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1 The RadiatorCap October2022Newsletter


Chairperson Anne Richardson 09 425 6298 / 021 277 9010

Secretary Jim Flewi 09 601 6165 flewi

Treasurer Dave Oliver 027 443 8046

Club Captain Leon Salt 09 423 8122 / 027 423 8122

Rep to ExCo Anne Richardson 09 425 6298 / 021 277 9010

Hospitality Anne & Dennis Anne: 021 214 2267

Convenors McDonald Dennis: 021 265 2466

Mid week Neil & Lucy Wednesdays Cremer 09 425 4955 neilm

Property George Lloyd 09 425 7622

Supervisors Doug Hamilton 09 425 6139

Health & Safety Brian Payne 09 425 9262

Vehicle ID James Lawrie 09 425 9928 gloria james Nigel Hawkes 09 423 8944 najhawkes@gmail,com

Motorcycle Rep Dave Oliver 027 443 8046

Librarian Jeane e Lloyd 09 425 7622

Editor/Reporter Chris Harvey 09 422 2662 / 022 365 0171

Badges Dave Oliver 027 443 8046

Addi onal Brendda Salt 09 423 8122

Members Steve Paddison 09 422 6250 Len Miller 021 140 3463

Branch address PO Box 547, Warkworth 0941

Bank a/c BNZ 02 0480 0047413 000

Visit our website at

VERO agency No. 0300159 www.vcc


The deadline for contribu ons to the Newsle er is the 23rd of the month.

The views expressed in this newsle er are not necessarily the views of the Branch.

free phone 0800 658 411

Wed 5 Oct 12:00 Mid-week picnic at Brick Bay

Thu 13 Oct 17:30 Club Night: BYO BBQ with salad to share

Sat 15 Oct 08:30 Meet at Wellsford Community Centre for run to Matakohe Kauri Museum’s 60th Anniversary and opening of kauri Research Centre

Wed 19 Oct 10:00 Cleaning & Coffee

Thu 20 Oct 15:00 Club Commi ee mee ng

Wed 2 Nov 12:00 Mid week picnic at Algie’s Bay on the lawn by the yacht club

Thu 10 Nov 17:30 Club night BYO BBQ and salad to share

12 14 Nov Far North Tour run by Northland Branch

Wed 16 Nov 10:00 Cleaning & Coffee

Thu 17 Nov Club Commi ee mee ng

Wed 7 Dec 12:00 Midweek picnic at the northern end of Snell’s Beach

Sun 11 Dec Christmas lunch at the Clubroom TBC

24 26 Feb Na onal Veteran Rally run by Auckland branch at Tuakau.

Sat 25 Feb 07:00 Annual Swapmeet

Branch ac vi es and Covid 19

Now that Covid restric ons have been li ed mask wearing is no longer required but we con nue to be vigilant with hygiene. The Clubroom will be kept clean and sani zer will be available. Feel free to contact the Chairman or Club Captain if you have any queries.


August feels as if it is a new beginning for us in the Wellsford Warkworth Branch. Thank you to all those who helped to run the Matakana end of the Daffodil Rally for Cancer. It was good to see members contribu ng as part of the Rally as well. It has a successful partnership with the Matakana Community Group that bodes well for next year.

We had really good par cipa on both at the Wednesday Lunch in Waiwera and at our Club night. Jonathan Green, represen ng the Northern Expressway and constructors, gave an interes ng talk on how the Private Partnership works and progress towards comple on some me in 2023. The aerial flyover gave an interes ng look at the road and the stages towards comple on of the north and south interchanges. I will be talking to him again once the opening date has been published to see how we, as the VCC branch with the closest es to use of the old SH1 since its early days, can par cipate.

I took a quick view from members at the Club night about why the increase in par cipaon had occurred. Two reasons emerged: an interes ng speaker, and an email reminder. I think we have got out of the habit of regularly no ng the upcoming events on our personal calendars when the Newsle er comes out, and perhaps also lost the enthusiasm to set out in the evenings. I have commi ed to a regular reminder of the mid week lunch/picnic and the club night although they will s ll be listed in the Newsle er. Please ensure you know when and what the Sunday run is. This is always in the Club Captain’s report and on the Calendar of both the Newsle er and the website.

Along with the minutes that your Secretary Jim sends out each month you will have received a discussion paper from the Na onal Office concerning the future arrangements for Long Service Badges. Please let me or any commi ee member have your views before we discuss it at our next commi ee mee ng on Oct 20th. This is for the future. In the meanme, we have a number of members who are due badges: three are due their 50th. We are planning a presenta on at our Christmas fes vity in December: the date and what and where is s ll being finalised. Probably on Dec 11th at the Club Rooms. We will publish this as soon as we can.

Finally, all restric ons rela ng to Covid 19 have been li ed. Although the recent Orange status has not caused any problems, we are now free to organise and par cipate without any considera ons. However, we will s ll have masks and sani ser near the door of the Clubroom. Please also consider whether you should come if you have what seems to be a cold. We want everyone to be free to come but not at the expense of passing on viruses to others.

So, here’s to a spring and summer of motoring fun and adventurous par cipa on! Happy and safe motoring, Anne


Twenty six members enjoyed a luncheon at the Sugar Loaf Café in Waiwera on 7 September. Our next mid-week event will be a picnic at Brick Bay on 5 October from mid day onward.

To briefly update the Daffodil Rally for Cancer, throughout the country the various branches of the VCC have raised $70K with some branches s ll to hold their events due to storms at the end of August. Not a bad effort!

The NX2 Puhoi to Warkworth motorway presenta on at our club night, drew a very good turn out of some 31 members. We enjoyed an excellent pot luck dinner followed by a most interes ng presenta on which highlighted aspects of motorway construc on that we may not have considered. We are hopeful that as a club, we may have the opportunity to organise a run along the new motorway ahead of the official opening.

Our run to visit three of our members at Sco ’s Landing on Sunday 18 September was well supported by 25 of our members. Grahame and Anne provided off road parking for us all and an enjoyable a ernoon tea to top off the day. Some members were interested to see how the over drive unit on Stuart’s Chrysler had been set up and the indicators that he and Doug have both mounted on their cars. Grahame is working on both his EH Holden’s brakes and the 1917 Studebaker. Doug has several projects on the go; his 1911 Cadillac and his Riley, and he will soon be preparing the 1904 Cadillac and the Scripps Booth for the Na onal Veteran Rally in February. Thank you all for hos ng us for the a ernoon.

October’s monthly run will be the Matakohe Kauri Museum 60th Anniversary Fes val on Saturday 15 October. The Fes val begins at 10.00 a.m. but exhibitors are expected to be in place by 9.45. Entry to the museum on the day is free and if the event is anything like their “Live Days” it will be most enjoyable. Those who wish can meet at 8.30 at the Wellsford Community Centre and depart by 8.45 a.m. for Matakohe. The museum would like to know the number of vehicles they will need to allow for so please contact me before 7 October if you are intending to take a club eligible vehicle to display.

To date, I’ve not heard anything about Xmas Parades in Wellsford or Warkworth but there’s nothing to stop these events going ahead again now. Happy motoring



7 For more informa on contact Gemeli Hager, Marke ng & Communica ons Manager 022 097 2026


Ionce owned two Ford Model A cars, one was a 1930 totally original, previously owned by Bill Cole of Horopito Wreckers (Smash Palace). The other was a 1929, completely wrecked. The 1929 I restored but it was sold to a museum: I had intended to use them as wedding cars in Auckland but found the idea untenable at the me. A few months ago, having some spare cash, I decided to get another vintage car. I came across the Hup on TradeMe, and put in a bid, surprised to find a few days later that I had won it. The car was in Napier and as my son was visi ng there he sent photos of it. Full of quesons, now answered, I was very happy as it even came with spares. As we live in Mangawhai the car freight company dropped it off in Te Hana and we drove it home from there. It’s been a learning experience ever since.

Robert (Bobby) Hupp started the company in 1909, having previously worked at Oldsmobile and other companies along with his bro ther Louis and other notable men. The Hupmobile became Detroit’s first Police car, and in 1910 they built one of the first electric cars! In 1918 two hundred RHD Hups were exported to NZ and the Auckland agents, Schofields, sold the cars for US$ 750.00.


My 115 inch wheel base model is one of the last four thousand made, and the last of the four cylinder models: in 1926 they dropped the four and introduced an inline eight cylinder engine. The motor was recondi oned in 2012 and the 1925 models were the last to have four cylinders: they went to six a er that and then eight. The motor is 268.6 c.i. / 4,405 c.c. / 63 hp. Speed wise I can get 55 mph from it but that's a lot of revs and I prefer to travel around the 60 kph mark.


The Hup R 1925 is apparently illustrated on the USA dollar bill but it is too small to recognize. Two posi ve features I found on the Hup were the back seat doors which are not front-facing, so no ‘suicide’ doors, and then there is no dip-s ck but a float for the oil level. Whatever the history, my family and friends are thoroughly enjoying our Vintage motoring.

Brendan The car in the hands of the previous owner at the Art Deco fes val in Napier.

What car is this ?

Last month’s quiz was a cheeky one because the car was a concept car designed and built in 1964 by students of the Pala ne Master School for Body and Vehicle in Kaiserslautern. It used the chassis and engine of a BMW 1800i and was called the BMW Hurricane, though it lacked the signature kidney shaped grille. The twin carb 4-cyl motor produced 89 kw / 170 nm and gave the car a top speed of 195 kmh. The car used parts such as rear lights from Fiat, Jaguar and Volvo and it was proposed to BMW for produc on but BMW was preoccupied with its takeover of Hans Glas GmbH and was concerned that it would compete with its own sports models under development.

The car is unique and has been displayed at numerous concours such as Villa d’Este and is testament to the talents of the students at the Pala ne School. How different BMWs could have looked if these curvaceous design ideas had been adopted.

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