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West Coast branch of the VCC October 2023 magazine


Contents Front cover - Broadway Reefton note sign post pic supplied by K Williams Until we meet again, Forth coming events/Future events/Requests/ideas Kick Start events Forward Planning of the club Report on Nelson Biennial run Sep22-24 report & pictures Bruce Heyward Fred’s 70th - pics courtesy of Fred & Adrienne Franz Joseph car show – report by Fred Ruesink Editors holiday – Colva Church Chester Committee Vero and Ferries information We welcome back Allan and Maria from their holiday to the United States. Maria gave her thanks for the sterling job that Judy has done as secretary in her absence. The committee endorsed Maria’s thanks, especially her tenacity, skill and patience in sorting out and unlocking the club computer, Zoom and many other gremlins. Thank you from us all Judy. As many of you are aware Ted and Jill have moved over to Rangiora and will be joining the Canterbury Branch. Ted has been a very active member and is still our Immediate Past Chairman until he transfers over. They will be missed on our runs especially Jill and her dear red A35. Hopefully they will keep in touch and we can catch up with them at events. We wish them all the very very best in their new chapter of their lives.

Arthur Topliss – We pass our very very best wishes Arthur at this time and a speedy recovery. We need him at the coffee mornings

Until we meet again 1st Thursday month – Committee meeting at Clubrooms at Shantytown 2nd Nov 2023 7.30pm Zoom now working. 3rd Tuesday month – Morning tea at Shantytown 21st Nov 2023 at 10.00 am 4th Sunday month – Sunday run 22 Oct 23 Bealey Hotelnow Mystery run Don’t forget you are welcome to attend any of our events in your modern vehicle if you are unable to use your vintage one, it is just good to have your company.

LOCAL CALENDAR OF EVENTS AT A GLANCE 22 Oct 23 * 21-23 Oct 23 22 Nov 23

Lunch run SthCantBranch Email sent to all Sunday run

Bealey HotelnowMysteryrun Mount Cook Annual Rally with details and entry form In hand tba

21 Jan 24

Christmas lunch

Punakaiki Tavern approached tba

16 Feb 24

9am(5-6 hrs)

15 Mar 24(Fri)

11am Waiuta

22-23 Mar 2024


Tour of Stockton Mine- Restricted numbers details out in Nov Off open Jos Davis Cottage more info to follow Scenic Land Rally 2024 – Destination Westland info to follow

* Lunch run to BEALEY HOTEL Sun 22nd Oct 23

CANCELLED SEE Club Captains email 15 Oct 23 th

This is now going to be a shot MYSTERY RUN (such a Mystery that even the ClubCapt doesn’t know where too!!) For those able and willing to join in details are ALL meet at Anzac park, Greymouth at 1030am then take off into the unknown for a pub/cafe or picnic (weather dependant) so be prepared with food and beverage (in case) or your wallets/purses! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Requests received for our participation – We have had a request from the Grey District Youth Trust – Rainbow Youth Group asking if any of our members would be willing to use their cars to transport youth members from the old Doctors Surgery (next to BP) to the Regent Theatre for a Red Carpet Gala Ball on 2nd


LOOKING AHEAD – FUTURE RUN IDEAS CCapt suggested that in the Summer months the emphasis be more on picnics and BBQs rather than cafes/pubss, and maybe more localised. So ideas, venues places of interest welcomed

VCC Car show and swap meet – idea put forward by Geoff Sutton who suggested that Dobson Hall would be a good venue. Fred to liaise with Geoff on this.

2 Coffee mornings? – our regular 3rd on the month at Shanty Town PLUS a second coffee type morning perhaps to a cafe OR maybe to members or willing host’s SHED/GARAGE/GARDEN/FIELD all we would require would be for hosts to simply supply venue, hot water, something to sit on, and their company We would bring own mugs/beverage/smoko/conversations and tall tales. I think these are known as shed raids but it could be any raid! These need NOT be regular just when we have a willing HOST.......thoughts please.

Other Branch events and runs – we are being invited to quite a few now so I will continue to send them out as we get them using email. We have also sent out an invite to Canterbury club to see if any members would like to join us on our lunch run to Bealey Hotel 22 Oct 23. Don’t forget all VCC eligible cars and bikes are welcome on any of our runs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

KICK START – EVENTS/RUNS 5 Nov 23 – Empire Hotel Ross have been contacted and are ready to receive our “kick starters” plan is: ANZAC Park 10am Meet outside BP with Hokitika riders at 10.45ish Ride to Empire Hotel for lunch (again food individuals choice off the menu)

2 Dec 23 – Positive Earth Rally – this is for those with an eligible positive earth motorcycle. These are British bikes up to 1979 which were wired

POSITIVE EARTH. After this date all motorcycles were wired NEGATIVE EARTH. This is a very different laid back event, however there are a couple of strict criteria to be take into account. a. Motorcycles have to be Positive Earth b. Positive Earth eligible motor cycle has to be ridden to the event regardless of where you are travelling from. c. First timers have to pay $30 for lifetime membership which includes a cloth badge plus $10 as rally costs. When you arrive safely at the rally, motorcycle is parked up, you relax, share stories, have a meal (usually at the rally site) eat, drink and be merry join in the AGM pay your subs/fee then ride home on the Sunday. Accommodation at the Riverside Camp Ground, is cabin/c’van or tent, there is other accommodation in Murchison. Please let us know if you are interested so meet up places etc can be arranged. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FORWARD PLANNING OF THE CLUB Today life is becoming fast and instant with technology, and one can soon be left behind. The committee feel its time we moved up a gear and catch up a bit! Judy has been looking into the costs and criteria involved in setting up of our own Westcoast VCC website. The committee, thanked Judy for all her time and hard work with this, but after discussion (and good input from Mariana) decided that initially we would use the National VCC website to showcase our Newsletter, events and whatever else is available on the site PLUS start our own FACEBOOK page which seems to be how many other clubs get the information out, this may also attract the younger element, as they are avid social media beings. So we are requesting a little assistance from any one with the knowledge, time and interest to help us with the administration of this. It was felt that it would require more than one person.......SO PLEASE approach us if you can help out in any way to get this tool up and running, and let us know.

Nelson Branch Biennial Rally in Murchison Sep22-24 Sep 2023 Organised by Mike Bryan and Rex Smith Report by Bruce Heyward Westcoast Branch Club Captain I left Reefton in pouring rain on Friday afternoon in the Vanguard 6, thinking it can't keep raining like this. But it did. Through until about 7am Saturday, so as I'm eating breakfast in the covered outdoor dining area at the Riverside Motor Camp, the high, discoloured waters of the Buller River racing past, I'm thinking of the streams to be crossed on the Braeburn Track later in the morning. But back to Friday night and the registration and noggin and natter in the Bowling Club lounge where some wit asked Mike whether the Bowling Club was to be reformed as the Swimming Club!! (or words to that effect} Not to be outdone, Mike replied that the water polo match would follow the supper. No flies on our Mike Bryan!! Saturday morning and a variety of cars almost filling the parking area at Beechwoods cafe, most of the human element strolling about coffees in hand. The stroke of 10 and the first cars headed north to the Gowan and our first stop at the wonderful old home and nicely laid out grounds and lounge areas belonging to Nelson members Mike Lyall and wife where most people had a bite to eat. Then following a quick inspection of the lake we started on through the "track" with most navigators answering the questions on the rally sheet. The first and second water crossings were a breeze but the last two, higher and faster tested the electrics with a couple of participants requiring some help to get under way again. Some owners with cars totally unsuited to off road excursions wisely turned back to the main highway at the Gowan bridge and rejoined us at the Mangles River T junction from where we proceeded on well graded metal to the Mataki Lodge for lunch. This lodge has been owned and operated for many years by Nelson College for student camps. From here we travelled on up the Matiri Valley to a major new hop growing and processing facility still under construction. NZ owned, when at full production this unit is expected to equal the output NZ currently produces. Jason, one of the management team gave us all a comprehensive tour which involved most of our members climbing the stairs to access the walkways above an array of very large and new machinery, made in the USA to strip the hop buds from the vines and strings for drying on 20 feet wide conveyor belts. A wonderful asset for Murchison in terms of employment for wage workers and subcontractors. The rally concluded with field tests on a gravelled area at the hop factory, and we dispersed back to Murchison via the Mangles River road to prepare for the function held that night at the impressive Sports Centre. Some of us knew it in its former guise as the Murchison Rugby clubrooms. A good meal provided, followed by prize giving. A hearty congratulations to our new Westport member Geoff Brunning who took top honours on his first VCC rally. And his Vauxhall PAX is an absolute stunner. How about a story on your car for the newsletter, Geoff!! All told ,a good weekend, well organised by Mike and Rex. Thank you both plus catering staff who did a grand job. Count us in for next year!!

Gathering at Beechwoods

Lake Rotoroa - courtesy of the Lyall family

Lyall family home

Brief at Matiri Valley Hop Growers Processing Facility followed by photos inside the plant

Editors note – Mike and Rex organised a very interesting run which made me sorry to have missed it and cheered me to find out about the hop processing plant and the benefit it will hopefully be to Murchison. We seem to only hear about negative things it is so good to hear something positive and happening. I believe that there was a very good turnout with members not only from Nelson but also from Marlborough, Canterbury and 3 from the Westcoast.....I hope to be on it next time too.

FRANZ JOSEPH CAR SHOW – SEP 24 2023 – reported by Fred Ruesink – Membership Ssecretary Due to the bad weather there were less vehicles at the Franz Joseph car show due to closed roads. Nevertheless there was a good variety from a 1930 Model A pick up to later model cars and even one Harley! It was pleasing to see that our following club members attended with their vehicles: The Bolland’s – 1075 VW The Bradley’s – V12 Mercedes The Fensom’s - Chev yellow pick up The Kennedy’s - Morris Oxford The Leslie’s – 1933 Morris Victor Smither’s - Hearse This event had a good generous sponsorship for prizes and the proceeds went to St Johns. Thank you Fred for this I am sure you all had a good day no matter what the weather and all for a good cause. (I do hope I have got all the facts?)

FRED’s 70th BIRTHDAY Congratulations Fred on reaching the 70th milestone in September (kept that quiet) it was spent in Christchurch with family. You will see from the photos they kindly sent to us, that Fred’s daughter is aware of Freds “red Chevvy project”, so she made him a replica birthday cake of what it should look like when he completes it! - thank you Fred, Adrienne and family for sharing this with us. What a talented daughter you have too.

Colva St Davids Church, Gladestry, Radnorshire Mid Wales – report and pictures Zoe Gough (back home in UK on holiday) Colva is is an upland sheep farming community, lying between Gladestry and Glascwm, reached only by single track roads, and is about 8 miles from Kington. It lies on the south side of heather moorland, at about 1250 feet (380m) above sea level. When snow comes in winter, the roads are often impassable. Colva is on a former drovers' road. At the heart of the hamlet, the former Sun Inn (now Colva Farm, where my friends live and have farmed for many years) served as an overnight stop for the drovers. Colva Church (St. David's) is the only communal building for this scattered community. It is actually the highest church in Wales, and dates from the 13th century. The yew trees around the church are likely to be even older. Inside, the font is 12th century, and is still used for christenings today. On the walls are some damaged medieval paintings, and several 18th century texts. There is also a momento mori of a skull and crossbones, behind the font. High on the west wall is a royal coat of arms dated 1733. This was from the period between the Jacobite rebellions of 1715 and 1745, when the government was anxious that the people of Britain demonstrate and display their loyalty to the house of Hanover. The Reverend Francis Kilvert, the renowned 19th century diarist, visiting in 1870, recorded the notable "Colva Echo", which he heard when standing in the field to the west of the church, facing the west end of the church tower. The Church still has services and has a very caring group that maintain and care for it. in fact I went to the Harvest Festival there on 1st October. It has an ancient peaceful feel to it both inside and out.

Amazing building and still standing

What a view of Mid Wales scenery - Black Mountains in the distance

Old beams in the porch

Inside Colva Church

note white washed walls and small window, which show the thickness of these walls

Such history

Visit to Chester report and pictures Zoe Gough (still on holiday in UK) My favourite city anywhere is Chester a Roman town which extends back nearly two millennia, which was founded as a fort known as Deva Vitrix by the Romans in AD 70s (lead pipes were discovered dating back as early as AD74). The city was the scene of battles between warring Welsh Chester has had many invaders and battles through the centuries including Saxons and Danes, After the Norman conquest in 1066 it came under the Earl of Chester and became the centre of the defence against Welsh raiders and a launch point for raids on Ireland The city grew as a trading port until the Port of Liverpool overtook it. The city did not decline and during the Georgian and Victorian periods was a as a place of escape from the industrial cities such as Manchester and Liverpool, much of the architecture reflects these eras and as your stroll these ancient street, walk the ancient wall (Chester has the most complete city walls in Britain), explore the Roman baths and amphitheatre, and stroll beside the River Dee you can see and feel the history that makes Chester the unique city that it is. Don’t be fooled Chester has the most compact shopping centre in Britain thanks to the world famous ROWS – tow tier medieval galleries of shops, holding a selection of exclusive eclectic shops of everything you could imagine, hotels, pubs, eateries, markets, galleries. canal, river cruises, parks, the famous Chester racecourse (The Roodee) as well as everything you would expect in a city. My brother and I spent a couple of nights there, a bit concerned that it may have changed, as it was 5 years since we had been there. We were pleasantly surprised to find it was the same albeit, slightly different as techno is taking over everywhere with online shopping, no cash payments, and so on take over. The city itself was vibrant, yet tranquil, people did not seem to rush even though we were there on a Monday. There was a politeness and eagerness to please from vendors, cafes, garages and so on. When walking the walls, streets, parks and even driving, there was the same feeling. Chester is a multi cultural city in all elements financial, historical, status, race and whatever other elements that we have to treat carefully now. It shows its tolerance to all by accepting and not making the “supposed differences” anything other than normal day to day life. It was brought home to me by seeing the homeless, there were groups in various spots of the city looking tidy, healthy, non threatening as they interacted with each other companionably. Individuals sat in the main streets (looking as the others I described) being given coffee. Outside of the main hotel in Chester, The Grosvenor, a homeless person/s had laid out sleeping bags with their wordly goods beside, it all looked clean and tidy and no one moved or bothered with it. You may be thinking Zoe only passed all this once! No we spent hours and hours walking miles in and around this beautiful city as it was the best day weather wise we had had since I came back to the UK. Amazing. I left there feeling buoyant and positive for the future.

CHESTER PICTURES The Wall Roodee Racecourse from the wall

Tower on the wall

Road, rail and water travel

Clock tower from wall

View down onto the street from clock tower

View of amphitheatre Steps on the wall

The caption on this building reads “the fear of the Lord is the fountain of life” .......on the ground floor there is a Dentist. Remains of Roman baths

Note height of wall

weir across the tidal River Dee note bridges

Off the wall and around the city a Morris Estate car

Iconic 2 tier shops known as the Rows

View when on the Rows

more scenes

Up an alley way we found his amazing cheese shop some of it is locally produced...yummy (samples of cheese were cubed and ready for you to taste if not, you could ask)

Example of a living wall At last old cars - I had to be cheeky and ask if I could go in the Building society and take this picture? They obliged.

Modernisation of the old canal area – this is still a working canal River Dee

Hope you enjoyed this brief insight into this lovely city



Tom Griffin



John Canning





Ted Beer




Marie Giles




Tom Griffin




Bruce Heyward










7327060 0284083208



Tom Griffin John Fowler

7627830 7626538

Daphne Trina


Nick Harrison

7328819 0275419296


Allan Giles



Te Aroha Cook (TC)


Judy Hay



Kevin Hay


Mariana Manning


Warren Parker



Don Scot



Bluebridge Ferry Rates NZ Vintage Car Club Member Exclusive Discounted Ferry Rates VCC Member Promo Code: ANTIQUECAR Fare Type Adult/Senior Child Motorbike up to 2m Car/van/ute/trailer up to 5.5m Each extra 0.5m

Flexi Off-peak Rate

Flexi Peak Rate

$54 $26 $54 $120 $35

$62 $29 $55 $140 $35

These rates came on pdf & as yet I have not been able to copy all info. IF you want the full details contact me and I will see if I can email you the pdf documents

Interislander rates Off Peak Fares: Each Way Adult $58.00 Children $31.00 Motorcycle $50.00 Car/Van/Trailer up to 5.5 metres $149.00 Each half metre over5.5 metres $26.00 Premium Plus Lounge $86.00 18yrs plus Queen Charlotte Lounge (Kaitaki ONLY) $32.00 18yrs plus Pelorus Jack Lounge (Kaitaki ONLY) $43.00 family lounge, 2yrs plus Off Peak Travel Dates 1 Mar – 27 Mar 2024 3 Apr – 15 Dec 2024 Peak Fares: Each Way Adult $64.00 Children $32.00 Motorcycle $63.00 Car/Van/Trailer up to 5.5 metres $165.00 Each half metre over5.5 metres $27.00 Premium Plus Lounge $86.00 18yrs plus Queen Charlotte Lounge (Kaitaki ONLY) $32.00 18yrs plus Pelorus Jack Lounge (Kaitaki ONLY) $43.00 family lounge, 2yrs plus Peak Travel Dates 1 Feb – 29 Feb 2024 28 Mar – 2 Apr 2024 Booking conditions and instructions for members are: • • Each reservation must be made direct with Interislander online using the special link below. • • Book online at •

• To access these rates members must insert the reference “WH5465”

• Payment is required at the time of booking.

• Space is subject to availability at the time of the booking request.

• Refunds

Once paid for fares are 90% refundable if cancelled prior to check-in and non-refundable if cancelled after check-in. • • Members are required to present their current NZ Vintage Car Club Membership credentials on check in or retail fares will be charged. Fares valid for travel 01 February through to 15 December 24

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