September 2017
Official magazine of the Canterbury Branch of the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (inc.) 1
VCC emails and notifications Would you like to help us save paper and printing costs? We can send you 'The Hub' newsletter via an email each month. (as a PDF attachment) Would you like upcoming Events information sent to your email? (i.e. Rallies, Dances, Suppers, reminders etc) Then email: to action ...and thanks for thinking of the environment and cutting the branch expenses down!
THE HUB Newsletter of: The Canterbury Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ INC
CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month Phone 03 359—7004
Main Committee
John Coomber (Christine) johnchriscoomber@gmail. com
027 2925206
Rod Thrower (Lynda)
03 338 2320
Kevin Sarjeant (Joan)
03 365 1938
Immediate Past Chairman
Leigh Craythorne (Tony)
Club Captain
Dave Inwood (Linda)
327 4156
Vintage Convenor
Brendon Eason (Elizabeth) 03 343 2979
027 3468324
Veteran Convenor
Tim Palmer (Barbara)
03 313 3952
021 338 692
Assistant Club Captain Greg Lamb (Gail) Group Convenor
George R Kear (Jorden)
Commercial Convenor Neil Shaskey (Louise)
03 310 7056
03 960 3077 027 221 4332
03 347 0315 03 352 8802
Cover photo: Provided by Brendon Eason & taken at the Daffodil Rally for cancer.
2017-2018 Representatives Motor Cycle Convenor
Les Freeman (Margaret)
027 339 0962
Spare Part Shed Rep
Des Fowler (Janet)
342 9974
9-90's Co-ordinator:
John Kuipers
332 7926
VIC Representative
Don Bennetts (Judy)
385 6333
Maintenance/ Clubrooms
Mike Foster
359 8260
Bar Managers
Amanda Franklin (Wayne)
389 7066
Gill Stevenson (Kevin)
327 5743
Noggin Displays
Don Muller (Marlene)
385 6850
Owen Genet
358 2514
Assistant Librarian
Kay Shaskey (Graeme)
Swap Meet Chair
Colin Hey (Jenny)
Swap Meet sites
Kevin Clarkson (Shona)
021 0270 6525
Barn bookings/ Camping
Kevin and Claire Campion
027 407 5344
03 312 7255
Beaded Wheels Reporter
Tony Becker (Ngaire)
027 446 6964
421 2426
North Canty Noggin
Jeff Rogers
022 131 7235
03 313 8432
027 424 2670
03 325 3011 03 352 6266
027 279 9195
Hub Editor Daniella Judge Hub Com. Advertising Cindy Hey (Peter)
358 4549
352 5217 359 8737
Thur Sat Wed Sun Wed Sat Sat
7 9 13 17 20 23 30
Noggin Women Drivers’ Rally 9-90s Outing Motorcycle Rough Run and VIC's Commercial Awards Dinner Fish & Chip Run
Sun Thur Fri-Sun Sat-Sun Sun
1 5 6-8 14-15 29
Maintenance Committee Work Day Noggin Swap Meet Girder Fork Motorcycle Rally Veteran Annual Rally
Thur Sat Sun Sat Fri-Sun Sun
2 4 5 11 17-19 26
Noggin Motorcycle Annual Rally Maintenance Committee Work Day Vintage Annual Rally Show Weekend Tour Homestead Run
COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Spring is here at last and we have already started to enjoy the early season branch events. Thank you to Leigh and Tony Craythorne and helpers for the excellent Night Trail and Dinner. As I write this we are preparing for the National Daffodil Day and I want to thank Colin Hey for his enthusiasm in organising this event and Graeme Sword for preparing the morning tea for what will be a large crowd at our clubrooms on Sunday 27th. I hope you all enjoy this event and bring your club vehicles out to show the public. I must apologise to those of you who had a sense of Déjà vu when reading last month’s Hub. Both my July and August reports were saved under “August” so when I sent the August report to the Editor, it happened to be a repeat of the July message. I am grateful to those who alerted me to the problem, and can assure you that I do not recycle old reports to save time. I appreciate that so many of you do bother to read the monthly column. I believe there has been a positive response to the offer of receiving your Hub online and I encourage you all to consider this option which is very convenient and will save the branch a lot of money. Rod will be reporting on the National AGM in Blenheim which was well attended by Canterbury Branch members. The disappointment of the weekend was the announcement that the 2021 Rally Director has resigned from the position, and this has left a question mark over the feasibility of this rally proceeding at that time. The President and some management members will visit Taranaki Branch later this month to discuss the situation and explore the possibility of the rally proceeding. If you have made any tentative bookings I suggest you wait until further information is available in the near future. There was considerable discussion on the future direction and format of our International Rallies and we need to be sure that we provide what our members want and not just keep repeating the format of the past twenty years. On a serious note, we have received a letter from the Liquor Licensing Authority advising that they will be sending undercover agents to visit licensed clubs like ours to ensure that we comply with the terms of our license, signing any visitors in the visitors book, and ensuring that
anyone purchasing liquor from the bar is a member. We will be enforcing a card check at the door and will instruct the bar staff to ask for proof of membership of anyone who they do not recognise as a member. I realise that this will be a pain for some of you but I am not prepared to risk this Branch and the Bar Manager being fined $20,000.00 for a breach of the rules. I also do not take kindly to this kind of threat so I am asking all members attending noggins to be vigilant and if you are suspicious of someone who you think should not be on our premises please advise a Committee Member. If they cannot prove membership or proof of visitor status we will remove them from the premises. You should always have your membership card with you when attending the clubrooms. Please do not get upset if the bar staff ask to see your card when you purchase a drink. We will have a membership list available to check if there is any dispute. If you have an issue relating to this please discuss it with me not the bar staff. If you bring a visitor to Noggin please ensure that you purchase any drinks for them. This is an onus placed on all of us. Please don’t let the Branch down. Chairman John Coomber
SECRETARY’S REPORT Events this month: Women Drivers’ Rally, Motor Cycle Rough Run and VIC’s, Awards Dinner. Tickets for this are available from Committee Members @ $54 Double. As Delegate for Canterbury Branch I attended the National AGM and Executive Meeting in Blenheim over the weekend of 11/12/13 August. This was a new experience for me and I found it quite stimulating to see the interest the other branches take in the running of our club. EXECUTIVE / ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Executive Meeting Friday Evening. -Welcome by President. -Canterbury Branch membership stands at 1294= single 989 and joint 305 as at 8th August 2017. Health & Safety: A query from a branch to ‘Work Safe’ that Health and Safety didn’t apply to events run solely by volunteers is not correct. David York (Management Committee) will put together a Health & Safety Template for the National Day. Communications / Marketing Officer -Report from Ross Holden on VCC of NZ magazine posting and Facebook page. Have posted on notice board. -Numbers of hits or reads increasing. National Secretary / Treasurer -National accounts show healthy surplus. -There will be no increase in the annual subscription for 2018 and current members will be invoiced in September this year. -The two remits put forward re changing the wording of the Bye-Laws discussed at the March Executive Meeting were passed. National Archivist -Don Muller gave an update on the work he and Marlene have been doing throughout the year, and pointed out the amount of material available to members. 8
-National Office has been reviewing Branch Constitutions and it was pointed out many are in need of updating. There could be a template produced to help in producing a new one. VCC Rep to NZFOMC -Discussion on the variability of vehicle inspections on older vehicles for WOF. -Nothing to report on the issue of 12 month warrants as yet. -Tony Bartlett also reported on the lack of use of the Motor Cycle Levy of the Licence Fee being used for safety programs and workshops. (Just one big slush fund) -P60V is now the largest vehicle category. -Members reminded to take more care when importing vehicles (re misrepresentations in descriptions). -A Report on the Incorporated Societies Act and the time frame of an update appears to not be in the foreseeable future. -Discussion from Julie on tax expectations, sunset clause, and no personal remuneration. -As a club we need to embrace our new members and enquire as to the reasons a member has resigned. -It was pointed out that you must be a member of the VCC to have Vero Insurance under the umbrella of the VCC. (If you resign from VCC and then make a claim it could create problems) -There will be an un-financial members list coming. -All branches should have a Code of Conduct which should include their Parts Shed.
Annual Meeting 9am Sat. -Welcome by President Diane Quarrie: Thanks to outgoing Executive member Paul Collins and welcome to Life Members and New North Island Captain Kaaren Smylie. -Discussion from South Canterbury Branch re an Antique Road Show. -Bay of Plenty Branch reported the members have fuel cards giving 11c a litre discount. -Reminder of fund for use of branches to encourage younger members. Example: School groups, Scouts etc fund raising. -The two remits I mentioned in last month’s Hub were both carried. -Both notices of motion were lost:
-Motion One Section 5.2 Application for membership. For 1102 = 67%; Against 539 = 33% Failed. -Motion Two Section 3.1 Aims and objects of the club. For 355 = 22% Against 1281 = 78% Failed. -The club rules state there must be a 75% majority. -Lengthy intense discussion on year of eligibility of vehicles as per rules. -There was no consensus of opinion however it was agreed a proposal to re-word the rule would be forthcoming which would reflect the intent of the original proposer. -Example: A 1987 registered vehicle would be eligible after 31st Dec 2017. -National Calendar of events: Calendar is getting too cluttered. -It was suggested that the calendar of events should only include National or Branch events that Branches wish to invite other Branches to e.g. anniversary or events of national importance. -Notification of change of National Insurance Broker. -Branches to check on the requirements of fuel storage, re: insurance. -Dispute claims to Vero Insurance must include members name or VCC cannot support the dispute with Vero. -Registrar of VIC’s certificates (see notes in Reports for Annual General Meeting on notice board.) 2018 International Rally: Diane Quarrie informed the meeting Colin Johnston had resigned from his role as Rally Director. -There was no discussion on his decision. -Later in the meeting there was a stimulating presentation by David York and his assistants on the future of international events. Three major events were used as examples. -This presentation will be sent to all Branches. -Idea to run a one event centre in each Island alternating each event. -Canterbury (Cutler Park) Hamilton (Mystery Creek) -Sub-committee set up to look into and report back March Exec Meeting and AGM Aug 2018. -Leigh Craythorne complimented the look of the Facebook page. More material needed (one photo with half a dozen words) send videos to Ross Holden. -National Daffodil Day Rally. Twenty-four Branches involved to date. Please collect number of entrants, money raised and feed-back.
John Goddard Trophy; -This was presented to the Beaded Wheels Team led by: Kevin Clarkson (Chairman) Judith Bain, Bevars Binnie, Rosalie Brown, John Coomber, Mark Dawber, Marilyn McKinlay -Meeting Closed 3pm Executive Meeting continued 3.05pm Sat -A PowerPoint presentation was given on a discussion paper on the streamlining / updating of our subscription methods. A paper will be sent to all Branches to discuss. -This could have far reaching affects on our Branch. (Watch this space. -Meeting closed 4.55pm Regards Rod Secretary Swap Meet Helpers Needed Add your name to the roster sheets at Noggin, or for: Grounds Set-up and final tidy-up work Contact Ian McKinlay Ph 349-6951 Display area security Contact Colin Hey Ph 359-8737 Headquarters Contact Katryna Shaw Ph 021 0277 2375 Traffic Management manpower (no experience needed) Contact Kenneth Lowden Ph 3526735 Entry gate helpers (no money handling required) Contact Dave Inwood Ph 327-4156
Bar (Friday and Saturday night) Contact Gill Stevenson Ph 327-5743
Club Captain’s Report Spring has arrived! The days are getting longer and hopefully improving weather as we look forward to another busy motoring season. The Show Weekend Tour to Oamaru has been organised and those of you who are participating need to have booked your accommodation. If not do it URGENTLY as it is Heritage Week in North Otago. Entry Form will be in the October Hub. On the 9th of August Linda and I met up with the 9-90s mob at the Peg Hotel to take part in an enjoyable run organised by Geoff Townshend. Around sixty people came along and although the rain came down we all had lunch in the Oxford Museum. Ray Mehrtens gave a brief history of the Oxford area before we inspected the museum. I think I speak for everyone in congratulating Geoff on a really good day with a friendly bunch of people. I visited the parts shed, on both the Sunday and Wednesday just gone, looking for spares for a 47 Chev. I am pleased to report I found the parts I needed and purchased them at a very reasonable cost. On both days the guys were feverishly working away making money for our club and were very helpful. Congratulations to this team for all the time and effort they put in. Swap Meet Friday is a public day again this year. No vehicles in the display area except for display cars and bikes. One free entry pass per day your vehicle is displayed. (Cheaper than bringing out your modern!) By the time you read this our Daffodil Run will have been - hopefully a huge success. We may even encourage some new members. Cheers for now. Dave Inwood 12
9-90s August 2017
9 - 90s
This month Geoff Townshend organised the outing. In my book it couldn’t have been better. We started from the Belfast Pub and the first stop, a real man’s affair, was at John Sanders. I could have stayed the rest of the day. I would love to own one of his military vehicles. John gave his time freely but we couldn‘t stay as long as I would have liked. Then off to Oxford Museum where a hall was provided for lunch and the best raffle I have ever had. Someone asked me what the raffle was for so I told this lovely woman that my Rolls had a big tank. I didn’t explain any further! The visit to the Museum was so good that I have asked Geoff if he could organise another one next year. So next year in September we are going to Oxford again. Everyone loved it and I for one am looking forward to the return visit. There are some new faces every month. This time we had about 50 cars and over 70 people. Several had never been on a 9-90s outing before so next time please wear your name tags. September 13 Tony Becker is taking us to Ashburton. We leave the Big Salmon at Rakaia sharp at 11am. October 11 Organiser Ken Hands. Meet at Oderings Carpark, Cashmere Road at 10am. November 8 Bruce Parker I don’t know where we’re going as yet. The Team and I are looking forward to seeing you all next time. Regards, J K. The Team for the next year September 2017 – October 2018 2017 September Tony Becker October Ken Hands November Bruce Parker December John Kuipers
2018 February Graeme Sword March Ross Butler April Ray Maginness May Peter Shaskey June Tony Meikle July John Kuipers August Grant Lomax September Geoff Townshend October Tony Becker
Commercial Report The August Commercial Noggin was hosted by Tony Brown with a good turnout, despite a few (including myself) staying home thanks to the flu. It was nice to see some commercials out for the Winter Run with a pleasant drive in the countryside followed by a catch up at The Barn for lunch. Speaking of The Barn, this is the venue for September’s Commercial Noggin on 20th September hosting visitors from Ashburton branch. Partners very welcome to keep our guests company and a plate for supper from those attending would be appreciated. The parts shed will also be open from 6:30pm, much thanks to those involved in making the arrangements, and as usual all welcome regardless of your vehicle interest. Neil Shaskey
Swap Meet We need your club-eligible vehicle for display at the Swap Meet! The vehicle and driver will get free entry, as well as a spot in the display area right beside the Swap Meet!
Do your bit and be part of a display that will offer the wow-factor for the public who attend. Please get your vehicle WOF’d and Registered, and plan to bring it out – we’d love to see you there in (or on) it. It will then also be all set for the motoring season ahead.
Tony Becker Phone 421-2426 15
Motorcycle Report Past Events July 29th – Fish & Chip Run. Awful day, only one turned up on a bike, plus one in a car, so decided to abort run for the month. August 9th – Noggin Night. This was a garage raid, very interesting, predominately Harleys, but a scattering of other makes as well. A very good turn-out to see the dozen or so bikes on display, in spite of the less than ideal weather on the night. Very big thanks to the host and his wife for making all welcome, and especially for the supper provided. August 12th – Round the Bays Run. 16 bikes turned up, left Woolston WMC about 10.30am. Good crowd, some new faces which is great. Great day, good motorcycling. August 26th – Fish & Chip Run. About 16 bikes fronted up for a run past Cutler Park, then to Rolleston and Lincoln’s The Laboratory for a re-group. Over Gebbes Pass to Governor’s Bay Pub for lunch, then via the tunnel to the Woolston Working Men’s Club for the British Bike Show that was in the bowls pavilion. Very good turn-out, again some new faces! August 27th – VCC National Initiative Charity Run, in support of the Cancer Society. How many motorcycles entered?? About 5 did the run, with a further 3 – 4 on display. In addition there were a very large number of motorcyclists who took their families in their club eligible cars…
Future Events September 13th – Motorcycle Noggin. As previously mentioned, this will be a “garage raid” on an extensive collection of motorcycles in Chch’s North West. There is a cost ($15) to get into this show, but, to really butter you up the Motorcycle Committee has decided to put on a supper and a drink for members at the conclusion of the visit. We would like good support for this visit, so please come along. As usual, we will meet at a local watering hole (Avonhead Tavern at 7.00 pm) first where the address will be made available. September 17th – Rough Run & VIC’s. At McLeans Island. 9.30 am onwards, usual format. In addition there are a couple of jobs to prepare the Social Corner for the Swap Meet.
October 6th – 8th – Canterbury Branch Swap Meet. As mentioned last month, motorcycles are required for a display on the old tennis courts. I mentioned you would get a 3 day pass for displaying – BUT – to get the 3 day pass you have to display your bike for ALL 3 days. How it works is this, display your bike on day 1, get a 1 day pass. Bike on display the next day, upgrade your old pass for a new one, and so on. If you can display your bike then please advise the Swap Meet Committee’s display co-ordinator (Tony Meikle, ph 0204 025 3911, email ). For overnight security there may be room in the tunnel barn etc. for overnight storage. Trailers used to bring bikes out will also be accommodated. November 4th – Motorcycle Annual Rally. An advanced warning our Annual Rally is coming up. To whet the appetite, the Committee have something special planned for your enjoyment. This “extra” is unusual, the first time the format will be used, so keep your eye to this column in the future for more information. It does look like we are getting a few “new faces”, and some others who have not been seen for some time on the runs being organised. This is great news, and it does make the work being put in by your committee well worth while. That is about the lot, keep the rubber to the road, Cheers, CML.
CONDOLENCES Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family of Dot Ainsworth
The Winter Run We were looking forward to the Winter Run as the car had not been out of the garage for some time. It was with some trepidation that we awoke during the night to the sound of torrential rain. However, the morning dawned bright and sunny so we left the top down, which made for a pleasant trip to the start which was at Tower Junction. There were approximately thirty-eight cars including seven vintage and two motorbikes. After receiving instructions we left the car park and motored past Princess Margaret Hospital, Halswell Quarry, Tai Tapu, Springston, Rolleston and West Melton passing numerous cyclists on the way which seems to be the norm for a Sunday morning. It was interesting to see how much Rolleston & West Melton have grown with lots of new subdivisions springing up everywhere. As we neared the lunch stop, which was at The Barn, the weather changed and looked really threatening. We just made the lunch stop when the heavens opened and down came the rain but we managed to get the top up without getting drenched. In The Barn we all enjoyed the roaring fire and a nice hot drink and on leaving The Barn the weather had cleared and the remainder of the day was again fine and sunny. Thanks to Dave & Pam Dacombe for organizing the run and Greg Lamb for the roaring fire in The Barn and for having hot drinks ready. Rosemary Falls August 2017 Noggin Display. The August Noggin Display was - Datsun SSS (treble S) Thank you to the following for displaying their vehicles on another chilly night. Tim Eagle - 1977 Datsun 120Y SSS. Jim Fry - 1976 Datsun 180B SSS. John Dwyer - 1973 Datsun 1200 SSS. Future Noggin Displays. September: Mini display. (5 variants). October: Motorcycles & mopeds under restoration. November: One Make Car Club Winner. ( Swap Meet.) 18
IRISHMAN RALLY 3rd-4th June 2017
Above Annette Meikle and Nancy McSaveney
Canterbury Branch Up Coming Events BRANCH AWARDS’ DINNER
SATURDAY 23 SEPTEMBER 2017 Bar opens 6.00 pm. Please be seated for the meal by 6.30 pm
This dinner is held annually to present branch members 25, 35, 50 and 60-year membership awards. Tickets ($54 double) are available from committee members and also at the bar at September's Noggin. Come along and support your fellow members on their special night. Neil Sutton (60-year) and Graham Henley (50-year) are joining Don Johnson and Peter Shaskey (60-year) Des Fowler, Ted Hockley, Ian Lamb, Terry McQuinn, Paul Seaton, Norm Sisson (50-year) to be presented with their special awards.
6 x 25-year and 1 x 35-year awards will also be presented.
ANNUAL VETERAN RALLY SUNDAY OCT 29TH ( includes 2 wheel brake Vintage). Entries will be in the October Hub. We will be starting at Cutler Park again this year for the annual run and two wheel brake vintage welcome . The All British day is on the same date and they also will be starting from Cutler park . We have been invited to join them to finish our rally at the same lunch stop venue at the Kirwee Domain. This will make the day a bit different so make an effort to get your old Veteran or two wheel brake Vintage ready . Cheers Tim Palmer Mob +64 21 338692
Show Weekend Tour We are staying in Oamaru this Show Weekend. Experience a different off main road route to get there with things to see on the way. It is also Oamaru's Branch Swap Meet on the Saturday. Saturday has been organised by George "K" Senior with the assistance of Oamaru member Jim Bowden using his local knowledge of the area for the day’s outing. Saturday night meal will be at the Oamaru Club with a buffet with entertainment. As stated in August Club Captain's report you would need to book accommodation for the 16th and 17th November. More information with entry forms in October's Hub. Any queries phone: Greg Lamb 960 307 or Dave Inwood 327-4156
Swap Meet Update The countdown continues - now only two Noggins to go with the second one being Swap Meet Noggin, so in reality, only a month to go now! Organisation is going well, with most things starting to fall into place, all thanks to the hard-working Committee and other helpers busily doing what they have to do. The rosters for the various duties and tasks over the weekend are filling up well, although we still have a need for more Display Security People, particularly on the first shifts (6.45am to 8.30am on all 3 days), the 2.30pm to 4pm shifts on Friday and Saturday, and from mid-day Sunday. If you can help at these times, please contact me. Dave Inwood could also do with more helpers on the main entry gates to check passes and vehicles as they arrive, so if you can help in that regard please contact him on 03 327 4156. Remember that all volunteers will get a pass into the grounds. We began selling wrist-band passes in advance at the last Noggin - it was good to see people realising the advantage of having them on hand (literally!) so, there would be nothing to do on arrival to Swap Meet except show it was being worn. They will also be available at the September and October Noggins. Camping sites are now more or less organised. If you are camping on a camp site (as opposed to a selling site) and haven't yet been contacted then please get hold of Andrea Dallow immediately on 03 388 2838 or 022 315 0599. Passes and information for campers will be sent out this month. A reminder about parking in the grounds on Friday: There will be no parking in our VCC grounds on Swap Meet Friday except for member’s club-eligible vehicles, one-make car club display Vehicles, site holders, campers, vendors, and disabled persons. Parking in the display areas (main arena and one-make club display areas) will be strictly out of bounds unless you are bringing your club-eligible vehicle in for display purposes, or your vehicle is part of a pre-arranged display which Dave Inwood knows about (contact him on 327-4156 if you have any questions). Continued next page‌...
Drivers of club-eligible vehicles will be admitted to the grounds free of charge and directed to the display area (in other words, bring your club vehicle and get a prime parking position). Everyone else will need to park in the public parking areas in Steam Scene, Custom Car Club, or the Vintage Machinery Club grounds. All site holders should enter the grounds through the Custom Car Club gate from Friday morning onwards. If you cannot accommodate your vehicle/trailer on your site please park it in the designated area next to Steam Scene, or (preferably) in the Custom Car Club grounds. Contact Colin Hey on 03 359 8737, evenings only please after 7.30pm, or leave a message during the day and I’ll call you back.
INSURANCE Vero CIS – telephone 0800 658 411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance, for Canterbury Branch to benefit.
North Canterbury Noggin Fourth Wednesday of the month, Rangiora RSA from 7:30pm
Open Hours Monday to Friday 8.00-5.00 Saturday 8.00-12.00
96 Williams Street, Kaiapoi 7630
NEW MEMBERS Welcome to our branch. We look forward to meeting you at our coming events and activities. Kenneth Cattermole and Josephine Cattermole 1930 Ford A Tudor Anthony Cooper1969 Morris 1800 saloon Anthony (Tony) McDonald and Yvonne (Marie) McDonald 1955 Studebaker Champion Sedan Darren Marchant and Julienne Marchant 1966 Buick Wildcat, 1928 Ford Model A Kerry Miles and Joan Miles 1938 Austin Cambridge. Plus 15 motorcycles Colin Fox and Jenny Fox Brisbane Australia
Hub Editor email:
24 30
Vintage Machinery Club, Keating Park Auction and Boot Sale, full details August Hub. Hororata Swap Meet Drury Theatre Organ Charitable Trust Concert for more info email North Canterbury Classic Rural Run Otago Branch Dunvegan Rally
13-15 29
Nelson Biennial Rally All British Day
Vintage Country Fair and Rally - see August Hub. MG National Rally - see August Hub
16 17
October 2018 March
HORORATA SWAPMEET Saturday 16th September. Hororata Domain Vintage , veteran, classic, motorcycle and car parts tools and machinery , gates open 7am NO BRIC O BRAC OR HOUSEHOLD JUNK phone John for details 03 3180008
North Canterbury Classic Rural Run.
24th September, 2017 Start behind Hurunui District Council car park (next to public toilets) Amberley Report between 9.15am – 10.30am. $10 per vehicle. (Involves some fine gravel roads). Bring picnic lunch. Coffee car at start and finish venues.
Organiser Trevor Stanley-Joblin Email Phone (03) 314 8628
2017 ALL BRITISH DAY The 2017 Canterbury All British Day will be held th on Sunday 29 October. The start point will be our Vintage Car Club grounds at McLeans Island, where vehicles will need to assemble between 9.30 and 10.30 am. Soon after 10.30 all vehicles will depart on a series of easy scenic runs which will take participants to the Kirwee domain. This year the event will also will start and finish at the same venue as the Veteran Rally – a great opportunity to see the veterans in action. A mix of long, medium and long runs will be provided to cater for everyone. The entry fee will be $10.00 per vehicle, with all proceeds once again going to the Van Asch Deaf Education Centre. Bring a picnic lunch, or food will also be available at the finish. The event is open to British vehicles of all ages (veteran to modern) and all types from Mopeds to trucks. IF IT'S BRITISH AND CAN BE MADE ROADWORTHY, PLAN TO BRING IT! Organiser: Colin Hey, Phone 359-8737
FOR SALE Sale Brochure Foldups, 51 Packard, 47 Olds, Harley DA - $15 each Austin 7 (other British Cars?) nuts/bolts - $10.00 Decals, to detail engine bay - $1.00 Tractor/Truck Wheel Attach Lugs - $3.00 Vintage Wiring and Tracers, all Gauges - cheap Hoist - 1/2 ton - endless chain - $45.00 Drivers manuals etc - $15.00 each AC fuel pumps - new in boxes - $10.00 each 1972 International Rally Flyer - $10.00
Contact: Derek
Phone 03 354 9264
Zephette caravan 1982 reg and wof plus electrical certificate 3 way fridge 2 awnings extras include anti sway tow system tidy condition see at site 155 at Swap Meet, mobile 0274067300 first offer over 5k 1963 Vanguard 6. This is a straight, complete car and a good restoration project which turned up via an approach to the Triumph club. The motor runs, brakes work, and all brightwork and fittings are in generally good condition. Interior trim all there. Rear seat good; front seat scruffy.Fewer than 10,000 of the model made. Not registered since 2006. Am looking to recover some of my outlay in securing this vehicle from being lost, otherwise it will be donated to the Club Parts Shed before the Swap Meet. Interest invited around $750. Phone Bill Cockram 03 3126866.
WANTED Disc wheels needed 650 x20" 5 stud fitted with lock rings not sure what vehicle used these wheels are needed for the restoration of a whare call Brent on 03 3254223
OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY 1 pm – 4.30 pm THIRD & FOURTH SUNDAY 9 am – 12 noon Open first Thursday of the month on Noggin Night from 7.00pm.
Daffodil Rally Report After a couple of months of intensive planning, the Daffodil Rally finally happened on Sunday 27th August. Being a VCC national-led initiative, it was one of about 20 such rallies organised by branches around the country as a fundraising event for the Cancer Society. Having come up with some ‘bright’ ideas on how our branch could run it and hopefully raise a good sum for the Cancer Society, whilst at the same time promote the VCC, I put up my hand to coordinate the event - it proved quite a challenge with only 3 months’ notice. I put together an event plan to keep things on track, and I think this was circulated to other branches, as many followed a similar format. The plan was to invite as many motoring-related clubs as I could get email addresses for (easy, as I keep a good data-base up-to-date for Swap Meet). This included all of the one-make clubs, hot-rod and custom clubs, and even the Trike club. They all turned up, and in the end we had around 400 vehicles turn up – fantastic! Everything from rat-rods and hot -rods, big American classics, brand-new muscle cars, micro-cars, a great show of classics, vintage and veterans, and even a few motorcycles and tractors. Such a great selection for any car enthusiast to admire. They all began rolling in the gates at Cutler Park from 9am, despite the reporting times being 10am to 10.30. Good job they did, as we had to work really hard to get them parked so we didn’t end up with a long queue on McLeans Island Road! Everyone was given a programme for the day as they arrived, together with an entry form to fill in and take into our clubrooms. The queue to register at one point stretched out into the car park, but was quickly and efficiently dealt with by the crew inside. Once registered, people had the option of choosing instruction sheets for one of 8 run destinations – 3 different car museums (Ray Drury’s collection in Halswell, John Stewart’s in Harewood, or the Yaldhurst Transport Museum); Mike Pero’s motorcycle gallery; Darfield (the Selwyn Art Gallery); the Christchurch Botanic Gardens; a short run which also visited the Nut Point Gallery in West Melton; or a long touring run that crossed to the other side of the Waimak and went to Oxford, through the gorge, and returned on Old West Coast Road (this proved one of the most popular). All of the runs finished back at Cutler Park, with most of the routes crossing each other in places. Everyone also had the option of purchasing a Devonshire Tea in the clubrooms, and all 250 of them sold! 34
The format worked well, with the grounds all but emptying out by 11.15, with cars then returning again after about 12.00pm, where the Avonhead Rotary had a BBQ in full swing to feed everyone (their proceeds also went to the Cancer Society). By now the weather was absolutely perfect – sunny, about 20oC, with no wind – it couldn’t have been better! At 2.30pm a prize-giving was held, with a few small trophies and prizes given out and all helpers and participants thanked by both our own committee, and by Kate Reid, the Canterbury/West Coast Chairperson for the Cancer Society (who participated with her husband in her MG TC). Everyone genuinely seemed to have enjoyed the day, with no complaints, and a few good suggestions received on how we could do even better next year, as it now seems it will be an annual event. And for me, the best part was seeing our clubrooms absolutely full of happy people, and our grounds full of all sorts of wonderful vehicles just what our past and present members had in mind as they spent (and spend) countless hours developing and maintaining our fantastic facilities. We need to be proud of what we have – many people on the run had never been inside our clubrooms, and were genuinely impressed. A special thanks to Ray Drury and John Stewart, and to all of the many helpers on the day – it couldn’t have been done without you. To Mag & Turbo in Fitzgerald Ave, and to Goughs, who donated some of the trophies and prizes. And thanks too to all of our members who turned out and showed your support for such a worthy cause. I need to make a special mention too of Ian Scott, owner of the Lyttleton Bakery. Graham Sword was going to make the 250 scones for our Devonshire teas, however he unfortunately ended up in hospital in the week leading up to the rally, and very reluctantly had to withdraw his offer of help 5 days beforehand. Ian is a fellow member of the Wolseley Car Club, and I called him on the Tuesday in a bit of a panic to see if he could help. “Leave it to me” he said, and I collected 250 freshly baked scones on the Saturday afternoon. There was no charge! If you’re ever in Lyttelton, call in, buy some great baking, and say thanks! We still have to finalise the proceeds, but at this stage it looks to be well over $4,500 for the Cancer Society, and a number of new members for us! A great outcome! Colin Hey PS: to see the wonderful photos taken by Brendon Eason – go to: 35
NIGHT TRIAL AND DINNER On the wet and cold evening of Sunday 20th August we met for the Annual Night Trail and Dinner. Despite poor weather we had a great turn-out of twenty-four vehicles and fifty-six participants. We started at Avonhead Tavern and everyone was eager to get going so with a rally sheet and playing card in hand we set off. We followed country roads to find our first checkpoint in a quiet cul-de-sac on the outskirts of Templeton. Here we collected another playing card and continued on the next leg. Onto State Highway I briefly passed the twinkling trees in front of the Cookie Time Factory and we headed in towards Prebbleton. The weather didn't let up but thankfully there was no flooding on the roads. I'm sure everyone who had a heater in their car was using it. Our second checkpoint was at Ladbrooks School where again we collected a playing card. Luckily for us we'd received a great set of cards but we were still unaware of how they'd be used. A short trip to our final stop at Craythorne's Hotel in Halswell. Here we got our last playing card and all sat down to a hot meal to warm us up. Dessert followed along with great conversation and catch ups. After tea we had prize-giving which was started by Tony Craythorne who gave an interesting history of the Craythorne family and how the Craythorne hotel began. The prizes were awarded to Ian and Lyn Wearing in first place with second equal to Roy and Shirley Grainger and Graeme and Julie Sword and fourth to Tony Skevington. The spot prize winner was the Eason family. Congratulations! Many thanks to Tony and Leigh Craythorne for organising a successful run. A special mention must go to all the hardy helpers who braved the weather to man the checkpoints. Overall a very enjoyable evening was had by all. Ian and Lyn Wearing.
MARINE PLYWOOD * 18mm BS 1088 -$165.00. 1220x2440mm. * Second grade - 12mm $65.00, 18mm $85.00, 25mm $112.00 all 1200x2400mm. * High Pressure Laminate -12mm $80.00, 18mm $90.00. all 1220x2440mm. * Anti Slip -18mm $100.00 1220x2440mm. * Bending Ply - 4mm $80.00. 1220x2440mm Phone Paul 027 277 8049
Canterbury Branch Web Site
Copy for the October Hub closes on Friday 22 September , 2017 Contact "The Editor", Daniella Judge By phone 3253011 or preferably email The views expressed in the 'Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club.
BARN HIRE The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255
Canterbury Branch Web Site Email: Postal address: PO Box 11-082, Sockburn, Christchurch Our bank for direct credit payments is Westpac Barrington Mall
A/C 03 1594 0096832 00
Please enter your name and event entered or other details of deposit.
September 2017