Peter Hadley and his son in their Model A ute, along with 105 other vehicles including a motorbike and sidecar. As in previous rallies the aim was to keep off tarseal roads and also go through several farms.

There were four farms to negotiate on Saturday and two on Sunday. They were long days with Saturday morning starting at 7.30am and lunch 153 kms and three farms later and no petrol stations. Some of the farm tracks were good but others were not with holes and wash outs and taken in bottom gear with plenty of turning of the steering wheel. But it was great rallying and another plus was that on both days the weather was fine.

The rally was well run with plenty of Marshals and three 4WD vehicles there to help out plus some extra ones at challenging parts, like a creek that caught many out. The water was up to and hit my fan blade. The Austin Sevens nearly had to swim. We went into the ford on the left-hand side which had a deeper entry. The two tow vehicles stationed there were kept busy. Helpers ended up guiding vehicles through the safest way to get across. Some steep grassy bits offered entertainment as well. We went down some no exit roads that had difficult parts to negotiate to get through. A steep muddy hill on one farm was avoided by many which should have included us as we got stuck even with our “chains” on. We nearly slewed over the bank and it took two 4WDs to tow us out.

Saturday afternoon run was 67 Kms. There was one Station to go through and I don’t think anyone had problems. We got back to base in Fielding at about 5.00pm. A few cars had breakdowns and there were some places we went that were so bumpy that bits fell off some cars.

Sunday was another early start and covered 185kms. From Fielding we headed to the Pahiatua Track and at the top went through private property and got up close the windmills at the top of the Ranges above Ashurst. The view was fantastic. Then down the Pahiatua Track to head towards Woodville via a narrow windy gravel road. Before Woodville we took a long steep windy No Exit Road to end up on private property and more windmills. Even better fantastic views. From there the track dropped steeply down to come out just south of Ashurst.

After Ashurst we went through a Station and a while later after an interesting drive through more gravel roads another Station and about at 150 kms from the start we ended up at the Manawatu VCC Clubrooms for lunch. The Gymkhana arranged for after lunch was cancelled after a few cars attempted it as rain earlier in the week had made the site a bit too rough. So it was back to base in Fielding.

The Dinner and “ Prizegiving” was great. The car furthest travelled came from Queenstown.

Northern Territory Motor Vehicle Enthusiasts Club Barry Keene

When we were in Darwin at the end of May we visited the Clubrooms of the above club. Their Clubrooms are in the first Qantas Hangar which is a large covered area that they now occupy. (Qantas stands for ‘Queensland and Northern Territory Air Services’). The main central part of the hangar is a vehicle display area which is open to the public. There is a wall down each side of this large central area. On the other side of the LH wall was the workshop where there were socket sets, spanners, screw drivers etc and also facilities for members to work on their cars. On the other side of the RH wall were offices, lunchroom and heavier machinery including lathes and drill presses and storage. A great set up. Darwin has a population of 150,000 and close by is the city of Palmerston with another 40,000 people and with the surrounding area gives about 200,000 people plus lots of tourists.

Below are some photos:

1927Chev. Light Panel Van

Citroen P4T Kegresse. An early adaption for the Australian Outback.

Thornycroft A2 Lorry
1928 Chev National Tourer
1952 Riley RMB Saloon
A Mid 1950’s BMW plus other bikes .10.


On Saturday 8th June, Steve and Joy, John and Magz, Gail and I attended the Waikato Double 50 Rally.

As the Rally was centred around their Clubrooms in Cambridge, we found a BnB just a few kilometres out where we could have our pooch.

The Rally day started with a cooked breakfast of Bacon, Sausages and Hash Browns for both entrants and navigators all built into the $35 entry fee. Well done Waikato a great idea.

Then at 30 second intervals we started the Rally straight into a “timed section”. At the first intersection we were held up for quite some time before we could make our right turn, so we thought, there goes our time, but it turned out our time wasn’t too bad, just everything else went a bit wrong, our fault of course. Regardless of all this it was a great cruise on the roads of the Waikato ending at the Timber Museum at Putararu for lunch. There was plenty of parking, a lot to see outside the Museum as well as inside if you wished and probably the best $12.50 lunch of any Rally we have been on for a long time.

The afternoon run had an interesting “straight line” section and some instruction we didn’t quite understand (mmm the navigator didn’t quite understand) but we found our way back to the Clubrooms for a cuppa and a chat.

After a shower and a tidy up (and the pup fed) we were off to the Clubrooms for Dinner and Prizegiving. No prizes for our group, but lots of good natured banter it was good to meet up with old friends and acquaintances. Then it was time for our $40 dinner, great food and plenty of it, puts to shame other rally’s we have been to with their $50 $60 or even $70 dinners.

After the prizegiving and raffle there was a lucky car number draw, I think every entry got a prize of some sort.

Well done Waikato, a weekend to remember. We will be back for next year’s “Easter Rally”

Photo’s of some of the entrants at the lunch venue Timber Museum Putaruru

Car Display & Cruise

Meet at The Hub, SH30, Whakatane 1:00pm on Sunday the 25th of August for a public car display.

All participants are invited to join a cruise through town starting and ending at the Hub following the display.

Vehicles of all types and ages are welcome to join the Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch of the VCC in support of our local Cancer Society.

$10 entry with all proceeds going to our local Cancer Society.

Event Organiser: Bevan Lange 027 460 3466 .15.


Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch

Postal Address: PO Box 2168, Kopeopeo, Whakatane 3159

Branch Officers: 2024/2025

Honorary Branch Member: Lorolei Pollard

Chairman: Bevan Lange 027 460 3466

Vice Chairman: Clive Wood 027 276 9806

Secretary: Margaret Leaming 027 351 0432

Treasurer: Joy Growden 07 304 9777

Club Captain: Les Costar 027 271 7022

Committee: Steve Growden 07 304 9777

Lorraine Stock 07 307 1965

Alan Stock 07 307 1965

John Burton 021 02501138

Lytle Hall 027 703 4539

Trevor Marshall 07 308 7957

Running Board: Interim Editor Gail Costar 027 271 7022

Beaded Wheels Reporter: Bruce Seddon 07 322 2137

Almoner: Lorraine Stock 07 307 1965

Name Badge Sales: to be advised

VIC Collators: Bevan Lange 027 460 3466

Bruce Seddon 07 322 2137

Parts Shed Supervisors: Phil Leaming 07 304 8415

Steve Growden 07 304 9777

John Burton 021 02501138

Branch Delegate: Bevan Lange 027 460 3466

Raffles: Lorraine Stock 07 307 1965

Supper Supervisor: Lorraine Stock

Community Liaison: Lytle Hall 027 703 4539

Archivists: Les & Gail Costar 07 323 6406

Saleable Items: Barry Spry 07 312 4737

EBOP Cloth Jacket Badges $7.50

EBOP Car Window Stickers $1.00

EBOP Lapel Badges $6.00

EBOP Cloth Jacket Patches $10.00

EBOP Car Bumper Badges $20.00

EBOP VCC Windscreen Stickers $2.00

EBOP Cloth Caps $15.00 Rally Number Holders s/s $15.00

NZVCC Winged Lapel Badges $7.50 VCC Cloth Winged Badges $13.00 (these will be available at Club Nights)

EBOP Name Badges $15.00 (to be ordered) Please wear your name badge to VCC functions. Club Night: Last Thursday of the month (except December) At: Whakatane Athletic Clubrooms, Short Street, Whakatane 7.00pm Social Get-together Branch Meeting starting at 7.30pm .16.

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