VCC Waikato Venture March 2025

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What a lovely spell of warm weather we have had lately. A couple of trips out in the Triumph with the top down has been very enjoyable motoring, with the wind blowing through our hair, or what is left of mine.

Our March club run is going to visit Roy Sharman’s collection in Waiuku. Roy is a very good friend of the Waikato Branch. He attends a lot of our events. We visited his collection 10 years ago and I know that it has changed since then, so come along for a pleasant back country run to Waiuku. Details are in the Magazine. The National Executive Meeting is being held in Christchurch on the 8th and 9th March. Les King and I are attending this as your Branch Observer and Delegate, if there are any issues you would like raised, please contact Les or myself. I am hoping that the revised National Constitution can be resolved at this meeting. Most members are comfortable with what has been drafted. I realize that the document will not please everyone, that is impossible, but it should suit the majority. After 70 plus years it is time for a change.

Most of you, by now, will have read or heard about the Government’s change of direction on 12-month W.O.F for vehicles over 40 years of age and private campervans. The VCC and the FOMC have been working extremely hard, for years, to try and change frustrating W.O.F rules for old vehicles. It is not a done deal yet but sounds very promising. When submissions are open, I would like all our branch members to put in a submission.

The North Island Easter Rally is approaching fast so please grab an entry form, fill it out and join this fun weekend which is being organized by our branch. Remember you will need a Vehicle Identity Card (VIC) to enter. If you do not have one contact Dave Nordell, our VIC Co-Ordinator.

I would like to welcome all our new members to our branch, which of course is now your branch. Hopefully, there will be something to catch your interest, club nights, Thursday Mornings with morning tea and workshop chat, Wednesday Wanders, and club runs. I hope to see you all soon.

Keep smiling and keep left. Graham Pate.

The fun of the Club Run to Kawhia earlier in Feb full report by Michael on page 6.


What great weather we are having to start the year so get the toys out and enjoy the drive and camaraderie.

I welcome all the new members, and we look forward to seeing your pride and joy. Without you the club doesn’t grow which brings me to the next BIG event in April. The Waikato Branch is hosting The National North Island Easter Rally. We will need everyone’s help whether it is helping in the kitchen, rally timekeepers to being tail end Charlie. We thank you in advance – but all need to register and enter to make this a memorable event. SSsss lll ooooo www or FASTttttt there is a run to suit your car.

Coming up in March

7th-9th Horseless Carriage Club NZ – Brass Era Tour 25 – Based in Te Awamutu for all 1919 or older cars – Rego required

12th Wednesday Club Night. Charlie from 1st Mortgage Trust

16th Sunday Club Run – Going to Waiuku for Shed raid and Lunch

19th Wednesday Wander

25th Leg Over Motorcyclist Run

Coming up in April

5th Saturday Mooloo Meander; Great event for all keen Motorcyclists

9th Wednesday Club Night

18th – 21st The North Island Easter Rally – National Event organised by US, Waikato Branch.

The Rally directors are Greg and Gaynor Terrill – Get your registration in early 29th Leg Over Motorcyclist Run

Coming up in May

4th Sunday Motorcycle Run

14th Club night

18th Sunday Club Run

21st Wednesday Wander

27th Leg Over Motorcyclist Run

Any Ideas or questions please contact Chris 0212 945 845 or Graham P – 0212 801 586


Committee co-opted Megan King onto the branch committee to take responsibility of the Committee minutes and Agenda. Thank you, Megan, for accepting this position to help me and the committee out at this stage.

Waikato Branch has 2 x members receiving their 50-year continuous Membership in June including members receiving 25 and 35 year badges, not all will be receiving them in June due to membership falls later in the year.

I am having a knee replacement mid-March so I will be able to keep up with the emails etc. Graham has finished his radiation and is waiting to start his 3rd lot of chemo.

I will show my face and cooking abilities on Thursday morning tea but not every Thursday. Thank you to Jan Davies who helped in the kitchen Thursday mornings during 2024. Also, the branch is saying goodbye to Scott and Erin Wilson from Matamata who have sold their house and moving to the South Island. The gardens at your Car Club are looking awesome, thanks to Cossey for organising the wood chip to keep the weeds down.

Again, we would like to hear from members who are willing and can help in any way to keep the club rooms and gardens up to scratch. Be nice to have them looking great for the North Island Easter Rally in April.



Saturday 15th February dawned a beautiful warm sunny day, promising not to be as hot as the previous few days leading up to the Kawhia Club Run event.

My 1928 Morris Cowley 14/28 is not yet back on the road so I decided to drive my ‘modern’ out to the Persimmon Cafe in Pirongia to meet up with the other club members and hopefully cadge a ride to Kawhia in a vintage car.

On leaving Cambridge and driving along Kaipaki Road I caught up to a bright red Triumph Herald 13/60 convertible, with it’s top down, both occupants wearing brightly coloured hats, and I guessed probably also heading to the Persimmon cafe.

I decided to hang back at a respectable following distance and let them enjoy a leisurely open air drive in the countryside.

Sure enough the Herald pulled into the cafe parking area, and we were met by the friendly waves of the other members standing beside the cars they had chosen for the days event. I was cordially introduced to the driver of the red Herald, who it turns out was Graham Pate, our club Chairman. After morning teas, coffees, snacks and meet and greets to new members, the group was ushered outside for the club run briefing. Jeremy Brook did a stirling job of organising the event, right down to printing out navigation sheets complete with trivia questions for a mystery prize for the members who answered all the questions correctly. Jillian Hayton very kindly offered me a ride in her beautiful 1986 BMW 320i Cabriolet. Thank you Gillian. The weather was very kind to us with a temperature of 23 degrees Celsius and a gentle breeze making it feel more like 19 degrees.

The ride in the convertible to the beach was very pleasant, and the scenery was magnificent. The general pace of the drive was a comfortable 75/80kmph and the group were able to stay together in convoy all the way to Kawhia. One of the instructions on the navigation sheet was to turn right into the Kawhia Lookout. There was just enough room at the lookout to squeeze in all 15 or so cars and 20 members for an impromptu photoshoot. Continuing on we all arrived in Kawhia at about 12 o’clock. The locals fish and chip shop we had intended to visit were unexpectedly closed, so we all went in search of another eatery and unanimously decided to try out the Sands of Kawhia Hotel. The staff were surprised to be overrun by such a large group, but rose to the occasion and amply satisfied all our appetites. Even inviting us to come again. The day was a huge success, enjoyed by all. Beautiful weather, gorgeous scenery, nostalgic motoring and great camaraderie.


The most important thing is the Mooloo Meander, our biggest event, on April 4th & 5th. Entries close Friday 21st March. Entry forms have been sent to everyone on the Motorcycle email list. If you want one email me at Distance is about 90 miles, so suitable for small and old bikes, although all welcome. If anyone wants to see the bikes, come to the start at the clubrooms about 9:00 on Saturday 5th April

Another fun event, organised by the Hawkes Bay Classic Club, is the Mail Run, from Taupo to Napier on March 15th. Girder fork bikes are encouraged but not compulsory. Entries close March 12th. If you want an entry form or information, email me.

The North Island Easter Rally is a big event for the branch for cars, and Motorcycles are also encouraged. 18 – 21 April. Entries close 23rd March and your bike will need a VIC (VCC Vehicle Identity Cert.)

Tuesday Legover, for the retirees. Last ride was January 28th. I am told 18 bikes went to the Morrinsville Top Pub and had a good feed. Although a couple of bikes had a “lie down” at a give way sign when one overbalanced.

Next Tuesday Legover. This might be short notice, although emails were sent. February 25th. (last Tues. of the month). Meet at Cafe 9 in Cambridge (just south of the High Bridge) about 10am. Leaving about 11am for a back roads ride to Cafe 77 in Manawaru. Keep March 25th in mind as the next last Tuesday of the month.

The VCC National Motorcycle Rally, at Palmerston North, on January 2427th, was a great success. 130 bikes, good weather and great roads. There were 6 entries from Waikato. I rode down with the Auckland contingent, mostly on back roads, breaking the trip with an overnight at Ohakune.

The following weekend was the Classic Festival racing at Manfield. This is the 2nd time the event has been at Manfield. Many from our locale were there. Some new people in organisational roles but very successful from my experience.

Steve Walter 0274920095


As many of you will be aware, The Waikato Branch of VCCNZ is hosting the National North Island Easter Rally for 2025, that will be centred in Cambridge. The Rally Committee comprises of Graham and Heather Boswell, Graham and Marcia Pate, Erin Wilson, Paul Clark, Greg and Gaynor Terrill. The Route Plotters are Reece Burnett, Alan Sharp, Paul Clark, Hugh and Bronya McInally.

The programme for the rally has been finalised and the rally routes are almost complete.

The event will start with registration opening on the afternoon of Friday 18th April, followed by a short twilight run and a barbecue tea.

Saturday will begin with breakfast at the clubrooms, prior to vehicles leaving on their respective rallies. The routes to the lunch stop are suitable for the various classes of vehicles and will take you through interesting and scenic countryside. The afternoon will be a short return trip back to the clubrooms for afternoon tea. Saturday evening dinner will be an informal meal at a local club.

Sunday will start at the clubrooms with hot cross buns and tea and coffee, with a relaxed mystery event to follow. A finger food lunch will be available at the clubrooms.

The grand finale will include a sumptuous meal and entertainment held at the historic Cambridge Town Hall, with a Roaring 20s theme.

The organising committee is ensuring that this will be a relaxed, enjoyable and affordable weekend for all. The rally routes will use simple to follow written instructions; there will be no silent checks used. All VCC eligible vehicles, including veterans and motorcycles are catered for.

Entry forms will be available mid -January and entries will close mid-March.

We look forward to having many of our branch members participating and to welcoming VCC members from other branches.

How Can You Help?

The organising committee would appreciate donations of non-perishable items for a grocery hamper until the end of March.


The workshed is back in operation after the Christmas break. Remember the lift is available to members on Thursday and Saturday mornings if you need to work on your precious old car or even do maintenance on your modern car.

An ancient Studebaker engine with all its original parts that had been cut down to a sawbench has been donated to the club and will be used for parts to restore the Studebaker.

Some progress has been made on the AA Ford truck with the engine found to be fairly sound and not requiring too much remedial work and with the gearbox and differential still being checked. As all we have of this vehicle is a chassis with the running gear we need additional model A parts particularly a radiator and guards from a 1929 model. If you have these in your shed the committee would like to acquire them.

A Renault illuminated sign is in the process of being wired up after being installed on the outside of the workshed. This will look really good at club meetings in the winter when it is dark.

Jeremy Brook


We have a basket in the front foyer of the club rooms accepting non-perishable items for the North Island Rally Raffle at Easter. We are asking for members for their kindness. When you come to club just put something in a bag and bring along to add to the basket.


Much has been done on the Studebaker project over the past month or two since our last report, even though it might appear that little has changed. The spare 4-cylinder Studebaker engine which was located by the North Island Club Captain, Glyn Clements and stored at his home in Kimbolton, has now been brought north to our workshop. Despite its rusty appearance, it may yet produce for us some essential replacement components.

Hood iron supports have been manufactured and located, whilst the bonnet side handles and rear wheel carrier have been fitted and front wheel bearing sorted, so the car now stands on its own wheels. It can now be easily moved, so will be going away to have machining and other work completed which cannot be carried out in our own workshop.

Workshop sessions on the Studebaker will now be unavailable for a while, but the workshop is still open on Thursday mornings for its other normal activities, from 9.30am onward and morning tea is always put on, so no excuse really, especially if you are retired, for not becoming involved to help, learn or socialise.

Bob Hayton


We hope that you will enjoy the club and it’s many activities If you have any queries either big or small please do not hesitate to contact any member of the committee and they will be more than willing to assist you in any way possible.

Bob Sinclair: BSA 1946 C10 Motorcycle

Stefan De Lacy: Velocette 1939 MAC Motorcycle

Alexander Campbell: Henderson 1923 Deluxe Motorcycle

Tony Phillip: Willys Knight 1949 Jeep under restoration

Once again, welcome to the club. We hope to see you at the club night on the second Wednesday of each month.

Events Ahead Home

Workshop open every Thursday at 9.30am

Wed 12 Club Night

Sun 16 Club Run




Wed 19 Wednesday Wander

Tue 25 Leg Over MC Run

Sat 5 Mooloo Meander

Wed 9 Club Night

Wed 16 Wednesday Wander

Fri-Mon 18-21 NI Easter Rally (organised by Waikato VCC)

Tue 29 Leg Over MC Run

Sun 4 MC Run

Wed 14 Club Night

Sun 18 Club Run

Wed 21 Wednesday Wander

Tue 27 Leg Over MC Run


SWVCC Irish Women’s Rally 8-9th March 2025 entries close 1st March 2025

Manawatu Ruahine Ramble 9th March 2025 entries close 1st March 2025

Taupo Country Roads Rally 15th March entries close 7th March 2025

Auckland VCC Autumn Tour 29-30th March entries close 23rd March 2025

South Island Club Captains Tour 11-18th April entries close 15th March 2025

North Island Easter Rally 18-21st April 2025 Waikato Branch entries close 23rd March 2025

Highland Fling Feilding 25-27th April 2025 Entries close 31st March 2025

Vero International Rally Festival of Motoring 15-21st March 2026

you have any

ideas of what YOU as club members want to see/do on club nights, contact your Committee


So, you have seen the 4-WD Museum in Sharjah and still have another day to fill in your Dubai stopover. Well, why not head in the opposite direction along the E11 four-lane highway towards Abu Dhabi. Follow E11 around and south of the city, after Bani Yas taking E65 south (to the left) past Hameem Workers City (over on your left), towards, well, the desert, and you will find this interesting museum not too far out there amongst the sand hills and just a 35 minute drive away from Abu Dhabi city. We were again the only people there, but no free entry for seniors this time around unfortunately.

A pyramid shaped building (with an enormous, wheeled globe alongside), houses a vast collection of classic vehicles of all descriptions, both standard and slightly or more extensively modified, collected from around the world. The museum is divided into several easily walked passageways, the collections by marque or type, including mainly post-war examples of American or European sedans, police or other special interest vehicles, representing the balance of the 3,000 vehicle collection of Sheikh Hamad bin Hamdan Al Nahyan.

Three items from the Sheikh’s collection were used in an episode of the BBC’s motoring television programme, Top Gear. These were the 20-foot (6.1 m) tall Willys Jeep, a modified 8x8 Nissan Patrol and a Mercedes Benz Monster Truck. You know this is a ‘money no object’ operation when you see the air freight transport labels from the US stuck on vehicle after vehicle!

There were many Mercedes (including a multi-coloured collection of one model with even a novel rainbow car amongst them), American muscle cars, tiny Fiats, utilities, English sports cars, mini’s or even an enormous 1950’s Dodge Power Wagon, eight times bigger than the original and weighing 50 tons, which can legally be driven on the road! Amongst the unique exhibits were a Rolls Royce Silver Cloud III once used by Queen Elizabeth II and a replica of the firstever automobile, the Benz Motor Wagen of 1885.

Kept in dust-free and air-conditioned conditions, the vast collection takes some time to walk around. Unfortunately, there are no café facilities and they did not welcome us eating our own lunch on the seats within the exhibition hall. It is recommended that you take some water with you though as, although air conditioned to a degree, it is still in the desert and quite tiring to see the whole collection, which is in nice order and shown with obvious enthusiasm.

The museum is open six days a week, 9am to 6pm (except Tuesday) and entry is AED 50 for adults, free for children under 10. Bob Hayton


Wednesday 12th March

Charlie from First Mortgage Trust talking about Investing

Wednesday 9th April

To be confirmed Information will be emailed out towards the end of March.

04-05 April 2025

If you have a two or three wheeled machine— come along and join us for our annual motorcycle rally.

Friday night—pea, pie and pud at the clubrooms.

Saturday - first bike away 10am for a scenic run over great Waikato roads followed by dinner and prizegiving back at the clubrooms.

Entry forms will be emailed and on the website


A VISIT TO ROY SHARMAN’S COLLECTION IN WAIUKU. MEET AT THE MATTEBLACK CAFÉ (formerly the Fire Pot Café) at Gordonton at 10am. We will be leaving at 10:30am. Bring your lunch and drinks to enjoy at Roy’s Place. Contact Graham Pate 0212801586 for further information.


I haven’t been to a lot of gymkhanas over the years so I was at a bit of a dilemma as to which vehicle I should take. The V8 won on this day as I thought it might be a bit hard on the old Model T as my previous experience a few years ago doing the Highland Fling sprung to mind.

What an excellent day it turned out to be with the sun shining down and on this particular day very little wind, just what organisers Steve and Cazna wanted especially when it came to keeping the tennis balls balanced on top of the road cones.

Whilst waiting for our turn along with the other 22 entrants it was very entertaining listening to some navigators telling, (in some cases yelling) the drivers to go go go once they had the tennis ball in their hand and then some various expletives when the ball didn’t stay in the bucket or the cone was tipped over.

As for being blind folded (the driver) and being told by the navigator to go left, left, left or right, right, right or as was overheard by one navigator to say straight, straight, STRAIGHT (not easy when you cannot see ahead). Lots of laughter was had by all.

Now the speed section, just what a V8 needs, but not quite, on this occasion there was 3 of us with exactly the same time, so a runoff it was. Won over the Chev but on this occasion beaten by a Mini !!! – only just, due to lack of traction on the grass, but the video was impressive and it sounded good. What a great enjoyable day and am looking forward to the next one. Cossey

Open one hour before club nights

Now open Thursday mornings 10am—12pm

Lots of parts including:

wiper blades steering columns

lights gauges

generators carburetors

light bulbs wheel rims

gaskets bumpers

armatures alternators

axles distributor caps

Recent additions:

Thanks to Geoff Wilson for the donation of MG parts.

MG J2/M/Morris parts

19" x 2 1/2" splined wire wheels

Radiators and surrounds (one Morris Minor)

Gearbox parts diff parts and axles

Crankshafts pistons and rods

Sideplates water manifolds oil pipe and oil filler

1" SU carbs and parts bonnet catches starter

MG TC bench seat and back squabs Full tonneau cover MGB V8 flywheel

2" Stainless steel muffler 6" diameter 18" long

Parts Shed Committee

Alan Sharp

Les King

021 02553853

021 1909506

Clive Plumtree 07 8275973

Terry Pidduck

027 2726319

Graham Holmes 07 827 7341

Robert Johnson

027 4839825



1966 Ford Mustang. Following a full restoration this is a delightful car to go cruising in. With a blue interior complimenting the white pearl paint work this is a real head turner. The 269 V8 motor, power steering and front disc brakes make for comfortable highway motoring. This could be yours for a very realistic price. Contact Greg 0272399410

1993 Mazda MX5 Roadster. Totally original, this is a very tidy, fun to drive, convertible sports car. MX5’s are renowned for their performance and balanced handling. These are one of the best value for money small sports cars available at present. This car is ideal to enjoy open air motoring while also offering a watertight soft top when required. Don’t miss this chance to experience a great little VCC eligible vehicle. For more information Contact Greg 0272399410

Vauxhall 1934 ASX 14/6. Shed stored many years. Runs sweet had head o/h good oil pressure. Requires some panel repair nothing serious, and paint, also rear brakes, pretty good interior for age. Has papers no reg. $6500. ono. Phone Ron 078848285. 0272487083.

Wanted. Front Seats for Austin 7 Ruby/Opal or similar ph Ron 078848285. 0272487083.

1954 Wolseley 4/44 for sale. Car in good condition with the registration and warrant of fitness. A very comfortable touring car. Phone Jeremy Brook on 021152 0922.

The information in this newsletter and on the club’s web site, is supplied as a service to club members. Articles and other copy of interest are always welcome and encouraged. The opinions expressed in this newsletter and on the club’s website are those of the author alone. Neither the club nor any of its officers accepts responsibility for the accuracy of any statements or opinions.


We are getting non members ask about putting an advert in the For Sale or Wanted section of the Venture. After a discussion with the committee it has been decided that an advert from a non Waikato VCC member will incur a $15.00 charge. This will cover a three (3) month insertion. After the three (3) months it will be automatically withdrawn.

Veteran & Vintage Car Club (Waikato) Inc.

Branch Officers 2023/2024



Graham Pate

Chris Hawkings




Heather Boswell

Jillian Hayton

021 2801586

021 2495845

021 1909506

021 684938

07 856 7238 027 4230608

VENTURE EDITOR Aaron Kearney 021 1472827


Bronya McInally



021 1909506

Heather Boswell 021 684938 LIBRARIAN

King 021 449686 COMMITTEE


021 502390 Jeremy Brook



07 824 1641 021 1520922

027 8718682

07 827 7710 027 4107772

021 02553853

027 3210240

VIC Co-Ordinator Cars Dave Nordell 021 502390

VIC Co-Ordinator M/Cycles Peter Spiller 07 823 0944 027 4913387 VALUATIONS Paul Clark 021 324911

ARCHIVIST Kathryn Parsons 07 855 6774 022 0246820





027 4362875

Heather Boswell 021 684938

Jillian Hayton 027 4230608

MOTORCYCLE REP. Steve Walter 07 827 8484 0274 920095

SOLICITOR (HON) Paul Clark 021 324911

* Committee Positions


PO Box 924, Hamilton, 3240 MacLean St, Cambridge

Club Night

2nd Wednesday of month at 7.30pm

Library and Parts Shed Hours 2nd Wednesday of month from 6.30pm over Summer, 7.00pm over Winter.

Workshop Hours Every Thursday 9.30am - 2pm


Email addresses: Chairman:



CLOSING DATE FOR VENTURE COPY: 20th of each month Contributions should be emailed to Editor -

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