CENTRAL HAWKE’S BAY BRANCH of the VINTAGE CAR CLUB of NZ (Inc) Lamb Country Branch Email:
Branch Editor
Club Night 7.30pm
3rd Wednesday of every Month
CHB Branch of the VCC—Annual Veteran Rally 2023 .
Organised by Tony Prebensen-Pat Bren and Mike Stuart
CHB Branch Veteran Car Rally 2023—Written by Scarlet McKenzie This year’s rally was based in Napier with headquarters being at Pat Bren and Mike Stewart’s home in Poraiti. On Friday 3rd November evening we gathered there for a BBQ tea, having unloaded the cars from their trailers in the rain.
Team briefing
On Saturday 4th was a beautiful fine day, we were all very pleased about that. The Rally started with a tikitour through Napier itself. This included passing through the Park Island Sports Ground, Westminster Ave and their many great speed bumps; a visit to Paul Anderson’s lock-up to view his veteran FN restoration; a visit to the Faraday Centre to enjoy seeing many displays of articles from yesteryear. By then tummies were rumbling, so we set off into the countryside on our “Tour de Silt”, following Springfield Road, Puketapu Road and Dartmoor Road. The damage to the area here was heart-breaking. However, a lovely homestead, Silverford, (built in 1904), was untouched and we had our lunch, and wine tasting, in their beautiful gardens. For our return, we were given a choice of hilly roads, or a flatter shortcut, both routes pleasant driving. Our last visit was to the Prebensen Family Farm, meaning a cuppa at Tony’s home! We all managed his steep gravel driveway, and enjoyed the view toward the Bay View coast. Tony’s home is completely off the grid and works totally from a huge solarpowered battery. Dinner that night was at the Taradale Club, with 17 of us eating and talking heaps. On Sunday, we were joined by some of the other members of our branch, but being a busy time of the year, only 4 cars made the trip. Our destination was Lemmon’s Museum, on Hedgley Road (off Springfield Road) and, actually, some of us didn’t quite make the destination. Why? The driveway at the top was steep and gravel and the old cars just ran out of breath. Luckily, there was a small level area that cars could just get to, and rest. Lemmon’s Museum has an amazing collection of many cars in wonderful condition, and displays of memorabilia from the olden days. Entrants carefully returned down the museum driveway and headed off to Tony’s again for a picnic lunch in the sunshine. We were a small group with just 4 veteran cars motoring over the weekend. Several veteran cars were out of action due to mechanical issues, but their owners still enjoyed their days out. A very big thank-you to Tony, Pat and Mike for organising for us a great weekend of motoring and socialis2 ing.
CHB Branch Veteran Car Rally 2023 From Subject Joyce Calder
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CHB Branch Veteran Car Rally 2023
CHB Branch Veteran Car Rally 2023 The Lemmon Trust Museum
Anzac Day holds special significance for us here at the Lemmon Trust Museum as the founder, Les, was a veteran of the Second World War and had he not returned safely to New Zealand, the collection would not exist today. Photographs, personal items and other memorabilia can give us an insight into that time and the people who lived it, from the child playing with their soldier toys to the squadron signing a pennant flag before they head off to fight.
VCC Christmas Dinner Saturday 9th December Oruawharo Homestead Oruawharo Rd, Takapau
5.00pm—Social Time 6.30pm—Meal Presentations of Long Service Awards by Past President Diane Quarrie. MENU Kintail Honey Champagne Ham Hot Provincial Chicken Terrine Seasonal Vegetable Salad / sour cream Summer homestead Greens Pasta Salad / salsa / Greek fruits DESSERT Chocolate Mousse / sable' / summer fruits (If you have any dietary needs please let Eva know) Numbers MUST be into Eva NO LATER than 1st December 06 858 9105 021 170 9978 Members $20 per head—Non members $40 per head Please pay Eva CASH on arrival. EFTPOS is available at the bar for drinks Let's all get into the Christmas spirit and wear a little something festive.
GUMBOOT RALLY—TAIHAPE 2024—Organised by Bruce Poole Members attending this event are asked to meet at Windmill Café, Woodville at 10.00am on Sunday 31st December 2023— after morning tea, we will travel over the saddle Road and on to Glyn and Cathy Clements for BYO lunch. Please reserve your own accommodation. For further information please Contact: Bruce Poole 027-244-9090 or 06-858-9940
Sunday 28th January 2024 — Wheels with Attitude — A & P Show Grounds — Dannevirke Wheels with Attitude is returning in 2024 for their 25th Show — 10.00am to 2.00pm
All vehicles welcome Vintage Cars—Classic Cars—Project cars—Muscle Cars—Motorcycles —Trucks—tractors —Buses
Dedicated area for Swapmeet stall holders — Food Court Admission:
Spectator Admission:
Exhibitors - $5 per vehicle Swapmeet Site - $10 per site Trade Site - $20 per site
Adult - $2 per person Child - $1 per person (under 5 free)
Admission payable at the gate, no presales —Cash only — sorry no eftpos Their last show held in 2021 saw over 500 vehicles of all types on display and over 1000 people through the gates
TUESDAY 16th January 2024 — CHB VCC Dinner and Meeting To be held at Waipukurau Bowling Club, Mt Herbert Rd, Waipukurau. Arrive from 6.00pm —Meal at 6.30pm — Meeting at 7.30pm
$32.00per person to be Paid in CASH to Eva on arrival. Menu:
Roast Beef Chicken Parmigiana Potatoes Peas Greek Salad Israeli Couscous
Apple Shortcake with Ice Cream
Numbers attending must be into Eva by the evening of Friday 12th January 2024 Please contact Eva 06 858 9105 or 021 170 9978 or No late bookings please If you have any dietary needs, please advise when you book your meal. PLEASE NOTE: The CHBVCC branch will make payment for any late dinner cancellations or no shows, then an invoice will be sent to the member/members concerned.
CHB Branch Chairman
Gary Weaver
KRYPTIC KRUSE RUN - 26TH November 2023 — Written by Pat Malcolm The morning dawned very breezy and showery but 13 cars assembled at Tavistock Place at 10.30am. The winter woollies were out again but the weather had improved. After a bit of chatting we departed at 10.45am for Laurie & Gloria’s very interesting Kryptic Kruse around Waipawa and Waipukurau. First we headed to Waipawa and had a list of questions where we followed route instructions and had to locate streets with Royal names, USA President names, Prickly Plant names, Park & Reserve names, & business names to list a few. We then headed back to Waipukurau where instructions were for something that came off oranges, where horses race, something that holds water and then several questions at A’Deane Park. It was then down a street that was NZ’s Capital city and finally out Mt Herbert Road locating the Bridge Club and up Mangatarata Road.
Our picnic lunch stop was at Rapid No. 359 in the Woolshed at Dermott Miller’s farm. Derm has farms at Woodville but in April he purchased this 360 acre block in Waipukurau. The farm was looking very lush after all the rain, and a big area of the farm was planted in squash. Derm & his wife had recently been overseas for a month to catch up with their daughters and watch some of the World Cup Rugby games.
KRYPTIC KRUSE RUN - 26TH November 2023 — Written by Pat Malcolm He talked on the various countries they visited and we certainly enjoyed the history, culture, food/ refreshments and driving experiences in all of them. They have travelled to many World Cup games. Laurie then went through the Question Sheet and there were a lot of oohs & aahs when people had only put down “St” for Street and “Rd” for Road, losing points for this. We were very lucky to be the winners & received some lovely Coasters. It was also a timed run based on Laurie & Gloria’s time of 1 hour 3 minutes 54 seconds. Lynn Cross & John Foot were the winners taking 1 hour 1 minute and Andrea Collier & her mum Sue, were second with 1 hour 6 minutes. Most were too fast!! Thank you very much Laurie & Gloria for our great little jaunt. You put lots of thought & effort into organising the route – it was something different and very enjoyable. Well done!!!
Palmerston North Mayor and his council staff treated to classic car transport—written by Micheal Harding Dignitaries, (Palmerston North Mayor and his council staff) about to be transported to their meeting place for their zone 3 meeting. I had 4 people including The Mayor in my car. They were a very friendly bunch, and were keen to know all about the car, and Mt Vernon. As I arrived a bit early I was also able to give them information on Mt Vernon going back to the 1850s, as it is my ancestral home. They enjoyed the ride to Hunter park, their meeting place, and they were impressed with the performance of the Sunbeam, especially the acceleration from an intersection without sustained loss of traction.
Mary Anderson—Windscreen Wiper inventor
On November 10th 1903, a Birmingham, Alabama woman named Mary Anderson received a U.S. patent for a “window cleaning device for electric cars and other vehicles to remove snow, ice or sleet from the window.” Anderson's inspiration was drawn from a visit to New York City. She was riding in a streetcar on a freezing, wet winter day and noticed that the driver could not see through his icy windshield. Anderson began to sketch her concept for a windshield wiper right on the spot. After a number of attempts, she came up with a working prototype featuring a set of arms made of wood and rubber attached to a lever near the steering wheel on the driver's side. When the driver pulled the lever, the spring-loaded arm ran across the window and back, clearing away moisture or other debris. Naysayers rejected Anderson’s invention, claiming the wipers’ movement could impair the driver's vision and cause accidents. After receiving the patent, Anderson tried to sell it to a Canadian company, but they refused, though mechanical windshield wipers became standard equipment in cars by around 1913, Anderson never profited from the invention. The Real estate entrepreneur and cattle ranch operator, Mary Anderson came up with and patented the idea of windshield wipers in 1903, years before Henry Ford’s Model T Ford 13 hit the market.
Events Calendar
Other District's Events
CHB Branch “Christmas Dinner” is to be held at Oruawharo—Service awards to be Sat 9th presented GUMBOOT RALLY TAIHAPE—meet at the Windmill Café, Woodville at 10.00am on 31st December 2023 – organiser Bruce 31st-New Poole 027-244-9090 years Eve
25th to 29th
OTAGO BRANCH—National Veteran Rally
Sun 21st
Annual Beach Run — Details to follow
19th to 22nd
Wanganui VCC branch Burma rally
Sun 28th
Wheels with Attitude—A & P show grounds — Dannevirke — 10.00am to 2.00pm Sat 3rd
Eastern Bay of Plenty—East Coast Rally
Sun 11th Manawatu VCC Veteran Rally 15th-18th HB-Art Deco Weekend
North Island Cub Captain 2nd-11th Tour Sat 16th
Taupo VCC “Country Roads Rally
TO READ AII OTHER BRANCH MAGAZINES ONLINE go to then go to: News from our Branches — Choose relevant Branch — print relevant entry form. Also items of interest on
When insuring your valuable items (property, cars etc) with Vero, please quote YOUR CENTRAL HAWKES BAY BRANCH MEMBERSHIP NUMBER, this will result in a commission being paid to our Branch.
Thank you for14 your support
Chairman's Report—December—2023
“Still on Holiday”
Happy and Safe Motoring
A very Merry Xmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you all
Gary Weaver-QSM CHB Branch Chairman
Club Captains Report—Laurie's Lot—December—2023 Tony Prebensen, Mike Stuart and Pat Bren organised the Annual Branch veteran rally. Friday night was very wet for the BBQ however Saturday was a beautiful fine day. On the Sunday the branch was invited to join the veterans but a very disappointing number attending the visit to the Lemmon's Museum. Lunch was at Tony's place and he gave a very in depth talk about how he built his 1909 Holey. He also spoke about his two other resto projects. The next run was held on Sunday 26th November. This run was a Kryptic Kruse in and around Waipukarau and Waipawa. The branch Xmas party is to be held at the Oruawharo Homestead on Saturday 9th December. Dress up in your favourite father and mother Xmas gear.
Further out the Gumboot Rally on New Year's Eve, contact Bruce for info. The January Beach run will be on Sunday 21st January. Confirmed details to follow. Over the holiday period take care, stay safe and have a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year. Laurie Malcolmson. Club Captain. Brain Teaser: What is the only unhyphenated word which features three consecutive double letters. ( In English ) Answer in next report. Laurie Malcolmson Club Captain
Central Hawkes Bay Branch of the VCC— Directory 2023/2024 Chairman—Gary Weaver
Committee—Bruce Poole
027 442 8920
027 244 9090
Secretary/Delegate—Brian Connor
Committee—Iain Gollan
027 488 5019
021 170 9978
Treasurer —Kaye Carswell
Committee—Rod McKenzie
021 124 3620
027 446 7198
Club Captain—Laurie Malcolmson
Committee—Neil Malcolm
06 374 9823 or 021 579 133
06 858 5099 or 027 457 8945
Vice Club Captain—Vehicle Inspection
Committee—Gloria Malcolmson
Keith Hopping 06 857 8255 or 021 742 302
06 374 9823 or 021 579 133
Welfare—Sandra Cross
Catering—Eva Gollan
06 858 9814
06 858 9105 or 021 170 9978
Bleat Editor—Joyce Calder
Raffles—Scarlett McKenzie
022 166 1403
06 858 9562 or 027 446 7198
Torqueheads—Bruce Turner
Beaded Wheels—Heather Cheer
021 100 4333
06 374 0864 or 027 235 6649
North Island Club Captain’s Tour — 2nd — 11th March 2024 Welcome to my first tour as Club Captain! I trust you will enjoy your time in the Lower North Island where we will visit and enjoy the hospitality of five VCC Branches - Whanganui, Hawkes Bay, Central Hawkes Bay, Wairarapa and Manawatu. ACCOMMODATION Attached is a list of motels at the various destinations. Please phone your booking without delay as accommodation is at a premium. Please mention you are with the VCC Tour. (There is nothing available in Feilding so you will have to book in Palmerston North). MEALS Breakfasts and Lunches are your own care. Lunch stops will be at a venue where you can either buy lunch or bring a picnic lunch. Evening meals will be catered for, except on Saturday 9th March in Palmerston North which will be free for you to make your own arrangements. Once the costs are confirmed, you will receive email notification to pre-pay prior to the Tour (mid-February). Entry fee is $50 / per vehicle - PAYABLE NOW ENTRY FORM - PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION BY 30th JANUARY 2024 DRIVER - NAME NAVIGATOR - NAME ADDITIONAL CREW ADDRESS PHONE (LANDLINE) (MOBILE) EMAIL ADDRESS VEHICLE YEAR/MODEL REG. NO VCC BRANCH MEMBERSHIP NO If you have not received an email confirmation of your entry by 2nd February 2024 then please contact Glyn on 021 08334081 or email to
WHANGANUI : Saturday 2nd / Sunday 3rd March (2 Nights) NAPIER : Monday 4th / Tuesday 5th March (2 Nights) MASTERTON : Thursday 7th / Friday 8th March (2 Nights) PALMERSTON NORTH : Saturday 9th / Sunday 10th March (2 Nights) ENTRIES CLOSE 30TH JANUARY 2024 Tour Director : GLYN CLEMENTS (NICC) Email: Phone: 021 0833 4081 Tour Secretary : CATHY CLEMENTS Branch Secretary, Manawatu VCC Email: Phone: 027 286 2927 Mailing Address NICC Club Captain Tour PO Box 232, FEILDING 4740 18
Highland Fling Feilding 26th—28th April 2024 Veteran /Vintage Vehicle's Only Organiser—Derek Haycock, Manawatu Branch—027-4419-153 Email, entries and Enquires— Entries limited to 100 Vehicles and Close 1st March 2024 or when the entry limit has been met.
Welcome Friday 26th April – Registration and Merchandise collection from 4.00pm Stockyard Bar & Restaurant, 50 Manchester Street, Feilding, we will be in the back room. Please feel free to join us for happy hour and dinner. Saturday 27th April—Compulsory Drivers Briefing, 8.00am at the Coach House Museum carpark, 127 South Street, Feilding. Please provide own lunch at the Apiti Hall. Saturday Evening, we have the backroom booked at the Stockyard Bar & Restaurant for anyone who would like to join for drinks and meal.
Sunday 28th April—Compulsory Drivers Briefing, 8.00am at the Coach House Museum carpark, 127 South Street Feilding. Please proved own lunch, Tea and Coffee supplied at Manawatu VCC Branch Club Rooms. Sunday dinner and Prize-giving, from 4.30pm at the Feilding Civic Centre, 84 Aorangi Street, Feilding. Please bring your own drinks and drinking glasses. Tea and Coffee provided.
Essential Requirements • • • •
Tow Rope. Enough fuel for 160 miles due to no fuel on route. Chains. Sense of Humour.
Please advise if you require parking for towed vehicles or trailers.
Thanks to our sponsors
Classic Museum, 11 Railside Place, Hamilton
Classic Auto Repaints, 44 King Street, Opunake 19
Wanganui Branch of the New Zealand Vintage Car Club Inc
65th Burma Rally 21st January 2024
Principal Sponsor
Entries close 5th January 2024 The Burma Rally takes place over Wellington Anniversary Weekend and Wanganui’s popular Vintage Weekend. VCC members and Burma Rally vehicles play an important part in the weekend. Entrants are invited to display their vehicles, enjoy the Vintage Weekend activities as well as taking part in the Burma Rally. It is recommended that you book your accommodation now. Though not essential, we encourage period costume to be worn at the rally and Vintage Weekend activities. Prizes will be awarded for the best dressed gentleman and lady at the prizegiving dinner.
Dunedin – Brighton Veteran Rally Based at The Edgar Centre in Portsmouth Drive, Dunedin — Entries close Friday 15th December 2023 Rally Director: Nicola Wilkinson ph. 021 180 3225—Rally Secretary: Trevor Kemptonph. 027 221 5207 Rally email:
Wolseley 15/50 1957 Registration on hold Has been in dry storage This car is in Waipukurau For further information contact Ivan Bettelheim 23 Nelson Street, Waipukurau Phone—027-358-8360 FOR SALE 1997 Toyota Corolla 1.6 Auto 1 owner 84,000km Price—negotiable For more information please contact: Chris 027-635-1219 VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF NZ EASTERN BAY OF PLENTY BRANCH
East Coast Rally 2024
Saturday 3rd February Entries close on Friday 26th January 2024 All cars to assemble at the starting point Paroa Rugby Football Club, Huna Road, Whakatane Contact Rally Organisers for entry forms Les & Gail Costar —26 Bell Street —Kawerau —3127
Email: Ph: 07 323 6406 21 Mobile: 027 271 7022
FOR SALE—1974-VW-Superbug Convertible • • • • • • •
Immaculate condition. Runs like a dream. Left hand drive. Rare model. $38.000 or near offer. Viewing in Waipawa-CHB For further information please contact:
Kevin Davey—021-075-1155
For Sale—1938 DX10 Vauxhall
It is out of Registration and needs WOF - Last Registered in 2022.
Has been in storage.
Mileage 99109.
General Condition is very good / Repainted 2019, some rust on front grill.
Tyres good.
Interior is very clean - new carpets 2019.
Asking $20,000.
Location Wairoa — please contact:
Wendy Lee Rattenbury 029-0203-8884
Angela Annear An authorised Travel Broker for Searle Travel Ltd. Consultations are by appointment.
Angela Annear Travel Broker
10 Brooker Place, Waipukurau 4200, Central Hawkes Bay. Email: Webpage: Facebook: For more details: Email: Phone: 06 858 9082 Cell: 027 281 1306 Website:
Vintage and Classic Car Restoration Services NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL • • • •
Machine Castings One off Fabrication Weld Repairs Brazing & Mouldings
Stevenson & Taylor 2294—Takapau Road—Waipukarau Phone—06 858 6041 24
Radiator Sales, Service & Repair Warrant of Fitness Exhaust Specialist—Brakes—Cambelts Shocks & Suspension—Tyres Motorcycle & Bicycle Servicing Full Vehicle Servicing Phone-06-858-8097
22 Takapau Road, Waipukurau, CHB
Wanted Old 60’s Scalextric or other brands Slot Car parts or old Slot Cars. Please Phone Nick
027-437-1511 March 8th—10th 2024—Model 40 Convention—Celebrating 90 years If you own a 1933 or 1934 Ford, you’ll want to be a part of the Model 40 Convention to be held March 8-10 2024, Celebrating 90 years of this beautiful model Ford, the event is open to both original & modified examples, but is limited to 100 entries. Having hosted past vintage and hot rod events, including Deuce Days for the 1932 Fords, the venue is at Solway Park, Masterton which is perfect for this sort of event. Trust House & JRI Insurance have come on board as major sponsors, and registrations are open now. For more information follow the event on the 1933/34 Ford New Zealand Facebook page. Expressions of interest and requests for registration forms to: Enquiries to the convenor: Lloyd Wilson 021-436-432 Whether or not you can attend, we would still be interested in hearing from owners, as we have established a register of 33/34 Fords in New Zealand. Also, we will be producing special anniversary plaques which will be available to Model 40 owners. Lloyd Wilson Convenor
WEBER SPECIALTIES LTD Company Profile NZ’s finest & most experienced Carburettor Sales and team. Weber, Dellorto, SU, Solex, Stromberg & most other makes, serviced, restored and repaired. •
New carburettors supplied and fitted.
Worn carburettors serviced to new condition.
Restoration of carburettors to the highest concours standards.
Damaged carburettors repaired.
Obsolete & hard to find components manufactured.
Restoration Our workshop is set up with repair processes for each type of worn or damaged component. The carburettor is stripped right down to the body, each piece is examined for wear, corrosion and, in the case of calibrated parts, tested for compliance with the original specifications and replaced where necessary with new parts. All the components are put through our
cleaning procedure, separated into related groups for processing, restored to original finish and reassembled to bring the carburettor back to as near to original condition as is feasible. There are many variables so there is no set price for a restoration. All jobs are individually priced before we start the process so we do need to see the carburettor before giving you an estimate. Usually there is no charge for assessing your carburettor except for any freight involved.
Weber Specialty 1/12 Anvil Road Silverdale Auckland 0932 Email: Website: I can very much recommend this company, Weber Specialty. After years of carburettor instability with my 1974 Triumph Spitfire twin carburettors, my son in-law took it into Weber specialty where the twin carburettors were over hauled and refitted. The difference is amazing, she starts easily now and is running very sweetly. Joyce Calder, Bleat Editor. 26
Logo & customised printing for any occasion Hello my name is Lory Cribb and I specialise in custom printing of products. I love turning peoples ideas into reality especially when I am able to supply an extremely hard to fined personal gift. I am based in Napier and courier nationwide. Some of my products are listed below. Coffee mugs, reusable face masks (3 layered), coasters, stubby cooler holders. Custom clothing is available from newborn through to 7XL Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any enquiries
Facebook: @personalisedbylory Email: Cell phone: 020-4117-5900
For Sale Vintage Car Club—Rally Number ID plates (200 x 150mm)—$10.00 each Available from Brian Connor Contact:
Brian Connor 06-855-6447 027-488-5019 27
Free Advertising available for members OR non members for PRIVATE SALE Vehicles, parts, machinery etc, please contact Gary Weaver or Brian Connor “The Bleat” Editor to place your advertisement.
Four luxurious units available to hire Contact us now so we can show you how to add luxury to your event
06 857 8757 or 027 235 5996
We now have CHB VCC windscreen stickers available Contact TREASURER
Kaye Carswell 021-124-620
LAMB COUNTRY For General District Information Please visit the CHB Library 28