Canterbury VCC October 2017

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October 2017





CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month Phone 03 359—7004


Main Committee


John Coomber (Christine) johnchriscoomber@gmail. com

027 2925206


Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320


Kevin Sarjeant (Joan)

03 365 1938

Immediate Past Chairman

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

Club Captain

Dave Inwood (Linda)

327 4156

Vintage Convenor

Brendon Eason (Elizabeth) 03 343 2979

027 3468324

Veteran Convenor

Tim Palmer (Barbara)

03 313 3952

021 338 692

Assistant Club Captain Greg Lamb (Gail) Group Convenor

George R Kear (Jorden)

03 960 3077 027 221 4332

Commercial Convenor Neil Shaskey (Louise) Cover photo: Woman’s Day Rally sent in by Michelle Meynell


03 310 7056

03 347 0315 03 352 8802

2017-2018 Representatives Motor Cycle Convenor

Les Freeman (Margaret)

027 339 0962

Spare Part Shed Rep

Des Fowler (Janet)

342 9974

9-90's Co-ordinator:

John Kuipers

332 7926

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy)

385 6333

Maintenance/ Clubrooms

Mike Foster

359 8260

Bar Managers

Amanda Franklin (Wayne)

389 7066

Gill Stevenson (Kevin)

327 5743

Noggin Displays

Don Muller (Marlene)

385 6850


Owen Genet

358 2514

Assistant Librarian

Kay Shaskey (Graeme)

Swap Meet Chair

Colin Hey (Jenny)

Swap Meet sites

Kevin Clarkson (Shona)

021 0270 6525

Barn bookings/ Camping

Kevin and Claire Campion

027 407 5344

03 312 7255

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Tony Becker (Ngaire)

027 446 6964

421 2426

North Canty Noggin

Jeff Rogers

022 131 7235

03 313 8432

027 424 2670

03 325 3011 03 352 6266

027 279 9195

Hub Editor Daniella Judge Hub Com. Advertising Cindy Hey (Peter)


358 4549

352 5217 359 8737



Fri-Sun 6-8 Wed 11

Swap Meet 9-90s Motorcycle Noggin Girder Fork Motorcycle Rally Sat-Sun 14-15 Entry Form pg 37 18 Commercial Noggin Wed Veteran Annual Rally - Entry Form Sun 29 pg 25 Sun




All British Day

Noggin The Annual Motorcycle Rally –Entry Sun 5 Form pg 33 Sun 5 Maintenance Committee Work Day Wed 8 9-90s Wed 9 Motorcycle Noggin Vintage Annual Rally- info pg 13 Sat 11 Entry form pg 14 Wed 15 Commercial Noggin Fri-Sun 17-19 Show Weekend Tour Sun 26 Homestead Run—Entry Form pg 15

December Thur Sat Sun Wed Sat Wed Tue

7 9 10 13 17 20 26

Noggin Christmas Ramble & Social Children’s Christmas Picnic 9-90s Motorcycle Noggin Veteran Picnic Run Boxing Day Run

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.


CHAIRMAN’S REPORT The past month has been a busy time for the branch with a lot of vehicles coming out of the sheds for our events. Our National Day Daffodil Run was a huge success and I am pleased to advise that we will be presenting a cheque for $4,500.00 to the local Cancer Society. The President has advised me that nationally we have raised $40,000.00 for the Cancer Society and we will be holding the same event next year, aiming to generate more money for the society, and more publicity for the VCC. The Women Driver’s Rally was a very successful event with a good turnout and an interesting rally route. Adding to the vintage flavour, in more ways than one, we enjoyed the lunch stop at James Shand’s Straight 8 Estate winery where we could sample his fine wines and admire his late father’s Railton Special which takes pride of place in the premises. Congratulations to the prize winners and also to Michelle, Greg and Dave for a well-run event. The Awards Dinner this year saw five 25 year badges and a 35 year badge awarded, as well as seven 50 year badges awarded to Des Fowler, Graham Henley, Ted Hockley, Ian Lamb, Terry McQuinn, Paul Seaton and Norm Sisson. Three 60 year certificates were also awarded to Don Johnson, Neil Sutton and Peter Shaskey. Thanks to Leigh and Tony Craythorne who organised the evening and Angela Smith who catered for us so well. We now look forward to Swap Meet Weekend, then the Girder Fork Motorcycle Rally followed by the Annual Veteran Rally and All British Day held the same day at Cutler Park. Early November also sees the Motorcycle Annual Rally and the Vintage Annual Rally so a busy few weeks ahead. I want to thank the dozens of members who have volunteered to help run the Swap Meet this year. It is pleasing to have so many volunteer early for the many jobs which have to be done over the weekend. If the weather is kind we should have a very good event this year.


A gentle reminder to those who have yet to renew their subs. When you pay by internet banking, please remember to put your name and membership number as reference in your transaction, otherwise the National Office will not be able to identify your payment and your renewal will be delayed. Several members have already made this mistake and it takes time to track down who made the payments. Enjoy this month’s activities. John Coomber Chairman


SECRETARY’S REPORT By the time you read this the Awards Dinner will have been and gone and we must congratulate those members who have reached this milestone in their time as members of this wonderful club. It’s that time again, Swap Meet 6/7/8th October. Your Swap Meet Committee has been working tirelessly over many months to bring this together again. Thanks go to all the members who have volunteered to help out over the weekend. The grounds are looking superb with all the rain we have had and the hard work of our maintenance team and we would ask you, while walking around the grounds, to keep an eye out for anybody tampering with our new plantings or equipment, cutting branches etc., and to challenge them or report to the office. Enjoy a wonderful weekend catching up with friends. I will be camping over behind the motorcycle social area if you need application forms etc, or you can contact the office. See you there Rod

MARINE PLYWOOD * 18mm BS 1088 -$165.00. 1220x2440mm. * Second grade - 12mm $65.00, 18mm $85.00, 25mm $112.00 all 1200x2400mm. * High Pressure Laminate -12mm $80.00, 18mm $90.00. all 1220x2440mm. * Anti Slip -18mm $100.00 1220x2440mm. * Bending Ply - 4mm $80.00. 1220x2440mm Phone Paul 027 277 8049


Club Captain’s Report By the time you read this report we will be in full Swap Meet mode and hopefully looking forward to a great weekend – especially weather-wise. The Women Driver’s Rally held earlier this month was a real success with 30 entries, although the high winds made driving some of the older vehicles a bit testing for the ladies. However everyone got back to Cutler Park and afternoon tea safely with one car left at Straight 8 Winery with clutch problems! I must congratulate Michelle on a well run and thoughtful rally, especially as it was the first she had organised. The Awards Dinner is coming up and this looks like being a successful evening. I will be attending. However, this report will be in the HUB beforehand. The Homestead Run will be in North Canterbury, a round trip of approx. 240kms. There are 4 short sections of shingle road totalling around 20kms. Entrants will need to take morning tea and lunch, thermos and drinks etc. The rally will start somewhere north of the Waimak – venue yet to be decided. Entry form is in this HUB. Please get your entries in pronto, as we need to organise portaloos. Details of start, venue and times along with extra information will be posted in the November HUB. The entry form for the Show Weekend Tour is also in this HUB and early registration would be appreciated.

Enjoy your motoring and the Swap Meet. Dave Inwood


Past Events

Motorcycle Report

13th September – Noggin Night. Very successful night, some 45 turned up to view Mike Pero’s Motorcycle Gallery. A supper was put on, and other refreshments were available. 17th September – Ruff Run & Working Bee. 3 or 4 jobs needed to be completed before swap meet. Future Events October 6th – 8th – Swap Meet. Bikes needed for display, please get in touch with display organiser – Tony Meikle at ph 0204 025 3911, email . Remember, each day your bike is on display gets you a free entry for that day. October 14th – 15th – Girder Fork Rally to Akaroa. Entry forms were sent out by email 14th September, if you did not get one then they are on the VCC Canterbury Branch website. The website address is: https://, hit Events, and the Girder Rally is second on the list. October 11th – M/C Noggin. At Motorcycle Corner, McLeans Island. November 4th – 5th – Canterbury VCC Motorcyclists’ Annual Rally. See elsewhere for more info. This year there will be a different format, the actual VCC “competitive run” will be on Sunday 5th. If you cannot be there on the Saturday you will NOT be penalised. Start and finish on Sunday will be from McLeans Island, with a BBQ lunch. November 9th – M/C Noggin. This is to be at Smash Palace, High Street. Please note, this Noggin is moved from Wednesday to THURSDAY as Thursday is motorcycle night at Smash Palace. Not a lot to report this month, so keep the rubber to the road, Cheers, CML

WANTED Has anyone have or know where the McKinlay tray is. This is presented to the winner of the Women’s Driver Rally. It is on the list of the missing so if you can help me in finding it please ring Greg Lamb. Ph.9603077 10

9-90s Report

9 - 90s

Hi to you all, With great trepidation I write this report, many years ago I wrote my 9-90s reports in the English I knew, then Anne Etwell took over as my translator and editor and put the points and comma's in the right places. After that an old friend of mine Brian Cook remarked to me ... “Gosh... John your English has improved......” Anne is on holiday in Canada now now you have the unedited version. Tony Becker organized this day to Ashburton, Greame Sword counted the 51 cars and 92 people and a big welcome back to Greame & Liz Henley and Jim & Mary Lovell...... First call Colin & Cathy Sweetman What a great collection of cars of our era, all spic and span and a pleasure to look at, Colin gave his time freely and had the history, I think, of every car. And then country hospitality, we had lunch on their front lawn the sun was out, nice and warm it couldn't have been better. We had a good raffle with 12 prizes, and I was the biggest winner. At the rate we are going we will have a present for everyone at the Xmas lunch. After lunch some people went to the Ashworth Village and others to the Airport Museum, a great day was had by all. We had Bruce Miles with us and his broken ankle, as passenger, great company. On the way home he wanted me to stop and fill my tank up, and me being way. When I dropped him off at his home he told me to wait a minute and then he came back with a bottle of Johnny Walker Black Label and told me he is not allowed any could I refuse… A big thank you to Tony and Ngaire and Colin and Cathy for all your efforts and hospitality. Next month Ken Hands... Oderings Nursery, Cashmere road . We are leaving 9.55am sharp. November, Bruce Parker..... Yaldhurst Pub leaving 9.55am sharp. December, don’t know yet. The Team and I are looking forward to see you all next month. Regards, J K

Want to receive the hub by email? Email for a PDF version of the hub every month 11

Commercial Report

There was a good turnout and an excellent supper for the September Commercial Noggin held at The Barn, with a few visitors from Ashburton joining us, thanks for those who attended and contributed to the evening. The next noggin is on Wednesday 18th October, we have been invited to visit the newly erected Display/Storage building at the New Zealand Vintage Machinery Club at 723 McLeans Island Road (just along from the VCC). Supper will be provided, and a donation from each VCC club member would be greatly appreciated to help continue this project to improve the facilities, thanks to Lyndsey Saunders for arranging to view the collection. All welcome to come along, even those who only have a passing interest in commercials, and anyone who would like to see what is on display. Neil Shaskey

Canterbury Branch Up Coming Events ANNUAL VETERAN RALLY SUNDAY OCT 29TH ( includes 2 wheel brake Vintage). Entry on the right. We will be starting at Cutler Park for the annual run, plus two wheel brake vintage welcome . The All British day is on the same date and they also will be starting from Cutler park . We have been invited to join them to finish our rally at the same lunch stop venue at the Kirwee Domain. This will make the day a bit different so make an effort to get your old Veteran or two wheel brake vintage ready.

Thanks Tim


Swap Meet Report This month’s report will be very short, because by the time most of you read this month’s Hub the Swap Meet will either be in progress, or will be over. Here’s hoping for good weather – the only thing we cannot organise! I want to say a huge thank you to all of those who have willingly volunteered for the many tasks that need to be undertaken – the event wouldn’t be worth running if we didn’t have your help. Thanks too to the skilled and hard-working Swap Meet Committee Members – some of whom have put in hundreds of hours to ensure the event runs smoothly. A couple of weeks ago Tony Meikle, Rod Thrower, Dave Inwood and myself spent a couple of hours marking out the display areas. It was great to see how well the grounds have recovered over the past 12 months from the Regional Council tree removals, and the more recent stop-bank improvement works. Last year’s plantings are now really finding their feet and growing well. The latest lot of planting work will add to this and year on year I’m sure we’re going to see our grounds looking better and becoming more sheltered and user-friendly. A special thanks to our maintenance and development teams for their efforts. The best thing is that there should be no need for major changes to sites from now on, which will help not only our site holders, but also the site markers will stay where they are, so Kevin Clarkson and John McIntyre and their successors will have a lot less work to do to prepare the sites. Here’s hoping next month’s report will be a very positive one! Regards Colin Hey

2017 Vintage Annual Rally The Annual Vintage Rally is for ALL vehicles produced between 1919 and 1931. If you are able to assist on Saturday the 11th of November as a Marshall, on morning tea or on the back-up vehicle, I would love to hear from you. If you are good at time-trial spotting/recording, love being on check points or running field tests, then this is for you! We will be starting at Cutler Park and finishing at a local winery for our lunch stop and field tests (after lunch). Please phone or email Brendon Eason if you can help on the day. 13

2017 Vintage Annual Rally Enrolment Form The Annual Vintage Rally is for ALL vehicles produced between 1919 and 1931. Come along to have fun motoring in your Vintage vehicle on lovely sealed country roads.

The first timed entrants will leave the Canterbury Branch Clubrooms, Cutler Park, McLeans Island Road at 10:30am. Please arrive in plenty of time to get your rally packs and share morning tea with the other entrants. Back up is available. There will be a timed section, check points along the way, and field tests after lunch at the lunch stop. Non-competitive entrants are welcome, but I would suggest you try some of the checks, even just for fun. Field tests after lunch will be for competitors only. The prizegiving will occur at the dinner to be held in our Clubrooms from 6:30pm. The bar will be open from 6:00pm. Morning tea will be available when collecting your registration packs and awaiting your start time. Member Name: Member Number: Address: Postcode: Phone: Make: Year: Average Speed for Timed Section: 25 mph 30 mph 35 mph 40 mph Non-competitive Entry Costs: $20.00 (includes Rally Plaque and morning tea) $20.00 Evening Meal and Prize giving per person Pay by Direct Credit to: 03 1594 0096832 00 with name and “Vintage Rally”

Or by Cheque: Make cheques out to VCC Canterbury Branch, and post to – B Eason, 21 Wittys Road, Avonhead, Christchurch 8042.

Rally Organiser: Brendon Eason, Vintage Convenor Email: Ph: 027-3468-324 …or enrol online…


Entry Form Homestead Run, Sunday 26th

November 2017 Entrants Name: ___________________ Telephone: ___________________ Membership No. _____________ Email: ________________________ Vehicle: ________________________ Year:_________________ Entry Fees: $20.00 18th November

Closing date for entries: Saturday

Entries to: D. Inwood, 126 South Eyre Road, R D 2 Kaiapoi 7692. Please make cheques payable to VCC Canterbury Branch OR direct credit to: VCC Canterbury Branch Account No. 03-1594-0096832-00 Make sure you put your name and event with banking details! Please then scan and email above entry form to See Club Captain’s Report for more information .

INSURANCE Vero CIS – telephone 0800 658 411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance, for Canterbury Branch to benefit.

North Canterbury Noggin Fourth Wednesday of the month, Rangiora RSA from 7:30pm


Women Driver’s Rally The Women Driver’s Rally actually started a few days before the rally at home. Peter saying that I need to check the car over before the rally and wash it, well that was not going to happen, so the day before the rally he checked it over, filled it up and washed it. On the day, it was backed out of the garage for me (it can be a bit temperamental starting when cold or perhaps he was worried I would flood it before even leaving) then Peter proceeded to watch me reverse down the driveway, which went without a problem – of course. Once I had passed the test, we were off. First stop - the West Melton markets - a fortifying cup of coffee used mostly to warm up the hands. A few treats to add to lunch and we were off to check out the new subdivision. Following the detailed navigator notes, took us along roads less travelled and somehow, we were in Darfield thinking about the suggested ice cream. It certainly would not have melted quickly in that wind. Who knew that winding around back roads through Kirwee would lead us to Straight 8 Estate Winery in Burnham. A pleasant time was spent chatting to old and new friends over a picnic lunch. Our hosts, James and Mary, shared their experience of setting up the winery. Wine tasting was available. One of our lunch partners fully recommends the black currant drink. After lunch we meandered towards and through Rolleston searching for 'bums' on a fence and a letterbox that looked like a cow. At Cutler Park it was time for field tests - you think you would be able to back into a 'garage' and stop on a white disc easily, but not really. After more time to chat, it was time for the delicious high tea. A big thank you to the organisers and their helpers. It was a great day.

Cindy Hey


Tony Becker Phone 421-2426 16

Women Driver Rally Winners. Overall winner 1st Field test 2nd Field test 3rd Field test Oldest Car

Elizabeth Eason Amber Inwood Linda White Elizabeth Eason Leigh Craythorne

Best dressed Best dressed Hard luck prize Out of petrol prize

Catherine Tibbles Linda White Nancy McSaveney Andrea Dallow

Austin 7 Chevrolet Desoto truck Austin 7 1923 Morris Oxford Tourer Fiat Bambina Desoto truck Morris Minor Hudson

I congratulate Michelle for running a successful Women Driver’s Rally. This is a first for Michelle. It goes to show with a bit of enthusiasm and some support what can be achieved. It would be nice to see more members put their hand up to run or have some involvement running club events. It can be fulfilling and fun. Thanks Michelle for taking this year’s rally on. Greg. Answers to questions. 1.Miss Lily Flowers 2. H&M 3. Blue 4.Melton Estate 5.Gnomes 6.Thelma & Louise 7. Melbourne Cup 8. St Joseph’s 9. J.Thompson 10. On Courtney Rd 11. Jacinda Ardern 12. Three (male, female and dog) 13. Gased 14. Ten 15. 554

CONDOLENCES Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family of Valmai Midgley.



September 2017 Noggin Display. Last months Noggin Display was Minis and some of their variants.

Thank you to the following members and non members for displaying their cute vehicles, that made an interesting display. There were some nice examples, some of which are very rare. Thank you to Alasdair Brass for his help in coordinating the display. Kevin Hocken -1974 Mini Moke, John Atkinson -Riley Elf, Matthew Hey -1969 Wolseley Hornet, Alasdair Brass -1967 Broadspeed GT2+2, and Peter Munro -1970 Mini Pickup. Future Noggin Displays. October : Motorcycles & mopeds under restoration / or to be restored. November: One Make Car Club Winner. ( Swap Meet.) December: Motorcycles from the M/C Annual rally. Do any members have a collection of pedal cars or a pedal car, that could be used as either a full, or part Noggin Display in the future. (it would be in middle of next year)? If you can help, please call. Don Muller 3856850. Thanks.


Awards Dinner

Hard working Bar staff and Wine Waiters (Wayne and Amanda, Mark and Greg)

Caterer Angela and Janice, with their tempting desserts.

Chairman John and Christine with 60-year Awardees Don Johnson, Neil Sutton, Peter Shaskey and Wendy.


Between courses - time for more chatting and socialising

Kevin Clarkson (Beaded Wheels Chairman, representing our National President Diane Quarrie) Shona and Maxine with 50-year Awardees Terry McQuinn and Paul Seaton and Margaret.


50-year Awardees: Norm Sisson, Paul Seaton, Terry McQuinn. Ian Lamb, Ted Hockley, Graham Henley, Des Fowler.

60-year Awardees: Don Johnson, Peter Shaskey, Neil Sutton

25-year Awardees: Gary Arps, Royce Baker, Brian Fairbrass, Allan Francis, Russell Gillard

Members enjoying a social time before the meal while the 50 and 60-year Awardees (4 reserved tables) are hosted with complementary drinks and nibbles elsewhere.


Show Weekend Tour Oamaru 17th & 18th November Entry Form Entrants Name: ______________________________ Telephone: ______________________________

Vehicle & Year: ______________________________ Membership No:__________________________ Email address: ______________________________ Entry fees: $10 per vehicle $10.00 Number requiring Saturday night meals: ____at $35 each $_____ Total: $_____

Closing date for entries – Friday 3rd November 2017. Number requiring lunch at Maheno on Saturday ____ - pay on the day. Please make cheques out to: VCC Canterbury Branch OR for direct credit please pay to VCC Canterbury Branch Account No. 03-1594-0096832-00 Make sure you put your name and event with banking details! Please then scan and email above entry form to Entries to: G Lamb, 2 Orion Street, Christchurch 8013.


ANNUAL VETERAN RALLY ENTRY FORM SUNDAY 29TH OCTOBER 2017 INCLUDES TWO WHEEL BRAKE VINTAGE Entrants name ____________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________ ___________________________ Phone _______________________ Vehicle make/Year_______________________ No of Cylinders ____ Motorcycle Car Commercial Entry fee $15, (includes morning tea) ................................................................................................................ REMITTANCE SLIP Please make cheque payable to VCC CANTERBURY BRANCH Send to Tim Palmer 25 Golding Ave Rangiora 7400 Ph 021 338 692 or 03 3133952 Email Please have entries in by 23rd October ................................................................................................................. OR DIRECT CREDIT , please pay to V.C.C Canterbury Branch Account No: 03-1594-0096832-00. Make sure you put your name and event with banking details! Please then scan the entry form or email me confirming your entry


MOTORCYCLE ANNUAL RALLY 2017 This years annual rally will be slightly different. The event will be held on Sunday 5 November . The day will start at motorcycle corner 9.00am with a 9.30am time to start the run. A time trial will be part of the run with field tests back at Cutler Park. BBQ lunch and trophies will be awarded. The entry form is elsewhere in The Hub or go to the club’s web page and follow the links to the entry form. The reason for the change is that on Saturday 4 November there is an event being held on New Brighton beach for bikes up to 1939. One of our members is helping organize the event and our section has been asked to assist with Marshalls. Motorcycles will be the flavour of the day with displays by trail riders and a display of motorcycles. It was thought that it was a good opportunity to support this event. The tides are right for the beach event this year and we can have our event on the Sunday. The event is being advertised as a “Tribute To A Gentleman” -Geoff Hockley. There will be a parade of motorcycles on the beach during the day, the first two up being two BSA’s – 1911 and 1912. There will be a short ride together from our current Fish & Chip Run starting place – Coffee Culture, Daniels Rd, Redwood starting 9.00am to the event where there will be an area to park the bikes for the day, this is the north end pier ramp car park. If members want to ride straight there, no problem. The event starts at 10.00am. If you have put your name down to be a Marshall then keep in touch with Les Freeman with time and place for the days briefing. The day’s event is not part of our annual rally, we are advertising it and supporting it. . Girder Rally 14-15 OCTOBER 2017

The Girder Rally is for bikes pre 1945 or fitted with Girder Forks. The rally will leave the Super Liquor carpark, Amyes Rd, Hornby at 9.30am. Back up is available. This year we are visiting a private collection of motorcycles and collectables before heading to another interesting collection before heading to a BBQ lunch. After lunch to Little River and onto Akaroa. The evening will be based around the Grand Hotel as usual. Breakfast can be ordered with the entry form at the Grand Hotel. Accommodation up to the rider. Sunday stop & prize giving at Tai Tapu Hotel before heading home.


2017 ANNUAL AWARDS' DINNER Canterbury Branch had much pleasure in hosting Des Fowler, Graham Henley, Ted Hockley, Ian Lamb, Paul Seaton and Norm Sisson (along with their wives/partners) on Saturday 23 September at the clubrooms, when they were presented with their 50-year badges and certificates by Beaded Wheels Chairman,Kevin Clarkson. (Kevin was representing our National President, Diane Quarrie.) He and Shona joined branch members in a very enjoyable evening, where Kevin not only presented the prestigious 50-year awards, but also three 60-year certificates (Don Johnson ,Neil Sutton and Peter Shaskey). Five 25-year badges were also presented. (See elsewhere for the list of recipients.) The 50-year and 60-year Awardees and the guests were treated with complementary drinks and nibbles, before being escorted to the top tables.

The room looked a picture with the tables decorated with candles in gold holders, gold serviettes and beautiful floral arrangements (by Esme Humm) for the four top tables. Esme also made the flowers presented to the Awardees' wives/partners and to Shona Clarkson and Christine Coomber. It was great to see family members attending to support the Awardees and they joined our branch members who created the convivial atmosphere for the evening’s celebrations. The meal was cooked and served by Angela Smith (and co-caterer Janice) for the 81 people attending. The desserts they assembled were also beautifully presented. They had thoughtfully dressed the serving table with a cobwebb golden runner and sprinkled edible gold glitter on the desserts, which added to the golden theme of the evening. Thanks are recorded to the two wine waiters (Greg Lamb and Mark Drury) who looked after our special guests and also to the bar staff, who competently served us all. We look forward to next year’s event – a much anticipated and important event in our branch calendar. 26

2017 AWARD RECIPIENTS 60-Year Awards Don Johnson Neil Sutton Peter Shaskey

35-Year Award Chris Butler 25-Year Awards Gary Arps Royce Baker Brian Fairbrass Allan Francis Russell Gillard Malcolm McLennan

50-Year Awards Des Fowler Graham Henley Ted Hockley Ian Lamb Terry McQuinn Paul Seaton Norm Sisson

Congratulations to you all.

Open Hours Monday to Friday 8.00-5.00 Saturday 8.00-12.00

96 Williams Street, Kaiapoi 7630


OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY 1 pm – 4.30 pm THIRD & FOURTH SUNDAY 9 am – 12 noon Open first Thursday of the month on Noggin Night


NEW MEMBERS Welcome to our branch. We look forward to meeting you at our coming events and activities. Martin and Brenda Green. Post War, Scooter. Steven James Moore. Rover P5B 3.5 Litre Graham Sidney Tulett. Citroen 1935 Cabriolet Roadster, Citroen 1938 Light 15 Sedan Richard George Morrison. Ford 1938,coupe. Studebaker 1931 Roadster 54B Michael Ward. Landrover 1971 series 2A Van TRANSFERS: S. Giles Gill 17/20716


Hub Editor email:


OTHER BRANCH and ORGANISATIONS EVENTS 2017 All British Day The 2017 Canterbury All British Day will be held on Sunday 29th October. For Full details see September Hub 45th ANNUAL TAIERI TOUR SATURDAY 4TH NOVEMBER 2017 Contact the Branch or Rod Thrower for more information and the entry form. Commercial Rally 2017 Saturday 4th November

You can enter this rally and the 2018 Easter Rally online at

The 2018, MG National Rally Will be held in and around South Canterbury’s favourite seaside resort “Timaru by the Sea” from Sunday to Thursday, March 25th to 29th. Contacts: For details and registration. Or Web mgcarcanterbury Di /Dren Errington tion 020 409 03510 or 03942 0251

Sandra Frame / Tony Reid entries & registra022 302 2622


COMMERCIAL RUN TO HEARTLAND MID CANTERBURY 25TH NOVEMBER 2017 A good run through farming land, new scenery and developments. We will visit 4 venues. Any type of Commercial vehicle welcome. (Truck, Van, Taxi, Hearse) Lunch $10 each. Held wet or fine. Meet at 9.00am for tea and biscuits at Ashburton Clubrooms. Depart 9.30am SHARP Organiser: Ron Galletly Ph: 308 1940 Contact for Entry Form Upcoming National South Island Easter Rally 2012 to take place 30th March—2nd April Contact Rod Thrower by email or at the next Noggin for more info and entry form.

WANTED 475 x 500 x 19” car tyres. Either new ones or newly re-treaded by Palmerston North re-treaded or barely worn ones . A steering box for a 1914 Standard –Most unusual with the drop arm on top of the steering box. Can supply pictures if you have an unusual one that may be unidentified.. Ph Trevor 03 385 1200 Christchurch or


FOR SALE 1954 A40 Somerset Fully restored. Reliable. Tidy condition. Current WOF and Rego. Phone or Text 027 222 7918 Zephette caravan 1982 reg , wof, elect wof tidy cond 3 way fridge 2 awnings many xtras offers over 5k see at site 155 at swapmeet or ph 0274067300 1936 Ford V8 3 Ton Truck, complete and tidy [ wood in drivers door needs replacing ] unused but garaged since 1968 - $10,000. 1930 Ford Model A Roadster complete and tidy [ rust in lower of right door, scuttle ,and running board area]. 1929 Ford Model A Roadster Pickup complete and tidy. 1929 Ford Model A Tourer cut into a pickup with a 30s V8 truck deck fitted , Tidy condition .

All Model As have been shed stored since 1966. Early 1950 Morris Minor low light side valve complete but tired $650. 1958 Morris Minor 1000 Sedan complete $650. 1959 Morris Minor 1000 Sedan complete $ 650. 1960 Morris Minor 1000 Sedan has front suspension damage $500. All Morris’ have been in storage since the 80's . None of the above have live reg . Please call Joe 3818662 or 0297707183



Entrants name_____________________________________________ Address____________________________ Postal Code________ Email____________________________ Phone__________________ VCC Membership No.__________ Combination yes/no Moped yes/no Make__________________Year___________CC Rating:________ Routes Choice – Short/Long Entry Fees (including plaques) Entry fee less club subsidy $10.00 Veteran, Vintage & Girder Fork bikes no entry fee Lunch (BBQ), number required—............@$10.00 each Total ________

Entries to Mike Glenday, 11 Brahman Close, Prebbleton 7604. Phone 344 0425. Cheques payable to VCC Canterbury Branch or pay via internet banking 03 0802 0099727 00. Please put your name in the reference along with Annual Rally and post/email me the entry form. ( The entry form is also on the clubs web site, try it, you'll find it very easy

Canterbury Branch Web Site 33

The Historic Vehicle Authority of NZ The Vintage Car Club of NZ (INC.) BLUEBRIDGE COOK STRAIT FERRY 23 August 2017 to 30 June 2018 The VCC code for discounts with Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferry are as follow: Discount code: ANTIQUECAR Valid Travel Dates: Between now and 30 June 2018 excluding peak season between 15 December and 15 January plus Easter Weekend. Discounted Fares: 10% off all available fares. Promotion Terms & Conditions Members must present a current Vintage Car Club of New Zealand membership card upon check-in as proof of eligibility to Bluebridge staff. Failure to do so will result in a fare difference being required to be paid prior to boarding. Full payment is required at time of booking. Transferring to a sailing outside of the discounted offer period will require an additional payment to match the available fares. Bookings can be made online at by entering the promo code above or by calling 0800-844-844 (8am to 8pm, 7 days), and quoting the promo code. Normal fare rules regarding refunds and cancellations apply. Full Bluebridge ticket terms & conditions can be viewed at


RATES QUOTED FOR NZ Vintage Car Club Booking Reference: WH5465 The below rates are based on prices to date, inclusive of GST and subject to availability. Off Peak Fares: Each Way Adult $47.00 Children $25.00 Motorcycle $40.00 Car/Van/Trailer up to 5.5 metres $124.00 Trailer-Each half metre over 5.5 metres $20.00 Premium Plus Lounge $55.00 18yrs plus Off Peak Travel Dates 01-28 March 18 04 April – 18 December 18 Peak Fares: Each Way Adult $52.00 Children $25.00 Motorcycle $50.00 Car/Van/Trailer up to 5.5 metres $137.00 Trailer-Each half metre over 5.5 metres $22.00 Premium Plus Lounge $55.00 18yrs plus Peak Travel Dates 01-28 February 18 29 March – 03 April 18 Booking conditions and instructions for members are: Each reservation must be made direct with Interislander online using the special link— or click on “Group Bookings” at the foot of our homepage To access these rates members must insert the reference “WH5465”.Payment is required at the time of booking. Space is subject to availability at the time of the booking request. Refunds Once paid for fares are 90% refundable if cancelled prior to check in and non-refundable if cancelled after check-in. Fares valid for specified dates only. Members are required to present their 35

current NZ Vintage Car Club Membership credentials on check in or retail fares will be charged. Fares valid for travel 01 February through to 18 December 18 No discounted fares for travel 19 December 17 through to and including 31 January 18. Bookings over this will need to be made online


ENTRANTS NAME:-___________________________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________POST CODE:________ RIDERS NAME:_____________________________ PHONE NUMBER:_________________EMAIL ADDRESS:_______________ VCC MEMBERSHIP NUMBER:__________________ MAKE OF MOTORCYCLE:_____________________ YEAR:______________ cc RATING:____________ ENTRY FEE $25.00 ________ (includes subsidy and BBQ lunch on Saturday) Veteran bikes free entry but $10.00 for BBQ lunch _________ BREAKFAST (at Grand Hotel) Cooked $25.00 _________ Continental $15.50 __________ TOTAL $_________

Make Payment via internet banking- 03 0802 0099727 00, please ensure you put your name and name of the rally with the payment. Make payment via cheque payable to VCC CANTERBURY BRANCH and post to – M Glenday, 11 Brahman Close, Prebbleton 7604. OR - go to the branch web site and complete your entry there. In the future all our entry forms will be on line via our branch web site. Secretary – M Glenday, phone 03 344042 36

VELOSOLEX OWNERS GROUP September run – The Return of the VOG’s Despite what you may all be thinking the VOG’s are still very much alive and well and puttering. We did have a 2 month recess over the winter months but we are now back with a vengeance, bikes tuned up to perfection and ready to hit the roads for the summer months.

Tuesday 12th September was our second run for the season, and a great turn out arrived at the starting grid in Ashgrove Tce on a dubious looking morning with some rain having fallen before our 11am start time, but being made of stout stuff the VOG’s decided to carry on regardless, just as well as the day turned out pretty good. A trip to the township of Lincoln was the undertaking for this run but not just along the boring main roads, VOG 1 decided to add a challenge into the day’s adventure by taking the route around Cashmere Rd at the foot of the hills and hence passing over the small hummocks along the way to the Halswell Quarry. All completed this task without too many problems, although there were a few sweaty and red faces when we regrouped near Kennedy’s Bush Road, some of the Solex’s required a bit of pedal assistance. VOG 1 was smiling as he has just got his bike back from the Velosolex “Guru” and his bike is going like a “rocket”,. “Didn’t even have to turn the pedals once, what a “Grunty beast” I’ve got now!!”. Unfortunately John McIntyre “VOG 13” once again had problems with his machine in this section, so he ended up on the back-up trailer….. again, so of course John was the recipient of the “Hard Luck” Trophy. Keep smiling John. From Cashmere Rd it was just a casual jaunt out to Lincoln via Old Tai Tapu Rd, Perrymans Rd and Lincoln / Tai Tapu Rd to end up at The Laboratory for our lunch stop. What a magnificent building that is! Its been built from recycled materials, from earthquake destroyed buildings within Christchurch city, used brick flooring areas, old wood work, staircase, furnishings, even pressed steel ceilings adorn the bar area. The cutlery is also of a recycled, used nature (bone handled knives, silver forks and spoons). A great collection of old valve radios adorn the shelves on the mezzanine floor area. I’ve been to The Laboratory before but I always spot something different on each visit. Our afternoon’s run took us via VCC club members Roy & Shirley Grainger’s immaculate property to view Roy’s “toy sheds” and his 37

collection of vehicles all presented in pristine condition. Thank you Roy for sharing these with us. It was then just a short run back to the start / finish and the end of the run. Whew the weather behaved itself and the rain stayed away! Royce VOG 1 Copy for the October Hub closes on Friday 22 September , 2017 Contact "The Editor", Daniella Judge By phone 3253011 or preferably email The views expressed in the 'Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club.

BARN HIRE The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255

Canterbury Branch Web Site Email: Postal address: PO Box 11-082, Sockburn, Christchurch Our bank for direct credit payments is Westpac Barrington Mall

A/C 03 1594 0096832 00

Please enter your name and event entered or other details of deposit.



October 2017


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