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WEST COAST BRANCH – VINTAGE CAR CLUB October2022 NEWSLETTER September Club Run COMMITTEE PATRON Tom Griffin 7627830 Daphne CHAIRMAN John Canning IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRMAN Ted Beer 762 5868 Jill VICE CHAIRMAN Phil Barker SECRETARY Maria Giles 768 5771 TREASURER Tom Griffin 7627830 Daphne






David Campbell

0272172576 June

Allan Giles 7686047 Maria

Elspie Mitchell

VIC FORMS Tom Griffin 7627830 Daphne John Fowler 7626538 Trina

ROSCO TRIALS Nick Harrison Annette




John Fensom 7686797 Janis

Zoe Gough John Barker Warren Parker Bruce hayward Alan Giles Judy Hay Donna mariea Lee Mariana Manning Fred Ruesink

1st Thursday month Committee meeting at Clubrooms at Shantytown 7.30pm

3rd Tuesday month Morning tea at Shantytown at 10.00am

4th Sunday month Club Run


19 October 2022 Shantytown Morning Tea

30 October 2022 Club Run Details below


25 September 2022 Club Run

Well the weather was one out of the box it was beautiful, bright and sunny from Reefton all the way down the Coast.


There was a good turnout with a range of vehicles with some new additions. We left our meeting spot opposite REPCO in good cheer to visit Ray Taylors “shed” in Dobson where we were met with a warm welcome and a very neat, shed housing a varied array of automotive items the majority for sale. These ranged from books, to spares, and a very impressive selection of handmade coffee tables, children’s cars, lovely hand drawn pictures and cards, all done by a guy in a wheelchair in Invercargill. It is humbling to see such a talent. Ray also had a Nash, Singer Gazelle and Zephyr for us to look over. If you are stuck to buy a gift for an auto fan Ron’s shed is worth a visit. Thanks were expressed to Ran by John and we set off in even higher spirits for the Moss farm at Ahaura. The glorious day had brought out many, judging by the road traffic on the way to Ahaura, the Hot Rod club were in Reefton for breakfast, motor cyclists were out on various “runs” as well as day trippers and those out for the “long weekend”. We arrived in convoy into Ahaura and took the Ahaura Kopara road to Anton Becker’s moss farm. This road after approx 8kms turns into gravel and if you follow on straight you will eventually, after crossing the river will end up at Haupiri/Gloriavale and then of course Greymouth/ Moana BUT to do this it is 4 wheel drive territory. Down here back in the 1900’s was the Ahaura sawmill (ceased long ago). Thank you Tom for being the historian for the day and giving us the history of this area. The other route (now a farm road only which is off left of the Kopara road) goes into the range of hills known as the Dardinels and Napoleon Hill. Back in the 1800s it was home to a vibrant settlement (long gone) of miners, there is still a cemetery there with wooden head markers. This old route eventually comes out at Waipuna/Ikamatua. Amazing the history and old roads hidden by the “bush” now. Anton Becker was welcoming and gave us a fascinating insight into something many of us knew little of the Spagnum Moss industry. It is a natural living plant found readily on the West Coast largely due to the wetness of the area. It is harvested by hand taken into long open ended low covered wooden drying sheds (all done by sun and air) to dry, turned several times then taken into the sorting, grading, and packing shed. Where it is packed into 2 different sized packages then into big cartons for export overseas to many countries including Taiwan, China and Europe. (Anton has been supplying one of his clients since 1985). It can also be purchased from the garden centre in Greymouth. The main use of this moss is for growing orchids, using in hanging baskets and I guess anything that would need strong absorbent lining/base in horticulture.

Anton also has a Model A pickup (once a sedan) barn find he uses on the farm as a run around, which he had on display for us. John expressed our thanks to him for what turned out to be a very interesting and different visit. Of course,

the Spring blossoms, blue sky, sun and a “new road” to many made it very enjoyable, plus the free packs of moss. Thanks Anton. A line up was done for photos and we headed back to Ahaura to the “pub” for lunch with the information that if interested the cemetery had some very old interesting head stones and histories, and the small park (in front of Ahaura Transport) had an interesting written display of local history. The pub made us welcome with a bar, restaurant or outside seating if wanted and a reasonable priced and varied menu. (I believe the fish and chips were excellent). The service was friendly and efficient. This run was organised by Ted (sadly not on it) so Thanks Ted.

PLEASE NOTE that the November run will be 20 November so as not on the long weekend

Can anybody assist Donna

My partner and I are moving to Hokitika in February and we are looking for short term, safe storage for our vintage vehicles which we’ll be driving down around November, would prefer to store them with a VCC member/s.

We have a 1956 International Pickup and a Holden Caprice. I have been a member of the Northland branch of the VCC for 37 years. If you could help with a contact we would be much obliged.

I have her contact email if anybody is able to help please get in touch and I will provide the email address.

USEFUL INFO…PLEASE NOTE If it is not suitable to you to use your Club eligible vehicle on the Branch runs, you are more than welcome to come along in your modern as we welcome your company.

You can go online to to read the current Branch magazines. On the home page you will see News from the Branches on the left. Click on that and you have access to magazines from other regions.

The Vintage Car Club of NZ is now on Facebook for those who are interested. For those who already have a Facebook account: Go to the VCC facebook page and LIKE IT. Posts will then appear in YOUR facebook stream and you can share them with your friends.

For those who don’t have a facebook page or don’t want to set up an account: type in the link below and then save it in bookmarks in your internet browser. You will then have easy access to the page whenever you want to see the latest posts.

To access the Club facebook page, go to newzealand/ Or type Vintage Car Club of New Zealand into facebook search.


BLUEBRIDGE Discount Code “ANTIQUECAR” Valid until 30 June 20212021 (NOTE from Bluebridge: We’ve recently tweaked a couple of our fare conditions to give your members more flexibility. They can now cancel or change their sailing for free right up until one hour before their sailing and they can make as many changes as they like up to 12 months from the original travel date. )

THE INTERISLANDER Booking Reference “WH5465 Valid to 15 December 2020.

Special link is - https//:www.greatjourneysofnz/members-fares

10% discount on Tranz Rail available to 15th December 2020 Booking reference WH5465

Special link is https//

For details and conditions refer to the VCC of NZ Website or your local Secretary

SERVICE BADGES To those members who are nearing 25, 35 or 50 years membership, please contact Membership officer David Campbell. You are entitled to a service badge for your continued membership. Check out the date you joined the Vintage Car Club.

NAME BADGES Also, please contact David Campbell if you would like a name badge. The Branch supplies your first one.

VIC FORMS - A reminder to all members who have VIC cards that are due to expire, you will receive a personalised RENEWAL FORM from the National Office at least three months before the due date. You cannot download a form off the internet. They are personalised for each individual vehicle. Please fill in and hand to Branch Secretary. Please note that new applications can be downloaded from the website or contact the Branch

Secretary. If you wish to participate in any National VCC Event, you need to have a Vehicle Identification Certificate, don’t leave it until the last minute as it takes some time for the processing of paperwork.

If you sell your vintage vehicle and it has VIC Certification please notify NZVCC, POBox 2546, Christchurch. Ph 03 366 4461 or email:

VERO INSURANCE - If you take your Insurance out with VERO they will then pay the Branch a small Commission which helps with Branch finances. Please note that when applying for Insurance cover with VERO you must quote the Branch number which is 36 plus your membership number. Also you are reminded that this scheme is set up for financial members only.

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