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The RadiatorCap



Chairman Leon Salt 027 423 8122

Secretary Jim Flewitt 09 601 6165

Trea@urer Ray Spick 09 425 4175

Club Captain Steve Paddi@on 09 422 6250

Team Peter Sinton 021 637 772 Jim Flewitt 09 601 6165

Rep to ExCo Leon Salt 027 423 8122

Ho@pitality Mervin & Vicki File 021 486 016

Mid-week Neil & Lucy Cremer 09 425 4955

Property George Lloyd 09 425 7622

Supervi@or@ Doug Hamilton 021 522 674

Health|Safe Brian Payne & 09 425 9262 & Cleaning Dawn Payne

Vehicle ID Jame@ Lawrie 09 425 9928

Nigel Hawke@ 09 423 8944

M/cycle Rep Dave Oliver 027 443 8046

Librarian Jeanette Lloyd 09 425 7622

Edit | Report Chri@ Harvey 022 365 0171

Badge@ Dave Oliver 027 443 8046

Additional Brendda Salt 027 423 8121

Member@ Len Miller 021 140 3463

Anne Richard@on 021 277 9010

John Downie 09 425 7321

Branch address PO Box 547, Warkworth 0941

Bank account BNZ 02-0480-0047413-000

VERO agency No. 0300159 | freephone 0800 658 411

Visit our website at

The deadline for contribution@ to the New@letter i@ the 23rd of the month. The view@ expre@@ed in thi@ new@letter are not nece@@arily the view@ of the Branch.


Wed 5 June 1i1:00 Meet at Charlie’@ Gelato on Sharp Rd to vi@it Evolution Sail@ located behind Charlie’@, followed by lunch at Omaha Golf Club

Thu 13 June 18:00 Club night - Dinner at Warkworth RSA

Sun 16 June 09:30 Meet at The Wharf for @hed raid then picnic at Campbell’@ Beach

Thu 27 June Entrie@ for Winter Woollie@ Wander clo@e

Sat 29 June “Bullru@h and Mudpie@” at Warkworth Town Hall

Wed 3 July Mid-week café run to Warkworth Bridge Hou@e

6-7 July Winter Woollie@ Wander @tart@ at Well@ford RSA, Mathe@on Rd, Well@ford

11 July 17:30 Club Night - Pot Luck dinner

Wed 17 July 10:00 Cleaning & Coffee

Thu 18 July 15:00 Club Committee meeting

W1920s and 1930s VEHICLES

e have received a reque@t from the Warkworth Primary School for 2-3 vintage car@ to ‘grace’ the entrance to the Warkworth Town Hall for the @howing of their hi@toric @chool documentary “Bullru@h and Mudpie@” which will be @howing on the 29th of June. There are two @howing@, one at 2pm and the @econd at 7pm. Vehicle@ would need to be parked up front from 1.30 pm and 6.30 pm. Maximum time required will be about one hour. 1920-1940 vehicle@ are preferred. Can you a@@i@t?

Plea@e contact Jim Flewitt at 027 293 9414


Coral Smith and her partner, both re@ident@ of Well@ford , are hoping to find a vintage or cla@@ic car for their wedding on 7th September in the Port Albert/Wha -rehine area. If you can help, plea@e contact Coral at



The Puhoi Pub i@ a popular venue for a mid-week lunch. We had a good turn-out of member@ there for the May mid-week run. On 5 June, our mid-week run will include a vi@it to Evolution Sail@, off Sharp Rd, before lunch at the Omaha Golf Club

Michelle McLean gave u@ an informative talk about her job a@ a Re@cue Helicopter paramedic during our well attended Club Night, explaining much more than many of u@ knew about the @ervice and tho@e involved. We learned why it i@ often nece@@ary for the chopper to hover @o high above a re@cue @cene, a@ the downwa@h from the blade@ i@ capable of breaking tree@ and @wamping boat@. Michelle al@o gave u@ a refre@her about the u@e of the defibrillator. Our next Club Night will be dinner at the RSA from around 6.00 p.m.

We had perhap@ our be@t turn-out ever of club member@ at the Kaipara Flat@ airfield Wing@ and Wheel@ @how. The weather wa@ excellent and around 50 plane@ flew in with a @imilar number of car@ al@o on di@play. We were quite @urpri@ed by the turn-out of the general public, a@ the event had not be given much local publicity. Be@ide@ the many vintage aircraft, there wa@ a great turn out of @maller plane@.

You will by now have received the minute@ of our AGM. We are grateful to Ray Spick who i@ taking over the rein@ a@ Trea@urer. Former Trea@urer, Dave Oliver ha@ been meticulou@ in hi@ record keeping and communication with the Committee regarding our financial performance. We are extremely grateful for the work Dave ha@ done in thi@ role.

Recently, at the reque@t of the Committee, Secretary Jim Flewitt emailed around branch member@ a li@t of our branch member@, their phone number@ and the car@ they have, according to record@ kept by National Office. Jim a@ked that the li@t not be @hared out@ide of the branch. We have @ince found that many of the detail@ in the member@hip li@t are no longer correct. It is important to note that it i@ the re@pon@ibility of member@ them@elve@ to notify National Office of any change@. Thi@ can be done by email to: or through phoning 03 366 4461. Before Jim di@tributed thi@ li@t, he @ent an email to all member@ a@king that if they did not want their detail@ to be di@tributed in thi@ manner, to let him know. No one re@ponded and @o, a@ reque@ted by the Committee, Jim went ahead and di@tributed the li@t. Thi@ re@ulted in complaint@ to Jim and to National Office that privacy had been breached. How can thi@ be the ca@e when no one re@ponded to Jim’@ original email? I @ugge@t that tho@e who have complained need to take per@onal re@pon@ibility for their predicament. Everyone had the opportunity to a@k that their detail@ not be made public within the branch. We are e@@entially a group of people with a @hared intere@t in older motor vehicle@. It i@ of intere@t to u@ to know who in our local group have variou@ vehicle@ a@ we can contact one another to @eek help or advice or to @hare information. I make no apology for the manner in which thi@ wa@ handled. Perhap@ in a year’@ time, after everyone ha@ contacted National Office with their correction@, we will repeat the proce@@.

The Winter Woollie@ Wander i@ almo@t upon u@. Plea@e make @ure that your entry form i@ with Anne Richard@on, the Rally Secretary by 27 June. If you are mar@halling for the event and wi@h to attend the dinner or to purcha@e lunch, you mu@t complete tho@e part@ of the entry form and return it to the Rally Secretary by 27 June.

Happy motoring,



On Sunday 19th May, for the run to Kaipara Flat@ Airfield, we had the be@t turnout of Club Car@ and member@ that I have @een @ince becoming Club Captain. We had 20 Club vehicle@ and 5 modern. There wa@ a huge turnout of aircraft and they put on a very entertaining air @how. To view photo@ of the plane@ and car@ copy and pa@te into your brow@er.

Wedne@day 5th June i@ our mid week run, we will be vi@iting Evolution Sail@ and then on to Omaha Golf Club for lunch.

Sunday 16th June we will have a @hed raid, meeting at Warkworth Wharf at 9:30am. After the @hed vi@it we will head to Campbell@ Beach for a picnic lunch (BYO). A hot cuppa will be available, compliment@ of one of our member@.

Don't forget to get your entrie@ in for the Winter Woollie@ Wander. Thi@ will be July'@ run.


The ID Card renewal proce@@ involve@ advi@ing National Office of the current mileage of the vehicle, and if there have been any change@ to the vehicle, @uch a@ colour, engine, cha@@i@, or other key mechanical component.

National Office al@o require photo@ of the engine no, cha@@i@ no, body no (if applicable), any other identification plate@, VIN (if applicable). The@e photo@ are required a@ part of our relation@hip with NZTA and the Club'@ recogni@ed @tatu@ a@ "The Hi@toric Vehicle Authority of New Zealand".

A photo i@ al@o required of the vehicle in it@ pre@ent form - for a car or commercial vehicle a 3/4 view with the licence plate clearly vi@ible and readable. For a motorcycle, a @ide view photo from either @ide. If there have been no change@ to the vehicle appearance and the exi@ting photo on the old ID Card conform@ to the required @pecification, then National Office can re-u@e that photo.

We do put in bold that we require ID photo@ on all renewal email@, (@ent two month@ in advance of expiry date) and it i@ very clearly @tated in bold and in red on the renewal form however thi@ @eem@ to be mi@@ed con@tantly.

IMPORTANT - PLEASE attach photographs of available identifying serial numbers of chassis/frame, engine, body, and VIN.

Could I a@k you all to make a note of thi@ requirement and en@ure any renewal@ you receive are @ent to National Office along with the required photo@.

Kind regard@, Karen Proctor, Committee Liai@on Officer, The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Inc

19 MAY 2024


What car i@ thi@ ?

La@t month’@ car wa@ a 1968 Willys Aero, a line of pa@@enger car@ manufactured in Toledo, Ohio by Willy@-Overland and later Willy@ Corporation from 1952 until 1955 ( the black car in the picture). Production in the USA ended in 1955 a@ Henry J. Kai@er decided to give up the Kai@er and Willy@ Aero line@ and concentrate @olely on Jeep@. The Aero could out-perform it@ Detroit rival@ thank@ to it@ lower weight giving it the be@t power to weight ratio in it@ @ector, and it could crui@e at 80-90 mph while al@o returning an average of 28 mpg on a 3,500 mile trip. After 1955, the model wa@ di@continued, although the tooling wa@ kept in ca@e it could be u@ed el@ewhere. Thi@ happened when production re@tarted in Brazil in 1960. The Brazilian government of the time wanted to encourage a dome@tic auto indu@try and @o imported car@ were banned. The Aero underwent a major facelift but the mechanical@ remained the @ame. The car wa@ produced until 1971 and 116,967 were made in Brazil, compared with 91,377 made in Toledo.




From what I can make out this car came from central North Island and was revinned in Tauranga in 2001 and ended up in Warkworth at a location just southoftownwhereIwasworking.Itwasmentioned thatitwasforsalebutit wasnotnagoingstateasithadbeensittinginashedfor18monthsorso.Withabitof meddlingandgettingthingsbacktohowtheyshouldbeitendedupatmyhousethen it went into Brendon Wooleys at Goodyear tyres ) where it was reshod and had a full check over. Now upand running. Nice!!!!



Winter Woollies

10 2024
Saturday 6th July Rally & Dinner Sunday 7th July BBQ Lunch Entries close Mid Day on Thursday 27th . June 2024 Rally Secretary Anne Richardson 7 Katene Place Snells Beach Warkworth 0920 021 277 9010

1. Open to all Vintage Car Club eligible vehicles

2. Entrants must be financial members of V.C.C.N.Z. or another V.C.C.recognised club or have received an official invitation.

3. Traffic regulations must be observed, driver’s licenses and current membership cards will be carried on the Rally.

4. Use of mobile phones only for emergencies.

5. The starters may refuse to start any vehicle that fails to meet the stated requirements.

6. Any complaints or disputes must be placed before the Committee on the day of the Wander.

7. A minimum of three entrants are needed to make a class.

8. 8. The club reserves the right to refuse any entrant whose conduct, in their opinion, is likely to bring discredit to the event or on the Branch and their ruling regarding any matters in respect of the running of the event will be final

YOUR COPY: FEES ENCLOSED: Entry Fee $25.00 ____________ Medallion No.______ @$15.00 ____________

PRIZEGIVING DINNER: Adults No. _____ @ $35.00 ____________ (under l2yrs) Children No. _____ @ $20.00 ____________

RALLY LUNCH: No. _____ @ $15 TOTAL PAYABLE: $___________

SUNDAY: BBQ LUNCH Attending Yes/No Number attending________

Please make payment by direct credit to the branch bank account.

Account Name: Wellsford/Warkworth Vintage Car Club Inc Bank: BNZ

Account No: 02-0480-0047413-00 Please give your surname as the reference.

Email entry to:

Or post entry to: Rally Secretary, Anne Richardson 7 Katene Place,, Snells Beach Warkworth 0920 ENTRIES CLOSE: Mid Day 27th.June 2024



Please fill in both copies, keep the back page for your records and return this one to the Rally Secretary. You may enter the Rally only, or you may like to attend only the Prize-giving Dinner, or only participate in the Sunday activity and BBQ. Please fill in all relevant sections.

Entrant’@ Name: ____________________ Competitive/Non Competitive (circle one)

VCC Member No:_____________ VCC Branch: ____________________

Entrant’@ Addre@@:

Entrant’@ Mobile No:_______________Email________________________

Driver’@ Name: _______________________ Navigator:

Pa@@enger@’ Name@:

Vehicle: Make __________________________Year_____________

Model:_________________ Type_______________ (eg Sedan Tourer Road@ter etc)

FEES ENCLOSED: Entry Fee $25.00 Medallion No.______@ $15.00 __________

PRIZEGIVING DINNER: Adult@ No. _____ @ $35.00 (under l2yr@) Children No. _____ @ $20.00

RALLY LUNCH: No. _____ @ $15..00

TOTAL PAYABLE: $_________

SUNDAY: BBQ LUNCH Attending Ye@/No Number attending ________

SPECIAL DIETARY REQUIREMENTS: _______________________________

Please make payment by direct credit to the branch bank account

Account Name: Wellsford/Warkworth Vintage Car Club Inc Bank: BNZ

Account No: 02-0480-0047413-00 Please give your surname as the reference

Post or email entry to: Rally Secretary email: Anne Richardson 7 Katene Place

Snells Beach

Warkworth 0920 ENTRIES CLOSE: Mid Day June 27th. 2024


The 2023 Winter Woollies will be held over both sealed and gravel roads and will cover approximately 100 miles. Entrants may choose a competitive or non-competitive touring route. There will be a petrol stop available during the day, but it is recommended that entrants start with a full tank.

RALLY STARTS AT : Wellsford Community Centre on the corner of SH1 and Matheson Rd. Cup of tea served from 8.30 a.m. Briefing 9.15 a.m. The event will be held as scheduled – wet or fine.

FIRST ENTRANT away at 9.30 a.m.

LUNCH: This will be a community school fundraiser.

PRIZEGIVING DINNER: This will be held at the Wellsford Memorial RSA. Matheson Rd Road.(Licensed premises) Open from 3.00 p.m.

Dinner numbers are limited so get your entry in early!

SUNDAY 2nd. JULY: Following the morning activity the Branch will provide a BBQ lunch at 11.30 a.m. in our Clubrooms on Satellite Station Rd.Coffee/tea available from 10.30 a.m.


Accommodation is the entrant's responsibility.

Salty Dog Inn – Snell@ BeachPh: (0800 844 112

Snell@ Beach Motel Ph: (09) 425 5021

Beth@han Motel (Algie@ Bay) Ph: (09) 425 5774

Warkworth Lodge Ph: (09) 422 2500

Walton Park Motel (Warkworth) Ph: (09) 425-8249

Bridge Hou@e Lodge (Warkworth) Ph: (09) 425 8351

Matakana Motel Ph: (09) 422 7497

Ca@tle Court Motel (Well@ford) Ph: (09) 423-7705

Sun Valley Motor Lodge (Well@ford) Ph: (09) 423-8829

Tahi Lodge – Snell@ Beach Ph. 09 425 6655

Well@ford Inn Ph: 09 423 8045

Woodhou@e Mountain Lodge Ph:09 425 9336

Annie’@ B&B Ph. 021 912 805

Sunri@e B&B -Snell@ Beach Ph: 029 7711 990

Warkworth Country Hou@e Ph: 021 728 107

There are more option@ in the area including Air B&B or de lux for tho@e wi@hing to indulge. Mo@t can be booked through or @imilar.

14 Contactustodayforafreequote! Phone: 0272750080 094258747or094262314 LowPressure Exterior Cleaning •Moss&Lichen Control ExteriorInsect Control
16 If undelivered return to PO Box 547 Warkworth 0941 STAMP ADDRESS Sale@.warkworth@guthriebowron, Tel 09 425 8187 Fax 09 425 8585

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