Replica Timaru’s First Car Built by C. W. Wood
October 2017
The afternoon visit was to John Fosters collection on the Opening Run.
NOGGIN ANDNATTER First Thursday of the Month
August 3rd August 10th August 27th
Thursday Thursday Sunday
Quiz Night with Ashburton Mid Week Run Cancer Run
September 3rd
Opening Run with Ashburton
October 21/22/23
Mt Cook Rally
November 5th Sunday November 10/11/12 Fri/Sat/Sun November 18/19 Sat/Sun November 26th Sunday
Motorcycle Rally Safari Weekend All American Weekend Vet/Vin/Comm Rally
December 9th
Christmas Dinner
2018 January 1st January 7th January 13th January 20th
Monday Sunday Saturday Saturday
New Years Day Parade @Fairlie Ladies Rally Night Trial Open Day
February 3/4/5 February 18th
Sat/Sun/Mon Sunday
Weekend Away Chairman’s Rally
March 4th March 11th March 24th March 30th/April 1st
Sunday Sunday Saturday Fri/Sat/Sun
Mystery Run Mid Island Rally Swap Meet Sth Is Easter RallyAt Invercargill
April 12th
Mid Week Run
May10th May 13th
Thursday Sunday
Mid week Run PV/PWV/P60/P80 Rally
June 3rd June 14th June 17th
Sunday Thursday Sunday
All British Day Mid Week Run Restoration Run
July 5th
COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR 2017 – 2018 Branch Correspondence to PO Box 623, Timaru 7940 Email: – Phone: 03 688 5234 Chairman Ashley Milliken (Evelyn) Immediate Past: John Foster (Marion) Secretary Miles Winter (Trish_) Treasurer Nola Day (Alistair) Club Captain Darren Ladbrook (Jo) Newsletter Ed Bill & Shona Weir Email: C/R Convenor Alistair Day (Nola) Parts Manager John Campbell (Janet) Librarian Barry Barnes (Carla) IT Officer Shannon Stevenson Committee Wayne Irving (Michelle) Frances Irving Clive Merry Neil Manchester Trailer Hire John Campbell SWAPMEET COMMITTEE Chairman John Knowles Treasurer Nola Day (Alistair) Site Convenor Michelle Munro (Gavin) Grounds Convenor Colin Johnstone (Trish) Committee Gavin Munro (Michelle) Murray Martin Alan Patrick Lex Westoby Allan Geary Robert Bray
686 0834 615 9066 021 344 883 688 6108 688 8999 688 6750 688 6108 686 0282 688 5105 686 3263 688 6457 688 0370 0274 409 384 688 2112 686 0282 03 693 7680 688 6108 686 4824 03 693 9093 686 4824 615 9905 615 8803 03 612 6556 021 062 2132 03 6939136
For Identification Certificate Processing – Alistair Day 688 6108 Warren Cox 688 8758
Light Bulbs 6 & 12 volt, all shapes and sizes. Wiper Arms and Blades, Carburettors, Fuel Pumps, Brake Shoes and Disc Pads. A good assortment of Tail and Park Light Lenses, Starters and Generators to fit most cars.
NOGGIN & NATTER, Thursday, 5th October, 7-30pm at Clubrooms, Redruth St, Timaru Kitchen Duty, Bar Duty
Mt Cook Rally 21/22/23rd October 2017 Fri/Sat/Sun
A good assortment of Tyres, both Radial & Cross Ply. Just like the old Auto Parts ad, ‘All things for some cars and some things for all cars.’ Try your Parts Shed first John Campbell Parts Manager
Entries close Saturday October 7th 2017 Entry form was in last months issue of Tri Car. No late entries Send to Darren Ladbrook 123 Fairview Rd RD 2 Timaru 7972 Any queries contact Darren on 0274 377 087 ———————————————-
Motorcycle Rally November 5th Sunday. Entry form in this issue. More info contact Neil Manchester 688 2112 ———————————————-
Safari Weekend Nov 10/11/12 Fri/Sat/Sun Further info contact Donald Campbell Ph 6883033 No, not for sale at our VCC Parts Shed,
Seen at Iola Swap Meet WI. Perhaps one of Chrysler Corp’s most desirable cars. A 59 Plymouth Fury 2 door Coupe. Not in very good condition though.
Deadline for Tricar is 20th October
All American Weekend 18 –19th November Meet at Caroline Bay Saturday 18th Nov at 3pm for Cruise at 3-30pm. Travel to a very interesting venue where Sth Cant Heart Kids will have a Sausage Sizzle . (Please support this worthy group) Drive in Movie at Levels Raceway. Gates open 7-30pm and Movie will start around 8-45 to 9pm depending on the daylight. Food available at the Raceway . ————————————-
New Address
Entrants in the Opening Rally for the season coming down the hill into Cave.
Library Notes from our tourists, Barry and Carla
As I write this month Carla and I are just preparing to leave Canada for London. Not much Library related stuff to report but I did acquire a little book entitled Early Motoring in Alberta which highlighted the appalling conditions early motorists faced in the form of rutted goat tracks that turned to muddy bogs in the winter or after heavy rain. Not surprisingly Henry Ford's wonder featured strongly among the photos of early vehicles. In many ways the conditions mirrored those reported in N Z in areas like Northland and the King Country. I also picked up 3 issues of the Automobile Quarterly which have provided night time reading while touring in our Club eligible 1980 Dodge Campervan. Coincidentally, I had just finished reading an article on Chevrolet Corvairs,probably the most radical Chev since the abortive Copper Cooled cars of the early 1920s which never made public release despite performing well without water cooling, when we encountered a beautifully restored Corvair motoring past our campsite and then saw it again waiting to cross Kootenay Lake on the longest free ferry ride in the world! At another campsite near Salmon Arm, a fellow camper had a 1955 De Soto towing a matching caravan, or camping trailer as they are called here. It was in stunning condition having just had a complete engine recondition and it just purred along. We encountered numerous classics in use, as well as potential restoration projects. Hopefully our Editors may find room to include some photos. Barry Trust all is well at home and VCC is rolling along OK Cheers
The Pleasant Point Lions Club Classic and Vintage Car Display
The Pleasant Point Lions Club is organising a Classic and Vintage Car Display at Pleasant Point on Saturday 4th November 2017 as part of the “Get to the Point” Day. The day includes Market Stalls, Shearing, Highland dancing and other events as well as live entertainment. If any of your club members are able to come we would like the cars to be there by 10am and if possible to stay until 2pm. The entry fee will be a gold coin donation to South Canterbury Heart Kids. There is to be a competition for people’s choice of the most liked car. The Car Display is on Afghan Street which runs parallel to the Main Street. The Railway Station is on Afghan Street. You will be directed from the Timaru end off the Main Road to the display area. Let your club know if you are coming; phone Alister Paul 6147362 or Email, Neil Rawcliffe 6147803 Email Peter Moynihan 6148225 Different clubs may choose to arrive together or organise a short run after the event. Bring your kids, grandchildren, Aunt etc, to a fun day! There will be plenty of food stalls as well. See you there! ——————————————
BLUEBRIDGE COOK STRAIT FERRY Discount code : ANTIQUECAR Valid Travel Dates : Between now and 30th November 2017 Discounted Fares: 10% off all fares. ——————————————— INTERISLANDER FERRY. Booking Reference : WH465. Members are required to present their current NZ Vintage Car Club Membership. For Bookings refer to
1959 Cadillac
——————————————— Sunday October 29th St Marys—Esk Valley Heritage Day, “Church Hill Road” on right off Otaio River Rd from 1-30 to 4pm. Vintage and Pre Wars cars preferred.
1949 Willys Jeepster
Contact Lyn Henderson, St Andrews6126800 ————————————————1955 DeSoto towing matching Caravan
19 6
Part 2 Motorcycle Mecca
by Grant Mehrtens.
Continuing on from last months story. Also in Tay St & down near the main st, a 2 storey building has been refurbished to display the collection of motorcycles purchased from Nelson. I spoke to the guy who used to look after the bikes in Nelson, he relocated with them to Invercargill. As the original collector purchased the bikes, they were given an ID number, of the 300 bikes, over 100 were sold off over the years as better examples were found or he decided the particular model didn't fit his tastes. 200 bikes went to Invercargill with 180 on display, the other 20 are scattered around other businesses on display. Since 100 bikes were sold the ID numbers are all over the show. While I am not into bikes anyone would be blown away by the scope & quality of the display. There were several side chairs, one with the chair in front of the rider. Several 4 cyl bikes & some duplicates due to different sized engines etc. For example 2 x 1916 Thor's, 5 x Brough Superiors (I think 600 to 1100cc). Many early Indians & Harley Davidsons as well as English & a few foreign bikes.
An early 4cyl Nimbus from Denmark? the makers are better known for manufacturing Nilfisk vacuum cleaners. We also viewed the Burt Munro collection at E Hayes & Sons, they had several other bikes & a few cars as well. There was also a belt driven supercharger for a Morris Minor on display, it looked dangerous. Thanks, Grant
FOR GOOD OLD FASHIONED SERVICE AUTO ENGINEERS (1984) LTD 14 EDWARD ST. TIMARU Phone: 688 8452 For all your vintage reconditioning Parts supplies suppliers of Penrite oils to South Canterbury to 20 years Suppliers to Farmlands.
South Canterbury VCC Chairmans Report for October 2017 Hi Everyone Another month nearer Christmas already and a lot of activity ahead for the branch & members The Canterbury Swap Meet 6/7/8 of October ,The Mt Cook Rally Labour Weekend. Refer to the calendar of events elsewhere in the Tricar for the other upcoming events. Sadly I will be away for the Mt Cook Rally & wish Darren all the best with it’s running. Chris Chambers talk was very entertaining & I’m sure was enjoyed by all attending the N&N. Your VCC Subscription is now DUE , Remember to pay it before October 20th to get the discount It can be paid by online banking so don’t forget ! The Club at the behest of Dick Edwards hosted the CMT Fellowship Group at the clubrooms on Thursday Sept 21st ,I gave a brief talk on the club & John Campbell spoke on the Part Shed & technical matters. All the visitors were suitably impressed with our facilities. I was saddened to learn of the untimely death of Alma Warlow last Friday Sept 22nd On behalf of the Club I would like to extend our deepest sympathy to Dave & family and any support in the future. Also learnt of the passing of past member Maurice Skiffington who returned to Vancouver after his Partner Nancy Hammond died. Maurice owned a Mercury Cougar which he took back to Canada..
SCVCC Website Updates
Behind The Hedge
End of an era? From memory this is the last series of Hillman Hunter (named Hunter) produced by Rootes group of the U.K. which I think at this time were bought by Chrysler Corp, as the Commer Trucks were renamed Dodge at this point. The Hunter was a well designed and put together car and sold large numbers, the drive train was carried over and upgraded from its Super Minx predescessor. Over the years Rootes group made a large range of vehicles Hillman and Humber from the smaller 4cyl to the big Super Snipe 6 cylinder cars as well as a large range of light and heavy commercial vehicles under the Commer name. One of the companys least successful efforts was the Avenger of rather “flimsy build”, Shona’s Father purchased one new but did not keep it long as the doors flew open when travelling on corrugated gravel roads! Telford Motors in Stafford St South were early agents then Hepburn Motors took over and became a large dealership for Sth Canterbury. ED Bill
August/September Updates - Mt Cook Rally information and form - September 2017 Tricar newsletter - Irishman Rally video - Cancer Society Car rally
- Under the hood wordpress updates - UPCOMING - More stories of various runs. Photo and story contributions are ENCOURAGED and can be sent to:
Previous page, Scenes from Iola Swap Meet USA Unusual sight, Morris 1000, A rear find, Mid 30’s Ford V/8 fuel tanker One of the Swap Meet sites.
The Southland Branch invite you to participate in the
Sth Island Easter Rally 2018, Friday 30th March to Sunday 1 st April As the Jaguar Car Club is also hosting their national event in Invercargill that weekend we recommend you book your accommodation early. Our event will be based around Stadium Southland and there is a good range of accommadation in this general area. Bill Richardson Transport World and Classic Motorcycle Mecca, two world class attractions will be open over the Easter weekend
1915 Pierce Arrow Truck at the Bill Richardson Transport World
OPENING RUN Our Club Captain Darryn Ladbrook was responsible for planning this years run for our combined rally with Ashburton. Darryn came up with a very interesting full day, traversing a lot of Sth Canterbury’s hinterland not travelled before by a lot of us, covering Lyalldale Bluecliffs area then up to
Some of the Ashburton members cars who joined us on the Rally
by Editors Bill and Shona
Cave and across by “various routes” to Hilton eventually ending up at Pleasant Valley Hall, via Te Moana Road for the lunch stop. A lot of the roads and areas travelled through showed the effects of the recent serious flooding,, some would have been impassable two weeks before.
After a catchup over lunch John and Marion Foster hosted everyone for a look at their comprehensive vehicle collection in the afternoon. Thanks Darryn and team for a great days rallying. Not sure if Dave Diamonds Ford V/8 Coupe needed Lex Westoby’s Mini as back up or whether Lex wanted a tow
While travelling around the US in our winter, one of the “must do” events we aim for is the above 3 day event held in the central Wisconsin countryside outside the small town of Iola. I usually have a list of parts etc to look for there being a huge number of sites stocking wrecked out parts, N.O.S. and after market stockists. It never ceases to amaze us what a “small world” it is out there, while purchasing some N.O.S. tail light lens for the 53 Chev a chap tapped me on the shoulder and asked “ what part of NZ are you from?” I answered the South Island, “I know that he replied, but where?” I replied Timaru, he burst out laughing and said I used to live in Otipua Road, (a K from us!.) It turns out that when Wisconsin Rail bought NZ Rail back in the 90s staff were offered transfers to Wisconsin, he and about 10 others took up the offer, he still works for Wisconsin
Rail over there. His name is John Brown and is a Ford fan with a display shown here in the car show section, a 1963 Fairlane compact 2 door and a 1938 or 1937 Ford Sedan. Note the NZ flag in the background, “still obviously a proud Kiwi”. Some views around the swap meet, a most unusual sight in the USA, a Morris 1000 for sale, price was only $8500!! Also a goose neck trailer load nearby with 2 Morries and a Mini on the deck.
Robert Chapman receiving the Navigators award for the 2016 –17 year from Chairman Ashley
Vehicles at the lunch stop .—Pleasant Valley Hall