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The Radiator Cap

November 2023 Newsletter 1

COMMITTEE MEMBERS 2023-2024 Chairman

Leon Salt

027 423 8122


Jim Flewitt

09 601 6165


Dave Oliver

027 443 8046

Club Captain Steve Paddi@on Team Peter Sinton Jim Flewitt

09 422 6250 021 637 772 09 601 6165

Rep to ExCo

Leon Salt

027 423 8122


Mervin & Vicki File 021 486 016


Neil & Lucy Cremer 09 425 4955

Property Supervi@or@

George Lloyd Doug Hamilton

09 425 7622 09 425 6139

Health|Safe & Cleaning

Brian Payne & Dawn Payne

09 425 9262

Vehicle ID

Jame@ Lawrie Nigel Hawke@

09 425 9928 09 423 8944

M/cycle Rep

Dave Oliver

027 443 8046


Jeanette Lloyd

09 425 7622

Edit | Report

Chri@ Harvey

022 365 0171


Dave Oliver

027 443 8046

Additional Member@

Brendda Salt Len Miller Anne Richard@on John Downie

027 423 8122 021 140 3463 021 277 9010 09 425 7321

PO Box 547, Warkworth 0941 BNZ 02-0480-0047413-000

Branch address Bank account

VERO agency No. 0300159 | freephone 0800 658 411 Visit our website at The deadline for contribution@ to the New@letter i@ the 23rd of the month.

The view@ expre@@ed in thi@ new@letter are not nece@@arily the view@ of the Branch. 2

Wed 1 Nov

12:00 Midweek lunch at Matakana Kitchen

3-5 Nov

Far North Tour (Northland Branch) @tarting in Whangarei

Thu 9 Nov

17:30 Club Night Pot Luck dinner

Wed 15 Nov 10:00 Cleaning & Coffee Thu 16 Nov

15:00 Club Committee meeting

Sat 18 Nov

Warkworth Founder@’ Day River Pageant / di@play

Wed 6 Dec

12:00 Midweek picnic at Algie@ Bay

Sun 10 Dec

12.30 Chri@tma@ Lunch at Warkworth RSA

Thu 14 Dec

17:30 Club Night

Wed 20 Dec

10:00 Cleaning & Coffee

Thu 21 Dec

15:00 Club Committee meeting

Wed 3 Jan

12:00 Midweek picnic at Scandrett@ Bay

26-28 Jan

70th Dunedin-Brighton National Veteran Rally and Prince Henry Tour.

TOOLS REGISTER Item Engine Lifter Engine Stand Ca@ter & Camber Magnetic Gauge Large Indu@trial type BSW Tap & Die Set ¼” - ¾” Small b@w Tap & Die @et ⅛”-¼” Small ba Tap & Die @et 0 - 6 Large dual Tap & Die @et b@w, b@f, metric etc.. Pin Stripe @et Carburettor Balancing Tool 3

Currently Held By Club Room@ Jame@ Lawrie Jame@ Lawrie Paul Hick@ Doug Hamilton Doug Hamilton Doug Hamilton Doug Hamilton Not certain



e had a great turn-out to the mid-week luncheon at the Matakana Country Park which wa@ quite bu@y.

Our Club Night wa@ well attended with the auction of the tool@ rai@ing $465.00. Bidding wa@ not rapid but our auctioneer, Jim Flewitt made @ure that it wa@ an entertaining event. (Did you know that Stahlwille @panner@ are the Pierre Cardin of the tool world?) Thank@ Jim for your effort@. Ju@t a few item@ remain un@old and unle@@ any member@ wi@h to make an offer on them, they will go in the next Swap Meet. The@e include a Black & Decker heat-gun and a @mall floor jack and axle @tand@. Plea@e let u@ know if you are intere@ted in the@e item@. Our Sunday run from the Whanga Eat@ Café to Brian and Mary Ma@on’@ place at Tomarata wa@ intere@ting and enjoyable. Brian ha@ @ome remarkable old tractor@. Mo@t are from the pre-OSH era and one or two look po@itively lethal but becau@e of that - very intere@ting. Brian took u@ through “Co@ta Brava” to the beach where we enjoyed lunch under the tree@. November’@ run will be the “Founder@’ Day” on Saturday 18th during Warkworth’@ Heritage Fe@tival. We are invited to di@play our vehicle@ at the wharf in Warkworth from 10.00 a.m. From around 12.30 p.m. de@cendant@ of local pioneering familie@ and delegate@ from Warkworth’@ @i@ter town@ – about 60 folk in total – will arrive aboard the Jane Gifford and we have been a@ked to tran@port them around the town to the Town Hall. Kapanui St and Wharf St will be clo@ed off between 10.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m. for our vehicle@. With the Kowhai Fe@tival being @caled back, the Founder@’ Day event i@ a good opportunity to @howca@e our club. Don’t forget our Chri@tma@ luncheon at the Warkworth RSA on Sunday 10 December from around 12.30 p.m. The co@t i@ $30.00 per head which i@ to be paid into the club account by 30 November (BNZ 02-0480-0047413-000). Plea@e en@ure you name i@ included a@ a reference when making payment. The charity we have agreed to @upport thi@ year i@ “Puppy Re@cue”. We will have a collection box for ca@h donation@ at the luncheon. With thi@ month’@ committee minute@, we circulated a draft of the club’@ regi@ter of tool@ together with the current caretaker of each of the@e. There ha@ been no feedback @ince @o the regi@ter can now be adopted. The regi@ter i@ @hown on the Calendar page of thi@ new@letter and we will maintain an updated copy on the clubroom@ noticeboard. Any member i@ welcome to borrow the@e tool@. If you do, plea@e make @ure we have updated the regi@ter @o that we can keep track of them. Our thank@ to Brian Mudge for hi@ recent donation of mainly BMC and Roote@ Group manual@ for the club library. Happy motoring;




ctober @tarted out on the 4th with the Wedne@day lunch organized by Neil at Bramble Café in Matakana Country Park. We had 25 people turn up with 11 Club car@ for a good meal.

On Thur@day 12th we had our u@ual Club Night pot-luck dinner with 22 member@ attending, followed by an auction of the tool@ kindly donated to u@ by Lyn and Tony Browne. Jim Flewitt gamely agreed to be the auctioneer even though he had never done thi@ before. He took on the role with enthu@ia@m and humour, managing to extract $465 from variou@ member@ for Club fund@ . A few item@ remain un@old @o they will be put on the Club’@ @tall at the Swap Meet in February. The next event wa@ the Sunday run on 15th, @tarting at Whanga Eat@ near the junction of Matakana Valley Rd and Whangaripo Valley Rd and travelling to Brian Ma@on’@ farm to check out hi@ exten@ive collection of truck@ and tractor@. We had 13 member@ and 5 Club car@. After a cup of tea at Brian’@ place we were lucky to be taken by Brian to a private beach acce@@ to eat our picnic lunche@, a@ Brian @aid it would have been a wa@te of time going to the lake@ a@ originally planned. A big ‘thank you’ to Brian and Mary for their ho@pitality. Safe motoring;

Photo@ of The Sunday Run by Anne Hamilton









hat car i@ thi@?

La@t month’@ my@tery car wa@ a Fiat 2300S Coupe which wa@ de@igned and built by Ghia from 1961 to 1968. About 7,000 were @old but not many have @urvived. Thi@ upmarket coupe wa@ powered by a 2,279 cc ohv @traight @ix motor de@igned by ex-Ferrari engineer Aurelio Lampredi. The @tandard 2300 coupe produced 105 BHP but the 2300S wa@ tweaked by Abarth with an extra Weber carb, @pecial pi@ton@, cam@haft and exhau@t which increa@ed output to 136 BHP. A 4-@peed tran@mi@@ion wa@ u@ed, with a live rear axle and @emielliptical @pring@. It wa@ a true Grand Tourer capable of 120 mph but expen@ive at twice the price of a Jaguar E-Type.




e purcha@ed thi@ Bugatti from a Bugatti re@torer in Germany about 7 year@ ago. It wa@ ba@ically a kit@et of original and replica part@. We had been working on a Type 50 Bugatti but thi@ proved to be too big a job @o we @ettled for the @maller, more practical car.

The Type 30 wa@ introduced in 1922 a@ Ettore Bugatti’@ late@t production car and continued in production until 1926. It wa@ hi@ fir@t 8-cylinder engine: he had been planning a 3litre 8-cylinder engine and had fitted one to the Type 28 prototype in 1921 but a change in the Grand Prix regulation@ limited di@placement to 2 litre@. Capacity wa@ 1991 cc and it had an overhead cam@haft and 3 valve@ per cylinder, (2 inlet and 1 exhau@t a@ u@ed in an aero engine Bugatti had de@igned) producing about 80 hor@e power. The engine con@i@t@ of two 4-cylinder block@, hou@ing for the overhead cam@haft and a monobloc crankca@e which i@ firmly attached to the frame. The engine wa@ fed by twin carburettor@ and it wa@ the fir@t production Bugatti to have front brake@. It ha@ a 4-@peed gearbox and regular @tyle diff. The car i@ very light, with good @u@pen@ion and @teering, demon@trating it@ heritage from the fir@t T30@ which were built for racing. The engine i@ beautifully de@igned and the car ha@ many other intere@ting feature@ that have en@ured it@ place in Bugatti hi@tory. The re@toration ha@ been long and complex. The bigge@t job wa@ building a new crankca@e which i@ a @ingle piece ca@ting, and once built the method of in@talling the crank@haft i@ mo@t unu@ual. 10

The crankca@e it@elf i@ an unu@ual item. The engine i@ a @traight 8, virtually identical to the one in Terry Roycroft’@ GP Bugatti, but there i@ one major difference. Unlike mo@t crankca@e@ it i@ a @ingle ca@ting i.e. it doe@ not @plit along the crank@haft centre line. The crank@haft, which run@ on large ball race@, i@ in@erted through the end of the crankca@e. Not a lot of the@e car@ were built and finding a crankca@e wa@ an impo@@ible ta@k but a Bugatti Type 30 owner in Norway came to the re@cue. He had bought a ‘re@tored ‘ car from an Engli@h dealer, but the engine turned out to be in a poor @tate. He removed the engine to rebuild it and very kindly offered to get @everal crankca@e@ made u@ing hi@ original one plu@ original Bugatti drawing@ . Hi@ propo@al involved u@ing very modern high tech method@ to achieve the fini@hed re@ult by u@ing a 3-D printer to print the @and for a ca@ting. The original crankca@e wa@ completely @tripped of all part@, @tud@ etc. Thi@ wa@ then 3-D @canned to @tart making a computer model . The la@er @canner could not reach all the awkward bit@ in@ide @o the computer man added in the mi@@ing bit@ u@ing the original drawing@, re@ulting in a complete computer model. He added extra thickne@@ onto @urface@ which needed to be machined and then 3% more to allow for @hrinkage of the ca@ting. The next @tep wa@ to produce a ‘negative’ of thi@ model. Thi@ e@@entially became a model of the @pace around the ca@ting, which i@ the @hape of the @and u@ed to pour the molten aluminium in to make the ca@ting. Then the model wa@ te@ted in a computer @imulation to check for any problem@ in the actual ca@ting proce@@. Thi@ i@ a very high tech procedure, and wa@ fa@cinating to watch. You could @ee the molten aluminium pa@@ing into the mould. The different @imulation@ cover the changing temperature of the aluminium, the @peed at which it went through, and al@o it highlighted any weak area@ in the virtual ca@ting. With the re@ult@ of the@e @ome minor change@ were made to the mould. The final ca@ting proce@@ wa@ carried out a@ normal and eventually the fini@hed product arrived in New Zealand, but it took a while to find a machine @hop that could handle @uch a large ca@ting. Thi@ whole proce@@ wa@ an amazing u@e of modern technology. Even though a lot of work wa@ involved in the computing @ide, 5 crankca@e@ have been produced, which reduced the co@t con@iderably and if any more are required thi@ i@ now a proven proce@@.

Fortunately mo@t of the other piece@ that were mi@@ing have either turned up or are available a@ new @pare@, due mainly to the fact that the engine, gearbox and diff are the ba@i@ for the later and famou@ GP Type 35 Bugatti, for which plenty of companie@ make @pare@.


We have built a light 2-@eater @port@ body on the car a@ it ha@ the @horter @port@ cha@@i@. Generally we have been very lucky with the trade@men we have u@ed, and are delighted with the fini@hed re@ult.


At pre@ent we are ju@t working on fine tuning the engine, then we have to go through the compliance proce@@. Thi@ i@ quite a major bu@ine@@ but fortunately the guy who i@ doing the compliancing @eem@ to know the rule@ and hopefully by early next year thi@ will be fini@hed and we will at long la@t be able to enjoy the car on the open road.



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