Otago VCC November 2017

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Magazine of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc.

November 2017

Dunvegan Rally 2018—BBQ at Hakataramea The Otago RoadRunner is the official newsletter of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc. Views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc.

Professional recolouring of all leather car seats, interior panels etc. Protect and enhance the look of your car interior with our unique quality service Ring Rodger for a No Obligation appraisal now

Phone 455 4065 BROCKLEBANKS Leather Dyers Over 50 years serving Otago


Nicola Wilkinson


476 4004


David Mills


455 6751


David Ross


455 8800


Marion McConachie


453 0404


Graeme Duthie


488 5242


Bill Partel


Bill Veitch


489 1626


Colin Winter


456 4382


Alistair Graham


455 8834


Bruce Murray


487 7281


Keith Moore


453 0592

Eleanor Harrison


479 8280


488 4033




Moira Cunningham

453 5777


David Ross

455 8800


Mark Wilkinson

476 4004


477 8296


Bill Partel

488 4033


Barry Longstaffe

477 8296


Bill Partel

488 4033

George Martin

489 3621

David Cunningham

453 5777


Bruce Murray

487 7281


Graeme Duthie

488 5242


Joe O’Neill

477 6801


Arthur Patton 3

CLUBROOMS 125 Forbury Rd., Dunedin , 9012 Phone 455 0586

PO Box 5352, Moray Place Dunedin 9058




2nd Monday of month 7.30pm Friday 7.30pm to 11.00pm


First Friday of the month


Last Friday of the month 8.30pm


Friday 7.30pm – 9.30 pm. Wednesday 09.00am – 12.00 noon


Can be forwarded to your editor by the 3rd Wednesday of the month please

VERO INSURANCE APPLICATIONS Please quote Otago “Agent No H0300145— Inspector No 916” LIBRARY ROSTER NOVEMBER 3rd Paddy Williams 10th Bill Veitch 17th Kevin Mason JANUARY 5th Closed 12th Closed 19th Bill Veitch 26th Kevin Mason

Library open 8.00 - 9.30 Friday night

DECEMBER 1st Moira Cunningham 8th Bryan McConachie 15th Paddy Williams FEBRUARY 2nd Moira Cunningham 9th Hec Browett 16th Paddy Williams 23rd Bryan McConachie

Taieri Tour Entry Form is now available Entries close on Thursday 2nd November Graeme Duthie is looking for help with the Taieri Tour especially with field tests, Please let him know as soon as possible if you are able to assist with this. 4

BRANCH EVENTS (listed in bold) 2017 NOV Fri 3rd Sat 4th

15th Sat 18th Fri 24th Thurs 30th DEC Fri 1st Sun 3rd Sun 10th Fri 15th

Motorcycle Group Meeting Taieri Tour 11th Clutha Rally – South Otago 11-12th Arrowtown Motorcycle Rally Sparkaholics Commercial & Veteran Rally 18th North Otago Swapmeet Club Night Mid-week Run Motorcycle Group Meeting 2nd Windsor Rally – North Otago Moped Rally Xmas BBQ Last Friday—clubrooms open

2018 JAN Fri 19th Sun 21st

First Friday—clubrooms open Jackson Rally 20th Swapment and Cromwell Classic Car Show -Central Otago Thurs 25th Mid Week Run Fri 26th Club Night 27th -28th Dunedin Brighton Run . FEB 3rd Southland Rally 16th -18th -30th Anniversary of Art Deco Weekend --Hawkes Bay VCC National Events 2018 24th March 30th March – 1st April April 1st – 7th

National Exec Meeting – Christchurch National South Island Easter Rally – Southland National North Island Easter Rally - Waikato SI Club Captains Tour - departing from Invercargill following the National Easter Rally

Entries for the South Island Easter Rally is now available Some details for SI Club Captain’s Tour are also available

—please contact your branch secretary 5

Sparkaholics Wednesday 15th November Green Island Water Treatment Plant — see page 9 COMMERCIAL VETERAN RALLY 18TH NOVEMBER Meet at Otago Branch Clubrooms, 125 Forbury Road St Clair 9:30a.m. for morning tea Bring your own lunch

Whizzzing Around the Taieri Moped Rally 3 December 2017 See page 12

Christmas BBQ Sunday 10th Dec 2017 At Vintage Car Club Rooms Doors open from4.00 pm With BBQ ready to be served at 5.30 pm

Cost: $10.00 per person $5.00 child under 10 Children under 5 free Drinks will be available to purchase from the bar EVERYONE IS ASKED TO BRING A SALAD TO SHARE MEAT AND DESERT WILL BE PROVIDED. For Catering purposes, numbers are required by 8th December to either: David Ross 455 8800 or Marion McConachie 453 0404



Thursday 30 November Meet at the Clubrooms by 1.00pm for a drive and afternoon tea stop. If the weather looks promising on the day bring your afternoon tea,as we might find a spot where we can have a 6

In the Driving Seat Last weekend was the annual PWV/P60/P80 rally and as it is Spring, Alistair and Keith planned a lunch time jaunt to Long Beach. There was a good turn out of members - predominately in P60 vehicles. A pity the weather was a bit cool as I’m sure participants would have stayed longer if it was warmer.

Thank you Alistair and Keith for organising the route. While branch events tend to be organised by the committee, moving forward the changes to the committee structure means that all members will have the opportunity to put their hand up to organise some of the rallies. Coming up early next year is the Lady Driver’s Rally and mid year is the Solstice Run both of which would be ideal for someone who is interested in organising one of the more low key branch events. Please feel free to contact either myself or Marion if you are interested or would like more information. For first timer’s we can pair you up with a more experienced rallyist to gain knowledge. A reminder though for everyone organising rallies - for the safety of everyone involved please remember to have route questions on the left (Navigators side) so it is easier for the navigators to spot. Next weekend is the Taieri Tour - there are still places available so if you are intending to enter please let either Graeme or Marion know ASAP so we can cater. Also coming up is the Christmas BBQ followed by the final Friday noggin and natter and in January is the Jackson Rally and Dunedin to Brighton Rally. Nicola 7

A SPECIAL INVITATION FROM HAWKES BAY BRANCH OF VCC TO EARLY VETERAN CARS (100 YEARS PLUS OLD) Come to Napier and join the HBVCC for the 30th Anniversary of Art Deco Weekend from February 16th -18th 2018 We want to show the public what the earliest cars look like, how they perform and where it all started from. Our programme for 2018 has changed a bit as we have moved the annual rally from Saturday to Friday and plan to have a 3 or 4 hour run plus a picnic lunch at an historic Hawkes Bay homestead. There will be a special rally route for the early veterans (plotted by early veteran owners) to get you to the picnic on time. There will be a special prize draw ($250 of petrol vouchers) made from just the 100 year or older cars that enter and participate in the 2018 rally event. Come and join the other 200 plus club eligible vehicles we expect to enter the 2018 30th Anniversary Event. Go to the HBVCC website(www.hbvcc.org.nz) for an Entry Form and Event Programme or email artdecorally@gmail.com. Entry forms for 2018 will be available from 20th August. Accommodation in Napier is already filling up for Art Deco Weekend so book now to avoid disappointment. You will need to arrive on Thursday 15th to be ready for the rally on Friday 16th Feb. 2018. Contacts: STEVE DONOVAN and STEVE TROTT BOTH CONTACTABLE ON email artdecorally@gmail.com


OBITUARY Our thoughts are with Liz Harrex and family after the passing of Ken Harrex earlier in October. He was able to receive his 50 Year Award in June during our Branch AGM. Many of our longer term members will remember the times he had supported our events especially the Commercial Veteran and Taieri Tour runs. 8

Next Visit : Green Island Water Treatment Plant Place : 176 Brighton Road (First road on right after Allen Rd South sign ) Time : 10.30 am Date : Wednesday 15th November This month we have arranged for you to see through the inner workings of a modern water treatment station. Here they treat all the wastewater from Brighton through to Burnside and parts of Kaikorai Valley. In one of the processes they collect methane to manufacture electricity, which they use themselves. This should be another educational visit for all of us. Again we will do the usual social affair of having lunch out – this time we are heading to the Concord Tavern – hope to see you all there. Last months visit to Portobello was enjoyed by all. We learned about its history and purpose, and were taken for a tour through the newly opened multimillion dollar facility – a chance not many will get as it is not open to the public. Thanks to those that supported this visit. Next month (Dec.) nothing is sorted yet – so open to ideas ???

************** Dangers of Riding a Motorcycle There were two guys riding down the road on a motorcycle. The driver was wearing a leather jacket that had a broken zipper. He finally stopped the bike and said to the other guy, “I can’t drive anymore with the air hitting me in the chest.” He decided to put the coat on backwards to keep the air from hitting him. They continued driving down the road, came around a bend in the road, lost control and wrecked. {Phil was driving the other way, saw the crash, called the police and reported the accident. The police asked Phil, “Are they showing any sign of life?” “Well,” Phil said, “the driver was until I turned his head around the right way!” 9

Drop of point for Local Rally entry forms: If you want to leave entry forms at the branch clubrooms – please take them along on a Friday night or Wednesday morning, and ensure that the appropriate person receives it. The committee will not take responsibility for any that potentially may go missing. The other alternative if you are opposed to posting them is to email the organizer with a copy of the entry form.

SOUTH ISLAND CLUB CAPTAINS TOUR - 1 –7th April 2018 Introduction. Welcome to my 2018 South Island Club Captains Tour. This time we will tour the lower and mid south of the island on some roads I have enjoyed in the past and one I especially would like to do. I have never travelled the entire length of the Catlins Road from Invercargill to Balclutha so this is my opportunity to do so and to share it with other folk who enjoy driving as much as Tracy and I do. The region has a number of roads that have been on various local rallies I have attended over the years, and with a smattering of gravel, I think they can equal anything else the country has to offer. Where possible I have included some VCC Branches with meals and Parts Sheds visits and will where needed point out the all important coffee stops and toilet facilities. The day we travel from Cromwell to Twizel is a short day so that you can catch up on washing and vehicle maintenance. There is not a full lay day as the week we have chosen only requires four days off work and the possibility of driving home on the final Sunday. You are more than welcome to just do a couple of days of the tour if you choose to. At this stage my intention is to have our first “noggin” on the Sunday afternoon during the public display day for the Easter Rally, this appears to be a time with little else to do but sit and chat so I am hoping we can do that together. This is however dependent on the Easter Rally team so may get changed but I will keep you informed. Cheers Alon. 10




The Otago Branch invites you to take part in the 64th Dunedin – Brighton Veteran Car Run. The Mayor will flag the vehicles away from the Octagon And we will then drive to Brighton for field tests and lunch. Optional run to Taieri Mouth. During the afternoon we will have afternoon tea then afterwards depart for home and prepare for the evening Dinner and Prizegiving at the clubrooms for a 6pm start. On Sunday we are planning a leisurely run to Careys Bay Hotel, starting at the clubrooms at 10.00am for a natter, cup of coffee or lunch whichever suits you and at the same time display our cars outside the hotel. The event is open to all Veteran Vehicles built prior to 1st January 1919. PERIOD COSTUME TO THE ERA OF YOUR VEHICLE IS ENCOURAGED. 11

FRIDAY EVENING: You are welcome to join our club members at the Clubrooms from 8.00pm onwards SATURDAY The event will start from the First Church Carpark – Enter the Carpark off Lower Moray Place and follow Marshalls directions. THANKS Rally packs available at 8.45am. Briefing at 9.15am sharp. The vehicles will then leave in order for the short journey to the Octagon and the Official Opening of the DCC Festival Programme. We need to be in the Octagon by 9.45am Entrants will depart the Octagon from 11.00a.m. for Brighton. This will include the timed section AN OPTIONAL RUN TO TAIERI MOUTH Field Tests will be held at Br ighton Domain followed by lunch. Concours Judging will also take place ther e. The Concours is a separate competition and is not taken into account in the rally results. Dinner and Prizegiving will be at the VCC Clubr ooms at 6.30pm ‘Please consider joining us for the Saturday night Buffet’ SUNDAY Meet at the VCC Clubrooms at 10.00 am We intend to have a leisurely amble to Careys Bay for natter and lunch. Your own cost. ENTRIES CLOSE : 6th JANUARY 2018 Enquiries regarding rhe Run should be made to Colin Winter, Phone (03) 456-4382 email wolseley2@xtra.co.nz Cheques Payable to: VCC on NZ Inc Otago Branch Internet banking: 03-0903-0390951-00 with Brighton and name as Ref. Send entries to: Colin Winter P.O. Box 5352, Moray Place Dunedin 9058 12

ENTRY FORM I wish to enter the following vehicle in the 2018 Dunedin – Brighton Run and enclose a Cheque for Entry Fee and Meal costs. In consideration of the acceptance of this Entry, I agree to be bound by the regulations of the event.

Signature of Entrant ________________ ____________________ Entrant’s Name ______________________________________ Entrant’s Address ____________________________________ Phone Number _______________ email _________________ Driver’s Name_______________________________________ Navigator’s Name_____________________________________ Vehicle Make & Model_________________________________ Year ______ HP______ Reg. Plate__________ Body Style____________ Average speed for the Time Trial - Please Circle One

15 mph

20 mph

25 mph

30 mph

Class Entered: Please Circle One

Class 1 - Vehicles with less than 4 cylinders. Class 2 - Vehicles with 4 or more cylinders – under 20 hp

(RAC) Class 3 - Vehicles with 4 or more cylinders – 20 hp (RAC) or over. Class 4 – Motorcycles without gears or variable transmission. Class 5 – Motorcycles with a gearbox or variable transmission. Concours Judging:



Please Circle One

Saturday –Boxed Lunch with drink - No.______ @ $11.00 p/p

$ 30 $

Sat Night Buffet Meal & Prizegiving No _____ @ $27.00 pp



$ $

Entry Fee (includes plaque)


Please complete the following: How many previous Dunedin – Brighton Runs has your vehicle completed? ……………. Please write a brief History of your Vehicle for Octagon commentary.[2 or 3 lines]

………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… …………………………………..…………………….. ……………………………………………..…………… ……………………………………………..……………

No Electronic Navigational Aids allowed.

REGULATIONS The organisers of the Run may exclude from the event any driver or passenger who, by his or her behavior, costume, or general approach to the event is in their opinion, likely to bring discredit on the event. No Electronic Navigational Aids allowed. Late Entries may be accepted at the discretion of the organisers. NB: Late orders for meals will not be accepted after closing date The event is open to all Veteran Vehicles built prior to 1 st January 1919


DUNVEGAN RALLY REPORT 2017 46 Years, well where did those decades go. This year we gained in entry numbers to over 40, almost double from 2016, let's hope we can continue this trend. Hakataramea was the overnight stop and for once fine weather was ordered by some unknown soul. Keeping off H/W one as much as possible the ride to Oamaru for lunch was very pleasant, and we thank the Nth Otago Branch for the use of their Clubrooms. Just a few miles after lunch a visit to a ' shed' and what a shed, 70 meters long by I don't know how many in width, and it was almost full. Perhaps we can't disclose its contents but many and varied. On the same property another big garage with a good number of motorcycles and cars. Like many vintage biker riders some just don't read the instructions but no problem we all found our way to Kurow. A refuel and just another short run to the overnight venue, a privately-owned ex school converted over the last few years by a family for their own business use. This year we did our own evening meal, a combined effort and with Ken and Andrew on BBQ duty we considered it a great effort, just a few logistics getting all the food and things needed up there on site. It was great to see the group outside before sunset enjoying the meal and a drink. Much bike talk by all in the evening and after the prize giving the attendance seemed to reduce, I wonder why, could be that ' age - mileage – syndrome’. However late into the night there were a bunch of night owls and then Mike and myself were left to turn the lights off. We normally do the breakfast ourselves and with Bruce's sister Lyn doing the shopping for us, as she has thankfully done over the years, it was breakfast, clean-up and a goodbye to the entries heading north. A good contingent from Christchurch, our two regulars from Nelson, plus others from Timaru, Ashburton, Oamaru, Balclutha. A group of three entered from Auckland, we are told a breakdown after the ferry crossing stopped them and they did not attend the rally. The return ride back to Dunedin on Sunday morning started quite cool but improved as we rode down the Waitaki valley. A big thanks to our bike boys in the branch and a s a combined effort, I believe made this one of the best Dunvegan's we have run. The overall winner, well it was that other night owl, Mike Becker from Christchurch Bill V.

Hard Luck Winner - Who was not identified (editor) 15

Otago Branch of the Vintage Car club of New Zealand Invites you to our rally run to be held on 3rd December 2017 This is our eighth moped rally and is for Clip-Ons ,Mopeds And Scooters, which should be V.C.C Club Eligible

Entries Close November 24th 2017 For more Information Phone Bruce Murray 03/4877281 or bminor6@gmail.com Bill Veitch 03/4891626 16

2017 Whizzing around The Taieri 3rd December 2017 Rally starts at Ruth and Gil Edmonds, 61 Tirohanga Road East Taieri. Look out for the VCC sign. 10.00am 10.30am 12.30pm 3.30pm

Morning Tea Start Lunch Afternoon Tea (at start)

COSTS include Entry, Morning tea, Lunch, Afternoon tea and Rally Badge Entrant’s Name______________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ Town/City_________________________Postcode_________ Phone____________________Cell_______________________ VCC Membership Number ___________________________ E-mail Address ______________________________________ Rider’s Name _______________________________________ Bike Make __________________ Year ___________________

Rally Fee Extra Lunch Number


] @ $8.00 Total

$25.00 $ $_______

Please make cheque payable to Vintage Car Club of NZ Otago Branch Return Entry to: B Murray, 75 Panmure Ave, Dunedin 9012 17

Snippet from THE MOTORCYCLE Magazines 1946 :

Flying Squad We were all thrilled to hear that Scotland Yard is developing still further its scheme of using motor cycles on the “beat”. Fast motor cycles are extremely suitable for handling crime. With the twowheeler fewer men are needed to throw a net round an area in which suspected motor criminals are located. The two-wheeler threads heavy city traffic faster than any other vehicle. A 100 m.p.h. model is far cheaper than a car of similar speed. I would even add that a high-powered sidecar is more agile in a city chase than any car, though at present there is no intention of using sidecars. All this reminds me that some years ago when smash-andgrab raids were especially common, a motor cyclist suggested to the Yard that all traffic lights should be fitted with a device enabling the control at the Yard to switch all lights temporarily to red, thereby immobilizing all vehicles in a selected area except the criminals and the police cars. Obviously, this method could only be use late at night when traffic is sparse.

Private Collection of Vintage Clothing

 Men and Women  1920’s - 1970’s era  Accessories, hats, furs and much more

 Larger fittings are a speciality  Personalised vintage fashion shows for events/occasions/functions presented by an experienced team of models

Phone: Sue – (Dunedin) 03 488 4033/021 146 4987



Email: otcl@es.co.nz Postal: 406 Hillside Road, Dunedin Phone 455 5029


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