December 2016
Official magazine of the Canterbury Branch of the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (inc.) 1
9-90s Outing in November see report page 12, below lunching 9-90s style one big group.
THE HUB Newsletter of: The Canterbury Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ INC
CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month Phone 03 359—7004
Main Committee
Leigh Craythorne (Tony)
342 9110
John Coomber (Christine)
03 310 7056
Kevin Sarjeant (Joan)
365 1938
Club Captain
Greg Lamb (Gail)
960 3077
Vintage Convenor
Paul Seaton (Margaret)
021 205 9101
359 7600
Veteran Convenor
Tim Palmer (Barbara)
021 338 692
03 313 3952
Assistant Club Captain Rod Thrower (Lynda) P Group Convenor
George R Kear (Jorden)
Commercial Convenor Mark Drury
338 2320 027 221 4332
347 0315 342 9297
Cover photo: Photo taken at Ferrymead Heritage Park on the Annual Motorcycle Rally.
2016-2017 Representatives Motor Cycle Convenor
Les Freeman (Margaret)
027 339 0962
Spare Part Shed Rep
Des Fowler (Janet)
342 9974
9-90's Co-ordinator:
John Kuipers
332 7926
VIC Representative
Don Bennetts (Judy)
385 6333
Maintenance/ Clubrooms
Mike Foster
359 8260
Bar Managers
Amanda Franklin (Wayne)
389 7066
Gill Stevenson (Kevin)
327 5743
Noggin Displays
Don Muller (Marlene)
385 6850
Owen Genet
358 2514
Assistant Librarian
Kay Shaskey (Graeme)
Swap Meet Chair
Colin Hey (Jenny)
Swap Meet sites
Kevin Clarkson (Shona)
Barn bookings/ Camping
Kevin and Claire Campion
027 407 5344
03 312 7255
Beaded Wheels Reporter
Tony Becker (Ngaire)
027 446 6964
421 2426
North Canty Noggin
Jeff Rogers
022 131 7235
03 313 8432
027 424 2670
352 6266
027 279 9195
358 4549
352 5217 359 8737 385 9821
Hub Editor Cindy Hey (Peter) Hub Com. Advertising
WHAT WE ARE DOING DECEMBER Sat Sun Wed Sun Wed Sun Wed Mon Sat
3 4 7 11 14 18 21 26 31
Grand Ball Maintenance Committee Work Day 9-90s Christmas Lunch - page 12 Children’s Christmas Picnic - page 14 Motorcycle Christmas Noggin - pg 10 Veteran Picnic Run - page 14 Commercial Christmas Noggin - page 11 Boxing Day Run - page 15 Fish and Chip Run - page 10
JANUARY 2017 Mon 2 Sun 8 Sun 29
Motorcycle New Year Run Picnic Run - page 15 Veteran Picnic Run - page 15
FEBRUARY Thurs Sun Wed Wed Sat/Sun Wed Sat Sat Sat
2 5 8 8 11/12 15 19 25 25
Noggin and Natter Maintenance Committee Work Day 9-90s Outing - page 12 Motorcycle Noggin Annual Rally Commercial Noggin Boot Fair Commercial Annual Rally Fish and Chip Run
MARCH Sat Sun Sat Sat/Sun
4 5 11 18/19
Moped Run Rear Wheel Brake Rally Back Country Run Jim Toohey Motorcycle Run - pages 10/16
Chairman’s Report Well, what a year of celebrations we have had! Those recent past chairmen (who had responded to my invitation to join me on the Diamond Jubilee Committee) John Bartlett, Ross Butler, Tony Craythorne, Mike Glenday, Andrew McClintock, Marilyn McKinlay, Don Muller, Lyndsey Saunders and Alan Wills, have worked hard to ensure that the year was a special one. I am sure the branch members haven't been disappointed with what has been planned and enjoyed. On your behalf, I thank them for providing the branch with events that all our members could enjoy and look back on in the years to come. As I write this, members will have taken part in the 2016 Show Weekend Tour to Methven (The Five Gorges Tour) organised by Marianne and George Kear. In spite of the dismal weather (it's the first time we have had the hood up for the whole of a run or rally) members enjoyed themselves and the comradship over the weekend. Staying altogether in the Methven Resort Hotel proved again to be an added bonus. Thank you Marianne, George and family. Members will be looking forward to the Homestead Run on the Sunday following the close-off date for the December Hub. This is the last of the special motoring events to celebrate our special year. The Jubilee Grand Ball (Saturday 3 December) is the final anniversary event for our Jubilee year and will be a grand finale to our year of celebrations. The Spare Parts Department extension is well and truly on the way, after a long drawn out delay, due to consents and requirements from the council etc etc. It has been quite a while since approval from the branch committee was given to extend the Spare Parts building (following receiving four quotes) but as they say “all good things take time”! This will ensure that items stored in a weatherproof situation, will not become rusty heaps of worthless junk.
Canterbury Branch Web Site 6
Our thanks to the Spare Parts Committee who, together with their representative to the branch committee, Des Fowler, Spare Parts Department Secretary, Ross Butler and a number of other “Beavers” have soldiered on with the paperwork and obstacles that this additional asset to the branch involved. I wish Compliments of the Season to you all and happy motoring for 2017. Leigh As the Canterbury branch, our membership extends far from the boundaries of Christchurch city. Our thoughts are with our members in the Waiau/Kaikoura area.
SECRETARY’S REPORT Our thoughts are with our members who have been affected by the recent earthquakes in North Canterbury and Marlborough. We hope you are all safe and your precious vehicles have survived unscathed. If any of you need assistance, please contact us and let us know how we can help. As this is the last Hub for 2016 and the next one will be February, I wish you all a pleasant and safe holiday period. Take care on the roads. John Coomber Secretary
COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.
Club Captain’s Report It is that time again to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Where has the year gone? Having no Hub in January, I draw your attention the need to write up your calendar of up and coming events, so that you don’t forget them.
As the Annual Rally is early in February, an early response to return the entry form is required so as not forgotten. If you can assist by giving some of your time for helping with this event please contact me on 960 3077. NOTE. If the weather looks daunting on a rally day, do not put it off. It may be completely different where you are going. It is only as much fun as you make it. Thanks George for the Show Weekend Tour, even if the weather was inclement. It was fun. Happy Motoring Greg.
CONDOLENCES Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family of Pat Keating (Pat received his 50 year award in 2010)
V.C.C. Canterbury Branch Diamond Jubilee. 1956-2016. (December) By the time most of the members read this, the last two events of our 60th Diamond Jubilee calendar, will have been completed. It's hard to believe, that 20 months have passed by, since our first 60th Jubilee Events planning meeting, which was called by our Chairman Leigh, in April 2015. This early planning of the events was essential and made the job a lot easier. The committee enjoyed enhancing various existing events and worked hard to make them interesting and memorable. To make any event a success, you have to have good attendance of the members, so a BIG THANK YOU, to all the member s who suppor ted our Diamond Jubilee Events, with their excellent attendance, to help make the events a success. We hope you enjoyed the year. Thank you to everyone who helped with running these events, the number of people involved will be massive. 2017 will be a normal year of events. Our next major VCC Canterbury Anniversary Event will be our 75th, in 2031, I hope I will see you there. Don Muller. Diamond Jubilee Publicity.
OTHER Past Events.
Motorcycle Report
The Fish & Chip Run, 29 October. Really bad day weather wise, so not too surprising that only one person fronted up… Annual Motorcycle Rally, 5 November. A turnout of 37 motorcycles began the rally from the Countdown Carpark at Kaiapoi. The format was simple, a short run (very direct) or a meander around the countryside (for the intermediate or long routes) straight to the Smash Palace motorcycle display on Linwood Avenue. An absolute stroke of genius! All manner of very interesting and rare bikes on display, including an about 1923 Crockett (albeit dry assembled as it is currently undergoing restoration!) Someone said there are only five in the world, and has a value approaching seven figures… I digress… The BBQ dinner at night saw 42 enjoy the evening’s entertainment. See page 18 for a full write-up. Upcoming Events. 14 December – Motorcycle Noggin. This will take the form of a BBQ at the Social Shelter. The catering will be done by June Bland, at a cost of $10 a head. PLEASE RSVP to Alan Bland, phone 03 342 4134 or email to to advise numbers attending. Start at 6.00 pm. 2nd January 2017 – New Year’s Run. Will start from Social Corner at McLeans Island at 10.00 am. Fish & Chip Run. 31st December – yes, for those still in town there will be a run. Usual start at Princess Margaret Hospital, 10.30 am, and rider’s choice for destination. There will be NO Fish and Chip run in January. The next will be the last Saturday in February 2017, which is the 25th.
Jim Toohey Run – Very much an advanced warning of this event, to be held 18/19 March. Organisation is well under way. Jeff Rogers is organising a route to Kaikoura, so keep this weekend free. Not sure how the earthquakes will affect this plan, but in course I am sure we will find out… These are the last Motorcycle Notes for this year, and of course, there will be none in January either. Have a great Festive Season, remember, it is all about families, and Happy New Year. Keep right side up, and see you in the February Hub. CML.
COMMERCIAL REPORT We had a good night at Wayne McCrone’s residence in November with a smaller number attending than usual. Another great supper after the usual chat, banter and sorting out the world’s problems . Thanks Wayne. Our Xmas Noggin is on the 21st December at Lyndsey and Myra Saunders residence at 1 Glen Arrife Place, Broken Run, Halswell. Arrive about 5.30pm. Please bring your partners and past members of our group are also very welcome to attend. Please bring a salad to share and your own meat. On wet or fine. The January Noggin will be hosted by Peter Munroe at Old Tai Tapu Rd (Look for sign) on the 21st of January. Look for the Commercial Annual Rally Entry Form in this Hub and send it in promptly please. I wish you all a very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. . Mark Drury.
Hi to you all
9 - 90s
Well, the Humms did it! On our way to Rolleston we had a bit of a downpour, so we resigned ourselves to a rainy day, but when we got to the Rolleston Community Centre, the weather changed and we had a glorious day, full of sunshine. Our first stop where the Holy Grail Of Rugby starts! The Southbridge Rugby Club. Absolutely out of this world, if you are a rugby fan. Daniel’s Dad, Carter senior, gave us a talk and the chance to look around and handle the Gold Medals from the two World Cups. They were hung round various necks and photos were taken. A great start to the day.
We had lunch in the sunshine and some people had to pay a fine for being cheeky to me! We had another good raffle. Our second stop: The Tentburn Salmon Hatchery. What a great afternoon we had. I don’t think anyone had been there before. We were the biggest group they had ever had. They were expecting eight or nine people and they got 46. They divided us into three groups and gave us a fantastic tour with great guides who had a huge knowledge and were pleased to share and answer any questions. A big thank you to Ray,Christian, Daley and Dale. An absolutely fantastic day was had by all who attended. Thank you Bob and Esme! December 7 Christmas Lunch at Sequoia 88, 340 Main North Rd. 60 people are on the list so far. It is not too late to give me a ring. Meet at 11.30am. Cost $22.50 each (gold card) February 8 2017 We are going to Daniel Smith’s, Rangiora to see his car collection and it is well worth seeing. Meet at the Peg Carpark, Belfast Hotel at 10am. The team and I, wish the very best for Christmas and 2017 to all our friends and enemies. Looking forward to seeing you all next month and in the New Year. J K and the Team 12
Spare Parts extension - photo taken on 19 November 2016.
Open Hours Monday to Friday 8.00-5.00 Saturday 8.00-12.00
96 Williams Street, Kaiapoi 7630
Canterbury Branch Up Coming Events Children’s Christmas Picnic Sunday 11th December 2016 Club Grounds
From 10.30am through till 3.00pm (ish) VETERAN PICNIC RUN SUNDAY DECEMBER 18th (also includes two wheel brake vintage) Rally starts at Cutler Park around 9.30am, Sunday 18th December. To start with morning tea and social chat, then heading away about 10.30am on approx 30- 40 mile run, out to North Canterbury area to finish at an Ohoka property for a picnic lunch. Any further details contact Tim Palmer . You just need to turn up on the day, however I would welcome a call or email closer to the time to know who will be coming. Email, Ph 033133952 mobile 021338692
Thanks to all the contributors of articles this month and for the photos sent through.
BOXING DAY PICNIC After the success of last year’s change to the traditional Boxing Day Run, we will do the same again this year. No rushing around to be at the starting point at a given time after a busy Christmas Day. Chill out. Meet and eat at the Ouruhia Domain from 11:30am onwards. Good wind shelter, toilets and kids play ground. Bring your tennis racket if you feel energetic. First there please pick a sheltered spot and with some luck others will follow your lead so we are grouped together and out of the wind. Remember SLIP SLOP SLAP. Address: Ouruhia Domain, Marshland Road LOOK FOR THE VCC SIGN Organiser Greg Lamb Motorcycle New Year Run Monday January 2 Starting from Social Corner, Cutler Park at 10.00am.
Picnic Run
January 8th 2017 Starting place: Te Hapua Halswell Centre, North end car park, Halswell Road. 10.00am Easy Run, Domain Picnic area, Toilets, Playground, No under cover shelter. Come out in your club car.
Veteran Picnic Run Sunday January 29th Also including Early Vintage Cars and Motorcycles. Starting at Dave Inwoods 126 South Eyre Road Clarkville North Canterbury, 9.45am starting with morning tea. Any inquiries contact Tim Palmer 021 338 692
Jim Toohey Motorcycle Run 18-19 March 2017 Kaikoura The destination at this time is still Kaikoura. If it needs to be changed then it will be in the February Hub.
Entry Form and information regarding accommodation will be in the February Hub Rally Entry Fee $20
Phone Jeff Rogers, 03 313 8432 or 022 131 7235, Rally Organiser if you require any updated information on this run.
Irishman Rally 2017 Assemble in Twizel at 8am for a 8.30 departure on Saturday 3rd June Book accommodation in Fairlie for Saturday and Sunday nights. There is accommodation in Twizel or Omarama which is 30Km up the road. Alternatively you could head away from Fairlie at 6am for a 2 hour drive through.
REAR WHEEL BRAKE RALLY ADVANCE NOTICE SUNDAY 5th MARCH 2017 All vehicles without brakes on the front wheels are eligible for this event including motorcycles with bicycle type stirrup front brakes. The non-competitive runs visit an historic homestead for a picnic lunch before returning closer to Christchurch for an early evening meal that is timed so you can get home before dark. There are a total of three routes available. One route is fully sealed and two include some gravel sections, so there should be something to suit all eligible vehicles. Further details of the event will be described on the entry form that will be enclosed in the February Hub. You will get your Hub with the entry either at the Noggin on 2nd February or soon after. Entries close on Sunday 19th February so you have 17 days to get it to me. If you will be away, or your anticipation is so great that you can’t wait, please phone me on the number below and I’ll send you an entry earlier. Even if your vehicle has brakes on all wheels, limited numbers can still join in by assisting on the day. Please phone me if you would like to help as a marshal/back up. If you want to know more please contact Peter Barnett on phone 358-5956
REMEMBER NO DOGS allowed at Cutler Park! 17
Annual Motorcycle Rally Saturday 12th November saw 40 motorcycles and riders gathered at the Countdown Carpark in Kaiapoi for the Annual Rally. A few Veteran bikes and a smattering of Vintage models amongst the later bikes meant that the whole range of club eligible motorcycles was represented. There were three routes available. The short one for the older bikes and/ or riders went by the most direct route to the morning attraction (more about this later) while the medium one for the average bike or rider meandered around a bit of North Canterbury before joining the short route. The long route was for the later, faster bikes or fitter riders. It did a longer meander before joining the other two. I rode the medium route on my 1918 Royal Enfield so can only report on it. We left the carpark and rode through Kaiapoi to cross the northern motorway on Tram Road, turning right immediately and riding a largish loop, visiting a selection of compulsory stop signs, before recrossing the motorway at Tram Road. We followed Marshland Road into town and took the most direct route to Linwood Ave, where we not only viewed the fourth Annual Smash Palace Bike Show, but our bikes became part of the exhibition while we looked around. The property in Linwood Ave is owned by Paddy (surname withheld at his request) and was a fabulous venue. The well maintained grounds meant that the show was 75% bike show and 25% garden show. Something for everyone. What a tremendous exhibition of motorcycles of all kinds – old, new, rare, valuable - you name it and it was probably on show. The place was packed when we arrived at about 10:30, with a second show on the street where visitors’ bikes were parked. The event would continue all day with a prize giving starting at 5 pm, followed by a live band playing Motorcycle Rock and Roll. We couldn’t stay that long however, so left around 11.30 and headed to our lunch stop at Ferrymead Heritage Park. After a feed and a natter we headed back to McLean’s Island, riding around the base of the hills, onto Hoon Hay Road, etc. This meant that quite a few people passed close to home, so peeled off to have a rest and prepare for the evening’s meal in the Barn at Cutler Park. Bevars Binnie 18
Trophy Winners Annual Motor Cycle Rally Veteran Apex Tyre Retreading Co. Veteran Best Overall A Morison Scooter and Moped Services Veteran Concours M Reece Vintage E.V. Thomas Trophy Vintage Best Overall G.W. Hockley Trophy Vintage Concours Harry Wear Memorial Vintage Time Trial
G Hawke
1914 Rover
1929 M9 A.J.S.
J McClintock 1927 H6 A.J.S. C Leith
PV PWV P60V Jan & Graham Pepper PV Field Tests R Gillard Sincro Signs Trophy PWV Concours K Clarkson Becker Cup PWV Best Overall G Arps Alsop Trophy P60V Best Overall P Hey VCC Canterbury P60V Concours D’Elegance Cup G Price P80V Stevenson Family P80 Best Overall
1914 Triumph
D Chambers
1927 N Triumph
1937 Triumph 1960 BMW 1960 Honda 1976 Honda 1964 Triumph 1984 Yamaha
Moped Falconer Trophy Best O/All performance G Sword 1973 Yamaha Keith Petrie Trophy Best Performance on a 2 Stroke K Ebrect 1964 Puch Townshend Trophy Overall Winner G. Ar ps 19
1960 Honda
Noggin Notes. November Noggin Display. The Winner of the Swap Meet, One Make Club Display, was "The Jowett Car Club." who always make the extra effort to put on a nice display. Thanks to Gary Corner for organising the display. Thanks also to Vic Morrison, with his 1925 Jowett 7, and David Homersham, who owns both the 1950 Bradford Truck, as well as a 1951 Jowett Javelin, for displaying their vehicles. Future Noggin displays. February Early Rolls Royces. (This should be good!) March.
Winners from the Annual Rally.
INSURANCE Vero CIS – telephone 0800 658 411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance, for Canterbury Branch to benefit.
The Vintage Annual Rally was held on Saturday 19th November. There were 51 entries, including a Buick from Wanganui and a Buick from Timaru. The rally started from Cutler Park with field tests, followed by a 40 k run to Selwyn Huts for lunch. The evening meal and prizegiving was held at Cutler Park with about 75 people attending. The meal was supplied by Team Sword and, as usual, was of a very high standard. My thanks go to the following people who acted as marshalls: Ted and Jill Hockley, time keepers Bob and Esme Humm, on a check point Gail and Greg Lamb, Annette and Tony Meikle, Rose and Mick Mariner, Graeme Arps and Ivan Hibberd, all of whom assisted with the field tests.
The rally winners were: Time Trial: 1st Malcolm McGibbon 2nd Michael Rogers 3rd David & Pam Dacombe
1931 Ford 1928 Chevrolet 1929 Ford
Field Tests: 1st Michael Hedgman 2nd John & Helen Smith 3rd Graeme & Kay Shaskey
1925 Lagonda 1926 Oldsmobile 1929 Dover
Overall Winner: 1st David & Pam Dacombe 2nd Vic & Kay Daniel 3rd Selwyn & Lorraine Cox
1929 Ford 1926 Ford 1923 Essex
Our thanks go to Hamer Limited for donating the Field Tests and Over All Winner first prizes.
ANNUAL VINTAGE RALLY Nice weather, as cars assembled at 10 a.m., at Cutler Park, for the start of the rally. First, rally pack collection, then after a rally briefing, vehicles lined up for the field tests. We did quite well for a change, in our new Dover truck, out on its first official VCC rally. Fortunately, we were in the first few to leave Cutler Park, thus avoiding queues down the track. We checked the clock to make sure we were on time, and started the timed section. On past Orana Park, crossing the old West Coast Road, then the main West Coast Highway and on to the end of the timed section. All a bit of guesswork for us without an accurate speedometer! Down the road, at another checkpoint Bob Humm greeted us with some questions – failed miserably! We proceeded on, passing an alpaca farm, where there seemed to be hundreds of animals, all colours. Through the I-zone business facility at Rolleston, back across State Highway 1 at traffic lights, skirting most of Rolleston, then onto Springston, eventually finishing the rally at Selwyn Huts Domain, a very pleasant spot, sheltered from the wind. Weather very kind today, making for very enjoyable motoring. Great line-up of vehicles, in excess of forty. After lunch, we had a look round the cars and a chat with friends, then time to go - we meandered back through farming country, past Hornby and back home. The day finished with dinner (ably catered, as usual by the Sword family) followed by the prize-giving. Much to our surprise, we came third in the field tests. And our truck went well! A very enjoyable day out, great motoring through the countryside, and the weather turned on a cracker! Graeme and Kay Shaskey
Annual Motor Cycle Rally
Photos at the top taken at the bike display venue. The rest taken at Ferrymead Heritage Park. Left Graeme Sword completing his field tests.
Annual Vintage Rally
Above Michael Hedgman 1925 Lagonda
Above is David and Pam Dacombe 1929 Ford and Ian Wearing 1927 Buick Left driving through Selwyn Huts Jan and Bruce Parker in a 1928 Plymouth.
Above Rob and Linda (Secretary, National Veteran Rally to be held in Wanganui 20 - 23rd January 2017) are members of Wanganui Branch who travelled down to take part in the Canterbury Branch Vintage Annual Rally in their 1926 Buick. It took them 12 hours, traveling through the earthquake stricken area to Christchurch via Blenheim, St Arnaud, Murchison, Maruia Falls, Culverden and on to Christchurch - a trip of 476 kms. They have had the Buick for a year and in appreciation of the help of Buick owners in Christchurch, took part in the rally (staying with Graham (Jock) and Jan Sibbald.)
Above David and Pam Dacombe - Overall Winner (1929 Ford) Below: Graeme and Kay Shaskey's 1929 Dover - out on its first VCC run.
Sheriff John stands out in the crowd.
Above and Right Harateke Station
Above Colin and Helen Clutterbuck.
Show Weekend Tour
The 9-90s lunch style is catching on. 26
Show Weekend Tour 'Twas a cold wet start to our Show Weekend Tour of “the five Canterbury gorges”. No let up all Friday and throughout the night in the high country. What a pity, because our leaders, George and Marianne Kear had done a magnificent and detailed planning job. But every cloud has a silver lining and as Saturday progressed we cheered as the day dried out. Day one toured via Ashley, Waimakariri and Rakaia Gorges to Lake Coleridge before heading to our luxurious Methven Resort accommodation. Saturday's plan began at Mount Somers where a handy hall offered a busy atmosphere of chat, legpulling and Sheriff John Kuiper's $2 raffles. George, being something of a native here, gave us an excellent history lesson about the district's former industries in limestone, rail and coal. (I didn't know the Barbadoes Street Catholic Cathedral and other Christchurch heritage buildings were built of Mount Somers limestone, always believing them to be of the Oamaru variety). Then off to the hinterland. Harateke Station, first on the list, exuded the olde-worlde charm of wonderfully preserved original farm-workers' and shearers' accommodation. Lake Clearwater and its settlement surprised in both size and orderliness. On toward Erewhon Station we stopped short by Potts River Gorge for the traditional “9-90s” picnic lunch circle, just beating another shower when departure to Staveley became our next focus. What an interesting spot. The old School has become the local museum – so comprehensive it deserves longer study. Saturday night Dinner at the resort was another and final social opportunity with a great deal of chat, laughter and final Court summonses by Sheriff John, resulting in $1000 for our tour charity, Nurse Maude. Ironically the day dawned bright for our homeward tour....of course. Tony Becker
Proposed Programme Starting at New World Carpark Kaiapoi, Be there by 9.00am for a 9.30am start. Cup of tea or coffee supplied at the start. Rally Route, Hanmer via Amberley, Waipara, Omihi, then on to a Ethelton Homestead (Beckenham Hill) for morning Tea. Returning to the Main Rd at Cheviot. Lunch bring your own (12 miles of shingle.) Afternoon Run; Via Parnassus then through the Leader Valley to Waiau, Leslie Hills to finish at Hanmer. ( shingle) Direct Route, Available if needed, sealed Main Roads to a (bring your own Lunch at Cheviot). 1.5 miles of shingle to morning tea optional. Afternoon Run Leader Valley through Waiau to finish at Hanmer Forest Camp for afternoon tea. Saturday Night Light Dinner in the Forest Camp Dining Room at around 7pm. Games etc. Sunday Programme: Supply your own breakfast. Tea coffee and toast supplied. Short morning run (Shingle) or free day in Hanmer. Lunch your responsibility. BBQ type Dinner supplied in the Camp Dining Room. Games Etc. Monday Programme; Run to Maruia Springs Thermal Resort for a BYO or Hotel takeaways. Hot swim in the Pools in the hotel grounds and return via the same roads. Light Dinner supplied at Camp. Games etc. Tuesday Programme: Clean Up, morning tea at camp, leave by 10 o,clock ANZAC DAY SERVICE? then make your own way home. You will Need to bring Cutlery, Plates, Cup & Glasses and Food for the B.Y.O. Lunches If you are staying at the camp also Please bring some warm Bedding Sleeping Bags Pillow Cases etc.
Hanmer Two or Four Day Autumn Run Entry Form Saturday 22nd to Tuesday 25thApril 2017 (ANZAC RALLY)
Entrants Name ________________________________________ Phone ____________________________________________ Vehicle ______________________________ Year________ Number of People________Number of days staying___________ Direct or Rally Route____________Registration No.______________ Rally Entry Fee (per vehicle) @ $7.00 $_______ Dinners, Morning, Tea Suppers etc. Sat, Sun, & Mon. ___@ $10.00 a Day per adult = $30.00 each $_______ ___@ $5.00 a Day per Child = $15.00 each $_______ (Limited to approximately 100x because of space) All Dinners, Morning Afternoon Tea, Supper and Basic Breakfast are supplied and paid for on your entry form. (All Lunches are Bring your Own Food) Accommodation at Hanmer Forest Camp Rates below are all per night rate so multiply rate by how many nights you are staying. (limited space, first in first served so get in early) 4x people per room @$26.00 per adult $______ @$10.00 per child $______ 2x people per room @$28.00 per adult $______ (We won’t be using the top bunks!) Surcharge if not staying at the camp $8 per person per day 3 Days = $24.00 each $______ $8 per person per day 1 Day = $8.00 each $______ TOTAL $_________ Cheques payable to VCC Canterbury Branch, Entries close 22nd February 2017 to G Sword, 69 Otaki Street, Kaiapoi. 7630 29
Veteran and Vintage Tour 2016 On Monday, 26th September 2016, 21 vehicles and their passengers, met at the Blenheim Vintage Car Club, to collect tour routes and to meet old friends and new, from Invercargill in the South, to Kerikeri in the North, all in pre-1932 vehicles. Ray and Glenis Miller from Hawarden had set the route and organised the tour, with advice from Diane Ross from Ashburton – and a lot of thought had gone into finding amazing roads, largely off the main roads, from Blenheim to Ashburton, to be travelled over the next ten days. Each day we were to travel between 71 and 114 miles, so on the shorter days, there were some very interesting visits to keep us all occupied. While we were all on the same route, a couple of the veterans chose to keep to sealed roads, but were able to join in all the visits with the rest of the group. Day 1 of the tour, involved all of us getting to Blenheim and enjoying a very social gathering at the Blenheim Vintage Car Club, where we all collected our Tour instructions and maps, as well as checking out their club facilities and enjoying our first meal together. Our first day of driving saw us taking the Port Underwood Road from Spring Creek to Picton, which is largely all unsealed and, given the amount of rain that had fallen in previous days, was a good workout for drivers’ arms, going from lock to lock. The glimpses of the coast were beautiful when we could see through the trees which have grown up and conceal a lot of the views. Lunch in Havelock, the Mussel Capital of New Zealand, was time for a good catch-up with others we had travelled with on other V & V Tours. We met up again in Cable Bay to view a very interesting collection of cars and memorabilia, plus a huge parts collection, before heading to Richmond for the night. Dinner at the Waimea Club was very nice and we were entertained by a men’s choir who just happened to be practising there that evening, but it was soon home to bed after a rather long, but enjoyable, day. Day 3 of the tour took us through Pigeon Valley, Dovedale, and into Tapawera, where the 1906 Cadillac of Laurie Cocker caught us up and we browsed through the wee museum together. There is so much history
in the little towns and settlements that we passed through, and we were able to spend time reading up and taking in the knowledge. Did you know that Tapawera area is where the clay was collected to make all the insulators for power lines in the early days? It was then railed to Temuka to be made in the potteries there. Through this area, we were amazed at the raspberries and hops that were being grown. After lunch near Lake Rotoroa, we headed over the Braeburn Track and Mangles Valley before arriving in Murchison. Before we set off the next morning, the news had come in of a truck crash on Lewis Pass and the road was closed. We headed through the Matakitaki Road, onto Maruia Saddle Road and Westbank Road to arrive in Springs Junction and join the growing crowd waiting for the road to reopen. With a Café and toilets, we all enjoyed the three hour sojourn, chatting with others in the group and interested onlookers who were intrigued to see so many beautiful “Old Cars and Trucks”. Claire McMillan spent an interesting time entertaining some children by showing them how to make daisy chains, a forgotten childhood entertainment! We eventually arrived in Hanmer Springs, where we had a lay day next day. The “boys” put this time to good use by heading up Jacks Pass on very rough and steep roads, to the locked gates, over the river on the Molesworth Station Road, to view the old Cobb House. Just as well this road was still closed for the winter months, or they may not have made it back to base that night! They returned via Jollies Pass. A lot of the ladies enjoyed a little retail therapy, and relaxed in the beautiful Hot Springs at Hanmer. Saturday 1st October, Hanmer Springs to Cheviot. 71.5 miles our instructions said, so we foolishly thought this would be a shortish day. Wrong! After leaving Hanmer, we headed down Mouse Point Road to Waiau and later through Lowry Peaks Station. This was an amazing trip at very slow speed, over narrow shingle roads, opening and closing gates and through paddocks of sheep and cattle, often with young ones in tow. When we stopped in a small clearing for lunch, I don’t know who was more surprised when two late model European Rental cars, came around the corner. They told us their GPS had directed them this way from Cheviot to Culverden! 31
We were still waiting for Murray and Penny Firth from Auckland, to catch us up in their 1931 Bedford Truck, so they were warned, but according to the Firth’s, they were somewhat surprised to see them. Again, the roads were unsealed, but in better condition that many of our North Island highways! Most of us stayed at Cheviot Motels and Holiday Park and had Happy Hour in their lovely gardens, full of spring flowers and lots of colour. We were joined by three Muscovy Ducks, the resident cat and “Bruce” the dog, who kept them all in line. The poor ducks had no peace, as the cat rounded them up, and if they moved out of the property, the dog herded them back in. A really pleasant evening. From Cheviot, we headed East to Gore Bay and down the coast to the Hurunui River Mouth, then Motunau Beach, before we turned inland again, crossed SH2, to Scargill and on to Foxdown Station where the owners had opened their property and Museum to our group, plus the Christchurch Model A Club and the Christchurch Classic Car Club. What an impressive sight, on a stunningly clear day, to see three ridges in the large paddock, topped by cars from all eras, over 100 cars in all. The Car Collection here was not large, but contained some very rare vehicles, which were interesting to see.
After our lunch break, our group set off again through Waikari and Old Weka Pass Road, into Ram Paddock Road, to visit Iron Ridge Sculpture Park, where sculptor Raymond Herber gave us a demonstration using his Forge and sold the poker he made to Bob Butchart from Hawera, who does not have a fireplace! What a good salesman. Ray had spent months carting in soil and landscaping the area, before making all the sculptures. We enjoyed a wander around this incredible park which he has built. From a spring back chair, Matagauri trees, Kowhai trees, right through to a full-size Clydesdale Horse, there was plenty to marvel at, before we headed to our accommodation in Rangiora. Leaving Rangiora next morning, we headed over the Okuku Pass on some of the roughest roads we encountered, before coming out in the Lees Valley. Highlight of the day was crossing the Okuku River. Quite a wide river crossing and a first for some of our drivers and passengers. The only vehicle to stop in the river, was that of organiser Ray, who was very gracious about accepting help to get out. Ray and Glenis had taken Colin and June Pearce from Mosgiel as passengers today, and they got a real giggle out of crossing the river and not getting wet, while Ray got very wet attaching the tow rope. After lunch at the Top Ashley Picnic Area, we continued to follow the Ashley River for many, many miles and eventually arrived back in Rangiora. That night we attended Sparks Museum and Function Centre for our Happy Hour and dinner, followed by a wander around their Museum and collections. What a place! They have collections of EVERYTHING. From tractors and cars, through all your household appliances and clothing, medical and dentistry equipment, (even a hospital operating theatre set up), musical instruments, books – amazing, and what a way to end a very special day. Next day, we were heading for Akaroa and as we headed through the Christchurch suburb of Bexley, which was badly affected by the earthquakes, we came upon Colin and Joan Pearce in their 1914 Sunbeam, on the side of the road. The universal had given up and their tour was sadly over.
However, a very nice man, in town for the Swap Meet, a day or two early, stopped and offered to take them to Ashburton to collect their car and trailer so that they could get their car home to Mosgiel. His help was greatly appreciated by us all. Our trip on to Akaroa, continued around the coast, through all the little bays on the Lyttleton Harbour, then over the Purau-Port Levy Road, which is very steep and narrow, smooth and with grass down the middle. A cliff on one side and a bank on the other! No Armco barriers in this area! By the time we reached the top of the Pass, we were in very thick rain clouds and barely able to see far in front of us, however when the cloud cleared, we were treated to an amazing view down the very blue Akaroa Harbour – truly worth the drive. Our final morning dawned drizzly, but clear, as we slowly travelled around the coast following Bossu Road, higher and higher. We passed Akaroa on the opposite side of the harbour, four times. Twice in each direction. Reaching the top, the wind was howling, and the cloud was thick as the intrepid travellers negotiated this steep, narrow, winding pass. Finally we arrived in Little River and enjoyed a much needed cuppa. Our final evening was held at the Ashburton Vintage Car Club. Each evening, John Campbell from Timaru would entertain us with his bagpipes, and the majority of us looked forward to this event. John and his wife Janet, were to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary a few days after the tour, but had nothing planned, so on the final night we had a rather impromptu “Mock Wedding Celebration” which involved all the recipients of the Wooden Spoon during the tour, who knew nothing about it. Each person played their part superbly, from the “Naughty Page-boy”, through to the “Drunken groomsmen”, and parents of the bride and groom. Totally surprised were the Bride and Groom, John and Janet, who after a brief ceremony, walked arm in arm down the “aisle” to cut their wedding cake (prepared earlier in the day), which was ably served to the “guests” by the “bridesmaids”. The Tour ended with much laughter and hilarity and promises to meet up again in two and a half years. Considering all 21 vehicles were pre-1932, there were very few problems on this tour. A pair of Chev’s had axle issues, Millers has some starting issues with the Hudson, we broke a shock absorber mount, Colin and Joan lost their exhaust, but all were able to be 34
So only one retirement and that was so close to the end of the tour. Veteran vehicles were a 1906 Cadillac, motored by Laurie Cocker from Palmerston North, 1914 Sunbeam and 1918 Hudson Tourer belonging to Ray and Glenis Miller. Murray and Penny Firth’s 1931 Bedford Truck, trundled along at 30 mph but went everywhere. There were eight vehicles from the North Island. A 1928 Vauxhall 30/98 from Kerikeri, the Bedford Truck from Auckland, our 1929 Graham Paige Coupe from Waihi Beach, Owen and Margaret Goldsmith’s 1930 1 ½ ton Model AA Ford from Tauranga, 1928 Chev Roadster Pickup and a 1930 Ford Model A Pickup from Whakatane, 1925 Nash 161 from Hawera and 1906 Cadillac Van from Palmerston North. From the South Island, there were three 1930 Model A’s, a 1923 Overland, 1927 Overland Roadster, 1928 Dodge, 1928 Graham Paige 614, 1929 Dodge Coupe, 1929 De Soto Roadster, 1930 Chev Roadster, and a 1930 Chrysler Roadster plus the Sunbeam and Hudson. The South Island has so much beautiful touring country and we were privileged to travel through some of the stations as we travelled these roads. Some motoring was at a very slow speed, 10-20 mph, which gives time to take in the scenery and enjoy the fresh country smells, all with the added security of having like-minded people for company. We did not travel together intentionally, apart from crossing the Okuku River, however you knew that help would be along if it was needed and when someone did have the misfortune to stop, there were always plenty of willing helpers to assist in getting you back on the road. Whenever you stopped for a cuppa or lunch, a group would invariably form and chatter and laughter started – great fun.
At the end of the tour, it was quite moving to realise that most of us were now in the “older age” bracket and we all hope to be back together for the next V & V Tour in the South Island in April/May 2019. Special acknowledgment must go to Grandfather, Graham Taylor, from Wanaka, who brought along his twin 15 year old grandchildren, Reiana and Whetu, for the trip in his 1923 Overland. These kids were absolutely delightful. They had no electronic equipment at all, they took part in everything we did and were so lovely to speak to. These are the future of our Vintage Car Club movement and Graham is to be applauded for spending this quality time with them. Graham was overheard asking them which day they had enjoyed most and the answer – “There was no special day Granddad, we enjoyed it all. By Raewyn Fenn
Show Weekend Our thanks to George and Marianne for a great Show Weekend away. Despite the weather, we had a very enjoyable time with great company and lovely food, the scenery was wonderful, the roads good and George even managed to get the sun to come out at our lunch stops a good time was had by all . Many thanks Mick and Rose Mariner
North Otago Windsor Rally VV/Veteran only Posh Picnic
January 1
New Year’s Day Picnic
February 6
Rangiora RSA Vintage Run
Banks Peninsula Branch New Year’s Day Picnic Little River Domain 11.00am Will have a band playing. SWAP MEET - 18 February 2017 Nelson Branch VCC NZ Site sales contact; Ruth Mercer • Phone 03 548 6338 Pit Gate, Speedway Assn Grounds, Lansdowne Road, Richmond Sites $20 each • Site Size 6m x 5m Entry non-site holders $2 38
VINTAGE RUN MONDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2017 Start time: 10am (Tractors 9am) Registrations start 1 hour before start time RSA Car Park, Victoria Street, Rangiora This event is open to all vehicles over 30 years old Motorcycles, cars, trucks, tractors All vehicles are to be road legal and this is the responsibility of the owner Choice of routes (long, short, tractor) LUNCH A sausage sizzle and cake stall with hot drinks will be available at the Loburn Domain Cost $5 per tractor; $10 all other vehicles For further information please contact: TRACTORS: Denny Dunlop 03 3128871 OTHER VEHICLES: Pat Youngman 03 3138809
The Big Engine On a recent conducted group tour of England and the Continent, viewing car related issues, I found I had a free day to spare in London. Before I left New Zealand, I checked Google for Stationary Engines, thinking I might as well check and see something different and what was available to view over there. What came up first was the Great Kempton Engine Trust claiming that they had the biggest triple expansion steam engine in England. Although I am not really into steam related machines, I am always interested with any thing mechanical. I checked the site plan map and it did not seem far away from the Hotel we were staying at in central London, so I made arrangements to go see what it was all about. My fellow travellers were all doing other things on the free day, like seeing Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Houses of Parliament, the Crown Jewels, The Queen, etc, but I am a dedicated engine man and wanted to see the biggest triple expansion engine in England. The engine site was about 20 miles from the hotel, so the journey would only involve a tube train ride, then switch to an ordinary train, catch a bus, then walk to the engine site. As Jeremy Clarkson would say "How hard could that be"? The other members of our group waved me good bye as if I was off to darkest Africa and I would never be seen again. The tube station was only a short walk down the road from the hotel, so after putting my ticket into an automated machine and boarding the train, I was off. Tube trains are very efficient to travel on, and fast, but you have to know the ropes. Be quick getting on and off and watch the information boards telling you which station to get off at. Next stop was Pankhurst Station to change to an above ground train. I found the correct platform, boarded the next train, and again, I was off. To confuse passengers from NZ, I had to take another train on a different line, as the station where I wanted to go to was out of order because of repairs. A bus was available to my final destination, but the stop was unmarked and 500 m away from the station. Just as well I found someone who spoke English and knew were to get on. The bus took me on a long roundabout route to Kempton Horse racing track (remember the old song, Kempton racetrack five miles long Do Da Do Da Day). The track is still there, but nowhere near five miles long today. Houses over most of it. I got off here and had to walk across the raceway car park, over a railway bridge, down a walkway, over a large motorway bridge, along another walkway untill I came to the back of the engine building I wanted. Low and behold, it was all fenced off and I could not get in. . 40
I was getting a bit hot and bothered by now, as it was a very hot day (30degs).I managed to call out to a fellow working in the complex grounds and explained that I had come 12,000 miles to see his engine but could not proceed the last 200m because of a security fence. He called his boss who came and opened a small gate to let me in .The boss was very impressed with the distance I had travelled and my efforts to see his engine, but still charged me one pound for a cup of tea. The Engines (there were two) installed in 1928, were huge. Housed in an engine house and dwarfed by two chimneys, each 135 ft high. The walls of the building are 8 ft thick and the interior area measures 18,500 Square feet. The entire building is lined with glazed bricks and the floor covered in black and white tiles, giving an art deco effect. Very impressive, and in its day, very expensive. The engines are 62 ft high and drive piston type water pumps, installed under the engines to supply London with fresh water. Six boilers supplied steam to the engines. The engines were manufactured by Worthington Simpson and each is rated at 1008 hp. The engines weigh 1000 tons each. Flywheels are 32 tons each and 17 ft high. Crankshafts 30 tons each, big end caps two ton each. The operating speed was 25 revolutions per minute. The engines were designed to run 24 hours per day, seven days a week and pumped 38 million gallons per day. Yes, 38 million gallons per day. They ran for 52 years before their duties were taken over by modern electric centrifugal pumps. A new boiler is now used to turn one engine over for demonstration purposes on special open days. Unfortunately, the day I visited was not one of them. The other engine is now a static display only. Triple expansion engines are powered with super heated steam 200 psi from boilers. Steam enters the first small piston pushing it down to the bottom of its stroke, where a steam valve opens at the bottom, to force the piston up. While this happens a release valve opens at the top to direct the used steam into the next cylinder. This next cylinder is bigger than the first to allow for a drop in pressure, but the same sequence is duplicated as the first one. The third cylinder is bigger again to allow for another pressure drop. The sequence is again repeated but this time the steam is redirected through a condenser back the boilers to be used again. These types of engines were very efficient and cost effective to run. A point of interest is that these engines were almost identical to the ones fitted into the ill-fated ship Titanic.
However the Titanics engines were only 30 ft high, not 62ft, but still weighed 1000 tons. The water to be pumped, was brought in from the Thames River, via a viaduct, into large sand filled settling reservoirs, where imperatives were separated and only clean water was pumped into the town supply system to London. Some of these reservoirs are still in use today but with modern facilities and technologies helping to keep the water clean and drinkable. A Charitable Trust ( approx 100 members) was formed in 1995 to carry out the restoration of these engines and after lots of difficulties i.e. removal of all asbestos insulation on both engines, then lag and clad both engines with modern materials, was a massive task. I was impressed with these huge engines, as I had not seen anything of this scale before. The biggest I have seen being the large Paxman engines at Blenheim. These could be used as starters for the Kempton Trust engines. Later in the day, I retraced my steps back to London, stopping off the tube to look at Big Ben and other London tourist attractions on the way. When I arrived back at the hotel, I was treated like long lost Dr Livingston from my fellow travel companions, who had worried all day about me, All in all, a great day out. Lyndsey Saunders PS Go to google and type, Kempton Great Engines, for a very good video of the engine operating.
Hub Editor email:
Canterbury Branch Web Site Email: canter bur y@vcc.or Postal address: PO Box 11-082, Sockburn, Christchurch Our bank for direct credit payments is Westpac Barrington Mall
A/C 03 1594 0096832 00
Please enter your name and event entered or other details of deposit.
FOR SALE Alfa Romeo 33, 1.7 IE, Red 1992, Good original condition, well maintained over a long ownership. Phone Tim Riley, 027-220-1016 or 348-7855. *************************************************************************** 1929 F29 Oldsmobile restoration project, dry stored for over 30yrs has plenty of spares Phone Graig on 0211881926 anytime all reasonable offers considered
Branch Magazines are now available on line. The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand is creating a number of new online features that will be of advantage to members.
The first one is now up and running. At a recent meeting of the Club Executive it was suggested branch monthly magazines and newsletters were made available for reading on the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand website. Magazines are now able to be read by going to and clicking on “News from our Branches� on the menu down the left side of the home page. Then click on the magazine you want to read. Each magazine will be posted as soon as it is received and will appear in the alphabetical order of the branches. The current monthly magazine for each branch will be removed once the current months is received. There are a number of magazines already on the site. You can read them at 44
Parts Shed for Sales Body and parts for 1938 Chrysler Holden motors from the 1960s
Several other motors from vintage onwards Radiator Badges - lots of rate ones Large Hoist for sale could be around 3 ton lift Lots of other bits and pieces Peugeot 403 car - all complete, nice car Contact Des Fowler 3429974 Or Ross Butler 352 3160
New Members Welcome to our branch. We look forward to meeting you at our coming events and activities. Max Duncan
1930 Ford A Coupe
Brent Sherwin 1974 Holden HQ stationwagon. 1963 Puch motorscooter Neil Shaskey motorcycle
1969 Cortina GT sedan. 1973 Suzuki GT185
Tony Becker Phone 421-2426
North Canterbury Noggin Fourth Wednesday of the month, Rangiora RSA from 7:30pm
18mm BS 1088 - $165.00. 1220x2440mm. Second grade - 12mm $65.00, 18mm $85.00, 25mm $112.00 all 1200x2400mm.
* High Pressure Laminate - 12mm $80.00, 18mm $90.00. all 1220x2440mm. * Anti Slip - 18mm $100.00 1220x2440mm. * Bending Ply - 4mm $80.00. 1220x2440mm Phone Paul 027 277 8049
Entry Form Canterbury Annual thCommercial Rally Saturday 25 February Entrants Name _____________________________________ Address __________________________________________ Phone No _______________Membership No_____________ Vehicle Make ____________Year ______________________ Registration Number _____________ Time Section
Circle One
Entry Fee ( Includes Plaque)
40mph $15.00
BBQ Tea $10.00 per person Numbers Attending ( ) Total Send entries to L Saunders 1 Glen Arrife Place Broken Run Halswell Christchurch 8025 Or email to
Make cheques payable to VCC Canterbury Branch Or if paying by Direct Credit pay to VCC Canterbury A/C No 03-1594-0096832-00 All enquiries to Mark Drury 3429297 Entries close 10th February 2017 48
BARN HIRE The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions.
Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255
HUB Advertising Spaces We still have some spaces in the Hub for paid advertisers. So if you have a business that you want to advertise or you know of someone that would like to advertise in the Hub contact Cindy Hey - Hub Editor and Advertising Email or phone 3526-266 49
Copy for the February Hub closes on Friday 20 January , 2017 Post to "The Editor", Cindy Hey 6b Aztec Place, Redwood, Christchurch 8051
phone 352 6266 email The views expressed in the 'Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club.
OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY 1 pm – 4.30 pm THIRD & FOURTH SUNDAY 9 am – 12 noon Open first Thursday of the month on Noggin Night from 7.00pm.
December 2016