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The RadiatorCap



2 COMMITTEE MEMBERS 2023-2024 Chairman Leon Salt 027 423 8122 Secretary Jim Flewi 09 601 6165 flewi Treasurer Dave Oliver 027 443 8046 Club Captain Steve Paddison 09 422 6250 Team Peter Sinton 021 637 772 Jim Flewi 09 601 6165 flewi Rep to ExCo Leon Salt 027 423 8122 Hospitality Mervin & Vicki File 021 486 016 Mid-week Neil & Lucy Cremer 09 425 4955 neilm Property George Lloyd 09 425 7622 Supervisors Doug Hamilton 021 522 674 Health|Safe Brian Payne & 09 425 9262 & Cleaning Dawn Payne Vehicle ID James Lawrie 09 425 9928 Nigel Hawkes 09 423 8944 M/cycle Rep Dave Oliver 027 443 8046 Librarian Jeane e Lloyd 09 425 7622 Edit | Report Chris Harvey 022 365 0171 Badges Dave Oliver 027 443 8046 Addi onal Brendda Salt 027 423 8121 Members Len Miller 021 140 3463 Anne Richardson 021 277 9010 John Downie 09 425 7321 Branch address PO Box 547, Warkworth 0941 Bank account BNZ 02-0480-0047413-000 VERO agency No. 0300159 | freephone 0800 658 411 Visit our website at h ps://
deadline for contribu ons to the Newsle er is the 23rd of the month.
newsle er
expressed in this
are not necessarily the views of the

28Mar-2Apr Na onal South Island Easter Rally Nelson

30-31 Mar Paeroa Steam Up at the Puke Wharves

Wed 3 Apr 12:00 Beach picnic at Sullivan’s Bay

5-6 Apr 30th Waikato Moloo Meander

Thu 11 Apr 17.30 Club Night: BYO BBQ and salad to share

Wed 17 Apr 19:00 Coffee & Cleaning

Thu 18 Apr 15:00 Club Commi ee mee ng

Sun 21 Apr 09:30 to 13:00 North Shore Club Open Day

Wed 1 May Run to Puhoi: meet at the Pub around mid-day

Thu 9 May 17:30 Club Night Pot Luck dinner

Wed 15 May 10:00 Cleaning & Coffee

Thu 16 May 19:00 AGM followed by Club Commi ee mee ng

6-7 July Winter Woollies Wander


We s ll need someone to replace Dave Oliver as Branch Treasurer a er his six years in the job. Please consider taking on this important role, or nominate someone who would suit.



The Citroen Rally was a success. Pete Sinton reported that the risk of running a midweek rather than weekend event was worth it.

A dose of Covid kept me from par cipa ng on the day of the “Are We There Yet?” Rally but those who took part had an enjoyable day with great weather.

The Warkworth A&P Show was well supported by our members with 12 cars and a motorcycle. Unfortunately I was away a ending a Na onal Execu ve mee ng over the same weekend. My report of the mee ng has been emailed separately to members as has a summary which Na onal President and Na onal Execu ve Chairman, George Kear has requested we include. (Our newsle er does not have space for these reports.) The contenous topic at the centre of this mee ng was the proposed change to the Management/ Governance structure of our club so some background to this is required.

The VCC is currently “governed” by a Na onal Execu ve made up of a delegate from each branch There is also an elected Management Commi ee whose role is to implement the decisions of the Na onal Execu ve and to manage the day to day affairs and opera on of the Club. Perhaps as long as ten years ago, we were advised that the 1908 Incorporated Socie es Act was going to be brought up to date and that it was likely that our cons tu on at both Na onal and Branch levels would need to change. More recently, the Management Commi ee told us that our current Management/ Governance set-up would need to change as it would not fit the new Act. With this advice in mind, over a few workshop sessions alterna ves were discussed. We were then presented with three op ons, all of which had a single Management/Governance body, rather than the two we have at present. These were considered at branch level and decisions were taken as to which would be the favoured op on. More recently however, we discovered that we had been misled and would not need to change our present structure to meet requirements of the new Act. It became clear to many of us that this “ini a ve” – if you could call it that - was the work of the Management Commi ee, the need for which was not based upon fact.

My report of the mee ng explains where we currently are at. If the new structure is adopted, instead of each branch having representa on on the Execu ve, the six branches of the north will have a single representa ve. Our commi ee opposes this for several reasons. 1: The current system is about as democra c as it could be. 2: The problems outlined will not necessarily be solved by the new structure. 3: The proposed structure will result in a significant cost increase which will be borne by members through subscrip on increases. 4: To the best of my knowledge, training for branch delegates has never been offered (and this could solve many issues).

Please read my report and the summary given by the Na onal President, if you’ve not done so already. Like me, you may wonder at mes if we’re both repor ng on the same mee ng! You will be asked to vote on the new cons tu on some me next year, so please be informed.


Don’t forget our up-coming AGM in May. We’ve s ll not heard from anyone who may be willing to take over the Treasurer’s role from Dave Oliver. The job does not require extensive accoun ng knowledge as we’re a small organisa on with a tax exemp on and we’re not GST registered. Again we ask if there is anyone out there who would be willing to take the role on, please let me know.

Brendda and I will be away for the next two weeks, a ending the South Island Na onal Easter Rally in Nelson.

Happy motoring


The March monthly run was the "Are You There Yet?" rally. This ended at Shelly Beach, South Head, with Felicity, my navigator, and myself taking the win for the compe ve group. It was great to see Jack Algie driving his Model A to the finish, barefooted, on his birthday! Sadly there was one casualty, Neil, who had overhea ng troubles in his Model A.

The following weekend was the Warkworth A & P Show, with a great turnout of 12 Club cars and 1 Club motorbike.

For the run on Sunday 21st April we will meet at the clubrooms at approximately 09:15, and later set off for the North Shore Club for their Open Day.

We are open to sugges ons for future club runs. If any ladies out there have some ideas of places they would like to visit, please let me know. (Unfortunately Paris and Las Vegas are slightly out of our reach) .

Just a note, for our 9th May Club night, I am hoping Felicity's daughter Michelle, who works for Westpac Rescue, will come along to give a talk about her work and help us update our CPR skills.

Cheers, Steve



1st: Steve and Felicity - Ford Escort

2nd Ray and Raewen - Ford Anglia

3rd Les and Velda - Zephyr Mk2

Rally Officer- Anne - Mazda MX5

The Rally started at the Clubroom and ended at Shelly Beach on the Kaipara Harbour. Sadly Neil and Lucy had trouble with their Ford Model A and did not finish.

The non-compe ve entrants were

Peter and Jane - MG Magne e Jack with Family - Model A

Doug and Anne - Tail End Charlie in Modern And It was Jack Algie’s 86th birthday !







Seventeen cars were entered for the Tour, ranging up from the oldest, a 1904 Cadillac to the youngest, a 1917 Dodge. The HCC runs are never compe ve, which takes quite a bit of the pressure off straight away! Friday we all assembled in me to unload, check our cars and get ready for the 18km run to the lunch des na on at Tamahere Country Club. Weather was a bit threatening, but in the event we all managed to stay dry. Delicious lunch was very welcome as almost everyone had a very early start. Back to sort the motel then dinner down the road at a lovely old English style pub.

Woke to a sunny but very chilly morning. The Waikato district is certainly not pleasant early in the morning and we could have done with gloves, scarves, hats and long trousers! Being the most vintage of the group, we lead off and bowled along at a good clip, through the most picturesque countryside, shepherded for quite a way by Philip & Caroline Henley in their 1906 Cadillac. Eventually though they waved farewell and it wasn’t much longer before we were being overtaken on a regular basis. Our route covered some steep ascents and ssome even steeper descents but fortunately the li le car didn’t miss a beat.

The morning run was some 73km, with no toilets or fuel stops but the instruc ons were very thorough and we had been well briefed so no worries there. Doug stopped at one stage to put on his googles as flying bugs were a problem, and any thought of quick toilet stop were dashed when Tail End Charlie, and two others pulled up to check we were okay.

Again, the lunch stop at a two room, gorgeous country school, was very welcome and the few children, and staff that were present, were rewarded with a vintage ride. I think one or two of them came back with white knuckles. All made the 43km run home safe and sound with me to get cleaned up before another delicious meal, which was catered, at the club rooms. We were awarded the trophy for the oldest car comple ng the run, while the hard luck trophy went to Terry and Laurel Jenkins for missing a turn and ending up in Mangakino! We had a run on the final day as well, to see a car collec on belonging to Terry Pidduct and there were all sorts of treasures wai ng to see the light of day again.



What car is this?

Last month’s car was an Opel Admiral which was sold from 1937 un l 1939. The model was an a empt to challenge luxury cars in the growing 3.5-litre class from Horch, Mercedes-Benz and Maybach. However, it came with a substan ally lower price than the similarly sized and powered cars from these premium manufacturers, which combined with its generously propor oned but technically straigh orward chassis to make it a favorite with builders of specialist car bodies. Unlike the slightly smaller unitary bodied Opel Kapitän introduced at the end of 1938, the Admiral used a tradi onal separate chassis. It turned up with several different bespoke cabriolet and limousine bodies, and also provided the chassis, engine & running gear for various substan al ambulances.


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