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NEWSLETTER OF THE BANKS PENINSULA BRANCH OF THE VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF New Zealand (INC) VOLUME 45, No 8 SEPTEMBER 2022. Michael Williams 10 Selwyn Parade Lyttelton Editor: Ph 328 8043, email

• Thursday 8thth of September



Branch Address: 27 Showgate Ave, ChCh 8042

• We look forward to seeing you there. Supper is provided.

The letter went on to say that Mr Bain did not wear snakeskin boots, did not wear a number of tasteless gold medallions, and definitely did not wear Brylcreem, thus proving ipso facto that he was not a lowly car dealer. So next time anyone happens to see Andrew, do check up on his sartorial appearance, and report any lapse in standards.

Chairman: Craig Keenan 322 1006 Club Officers: Secretary: Ron Hasell 942 1105

From the Editor: Nothing from the Editorial Blunders Dept this month to speak of, but a gentle correction from the illustrious Andrew Bain. In the past two issues, when referring to the good Mr Bain, I have referred to him as a car dealer. Nothing could be further from the truth. In a strongly worded letter from his solicitors, Grabbitt and Leggitt, I was told in no uncertain terms that their client was in fact ,and I hope you’re ready for this,”A Classic Car Broker”, unlike his uncle and father, who were indeed car dealers

The Management Committee are seeking to co opt a suitable person to the role of Hon Secretary/Treasurer. This is a vital role to aid the smooth running of the Vintage Car Club.

The main responsibilities of the Hon Secretary/Treasurer include (but are not limited to):

From the Situations Vacant Column, see below.

Noggin & Natter: 2nd Thursday of the Month

• Noggin 7.30 pm at the Papanui RSA. Upham Room enter either from 55 Bellvue Ave or the first entrance on the left on Harewood Road (Papanui / Main North Road)


• Supervision of the functions of the National Office and employees • Ensuring the day to day financial interests of the Club are managed • Regular reporting to the Management Committee and Executive on The financial status of the Club • Attending Management Committee and Executive meetings Ideally you would: • Have excellent written and verbal communication skills • Have at least some basic knowledge of accountancy processes • Have good computer skills • Live within the Christchurch area If you are interested in taking on this voluntary position, please contact George Kear. Your communication with George will be kept confidential at all Georgetimes.can be contacted on 0272214332 or email

Bruce Bartlett, an early branch member, died recently. Bruce was very involved with our branch in the early years, bravely motoring an Austin 12/4, in company with Dave Richardson, and at times taking over the writing of Dripfeed when Dapper Dave was overseas. In his later years Bruce sold his Austins and as a complete contrast, owned GS and BX Citroens. The branch extends condolences to his new member Michael Pentecost, with a 1972 Morris Mini Works Rally Replica. Michael has been a previous Monte Carlo entrant with this car, complete with dodgy headlamp bulbs. In 1974 the Hamilton Car Club held the first NZ Rallycross series. Local Citroen dealer Stewart Lister entered a 1967 DS21 which he had recently traded and came second overall. I asked Stewart if the car was modified for the event. “Extensively”, said Stewart, “I took off the hubcaps”.

Peninsula Hillclimbs, 16th of October. Contact Ron for details. Wigram Revival Meeting, Ruapuna, 29th&30th of October. Contact Ron for entry forms.

National Veteran Rally, 24th – 26th of February 2023. To be held at Tuakau, Franklin, 56 km south of Auckland. Enquiries:

WWW.SPORTY.CO.NZ/NATIONALMOTORCYCLERALLY. or the Rally Coordinator; 021 388649.

Future Events. Franz Josef Glacier Country Car Show, Saturday 1st of October. Yes really. Probably not so suitable for convertibles. Bring your thigh waders and snorkels. For more information,

Hawkswood Sprint, 6th of November. Peninsula Run, 20th of November.

Pomeroy Trophy, 21st of January. Probably, not definite.

Opening Run, Sunday 2nd of October Meet at the Belfast Hotel carpark at 9.30am, ready for a couple of hours of North Canterbury motoring on some interesting back roads. We’ll finish up at a local museum and car collection for lunch, where an entry fee of $5 and above will go towards the restoration of a local historical building.

National Motorcycle Rally, 3rd 6th of February 2023.

Past Events. The Daffodil Run.

Craig Keenan our branch chairman made an entertaining speech, and acknowledged the hospitality that Kate and Richard had extended to the many rallies and runs over the years that ended at Terrace Station. There was also a story about how Gavin Bain, Richard’s lifelong friend, and Richard conspired over the supposed provenance of one of Richard’s Humbers., which was basically a box of bits. The history they concocted was so believable that the chap that certified the car felt privileged to be seeing such an historic car with such wonderful history. There was an acknowledgement from the Veteran Club about the huge contribution that Richard made to that club, and the tremendous practical help and encouragement that he gave to those who were struggling with a complex restoration. Kate thanked everyone for coming to remember Richard in such a positive way, and felt sure that he would have loved every minute of the celebration.

Richard Foster Memorial Picnic. After some terrible weather preceded this event, the perfect weather that Kate had ordered duly arrived on cue and a good number of BP, Canterbury, and Veteran Club branch members were welcomed to Terrace Station by Kate and her three strapping sons, John, Hugh and Michael. Guests enjoyed the wonderful garden and the sheds, with all their remarkable treasures, and then lunched on the front lawn.

Just as we were settling down to enjoy our lunch, a stentorian bellow split the rural tranquillity of Hororata. Birds fell from the trees, daffodils wilted. It was none other than Andrew Anderson, VCCNZ Founder and Life Member, who proceeded to share some very entertaining reminiscences about Richard and Kate, from the days before they were married. The highlight for many of us was when he referred to Kate as “that young lass”. Richard’s father Hugh, and Kate’s father Godfrey were early members of the VCC and of course Andrew had known them well, so he was well qualified to share his very personal memories of Richard.

Organised by the Canterbury branch, this was the first year we had suggested our members take part, as we hadn’t organised a Garage Raid where we usually take up a collection for the Cancer Foundation. I’d never been on one, and I was very impressed by the organisation. You could leave from one of four locations, take the long or short run and end up at McLeans Island. With about 700 cars, even split into four it was inevitably a bit of a procession, thundering along at about 70kph, but the array of vehicles at Mcleans Island was pretty impressive. There were various awards. A Mustang won the best American award, an MGBV8 the best British award, a BMW Isetta won the Continental award and a one owner Norton Commando won the best bike award. Congratulations to Colin Hey for organising an interesting day.

Spot the oldest Veteran Sir John Hall's Brougham (Not a Holden).

Richard's 1924 Humber 8hp. Hall family 1911 Talbot behind.

More of the Terrace Station collection.

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