Gore VCC November 2017

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THE WIPER The Newsletter of the Gore Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ (Inc.)

November 2017 MEETINGS: SECOND TUESDAY of the month

at the Clubrooms, Waimea Street, Gore

Next meeting: 14th November Branch telephone number: 03 208 7424

2017-2018 Committee and Officers Branch Patrons Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer Club Captain Assistant Club Captains

Neil McVicar, Ray Tressler Murray Proctor Greg Elder Katy Parish Tim Walsh John Tremaine Ken Buchanan Jim McFadzien Charlie Davis Greg Elder Bill Sheddan Keith Nunn Branch Recorder (Wiper Editor) David North Assistant Branch Recorder Position not filled at present House Convenor Des Brewster Assistant House Convenor P Corcoran Beaded Wheels Reporter Fay Graves Festival Rally Organiser Keith Dodds Assistant Rally Organiser Denis Knight Bar Manager Chris Scoles Assistant Starr McDougall Social Committee David McDowell, John Parish, Beb Kennedy Maintenance Supervisor Keith Nunn Maintenance Assistants Bill Ainge, Barry Clearwater, Alex McLennan, Keith Dodds Swapmeet & Parts P Corcoran Swapmeet & Parts Assistants Barry Clearwater, Bryan Neilson Evan Henderson Hill Climb Evan Henderson Hill Climb Assistant Alex McLennan Sheriff Denis Knight Librarian Stewart Quertier Raffles Gerry Kennedy National Delegate David North Health & Safety Officer Des Brewster Privacy Officer Katy Parish Museum & HPP David McDowell Tuesday Ramble Co-ordinator Fay Graves Vehicle Identity Card signatories John Tremaine, John Parish, Evan Henderson, Denis Knight

(03) 208 4768 (03) 202 5710 (03) 208 5505 (03) 208 3531 (03) 208 9670 (03) 208 6901 (03) 208 0121 (03) 204 8848 (03) 202 5710 (03) 208 1237 (03) 208 5403 021 172 3281 (03) 208 1960 (03) 208 6862 (03) 208 1093 (03) 208 6038 (03) 208 5404 (03) 208 0052 (03) 208 5450

(03) 208 5403

(03) 208 6862

(03) 208 6479 (03) 202 5868 (03) 208 5404 (03) 208 7932 (03) 208 5806 021 172 3281 (03) 208 1960 (03) 208 5505 (03) 208 6791 (03) 208 1093

Front cover picture: The Bewleys looking pleased to give a daffodil donation on the September Tuesday Ramble. (Photo by the Editor)



Chairman’s Report November 2017 Two meetings ago a question was asked, “Were we covered insurance-wise if a member of the public hurt themselves while on our playground equipment?” Our own insurance policy had nothing regarding this as far as we could tell and we were unsure if the Club’s liability insurance would cover us, as this may not happen as part of a sanctioned activity. Our local Council suggested that we place a gate or chain across the entrance from the street and signage at the bridge advising the public that they were entering private property. They suggested that by doing this, at least we would be seen to have been proactive and taking steps to warn the public. Would this be enough to negate any liability? I don’t know. Katy asked our Head Office if they could clarify the situation. They replied that the Club’s insurance office suggested that the chain / gate should be sufficient, although there hasn’t been a test case to date, so it’s only their opinion. They also thought that if there were injuries ACC should cover them. We are going to put up the chain and also carry out regular safety inspections of our equipment. Years ago this question would not have arisen. If somebody was playing on our swings and slide and they hurt themselves, they would have picked themselves up, dusted off, and put it down to experience and generally that would be the end of it. Today we are now made responsible for the actions of people, not members, who are using our equipment without our permission. It just doesn’t seem right to me. But that's just my opinion. Anyone who hears or knows of the death of a fellow club member from our Branch, please give me a call and let me know. Over the past 24 months there have been some that I’ve not known about and almost didn’t get their names onto the memorial board. I’d rather have several calls than none at all. Murray 4

From the Editor’s keyboard First of all, an apology to Fay Graves for the Editorial slip-up that resulted in the wrong date for the October Tuesday Ramble in the last issue of The Wiper. I will pay my fine, and reimburse Fay for hers, at the next meeting  A big “Thank you” to those who heeded my pleas for material. This month we have Bill Sheddan’s account of his recent trip and Gerry Kennedy has (finally!) put pen to paper about his Ford V8 – and now he is selling it! By way of a complete change, Denis Knight and Janet Brewster have sent in pictures of some beautiful flowers, and the story behind them. PLEASE NOTE THE DIGGERS RUN HAS BEEN POSTPONED, more details at the November meeting. David North

Spotted! On page 11 of the October issue of Rumour, the Southland branch’s newsletter: Greg Elder is pictured receiving the winner’s trophy for the Vintage/Post Vintage Rally held on the 14th October. He also won the Vintage Section Field Tests. He was driving his 1925 Star Roadster, which was on display at the Riverton Car Show along with the other Rally entrants. Jean Kirby pictured in the online version of The Ensign, publicising the 13th annual fundraising day at tulip grower Triflor in Seaward Downs Rd. Edendale. http://www.theensign.co.nz/community/tulip-daypreparations-almost-complete/ The Editor 5


Post Tortoises While stitching a cut on the hand of a 75 year-old farmer, whose hand was caught in the squeeze gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to politicians and their role as our leaders. The old farmer said, "Well, as I see it, most politicians are 'Post Tortoises'.'' Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post tortoise' was. The old farmer said, "When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a tortoise balanced on top, that’s a post tortoise." The old farmer saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued to explain: "You know he didn't get up there by himself. He doesn't belong up there. He doesn't know what to do while he's up there. He's elevated beyond his ability to function. And you just wonder what kind of dumb arse put him up there to begin with." Best explanation of a politician I've ever heard. Des Brewster



New Member A very warm welcome to new member Trevor Young, of Edendale. Trevor owns a 1928 Ford Model A Roadster Ute and we look forward to seeing him and his vehicle at our upcoming events. The Editor 9

Opening Run 2017 September 24th and away we went on Gore’s Opening Run. It was windy in places but a pleasant drive for the baker’s dozen of vehicles which left our Clubrooms after a brief quiz session. This was won by the Rover team of Athol and Margaret Martyn with a 100% pass.

Getting ready for the “off”

This run was originally meant to be the closing run for the 2015 year but snow put paid to that and also logging trucks had hammered the road. On a checking run recently I was pleased to find trucks gravelling the roads and the run drivers thought the road was good.

1929 Austin 12/4 and 1942 Chevrolet truck


The route from Gore went through Kaiwera on to the Mataura - Clinton road and a right turn onto Dodds Road took us to Mokoreta, our destination. This road takes you through a lot of land that people don’t know about, through good farming areas that were late getting roads put through. Some properties are large, over 1,000 acres. The Wyndham Station nearer the south end has quite a steep climb (Beggs Hill) which for years was known for trucks getting stuck until the county put seal on it. Over the summit the country opens out to the Mokoreta district which lies to the north of the hills known as the Forest Range. We continued on to the Mokoreta Hall through well-developed productive farms. A good spread of vehicles came on the run, from an Austin 12/4 and a Ford Model A, (can you believe a 1972 Trekka?), right up to a 1986 Toyota Corolla. Being the first day of daylight saving gave us a long afternoon so we sat and yarned for a long time.

1960s, 70s and 80s cars (Photos by the Editor)

Time for a yarn, and a snooze?! (Photos by Betty Clearwater)

Jim McFadzien 11

Tuesday Ramble 26th September 2017

Lunch at the Top Nosh café in Tapanui, John Hughes telling us the history of the family business, Blue Mountain Nurseries.

Blue Mountain Nurseries: Dennis Hughes, a “behind the scenes” tour and explanation of some of the finer points of commercial plant propagation.


The old Girls’ Finishing School on the nursery site

John Hughes’ daffodil paddock Many thanks to John Hughes for organising the day and to his brother, Dennis, for giving so generously of his time. No report was supplied, so you will have to make do with my photos! The Editor 13

What’s in Your Shed? 1935 Ford V8 Sedan by Gerry Kennedy In 1989 my boss returned from South Africa after touring with the Cavalier rugby team (All Blacks) and I must have done a great job of running the shop (!!?) as I received a very generous bonus. After a discussion with “You know who”(!) we decided to look for a car to rally. Fortunately Neil McVicar was thinking of selling a 1935 Ford V8 Sedan, so, a phone call, a visit, a few scotches and we were the proud owners of this car.

Neil had had the car in Alexandra and new upholstery and carpets fitted but the paint was just a tad worn. So with the help of a few mates we sanded and removed the front and rear guards ready for painting. I spent an hour or two at work mixing four litres of paint to a colour I liked then rang Paul Herron to see what he thought. I got the OK from Paul but was told we would need another four litres. Not easy when you’ve added a 14

bit of this and a bit of that, but it turned out OK. We even got the car painted and re-assembled for Andrea’s wedding (my eldest daughter)! Over the years we have had many great rallies in Central Otago, Clutha, Invercargill, Gore, etc. We have also done the Easter Rally, taking in North Otago, Timaru, Ashburton, Otago and Gore. The car had been pretty reliable over the years, apart from a water pump packing a sad in Oamaru and arriving home on Jeff’s Haulage. So Murray had to take the grille and radiator out to get to the two water pumps. These were sent away and reconditioned. I thought I would have the radiator cleaned only to find it had more holes than good bits, so a new radiator was made ex Muirs. So, over the years the old girl hasn’t caused too many problems. We have just had a new set of white-wall tyres in the last year and personalised plates which my son-in-law ordered while we were having a couple one night! So, thanks Neil, we have enjoyed owning and rallying the ’35 but now we are offering somebody else the chance to own this car as it is up for sale. (See “For Sale” advertisement in this issue. Ed.) Gerry Kennedy (03) 208 5806 or 027 233 4634

Sunday Morning Service It was that time, during the Sunday Morning Service, for the Children’s Sermon. All the children were invited to come forward. One little girl was wearing a particularly pretty dress and, as she sat down, the Minister leaned over and said, “That is a very pretty dress. Is it your Easter dress?” The little girl replied, directly into the Minister’s clip-on microphone, “Yes, and my Mummy says it’s a bitch to iron!” Gerry Kennedy 15

Technical Query A member has asked:

How Do I Do This? The radiator grille on my project consists of a series of parallel and horizontal “C” sections of very light metal about 10mm apart. They were originally chromed on the forward-facing outside of the “C” strips but are now 60% rusty, 30% bubbling with rust underneath and 10% OK. I cannot remove the chrome with the rust underneath with a wire brush or emery cloth and am very reluctant to try the angle grinder as the metal is very thin. Please send any ideas or suggestions to the Editor. All answers received will be published in The Wiper. If any of you have any other questions you need help with, please feel free to send those for publication as well. If I get enough this could become a regular feature. The Editor

Low Bridge Ahead A truck driver was driving along on the freeway. A sign comes up that reads "low bridge ahead." Before he knows it the bridge is right ahead of him and he gets stuck under the bridge. Cars are backed up for miles. Finally, a police car comes up. The cop gets out of his car and walks around to the truck driver, puts his hands on his hips and says, "Got stuck, huh?" The truck driver says, "No, I was delivering this bridge and ran out of gas." Gerry Kennedy 16


















Tuesday Ramble 28th November 11.00am: assemble at Gore VCC clubrooms 11.30am: depart for visit to fellow club members Chris & Gaynor Miller’s Hosta garden at Glencoe 12-12.30pm: bring your own picnic lunch, water, chairs etc. and enjoy lunch in the garden 12.30pm onwards: time to wander around the garden (Gaynor says the Rhodis may be past their best but the Hostas will be in their glory) Please advise Gerry Kennedy by 23rd November Phone: (03) 208 5806 Cellphone: 027 233 4634


Gore Branch events for the 2017-18 Season Event


People Responsible

2017 Josephville Hill Climb

26th November

Evan Henderson

Diggers Run


Ken Buchanan

2018 Festival Rally

24th February

Keith Dodds, Denis Knight

Clearwater Capers

4th March

Charlie Davis


Greg Elder


Frank Robson Run 11 March Swap Meet

18 March

Paul Corcoran

Ladies Run

8th April

Fay Graves

Night Trial

12th May

Des Brewster

End of Season Run 9th June Tuesday Ramble

Jim McFadzien

Normally the last Tuesday of the month. (Variable in December)

Co-ordinated by Fay Graves

Editor's note to event organisers: if you want to see a report in The Wiper please provide one yourselves or organise somebody to do it for you. (N.B. This usually works best if you ask them before the event!) What did the duck say to the salesperson at the cosmetics counter when purchasing lipstick? Put that on my Bill please. Des Brewster 20

Other Events 2017 17 – 19 November

Mataura Scouts Motoring Mad Car Show. Enquiries phone Tony 027 211 3078 or email mataurascouts@gmail.com

18th November

North Otago Branch Swap Meet at Oamaru. Enquiries to 027 700 182 or northotago@vcc.org.nz

3rd December

Moped Rally, Otago Branch



2018 20th January

Cromwell Classic Car Show and VCC Swapmeet Central Otago branch

27th January

Dunedin-Brighton Run, Otago branch



27 & 28 January

31st Annual Edendale Crank Up. Featuring: Chrysler, a Century of Fordson & also John Deere

16th – 18th February

Evolution Motorsport Classic Speedfest, Teretonga Park, Invercargill

17th February

Nelson Branch Swap Meet. Enquiries: (03) 548 3899; 027 454 8188

17th March

Scenicland Rally, Greymouth


30 March to 1st April

2018 South Island Easter Rally, Southland Branch Contact Glenys McKenzie, Rally Director Mobile: 021 388 649 or see website

21st April

Golden Times Rally, Arrowtown. Organised by the Central Otago branch

22nd September

Blossom Festival Rally, Alexandra. Organised by the Central Otago branch

2021 19th – 28th January Vero International Festival of Historic Motoring New Plymouth 2021


What We Did On Our Holidays 2017 Auzzie. Wander by Bill and Dawn Sheddan It was mid-winter and cold and we needed a warm up so I popped into the travel agency and gave her the dates 29th August till 29th September (no other reason for these dates except easy to remember) and a rental car please. I won’t bore you with the details except we had a week in Sydney then collected the rental and over the next three weeks drove to Bundaberg north of Brisbane. I thought I would share some of the random thoughts and experiences with you.

The view from the Sydney hotel

Dawn and some friends

Travel Agents – Never believe them when they say there is no school holidays between the given dates. There was in Australia which caused a shortage of motel and holiday park cabin rental availability and the costs alter considerably, up of course.


Rental car companies - When selecting a rental car and you ask not to have anything with CVT (that crappy never changing gear box) don’t believe them when they say they will give you something with a standard auto! Yes we got a CVT wrapped up in a Nissan Pulsar. They are so different to drive, rev up and get nowhere then you take your foot off to slow down and it keeps going so you are either on the throttle or on the brake. At 110kph and 5 lanes wide it is very tiring. When checking the car at the rental company always check the tyres. We got two day’s drive north of Sydney and Dawn said “There is not much tread on the rear tyres.” She was right, in fact there was absolutely no tread, bald as the editor’s head (Thank you! Ed.) so the rental company, with a z in the name who will remain nameless, arranged another set of wheels at the next town. This time a Kia Sorento 3L. Comfortable, powerful, 6-speed auto and so quiet you could go to sleep driving it! Australian drivers and roads – Over there they are much more aware of speed and fellow drivers. Changing lanes, they let you in. Over here, try to change a lane they close up the gap. Speed limits are always changing on the highways with new roading, bridge and flyover construction on a massive scale. There are speed cameras and cops everywhere and the driver behaviour is very good. If not then you are walking. The condition of the roads on anything other than the main highway is bad with a rough uneven surface, patches on patches and with the edges crumbling away. The main highways are getting the money and there is nothing left for the rural roads. (Sounds familiar?! Ed.) Resort towns – All the way up the coast there are holiday towns both large and small and after visiting and staying at quite a few I found that they fell into two categories. If there was a surf the place would be crowded with kids, youngies, skinny, pretty, vibrant. The beach would be lined with cheap vans, boards on top and towels hanging out the windows. These surf wagons doubled up as transport, accommodation, kitchen and bathroom, no doubt all paid for by the tax payer. Do I sound a little envious? Na – yea right.


In other towns without a surf you would find mature folk pushing their Zimmer frames to and from the bowling club. The camping grounds lined up with the odd motor home but mostly caravans and large RVs and groups of retirees gathered round for their happy hour. Yamba was the most picturesque and relaxing and my pick of towns to return to south of Brisbane. Food and eating out – Is a lot different over the ditch. The cost of eating out is much cheaper especially in the pubs and clubs. I can’t comment on top notch dining because we didn’t but on average two can eat over there at the clubs for the cost of one here. The best cost-effective dining we experienced was at a suburban RSL club in Brisbane where all you could eat cost $15.00. The selection was enormous, buffet-style and included desserts. I had several goes at the king prawns and waddled out a couple of hours later. Supermarket foods were very similar on average with fish and fruit being quite a bit cheaper. When you take into consideration there is no GST on food in Australia, there was not a lot of difference between here and there when I would have expected a noticeable difference. Vehicles – Trucks everywhere. Big and fast. There was a bad crash on the motorway at 1am when two trucks were stopped for the night crew on the road works. The third truck run up the back of the stationary truck at 110kph. The cab was totally destroyed along with the driver and at 10am the next morning when they were still cleaning up the wrecks it took us two hours of creeping along to get up to the wreck and for 15km after we passed the oncoming traffic was still backed up. The cars everywhere were all late-model and you hardly saw anything over ten years old. I went to a swap meet and car show at Beaudesert just out of Brisbane. It was about the size of the Christchurch swap meet but about half of the stuff on display was household junk and most of the other half workshop junk.


’34 Ford V8

No cars for sale but the cars on display were 99% Holden or Ford with the odd yank tank and a couple of Morries and a VW. There was though a ’34 Ford V8 on a trailer that looked completely standard until I spied a set of disc brakes on the front and an OHV valve cover through the bonnet louvre. I didn’t know if it was for sale or display as I couldn’t find the owner and in hindsight, probably just as well.

Ford V8 disc brake

Patio heater seen at the swap meet

Weather – cooler in Sydney the week we were there but once we headed up the coast it was shorts, shirts and sandals all the way. Mid to high 20s on average and we never saw rain for the four weeks we were away. They have had a very mild winter which has allowed the undergrowth to grow more than usual. It has been four months since most of the East 25

Coast has had rain and there is lots of talk of the worst coming fire season ever. We stayed with several groups of friends and they were always looking out for the change in the wind and if there is a whiff of smoke then it was outside quick to check it out. Must be very stressful to live in fear like that because everywhere you look outside the towns there is bush ready to burn. Airports – Ah airports, hate them but it is getting easier to travel by air. Just slip in the passport into the machine, smile at the camera and you are on your way. Well that’s the way it should be but there is always a holdup somewhere. Return visit – We will see but we aren’t as young as we used to be. One noticeable trait is when driving I like to keep a good distance between me and the car in front but that can be risky because then there is a gap big enough for a car or truck to slip into. When that happens all the time it feels like you are going backwards! Home – No place like home and that green, green grass! Cheers – Bill and Dawn Sheddan

Online bonuses this month Suggested by Jim McFadzien – quite a car!: http://www.car-revs-daily.com/2013/11/05/iconic-classic-1938dubonnet-hispano-suiza-h6c-xenia/ A new Jim Clark museum in Scotland: http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/jim-clark-museum/

A bit of fun: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/07/google-eastereggs_n_1080217.html



Gore VCC Supper Roster 2017 November December January February March April May June July


Beb Kennedy Denis Knight Fay Graves Russell Newland Ken Buchanan Des Brewster Gerry Kennedy

We need to cater for about 30-40 members each night. The cuppa and serving of the supper is to be arranged within the social committee. If necessary, small items can be bought at Gore New World and charged to the Gore VCC account.

August September October

Change the Baby After 10 years the wife starts to think their kid looks kind of strange so she decides to do a DNA test. She finds out that the kid is actually from completely different parents... Wife: “Honey, I have something very serious to tell you.” Husband: “What’s up?” Wife: “According to the DNA test results this is not our kid!” Husband: “Well, don't you remember?? When we were leaving the hospital, we noticed that our baby had pooped. You said, "Please go and change the baby. I'll wait here for you. So I went inside, left the dirty one there and got a clean one.” Moral: Never give a man a job that doesn't belong to him. Roy Buchanan 28

Reminders Non-commercial FOR SALE and WANTED advertisements are free to Club members. Each advertisement will be published in 3 consecutive issues of The Wiper. Please contact the Editor. The vinyl “VCC Wings” badges (as featured on the front cover) are still available from the Treasurer, cost $2 each. VCC name badges If you haven't got one, they are available from Van De Water Jewellers at a discounted cost of $18. The badges are black with white lettering and bear your name and Gore VCC. NB. Not wearing one at a meeting is likely to attract the Sheriff’s attention and result in a fine! The Wiper is also available by email. It arrives earlier than the postal or hand-delivered ones, the pictures are in colour and there are (working) hyperlinks. There are two versions, a pdf file and an online one. Let me know if you would like to try this out. The Editor



Heart Murmur Morris, a man of “advanced” years, went to his doctor for a routine physical check-over. A few days later the doctor saw him in the street with a gorgeous young woman on his arm. A couple of days later the doctor spoke to Morris, “You’re doing great aren’t you?” Morris replied, “Yes Doc, I’m just doing what you said - get a hot Mamma and be cheerful.” “No, No, No!” said the Doc, “What I said was – you’ve got a heart murmur, be careful!” Gerry Kennedy 31

Back seat antics The pretty young girl raised no objection as her new boyfriend stopped his car in a secluded lay-by, but said, “No” when he suggested that she move onto the back seat. Some twenty minutes later, after some passionate kissing, he again asked her to move into the back, but again she refused. The result was the same when he asked after another kissing session in which she was a most willing partner. “Why on earth not?” he demanded. “Because I want to stay in the front with you”, she replied. Gerry Kennedy 32

Newsletters from other branches Many Branch Newsletters are now posted on the VCC Website: vcc.org.nz/news-from-our-branches A few branches are still sending us printed copies and these are displayed on the stand in the Library for three months. Others are received as pdf files by email and can be forwarded to you on request: Auckland, Banks Peninsula, Canterbury, Eastern Bay of Plenty, Far North, Hawke’s Bay, Nelson, Northland, North Otago, Otago, Rotorua, South Canterbury, Southland, South Otago, Taranaki, Wellington and Wellsford-Warkworth. If you would like a copy, please contact the Editor or the Secretary.

Links to other branch newsletters and websites Southland branch website, includes their newsletter (Rumour): http://www.sporty.co.nz/southlandvintagecar Auckland branch website, includes their newsletter (The Bulletin): http://www.avvcc.org.nz Bay of Plenty branch website, includes their newsletter (Klaxon): www.bayofplentyvintagecarclub.com Hawke’s Bay branch website, includes their newsletter (The Mag): http://www.hbvcc.org.nz/ Rotorua branch website, includes their newsletter (Side Curtains): http://www.rvvcc.org.nz/ South Canterbury branch website: http://www.southcanterburyvintagecarclub.co.nz Wairarapa branch website: http://www.sporty.co.nz/wairarapavcc A look at Australia: http://www.gawlercarclub.com/ 33

Thank You (1) Many thanks to Abernethy Contracting for the great job done excavating in the creek area, organised by Paul Corcoran.

Festival Rally - Haaken Bulbs Hi all,

Just a couple of photos of tulips that have flowered recently. (These are some of the tulip bulbs that all Festival Rally entrants received this year.) These tulips flowering will be a yearly reminder for members that it won’t be long before next year’s Festival Rally entry forms will be out. The organisers are hard at work organising the runs and sorting out the final details so watch this space! Denis Knight


Thank you (2) What a pleasure it has been for me to anticipate the blooming of these beautiful tulips given to those who attended the run that ended with the field trials and lunch at Haaken Bulbs shed at Edendale. Des helped with the field trials and came home with a huge bag of bulbs, I gave some to a friend and planted the rest in my largest terracotta pot. This was an idea that I'd seen in gardening books and here was the ideal time to try a mass planting of one colour in such a way. I must say that I’m not disappointed in the effect and I am now converted to mass plantings of single colours. The impact is enhanced ten-fold by the bright lime green of the Euphorbia wolfenii behind and the white gravel below the pot. I am imagining tulips in my garden in a whole new way now, brightly coloured ceramic pots abundantly planted with complementary coloured elegant tulips, splashing colour with joyful abandonment. The gift of the bulbs has given Des and me much pleasure and I thank Haaken Bulbs for their generosity. Cheers, Janet Brewster (This almost became an “Online Bonus� since only those of you seeing this online or as a pdf file will be getting the full effect! The Editor) 35

COOKERY CORNER Pumpkin Spice Cake Ingredients 125g butter 1½ cups sugar 2 eggs 1 cup cooked mashed pumpkin ⅔ cup sour milk 1¾ cup flour 2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp salt 2 tsp cinnamon ½ tsp nutmeg ½ tsp ginger Method Beat butter and sugar until fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, beating well Combine pumpkin and milk (to sour milk heat until lukewarm then add ⅔ tbsp lemon juice and leave for 3-5 minutes) Sift dry ingredients together and add alternatively with pumpkin mixture into the butter and sugar mix Bake in a lined and greased 22cm cake tin @ 180 Celsius for 35-45 minutes Ice with either Cream cheese icing: beat 125g softened cream cheese, 50g butter, 250g icing sugar and zest and juice of ½ lemon (or orange) together until smooth or Vanilla icing: beat 125g butter, 1½ cups icing sugar, 1-2 tsp vanilla essence, water together until smooth – and sprinkle with pumpkin seeds if you like them Katy Parish 36

ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE 1967 Singer Vogue. English-assembled, 3 Southland owners. All original seats and carpets. Probably the only one in NZ with overdrive. Present engine 1840cc with custom extractors. Has been a great club car, runs as P60V0400. $5,000 FIRM. Phone Jim McFadzien, (03) 208 0121 3/3

FOR SALE 1935 Ford V8 See story in this issue. Enquiries and offers to: Gerry Kennedy Phone: (03) 208 5806 or Cellphone: 027 233 4634

THANK YOU Thanks to Jim McFadzien and Terry (?) from Invercargill, I now have centre caps and two solenoids. Alas, the secondhand solenoids are no better than the one on the car ď Œ. It seems I will need to find a NOS washer solenoid for my 1986 Toyota Corolla 1.6GL Liftback. David North. Phone 02117 23281 or email northd14@gmail.com 1/3



Hand-piece filler nozzle To suit a 70s-style petrol bowser Phone Denis Knight: (03) 208 5404 or cellphone 027 351 3190 3/3



Run reports, articles of interest, photos, technical tips, letters and feedback are always welcome. Please send all contributions to David North

before the 21st of each month for inclusion in the next Wiper If you don't have a computer I can type up a hand-written article or put your notes or jottings into shape for The Wiper. If you prefer I can even take notes as you talk to me and write up the story for you - I am always ready to help so just let me know how! e-mail: northd14@gmail.com physical mail: 4 Trotter Street, Riverton 9822 telephone (mobile) 0211723281 Remember that insuring your vehicle(s), boat(s), house(s), contents or travel with Vero Insurance and quoting the branch number (300135) results in the branch receiving a commission payment Please support our advertisers so that they, in turn, can continue to support the Branch The opinions and statements in The Wiper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy or views of the Gore branch or of the VCC. The branch accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any statements. The Wiper is printed by i-Cue 10 Wood Street, Invercargill. Telephone (03) 218 3350 39




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