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Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Far North SeptemberFocus2022 The wheels of our Club Rosco & Raewyn Pennell’s 1965 Single Cab VW, with their 1968 Crusader caravan.

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand During the month and preferably before the main calendar event, please give the clubrooms a thorough check over. This includes cleaning the toilets, hand basins, checking kitchen, table tops, window ledges, sweeping the floors etc. If your cleaning date does not suit you, please swop with someone else. Thanks for supporting the running of the Club. Window cleaning, washing walls etc. will be done at working bees. Take note of any required maintenance and pass on to our Building Officer Warren Mackay 09 4061955 For any further enquires please contact our club Captain. Chairman Winston Matthews 09 4060203 Vice Chairman Keith Lyndsell 09 405 5500 Secretary Naomi Mason 09 408 1376 Treasurer Robyn Mackay 09 4061955 Northern Club Captain Tom Deverall 0274735389 Southern Club Captain Steve Edwards 09 401 6239 Buildings Officer Warren Mackay 09 4061955 Beaded Wheels Rep Murray Cormack 09 407 7255 Communications Officer Margaret Ilton 0221008119 Editor Margaret Ilton 09 4068565 Who’s Who for 2022/2023 Committee: Winston Matthews, Murray Cormack, Warren Mackay, Robyn Mackay, Mike Pooley, Vince Mason, Keith Lyndsell, Tom Deverall, Steve Edwards, Margaret Deverall, Margaret Ilton. The full list of the elected officers is circulated with the minutes of the 2022 Annual General Meeting. Club Cleaning Roster September N & V Mason October Everyone November M & T Deverall December Winston & Glenis January C & M Ilton February R & W Mackay March P O Dell April M & T Deverall May M Pooley June R & W Mackay July C & M Ilton August D & B Francis The Far North Branch of the VCC does have a policy that pets are not brought to any Club events. We do ask that this policy is respected please. Taipa Bay Caffeine & Classics 3rd Sunday every month 10 to 12.30 Ramada Resort Next date: Sunday September 18

Naomi Mason  Start putting aside things you want to take to the car boot sale in October, at the Club rooms. October meeting will be a Tuesday night meeting, in Kerikeri. we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day…unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed and very dear.”

Saturday September 10 is our next meeting date. Following the meeting we will be having a special afternoon tea to celebrate Ruth’s [Reid] 90th birthday. Please bring a plate for afternoon tea. If you are unable to be at the meeting, feel free to join us from 3 pm onwards for a cuppa and a natter with Ruth. Father's Day Rally. September 17th Meet at the FNVCC clubrooms at 9:30 am. Lunch is available for $15 per person. If you wish to buy lunch, could let me know by the 9th September if you are attending. We need to give numbers to the Caterer by the 9th . My number is 0212650600 for any queries.

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Club Calendar of Events 2022/23 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Club Notices ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Saturday September 10 Monthly Club Meeting 2 pm Aurere Clubrooms September 17th Father’s Day Organised by Vince & Naomi Mason September 18 Taipa Caffeine & Classics 10 12.30 Ramada Resort Taipa Organised by Rosco October Tuesday11evening meeting in Kerikeri October Working15Bee and Car Boot Sale at Club Rooms November 12 & 13 Dunny Run in conjunction with Far North Tour December 10 Xmas ThisJanuaryMeetwillbe a picnic. Yet to be decided when and where February 18 Northern Club Captains Run Organised by Tom & Margaret Deverall March Southern18 Captains Run Organised by Steve & Steph Edwards April Brian15Parker Trophy Organised by Keith Lyndsell May 16 Mother’s Day Run Organised by Claude & Marg Ilton Monthly 2nd Saturday Club Meeting @ Aurere Clubrooms Monthly - 3rd Sunday Caffeine & Classics @ Ramada Taipa

Justevents.aword of caution, if you convert your vehicle to electric, as some are contemplating, you will no longer have a vintage vehicle.

Therethere. was good public participation at the Pioneer Village and it was great to see all the live exhibits.

The next AGM will be held in NELSON 12 August We2023.have been supplied with new brochures to use for advertising and have been sent a pull up club advertising display stand which was used for first time on Saturdays rally. There is also a teardrop flag being sent which will be more appropriate for outside display at club

Our sincerest thoughts to you Ian and your Manyfamily.thanks to Murray for chairing the monthly meeting while Keith and I attended the AGM in WAucklandhatawakeup call it was to join the slow moving queue of traffic from the airport to our venue in Karaka. Over 50 minutes for this relatively short trip. The following are a few notes from the meeting Online membership applications are going well, even prompting Keith to apply for Lynette to become his joint member. Welcome to the branch Lynette. Also, it is now possible to apply for VIC cards on line (if you are smart enough!) which only requires the copy of one photo. Once again this will make it easier for Head Office to process. 12 month warrants for vintage vehicles are still under negotiation and information has been sent to director of NZTA for final approval.

From the chair… It was with great sadness I heard on Tuesday, Mary MacGregor had passed away. Mary and Ian have been great supporters of our branch for 25 years. Her presence will be sadly missed by us all.

Many thanks to Keith and Trevor for organizing the Daffodil rally yesterday. It was a very well organized event but a pity there were not more vintage cars from the club

An application from the Taranaki branch for $2500 towards rally marshalling costs ect was Theredeclined.was a discussion on long service awards and because of the large increase in 50—60 year awards, it may be that all awards are presented by the branch Chairman.

Till next month, cheers. Win

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

Rod and Ann Corbet organisers of the TARGA Rally and others, received the JOHN GODDARD TROPHY, a very prestigious award. The VERO rally at Taranaki ran at a surplus of $62 k. $42 k had been set aside for traffic management but owing to different planning, was not required.

Unfortunately Rod Brayshore will be resigning from the vehicle technical committee this year and Roger White has stood down from the chairperson role and has resigned from the committee also.

Goodbye, Mary, our dear friend….. When I think of Mary, it is always her positivity, and zest for life!

It was at the time that John was fighting cancer, and we had to go to Auckland regularly for his treatment. On arriving home each time, Mary would have a meal ready for us, which we enjoyed, along with their company. They made our very basic little flat homely and were great company for John when he needed it most. We missed them when they finally moved into their house! They had become honorary members of our street parties! Mary was always a friend to all, and a wonderful lady. I shall miss you Mary, my very great Margaretfriend….. Wallace

From surf lifesaver (did you know she & Ian met in the sand dunes!) to floral artist, she was always making the most of every day. We had some fun rallies with them. I remember especially our trip on “Murray’s Mighty Tour” of East Cape (Murray Baird the organiser). Ian would roar off into the distance in the MG, & Mary took it all in her stride. John & I could hardly keep up, even though John was no slouch behind the wheel either! It was a fun time.

The Hard Luck Trophy was won by them many times, but they always soldiered on in spite of all the mishaps! The trophy became a regular companion for its twin, an extremely similar model they had at home! But the last trophy they won was the Matthews Brothers Challenge Cup well deserved after all the years they had devoted to the Club. In 2014, Ian & Mary stayed in the flat in the basement of our home, while their house was being built.

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

It has been mostly an uninterrupted month for me, which has been a nice change. Our last monthly meeting was well represented and a jolly good catch up afterwards was enjoyed by all there. Look for the information for the Father’s Day run in the Club notices. It takes place on September 17th. Our September meeting is on Saturday the 10th after which we will look forward to an afternoon tea for Ruth. 13 club members took advantage of Keith’s very well planned Daffodil Run last AfterSaturday.meeting in Okaihau, the trip took us through Waimate North and out to the southern end of Ohaeawai. We headed north from the intersection through Ohaeawai to Kaikohe where Keith had plotted a clever little street drive which took us to the Hone Heke Memorial Reserve, where we had enough time to take in a very broad view of Kaikohe, enjoy the sunshine and chat with members before our expected arrival at the Pioneer Village Museum at 11.30.

The surprise of the day was the Museum sharing half of their days takings with us.

Being able to line the cars up on the village green was handy parking for us and the line-up added to the atmosphere of the day. There was so much to see and do at the Museum. Many of us really only managed to take in some of what is there to browse through. We were given a thorough guided tour of the main museum buildings which have all been working buildings from the mid north, in earlier times. It was a pleasure to see lots of people taking advantage of the live day at the Museum and to share the day with many young families. Hats off to the Team at the Museum who willingly share their time, resources, expertise and knowledge with all visitors.

Northern Club Captain’s Report

I send our support to Ian and his Family with the passing of Mary. What a special person she has been.

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

Thank you to our members who took time to be with the MacGregor Family on Monday and to Dereck who piped Mary from the Thatchapel.was special.

WOW! A very unexpected and most generous gesture. Our sincerest thanks to them for this wonderful donation.

Safe travels to you all.

$635.60 was the amount Keith was able to bank for the Daffodil Run.

The cars are all American, and spectacular. The most prominent is a bright yellow Auburn - very art deco.

My interest was immediately caught by a Matchless motor cycle, alongside an Ariel sidecar outfit. Around the cars are many petrol bowsers of all brands, shapes and sizes.

The day after the AGM, we had a "shed" visit to Steve and Sue Key's place. Some shed! Attached to their house on a lifestyle block in south east Auckland, overlooking a huge new residential development, is their display of cars, petrol bowsers and oil company memorabilia plus a few other items.

Another visit as part of a rally…just a hint for any future rally in the area!... would be great, as the afternoon closed in quickly and many did not get to have an in depth look at the extensive machinery collection, which is where many of our members’ interests lie.

As well as the floor space, there is a gallery all round above, with shelves full of oil cans- from small domestic cans to large items hundreds, if not thousands of them.

Tom AGM Shed Visit Keith Lyndsell

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

Thank you Keith, Lyn and Trevor for organising a wonderful day for us.

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Outside is a workshop and attached garage containing a Texaco streamlined petrol tanker on a Diamond T chassis. And a few more cars undergoing work or restoration. September 8 Monthly Club Meeting 2 pm @ Aurere Clubrooms In the Focus this month we have photos contributed by: Keith, Warren, Glenis, Rosco & Reports,Naomi. notices, & contributions from Win, Tom, Margaret Wallace, Keith, Peg, Graeme & Naomi. Thank you for taking the time to add to the interest of our Focus Remember when…

Best wishes and our kindest thoughts to Kirsten Rademaker, Raewyn Pennell, Colleen Brownlie and Steph Edwards who is nursing a broken ankle. We acknowledge how you are all working so hard towards a comfortable place with your health. You all have a special place in our thoughts.

½ cup flour

1 lge onion sliced 1 clove garlic sliced 1 green pepper sliced 1 tbs brown sugar

1 tsp salt ½ tsp thyme 2 cups quartered or canned tomatoes

VARIATION: Add green pepper towards end of cooking time, with currants for a brighter colour & crisp texture. REMEMBER, roasting or boiling fowls are not suitable for this recipe.

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Thank you Peg for sharing with us this family favourite from Alison Holst, Kitchen Diaries. Country Captain Chicken Curry Serves 6

2 tsp curry pdr

¼cup currants

Thank you Peg for

1 jointed chicken [size

6 8]

Pantry Perks… this great family recipe.

Another excellent meet for August. Congratulations Mike.

Joint chicken into 12 pieces. Dry joints, flour them evenly & brown over high heat a few pieces at a time, in butter or oil or a mix of both. Turn pieces as necessary, remove from pan when golden brown all over. Lower heat & add sliced veggies. Cook 2 3 mins without browning veggies, then replace brown joints, skin side down into pan. Add sugar, curry, salt, thyme then skinned tomatoes. Cover, bring to the boil & cook on low heat for 15 Turnmins.chicken, add currants, cover and cook 10 mins longer until chicken is tender & juice from a pierced drumstick or thigh runs clear and pale yellow. Arrange chicken on rice, thicken sauce if necessary & spoon over chicken. For larger numbers it is easier to brown the chicken pieces in a pan and finish cooking them in the oven. Arrange the joints, skin side down, in 1 layer in a shallow roasting dish. Put all the remaining ingredients around the joints, cover and refrigerate until needed. 1 hr before serving put covered pan in oven & bake @180° C for 45 mins. Remove cover, turn joints & replace in oven for 15 mins more.

Omnium gatherum…

Caffeine & Classics @ Ramada Taipa

3 4 tbs oil or fat

The Ed. & Keith…

The Panther is a 1928 3 speed model. It was 600cc but after breaking the con rod several years ago I could not find parts to rebuild the motor so it is now a 500cc (1928 was the first year of the 600 models).


New Zealand

I had several other Morgans before this one.

The Morgan is a 1933 Super Sports model.

A recent journey took us, one very wet day, to Kohukohu where we caught up with Keith, Lyn, & TomTrevor.presented Keith & Lyn with the Molloy trophy. A great chat was enjoyed and it’s amazing the knowledge, interests and experiences that come to light during a cuppa and a shed visit.

From behind a shed door…

I now have some 600 parts so may rebuild it as original. I bought it in 1969 as a non runner which had been used for hill climbing. I got it running and registered for the road and used it for road riding, trials, racing, sprinting and hill climbing. It was not very competitive but great fun!

bought it in 1968 from a friend who was changing from a 3 speeder to a 2 speeder (I raced as his passenger in his 2 speeders for several years). It is powered by an 1100cc ohv JAP water cooled, V twin motor. This car is unusual in that it has a door which Super Sports models do not normally have with both driver and passenger have to climb in over the side.

The Rover V8 is 1972 registered (probably a 1971 model). I bought it in 2018.

Vintage Car of

The Ed got lost and needed expert support to have an accurate write up!! Thanks for helping me out Keith, otherwise, mayhem would have reigned.

While with Keith and Lyn, we gleaned much interesting knowledge of our Vice Chairman. He has a great passion for bikes. Besides owning, working on and riding them for pleasure, in earlier years he had the opportunity to ride the Isle of Man course.

And Keith continues...


*Our parents were not rich. They gave love, not

Parents lived nearby to take advantage of family

True or False. Graeme Moore (With thanks to the Rangiora Lions AClub)young man asked his grandfather, “Grandpa, how did you live in the past without technology?

*We never gained weight by eating plates of pasta every

*Webarefoot.never used food supplements to stay healthy.

After a while it had a top end rattle, leaked some oil and the rear suspension bushes were shot, so I took it to a friend for attention. After about 3 years, I got fed up waiting and bought the 1961 6 cylinder Rover 100, I am now using. The day I got this Rover, he started work on the AfterV8! stripping down the car, we thought it was worth doing a more thorough rebuild and it is still in progress. The engine problems were due to all water and oil passages blocked with gunge additives, which had seriously worn the camshaft and valves, but luckily we were in time to save the bottom end. The engine has now been rebuilt and refitted, the suspension sorted out and all underneath parts stripped and repainted. Some body welding is done and now we have to prepare and paint the top part of the body and sort the interior.

*We never worried even as we shared the same cup of juice with our friends.

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

*We played with real friends, not Virtual Friends.

*If we were thirsty, we would drink tap water, or water from a hose, not mineral water.

*We used to make our own toys and play with them.

*Beforehelmet.schoolthen, we played and again after school until dusk and hardly ever watched TV.

*Wetime.may have had black and white photos, but you can find colourful memories in these photos.

*Westuff.never had a cell phone, DVD, game console, Xbox, video game, PC, Internet Chat but we had true friends.

*Nothingday.happened to our feet despite roaming

*While playing and riding a bike, we have never worn a

Grandpa answered, We, the people born between1940 1980, were the blessed ones. Our lives are the living proof.

*We visited our friends without being invited, and shared and enjoyed food with them.

*We are a Limited Edition! Take advantage of us. Learn from us. We are a treasure destined to disappear soon

*We are unique and the most understanding generation, because we are the last generation that listened to their parents, and we are also the first ones who were forced to listen to their children.

Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Andthen… for the very far, ‘Far Northerners,’ there is our much loved & used DonGorge.’texpect to rally travel on this any time soon, folks. Sad to see it looking like this, in many places. It’s broken! Photo acknowledgements to Toni Marinkovich Burren, Waka Kotahi & Kuula.

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