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The oldest and youngest competitors at Manunui Hillclimb 2023. Hamish at 25 in the Speedex, Les at 98 on the Bantam .The Waitemata Spirit!


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APRIL 2023


Looking Forward

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……… CHAIRMAN: ROBERT CHAPMAN 021 038 3281 CLUB CAPTAIN: STAN SMITH 0274 775 475 SECRETARY: GRAEME BANKS 027 500 3806 TREASURER: JACQUI GOLDINGHAM 09 445 8811 BRANCH DELEGATE: GRAEME BANKS 027 500 3806 EDITOR: MICHAEL GREIG 027 24 55 786 094456760 SCRIBE IAN GOLDINGHAM 09 445 8811 PAST CHAIRMAN: BRENDAN LAMAIN 021 132 4557 COMMITTEE: MAX JAMIESON, MIKE HOPE-CROSS, HAMISH ANDREWS AND ROB SCOTT. Month Waitemata Other Events Swap Meets April 2nd Manunui Hillclimb, Pakari 16th Stan’s Drive &BBQ, Dairy Flat 23rd Ellerslie Car Show 21st-23rd Highland Fling 29th North Shore Branch 50th Dinner. May 14th Re-enactment of North Shore Branch’s 1st Run, 28th Roycroft Tat Hampton Downs Northland Branch Far North Tour June 1st AGM, later date Shed Raid July 8th R’oil Can August Daffodil Run

Club Night April 6th . See you at the RSA Room, King George V Memorial Hall, Library Lane, Albany, 8.00 pm

Be ye reminded, the event on the 16th of April.

Keep it free, the 16th of April as we follow Stan the Man to the North Shore Aerodrome for his fabulous Event, arriving at 9 am. The event is followed by the famous BBQ at the North Shore Aero Club ( we are invited as special guests). Points will be awarded for attendance. Best bibs are expected

The event has been transferred to the 23rd of April as a result of the heavy rain event we suffered. We have been repositioned amongst premium marques at the main turnstiles, Gate 5. It is a day to enjoy with the family. Contact Kevin to confirm your attendance on the site as there is limited numbers. We do get a cut of the gate for our funds

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Join in the Great Re-enactment of the Inaugural Run of the North Shore Branch on Sunday the 14th of May ( the original was the 12th May 1973). Starting where it all began in Devonport at the Ferry Terminal. Rally starts at 9am to avoid the Peninsular congestion. It will cover that same route, a must for the history buff (something attached to an electric drill in those days). A once in a half Century to attend event!

Attend the celebration of the renewal of vintage motoring, that led to the blossoming of the motoring on the North Shore and the flowering of the Waitemata ,Warkworth/ Wellsford Branches. We all share the same start point in time 50 years ago. Finish will be at Parry Kauri Park followed by a late morning tea at the Warkworth Wellsford Branch clubrooms , Satellite Road. Warkworth.

Prizes awarded to the best in show attired in the fashion and breath-taking style of the early 1970’s. Ears await the famous sound tracks of the period. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

From Tribe Dewhurst, Auckland Branch comes this offering. They are regulars at the R’oil Can and great people. A nice offering and should be enjoyed.

Mid-week Tourers Overnight Tour May 2023

aka The 2 Autobahn cafes run, only 8 miles apart, but We did it our way ! (3 days and 300 miles apart.)

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N.B. It may be called a “Mid-week Tourers” run, but mid-weekers are just members. Open for any member to come. If you are interested, and have three days to spare (or even one day for the Water Garden bit) and enjoy your Club motoring, then join us, contact

Now confirmed , starting on Wednesday 17th. May, in conjunction with the usual monthly Mid-week run.

First stop, the Ngatea Water Gardens, (BYO lunch) then the overnighters will carry on via Tahuna, Mangateparu, Kereone, Hinuera, to the Okoroire Hot Springs hotel where they have 2 nights.

Thursday is a free day, (private Golf course, Hobbiton, two museums, antique shopping, hot mineral pools,) take your choice.

Friday we return via Arapuni, Kihikihi, Pirongia, Waitetuna, Glen Murray, Bombay

As little main roads as possible, with some “pioneering” roads used. The usual Mid-week format, non- competitive touring, enjoyable vintage motoring over quiet vintage roads, with good company, new country (for some of us), and some attractions thrown in. The Okoroire Hotel is a popular heritage place to relax in, has a good restaurant, and they are looking forward to welcoming us. They still have rooms available, but this will change closer to the date.

The Auckland Brit & Euro Classic Car Show.

It was a pleasant day that unrolled for this established show and this year the usual number of Branch members attended with Club Captain Stan attending with two Riley cars, pre and post war, the RM and the newly procured 12/4 that was rebodied by Dave Pitches. This was an important car for Stan as it is his entry vehicle for the R’oil Can . It was piloted well by his grandson who is being lined up for Branch membership. I attended in the WD Riley, Jackie came in the Sunbeam and others brought their cars to some of the one make club sites. I was impressed that the Riley Car Club of NZ had a display of pre-war cars, a magic moment with the Chairman’s 9 Special, two tourers, original, one a Mk4 and the other on a Plus chassis, Monaco and a Kestrel 12/4. Alvis stand was represented by two TDs and a Crested Eagle. There were many Jaguars, Fords of many sizes, shapes and from different birth parents. I looked at the Mercedes stand and did not see any of the W140 S class. They begged me to join as I mentioned the Mighty Mercedes.

One of the ‘lesser’ marques seen was the Yugo. Looking up various sources of information on this Brand I came across a statement that the car survives in the American consciousness as the ultimate automotive failure. Perhaps a cruel indictment as there may be an unenlightened soul spending a fortune in time, effort and finance in creating a jewel, an unblemished example for show competitions. As they say, you should not pick on the afflicted, but that is what they are there for.

The display that took the breath away from many, brought many a strong person to their knees, a sniffle and a tear to the eye and a silent prayer with a quickening of the heartbeat, was that of Lancia. The names and years of the models were forgotten, but the eye remembered the seductive curves, small design features that made eyebrows lift. Some left shaken and sobbing as they saw that their passion had been wasted on lesser makes. Mark it down for the next year, its free, spread over a nice park, great variety, things for all.

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As you can see from the above selection that I had a fancy for Lancia on the day. The J2, Auto Union, and the trio of Rileys were at the Branch stand and many questions and observations were taken. The Riley selection included the Chairmans 9, Baden Pascoe’s vintage 9 tourer, Harold Booths Tourer, John King’s as well. The 12/4 Kestrel and a ‘Lynx” . A long time since I have seen a handsome row of pre-war Rileys.

North Shore Branch Open Day, Clubrooms, Masons Road.

The day was fine, still took a coat and vintage mounted attended the open day. I parked the car, with quite a mix of cars mainly moderns ,chatted my way up the hill to the sheds to look at the old Dennis bus I had known near 50 years seemed near to road worthy but no excited carers/custodians to chat to all and sundry about the history of the part of transport history on the Shore, and little known of the last 50 years, since the bus now is 100 years old. I met old friends in the other side of the shed and was soon into discussions on MkIV Jaguars and 6/80 Wolsley.

Outside the clubrooms were sausages for $2. I did note the quality and make up of these have not changed in the last 50 years. I entered inside the clubrooms and saw that there were projected moving pictures of heroes and cars from a half century before, Mighty cars like the Charlesworth Pillarless Bodied 4.3L Alvis, a very high-performance car from the late 1930’s, once seen, never forgotten, the 25 Hp Sunbeam Tourer, that was sent out to the de Havilland agent instead of the Twin Cam. The Poms did a lot of things like that. The Kissel was seen, Rolls, saloons and Roadster 20Hp, the Nash Roadster, Hudson, Chev, MG’s, Fiat 510S on the roads around the Shore, dusty roads and in driving tests at the Takapuna Carpark. There were younger versions of the past heroes, with hair, pipes, beards, small children.

I sat there commenting to those nearby who had not seen these cars before and people who established their club, but was greeted with indifference. There seemed to be no magic or fevered excitement to celebrate the half century of a Branch of the Vintage car Club of NZ Inc. that had established itself to the proper use and enjoyment of proper vintage cars.

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The images that flashed on the screen were of young people driving cars, smiling with small children, in the age groups of 20’s to 40’s at the top end, newly married ,some, others just bought houses and did their own work and used the cars to go to work, to play in and share the driving.

I joined in 1974 and met these people in the Bus Sheds in Clarence Street, in Devonport, sheds full of cars from the 1920’s onwards in storage, veteran aircraft engine, a Hall Scott, Daimler Half cab bus, a Nash 1940 used by the Americans when in Auckland during the Pacific Campaign, Talbot Largo, a dream car, mighty Minerva’s, Humber’s, Auburn, Fiat.

It is truly said, if you do not know the past, you will be forced to repeat it. Michael.

From across the waters.

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Harold and Raewyn Booth at the Riley Rally of Tasmania in a Riley 1500. You can’t take the Riley out of the driver! Photo taken by Keith Humphries when on holiday there.

MAUNGA MOANA RALLY 24/25 March (From the mountain to the sea)

As I am now spending a lot of time in Taranaki with son Andy and his family, I decided we should attempt a Taranaki Branch rally. It is many years since I attempted a timed rally, and this would be a challenge. We would use our trusty 1990 Fiat Uno Citivan and I entered the post 80 class. Starting from the Plymouth International hotel the rally had documentation with drinks and nibbles on the Friday night, rally on Saturday morning Lunch at the clubrooms near Inglewood and a prizegiving dinner at the Plymouth International Saturday night.

I made up a clipboard with calculator stopwatch and a couple of pages of old rally tables (like Larry Reeds well known examples) and was ready to navigate Andy for the next 100 plus kms.

We had two average speed sections and managed to get within 2 minutes of the first one but the second one was more of a challenge. The average speed given changed during the section and as we had dropped a bit of time behind slower cars in that section we decided to try and make it up in the second part of the section. Unfortunately, we ended 3.14 minutes up in that section and 5 minutes out overall.

I enjoyed the Rally and saw a lot of Taranaki that I hadn’t seen before including the 120-year-old wooden Betram Rd bridge and a one-way tunnel.

We were happy with the results of our first timed rally. 2nd post 60/80 out of 8 and 11th out of 32 overall.

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Graeme Banks

The Manunui Hillclimb.

Having arrived at Manunui in very light drizzle and a dusting of fog I was not optimistic for the day ahead. Paul from the MG Car Club arrived with the timing equipment soon after and informs me it had rained heavily during the night as he was staying overnight close by. In fact, his comment was that the track looks quite slippery. A sprinkling of helpers and cars started to arrive, and everyone busied themselves in preparing the course.

Having laid the timing cable from the bottom to the top. (This is the opposite to norm), we were left with the problem of two female connectors at the timing station. This caused a major headache either end for ending the cable or finding a connector spacer to fix this problem. Luckily one of the MG entrants carried the said connector having come across this problem before.

There was approximately a forty-minute delay in getting started. This in itself was a good thing it allowed the track to dry out. Once the event got under way it ran quite smoothly except for people walking on the track. We had to stop spasmodically and go and speak with them to refrain from this activity. I will not give any times here as each competitor is man and machine against the hill. (Well, I have. The Editor). In effect you are competing against yourself. Highlights for me was having Les Harris competing and the camaraderie amongst the competitors. I also enjoyed the lunch.

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The Clerk of the Course, Jacqui, backed by the Speed Steward check off the paperwork at the drivers briefing with Graeme the Branch Secretary lamenting the fact he was not on the track.

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The innovative Marley AquatubeAirboost System with MicroVortex intake There is a copper plated version for the vintage speedster!
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We have three event coming up this month. Unusual but not planned. Due to inclement weather, events have been postponed and rescheduled which had been planned for late last year and early this year. Please make the effort to come along our summer has been a disaster. Details in Coming Events

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A subject that everyone will be interested in is WOFs. In particular yearly WOFs for vintage and classic cars. The VCC is very close in conjunction with the Federation of Motoring Clubs in obtaining this goal. My understanding at this point is if you are a VCC member and your car has a VIC issued by VCC you will be able to go for a yearly WOF when the legislation goes through. To save the rush think about getting a VCC for your car, there is no cost. All that is required is a application form to fill out and four clear photos of the car. Application forms available club nights.

The Editorial Missive.

This month holds an important turn of events for me as I arrive at that ‘rite of passage’, that entry into a mature state, the ‘three score and ten years’. Many in the branch remind me that I am still a callow youth in the Motoring world of Proper Vintage Machinery. Mark your calendar, it is the 13th of April. Born in the year of the Coronation of the late Queen Elizabeth II, the assent of Everest by Hillary and Tenzing. I gave up paid employ six years ago and continue live on my pension and still can enjoy the ability to use my vintage car and classic bikes. I have heard of some that complain that they can’t afford to use the vehicle they poured a life savings worth in over the years when they get old. To that I say, it’s a passion, either use it or sell it as the family was not allowed to touch or share in its use and await to put it on Trademe as soon as the smoke drifts off.

As my other topic is often raised, here it is again. Younger members. Bring along the young and ask them if they would like to be in the infrastructure of the organisation. It gives them a chance to look you over. Let them help with the marshalling. They can attend First Aid courses which can be subsidised as it allows them to accrue points in qualifications, new skills. Help on the marshalling, traffic direction in a suitable outfit, white coats of fluro jackets. catering, data entry, pit crew. Have a team of photographers and reporters for events, they are learning transferable skills. Let them form their own sub section which can be represented on the committee meetings, we need all the impact we can get. Help sponsor a sporting vehicle that they work on for club events such as mud plugs, rally cross, hillclimbs and circuit events. They can set up a

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complete team with manager, drivers, pit crew, caterer, PR person and have fun. So many life skills will be learned. What vehicles do I hear you say. The North Shore Branch has a 6/80 Wolsley, a very sporting saloon with potential as they do not have plans with it. Many branches around the country are given cars of all ages free. There are enough mechanical pieces in branch spares to build hundred of cars. Through The Vintage Sports Car Club in the UK a Vintage 501 kitset was put up to a young person who would have to describe why he should get this project to rebuild. In NZ it would have to be a vintage car as we are a vintage car club and it is simpler than a post war or ‘modern car’ . There are plenty who would raise a hand to assist in this endeavour. Light the torch, hold it high and help lead the young into the future.

The March Executive meeting from your delegate.

On 1st March I boarded the big bird and flew done to Christchurch for a two-day Executive meeting at the Canterbury Branch Clubrooms. Hot topics would be the changes due to the new Incorporated Societies Act and the possible changes to the Membership Awards

There was a lot of discussion about the Management Structure under the new Constitution with some branches believing we could stay very much as we are. It will be discussed again at the August AGM. Our President Dianne is standing down this year along with North Island Club Captain Kaaren Smylie, Speed Steward Tony Haycock, Tony Bartlett, South Island Club Captain Alon Mayhew, and there is already a vacancy for Secretary Treasurer. Many of these people have given years of service on the Committee and we are losing a lot of experience.

The meeting discussed the Membership Awards and decided to keep with the status quo with the 50-year award being given out by the VCC President or their delegated person. The VIC system is going digital with a new online system and The VIC Technical Manual is being updated. Good progress is being made with NZTA over the 12-month warrant and it looks like vintage cars will need a VIC to comply. Bids for the next Festival of Motoring in 2026 /27 have been received from Nelson Waikato and Hawkes Bay and they will go through a selection process.

The Guest Speakers were Tony Jonson from LVVTA, Gary Jackson from Federation of Motoring, Allan Dick of Classic Driver Mag, and a Canterbury

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Branch member told the story of the recovery of a bullet- hole riddled 1916 Buick. The restored car was on display.

Many thanks to Canterbury branch for their hospitality.

Correspondence Received. From the Roycrofts.

The family would like to acknowledge how much we appreciate the heartfelt support Terry has received from his friends over the past two monthsthe messages, phone calls and visits. Everything has been passed on to 'himself', the responses invariably individual, quirky and unexpected.

Terry continues to be positive, full of surprises, and we take one day at a time. Giving up has never been a part of his repertoire.


Dear Sir,

I can assure 'Carl Over' that no drivers who compete in Veteran and Vintage Machines in VSCC [U.K.] events wear seatbelts. The R.A.C. [Motorsport] regulate racing in the U.K. and as the VSCC has been around since the 1930's the two organisations have an excellent understanding. As some members will know I spent 16 years in the U.K. competing in both Speed Hill Climbs and Sprints. To do so you just need a 'Grade 2' licence. I shipped three cars to the U.K. two of them which had been used a great deal in Waitemata Branch Events. I also took a Special Monoposto Race Car which the late Peter Bruin started for me in 2000 and which was completed in the U.K. It took 12 years to complete but the U.K. was the place to have it as I ran it in Speed Hill Climbs and Sprints at many venues such as Prescott and Goodwood .As I would have needed to modify my 1929 Supercharged Alfa Romeo to be competitive, I purchased a 1922 G.N. Akela Race Car which was very quick and competitive. Driving this car at Goodwood was a real thrill and a driving challenge. The 1929 Brooklands Riley which I shared with my brother Peter was raced at the Curborough Sprint and won its class. It also was runner up at the Speed Hill

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Climb in North Devon and would have won it's class had it not suffered from clutch slip. It went very well at the Prescott Speed Hill Climb. The 1923 Diatto Targa Florio which I also purchased in the U.K. and brought back to N.Z. was well used there and is still well used here in North Otago. I consider myself most fortunate to have been able to travel to the U.K. with my cars and to be honest it was possibly the highlight of my life. It would not be fair to compare the two countries however whilst in both the North Shore and Waitemata I think that I did my bit to both organize and run in speed events it was quite worrying how members here [sometimes] needed to have their arms bent to compete whereas most events in the U.K. have an imposed limit of 200 entries with a waiting list of 50 ! Yes I know that population has a bearing but owner/driver enthusiasm also comes into it regardless of numbers. Just one last comment. As an overseas observer I would have to say that the driver ability in the U.K. is right up there. Many of the drivers of both Veteran and Edwardian machines are of the standard of our Anne Thomson and to see both Mark Walker in his 1904 200ph Darracq V8 of 22.5 litres and Duncan Pittaway in his 1911 300hp Fiat of 20.4 litres hurling their steeds around the race circuits there is a sight to behold and, they both drive their cars to the events !

Will Hearne. In Marbury, UK At Prescott.

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The Reply.

Hi William,

It was interesting reading your insight to VCC racing in UK, I also remember those halcyon days of racing in UK. However, I do not see how this addresses our present problem. That being of overpriced and over regulated. I think what it shows is they in UK have it right and we don't.

I do agree that there is a lack of enthusiasm, which is probably due to the as for mentioned, costs and regulations. The fact that the VCC and RAC have a good understanding of each other has seen the continuation of VSCC racing and an increase in interest. as it can be seen with crowds flocking to Goodwood to be entertained by the daring do of the pilots of some remarkable machinery. Even club meetings are well patronised. Go to a club meet here and you will be lucky to see more than half a dozen spectators.

Modern racing is boring as pole position usually dictates first place. May be a reverse grid might inject a bit of spectator value.( H&S probably would not allow, as it could be dangerous with all the overtaking.) Let's face it, it works at the speedway and draws the crowds.

We know we have the machinery and the pilots . As you mention Anne Thompson and Mark Walker, to mention a few. (Where did they go !) So, what is stopping us.

Personally, I feel we have past the point of no return and must accept that as far as VCC racing goes it is a thing of the past.

A final note. Those who missed the Manunui Hill Climb on Sunday missed a glorious sunny day for both spectators and competitors. I was disappointed with the lack of entries as this has been described as one of the best hill climbs in recent times.

We don't want to lose it.

Carl Over

The Editor must thank the Team Goldingham, Di Humphries and John King for material and marvellous photography. With out this help, the editor will flounder

Any assistance in his pre-dotage is well accepted .

The Censor Committee is also thanked for their understanding and correction.

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Stuffandnonsense. Auckland 4 April.

In a move both unexpected and unprecedented all Auckland road traffic cones went out on strike today.

Red McConical, spokesperson for The Road Cones and Related Hindrances Union stated that “We regret having to take this action and the convenience it will cause Aucklanders, but the Mayor’s objective to reduce our numbers leaves us with no choice.”

AAT, (Auckland Anti Transport) were dismayed at this turn of events. “We are dismayed at this turn of events” said their CIO (Chief Impediment Officer), adding “But Aucklanders can rest assured we will tackle this matter with our highest level of incompetence and disregard for the needs, desires and convenience of road users, turning every stone over to ensure delay and disruption where possible.”

Wonky GoSlowly, the NZ transport agency, recorded their shock and amazement in a written statement noting that “We are shocked and amazed at this surprise action taken by the cones. Had they given us earlier notice of their intentions we could have reduced all Auckland motorways to one lane each direction and/or begun intermittently closing off the Harbour Bridge. We are now considering all available options in order to maintain our usual levels of let and hindrance thereby maintaining, or at least regenerating, Aucklanders’ usual levels of road rage and frustration ”.

The Finance Minister, speaking on behalf of the Transport Minister who could not be found for comment (it is rumoured they may have been sacked but this is yet to be verified) said he was also disturbed by the cones’ action. “I am also disturbed by the cones’ action” he said. “This action and the economic boost it will likely give rise to runs counter to the recession we and the Reserve Bank have been working so hard to engineer. Plus, the sense of well-being it will engender flies in the face of current economic gloom. I have today instructed the bureaucrats concerned to engage consultants to establish an enquiry as to whether or not we should set up a committee to review this situation and the circumstances leading to it.”

Responding to questions in Parliament the Minister for the Environment said he was disappointed in the Cones’ action. “Frankly, I’m disappointed in the Cones’ action” he said, “and frankly, I’m disappointed at the enthusiasm with which it has been embraced by Aucklanders. Make no mistake, this action could result in

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a reduction of CO2 emissions with no corresponding cost or inconvenience to motorists and serves to remind us how we must remain awoke to the peril of common sense.”

When approached for comment the mayor’s office took full responsibility for the strike and the mayor himself, in a rare appearance before the Press, announced, “Yeah! Strike One to the Mayor! Did you drongos see what I did there? Yeah? Nah? Oh, never mind.”

Meanwhile, out and about in Auckland, traffic flowed freer than usual, and motorists reported an increased degree of tolerance and respect for fellow drivers. Cyclists were also impacted. They both noted how much safer and more pleasant it was not to have to be constantly on the alert for wayward or unexpected cones. With freer access and increased parking availability local shopping centres were hives of activity, the shops full and the cafes buzzing. “We’re really buzzing!” said a happy café owner.

Bill Hohepa and Linda attended the hillclimb and will be putting a short film of the event on Face TV where he has a programme, Dad’s Old Car. It can also be seen on YouTube. He interviewed me and the WD Riley recently, in the series Dad’s Old Car, episode 26.

The link is

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The new carport for the Riley and the 350Z at the back of the house, 5.5m x3m. Kitset and put up by self and brother.

➢ Gentlemen of Note in the Trade.

Roger at Action Bike Wreckers. : Still doing WOF for motorcycles on 62A Barry’s Point Road. Call for an appointment.09 489-7987.

Don’t forget Mac’s Garage. Top advice, professional service and well known and respected in the Vintage Austin and Riley world. 09 443-3733, found at 4 Ashfield Road, Glenfeild.

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THURSDAY 6th April 2023

8.00 pm at the RSA Room, King George V Memorial Hall, Library Lane, Albany.

Take Exit 410 Oteha Valley Road. Travel west along Oteha Valley Road, ahead through 2 roundabouts and straight ahead at Traffic Lights into Albany Highway then almost immediately RIGHT into Library Lane then very soon go right again into the parking area. The RSA Room is at the rear.

Seen on a lovely Lancia, her name is forgotten but the memory remains.

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