The Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch of The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand
Po Box 2168, Kopeopeo, Whakatane 3159
Phil & Margaret Leamings recently refurbished Model A
Club Night: Last Thursday of the Month (except December) at Whakatane Athletic Clubrooms, Short Street, Whakatane 7.00 pm Social get-together Branch Meeting starts at 7.30 pm Followed by Supper
Chairmans report: March 2025
Welcome to Autumn everybody, it’s hard to believe that another great summer is in the rear-view mirror already.
Firstly, a message for all members who would like to order a commemorative plaque from our 50th Anniversary East Coast Rally. These were very popular and due to demand we are going to have another batch made. If you would like to order one, please contact Barry Spry.
This month I would like to share my thoughts on modified vehicles and working through the low volume certification process for compliance. I am not opposed to modifying a vehicle from its original specification so long as it is done in a manner that is respectful to the era of motoring that the vehicle represents. If a vehicle is used frequently, then some modification can make the experience more enjoyable and even safer. All my vehicles are modified to some degree, and I am an advocate for upgrading braking systems for safety reasons. Cars from the mid 70’s onwards generally had reasonable brakes as new technology like dual circuit hydraulic systems, vented discs and brake boosters had been widely adopted by most manufactures. However, if you are dealing with vehicles older than this then some safety systems (including braking systems) can be rather inadequate for today’s conditions. Due to the design and construction of older vehicles they will never be as safe as more modern modes of transport, however if a car is intended to be used frequently, I believe in making them as safe as they can be. Of course, if important systems like the brakes are modified in a manner that does not conform to the appropriate standards, then a vehicle may become unsafe for the driver, occupants and other road users. The low volume certification process provides us with a means to modify a vehicle in accordance with the guidance material available in the NZ Car Construction Manual. These modifications can then be independently certified ensuring safety and conformance to the appropriate standards. I believe we are very lucky to have such a well-managed system operating in New Zealand and our club has an important part to play. The Vintage Car Club has representation on the Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association (LVVTA), and this is just one example of how our club delivers huge benefits not only for members but for the entire community of motoring enthusiasts nationwide. Without the ongoing active involvement of organisations like the Vintage Car Club the low volume certification process may not exist, and an important aspect of our hobby may be lost. My next project will be a disc brake upgrade on my 1963 Valiant and I will keep you up to date with progress including the low volume certification process. Here are a few photos of the early stages of the project. You will see that I am using the latest CAD technology (cardboard aided design) in the development of my retrofit brackets. With the NZ Car Construction Manual in hand let’s see how I go.
Wishing you happy and safe motoring.
Also note March Club Night will be held one week earlier on Thursday 20th .3.
Phil Leaming
Sadly Phil passed away on January 30th
Phil joined the Vintage Car Club on 15th September 1980 and it wasn’t long before he was Club Captain 1981-82 and 1982-83 then he spent the next 10 years on the Club Committee. He then became Chairman for 1992-93 and 1993-94, then back on the Committee for many years. When the Club purchased a container for our parts, Phil was the Custodian. When the container was moved to Garry Bryson’s property and another container added Phil was one of three Custodians until he passed away.
Phil was a Club Member for 45 years and had received his 25 and 35 year Badges.
Phil was born and raised, including his apprenticeship at Armstrongs Ford Garage in Whakatane, at a time when everything was repairable, nothing was thrown away, it was repaired and Phil used that philosophy throughout his life. It’s already stuffed, so fix it, or use it for another purpose. He was the ultimate recycler of mechanical parts. His knowledge of mechanical parts and identifying them for use in their orginal vehicles was huge. His enthusiasm for anything old was great. He liked to tell us about his memory of these things in his life as often as he could, probably one of our most enthusiastic Members.
We as a Club did many trips with Phil and Margaret and the kids in the old Whippet, around the Coast, camping at Matawai etc.
And later on with your Model A, you always had a grin driving it. It’s a shame you never got to drive it after so many hours sprucing it up with a new paint job etc, as your life was cut short the day before it was to get a WOF.
Rest in peace old mate. We will miss your stories of your cars, your travels and adventures and your enthusiasm.
Club Captain’s Report:
Saturday 1st East Coast Rally
A great Rally arranged by Steve and Joy, great roads and scenery. A very good run, we enjoyed the day and there was a record number of our Club Members entered.
A very good effort by all who entered and helped in some way, including cleaning up the Paroa Clubrooms after the event, and thanks to Lytle and Marlene for doing the final clean once we had all gone.
The 50th Anniversary Celebration was a low key affair with photos and memorabilia on the tables.
The presentations by Neil Beckenham of Bevan Westley’s 50 year Badge and Award and Tessa Keene’s 35 year Badge, was a highlight.
A list of winners of the various categories of the Rally is in this edition of the Running Board, and congratulations to them all, and weren’t Barry and Tessa lucky to win the Tom Gibbons Trophy.
Sadly, Phil Leaming passed away two days before the Rally, so we were missing a much respected Member of the Club.
Sunday 2nd Classic Car Breakfast
We had 11 of our Member cars attend and 4 Rally visitor’s cars, great considering we had a long day on Saturday with the Rally etc.
Wednesday 12th Mid-week Run
Lytle took us on a run to Aniwhenua to go through the Power Station managed by his nephew Luke, who informed us on the workings and the control of the station, then took us on a tour and down to the basement to see the generators and it was interesting to see so many kayakers making use of the river and water coming over the falls.
Thanks Lytle for arranging this and Luke for giving us his time to show us the systems. We had 13 cars attend.
Friday 7th Phil’s Funeral
Sadly Phil passed away on January 30th which had an effect on all that we did that week, but on the 7th there was a celebration of Phil’s life, so the call was made for all Members to bring their old cars to Phil and Margaret’s residence so the Funeral procession could start from there.
We had about 20 cars in the line-up with Phil’s Model A and MK2 Zephyr up front. Just what Phil would have wanted. .5.
Opotiki Show and Shine on Saturday 15th
Although I didn’t go, I see in Clive’s photos, Noel and Lois’ Falcon, John and Jacqui’s Cadillac, Clive and Louise’s MGB and John and Sharon Burtons Vauxhall, and hopefully a new Member with the E-Type Jaguar, Trevor’s Sunbeam, Lytle and Marlene’s Holden and John Twaddle’s Morris Minor 1,000,000
And from the Gisborne Carlton Magazine I see other Members of our Branch were there, Richard Pipe with his 1933 Continental Flyer which won the Vintage Section and Gavin Abbot with his recently restored White 3000 Truck.
Rotorua Tractor and Machinery Working Day Sunday 23rd
I didn’t go to this either.
But Lesley McCann has provided a write up which is on page 23 Thank you Lesley.
Events Coming up:
Saturday 8th Club Run to Pukehina Autorama – Pukehina School 10am-2pm
Saturday 15th Taupo Rally
No Mid-week Run this month
Saturday 22nd Mamaku Car Show – Mamaku Domain
Wednesday 26th to Sunday 30th Beach Hop Whangamata – main event Saturday 29th
Thursday 20th Club Night (It was decided at February Club Night to have this one week earlier)
Farming Like GrandadSaturday 12th
Lesley McCann is arranging several Club Runs with the first on Sunday 27th April
See the Full Calendar of Events for more details.
Club Calendar of Events commencing March 2025
Saturday 8th
Saturday 15th Saturday 22nd
Wed 26th – Sunday 30th
Thursday 20th
Note change of date 1 week earlier this month
Sunday 6th
Saturday 12th
Fri 18th – Mon 21st
Wednesday 9th or 23rd ?
Thursday 24th
Sunday 27th
Sun or Wed? To be advised Thursday 29th
Sunday 1st
Saturday 21st
Thursday 26th
Club Run to Pukehina Autorama – Pukehina School 10am – 2pm Leaving from Matata at 9.00am
Taupo Country Roads Rally entry’s close 7th March
No Mid-week Run this month
Mamaku Car Show - Mamaku Domain, leaving 8.00am from shingle pit Kawerau top Road cnr
Beach Hop Whangamata – main event Saturday 29th
Club Night, Athletic Clubrooms, Short St, Whakatane from 7.00pm with the Meeting starting at 7.30pm
North Island Easter Rally – Waikato based in Cambridge Entries close 23rd March
Mid-week Run? to be arranged
Club Night, Athletic Clubrooms, Short St, Whakatane From 7.00pm with the Meeting starting at 7.30pm
Club Run to Henry’s Rod Shop, Katikati - Leaving Matata at 9.30am, lunch at Katikati, visit Rod Shop at 1pm
Club Run possibly to AJ’s Paeroa?
Club Night & Annual General Meeting Athletic Clubrooms, Short St, Whakatane
Classic & Vintage Breakfast
Mid-week Run?
Night Owl Run
Club Night
If you don’t have a Vintage or Classic Vehicle, come along to events in your modern .7.
East Coast Rally and 50th Anniversary Saturday 1st February
East Coast Rally Results
1st Vintage
Barry & Tessa Keene
1st Post Vintage / Post War
Graeme & Raewyn Fenn
2nd Post Vintage / Post War
Paul & Carol Fussey
1st Commercial
Tony & Lynsey Bartlett
2nd Commercial
Walter & Sue Boyce
1st Post 60
Graham & Thelma Jack
2nd Post 60
Lytle & Jordan Hall
3rd Post 60
Stephen & Tracey Winterbottom
1st Post 80
Alan & Lorraine Stock
1st Overall
Graeme & Raewyn Fenn
2nd Overall
Barry & Tessa Keene
Tom Gibbons Trophy (EBOP Entrant)
Barry & Tessa Keene
Graham Bluestreak Bay of Plenty
Morris Minor Waikato
Ford Model A Pick-up Gisborne
Datsun 280ZX Eastern Bay of Plenty
Graham Bluestreak Bay of Plenty
Rally Place-getters receiving their prizes
1st Vintage Barry & Tessa Keene
1st Post Vintage/Post War Graeme & Raewyn Fenn
1st Post 60 Graham & Thelma Jack
1st Post 80 Alan & Lorraine Stock
1st Commercial Tony & Lynsey Bartlett
2nd Post Vintage/Post War Paul & Carol Fussey
2nd Post 60 Lytle & Jordan Hall
2nd Commercial Walter & Sue Boyce
3rd Post 80 Stephen & Tracey Winterbottom
1st Overall Graeme & Raewyn Fenn
2nd Overall Barry & Tessa Keene and the EBOP Branch “Tom Gibbons Trophy “ .13.
50 year and 35 year Award Presentations
Bevan Westley receiving his 50 year Award Tessa Keene receiving her 35 year Badge Presented by Neil Beckenham VCC Registrar With EBOP Chairman Bevan Lange
Next morning Sunday 2nd at the Classic and Vintage Breakfast .14.
Classic and Vintage Car Breakfast Sunday 2nd
These 3 Photo’s taken by
Cassandra Goodfellow
Line up of some of the Classic & Vintage Cars at the Thornton Breakfast
Three Rivers Rally Gisborne Saturday 8th
Lytle’s Mid-week Run to Aniwhenua Power Station Wednesday 12th
On the way home some of the cars at
Lake Matahina .18.
Opotiki Coastguard Show & Shine Saturday 15th Photos by Clive Wood
Invercargill Motorcycle Mecca Sent in by Barry Keene Last Christmas Tessa and I spent it with family in Invercargill. While there we visited their Motorcycle Mecca and below are a few photos.
Customed 1430cc V twin Harley Davidson. A close inspection reveals huge detail.
V1100 Cardinal Britten
1916 1000cc Indian Power Plus .20.
1960 Messerschmitt 192cc 9.3hp
1931 Morgan Aero Super sport, 1100cc JAP OHV Motor
1937 Brough Superior, 1000cc
1928 Humber 350 single .21.
1938 Peugeot, 495cc single
1969 Bridgestone 350GTR. Bridgestone started making tyres in Japan in 1935. In the late 1950s it began making motorcycles, most under 100cc. .22.
Rotorua Tractor and Machinery Working Day Sunday 23rd
Steve and I travelled over to the Rotorua Tractor day at Mamaku in our Zephyr with our neighbours Neil and Kay MacCauley, with Gordon and Claudia Cowan in their Mustang following us over.
A nice display of old tractors and machinery, also an early White Logging Truck and a Commer Truck.
Grand daughter Mercadies and Steve even helped turn the handle so the shearer could shear his sheep with his hand-piece, we were lucky enough to bring the wool home shorn from 6 young sheep.
There were 6 cars on display, the Zephyr, 2 Mustangs, a Holden Kingswood Ute with the cab and a Camaro. We did spot another of our Members, Trevor with his loyal companion in his arms.
After a very relaxing morning we headed back to Rotorua after lunch to buy an ice-cream at Lady Janes and then home. Steve and Les McCann
Small space here for more photo’s from the East Coast Rally and 50th Anniversary
Hard Luck Trophy Greg Oliver
Greg and Jane’s little Topalino that didn’t want to do the Rally
50th Anniversary Cake .23.
Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch
Postal Address: PO Box 2168, Whakatane 3159
Branch Officers: 2024/2025
Honorary Branch Member: Lorolei Pollard
Chairman: Bevan Lange 027 460 3466
EBOP Name Badges $23.00 (orders to be placed with Secretary) Please wear your name badge to VCC functions.
Club Night: Last Thursday of the month (except December) At: Whakatane Athletic Clubrooms, Short Street, Whakatane 7.00pm Social Get-together Branch Meeting starting at 7.30pm .24.