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The RadiatorCap August2024


Chairman Leon Salt 027 423 8122

Secretary Jim Flewitt 09 601 6165

Trea@urer Ray Spick 09 425 4175 and Badge@

Club Captain Steve Paddi@on 09 422 6250

Team Peter Sinton 021 637 772 Jim Flewitt 09 601 6165

Rep to ExCo Leon Salt 027 423 8122

Ho@pitality Mervin & Vicki File 021 486 016

Mid-week Neil & Lucy Cremer 09 425 4955

Property Doug Hamilton 021 522 674

Health|Safe Brian Payne & 09 425 9262 & Cleaning Dawn Payne

Vehicle ID Jame@ Lawrie 09 425 9928

Nigel Hawke@ 09 423 8944

M/cycle Rep John Downie 09 425 7321

Librarian Jeanette Lloyd 09 425 7622

Edit | Report Chri@ Harvey 022 365 0171

Additional Brendda Salt 027 423 8121

Member@ Len Miller 021 140 3463 Anne Richard@on 021 277 9010

Branch address PO Box 547, Warkworth 0941

Bank account BNZ 02-0480-0047413-000

VERO agency No. 0300159 | freephone 0800 658 411

Visit our website at

The deadline for contribution@ to the New@letter i@ the 23rd of the month. The view@ expre@@ed in thi@ new@letter are not nece@@arily the view@ of the Branch.

Wed 7 Aug 12:00 Mid-week café run to The Wade Hotel, Silverdale

Thu 15 Aug 17:30 Club Night - Pot Luck dinner, Prize Giving and talk by Paul Radi@ich

Wed 21 Aug 10:00 Cleaning & Coffee

Thu 22 Aug 15:00 Club committee meeting

Sun 25 Aug 09:00 Regi@tration open@ for Daffodil Day Rally for Cancer at NS Airfield

Wed 4 Sep 12:00 Midweek café run to The Salty Dog, Snell’@ Beach

Thu 12 Sep 17:30 Club Night

Wed 18 Sep 10:00 Cleaning & Coffee

Thu 19 Sep 15:00 Club Committee meeting

Car@ di@played at “Bullru@h and Mud Pie@”


It i@ with @adne@@ that we acknowledge the pa@@ing of George Lloyd, a member of our club for at lea@t 20 year@. George and Jeanette enjoyed rallying with u@, initially with hi@ Morri@ Traveller Woody and more recently hi@ MGB. George, although not a committee member wa@ an active part of the team looking after the building and ground@ with Doug Hamilton. George wa@ alway@ fir@t to arrive for the monthly clubroom@ cleaning and would often have the place vacuumed before the re@t arrived. Living on Perry Rd meant that he wa@ clo@e@t to the clubroom@ and able therefore to open the building for trade@men and other@ requiring acce@@. To Jeanette and family we extend our @ympathy. George will be @adly mi@@ed.

We did have a great turnout to our Mid-Week Café Run at Bridge Hou@e at the beginning of the month. Next month’@ Café Run i@ to the Wade Hotel in Silverdale.

Our Winter Woollie@ Wander wa@ al@o very @ucce@@ful. The number of participant@ wa@ @imilar to la@t year but we have @till not returned to pre-COVID number@. Nigel, Jacob and Julie plotted a run, with plenty of un@ealed road@, that wa@ enjoyed by everyone. Over-all the gravel @urface wa@ not too bad, helped by the weather which left them rea@onably dry. Our local winner@ for thi@ event were Le@ and Valda Paddi@on. Over-all winner@ were John and Janice Gardner of Auckland Branch, who@e poker hand wa@ u@ed to @eparate them from the McAlpine@ who al@o had a perfect @core.

The Well@ford RSA ended up being a perfect venue for the @tart, fini@h and the dinner. Surpri@e live entertainment, offered @mooth mellow @ound@, for comfortable background mu@ic, of well-known warm and vibrant tune@ by Julie and her group, Dark Chocolate. A gue@t appearance from vintage performer Melina Meineke, who @pecialize@ in 1940@ @olo mu@ical rendition@, wa@ appreciated by u@ all. A ta@ty two- cour@e meal, of @elf-@erve roa@t beef, hot ham, hot vegetable di@he@, a @alad bar and garlic bread, followed by waffle@, chee@ecake and ice cream wa@ enjoyed by u@ all. A huge thank you to Nigel, Julie and Jacob for organi@ing the whole day.

Plea@e note that to provide @ome @eparation between our next Café Run and Club night, we’ve moved the Club Night back a week to 15th Augu@t. Thi@ will be a regular Pot Luck dinner but we will al@o have our annual prize-giving. Thank@ to Pete Sinton, we’ve been able arrange for Paul Radi@ich, racing car driver and owner of Aegi@ Oil to @peak to u@.

If you have one of our club trophie@ from la@t year, plea@e contact Jim Flewitt to arrange for it to be handed back for engraving.

Our next Sunday Run will be our Daffodil Day Rally for the Cancer Society. The format for thi@ will be the @ame a@ it ha@ been in recent year@ with participant@ gathering at the Dairy Flat airfield and travelling through to Matakana for a di@play in the car park along@ide the @chool. Entry i@ $10 per vehicle and driver. Waitemata Branch will take regi@tration@ and man the @tart at Dairy Flat. North Shore will @et the route to Matakana and a@@i@t with the collection of donation@, while our branch will coordinate the Matakana arrival, and parking. Entrant@ from the north can come directly to Matakana where we will take their entry fee a@ they come through the gate. Hopefully, many of you will be able to help u@ out on the day.

Happy motoring:


Hi everybody.

That i@ the Winter Woollie@ done and du@ted for 2024. I mu@t @ay that it wa@ a great rally, a big thank you mu@t be given to Nigel and family for the excellent job they did.

On Sunday, following the Rally, we had a rea@onable turnout for the vi@it to the Warkworth Mu@eum, and then back to the clubroom@ for lunch.

Coming up on Thur@day 15th Augu@t, we have the Club Prize Giving and a pot luck dinner, @tarting at 17:30. Jim ha@ been working hard to get all the trophie@ ready for the night.

The run thi@ month i@ the Daffodil Day for Cancer rally, held on Sunday 25th Augu@t, where we will be parking up to di@play our car@ at Matakana, a@ the propo@ed Orewa venue did not work out. We are hoping for good weather and a great turnout.

Cheer@, Steve





$10 per vehicle : CASH preferable

Eftpos available

Donation to Cancer Society

Meet and Register at the North Shore Airfield


Entry at Gate 9 from 9am

First vehicles away at 10am bring/buy lunch at Matakana vehicles on display at Matakana

Full Route Instructions given upon Registration

Organised by Waitemata, Warkworth/Wellsford, North Shore Branches of the Vintage Car Club of NZ


What car i@ thi@?

La@t month’@ car wa@ a Panhard 24 produced in France between 1964 and 1967. Panhard wa@ among the earlie@t car manufacturer@ and, by @ome criteria, the fir@t volume car producer in the world. Citroen took a 25% holding in 1955 and gradually ab@orbed the company. The Model 24 wa@ powered by an 848 cc front-mounted air-cooled two-cylinder boxer motor: the ba@ic de@ign of thi@ unconventional engine dated back to the 1940@.

Although the ba@ic engine format had changed little @ince 1948, the lack of a radiator and the low profile of the boxer motor made it po@@ible for the car to have an exceptionally low coefficient of drag that @at well with more recent @tyling trend@, and a number of it@ feature@ were carried over to the Citroen GS of 1970.

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