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Far North Focus May 2023

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand
The wheels of our Club
Claude & Margaret Ilton’s 1924 Essex Super Six coach.

Who’s Who for 2022/2023

Committee: Winston Matthews, Murray Cormack, Warren Mackay, Robyn Mackay, Mike Pooley, Vince Mason, Keith Lyndsell, Tom Deverall, Steve Edwards, Margaret Deverall, Margaret Ilton.

The full list of the elected officers is circulated with the minutes of the 2022 Annual General Meeting.

Club Cleaning Roster

May M Pooley

June R & W Mackay

July C & M Ilton

August D & B Francis

September N & V Mason

October Everyone

November M & T Deverall

December Winston & Glenis

January C & M Ilton

February R & W Mackay

March P O Dell

April M & T Deverall

Caffeine & Classics

3rd Sunday every month 9.30 to 12

Next date: Sunday 21st May

Taipa Beach Resort

During the month and preferably before the main calendar event, please give the clubrooms a thorough check over. This includes cleaning the toilets, hand basins, checking kitchen, table tops, window ledges, sweeping the floors etc.

If your cleaning date does not suit you, please swop with someone else.

Thanks for supporting the running of the Club.

Window cleaning, washing walls etc. will be done at working bees.

Take note of any required maintenance and pass on to our Building Officer - Warren Mackay 09 4061955

For any further enquires please contact our club Captain.

The Far North Branch of the VCC has a policy that pets are not brought to any Club events. We do ask that this policy is respected please.

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Chairman Winston Matthews 09 4060203 Vice Chairman Keith Lyndsell 09 405 5500 Secretary Naomi Mason 09 408 1376 Treasurer Robyn Mackay 09 4061955 Northern Club Captain Tom Deverall 0274735389 Southern Club Captain Steve Edwards 09 401 6239 Buildings Officer Warren Mackay 09 4061955 Beaded Wheels Rep Murray Cormack 09 407 7255 Communications Officer Margaret Ilton 0221008119 Editor Margaret Ilton 09 4068565

November 8

Calendar of Club Events

Pse note:


Monthly meeting 7 pm @ Clubrooms

May 9

AGM & monthly meeting

7pm at the Clubrooms

May 13

Mother’s Day Run

Organised by Claude & Marg Ilton

May 21

Caffeine & Classics

Taipa Beach Resort

Monthly - 2nd Tuesday

Club Meeting @ Aurere Clubrooms

Monthly - 3rd Sunday

Caffeine & Classics

Club Notices

Keith Lyndsell- reported on the Brian Mother’s Day Run

May 13

Please meet at 10 am in Awanui at the car park next to the playground & toilets, which is on your left as you get into Awanui, heading towards Kaitaia.

Park in the car park or on the main street.

Marg & Tom will meet you there and set you up for a relaxed drive.

It’s an easy drive so if the weather is kind, it will be a good drive for our older cars.

[Thanks Marg & Tom for stepping up for Claude & I, while we live a tourist life.]


9th May 2023

Far North Vintage Car Club

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

Notice of Meeting

Far North Vintage Car Club

Annual General Meeting

Held at Clubrooms, Aurere, Taipa.

Tuesday 9th May 2023 7.00pm


1. Attendance

2. Apologies

3. Minutes of Previous AGM 10th May 2022

4. Matters Arising

5. Correspondence

6. Presentation Audited Financial Accounts for year ended 31st March 2023

7. Reports: Chairman, Club Captains

8. Election of Officers for coming year

9. Reappointment of Auditor for coming year

10. General Business

A normal monthly meeting will follow the AGM.

“The reason people hold onto memories so tightly is because memories are the only things that don’t change when everything else does.”

In the Focus this month we have photos contributed by Marg D, Naomi, Marg I

Reports & contributions from Win & Tom

Thanks for taking the time to add to the interest of our Focus.


From the chair…

There was a good turnout of cars and members to attend the final goodbyes for Raewyn Pennell, who had finally lost the battle with her health. Raewyn will be sadly missed but we are very lucky to be left with many very pleasant memories of her involvement with the club.

Thanks to Keith and Trevor for organising this rally and to Robyn for handling the financial side of it.

Unfortunately, I could not attend the Brian Parker rally.

I am looking forward to the AGM on the 9th May and I’m hoping to see many of you there.

And we have the Mother's Day rally on the 13th.

A big thank you to Margaret for handling all our notices while away, a great effort as they are meant to be enjoying their holidays.

I hope you are enjoying the last of the summer weather.

Wishing you safe motoring.

Cheers, Win

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand
I will leave it to Tom, who took part in the rally, to report on it.

Northern Club Captain’s Report

Thank you, Keith and Trevor, for organising the Brian Parker Rally. It was a great effort.

We were given a very informative talk on the garage’s history by the present owner.

The rally covered new ground for a lot of us and the weather held fine although very windy.

A big turn out from the Dargaville people was great, which boosted our numbers to 24 - 10 from Dargaville and 14 from the Far North.

We met at Rawene for a 10-30 start with several of us coming across from Kohukohu on the ferry. We travelled over the old coach roads to Waimamaku where we stopped at the old garage to view the old model A and T cars and truck and memorabilia dating back to 1909.

Keith warned us all about the depth of metal that had been dumped/spread in the parking area…. “don’t go into it or you’re likely to get very stuck!”

Being one of the first to arrive at the lookout, we witnessed one very clever/cheeky driver of a smart old Buick do a big ‘wheelie’ right through the middle of the dumped metal!

Well done, Ron!

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand
Onwards to the Pakia Hill lookout.

While here, Keith and Trevor had two quizzes for us. First was a cylinder head that required putting the correct plugs into the correct holes - this was a timing event.

This had everyone going, with lots of laughs and again, well done to K & T.

By this time, it was a late lunch at the Opononi Hotel where the 1st , 2nd and 3rd place getters were awarded.

Next came a pillowcase with about 7 items in it which you had to feel and record what they were.

Results were:

1st Rob Wade (Chev) Dargaville

2nd Ron & Beryl Shugg (Buick) Far North

3rd Tom & Margaret and Judy Wright (Rover) Far North

Unfortunately, a lot of us had to leave before the results were announced as the ferry doesn’t wait for anyone!

The Dargaville folk had a two-hour run as did our lot, from the Far North. It was a very big day for all.

Next rally is the Mother’s Day Rally on 13th May, planned and organised by Claude and Marg Ilton, who will be on holiday at this time, so Margaret and I will be standing in for them.

This is a flat run with a small amount of gravel road. We are meeting at 10 am at the playground car park, Main Street, Awanui.

The next meeting is our AGM on Tuesday 9th May.

Hoping to see you all there.

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

Omnium gatherum…

Special thoughts and wishes to our members who are dealing with health issues at present.

Pantry Perks…

Ginger Biscuits

2 ½ cups flour

¾ cup margarine

1 lge egg

¼ cup honey or molasses

1 tsp baking pdr

¼ tsp salt

2 tsp ground ginger

1 tbs water

¾ tsp cinnamon

1 cup sugar

2 tbs sugar (to coat)

Preheat oven to 175c

Remember when….umm, maybe not.

Set aside the 2 tbs sugar for coating. Sift together flour, cinnamon, ginger, salt, baking soda.

Into a lge bowl mix margarine and sugar until light and fluffy.

Beat in the egg then stir in the molasses or honey & water, until combined.

Shape dough into 24 balls, roll in sugar, place onto a baking tray and flatten using the bottom of a glass.

Bake for 10 – 15 mins until golden brown.

Vintage Car
1846 chain stitch sewing machine.

From behind some South Island shed doors…

Marg Ilton

While we have been on the roads of the South Island, we have been privileged to be welcomed to the homes and sheds of both members of VCC & the HET Club.

While in the Tasman area we sadly missed seeing a shed which housed a privately owned collection of 70 plus classics. However, we have an invitation to revisit later, which we will hopefully do, in October.

We had a very warm welcome from Geoff & Margaret Clark in Wakefield who have a 28 Essex Super 6 Coach which he has owned for a very long time. It runs perfectly.

Nelson and the West Coast, plus the HET Club.

He has had it over most SI roads and he’s more than comfortable driving it off to Christchurch or further, at the drop of a hat. His wealth of mechanical knowledge of older motors, would challenge Google to the max.

Also tucked away in his shed he had a ’53 Hudson Hornet & a ’54 Hudson Jet sedan which were immaculately presented

We left much wiser and full of hope that one day our Essex will match the sound of his!

In Greymouth we spent a special afternoon with June and David Campbell who have many years of membership with VCC in

A point of interest was their 1924 Essex Tourer which has so many badges from rallies it has been on, the wooden dash was full, with were more displayed elsewhere.

Dave remembers with interest, chatting with Vince at National Conferences.

June & I were able to share the pleasures of writing newsletters, which she has done for 2 Clubs, for many more years than I have.

The warmth, support and companionship of our nationwide club membership should not be underestimated.

Another interesting visit we have made, was to the Westland Industrial Heritage Park, which is next door to the Hokitika Airport. It is well worth a stop if travelling in the area.

It houses many fire engines which have been in service in the region.

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

There are sawmilling & mining engines, steam & horse drawn vehicles and historic boats.

Most vehicles on display, are fully mobile and some are in everyday use, as is this Ford truck.

A Cletrac machine with some great kiwi problem solving with its wooden tracks.

Volunteers who were about, were more than happy to share their knowledge and time, explaining the history of machines on display.

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

Far North Vintage Car Club

Annual General Meeting

9th May 2023

Nomination Forms

It is preferred completed forms be with the secretary by Wednesday 3rd May.

Nominations for all officers’ positions will be accepted from the floor as well on the night of the AGM.

I nominate ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

For the position of …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Signature of proposer ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Signature of seconder ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

I accept nomination for the above position ……………………………………………………………………

I nominate ……………… ………………...

For the position of …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Signature of proposer ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Signature of seconder ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

I accept nomination for the above position ……………………………………………………

All positions within the club will be voted for at the AGM.

Please return your nomination form to:

Secretary FNVCC

Naomi Mason

23A Okahu Rd


09 4081376

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

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