VCC Wanganui March Rivet 2025

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March 2025

Wendy, and John Bullock, gymkhana winner. Doug, Roger and Christine’s story inside

Official Magazine of the Wanganui Branch of the V.C.C. of NZ P O Box 726, Wanganui , Street Address—Patapu Street, Wanganui East


Chairman: Andrew Dittmer 027 379 6969

Secretary: Frank James 06 344 2221

Treasurer: Neil Farrer 027 457 9634

Accounts Reviewer: Peter Powell

Club Captain: Rob O’Keefe 027 433 2626

Rally Secretary/Trophies: Christine Savage 06 342 4755

Motorcycle Convenor: Bill James 027 353 2190

Committee : Dale Whitaker 021 0888 2371

Wayne Gedye 027 244 7108

Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Sietse Zeilstra 027 345 6977

Pierre Zeilstra 027 345 6977

Jim Bilby 027 636 5529


Health & Safety:

Wayne Gedye 027 244 7108

Dale Whitaker 021 0888 2371

Trophies Manager: Mihi McDermid 06 347 6915

Branch Delegate: Rob O’Keefe 027 433 2626

Kitchen Manager: Liz James 06 344 2221

Hall Custodian/Bookings: Dale Whitaker 06 343 9089

Truck Custodians: Rob O’Keeffe 027 4332 626

Shane Hobman 06 344 5915

Librarian: Dave Austin 06 344 7513

Parts Custodians: Dave McDermid 027 555 4201

Chris White 06 348 7335

Graeme Purves 027 929 5026

Editor: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Beaded Wheels Reporter: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706


Dave Austin 06 344 7513

Vehicle ID’s: Shane Hobman 06 344 5915

Bruce Ardell 06 342 7713

Rivet Distribution Co-Ordinator: Linda Kendrick 027 775 4644

Frank James 021 349 074

Official VCC Website:

VCC Branch Mags: Facebook Wanganui Vintage Car Club:

VCC Codes for Discounts: Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferry ANTIQUECAR Interislander Cook Strait Ferry WH5465

From The Editor’s Desk

Greetings members

Well now, I suppose that we are entering into Autumn here in NZ, with daylight saving ending on the 6th of next month. Doesn't really bother me much at all these days, just grateful that I am still above ground, unlike so many of my friends from yesteryear when most of us younger guys ( and quite a few gals) seemed to ‘live on the edge’ so to speak. Interpret that as you will. I’ve been thinking about these matters quite a bit lately. Ah well live for today I guess and don’t be so morbid, Mr Editor.

On with things motoring. Frances and I enjoyed the recent Gymkhana at Craig and Wendy Ryland’s last month. A write up is in these pages. The accent was on having a fun time and that is exactly what it was. Thanks to the Rylands for making their property available for us to hoon around in. And I hope that everyone who attended the March Club Night at Boyd’s Auto Barn enjoyed the evening. Hinemoa, thank you for hosting us and I hope that all goes well for the new venture happening there soon.

Keeping on with the motoring theme, Frances and I did our yearly pilgrimage to Super Cheap sponsored Americarna in New Plymouth recently, this time in our Dodge Hellcat. This is one event we never miss. Just love the atmosphere and seeing the flag waving crowds being swept up with all things American, although with the recent utterances of a certain President, I must admit to wondering why I still hold this event in such high esteem. Still I guess Presidents come and go. I remain quite baffled why so many good American people, including my son-in-law, even though he was born in NZ, border on hero worshiping this man. Pull yourself together Mr Editor. Americarna is simply a car event where people enjoy American vehicles and have a good time. There are a few American citizens at the event every year, and I do enjoy chatting with them if I get a chance. The 650-700 vehicles on display on the Saturday park up in Devon Street in the city, contained a few vintage cars as well as the usual hot rods, classics and muscle cars. A 1922 Stanley Steam Car ( pictured) really caught my eye.

Spare a thought and prayer for our much admired treasurer, Neil Farrer, who is going through quite a rough time in Whanganui Hospital. As if he was not experiencing enough with his current health issues which hospitalised him, the poor guy contacted Covid while in hospital. Get well soon my friend. Stay strong. Please note at the bottom of the Programme, a request from the IHC for six cars to transport people to their annual ball. A most worthwhile cause for us to support. Please do call Doreen on 027 936 8633

Finally, your April Rivet may be a little late in sending out next month, but you will receive it before Easter. Other matters to attend to. That’s all from me this month.

Yours in cruising Editor Ian

Chairman's Report — March 2025

Greetings members

I really enjoyed the Gymkhana at Graig & Wendy Rylands. It was so good to see others being offered drives in cars they would not normally use. I was especially taken with the mid thirties little black Wolseley. Great cars, fantastic people and lovely weather. I find it difficult to think of anything better to do on such an afternoon.

Ian Ingram has rescued a Saab 9-3 out of one of Bruce Ardell’s lock ups. Reactivating such a vehicle after quite a long sojourn is proving to be both fun and challenging. Ian is presently waiting for the correct maintenance manual which comes in a little plug in computer stick. That fact alone would have proved troublesome for Bruce.

I needed a break from working on our lovely old house restoration and spent most of the day under the bonnet of our Little Austin 7 Ute. I had forgotten what joy can be had rebuilding these lovely old vehicles one piece at a time. Now that the repaired windscreen is fitted I find that I will have to find a suitable electric windscreen wiper unit as there is no way I am refitting a vacuum operated one. The memory of driving up Ngauranga Gorge on a very wet night behind a vacuum wiper is still one of nightmares. Those who have had similar experiences will know what I mean. I have another project that should look like this little car, pictured below, from around 1926. There were four different ones raced on Muriwai beach but none still exist and each was slightly different.

I reckon they would be just the machine for gymkhanas.

Enjoy your vehicle tinkering and your driving

Chairman Andrew

Club Captain’s Report— March 2025

Greetings members

It’s a short and hopefully sweet report from me this month.

It has been nice having a break of a couple of weeks from VCC events.

I hope people enjoyed the last club night, we didn’t organize a guest speaker. The thought was that members would enjoy the video of Alan Bates restoring his car, this short movie is absolute gold and a treasure for our club. The video was followed by supper and an opportunity for members to catch up with each other.

The Gymkhana was well supported, enjoyable and relaxing for all who attended. It was great to see everyone taking part and having a go at the obstacles that weren’t too hard. John Bullock took out top honours on the day. Because we had a lot more ladies than we usually have trying their hand at the course we presented a prize to the highest scoring lady who was Tracey Matthews. Congratulations to Tracey John. Thank you very much to Craig and Wendy Ryland for allowing us to use their property for the gymkhana and afternoon tea.

We’re looking forward to the visit to Ed Boyd’s Autobarn being hosted by Hinemoa for this months meeting.

The Sunday run for March is being organized by Mike Marshall, this is a full day out with visits to a museum and the Black Barn in Ashurst. Please bring your lunch. More details to follow.

Upcoming events are the Annual Motorbike Rally 12th -13th of April, talk to Bill or Heather James if your keen to help. The other event which is always popular is the Park-up at City College on the 27th of April.

All the best, Rob

The Corlett Collection

Recently I journeyed to Marton to interview VCC members, Roger Corlett and his wife, Christine Reichenbach, to view their collection and Roger’s workshop. Our Chairman Andrew persuaded me to ask this lovely and fun loving couple to see if they would open up their garage doors and submit a story about their journey into the VCC. Christine and Roger welcomed me with open arms. Our Chairman described to me a treasure of a vehicle in their garage, and no, it wasn’t the trademark ‘feijoa’ sign written little Austin 7 van regularly seen at our rallies. The treasure is a 1912 Warrick Tri-car. I have never seen anything quite like this. Initially I thought that this was a creation of Roger’s, but no, this was a production vehicle, complete with a 680cc single engine mated to a 2 speed epicyclic gearbox. This ‘monster’ has a 40kph top speed on a flat road, presumably with a tail wind. Roger laughingly commented that cyclists have been known to pass him. Tiller steered, this three wheeled machine has to be seen to be believed. Apparently they were primarily designed to carry a small load on the tray, which is in front of the driver and the motor at the rear. Roger’s late father, Stan, restored the vehicle. The rego is currently on hold awaiting a few repairs to be completed, but it does run and handle rather well, according to Roger.

Below is their story. A bewildered Editor Ian.

I initially joined the VCC in 1975, but my membership lapsed in 1990. Upon meeting and marrying Christine, we re-joined the VCC in 1922.

My late father, Stan Corlett, organised an apprenticeship for me at Brayshaws Panel Shop in Palmerston North on my 15th birthday. I did not like school at all! I worked for four and a half years as a coach builder at Brayshaws. After leaving their employment, I moved south to continue my trade in Oxford in Canterbury, working on Packhards and Jaguars. I have been self-employed since as a vehicle restorer, apart from having a 14 year break doing caregiving.

My interests are anything mechanical and large machinery e.g. earth moving machinery, trains, aircraft etc. In 1980 I obtained my steam ticket. I also obtained my pilot licence, but found that for the cost of an hour’s flight, I could go away for the weekend on my motorcycle.

Our current vehicles are:

1 1912 Warrick Tri-car

2 1914 Governor Motorcycle

3 1930 Austin 7 van. Daily runner.

4 1952 Ferguson tractor. The following under restoration

5 1928 Desoto truck

6 1936 Austin 12/4 ( two of)

7 1964 Triumph Herald. Christine’s car purchased twelve years ago with only 32000 miles.

8 1980 Toyota FJ 45

9 1988 Suzuki LS 650 with sidecar. Christine’s bike.

The Corlett Collection

10 1990 Nissan Civilian bus undergoing rust work An interesting vehicle. In total, with veteran, vintage, classics and moderns, we own fifteen vehicles. We have owned lots of cars and motorcycles, but one of the more unusual was in the mid 1970’s when Roger purchased a running 1960 DKW SP Coupe. It was owned new by Barry Briggs, World Speedway champion, and was one of only four right hand drive SP’s built. Sold it eight years later and bought it back again forty years later as a gutted rusted shell. It has now gone to a new home to someone who will lovingly restore it.

Roger and Christine.

Top left: 1912 Warrick Tri-car. Three wheeler. Incredible. Has to be the Editor’s pick.

Top right: 1930 Austin 7 Delivery Van. They just love this old Austin.

Above left: Customer’s 1917 Studebaker that Roger is working on. 6 litre 6 cylinder engine.

Above right: Awaiting restoration, apart from the motorcycle which is a runner.

Once again I am blown away with what is tucked away in members’ sheds. Share your treasures by contacting me. Thank you Roger and Christine. Editor Ian

Burma Rally 2025

Top left: From Levin in their 1931 Ford Model A Phaeton, Don McLaren and Julie Riepen.

Top right: Jim Bilby and Mary-Ann Vandyk, Wanganui. 1955 Ford Zephyr Mk.1 Convertible.

Above left: 1966 Sunbeam Alpine with Nicola and Richard Stevens, Wanganui.

Above right: Bill James and Ann Berntsen, Wanganui, in Ann’s 1930 Ford Model A.

Below left: 1930 Ford Model A Coupe. Graeme Purves and Liz Taylor, Wanganui.

Below right: From Wanganui, Bruce and Jennifer Ardell’s Rover 90.

Burma Rally 2025

Top left: Bryan and Vivien Christie, Wanganui, in their 1928 Ford Model A.

Top right: Ian Chamberlain and Heather James, Wanganui, in Ian’s 1917 Buick D45.

Above left: 1962 Morris Minor with Fiona McIvor and Ruth Blakelock, Wanganui.

Above right: From Wanganui, Stephen and Claudia-Anne Voss. 1962 Austin Cambridge Mk2.

Below left: 1980 Ford Escort. Dale Whitaker and Alice Brotherston, Wanganui.

Below right: Graeme and Karen Langridge, Wanganui in their 1935 Packard 120.

Burma Rally 2025

Top left: John and Wendy Bullock, Wanganui, in their 1985 Citreon 2V6.

Top right: From Feilding. Ken and Annette Foot in their 1958 Humber 80.

Above left: 1978 Chevrolet Camero. Pat and Shelley Tasker, Wanganui.

Above right: Len Haycock and Laura Morris, Bulls. 1929 Chevrolet AC.

Below left: 1984 Toyota Corona. John Pratt and Martin Everard, Wanganui.

Below right: John Lamont and Magz McNulty, Whakatane. 1962 Rover P5.


On the 16th of last month, our branch held a Gymkhana at Craig and Wendy Ryland’s property at Waireka Road, Papaiti. A perfect spot for the event, thanks to our hosts. Twenty seven cars lined up to see who could win this fun event by knocking over the least number of obstacles and completing set tasks. In many cases, the navigators swapped places with the original drivers, for a second run in the same vehicle. Added to a fun time.

Surprisingly there were very few obstacles bowled over, and some entrants seemed to have a crafty knack of getting their vehicles into the exact correct places to secure maximum points.

But it was all in the name of having a fun afternoon with our fellow branch members. A lovely afternoon tea was served up with everyone bringing a plate. John Bullock, with wife Wendy his navigator, was declared the winner of the Ardell trophy, donated by Bruce’s late father, Colin Ardell. The Coffee Ladies potato weighing was announced with Lyn Austin winning. Special thanks to Craig and Wendy Ryland for hosting the gymkhana and afternoon tea. Editor Ian.

Top left: Tracey Matthews, top lady entrant, and navigator Lexie in the Willys.
Top right: Gracious hostess Wendy Ryland.
Above: Crowds socialising.
Above: Chairman Andrew all care in the Austin 7

North Island Easter Rally

18th to 21st April 2025

Hosted by the Waikato VCC Branch

McLean Street


Welcome to Cambridge, in the heart of the Waikato, a beautiful tree lined town famous for horse breeding, high performance sports of cycling, rowing and kayaking and quaint boutique stores.

The town is home to many historic buildings including the Town Hall built in 1909 for £4699,

Also St Andrews Church consecrated in 1881, with its current peal of six bells, which were installed in 1884.

Not forgetting the Cambridge Courthouse built in 1909 and in use until 1979. It is now home to the local Museum.



North Island Easter Rally 2025

18th – 21st April

Waikato Branch is delighted to host you for this national event organised on behalf of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand.

All vehicles entered are required to have Vehicle Identification Certificate (VIC).

The rally is based in Cambridge, in the heartland of the Waikato, and during the weekend your motoring will be non-competitive with written instructions only.

Vehicles will be catered for in three classes:

1 Veteran and Slow Vintage

2 Fast Vintage, Post Vintage and Post War

3 Post 60 /Post 80

Note: complimentary breakfast for driver and navigator on Saturday morning. Extra breakfasts may be purchased for passengers


Friday 18th April

• Registration at VCC Clubrooms from 2.00 pm McLean St Cambridge

• Short twilight run around Cambridge

• Barbeque dinner at the clubrooms - BYO

Saturday 19th April

• Breakfast at clubrooms from 8.00am- 9.00am (complimentary for driver and navigator)

• Rally briefing 9:45 am and first cars away at 10.00 am

• Rallying over picturesque Waikato roads

• Lunch in Matamata

• Clubrooms open 6.30pm, Pea, Pie & Pud with dessert 7.00pm - BYO

Sunday 20th April

• Hot cross buns and cuppa at clubrooms - 9.30am

• Short tour

• Gymkhana events

• Finger food lunch at clubrooms

• Dinner Cambridge Town Hall - Roaring 20s theme - BYO

Further information will be sent after entries close.


Navigator ______________________________________________________________

Number of extra Passengers _______________________________________________

Address of Entrant________________________________________________________

Email Address _______________________________________________________

Phone No (Mobile preferred) _________________________________

Vehicle Entered: Make ______________________________________ Year ________

Vehicle Identification Card Number (VCC VIC Number) ________________

VCC Branch & Membership Number. __________________

Entry Fee (including breakfast for Driver and Navigator) $ 50.00

Extra breakfasts $10 each Number required _____ total $_______

Friday BBQ Dinner $15 pp Number required _____ total $_______

Saturday Lunch $15 pp Number required _____ total $_______

Saturday Dinner $20 pp Number required _____ total $_______

Sunday Lunch $15 pp Number required _____ total $_______

Sunday Dinner $55 pp Number required _____ total $_______

TOTAL PAID $_______

Please pay online into the Waikato V&VCC bank account:

Westpac 03-1568-0015832-03 (Please add EASTER and your name as reference)

Date Paid GST No. 55-366-462

Entries close 23rd March 2025

Please email entry to Rally Secretary:

Gaynor Terrill


I regret to inform you all that Darryl Thompson, one of our Branch Members, passed away on Friday 14 February 2025. Darryl's wife, Carron, is a Joint Member. A Sympathy Card to Carron and Family has been sent on behalf of all Club Members.

Darryl drove a red1929 Buick Roadster.

Secretary Frank

Burma Rally 2025

Top left: From Whakatane, Steve and Joy Growden in their 1982 Ford Cortina.

Top right: David and Angela Henwood, Whanganui. 1995 Ford Falcon Falcon XG XR6.

Above left: Shaun and Maureen Roberts, Wanganui, Morris Mini Cooper S.

Above right: 1939 Ford Deluxe with David and Glynis Robinson, Wanganui.

That’s all the available space for the Burma pics this edition. More next month. Editor Ian

42nd Autumn Motorcycle Rally 2025

12th-13th April

Route: Approx 100 miles Speeds: 20 – 50 mph


Saturday 12th 8.00 am - Clubrooms open to collect Rally Packs and cuppa

8.30 am - Close of Day entries (Meals not available)

9.00 am - Trial Briefing

9.30 am - First Entrant away

4.00 pm - Completion of runs and cuppa

6.00 pm - Drinks, to be followed by an informal dinner for ticket holders and prize giving

Please BYOG

If you are not having a meal you are very welcome to come along and enjoy the prize giving.

Sunday 13th 9.00 am – Clubrooms will be open for a short ride to a place of interest, morning tea and farewell.

Rally Rules:

1. The Rally is open to anyone and any motorcycle.

2. To compete for VCC prizes vehicles must be eligible as defined by club rules, be entered by a financial member of the VCC of NZ Inc, and either the owner of the vehicle or the driver on the day shall be a member of the club, or if resident from overseas, a member of a recognized overseas organisation.

3. All vehicles are expected to be in a clean, tidy and roadworthy state of presentation.

4. VCC members with non-eligible vehicles, and non-club members are welcome to enter and compete for the Classic Class prizes.

Rally Classes:

1) Veteran 2) Vintage 3) Post Vintage 4) Post War 5) P60V 6) P80V 7) Classic

All replies and for entry form enquires to:

The Rally Convener, Bill James,

4 Eaton Crescent, Wanganui, 4500.

Phone: 027 353 2190


Full programme emailed to members. Sorry but the Rivet was virtually compiled by the time I received this for this publication. It will be in the April Rivet. Editor Ian

Club Calendar

Club Runs meet at the Clubrooms at 1pm unless stated


13th and 27th Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10 at 11am.

30th Sunday Run. Full day out with Mike Marshall to Feilding and beyond. A museum to visit and the Black Barn in Ashurst. Something for everyone. Meet at the clubrooms at 9.00am. Bring your lunch, drinks and a seat.


2nd Club Night. Speaker.

10th and 24th Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10 at 11am.

12th-13th Annual Motorcycle Rally. Programme opposite.

27th Park up at City College. Wanganui Road Rodders.

Other events of interest

IHC Ball. A request has been received from the Events Coordinator, Doreen Barns, seeking any members of our branch who would independently be kind enough to transport people with disabilities to their Annual Ball. Time 6pm. Home by 7pm. Venue the Racecourse. Seeking up to six cars. This is a great cause for our branch to support. Please contact Doreen on 027 936 8633.

107 Rapanui Road Westmere

Farm shop opening hours:

Tuesday to Friday 8am to 5pm

Saturday 8am to 1-30 pm

Bates Watchmakers

130 Victoria Ave, Wanganui

Phone/Fax 06 345-2235


Watch Specialists for Whanganui

Sales & Repairs

Mainstreet’s Top Shop Award Winner


‘NZ’s Finest Automotive Platers’ 68 Wilson Street Wanganui

Acknowledged experts on all types of Vintage and Post Vintage Nickel and Chrome Plating.


Copper, Brass, Bronze, Antique Finishing and Metal Polishing Phone Dave on Wanganui 06 345 5042 or 021 057 6726 for prompt and efficient service.

Ed Boyd Parts Shed

We have an outstanding collection of engines, gearboxes, body parts, spares, new and used, from a vast range of manufacturers. These parts span from the early 1900’s to more modern production vehicles. If you are looking for anything, large or small, to keep your car on the road call us to see if we can assist. You will find our prices unbelievable. Please call or email us:

Dave 06 347 6915 027 555 4201

Chris 06 348 7335 027 443 1184

Graeme 06 3431324 027 929 5026

lf we don’t have it, we may know someone who does

Vehicles/Parts For Sale and Wanted to Buy

For Sale: 1927 Essex. Very original. $12000 ono. Includes spare parts. Contact Judy 027 254 7601

For Sale: 1939 Nash 400. Great cruiser. $20000 ono. Includes spare parts. Contact Judy 027 254 7601

For Sale: Austin 7 Single Seater. Unfinished project. Modified. Contact Mike 021 235 2035

For Sale: 1953 Lanchester Leda 4 cyl 4 speed Wilson pre-select, Rego on hold, 58574 m, new tyres, brakes relined, has been running, always garaged, sound body, fair interior. $4000 ono. Barry Cleaver 06 3887871, Taihape

For Sale: 1930 Austin 7 Special. Roadworthy and registered. On standard wheelbase chassis. Older owner needs garage space for another project. $2500. Phone Colin 06 3089238

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