Bay of Plenty VCC December-January 2016

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KLAXON EMAIL: Fax 07 5746482 CLUB WEBSITE: For anytime Club enquires: Kaaren Smylie (Committee) 07 576 4180 or 021-66-43-41


Bay of Plenty Vintage Car Club

The Club Rooms are located at 29 Cliff Road Tauranga. P O Box 660, Tauranga, 3140. Key contacts are— Chairman—Jim Smylie (Kaaren), telephone 07 576 4180 Secretary—Joe Scott (Jill), telephone 07 544 1941 Monthly events— 2nd Monday Club Night ( Except January) Start time 7-30pm Wednesday following the Club Night Mid-week run 4th Sunday End of month run Last Monday of the month Committee Meeting 4th Tuesday Noggin ‘n’ Natter at 6:00pm ( Note: Katikati is now also on a Tuesday) Location Sequence of Noggin ‘n’ Natters 1, Tauranga- held at Tauranga Citizens Club, Corner Cameron Rd and 13th Avenue. 2. Te Puke- at Te Puke Hotel. Contact Martin Carey 573 7136/Paul McIndoe 5733328 3. Tauranga - Tauranga Citizens Club 4. Katikati- at “Forta Leza Café”, SH 2 Katikati. Contact Owen Smith, phone 07 570 2000. If your birthday falls in this month please remember it is your turn to provide a plate for supper. Our thanks go to last months birthday people for the food provided. PLEASE remember to wear your name badges to all events. They can be ordered from David Joblin phone 544 1690 LIBRARY HOURS— The library will be open on club nights from 7pm. Also on most Monday mornings until midday Yvonne & Paul work in the library and members are welcome to call in to search for or return books. If making a special trip please phone home beforehand to ensure they will be there, phone at home on (07 574 8482 or 027 6098510)



021 664341

Hall Cleaning Roster Volunteers for cleaning the hall Please add your name so as to lighten the load for others. We all use the hall and we all love to see it sparkling clean. If you have forgotten to add your name just email the Klaxon or contact Kaaren or Jack and they will do it for you. December 2016 Brian and Cindy Pratt January 2017 Sandy and Paul Piercy Lett February 2017 Alastair and Gwen Jones

Further volunteers are required for this important task Thank you to those who HAVE volunteered


Summary of Tue 6th Dec

Local Events December - January

Seniors Morning tea. Christmas theme. Organiser John Payne

Sun 11th Dec Club Christmas party and Restoration Trophy Mon 12th Dec Club meeting night. A social evening Wed 21st Dec Mid week run. A glimpse of the Future organiser Chris Cole Committee note: There will be no committee meeting in December No Noggin ‘n’ Natter this month There will be no end of month run in December Sun 1st Jan

New Years BBQ lunch at Tuapiro Point. Organiser Peter Lawn

Mon 9th Jan

Club meeting night. A social night There will be no mid week run in January

Tue 24th Jan Noggin ‘n’ Natter at Tauranga Citz Club Sun 29th Jan End of month run. Organiser Jim Smylie (details Jan. meeting) Mon 30th Jan Committee meeting Wed 1st Feb

Close off for Klaxon

Note to run organisers: Please delegate someone to write a report for Klaxon about your run and also photos if possible.

Have you completed a restoration this year We are presenting a restoration award at our Club Christmas function. Please enter your vehicle. Entries must be in Jim Smylie’s hands by 4th December, being 1 week prior to the event.


Tuesday 6th December All members are welcome Please bring a plate Please contact a senior and offer transport If you wish to attend and require transport contact John Payne 07 5769497 or Kaaren at 576 4180 by Sunday 4 December who will arrange transport to collect, and drop them back home.



Each year, the December Midweek Run allows us to bring a bit of CHRISTMAS CHEER to the residents of some of the numerous Retirement Villages located in the Bay of Plenty. This year we will commence the run at Matua Lifecare, enjoy morning tea provided by Greenwood Park, (a Metlife Care Retirement Village) and tour some of the coastal retirement villages in Papamoa and Mount Maunganui. The run will end at Bob Owens Retirement Village where we will be hosted to a light Christmas lunch whilst some of the 1500 residents come to admire our cars and chat with us. The emphasis is on Christmas Cheer. Many of the residents and patients in these villages spend Christmas alone and lonely. Let’s light up their lives by dressing up the cars, wearing funny hats, and having a chat with our more elderly residents. You never know, you may even meet the original owner of your car – as I did one year!

Meet at 9.45am on Wednesday 21 December, please line your cars up along Levers Road in Matua adjacent to the park by the Bowling Club. Lunch will be hosted by Bob Owens Retirement Village from 1.00pm until 2.30pm. Chris Cole 0274-545-586


Having Difficulty getting to our meetings Contact Kaaren Smylie on 07 5764180. prior to the event Kaaren will try and arrange pick up and return for you


Please bring main and dessert dishes to share and own plates & cutlery Also beverages of your choice should you require The Club will supply the ham, chicken, punch and ice-cream There will also be a RESTORATION COMPETITION

See Advert

Other Clubs’ Events Jan 7/8th

Hooters Vintage Race series.

Jan 21st

Wanganui Veteran Rally.

Jan 20-22nd

Burma Rally Wanganui.

Jan 22th

Waikato Blue Smoke and Pedals M/C Rally

Jan 28th– 5th Feb

North Shore Parliamentary Tour North Island

Jan 28-29th

Taupo Historic GP Motor cycles

Feb 4th

Southland Rally

Feb 5th

Eastern BOP Rally

Feb 25th

Waitomo Motor cycle Club Rally

Feb 25th

Gore festival Rally

Mar 18/19th

Coromandel Gold Rush Heritage Festival

8/9th April

Hooters Vintage Race series. Taupo

Most details or entry forms are available for the above rallies on the club notice board or on our cloud site. 6


Sunday 1 January 2017 Club Picnic at TUAPIRO POINT Organizer – Peter Lawn

For those of you who would like to celebrate the advent of the New Year quietly,

Peter & Jane Lawn invite you to join them for a seaside picnic at the beautiful Tuapiro Point Reserve just North of Katikati. Directions to get there;

Peter suggests that you turn right into Kauri Point Road about a 5 minute drive North of Katikati, and then take the 2 nd left into Ongare Point Road, then 1st left into Martray Road. Turn right at the ‘T’ junction into Tuapiro Road and follow it down to the sea front. Bear left, and park on the Reserve adjacent to the Public-Toilets. Not only is there plenty of places to picnic, but there is a lovely walk around Bush Clad Point. PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately due to fire bans normally in place, BBQ’s are not possible For further information please phone Peter 549 4338


Chairman’s Chat December 2016 I sit here looking out over the wonderful Bay of Plenty that we are privileged to live in, and realise another year has almost passed. Where has it gone? It seems just yesterday I was writing my Chairman’s Chat for December 2015. However, it is time now to reflect on what has happened in the last twelve months. Unfortunately, I do not have space to refer to all the activities, but will attempt to mention some of those that were of moment. Our club nights have been a success in my view, with some exciting speakers and other activities. I suggest we must be doing something right if we are having approximately 100 members attend each night. Last meeting we had 104 in attendance, and if our nights become much more popular we may have to consider getting a bigger hall to fit them in. Wouldn’t that be a hoot! Mid-Week-Runs. Alan Pram has done a great job this year by organising fantastic runs each and every month. Well done Alan. We do get more than twenty vehicles at times to these and the end-of month-runs, sometimes as many as thirty, which show just how popular these runs are. Also this year we have held two larger rallies, both organised by Bryce Strong. These were both well attended, with more members wanting to participate than could be accommodated in the last rally. I am looking forward to our next meeting night to get an update from those that attended that rally as to how they enjoyed it. And then the Swapmeet. Each year this seems to get better and better, thanks to all that take part; from John Payne the organiser, to all his sub-committee, those that take part in the working bee the day before the event, those that man the gates stalls and kitchen and then, just as importantly, all of you who brought your vehicles along to make it the wonderful show it is. Thanks to you all. Our membership is growing and we have been fortunate to have had some excellent members transfer to our club from other branches following their shift to the Sunny Bay of Plenty. To all new members, whether from other branches or new to historical motoring, welcome. We all look forward to having a wonderful time with you. I have said it before, but will say it again; one really needs to be in my role to observe all the different activities that happen in our club. I am constantly amazed about all the different things that are done by individual members that just get on and do their jobs without fanfare, or accolades. People like Yvonne in the kitchen, Jack in the parts shed, Paul and Yvonne in the library and Klaxon preparation, Neal with the lawn mowing, Alan with his helpers etc etc, the list is endless. These are just a few of those that do so much, and I do tender my apologies to those I have omitted. Without these tireless workers the club would not be what it is. Finally, I must mention, and thank, those of our members that attend Waipuna Hospice each and every Thursday morning to wash the Hospice vehicles. We all know what a great role the Hospice does in our community, and I know their efforts to assist is appreciate by those involve. Just remember we still have a number of activities ahead of us before the festive season. I look forward to seeing many of you at the Seniors Morning Tea, our Christmas Party next week, and of course at our final club night of the year. Let’s see if we can fill the hall to overflowing. Wishing you all the best for the festive season, I trust you have a great time, take care on the road, and look forward to a rollicking good time in 2017. Jim Smylie


“The Year of 2016” By Kaaren Smylie “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”...This quote from Helen Keller I believe is the very essence of what our club represents. We are a team, and a marvellous team at that - 250 plus of members enjoying the benefits of what the VCC has to offer. There are so many of our members toiling away religiously at various events and campaigns, all managing their own little fiefdoms to keep the wheels of this club turning, and make it what it is today with an ever increasing membership. I noted at our November meeting we had standing room only at the back – gee we must be doing something right. So, I will keep this brief and to the point but a special mention to the following people….Drum Roll please… Our very own ‘Mr Fixit’ man Jack Anderson who does an excellent job in the parts shed, filling the club’s coffers with a great deal of coin from all the bibs and bobs he sells, now I know that puts a big smile on treasurer Keith Perkins face. Paul Beck – our champion editor of the Klaxon, or as some members’ call it ‘The Bible’. I have said it before and I will say it again, Paul produces the best VCC club magazine in the country. Paul is assisted by his wife Yvonne with her eagle eyes that proof reads everything before it goes to print. Yvonne also does a sterling job running the library at the club rooms and keeping it updated. I would also like to thank Garth & Marcia Reed for their managing of the distribution of the Klaxon to you all every month, and making sure it arrives in your letter boxes in time for you to check out the latest club information. MasterChef Yvonne Allen and her team of willing volunteers who month after month run the club kitchen, serving up to us those infamous suppers that our members hang out for at club nights. Mr Personality Alistair Jones, who meets and greets every new member who arrives on club nights and his right hand man Julian Webb, these two gentlemen make visitors feel like old lost friends. Neil Lindsay who turns up regularly to mow the grass around the club rooms to a nail scissor finish. David Joblin does an excellent job continuing to manage, order and deliver name badges to our members. Joe Scott our slick secretary who is forever busy handling all the clubs correspondence, and latterly run off his feet processing all the new application forms he has received...A very good sign of an active club! I would like to make mention of Alan Pram, Alan every month keeps us motivated to participate in the monthly mid-week runs, he is quietly ahead of the game with runs planned months ahead for us all to enjoy.


Bryce Strong does a fantastic job keeping our website updated and fielding all the many enquires he receives weekly. Bryce has worn another cap this past year and organised the First and the End of the Summer Wine Rallies. A great deal of energy goes into planning a rally and the last two have been most successful, so much so with Bryce having to sadly decline some members who wanted to participate on his runs because he was at full capacity very quickly. Whilst many of our members are very blessed to have good health, there are those that don’t keep quite as well as others. We are lucky to have such a lovely caring soul amongst our members’ as Rita Winterbottom who doesn’t always keep the best of health herself, but as the club’s welfare officer she keeps a close ear to the ground and if any member is unwell she contacts them immediately. In closing with my ‘bouquets’ I would like to give a very big thanks to our recently retired convenor for the annual Swap Meet, John Payne. Thank you John for all the tireless work and energy you put in to the Swap Meet this year and the past four years, to make it our biggest fundraiser on the clubs calendar year. Incidentally John has now handed the reins over to Ken Frew as convener, and I assure you Ken has a keen group of helpers to support him, continuing to make this event most successful. However we are not losing John all together now that he has retired as the swap meet convenor, he will continue to run the popular quarterly Seniors Morning Teas. My fellow committee members a big bouquet to you all, as you members well know, a club is unable to function without having the commitment of a great committee and to be led by the man with the ‘Midas Touch’, chairman Jim. My husband extraordinaire. Jim you have done a stellar job at being our Chairman, I know I can speak on behalf of the committee and members for your work, dedication and commitment you have made during the year that was. It's been an exciting and very active year, and 2017 is shaping up to be an even better one with many events in the planning stage. 2017 will kick off for the club with our annual New Year's Day picnic. Peter and Jane Lawn have put their hands up again and offered to manage this outing for us, thank you to both of you. (Check the advert in this Klaxon for further details.) I did make mention in my club captains report that I presented to you at our AGM in June, of a few events I would like to include in the clubs calendar, one being to have an international dinner, heads up, it is going to be an Irish night with genuine Irish


food, loads of blarney and jolly good Craic (fun). And to keep us entertained, I have arranged to get the ever popular local Irish band ‘The Blarney Boys’ led by Andy Craw to entertain us. Watch this space in the New Year for further details. Another new event for Tauranga coming up on Saturday 11th March, the Greerton Village are hosting a Vintage and Retro Fair. This event will be run along the lines of their ever popular Cherry Blossom Festival that thousands of the locals attend. The very energetic and enthusiastic Greerton Village manager Sally Benning is very keen for our club to be part of this event and it will be an excellent opportunity for us to show our cars to the public. The council is going to close the top end of Chadwick Road off from 9am until 1pm so vintage and classic cars can park up. The Greerton school grounds will be set up with a rotunda that will have era entertainment happening and as well there will be stall holders selling their vintage and retro wares. This new event will also be running two competitions open to the public to enter; ‘The Best Dressed Man’ and ‘Lady’ in era clothing, and ‘A People's Choice of Vehicle’. Sally tells me this event could be bigger than Ben Hur! So members, that's only two snippets I have given you of outings to look forward to, there will be many more. I would like to offer you the ‘panacea for youth’ by keeping your VCC social calendar full with many events for you to choose from to go to.. An little observation on my part, I am mindful there are a few of our elderly members who are no longer able to drive, or don't feel comfortable driving for one reason or other, and would like to attend the odd monthly meeting during the summer months or come to a movie night or perhaps join your club folk at the quarterly morning tea. If that's you, please would you contact me before any event coming up and I will arrange the transport for you to attend, I will continue to remind you of this offer that’s available to you. In closing, members please do have a lovely Christmas with your respective families. Keep well, stay safe, and happy holiday motoring. Coming together is a beginning Keeping together is progress Working together is success Henry Ford “Feliz la vida” Kaaren Smylie your Club Captain


From the Secretary Hi Folks!


A big welcome to all our new members. One would have to say that November stood out as a very eventful month. The Swap Meet/Car Show attendance was great, some 101 vehicles on

A big thank you to our members, your sub-committee worked their butts off along with the likes of David Joblin and his crew selling their yummy sausages. The women in the kitchen broke records again and Jack Anderson sold $1000 worth of parts from his facility. Our hard working Yvonne & Paul sold heaps of books and magazines. Keith Perkins sure has a smile on his dial. “Well done everyone.” A small group of men attended the Ladies Luncheon and Chris responded by displaying his MG (nice car) and provided us with a conducted tour of their house. We sat by the pool well away from the women and forced ourselves to have a beer and something to eat, a big thank you to Jenny and Chris Cole. Bryce Strong organised a very successful First of the Summer Wine Tour (four day event.) Well done! I have to say the car behaved until we were in the middle of the desert road, then it started to miss and jib at high revs. It was cold and raining, so we decided to go back to Taupo to sort it out, too dangerous to attempt the Gentle Annie. It improved after coil and condenser change so we carried on over to Napier. Fact is, it got us there and back, all good. “That’s all Folks.” Joe Scott

The Car Club Welcomes the following new members Ray Findlay :

Ray has a 1954 MG Sports

Kevin Carlaw and Isabelita Bailie: They are restoring a 1976 Lamborghini and a 1975 Ferrari Michael Thorman:

Michael owns a 1958 Triumph TR3 A

Edgar Body:

Edgar has several Triumphs and an MG

Peter and June Smith:

They own a 1935 Studebaker Dictator

Owen and Judy Johnston: They own a 1953 Landrover Series 1

Welcome to the Vintage Car Club and we all look forward to meeting you and viewing your vehicles Please make contact with David Joblin to obtain your name badges 12

Your Klaxon Editor is Paul Beck

Contact Paul at or 07 5748482

Earlier this month I was talking to an editor of another club magazine. She made mention that she was having difficulty with my Klaxon on email. It turned out that it came through as a mess. I did not have an answer to it. Also she said she was having other difficulties with her magazine as well and it turned out she was working with a very old program. My initial thoughts were that she was doing very well to produce quite a reasonable product on an old program. Also my thoughts were it was quite an ingenious method of producing an email version of it. Next day I was still thinking about her problem and looked up her email address. “Bingo” It came clear. Change provider and one issue got fixed. Then came a flurry of emails and it was soon made clear to me she wanted to do something, and full marks for persistence as many people would have given up at this stage. Taking one step at a time we came to the root of the problem and a way around it. Within the week she had a new email address loaded with contacts and a system to use that could produce a higher quality magazine. Full marks go to her for sticking to her guns. I hope that her club appreciates the effort being made for them. At times I must admit that I get frustrated because things are not going right but then take a long deep breath and quietly work through the problem with images of a large heavy weight descending down on my computer going through my mind. So yes I do know what it is like. Our final Film Night for 2016 was held this month and what a lot of pleasure Yvonne and I got sifting through and rejecting many films but finding some real old treasures. These movies were also approved by Kaaren as well and her advice was well appreciated. Obviously others have recognized the effort with the attendances slowly increasing and with some movies a lot of chortles and laughter indicated that they were enjoying the show. Also at the end of the movies an acclamation was well appreciated. Alastair has advised he has a couple lined up for next year and I also have a couple in mind as well so it looks like we will be off to a flying start next year. I also lately have been keeping an eye on the Auckland VCC who are in the process of changing their name. They will have voted by the time Klaxon goes to print to include the word Classic into their name. So they will be known as Auckland Vintage and Classic Car Club if it goes through. This is of interest to many of our members as a name change was earlier voted on. It seems as though Head Office have had a softening on the subject and this will be a test case. I announced at the meeting that I intend to hold a basic computer course next year as I have been aware that there are quite a few people who own a computer but don’t know how to use it. I am willing to instruct what I know free of charge to those willing to learn and am asking for expression of interest. See the advert later on in the Klaxon. This Klaxon is the final for our year and the next issue will come out in February. It has been an interesting year once again and our club has been quite active. Many clubs are now sending their magazines on line which go to our cloud site file. That file is accessible to many of our members that have access at their own convenience. It is a system that works well, saves me a lot of work and is easy to operate. I recommend it to all other clubs. It is a google site, is free of charge and gives 8gb of storage which I have nowhere near filled yet. So from here I would like to wish everybody well, drive safely and return refreshed next year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Paul All articles must be in writing and received PREFERABLY early in the month, the close off date being the Wednesday following the committee meeting.


Report on Mid Week Run to Katikati:

by Paul Beck

Our mid week run this month took us to Te Puna Quarry Park then on to Katikati Museum then to Katikati RSA for lunch. About 17 cars had gathered for it which was supposed to be a doubtful day weatherwise if the forecast was anything to go by. We were about to leave and had a visitor at the last minute so did not get to the Quarry but we believe the talk given on the quarry development, to what is now a top class visitor spot, was enjoyed by all. We ourselves went direct on to the museum in Katikati and met the tour there. We were given a talk by Paula, the curator, giving a broad outline of what to expect and a little of the history of the museum. Being in its now 3rd location, the museum is now recognised quite highly by museums such as Te Papa. A Te Papa curator came personally to set up a dress display correctly, which took 3 days, all being free of charge to Katikati. The displays are changed frequently so as to create interest. They are being asked to attend shows like A&P shows with displays to match the theme of the day. The museum has only recently been opened in their new premises and we were told we were the first group to attend. The displays which are beautifully set out in clean modern cabinets are a credit to all involved. Also a small treat was in store for us all. Hot scones baked in a wood fire oven on the premises. Mmmmm. Well done to the Katikati team. Any one in Tauranga should take a leaf out of Katikati’s book to see what a pleasure it can bring to a town. From the musem we moved on to Katikati RSA for a nice lunch and then returned home. Well done to Gary Foy for organising this run.


Above: An 1870 Bustle Gown Below: I can remember unpacking these as a child to go into Dads shop to sell. An HMV Radiogram

Above: Can you imagine doing washing with this early washing machine. The stick on the left that looks like a gear lever is pumped up and down, lifting and lowering the 3 suction cups inside. Kept the washer woman slim and trim.

Above: Musical instruments used in Katikati

Below. The cook (name unknown) shows the wood fire oven the scones were made in. There is no doubt that a wood fire oven does somehow create a special flavour. It took me back a few years I must say.



How Can an Easy Job Go So Wrong: by Paul Beck After talking to the occasional member every now and then, I have been told that the following story should be printed. The story concerned is about the Differential (diff) on my 1963 Humber Super Snipe. Several years back I was becoming increasingly aware that the diff was starting to wear and getting a lot of free play in it. I made a few enquiries here and there with different wreckers and the Hillman Club. Also I kept an eye on Trade Me and E bay. I did spot a new crown wheel and pinion on E Bay in Holland so made enquiries about it. All I got back were the words ‘wrong model’ and no other information. So I could not progress any further there. As time went on I was getting more concerned so I decided to pull it out and have a look at it. I phoned a few places around Tauranga and got very polite answers from some, saying, sorry they don’t do diffs. An engineer who was recommended to me just down the road said, “I cant be bothered. I only do work for racing car guys with a big budget”. While the gears were worn they didn't seem too bad to my untrained eye so got a few new bearings and had a go at it myself as I was in the rock and a hard place situation. I was delighted that it all went together fine and hardly any free play but my delight was short lived. On the first test run the rear end was howling like a siren and the car was promptly returned to the shed before it caused me any more embarrassment. Out the diff came again and another go at resetting the gears. Another test run and not so bad. After about 6 more tries I got it to a bearable noise. I was talking to Peter Woodend one day and he said he would ask in England. Quite a few weeks went by and I got a call from Peter asking for the Chassis number as he may have located a brand new Crown Wheel and Pinion. My spirits lifted. The parts were confirmed as being correct so the order was given. I must point out also that I also had an old diff in hand that came with the car years ago but was worn more than the one in the car. The plan being to repair the spare and slip it in. That way the car could stay on the road until ready. Later I was told by Peter that the parts had missed his shipment so will need to wait for the next one. That was ok and they eventually arrived. At this stage I was about 2 years on from where I started. Many thanks go to Peter for assisting me. The parts checked out perfect with the spare diff parts so it was all go. From here all I had to do was find someone to put it together. To save that person a lot of trouble I also purchased a new set of bearings from Holmes Industrial. 2 names had been recommended to me that could assemble the parts, and both places were in Auckland and advertised in Petrol Head. I rang one place and was quickly rebuffed and told “Not interested”. I rang the other guy and was told “yes” I will be finishing a job by morning at the moment and have a delay on the next one if I can get it up there. Yahoo!!!. I parcelled up everything and sent on the way that afternoon. I rang next morning and received confirmation of the parts arrived but he hadn't looked at it yet. Then silence for a few days. I also could not get a reply and after a couple of weeks discovered he had taken the kids on holiday for a week. The months started ticking by with endless excuses “then”, Excitement, a call from him to be told the spider gear shaft was worn and need engineering. Approval given. Silence again. A couple of months pass and eventually was told the job was done and cash first. A rush trip to the bank and a call to say I had paid. About 9 months from the first phone call to him. However I was more than happy as recommendations had advised, I would be very happy with the job. Just wait. The diff duly arrived so the car was jacked up and the axles and old part were removed. I cleaned up all the remaining parts and lifted the new diff head into place. To my dismay it did not fit. It was too large by about 20mm.


The crown wheel would not even fit into the housing. Yet it was the same as the one it replaced and the chassis no of the car had been confirmed. The spare appeared exactly the same as the one removed so it was a Humber Diff but what did it fit. I rang the Hillman Club in Auckland to see what they could offer as I was a member and was put on to a guy in Whangarei who was stripping old Humber's as he was moving. I gave him the measurements of the hole required and he promptly said he had a housing and would bring it down with him as he was coming to a swap meet in a months time. I waited and the day came. He turned up and the first thing I did was measure the hole. Obviously he did not. It was too small. He went away rather miffed because I did not want it and would not reply to further emails. More phone calls around and chasing leads, and eventually wound up with a guy in Rotorua who was restoring a series IV Snipe but he also had a Series V diff. He did not want to sell it but I went over anyway and identified my spare as being out of a Series V car. Progress at last. I knew what I needed. I then placed an advert in our Klaxon and got an immediate reply from Auckland that a guy in Papakura was advertising in the Hillman magazine that he was wrecking a Snipe. I rang him immediately and was told yes he had a series V diff and it was out. I did the deal over the phone, we packed up and travelled to Papakura for the day. I found the address and wandered down the path and alarm bells rang immediately. There was a Series V Snipe being wrecked, but the car was on 4 wheels. It turned out that he did not want the back axel taken out as he would not be able to move the car. Words could not express what I felt. A deal was eventually done. He would remove it when being scrapped and he would take it to Whangamata where I could pick it up. After 6 months of being fobbed off I considered the deal as a bad one and needed to start again. I checked out the membership of Humber owners on the Data base for the VCC and emailed them all to see if anyone had a Series V diff housing. I got a 100% return on my enquiry but a “sorry don’t have” answer, however a guy in Palmerston North put me onto a guy in Carterton. I rang him and yes he had one. When I asked the price he said all he wanted was the parts out of it and if I pulled it apart I could have the housing. What a deal. Almost too good to be true, so Yvonne and I packed our bags and were off. We left early and were in Carterton just after lunch, found the address and the guy was as good as his word. “Unbelievable”. I pulled the diff apart, completed the deal and decided to head home again, arriving back in the Mount at about mid night. A long day. I started next day and cleaned it all up and fitted the new axel. Now to discover though that the driveshaft was too long in the back half by about 20mm. I had a series V shaft but as it was rusty etc. thought better to balance it first. It was the right length. I rang a local engineer and yes they did that work but could not look at it for a month so I fitted it to try out without balancing. As it turned out it vibrated quite badly. After 2 more calls over several weeks I was told the guy to do the job was going on holiday tomorrow for a week so this time I did not ring. After the week I pulled the driveshaft out and took it over. They said they could not do for a couple of weeks. I left it there and waited. Something I had become conditioned to by now. The end result. So after about 5 years of initially deciding to repair the diff. The job was completed. Oh how I love old cars!


Bop VCC Swap Meet

by Paul Beck

With the Swap Meet now over some of the people can now relax and say what a great show of cars we had on display. One car I noticed was Garth and Marcia Reed’s 1933 MG J2 midget. While this car has been in the club for quite a while it is its first outing for Garth at a club event. Restored and owned previously by Bill Janes, the car still presents itself in an immaculate condition. A testament to the care and attention of its previous owner. Hope to see more of it out and about

Another Car I spotted out the back was a rather tidy 1938 Morris 8 Convertible (see below) owned by Ken Frew. I myself have never seen this car before so I take it that it might also be close to its first club outing. Lets see more of this car Ken. A humble but very nice car.

An award was sponsored by Shed Boss for Peoples Choice and was deservedly won by Joe Scott’s Model AA Truck (above right) The prize for the oldest car was won by Bob Taylor with his 1906 Reo. (bottom right) 2nd and 3rd prize for peoples choice was very closely contested between Westell Marshall’s Jaguar XK150s and Murray Toms’ Jaguar XK140s. I am not surprised that they are popular as both cars are in exceptional order. Left: Murray XK140 Jaguar

Right: Bob 1906 Reo




SWAP MEET & CAR SHOW Hi Folks. Well, it’s all over for another year! All the over-worked team can now enjoy a well-deserved rest. If I tried to thank each one individually, I would miss someone out! Many thanks to each and every one of you who worked long hours ( and days) to make the event the success it was. This year we tried three new items, all of which were appreciated: We gained access to the North-end Council free Car Park, which eased parking congestion. Kaaren Smylie arranged a Raffle . This raised $217.60 for Waipuna Hospice. Well done! Ron Elton organised a “Peoples’ Choice “ competition. This was well received and helped to have on-lookers engaged. Thank you to each one who displayed their beloved car, truck or motorcycle. The show was quite remarkable! I was grateful to the drivers who met my request to keep their vehicles in place until after 12 Noon. It made a difference, since we still had the public coming through the gate at 1pm. Thanks again, John Payne.

End of the month run to Spike Allen’s:

by Paul Beck

Our end of the month run this month started with lunch at our club rooms. A nice touch as it was a good excuse for a chinwag before we got down to the serious part. This being traveling to Spike’s place to view a water blasting machine that was controlled by a computer and could cut almost any material. From carpet to 100mm thick steel and 150mm aluminium. Spike setting up the computer The machine used a 30,000 psi jet of water with a little bit of grit in it for abrasion to enable the jet to cut hard materials but if cutting carpet just the water jet was sufficient to do the job. The finished article was quite smooth with no slag on the under side. Also when he gets complete confidence in the machine, Spike says it is able to cut in 3 dimension however he has not learnt to do that yet as the drawings are quite complex. I myself was more interested in seeing Spike sit down and going through the large number of Artwork Cutting the aluminium shape designs he had on his computer and trying to find a specific one. He didn't find what he was looking for but found a picture of a Sun design and thought it a good option. He set the machine cutting out the design from a sheet of about 6mm aluminium then to prove a point he then cut the same pattern from a ceramic floor tile.


We then realised the pieces fitted inside each although not a deliberate move. So a ceramic tile with an aluminium insert then a aluminium piece with a ceramic insert. There is no doubt computers are very clever now.

Cutting the Ceramic tile

While there we also had a good look around at his lovely workshop. A little mind blowing is one thing that comes to mind. How do these people keep their workshop looking like a hospital. All clean and everything in its place. I was told it’s not always like that though. We also had the opportunity to inspect an old 1928 Humber motor cycle that Ivan Allen had spent many years restoring. What a lovely job it is. It was great to see it in a finished state. A very rare machine I believe.

The floor tile with an aluminium Insert placed inside it

Ivan Allen and the 1928 Humber motor cycle he restored 21

The years 1916 –1918


by Paul Beck

1916: In the war news. In July an Anzac force prevented an 18,000 strong Turkish force from taking the Suez Canal and capturing Egypt.

Also 1560 NZ soldiers were killed and 5440 soldiers injured during 23 days of the Somme offensive. The BNZ issued the first of its Ten Shilling notes. New Plymouth obtained the distinction of being NZ city to obtain an electric tram service running from Fitzroy to the Railway Station and the port. 1917: The first tractor with a steel belt track is imported into NZ. It was a Holt 75 Caterpillar. The Garage proprietors Association of NZ is formed and later changed its name to the Retail Motor Trade Association. NZ Parliament moved into its new home replacing the wooden structures destroyed by fire in 1907. 1918: The Auckland, Wellington express was derailed near Taihape killing 4 passengers. In Auckland cars, trucks, delivery wagons and almost anything on wheels passed in unceasing procession reacting to the news Armistice had been reached with Germany.

Computer Course As announced at the meeting, I will be taking a computer course next year. Open to: Open to any member wishing to learn BASIC only computing in Windows 2007 or higher. If you fall outside of this, contact me anyway as I may be able to offer a special arrangement to suit. Where: It is intended to hold the course at the clubrooms and you will be required to bring along your own computer to use. That way you are learning on a familiar program. You may attend all or just part of the course. Its your choice. Cost: Cost is free however there may be small expenses involved to enable your computer to work at the clubrooms. Aim: There is a number of people who have access to a computer and do not know how to do basic computing, e.g. sending emails, attachments, copying and pasting, inserting, loading photos and simple editing of photos. When: After the Christmas season is over I will assemble those interested and arrange a time to suit those attending. Limitations: There will be a cap of 10 people at a time. (This is firm) If you are interested or want to know more please contact me by phone, 07 5748482 or Email: Paul Beck


LADIES LUNCHEON : report by Chris Cole– 21ST NOVEMBER AT CHRIS & JENNY COLE’S HOME Jill Scott organises these luncheons at the homes of our members. This time, it was Chris and Jenny’s turn and we were asked to create a Christmas theme for the lunch. Out came the decorations; up went the tree, and we foraged around and found the appropriate Christmas CDs. Never before have we ever had the house ready for Christmas with over a month to spare! It was a lovely day and about a dozen ladies arrived many with husbands in tow. Chris organised Ron Elton and Garth Reed to bring their MGs along to join his in a little display of Morris Garage's creations. The men duly spent their time in, around, and under them whilst the ladies ate mincepies and drank sparkling wine out on the deck. It was a most enjoyable occasion and thanks to all who came and participated in a bit of premature Christmas Cheer! Chris Cole

First of the Summer Wine Tour: by Alastair Jones 24th—27th Nov We’ve never missed a “Wine Trail”, so we had high expectations as did the 25 others judging by the chatter as we waited for the stragglers to arrive. There were 4 Fords, all rorty, sporty, and also naughty, because 2 got left behind immediately after the start. A brace of Triumphs, and one of Daimler, Plymouth, XJ6, Zephyr, Alvis and Mini. I won’t mention the 3 moderns that filled in for various reasons. It was pleasing to see some very new faces participating, and also the old faithfuls back again, like us. Stephen Ward was First stop for other than a couple of a “newbie” and covers the first day as Fords Aratiatia Rapids carpark such. Day 1 A chilly early morning start in the Jaguar XJ6 to meet up with the group at Te Puke before picking up lunch at a local café which made me late for the kick off. Not long after, I spotted Colin


and Mary Anderson in their Capri parked by the side of the road. I stopped to ask if they needed help to find a dodgy temperature gauge and a cold radiator (thermostat?). Colin decided to head home and collect a modern! After Paengaroa another roadside casualty, this time the Model A of Alan and Dawn Webb, engine not running (coil?). Alan had one at home, “was going to bring it,” and wanted to go back to collect it. Only one thing to do, I took Alan back to the Mount so he could get his modern at his daughter’s, then he drove to his place to pick up the said coil. Back on track I stopped at the Model A to let Dawn know what was happening and it was on to the Aratiatia rapids at Taupo, getting there Aratiatia Rapids Floodgates with five minutes to spare before the opened flood gates opened. Next on to Murray Matuschka’s Kitenui Farm who together with wife Barbara and grand-son Gary, run a deer farm . But there is more, much more. After lunch under the trees we were given a history of the farm and shown paintings and sculptures done by the two men. In a garage was a 1952 De Soto Diplomat and then we were taken around the farm in a wagon and saw around ten different species of deer, a mob of chamois in quarantine for shipHawks Bay Club dinner ment to Saudi, two buffaloes/bison, yaks, long-horn Scottish cattle (!) a zebra (!) and an old plane on their air field. On the guided tour we had an escort of some nicely restored US Army vehicles to keep the men interested. Then we were taken through their club house (old wool shed) with a bar, hundreds of deer antlers and pictures of the wild west. The garden was stunning and a far cry from the wilderness of 40 years ago. The farm is usually visited by Americans who come to hunt the deer. After that we went on to Turangi and our night stop. (I understand the Yanks window-shop the stags here and then they are taken to some suitable “free-range” place where they are released to be stalked!!) Bryce made sure the womenfolk weren’t over-looked, no doubt with some input from Christine, so Jenny Utting will provide the “tender gender” perspective for Day 2.

Springvale Suspension Bridge on the Gentle Annie road 24

Day 2 Three cars needed running repairs before they departed Turangi, with Scotts going back to Taupo and then across to Napier. Drizzling rain and strong winds followed us all the way down to Waiouru then the rain cleared. Some visited the Tangiwai Memorial and others the NaOld trams generator. Powered Napier tional Military Museum. Lunch at trams till 1970 Taihape then we started on the Gentle Annie road through to Napier. At first there was beautiful farming country, sheep and cattle, wide river valleys then steep, mountainous country, dark bush and masses of golden broom. We drove in convoy up the steep grade that had some cars down to bottom gear. Another hour and we were in Napier getting ready for our evening meal with the Steve Trott Collection 1938 Packhard Hawkes Bay VCC in their beautiful new building. We struck it lucky with a Xmas theme and got a guided tour through the library, kitchen, and spare parts complex where Stephen Ward scored some XJ6 tail-lights, and all of us were left wondering how they turn on such a magnificent meal every month for just $5. Day 3 promised to be very interesting because I’d read much about the” Great British Car Museum” in many overseas magazines sent to me, and I have seen many references to Steve Trott’s collections in BW; and with a bit of technology thrown in to bamboozle, it sounded good. David Joblin’s interest in fine British machinery indicated he was the ideal scribe for this day, so here’s his take.

Car Stack at British Car Museum

Day 3 Hawkes Bay put on another fine sunny day for us. The first stop was in Napier at the Faraday Centre. This is in the old Napier Pump House built in 1912, staffed by volunteers and, as the name suggests, is full of technological memorabilia, and just about anything

Horse drawn Hearse. Faraday centre


stationary that works or worked, is on display. They have the original electric generator for the trams in Napier, many Lister engines of all sizes, pumps, a collection of drays and horse drawn vehicles of all descriptions from the 19 th century, but the only lone car was a 1907 Rover. The Centre knew we were coming and started all the engines that work just for us which was much appreciated.

Kitenui Farm Artwork Buffalo

By the time we extracted ourselves from there it was down to the Clifton Cafe for lunch, out by the beach.

Next (POI) was Ian Hope’s well known “British Car Museum” containing 480 cars ! Mostly post war, some carefully stacked on top of each other. Several examples of every make imaginable were represented, as well as a few very rare models. (an Alvis similar to the Joblin example must have made David weep with pity). There were cars everywhere, even in his workshop and outside. It was a nostalgia trip and reinforced the thought that now, one is driving a museum piece. Bryce had arranged with Steve Trott for private viewing of his collection of just three cars. Some cars! A 1941 Cadillac DHC , a 1935 Auburn straight 8 supercharged and a 1938 Packard DHC. . All have been changed from left to right hand drive. The Auburn was bought, sight unseen from Switzerland, both the Cadillac and the Packard were restored in New Zealand. All three are superb examples of top class cars. Steve also gave us a run down on his other hobbies, his collection of signs, car badges, radiator badges (800) and vintage hub caps, 618 different names and something like 900 single caps. He is the third largest collector in the world.

Bryce and Christine Strong with a Statue Stag at Kitenui Farm

Then it was off to the Napier RSA for a Bistro meal and discussion on what we most fancied.

Alan Pram has a long association with Napier through taxis and providing accommodation for tourists, so we cajoled him into leading 5 car-loads of us around the Bluff Hill/Hospital Hill area on Sunday morning, and then a quick sojourn to the historic Mission Winery, because after all, it was the “First of the Summer Wine”. His knowledge and memory resulted in the perfect ending to this superb tour, and our memories will be of the trip that highlighted the fallibility of Fords, but more than that; 3 day tours are sometimes not quite long enough, especially if a bit of long distance motoring is envisaged, so this 4 day one was spot on. Maybe there is a “strong” case for another? The Jones’s. Participants were: Strong, Utting, Wade, Pram, Joblin, Scott, Toms/ Notley, Hollister-Jones/cobber, Anderson, Edwards/Casier, Ward, Webb, Biehler, Jones.


I'm bored….. Wanna go down to the mall and bump into peoples ankles


To all Branch Members; The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand is creating a number of new online features that will be of advantage to members. The first one is now up and running. At a recent meeting of the Club Executive it was suggested branch monthly magazines and newsletters were made available for reading on the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand website. Go to our home site on and click on “News from our Branches” on the menu down the left side of the home page or alternatively go straight to and then saving to your Browser favourites. Then click on the magazine you want to read. Each magazine will be posted as soon as it is received and will appear in the alphabetical order of the branches. The current monthly magazine for each branch will be removed once the current months issue is received. From Klaxon Editor to BOPVCC members: The above site is similar in operation to our Cloud site however the main difference being our cloud site contains all issues of magazines received and not just the latest available. This practice may be revised in the future however, in the event of storage issues.


Crossword — by Dave Ryan 1












5 .

7 .

8 .











11 13





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. 19



19 25








A recess in a wall


Common pip fruit


Breathing device for divers


Work in combination with




Rooms or jobs available


Past period of time


Lightly burn the surface


Substitute names



Person new to a profession

Secret instrument functions (init)


Exercises on parade ground


Not difficult


Reasonable believable answer


Legally detains


Short for handcuffs


Native of Norway


Leader of a Government


Freshen up a room




Tide receding


Criminal underworld


Public meeting or assembly





FAR NORTH FUELS Our club has negotiated a special fuel rate for all NZVCC members The rate is available at most Mobil, Caltex and BP service stations. Conditions apply. For further information and application forms Go to our club website: Or now on our cloud site as well.            

Competitive discounts - contact us to find out your discount rate No monthly or annual fees No minimum spend Comprehensive network of Mobil service stations and truck stops There is a choice of 2 discount/pricing options Off the displayed pump price Off the Mobil National price Limits on products and spending allows for efficient budgeting Minimal transaction fee of $0.005 per litre Fee of $0.50 per transaction for non-fuel purchases Account and card fees may apply PIN's on cards provide extra security

OUR CLUB ELECTRONIC SITES Klaxon: Klaxon is available on email. If you are not receiving Klaxon by email then we do not have your email address. To correct this send a request to BOP VCC Cloud site: This site is a google cloud document site for our club members to access. It contains other club magazines and run information sent to us and stored in one convenient place for you to access and read. To get access to the site send a request to BOP VCC Website: Search bay of plenty vintage car club in your browser. It contains our magazine and other club information of interest pertaining to our club. BOP VCC Face book: The club has a Facebook page, however it is a private page only accessible to our members and approved people. Log onto your facebook page and search Bay of Plenty Vintage Car Club. Then request to be a friend. If you are not a friend you cannot access it.













Police officer










S. I. F.


















Prime Minister











Thankyou to all those that contributed over the year to our parts shed. Many of which have been resold and are now being put to use once more. However after a successful Swap Meet we now need to top up the shelves again BRING YOUR SPARE PARTS DOWN. THEY MAY BE JUST WHAT SOMEONE IS LOOKING FOR Don’t overlook the parts shed as a source for your project

______________________________________________________________ FOR HIRE : Bore de-carboniser tool and Vane Tuner The club has a bore de-carboniser tool and vane tuner which is now available for hire to members The charge is only $5.00. to have your car running sweetly. Enquiries through Jack Anderson Contact Jack on 07 5766346



Do you know of someone to buy this advertising space. Contact:


Come to 200 Waihi Road next to the BP Summit Talk to TONCI BARCOT about tyres. We provide a fast friendly service at a very competitive price. We supply and provide Tyres, new & old, Wheel Balancing, Wheel Alignment, WOF Repairs & Batteries Ph. 07 578 2381, Fax 07 578 2381 Mobile 027 2899484

Certifying Plumber & Gas Fitter covering the Western Bay of Plenty 31

GOLDIES GARAGE Vintage Restoration OWEN P GOLDSMITH Proprietor Over 40 years experience Vintage, P.V, P. W & Classic Restoration Vehicle Services Federation INC L.T N.Z Approved for inspections & issuing of W.O.F. From start to the finished vehicle, or just repairs to components as required. Most restorations & repair work undertaken on older vehicles. I do not stock parts other than Model A Fords. 735 PYES PA TAURANGA

Ph 07 543 0061

WALTON RAILTON & CO. LTD Chartered Accountants Corner Cameron Road & 8th Avenue Tauranga Website Phone 07 578 6161 - Fax 07 578 0940 Adding value to your business with personal quality advice and Service

 Accounting and Tax Services, Taxation advice.  Financial and Business Management.  Family Trust and Asset Protection advice, Preparation of Budgets & Cash Flows.

If you are fully insured phone me first and I will assist you with the claim procedure. All my work is guaranteed! 32


PRICE $35.00



PRICE $25.00

PRICE $35.00





PRICE $ 45.00

PRICE $ 40.00


BUMPER BADGES $30 EACH: Made in alloy and electroplated. Types: Coloured in, Chrome, Nickel or Bronze finish Contact: Owen Smith 07 570200


For Sale and Wanted Austin 7hp Parts - extensive stock of new spares for all Austin 7's 1923-39 Catalogue available. Also many parts for other pre-1940 Austin's - Big 7, 8hp, 10hp, 12/6, etc. Peter Woodend. 07 571 5525 or 027 605 4040 email: Valvoline Max Life 20W-50 Engine Oil semi synthetic made for older and high mileage engines. Has seal conditioners to stop or reduce leaks and anti wear additives. I have used this in my Triumphs for the past 14 years and have found that it works to reduce leaks and sticks to the rockers etc. when the vehicle is not being used. $65 for 5 litres. Valvoline Duragear 75W-85 Gear Oil GL4 semi synthetic. (GL4 oils have less sulphur and are getting harder to find) GL4 oils are specified for most classic cars that have bronze or brass synchro rings and thrust washers etc. This oil helps synchro rings grip, improves gear changes and won't wont affect brass or bronze parts. Model A OWNERS if you have a Laycock overdrive fitted - this is the oil for you as they have some brass and bronze parts in them and the Triumph 2000/2500 Factory Workshop manual specifies an EP70 oil on draining and refilling a manual gearbox and overdrive. $56 for 4 litres. These are both quality oils. Contact: Neal Lindsay. 07 5789579

Special Fuel Discounts available now from FAR NORTH FUELS. AVAILABLE TO ALL NZ VCC MEMBERS. Go to our club website for or now on our cloud site as well

application forms

1921 Sunbeam, 16/40, overhead valves, 3 litres. Rare. 1938 B.S.A., 4 wheeler Tickford Drophead coupe. Front wheel drive. Rare. Both cars are in good condition. Contact Bill Janes, Ph. (07) 578-7583. email : 37 Church St., Gate Pa, Tauranga, 3112. 1953 and 1957 Morris Minors, 1 two door and the other 4 door. Both have the tops cut off to convert to convertibles. High head light and division in windscreen. They were in a barn on the property we bought 2 years ago and I want to get rid of them. Contact Louise 543 1481 or 022 6993990 1971 Triumph Herald 1360. Fully rebuilt in 1990 and done very few miles since. New Reg. and warrant. Very, very reluctant sale. Offers around $10,000. Contact Snow Greaves. 07 5481140 or 0212803311 Wanted to hire. A Camper van suitable for 3 adults 6th to 14th February 2017 Contact Alan Pram 5738428

Cars and Parts for sale or wanted may be advertised free of charge. All adverts must be in writing, which will be in place for 2 issues of the Klaxon then removed unless re-requested to be replaced for 2 more issues. Adverts may be placed by club members to advertise any car or parts of interest to the members but not necessarily owned by them.


CLASSIC TYRES For beaded-edge, high-pressure/straight-sided, well-based cross-ply, radial, wide whitewall, imperial, metric, car, truck, motorcycle, also whitewall trims, steel & wire wheels.

Warehouse: 4/64 TUKORAKO DRIVE, PETER WOODEND (VCC Member) Web: Email: Postal: P O Box 2245 TAURANGA 3140

07 571 5525 - Mobile/warehouse: 027 605 4040


74 Courtney Road Tauranga

AA Motoring 

    

Auto Centre

Servicing Warrant of fitness Repairs Pre purchase inspections All makes and models Everybody welcome









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