Auckland VCC February 2017

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February 2017

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February 2017

February 2017

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Index In this issue… 2017 National North Island Easter Rally February Club Run 2017 Vintage Muster—Marshal’s Annual Motorcycle Rally 2017 New Year’s Day Run Thames Heritage Festival 2017 National North Island Easter Rally 2021 International Rally Tours

Page 7 13 17 18-19 20 21 22-23 24 24

Regular Features Chairman’s Report Club Captains Report Notes from your Secretary Commercial Notes Mid Week Tourers Motorcycle Notes Entertainment Notes Coming Events New Members For Sale Your Committee

March Bulletin closing date

4 5 6 7 8 9-10 11 14-15 16 25 26

25 February 2017

Cover Designed by Melanie Ball

The views expressed by the correspondents in this Bulletin are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Auckland Veteran & Vintage Car Club Inc. Any articles of interest, comments, letters to the Editor etc are welcome. All contributions are presented to and approved by the club committee prior to printing. Please forward any submissions to the Bulletin Editor.

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February 2017

Chairman’s Report Happy New Year to you all. I trust you had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year break. Sunday 4 December 2016 was the date of our annual Gymnic held in Oratia at the property of Murray and Penny Firth. The weather was excellent and those who attended had an enjoyable and relaxing day. There were no new restorations on display for judging. Thanks Murray and Penny for hosting the Branch and making us all so welcome. It was very much appreciated. The last official Branch event for 2016 was the Pot Luck Dinner held at the clubrooms on Thursday 22 December. Eighty members attended and participated in a thoroughly enjoyable evening. Thanks to Pat Campbell and her willing team of helpers for carrying out kitchen duties. Thanks also to John Campbell for setting up the tables and chairs in preparation for the evening. Approximately sixty vehicles turned out for the New Year’s Day run, which I understand took place in South Auckland. There was an even mix of motorcycles and cars. Coming up on Sunday 29 January was the monthly Club run, starting from Kings Plant Barn in Henderson at 11:00am. The Veteran Rally will be held on 11 February – details elsewhere in the Bulletin. The Galaxy of Cars Car Show will be held on Sunday 19 February at Western Springs. This is a really great day, with many cars on display. If you would like to participate, or know more about the event, please contact John Campbell. John has tickets available enabling free entry for anyone wishing to participate. We have had an excellent site on the inside of the oval in previous years and I understand we have been allocated the same site again. That’s all from me. Cheers Colin Bell

February 2017

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Club Captains Report Welcome to 2017 set to be a very busy year for the Branch with the National Motorcycle rally followed closely by the National North Island Easter Rally, both shaping up well. Thanks to the dedicated members involved in the organising of these for our pleasure. As for the end of 2016, this too was busy for all with lots of activities for families to get their heads around, fitting them all into the time available. Our annual Gymnic attracted around 40 vehicles on a bright sunny day to Murray and Penny Firth’s property in West Auckland. All present appeared to be enjoying the picnic atmosphere, complete with ice creams, coffee and Santa all in attendance, many staying till late in the afternoon. A big thank you to Pat and John Campbell and Charlotte for all the assistance given with the gymkhana event setup, results of this are as follows: 1st Russel McAlpine 2nd Jocelyn McAlpine 3rd John Cook 4th Murray Firth 5th Colin Shoebridge 2017 started with a bang with 60 members and their vehicles taking part in the new years day rally to Kaiaua, where most stayed for fish and chips before the trip home. The Parliamentary Tour commenced on Sunday 29 January, travelling North. The January club run on Sunday 29 attracted 13 starters on yet another bright sunny Auckland day. Just for something a little different participants gathered at a garden centre answered a few questions here, then set off on an untimed, non competitive event taking them to another garden centre in Huapai where they stopped to go inside, stroll around to find the answers to another set of questions. Back in or on vehicles to then travel across to Riverhead where they stopped at the Kauri Gum CafÊ established in 1860. Here they answered the final set of questions, while enjoying the cuisine and socialising with fellow members. A great day had by all. Thanks again to all those that took part. The results are as follows: 1st Bob & Debbie Ballantyne 1972 Torana 2nd Russel &Jocelyn McAlpine and Graham & Murielle Gill 1930 Model A 3rd= Grant and Sam Bickerton 1971 Triumph Spitfire Winterbottom family 1962 Vanguard With loads on the upcoming calendar we are looking forward to the continuing support of our Branch members as we endeavour to present you with what you desire in the months ahead. See you out and about Shirley Bovis

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February 2017

Notes from your Secretary Happy New Year everyone, even if we are more than a month into 2017 already. We have received an email from Paul Collins, North Island Club Captain, advising the dates published in Beaded Wheels issue 343 for his forth coming North Island Club Captain’s Tour are incorrect. The correct dates are 2nd to 12th April. Recently we received an email from Tony Haycock, National Speed Steward and travel broker, offering the Branch $200.00 per booking for any of our members wishing to book a “small group” tour called 2017 Great Italian Road Trip or 2017 Le Mans Tour. More information on page 22. Three events coming up in the not too distant future and particularly those who like to show their “Pride and Joy” off are: 19th February Galaxy of Cars at Western Springs – contact John Campbell for tickets. 26th February Glenbrook Vintage Railway Steam and Vintage Country Festival starting from the Winterbottom residence 94 Percy Millan Drive Waiau Pa for coffee before travelling in convoy to Glenbrook 5th March Auckland Brit and Euro Classic Car Show at Lloyd Elsmore Park. Last year they had just under 500 vehicles there and I have been advised there are already in excess of 600 vehicles registered for this event this year. Contact Martin Spicer (details on “Your Committee” page).

Rodger Ball

Message from National Office Most Branch Magazines are now able to be read by going to and clicking on “News from our Branches” on the menu down the left side of the home page. Then click on the magazine you want to read. Each magazine will be posted as soon as it is received and will appear in the alphabetical order of the branches. The current monthly magazine for each branch will be removed once the current months is received. There are a number of magazines already on the site. You can read them at

February 2017

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2017 National Easter Rally 2017 National North Island Easter Rally

WE NEED YOU! Ideally we would like to see you as an entrant for the National North Island Easter Rally. Entry Forms are available this month, so start preparing now. Your organising committee is putting on a great weekend of motoring and socialising at low cost. If you don’t have a vehicle ready to enter then we do need plenty extra hands. There are plenty of tasks to help with from cups of tea to marshalling—Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon so please give me a call with the time you have available and we can find you a job. Tracey Winterbottom or (09)232 0246 or 021 102 4360


FABRIC BODIES A SPECIALITY TOP QUALITY WORK REASONABLE RATES John McKechnie 66a Ladies Mile Remuera Phone: (09) 522 4418

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February 2017

Commercial Notes A happy New Year to you all. I am ever hopeful that by the time you read these words our summer will have arrived, it sure hadn’t when I started writing this page. I understand a number of guys arrived at the Clubrooms on the 21st of December for a meeting which was advertised in the December Bulletin. I hadn’t picked up on this, otherwise I would have let everyone know that this was the 3rd Wednesday and the clubrooms are used by the Citroen Club on the 3rd Wednesdays and I had no meeting planned for the fourth Wednesday, the 28th. Pat and I received an early Christmas present on December the 23rd. We picked up our 1955 Plymouth from the garage, after a complete engine rebuild. The trauma we experienced with it during the trip to Dunedin in January of 2016, and for much of that year are now but a memory and we plan to get the utmost from her from now on. I have been doing a bit of research on the old flat bed truck that featured in the nine year run of “The Beverley Hillbillies” many years ago. I had found conflicting articles on it’s being both a 1924 Buick and a 1921 Oldsmobile. The Olds, appears to be the more likely scenario, a model 43 A, 115 inch wheelbase 43H.P., authenticated by the Museum in Missouri that now has it on display. An interesting fact arose out of all this research. Up to the start of the great depression in 1929, there were 139 truck manufacturers in the United States. By the end of World War Two, 120 of these had disappeared, and by the year 2000, there were seven left. I haven’t been able to determine how many exist today, yet, perhaps now that America is going to be “Great Again” the number could rise. If anyone out there has a steering wheel spinner of the type that was available in the 50’s, I would happily part with some dollars for it. The modern ones ex Repco & Super Cheap are made for the modern chunky steering wheel and aren’t suitable.

Keep M Rolling John Campbell

February 2017

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Mid Week Tourers Since our last Bulletin there have been two Mid-week Tourer Runs. December, young Ryan Winterbottom did an excellent job of plotting a short run to Waiau Pa, where we enjoyed a BBQ lunch, Santa arrived with Chocolates and the sheds were opened up albeit no time to tidy them. A good turnout with at least one couple with a Mercedes Benz convertible who are prospective new members and it seemed in the end that every one was well satisfied. Many thanks to Alf and Rosie Williams, Fay and Dudley Kitson, Joy and Brian Gallichan, and of course Grand daughter Kate, who all stepped in and manned the catering side whilst Pat was unavoidably away in Middlemore. January’s midweek run starting at Westgate taking us to the magic setting of Wenderholm with a 3.3 metre full tide due at 1:00pm. It was overcast for the start but by midday the sun was shining. Of the 21 vehicles that turned up for the start we had 4 Model A’s, a couple of Mustangs and a Corvette. Oliver Midgley in his Model A convertible coupe had his brother from the South Island as navigator. Visitors from the Northern Hemisphere, were a couple from the UK with Don and Wynne Howarth in their Peugeot 306 Convertible. The Hulse family needed 2 cars so it was Bill in the Model A and Sherrill in a Honda. It was great to see Pat Dewhurst back on deck, with young Ryan Winterbottom in the back seat of “Dolly”. On handing the instructions to Ryan he was quick to advise me of a spelling mistake. Just 5 weeks after his triple bypass operation was Cedric Pegrum in his VW with Tom Brough riding shotgun. The 41 mile run took us past Massey, then on all rural roads via Red Hills Rd, Taupaki Rd, Old North Rd, and Peak Rd to skirt Kaukapakapa. We then passed through Waitoki, and Wainui on the way to Waiwera where we used the old main road north for just a few yards before turning into the Wenderholm Regional Park. So impressed were quite a number of those present, that I was told that this venue should be visited annually. Let the Dewdrops know of your thoughts. Jack Nazer Coming Events Wednesday 15 February: Starts from the Drury Service Centre, Southern Motorway 10:00 a.m. for a 10:30 a.m. departure. Just over 30 miles to member’s David and Anthea Adams property near Waiuku. Anthea has a show piece garden, which unfortunately may not be at it’s best due to lack of rain this summer and David has a couple of nice cars, one of which has been in family ownership for many years. BYO everything. Wednesday 15 March: Starts from the Warehouse Car Park, Westgate 10:00 a.m. for a 10:30 a.m. departure. We’ll have a shortish run to one of the West Coast beaches. Could be Piha and could be in the bush. BYO everything, including sun screen and insect repellent. April: No Mid-week Tourer’s run. Our Branch is hosting the National Easter Rally and we want to see as many members as possible either entering or volunteering to help. Mid-Week Team The Dewdrops & the MidPh: (09) 232 0245 or email

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February 2017

Motorcycle Notes December Meeting—We had a great sunny day, which brought out 18 bikes and one Morgan car plus 67 members in attendance. We had 4 visitors, 2 Australians who are working on the big extensions to Pareremo prison and 2 friends of Peter Cooper. Don Green was presented with the Kentish Arms Tavern Trophy for the rider’s choice of best bike at the Auckland rally. Graeme Crawley gave a short report on the rally. Reports on other rally's—John Bryant told us about his trip over to Australia for the Velocette rally. There was around 200 Velo's attending. John and Angela’s hosts were Alan Kelly (an old Vintage Car Club member kiwi) and his partner Sandie. They made them very welcome and looked after them brilliantly. This was a well run Rally. There were no route instructions but numerous marshals at every intersection, so it was virtually impossible to get lost. It was a hub rally, each of the six days they travelled a different route, out and back to the motel, joining the 200 or so other rally members for the evening meal, with waiter service. An after dinner presentation saw The Velocette Exceptional Achievement Award made which had been donated by Ivan Rhodes of the UK Velocette Club. It was presented to Stuart Hooper, who, on his Velocette broke the Worlds fastest time for a single cylinder bike at a speed of 193.061 mph. John Comer and Rhys Hanna reported on their trip down to the Burt Munro which lived up to the Burt norm of sun, rain, wind, hail. Unfortunately on their ride home on their reliable BMW’s John’s died on him so he finished the trip in comfort on a transporter. Rhys also spoke of his recent trip down to the TranzAlpine scooter ride for small motorcycle/scooters, run in the South Island coast to coast for charity. There was 250 machines ridden and they raised $191,500 for the cancer society. General Business: John Shennan asked for a show of appreciation for Lynda who provides the wonderful afternoon teas and for her helpers Nancy and Iris. Martin gave the three of them potted plants. Guest Speaker—John MacKinlay, a Director at Experience Motorcycles that his wife owns came along to show and tell us all about Royal Enfields. John brought 3 bikes, two 500cc and a 350cc. I must say the finish quality was very good. John asked questions on R/E and gave out tee shirts. The prices were an eye opener – 350 was $5,990, the 500 started at $8.490. Although based on the 1957 Bullet they now have a new engine that is of unit construction, with disk brakes, fuel injection, electric starting, which is a great incentive to older riders who want to keep riding a classic looking bike but have problems kick starting bikes. There are 9 models. Royal Enfield out sold Harley world-wide this year. John told us that R/E are building a new 750 twin and dual purpose 410cc and when they come into the country he will bring them along for us to see. Experience also sell – Moto Guzzi, Triumph, BMW, SWM and Kawasaki. Kelly and John have their own collection of older classic bikes, a 1972 Formula 5000 March car and a 1972 Mercedes 230.6, both sign written as promotional vehicles. Martin thanked John for coming out to us. January Meeting—Auckland and most of the North Island was hit by a weather bomb leading up to and over the weekend, with strong winds and rain, but also

February 2017

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Motorcycle Notes Contd... some sunshine. So that maybe was the reason we only had 6 bikes out back, and only 39 members at the meeting. Reports: Martin gave a short report on the Xmas bike run and the New Years day run, both went well with good turn outs of members. See reports elsewhere in the Bulletin. Coming Up: Saturday 11 February—Motorcycle meeting, (NB—the meeting is a week early) 17-19 February—National Motorcycle Rally, Waitomo Sunday 26 February—Club run to Glenbrook Vintage Railway Guest Speaker—Our speaker was member Rob Lauder who is a collector of old and not so old films on motorcycles. Rob started of with the first few minutes of the TT races, starring George Formby, then a selection of early American bike racing clips on board tracts and beach racing. Then there was a lady from Wellington in the 1930’s who went around the district riding her V twin Harley Davidson fitted with a large box fitted to a sidecar chaise that carried the washing machine that she unloaded at peoples houses to do their washing. Rob then showed a number of early TV ads for motorcycles. Finally we had excerpts on two Kiwi icons Burt Munro and John Britten. The film show ran for one hour. Martin thanked Rob for showing us just a small selection of his collection. Wishing you all a healthy and happy 2017. Keep those 2 and 3 wheels turning safely Martin and Lynda Spicer

Robinson Instrument Ltd Unit 3 31 Princes St, Onehunga, Auckland.

Ph: 09 636 5836 Fax:09 636 5838 Email: Web:

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February 2017

Entertainment Notes Happy New Year to you all. Our December club night was enjoyed by 80 members at our Christmas Pot Luck Dinner and we feasted on a great selection of goodies. It was wonderful to see such a good turnout of people just two days before Christmas Eve. January club night was a ‘casual catch up with everyone night’, after the holiday break to continue to enjoy the relaxed mood before we dash headlong into another busy year. Our Easter Rally raffle is available for sale at the clubrooms – see advert elsewhere – super prizes with limited tickets giving you good odds to win some welding gear. We will continue the relaxed start to the year with a DVD night for February club night and I’m sure there’ll be members who will be keen to share their stories of the National Motorcycle Rally held the weekend before at Waitomo. Look forward to seeing you out and about, whether it be on a rally or at the clubrooms. If you know of a guest speaker or any item which would be of interest to our members, tap me on the shoulder and tell me about them. Russel McApline Ph: 818 4285 or 0274 735 451

ARE YOU ON THE TREE? The email tree is to remind you what is coming up, and any other relevant information that comes to hand between Bulletins. You won’t get bombarded with rubbish and your email address is not visible to anyone else on the distribution list. If you are reading this and would like to be included please send an email to and you’ll be in the loop.

February 2017

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February Club Run

Sunday 26 February We have been invited to attend the Glenbrook Vintage Steam Festival where our cars will be on display and you can wander around and soak up the atmosphere and plenty of live action. Our cars will all be together and we will have some room to organise the picnic gear, so pack a picnic and join us for a great day. We will meet at 94A Percy Millen Drive, Waiau Pa from 8:00am for coffee and an early morning tea, and then travel together to Glenbrook where we ideally need to be arriving just before 9:30am. It is preferred that the cars are on display until around 3:00pm if at all possible. I do need to give the organisers an idea of numbers so if you are thinking of coming along please drop me a line, email or phone. Tracey Winterbottom or (09)232 0246 or 021 102 4360

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February 2017

Coming Events February 11 11 15

Sat Sat Wed

17-19 17-19 19 Sun 22 Wed 23 25 26

Thurs Sat Sun



Veteran Rally Motorcycle Meeting—Clubrooms 2:30pm Mid Week Tourers Starts Drury Service Centre, Southern Motorway 10:00am National Motorcycle Rally Art Deco Rally (Hawkes Bay Branch) Galaxy of Cars Commercial Meeting & Charabanc Maintenance Night Clubrooms 8:00pm Club Night 8:00pm Swapmeet (Wellsford/Warkworth Branch) Club Run—Glenbrook Vintage Railway—Steam & Vintage Country Festival 2017—starts Percy Millen Drive, Waiau Pa from 8:00am Committee Meeting (March) 8:00pm

March 9 11 11 12 15

Thurs Sat Sat Sun Wed

18 18 22

Sat Sat Wed

23 26

Thurs Sun

Bulleting Mailing & New Members Night 7:30pm Veteran Meeting—Clubrooms 2:30pm March Executive Meeting—Mangere (North Shore Branch) Vintage Muster (incorporating March Club Run) Mid Week Tourers Starts Warehouse Carpark, Westgate 10:00am Motorcycle Meeting—Clubrooms 2:30pm Vintage Venture (Waikato Branch) Commercial Meeting & Charabanc Maintenance Night Clubrooms 8:00pm Club Night 8:00pm Motorcycle Run

April 4 8 13 14-17 22 22-23 26

Tues Sat Thurs

27 30 30

Thurs Sun Sun

Sat Wed

Committee Meeting Mooloo Meander—Motorcycle (Waikato Branch) Bulletin Mailing & New Members Night National North Island Easter Rally (Auckland Branch) Motorcycle Meeting—Clubrooms Maunga Moana Rally (Taranaki Branch) Commercial Meeting & Charabanc Maintenance Night Clubrooms Club Night Motorcycle Run Northern Raid (North Shore Branch)

8:00pm 7:30pm 2:30pm

8:00pm 8:00pm

Note: The clubrooms are open every Thursday evening from 7:30pm till 10:00pm and every Saturday afternoon from 4:30pm till 6:30pm.

February 2017

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Coming Events

Thursday 23 February 22p.m. December Thursday 8:00 7:00 p.m. DVD Night Christmas Pot Luck

Club Run Sunday 26 February Starts

94A Percy Millen Drive Waiau Pa


From 8:00 a.m. for morning tea

Finishing at Glenbrook Steam Festival

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February 2017

New Members A most sincere welcome is extended to the following new members. We hope to see you taking an active part in Club activities whenever possible. Should you or any member require any assistance or advice, please feel free to ask any Committee member. (Refer back page of this Bulletin). Tony Bowman Red Beach 1974 Laverda SF2 Motorcycle Tom and Jan Gibson Pt Chevalier 1923 Jewett Tourer Brian King Maraetai 1936 BSA Empire Star Motorcycle 1952 Matchless G80S Motorcycle These new members joined December 2016

Veteran Owners It was very gratifying to see some thirteen members turn up for the January Veteran Section meeting. Even more so was the display of three veteran cars and one vintage motorcycle out the back of the clubrooms. Jim Boag's recently acquired 1915 Humber, Denis Lowe's 1903 Oldsmobile, Barry Robert's 1909 Rover and Robin Foote's very original 1927 BSA E27, the barn door was opened so the Charabanc didn't feel left out. Apologies were received from four other members, which is understandable considering it's still the holiday season. A round table discussion was held and we learned that Mike Loosemore has fired up the engine on his Hupmobile Model N and that Bryan Belcher and Denis Lowe will be working on the clutch in Bryan's 1913 Overland. Murray Grieg told us about the veteran bikes he owns. An interesting point raised concerned the virtual death of veteran and vintage motorcycling with the growth of easier to ride Classic type machines. I wonder if it would be possible to organise a short run starting and finishing at the clubrooms for this type of vehicle. There was also a discussion about a possible AVVCC stand at the Ellerslie Concours and five people indicated their interest in being part of such a display. The section does acknowledge the fact that many AVVCC members partake of this event as part of one make clubs, however, I will make further investigations. The next meeting will be at 2:30pm Saturday 11 March, February is just too busy to hold a meeting. John Stokes.

February 2017

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2017 Vintage Muster—Marshal’s


Vintage Muster Sunday 12 March 2017 Please phone: Glenn or Marion Morris (09) 273 4975 or 021 136 5926

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February 2017

Annual Motorcycle Rally The 36th Annual Auckland Veteran & Vintage Car Club Motorcycle Rally—November 2016 This year’s rally was an out of town event based at Mangatangi nestled at the southern end of the Hunua ranges, South Auckland. Rally headquarters were at Paul and Robyn Muir`s beautiful property situated on Kaiaua Road. Friday began with an informal evening at the Muir’s home where rally packs were collected with everyone who attended enjoying a sit down Pea Pie and Pud dinner, followed by a scrumptious desert. During rally briefing on Saturday morning, we were all warned that running over marshals would be frowned upon and the instruction Right on our route sheets means right and not left (Left is probably where your watch is). Once that was absorbed the first of the 40 entries got away sharp at 10:00am in mild weather conditions. Just prior to the first bike getting the order to start, I believe I had a glimpse of Robyn riding flat out towards the start on a ride on mower, complete with crash helmet. Wow, I thought, this is different. However my fears were allayed when she pulled up just before the start line. With the run underway, began the fun of navigating the 188k route masterly plotted by Paul and Robyn. This initially took us south in what seemingly was a rather large zig zagging loop, this sometimes had us wondering in what direction we were actually heading. This state of mind reminded me somewhat of that TV car commercial “Get lost Dad”, it was indeed a magic sensation, what could be better than passing through picturesque small villages, no traffic, the purr of the engine and in wonderful countryside with the road steadily passing beneath the wheels. The lunch stop was just after the timed section, at the Mangateparu Hall. Local school PTA had organised a great lunch ready for everyone to enjoy. Certainly no one went hungry. Lunch over, it was back on the road heading northish to Whitikahu but stopping off at David and Michael Norton’s home to view their extensive selection of Stationary engines. What a magic sight to see a number of these great old engines actually running, quietly chuffing away with the occasional prod from these dedicated stationary engine enthusiast’s. With the weather starting to close in, it was a matter of continuing on to enjoy the remainder of the run. However before we knew it, we were getting close to the last instruction on our route sheets. Arriving back at rally headquarters a welcome hot cup of tea was on hand thanks again to our great hosts. Some rally participants were staying at Miranda Holiday Park just down the road, so for them there was just enough time for a good soak in the hot pools before the prize giving dinner, to be held at the local Mangatangi Hall. Martin and Lynda Spicer had the hall well decked out with a Xmas theme for our prize giving dinner. Again the caterers did us proud with wonderful choice`s for our dinner. Graeme Crawley (very distant relation to the Crawley’s of Downton Abby) our rally secretary had us exercising our brains during dinner with some highly competitive fun filled games. Following on, Lynda took on the role of MC to get prize giving underway. Thanks to the generosity of the sponsors, prize winners were spoiled for choice of handy products. The overall winner of the Rally was Tony Vaughan riding a

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Annual Motorcycle Rally Contd... beautifully prepared 1959 Velocette LE. A big thank you must go to our wonderful hosts Paul and Robyn and their family for making us so welcome, Graeme, Martin and Lynda for their organisational skills, Peter and Robyn Levet check point, Rod Smith and his charming lady for their back up duty, and not forgetting the people who worked behind the scenes organising sponsorship/time keeping etc. Last but not least participants who travelled some distance to attend this most enjoyable rally. John Shennan Rally results: Post Vintage

1st Leo Fowler 2nd Cam Frances Post War 1st Tony Vaughan 2nd Ernie Williams 3rd Kelvin Mitchell Post 60 1st Neville Mickleson 2nd Perry Ostick 3rd Ian Hubbard Post 80 1st Martin Spicer 2nd Wayne Johnson Sidecar 1st Michael O'Kane 2nd Paul Tomlin 3rd Chris Clark Morgan Class 1st John and Jill Williams First American Malcolm and Merit Brown First Velocette Tony Vaughan First Lady Rider Jillian Hayton Oldest combined age of rider and bike Riders choice of best bike Don Green

1942 Indian 741B 1941 Indian 741B 1959 LE Velocette 1951 Triumph T100 1956 Ariel Red Hunter 1967 Velocette Venom 1979 BMW 100/7 1972 Triumph Bonniville 1985 Honda CBX 1985 BMW R80 1952 BSA Golden Flash 1925 Harley Davidson 1951 BSA Golden Flash 1937 Super Sport 1947 Indian Chief 1959 LE Velocette 1975 Honda CB200 Paul Tomlin 1973 Honda CB 350F / 4

Tony Vaughan 1959 Velocette LE Overall Winner

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February 2017

2017 New Year’s Day Run I arrived at the Jolly Farmer Drury at 10:30am and the weather was slightly overcast with breaks of sunshine. Assembled already was a large amount of motorcycles and cars. We had from over the bridge Orewa's Buster Westhill and other AJS/Matchless riders, John Stokes, Gavin and Zoe Welch, Brian and Nancy Carkeek, John and Angela Bryant, and westies Russel and Jocelyn McAlpine, Alan and Sharran Price with grand daughter Zoe, Norm and Iris Lawrence, Murray and Penny Firth plus a large contingent from Auckland and South Auckland. Just after 11:00am I called everyone to come up for the briefing, Russel asked me to advise members that there were only twelve 2017 club calendars left which were snapped up. I then told the customary joke to set everyone on their way. We had a good traffic free journey down to Kaiaua, the last few kilometres giving you that great view of the Firth of Thames and the Coromandel Peninsula. I had another count up and we had now around 50 bikes and 40 cars with about 130 people that had to join the long queue for their fish n chips. We also had members Paul Whitehead from Katikati, Peter (Honda Jawa Vespa) Cooper and Clive Hallam from Waihi, Roy White from Whangamata and Peter and Robyn Levet from Paeroa. The place was really buzzing with non club members in their cars and bikes looking for a parking place. All around there was a good picnic atmosphere, with a lot of the general public looking at the great selection of cars and bikes now on display. From what I heard the dairy in Kawakawa Bay did a roaring trade in ice creams from our guys who took the scenic route along the coast home. So ended another excellent New Years day run. Martin Spicer

Some vehicles at the start of the New’s Day Run—Jolly Farmer, Drury.

February 2017

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Thames Heritage Festival Thames Vintage and Classic Car Club extends an invitation to all owners of Vintage, Classic, Hot Rods and any other vehicles of interest to join us for our annual Cars In The Park in conjunction with Thames Heritage Festival When Where

18th March 2017 Victoria Park Thames

We will gather at Rhodes Park at 10:00 am. Leaving Rhodes Park at 10.30 to parade down Pollen Street and park at Victoria Park. Dress in period costume or the era of your vehicle competition for the best dressed Food stalls, activities, music or visit other places of interest within Thames township. For further information and registration please Email : Website: Mobile: 0272 003 433 Mary

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Established in 1993 we specialise in classic & Vintage Car Restorations and Repair work Classic Car Insurance Claims Insurance and Private Work on all vehicles WOF and Rust Repairs Full Panel and Paint Service New! - The Metal Room—Metal Shaping Classes Contact Mark McAlpine—Ph: (09) 820 2299

Email: Or call in and see us at 8/2 Lansford Crescent, Avondale

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February 2017

2017 National North Island Easter Rally We thank our wonderful sponsors of the 2017 North Island National Easter Rally

Metropolitan Rentals for all your vehicle rentals – phone (09) 630 2030 or email 10% discount for club members

Enfield Enterprises Morrisons Funeral Directors Henderson (09) 836 0029 or Glen Innes (09) 521 3100

NZ Welder Repair Services Ltd Phone (09) 826 1425 or email

Auto France Ltd Phone (09) 278 4301 or email

Alpine Panelbeaters Ltd Phone (09) 820 2299 or email

Veteran & Vintage Spares & Repairs Ltd Phone (09) 832 9818 or email

Mark Heaslip Photography Phone 0274 902 315

Kiwi Print Phone (09) 299 7628 or email

Allbon Inspection Services Ltd for electrical WOFs phone (09) 444 4160

New World Botany New World Howick Downer NZ Please support our sponsors whenever you can

February 2017

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2017 National North Island Easter Rally 2017 National North Island Easter Rally Auckland Veteran and Vintage Car Club Inc 14-17 April 2017

Your chance to win—Welding Gear On Sale at the Clubrooms or enquiries to Russel 818 4285 or 0274 735451

First Prize

Value $1100 Single phase MIG gas / gasless welder comes with MIG gun, earth, regulator, first coil of wire, Cigweld 1 year warranty Lincoln Snake Charmer- Autodarkening helmet Lincoln heavy duty welding gloves

Second prize Value $500 Hugon Cariarc 140KE Single phase Arc welder, Good for 1.6 to 4.0mm electrodes, comes with electrode and earth leads, three year warranty. Lincoln heavy duty welding gloves Packet of 2.5 and 3.2mm General purpose electrodes.

Third prize

Value $250 Bulldog helmet- Skeleton, Fitted with a standard lens. Hand tools

NZ Welder Repair Services Ltd have generously offed the above prizes to our Easter Rally Committee. $5.00 each or a book of 5 tickets for $20 To be drawn Easter Sunday 16th April 2017

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February 2017

2021 International Rally / Tours TARANAKI - "Second Best Region In The World" Taranaki has been branded as "Like No Other" for a few years now, and it seems the rest of the World is sitting up and taking notice. Travel bible Lonely Planet has judged Taranaki the world's second best region to visit in 2017. Prior to this very public accolade, Taranaki has been a bit of a secret, a little out of the way, sitting on the edge of the Island and away from the main tourist trails. From our beaches to our Bowl, our waves to our walkways, our magical events to our magnificent mountain, the world renowned Len Lye centre and our award winning Festival of Lights in the beautiful Pukekura Park. Taranaki has always been a "little bit out there" - and proud of it. We Will Be The Number One host in the Worlds Number 2 Region in 2021. Its only 4 years away. Start Planning NOW to be in New Plymouth.2021. REMEMBER—"A RALLY LIKE NO OTHER" January 2021 Colin Johnston Rally Director New Plymouth 2021 Ph: (06) 754 6216, Mobile: 021 131 6699, Work: (06) 759 8290

2017 Great Italian Road Trip & Le Mans Tour Great Italian Road Trip—the worlds most captivating city, be part of the Grand Prix with the most passionate fans and travel the best motoring road in the world! The Italian Grand Prix tour is an absolutely unique travelling experience! Le Mans Tour—An annual, exclusive small group tour to Europe, including the legendary Le Mans 24 hours! These tours have a motoring theme but are definitely not a ‘boys only’ tour of car museums or race tracks and offer a degree of flexibility not found in any other tour. For further information go to my website and other services I can provide. There are other tours in the planning stages, such as the swapmeets in Reims, Hershey and Beaulieu and a very special Armistice Day 2018 tour to commemorate the centenary of the end of WW1. Tony Haycock 021 662 441 or email

February 2017

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For Sale Glass Reflectors—Made in USA, reasonable prices. Ph: Peter Alderdice (Member) (09) 530 8834 or email ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

NZ Welder Welder Repair Repair Services Services Ltd. Ltd. NZ Unit4/5 4/5Portage PortageRoad, Road,New NewLynn, Lynn, Auckland Auckland Unit

For personal service call Rod Rugg (Member) Stick, MIG, TIG and Plasma cutters. All welding machine types and consumables for sale. “Over 30 years experience” Repairs to machines, new sales and used. Hire options available. For home or work. Large or small. We deal with only good machines not rubbish. Phone: 09 8261425, e-mail: Postal address: P.O. Box 19272, Avondale, Auckland 1746

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February 2017

Your Committee Chairman: Colin Bell (Pam)


Ph: 299 6457 or 021 798 171

Vice Chairman/ Entertainment Russel McAlpine (Jocelyn) Email:

Ph: 818 4285 or 0274 735 451

Secretary / Privacy Officer Rodger Ball (Val)

Ph: 298 6476 or 0274 873 561


Treasurer/Continuous Membership Awards Steward Glenn Morris (Marion) Email: Club Captain: Shirley Bovis (Rob) Committee Members: Charlotte Bovis John Campbell (Pat) Pat Campbell (John) Martin Spicer (Lynda) John Stokes

Tracey Winterbottom (Stephen)

Ph: 273 4975 or 021 136 5926

Email: Ph: 818 4701 or 022 378 1236 Email: Ph: 818 4701 or 021 170 9686 Commercial Rep/Clubroom Bookings Email: Ph: 828 7850 or 027 244 6928 Social Conveyor Email: Ph: 828 7850 or 027 244 6928 Motorcycle Rep Ph: (09) 233 6382 or Email: 0274 454 593 Veteran Rep/Spares Email: Ph: (09) 426 3365 or 021 185 5915 Trophy Steward Ph: (09) 232 0246 Email:

Non-Committee Officers: Librarian Barry Robert (Elva) Ph: 627 9451

Bulletin Editor Val Ball (Rodger) Ph: 298 6476 E-mail: New Membership Liaison Officers Bob & Debbie Ballantyne Ph: (09) 444 4066

Beaded Wheels Reporters: John Stokes Ph: (09) 426 3365

Insurance: Vero Consumer Insurance Specialist 0800 505 905 or 356 4501 Agency Number: 0300126 Clubrooms Street Address: Postal Address: Open: Club Night:

Ph: 579 5625 39 Fairfax Ave, Penrose P O Box 12 138, Penrose, Auckland 1642 Every Thursday 7:30 - 10:00pm, Every Saturday 4:30 - 6:30 pm 4th Thursday of the month

Branch Email Address Branch Website

Branch Honorary Life Members:

Barry Robert Norm Dewhurst Alan Roberts

February 2017

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February 2017

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